Well      03.03.2020

Installation of a floor heating boiler with piping. Tying a solid fuel heating boiler in a private house. Proper installation of a solid fuel boiler in a closed-type heating system

Important! In the article, we consider the piping of the heating boiler as the work of connecting it to the finished heating system. And this means: batteries, pipes, underfloor heating circuits - everything has already been installed, it remains only to connect the boiler. When studying the issue, you may encounter the fact that the installation of all elements of the heating system is also included in the boiler piping. But this is wrong, since it is important to separate the heat generator (boiler) and the heat emitter (heat emitting battery). Everything in between is the link.

Boiler piping solves three problems:

  1. Uniform distribution of heat throughout the system.
  2. Protection of the boiler from overheating, which is fraught with equipment shutdown (best option) or explosion (worst option).
  3. Quality supply hot water if boiler .

According to the type of installation complexity, the piping of the heating boiler can be divided into complex and simple (conditionally). Simple piping includes a minimum set of instruments, devices, units and is usually carried out for expensive boilers, in which most of the protection elements and coolant distribution units are already built in. Complex piping of the boiler (this is the same set of pipes in the photo) is performed in the case of installing the simplest boiler, which, in fact, plays the role of a gas burner.

Note: In general, it can be argued that the cost of the boiler and its piping are inversely proportional: the more expensive the boiler, the easier and cheaper its installation, the cheaper the boiler, the more expensive and more complex the piping scheme.

However, this statement does not apply industrial facilities where increased safety standards apply and a complete piping scheme, sometimes duplicating the already built-in functions of the heating boiler, must be carried out in any case to comply with acceptance standards.

IN this material piping of industrial boilers installed in large boiler houses that supply heat to individual microdistricts or enterprises is not considered.

Tying a wall-mounted boiler and water heater

What to buy and why

The elements of the heating boiler piping scheme in the maximum configuration include:

  1. Expansion tank.
  2. Pump.
  3. 8 taps (two each for the pump, supply, return, and one each for the cold water inlet and outlet fitting) hot water).
  4. Fittings (American nuts, couplings, angles, tees).
  5. Mechanical filters (2 pcs) and softener (1 at the inlet to the cold water boiler).
  6. Gas cock and reducer (for gas boiler).
  7. Relief valve (air vent).
  8. Separate electrical input with automatic power off (for any boilers in which there is an electrical part, as well as for pumps).
  9. Measuring instruments.
  10. An adapter from the chimney of the boiler to the brownie (except for gas turbocharged ones - they have a chimney included).
  11. In some cases, blowers and smoke exhausters can be installed if required by the project.

Depending on the boiler and the chosen scheme of the heating system, some elements may not be used.

Separately, it should be said about the choice of pipe material. Plastic pipes are easy to install and are used everywhere. But sometimes the terms of the project require you to apply steel pipes. Today it is connected, in most cases, with the requirement of norms fire safety or fulfillment of technical requirements to ensure uninterrupted operation of heating. If they are, then you need to specify where and which pipes you can use according to the project. For example, part of the circuit in the boiler room can be made of metal in the boiler room itself, and in residential/office premises, switch to plastic. Or make the entire strapping metal, if it is heating of the workshop, workshop and the project requires it.

Work order:

  1. Boiler installation.
  2. Plumbing work on connecting the boiler to the heating system consists of: connecting the supply and return with installing a filter on the latter, installing a filter and softener at the cold water inlet (for filling the heating system), installing a hot water tap.
  3. Installation and testing of the pump.
  4. Fuel source connection (gas, electricity)
  5. Air valve installation.
  6. Expansion tank installation.
  7. Installation of control devices (pressure gauges, thermometers, thermocouples, pyrometers)
  8. Simulation of situations for the operation of emergency shutdown systems.
  9. A complete check of the operation of the heating system with the boiler piping installed.
  10. Acceptance of works.

Let's start tying the boiler

There are two heating schemes: gravity and forced. The first type is called gravity because it uses simple laws physics: due to the difference in the density of the heated and spent coolant, movement is carried out along the contour. The coolant returns to the boiler under the influence of its own weight, without the use of a pump. The creation of a gravitational circuit is not only the basis of all the foundations, but also the basis on which the entire safety of the system is built. This rule should never be neglected.


  1. Simplicity, which is the key to reliability.
  2. Autonomy at work.
  3. One of the cheapest strapping options.

Forced type of heating is when you insert a pump into your gravity circuit. They do this for a number of reasons:

  • they want to save on the boiler and fuel: the boiler is small, the system is large, so the pump ensures that the coolant is pumped to the very extreme point of the system, so that all of it gives even heat into the room;
  • correct the operation of an improperly installed heating system - the circuit is not gravitational.

The scheme with the pump is reliable, provides the consumer with comfort. But the lack of electricity makes it useless.

Tying floor boilers of a powerful heating system

Initially: the boiler is installed as low as possible at the highest point of the heating system (therefore, in private houses, installation in a pit is required).

Note: The lower the boiler, in relation to the batteries and pipes, the better - the safer.

Simple piping of a solid fuel boiler

The coolant is always saturated with air. It is necessary to allow this air to accumulate and exit - for this they do it at the highest point of the system expansion tank.

Today, many models have their own air vent (or explosion valve). In units without this element, the coolant supply pipe must go strictly vertically upwards - this will save you from airing the boiler.

Preparation of the boiler piping for finishing operations in the room

If the supply and return pipes exit at the bottom or side of the boiler, then there is an air vent system in the boiler. As a rule, it is found in all models of electric and gas boilers.

On the wiring diagrams (see. photo) you can find a lot of surges, pipe turns, various built-in elements (redundant filters, faucets, valves). The task of the master is to reduce their number to necessary minimum: there should be fewer spurs, even fewer turns and tees. The principle is: what easier system- the more reliable it is.

Solid fuel boilers are easy to connect, but

The combustion process in these boilers is not regulated. Because of this, a number of emergencies are possible that need to be leveled. The most common is a power outage, which can cause the pump to fail or stop. The solution is simple - the creation of additional emergency schemes, which include:

  1. Gravity circuit.
  2. Cold water supply.
  3. Redundant power supply for the pump.
  4. Installing a heat storage tank.
  5. Additional emergency circuit.

The piping of a heating boiler means the calculation of the parameters of the heating system and the installation of all components - pipes, fittings, radiators, etc. An accurate piping scheme for the heating boiler allows you to achieve maximum heat transfer in the house, high coherence and efficiency of the entire system, and minimal energy consumption.

Components of the strapping

Which components and elements will be included in the set of components for the heating system depends on the type of heating system:

  1. Heating with natural (gravitational) circulation of heated water (coolant) - among the people, such heating is called "physics";
  2. Forced circulation - with the connection of a circulation asynchronous pump;
  3. Mixed scheme.

In solving the scheme with natural water circulation, the set of piping elements will be as follows:

  1. Heating boiler - after it, the heated coolant rushes up and moves through the pipes, returning to the boiler slightly cooled;
  2. Heating piping - most often used for a "gravity" scheme metal pipes more than plastic pipes, diameter - up to 2 inches. The diameter is selected based on the need to minimize the resistance of the coolant for its unhindered circulation;
  3. Expansion tank - is installed at the highest point of the system, and by design it can be open or closed type;
  4. Heating appliances - radiators, batteries or registers;
  5. Mayevsky crane - installed on a heating radiator to bleed air;
  6. Fittings - welded or threaded turns, twins, tees made of cast iron, brass, bronze, copper or of stainless steel, tees, drains and other types of connectors;

The advantage of the "physics" system: easy self-assembly, simple circuit, the prevalence of parts and assemblies, the low cost of components.

Flaws: big sizes components, inertia, insufficiently fast heating of wiring and heating devices.

Piping for systems with different options for the circulation of the coolant

For a circuit with forced movement of the coolant, the following components must be stored:

  1. Heating boiler of any type - wall or floor. The difference for these models of heating units is available additional elements fittings and protection when tying a wall-mounted boiler;
  2. The pipes with which the heating boiler should be tied can be metal, metal-plastic or PVC;
  3. Membrane expansion tank with a "pear" that allows you to keep the water pressure at the same level in all circuits;
  4. Heating devices are the same as for the gravity circuit, but metal ones are considered more economical due to the smaller volume of water in the devices. Such radiators or batteries heat up faster, and the energy consumption for heating is less;
  5. Mayevsky crane - mounted on all radiators. Can be installed as a backup automatic type Mayevsky crane at the boiler outlet - to vent air from all circuits when a certain volume is accumulated;
  6. Fitting;
  7. The pump for organizing the circulation of the coolant is most often already installed in the boiler. Additional pumps can be installed in the manifold circuit;
  8. Hydraulic arrow. This node, operating in a beam wiring scheme, balances different circuits. The arrow equalizes the pressure in the system, and ensures uninterrupted supply of coolant to each device;
  9. The pressure gauge is designed to control the pressure in the system, and is built into the boiler or immediately after it - into the hot water supply pipe;
  10. The coolant is supplied to the collector directly from the boiler, and it is intended for wiring heating circuits.

Advantages of a properly mounted forced system with a manifold and a hydraulic arrow:

  1. Rapid heating of the coolant in all heating devices;
  2. Economical energy consumption for heating;
  3. The binding according to the forced option allows you to equip the warm floor in the premises due to its high efficiency.


  1. The high cost of installation due to a large number components and the availability of professional skills in handling complex devices;
  2. The system depends on external sources energy.

The mixed piping of the heating boiler, the scheme of which is shown in the figure below, is implemented in two versions, but preferably from metal, not metal-plastic or PVC pipes. The circulation pump is built into the system parallel to the main piping. Shut-off valves installed on the approach to the pump so that it can be bypassed if necessary, and another shut-off valve is installed on the bypass pipe - this must be closed when the pump is running. When organizing autonomous heat exchange, instead of this valve, check valve.

Strapping scheme using PVC

PVC pipes (ecoplastic) when tying heating boilers are very popular due to their low cost and versatility of connection characteristics. With propylene pipes, you can make a piping scheme of any complexity, any geometry and with any angle of rotation. Connect pvc pipes with a special soldering iron and the same PVC fittings.

If the piping scheme allows, then it is advisable to use bends with smooth transitions, which eliminate pressure drops in narrow places inside the pipes due to the solder seam. Polypropylene pipes can operate at temperatures up to 95 0 C, and their service life is more than 50 years without maintenance and repair.

How to choose the location of the boiler

The piping scheme of the heating unit operating with the gravitational circulation of the coolant is optimally suited for the floor version. But at the same time, the heating boiler must be installed in the lowest position relative to all wiring, since air must not accumulate in the boiler chambers. The presence of air in the jacket is a guaranteed burnout of the chamber walls. The outlet pipe of the boiler must be mounted vertically so that the air bubbles that form rise upwards - into the expansion tank or to the bleed valve.

Important! IN compulsory system heating, this condition for the verticality of the outlet pipe is not always met, so the wall-mounted boiler can be installed both at the highest point of the system and at the lowest (for example, in the attic or basement).

When piping the boiler with an additional circuit for hot water supply (hot water supply), it is connected to the drinking water supply system. Heated water from the second circuit is used in everyday life. But a single-circuit boiler can also work as a source of hot water if a secondary heat exchanger is connected to it. Most often, an iron cylinder with a supply water pipe is equipped under it.

Strapping features

Solid fuel boilers have one feature - it cannot be turned off at any time, like an electric or gas heater.

Therefore, in such units, when installing the strapping, one of the protection systems must be installed, operating according to the following principles:

  1. Protection using a heat carrier is based on the operation of a safety valve that opens if the circulation pump stops working. The valve is built into the heat exchanger, and a cold pipeline is connected to it. When the pump is turned off, the valve opens, and cold water, passing through the heat exchanger, takes heat onto itself. The water heated in this way enters the sewerage system, and this will continue until the fuel in the boiler burns out completely;
  2. UPS (source uninterruptible power supply), which is battery powered and powers the circulation pump. It is included in the UPS circuit when the external voltage is turned off;
  3. A small natural circuit circulates the coolant in a small circle without a pump, which means without connecting electricity;
  4. Auxiliary natural circuit, which is implemented on the basis of two fully functional heating circuits. When emergency the heated coolant still enters the second circuit, heating the radiators and cooling.

Safety devices

These are units and elements installed in the basic configuration of all boilers.

  1. The boiler must have a built-in hot water discharge valve that operates autonomously and automatically. It looks like a valve with a nipple at the top;
  2. A device for trapping debris that looks like a flask. The dirt trap is mounted at the water inlet to the boiler;
  3. A coarse water filter is also located on the supply pipe.

Strapping installation

  1. The boiler is installed first. If it is a solid fuel device, then it is installed on a concrete foundation. The chimney is brought to a height that provides constant draft. The gas boiler must have an outlet in the wall for a gas discharge pipe and air return;
  2. The boiler is connected to the chimney by a pipe with two sleeves. Exhaust gases are discharged through the inner sleeve, air is supplied through the outer sleeve;
  3. ventilation in the form supply valve- its work regulates the flow of air and the degree of combustion;
  4. Distribution of heating pipes in rooms and premises;
  5. Connection of automation and expansion tanks;
  6. Installation of pump and temperature sensors;
  7. Connection to the gas pipeline and electricity, if it is not a solid or liquid fuel boiler.

The installation of the strapping does not tolerate economy and neglect of safety. For each house, it is necessary to develop a project tied to the architecture of housing.

If you are interested in how correct strapping gas heating boiler, the diagram on this page will help you understand this issue. A few comments on the diagram and a few additional photos will also add clarity.

Piping is called pipes and mechanisms designed to supply coolant from the boiler to radiators. This is almost the entire heating system, with the exception of batteries.

The system consists of many nodes, however, even a non-professional can mount the simplest boiler piping. But if you need complex scheme, it is better to contact an experienced master.

It is better to install the boiler in a separate room, for example, in an outbuilding, boiler room or basement, because. strapping involves additional pipes and mechanisms, which is not always convenient. However, if there is a shortage of space, heating equipment is installed in the house.

The choice of a piping scheme for each particular house depends on the type of boiler, the features of the building, and the type of heating system.

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This equipment is valued for energy independence. It is popular in areas where there is no centralized gas supply. Most solid fuel models are not equipped with circulation pumps, and this is taken into account when choosing additional devices, piping schemes

Electricity is an expensive resource. The operation of even the most economical electric boilers is more expensive than heating with any other fuel. Otherwise, they are flawless. When choosing a strapping scheme, the presence / absence of automatic block control and the need to ground equipment

Over the past decades, natural gas has been the most profitable fuel. Connecting the house to the highway is associated with some bureaucratic procedures, but the hassle pays off. When arranging the boiler piping, care should be taken, because. fuel is explosive

The advantages of liquid fuel equipment are high efficiency, full automation, versatility (you can replace the burner and heat the house with gas). For the installation of such a boiler, no approvals or permits are required. The piping scheme should take into account the need to install a tank for fuel supply

Any gas equipment dangerous. Incorrect connection is fraught not only with problems with heating, but also with explosions and destruction, therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules and regulations, and comply with the requirements of safety regulations. The main documentation on which they rely in the arrangement gas system heating, - SNiP.

The main node of the system is the boiler. The strapping scheme is chosen, focusing on its type, location (wall or floor model), design features

It is necessary to carefully plan the heating scheme, the location of the equipment, the features of laying pipelines.

The boiler piping performs several significant functions at once:

  • Pressure control. If the piping is installed correctly, thermal expansion is compensated, which means that the pressure in the system will not rise to critical levels.
  • Air removal. Air bubbles form plugs, due to which the efficiency of water heating decreases: the radiators do not warm up completely, and the consumption of resources remains the same. High-quality boiler piping is essential to prevent this problem.
  • Prevention of blockages in the system. If the boiler is not properly tied, the risk of scale formation in radiators and pipes increases. Small debris in the coolant pollutes the system, which leads to excessive fuel consumption and an increase in the cost of heating, while reducing its quality.
  • Possibility of connecting other circuits. You can install an underfloor heating system, a storage boiler.

In many ways, heat supply depends on the correct connection of the boiler to pipelines and other important nodes, therefore, the gas boiler piping scheme must be carefully thought out and mounted as efficiently as possible.

When arranging beam system put collector cabinets where you can mount most of the boiler piping mechanisms. It's convenient and practical

Properly selected and installed boiler piping will last for many years without accidents and repairs, and its cost will be optimal.

Features of connecting solid fuel boilers

Choosing a place for a solid fuel boiler

Such equipment cannot be simply turned off, like gas or electric. If loading has been carried out, then nothing will change until the fuel is completely burned out. Therefore, with such a strapping, it is necessary to provide protection systems. They can be of several types:

  • Using tap water. To implement this option, a special device is purchased. By appearance it resembles TEN. It is built into the heat exchanger, some manufacturers specifically provide an additional input for such solutions. After that, the supply running water, and the outlet pipe is lowered into the sewer. The essence of the method lies in the fact that when the circulation pump stops working due to a lack of electrical energy or a breakdown, a valve opens, which starts up cold water, it, passing through the coil, takes part of the temperature, after which it is discharged into the sewer. The process continues until the fuel burns out completely. In some situations, this method will be ineffective, because when the light is turned off, the pressure in the water supply also disappears.
  • Uninterruptable power source. Available today various options. Most of them support the connection of external batteries. The duration of operation will depend on the selected battery capacity. In this case, the pump is connected to the network through the UPS. As soon as it disappears Electric Energy, a device comes into play that keeps the pump running until the power supply to the house is restored or until the batteries run out.
  • Small gravity circuit. It implies the circulation of the carrier in a small circle, which does not need the use of a pump. It is made in compliance with all slopes and pipe diameter.
  • Additional gravity circuit. This option implies the presence of two full circuits. At the same time, when an emergency situation arises and forced circulation disappears, hot water, under the influence of physical laws, continues to flow into the second circle, giving temperature to the heaters.

Boilers of this type do not have the function of regulating the heat supply. The combustion of fuel cannot be interrupted, therefore, in the event of a power outage, the pump responsible for the forced movement of the coolant will stop. However, the heating will continue and the pressure will rise. The developing process will disable the entire system. To exclude such moments, several types of emergency schemes are provided that allow you to dump excess heat. This:

  1. Timely supply of cold water.
  2. Connection batteries to the pump.
  3. The presence of a gravitational circuit.
  4. Additional emergency circuit.

For solid fuel boilers, the piping plays important role- high-quality connection will allow you to create a self-regulating system. Therefore, it is better to entrust the subtleties of installation skillful hands specialists.

It is necessary to pay attention to the principles of circulation of the coolant through the heating circuit. This -

coolant and circuit with

A distinctive feature of these species is the presence or absence of a node that forces hot water to move.

In a natural circulation system, movement in closed system occurs under the influence of the laws of physics. The process is determined by the indicators of the difference in the density of water. This type of heating eliminates the consumption of electricity.

A natural circulation system cannot be automatically regulated, and this will require pipes with large diameter, which will affect the interior of the room and greater cost. If the network is subject to periodic voltage drops, the best option there will be just such an organization of heating.

Advantages of a natural circulation system:

  1. Ease of installation.
  2. Independence from electricity supply.
  3. Budget option.
  4. Reliable functioning and operation.

Forced circulation ensures the creation of the necessary pressure due to the operation of electric pumps. The forced circulation circuit is comfortable because it is controlled automatically under the condition of a stable power supply. For each room, it is permissible to select separate temperature parameters controlled by the system's sensors.

System disadvantages:

  1. Complex wiring diagram.
  2. Inevitable balance of parts.
  3. Expensive service.
  4. High cost of components.

Each installation system requires a certain number of additional parts. The installation option on primary-secondary rings does not imply a large presence of fastening and connection elements, but instead of them, installation of pumps on heating rings will be required. The system consisting of rings, together with the floor boiler, is complemented by heating manifolds, which evenly distribute the supply of coolant to the heating elements.

I'll start with a small lyrical digression.

Heating systems with water as a heat carrier are divided into:

  • Open and closed;
  • With forced circulation and gravity.

What does this division mean?

open and closed

An open expansion tank is mounted at the top of the open circuit.

Open expansion tank.

It combines three functions:

  1. Allows you to add water, compensating for its leakage and evaporation;
  2. Accommodates excess water as it expands with heat;
  3. Serves for removal of air jams.

The closed system does not communicate with the atmosphere and operates with excess pressure. Its main problem is that when heated, the coolant increases in volume and may well break pipes and heating appliances.

Rupture of a polypropylene pipe for heating.

The operation of the heating system with forced circulation is ensured by a circulation pump - a low-power device with a screw or centrifugal impeller sitting on the motor shaft. It provides a sufficiently high flow rate in the pipes and, accordingly, fast and uniform heating of heating devices.

Circulation pump.

Achilles' heel forced circulation- energy dependence of the pump. In conditions of short-term outages, an uninterruptible power supply can save the situation, but with prolonged absence electricity heating will cease to perform its functions.

This disadvantage is devoid of a system with natural circulation, which is provided by the difference in density of cold and hot water.

The principle of its work is extremely simple:

  • The water heated in the heat exchanger of the heating boiler (usually solid fuel) is displaced through the accelerating manifold into the upper part of the circuit by colder coolant masses;
  • From there, it moves by gravity along the contour, gradually giving off heat through radiators;
  • The cooled water returns to the heat exchanger, and after it is heated, the cycle repeats.

The principle of operation of the gravitational system.

The theory has been completed. Let's move on to practice.

When building autonomous heating at home, it is important to properly think over and complete the piping of gas, solid fuel and electric boilers. Let's look at possible circuits and strapping elements, talk about classic, emergency and specific circuits, as well as the main equipment of these circuits.

The basic principles for piping a boiler of any design are safety and efficiency, as well as the maximum resource of all elements of the heating system. Consider various options for organizing heating, so that when individual construction make a balanced and most appropriate decision for a particular case.

The single pipe system is widely used in apartment buildings old building. The water temperature from radiator to radiator is constantly decreasing, which leads to an uneven supply of heat to individual rooms. In a two-pipe system, the coolant is distributed evenly over all radiators, having lost temperature, it enters the second pipe - the “return”. Thus, the two-pipe system provides the house with heat more evenly.

1. One-pipe wiring diagram. 2. Two-pipe scheme wiring

The simplest piping of a gas heating boiler, the diagram of which is presented below, will be valid for gas heat generators. which combine several devices in their case at once:

  1. A gas burner that burns the supplied mains or liquefied natural gas.
  2. The heat exchanger of a gas boiler, which is heated by a burner and transfers the heat of the burned gas to the heat carrier.
  3. Safety group built into the boiler body.
  4. An expansion tank built into the boiler body is an expansion tank.
  5. The circulation pump of system of heating which is built in the copper case.

Almost all the piping in this case consists in connecting the supply pipeline and the return pipeline to the boiler.

When such a piping of a gas heating boiler is implemented, the circuit will work as soon as you hang the boiler on the wall and bring the pipes of the heating system to it. Of course, if you have a main gas supply or a gas tank installed.

If you have a double-circuit gas boiler installed. then bringing to its second circuit cold tap water, you will receive hot water for domestic hot water at the outlet.

The main goal of any heating system is to make the microclimate in the house favorable and comfortable. In order for the heat to be evenly distributed throughout the apartment, you need to correctly organize the connection diagram of the water heater. The piping scheme for a double-circuit gas boiler will help connect the equipment to the water supply system and distribution networks in accordance with the rules and regulations.

  1. What is strapping, its tasks and types
  2. Tying according to the scheme with natural circulation
  3. Forced circulation heating system
  4. Piping using a backup boiler


The heating system, in addition to a solid fuel boiler, contains many more elements. Correctly connecting and configuring all the elements of this system is not an easy task. In this article, we will analyze various connection schemes, weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, and analyze the various nuances and subtleties. I hope this article will help you safely and effectively tie a solid fuel boiler with your own hands.

Heating schemes


The easiest way is to tie a solid fuel heating boiler - a scheme with natural circulation. It does not require a power supply. The circulation of water is carried out by means of the force of gravity. That is why it is also called gravity.

Photo 2: Gravity type piping scheme

The solid fuel boiler is located at the lowest point of the circuit, and the heating device (for example, a radiator) is located at the top. The boiler heats water, which rises through pipes to the radiator, where it gives off part of its heat to the room and at the same time cools. The cooled coolant goes down and the circle closes.

The more the temperatures in the forward and reverse lines differ, the higher the speed of water movement along the circuit. But unfortunately big difference Difficult to achieve as supply and return temperatures are limited technical specifications solid fuel boiler "Don" 16. and safe conditions its operation. Therefore, larger diameter pipes are used to ensure better circulation.

To protect against overheating, a special circuit is used, which ensures the circulation of the coolant and heat consumption in any case.

protection from education overpressure provides an expansion tank. There are two types: open and membrane type. The disadvantage of using open tanks is that the water in it is enriched with oxygen, which in turn causes corrosion of the steel parts of the solid fuel boiler. That is why, most often, open tanks are used in conjunction with cast-iron boilers and radiators.

Photo 3: Self-piping of a solid fuel boiler

To provide hot water, a heating tank is used. For safety reasons, it must be equipped with a thermostatic mixer at the hot water outlet. The function of the mixer is to bring the temperature of the water to the values ​​that exclude burns. The requirements for the location of the heater are the same as for other heating devices - i.e. above the level of the solid fuel boiler.

The main advantages of such a scheme are the simplicity of its design and energy independence. The main disadvantage is that during a cold start, until all the water in the circuit is completely warmed up, the temperature in the return line will be below the allowable one. This negatively affects the service life, for example, of steel heating boilers for solid fuel "Siberia" KVO. Also, the disadvantages include poor handling and low energy efficiency.

  • The chance of overheating increases if the room heaters are set to low heat consumption.
  • In the absence of power supply, the circulation pump will no longer be able to perform its function, and therefore the movement of the coolant will stop. This can also lead to overheating.

For example, to reduce the risk of an emergency rise in temperature in the heating system, solid fuel pyrolysis boilers Trayan heating systems are supplied with external or built-in emergency heat exchangers.

The inclusion of storage tanks in the piping scheme allows you to accumulate excess heat and, if necessary, give it to the heating system. This solves several problems:

  • In case of low heat consumption, excess hot heat transfer fluid is stored for later use.
  • With low heat consumption, the solid fuel boiler still operates at rated power.
  • Allows you to use devices with higher power.

Competent installation and accuracy of power calculations will help create maximum comfort for living in country house in any season.

  • Auto relief valve. In appearance, it may resemble a design similar to a valve or a small barrel with a nipple at the top. In order to find out if it is in the design of the device, you need to look at design features branch pipes for connection, it is usually located there.
  • Dirt trap. A special flask that allows you to remove unnecessary elements from the heating circuits that got there when the system was filled. It is installed in front of the entrance to the boiler. It needs to be cleaned periodically.
  • Coarse filter. Normal plumbing is used. It is usually mounted at the entrance of the main line to the equipment.

What is a binding?

What is included in the strapping system?

Strapping options

Strapping elements

Other binding elements

The boiler can be called the heart of the heating system. However, in order for the heating system to work efficiently, it is not enough just to choose the right boiler and connect it correctly. You will also need to choose the right heating scheme. If at least one device is incorrectly connected, it will greatly affect the entire system. Therefore, it is important to consider what the boiler piping means, and what is the sequence of its installation.

What is a binding?

In fact, this is all equipment designed for the efficient operation of the boiler and the successful delivery of coolant to the radiators. Strapping provides a number of advantages:
  • provides optimum temperature in the heating line
  • controls the amount of coolant in the system,
  • removes air from the line,
  • guarantees the safety of the boiler against overpressure,
  • does not allow devices to become clogged with slag, squeak and other debris,
  • controls the heating time of heating devices,
  • allows you to connect different heating circuits and adjust them to the required temperature,
  • distributes heat efficiently to radiators.
So, it is clear that the strapping provides the heating system with convenience, efficiency and safety.

What is included in the strapping system?

This includes various devices. Here is a list of the main elements:
  • expansion tank,
  • pump,
  • control valve,
  • balancing crane,
  • manometer,
  • drain and ball valves,
  • valves (air, flow, check, safety),
  • filter.

The sequence of installation work

Regardless of the wiring options, its installation is carried out in the same sequence.
  • First, it is advised to carefully read the instructions for all equipment and its characteristics. This is important so that during the installation of the heating system you do not have to run to the store and change the device.
  • Boiler installation.
  • Installing an expansion tank.
  • Choosing a place for the collector. Here you need to be careful not to confuse the supply line with the return line. This information is located on the body of the device.
  • Safety devices are installed on the supply line.
  • The next step is to install the pump.
  • Devices are mounted to the line to improve the operation of the system: a filter, an air vent, taps, valves, control devices, and so on.

boiler piping with copper pipes
By adhering to this order, you can make a successful piping of the boiler.

Strapping options

There are 4 main and most common ways:
  1. with natural circulation
  2. with forced
  3. collector classic,
  4. on primary and secondary rings.
To understand which wiring is best suited in a particular case, you need to understand the principle of each.

1. Stroke with natural circulation. This option is the simplest. Here, as the name implies, there is no pump, and the coolant moves along the line due to physical laws. All settings are set manually, and you also need to monitor the operation of the system. In order for such heating to work properly, you need to consider some tips:

  • the pipe must have a large internal diameter (from 32 mm),
  • the boiler is installed below the radiators,
  • the slope of the pipes must be at least 5 mm along the coolant,
  • the minimum number of pipe turns so as not to interfere with the natural flow of fluid in the line.
Usually this method is used in settlements with power outages.

2. forced circulation. This type of binding is the most common. It has many benefits. One of the most important is the temperature control of each battery. The principle of forced circulation is that the coolant can flow through the line at high speed, thanks to the pump. The only drawback of this option is the dependence of the pump on electricity. When it is turned off, the pump stops working. However, there are 2 ways to solve this problem:

  • installation of a bypass pipeline (bypass), which will enable the system to switch to natural circulation;
  • arrange a high-quality emergency scheme, thanks to which it will be possible to dump excess heat;
  • install system autonomous power supply(uninterruptible).
Thus, the disadvantage of this wiring is solved inexpensively and quickly.

3. Collector wiring . Although this heating option is the most expensive and difficult to install, it is the most efficient, convenient and energy-saving. Its essence is that all pipes from the boiler pass through a special device called a collector. This node contains various valves, taps, air vents, measuring devices, and so on. From the collector there is a separate wiring to other devices. There are a number of advantages that come with this method:

  • Each heating element is controlled separately from the collector box, which makes it possible to turn off any one without disturbing the operation of the entire line.
  • The temperature is the same throughout the line.
Collector wiring greatly simplifies the supervision and maintenance of the heating system.

4. Binding on primary-secondary rings. This method is more often used in buildings where there are many consumers. More than one circulation pump is used here. The essence of this wiring is as follows: pumps are connected to the small circuit where the heated coolant is located, which, if necessary, take this water to the consumer. There are 2 types of circuits connected to the boiler:

  • Mixing. Here, the temperature of the coolant is affected by how open the damper is.
  • Direct. In this case, the liquid is heated from the burner.

There are also 2 ways to connect circuits:
  • Two-way connection when the coolant is supplied by pumps.
  • In a three-way connection, each circuit has a separate tap, and is connected to a boiler in which the coolant is heated.
However, do not forget about the emergency scheme. It is necessary in those houses where boilers depend on electricity. When the light is turned off, the heating will continue to work thanks to the emergency circuit. There are 4 options for this scheme.
  • Cold water is supplied from the tap.
  • The pump switches to an additional power source (e.g. battery). Using this option, it is important not to forget to monitor the recharging of this source.
  • Installation of an additional circuit with natural circulation. This small circuit removes heat after the pump is turned off.
  • Simultaneous use of two circuits. When the branch dependent on electricity stops working, the natural circulation circuit continues to heat the room.
Choose suitable scheme, you need to be guided by the type of boiler, access to electricity and funds allocated for additional appliances.

Strapping elements

Now it is worth paying attention to the main elements that are used when tying the boiler. You should consider the features of the installation of each of them.


It is very important to connect the boiler correctly. This depends not only effective work the entire heating system, but also the safety of people in the room.

cascade connection of boilers

First, a little about the installation of gas boilers. Since the connection is made to a pipe in which the gas is under great pressure, then it is forbidden to independently connect this equipment. Therefore, having acquired a gas boiler for yourself, the next step is to call specialists.

An electric boiler is not difficult to install. Basically, the complexity is associated with setting up automation.
Now about the installation of a boiler that runs on liquid fuel. It's better to have the experts do it. However, there are basic principles that must be considered for the successful operation of this unit:

  • Correctly install containers for used oil or diesel.
  • Provide the necessary conditions, according to safety requirements. Neither the fuel nor the boiler must be placed close to flammable materials.
  • The burner is connected using a material conduit with a filter.
  • A pump can be connected to the system, which will give a uniform supply of fuel.
For the installation of a solid fuel boiler, there is also helpful tips which are worth following.
  • First you need to build a foundation. It can be made of clay or concrete. On top of it lies a sheet of iron or asbestos.
  • Place the boiler below the radiators. This is especially important if natural circulation.
  • Then you should connect it to the chimney through the chimney. The connection must be airtight so as not to release carbon monoxide.
  • For better ventilation rooms, it is recommended to install a fume hood.
These are the basic principles to remember when installing the boiler.


Pipes are an important component of the boiler piping. But it is not easy to decide which pipes to use, due to the fact that the options are popular - metal-plastic and polypropylene. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to everyone.

Metal-plastic consist of 5 layers, which include 2 layers of plastic, 2 glue and 1 aluminum. The diameter of such pipes is from 16 to 63 mm. They have such advantages:

  • increased plasticity, which simplifies installation,
  • low thermal conductivity
  • not subject to corrosion
  • easily repaired
  • No expensive mounting tools required
  • good noise absorption.
However, like any material, metal-plastic pipes have some disadvantages:
  • under mechanical pressure, a dent remains,
  • it is necessary to carefully check the connections for leakage during installation.
Polypropylene pipes are made from polypropylene copolymer. It is elastic yet durable material. They have enough large diameter– up to 125 mm. These pipes also have both pros and cons. Let's look at the strengths first:
  • if water freezes in them, they do not collapse,
  • resistant to both acids and alkalis,
  • not afraid of mechanical damage,
  • are connected by soldering, which eliminates leakage over time.

If you pay attention to the shortcomings, you will see the following:
  • difficult to repair if damaged
  • installation requires expensive equipment,
  • at high temperature pipes are elongated.

piping of the boiler room using polypropylene pipes

So, when choosing pipes for piping, you need to consider your needs. If such indicators as diameter, frost resistance, resistance to damage, reliability of connections are important, then polypropylene pipes. However, if endurance to high temperatures, ease of repair and installation are preferable, then metal-plastic wins here.

Other binding elements

The expansion tank plays an important role in the system. It does not allow the water expanded from heating to create pressure on the components of the heating main. The open type tank is installed at the highest point of the system, in the discharge pipe. When installing a closed-type tank with a membrane, several principles should be followed:
  • choose a free place for access, near the highway,
  • installation is carried out on brackets and at positive temperature,
  • first connect the measuring meter, and then the pressure reducer,
  • a safety valve is mounted on the flow pipe.
Installation of the circulation pump has the following steps:
  • it is placed near the boiler,
  • it is worth organizing a bypass on the highway, which will allow you to turn off the pump without disturbing the system,
  • installation stopcocks, filter and check valve.
Safety group, creates convenience and safety for heating control. It includes such devices as an air vent, a safety valve, a pressure gauge. Here are some tips for installing it:
  • this group is mounted on a pipe that comes out of the boiler,
  • the boiler must be below the safety valve,
  • first put a pressure gauge, then a safety valve, and then an air vent.
These are the basic principles for installing the main elements of the boiler piping. It is important to remember that the entire system will work smoothly and without failures, only if each of its components is taken seriously.

Installation and piping of a gas boiler for heating a private house must be carried out in accordance with the rules prescribed in the regulatory documentation. Their observance is mandatory, since any gas-using equipment is a source of increased danger. The purpose of this article is to explain the essence of these rules, as well as describe how to connect various heat generators and present the corresponding wiring diagrams.

General rules for the installation of gas equipment

A homeowner planning to install a gas boiler in his home should understand a few general rules:

  • building codes prescribe that gas-using equipment, including boilers, can only be installed if project documentation is available.
  • the technical conditions for the implementation of the project are issued by the organization - the supplier of natural gas, which also carries out the subsequent approval of the documentation;
  • installation of the heating unit, as well as its connection to the heating system and the chimney, you can do it yourself, but according to design decisions;
  • it is forbidden to independently bring the gas main to the furnace room and connect it to the boiler. These works must be carried out by companies with special permission.

Note. Usually, the gas supply organization undertakes the entire range of works on designing, summing up and connecting to the main.

Requirements for a room for installing a gas boiler in a private house

The task of the homeowner is to decide in which room to place the boiler plant. Users often have questions about whether it is possible to install a gas boiler in a bathroom, bathroom or other rooms. In this regard, building codes give clear instructions, according to which the installation of a heat generator is allowed in such places:

  • in the kitchen, if the thermal power of the unit does not exceed 60 kW;
  • in any separate room located at the outer wall of the building;
  • in the outer annex to the house;
  • in a separate building of the boiler room.

For reference. IN Russian Federation all norms regarding the placement of gas boilers are spelled out in the document MDS 41-2.2000. Other countries of the former USSR have their own regulations, but from the technical point of view they practically do not differ from Russian ones.

It turns out that it is not allowed to place a heat generator in a bathroom or other living room. If you plan to install a heating unit in the kitchen, then it must be borne in mind that its height must be at least 2.5 m. The second requirement is that the minimum volume of the room must be 15 m3 + 0.2 m3 for each kW of boiler power. For example, to install a 15 kW unit, you need a kitchen with a volume of 15 + 15 x 0.2 = 18 m3. In addition, a vent and an inlet grate built into the lower part are required. front door. Its flow area is not less than 0.025 m2.

Which gas boiler is allowed to be installed in a kitchen or other separate room - floor or wall, is not regulated by the standards.

When placing thermal equipment in other separate rooms or extensions, the same height requirements are imposed on them, and the minimum volume is limited to a fixed figure - 15 m3. The following distances must be observed between the floor-standing unit housing and the walls:

  • from the edge of any part protruding from front side, to the wall - 1 m;
  • if maintenance is required on the sides, passages with a width of at least 0.6 m are needed;
  • at the back, there must be enough space for connecting the chimney and its maintenance, that is, at least 0.6 m in width.

When installing a wall-mounted gas boiler, including inside kitchen cabinet, the intervals shown in the diagram should be observed:

IN outer wall The room needs a window opening to organize natural light. Glazing area is taken at the rate of 0.03 m2 for each cubic meter boiler room volume. Partitions separating it from neighboring rooms must be fireproof and withstand the effects of flame in the event of a fire for 45 minutes.

A few words about supply and exhaust ventilation. Its task is to ensure the replacement of the air in the boiler room three times within 1 hour. In numbers, this is expressed as follows: the volume of the room is multiplied by 3, as a result we get the air flow in m3 / h. For the operation of gas boilers with closed camera combustion is sufficient. But for heat generators that take combustion air directly from the room (open chamber), the consumption of this air should be added to the triple exchange. Its meaning can be found in the technical data sheet for the product.

Is it possible to install a gas boiler in the apartment?

The difficulties associated with this event do not lie in the technical plane. In fact technical requirements to the installation of a gas boiler in an apartment are no different from the standards for a private house. We need a kitchen of the required volume that meets these requirements, in which supply and exhaust ventilation functions normally. According to these indicators most of kitchens in apartments multi-storey buildings suitable for boilers.

Another thing is that for installation individual heating permission is required from local authorities. This is not easy, and sometimes impossible. In addition, the legislative acts of some countries of the former USSR directly prohibit the installation of individual heating using gas boilers. Hence the conclusion: theoretically it is possible to put a heat generator in an apartment, but in practice you may encounter problems when legalizing it and connecting it to gas networks.

How to tie a heat generator

At their core, gas boilers are high-tech automated devices, so making their piping is quite simple even with your own hands. It consists of the following activities:

  • connection to the water heating system;
  • organization of removal of combustion products;
  • connection to the DHW network, if the unit is double-circuit.

Note. We do not consider connecting to the gas main, since it cannot be done independently.

The easiest way is to tie a wall-mounted boiler, it already has a built-in circulation pump, and it happens that an expansion tank. It is only necessary to hang the heat generator on the wall and bring the pipes of the heating system to it from below. They should be connected by means of American women, installing shut-off valves in front of them. It is also necessary to put a strainer (mud filter) on the return pipeline.

The connection to the chimney depends on the type of boiler. The unit with an open combustion chamber is connected to a vertical chimney pipe brought to the roof level. Turbocharged heat generators take air from outside, so they require a short horizontal chimney called a coaxial chimney. It is laid directly through the wall to the street, although no one forbids bringing the pipe to the roof.

Attention! It is forbidden to connect a gas-fired boiler to a ventilation duct.

As for floor heating units that are not equipped with additional equipment, it is somewhat more difficult to tie them up. You need to buy and install a circulation pump, an expansion tank and a safety group. How to do it correctly is shown in the diagram:

With more complex system with several heating circuits, the piping method with a hydraulic separator is used, as shown below:

Piping scheme for a double-circuit gas boiler

It cannot be said that connecting the heat generator to the hot water supply network greatly complicates the whole process. Unlike a conventional boiler, 2 additional pipelines are involved in the piping of a double-circuit boiler, which must be connected to the corresponding branch pipes of the unit. So there are no special difficulties, you just need to spend more time. Correct connection heater with two heating circuits is shown in the diagram:

Note. It is understood that the strainer is installed at the inlet of the water supply to the house.

Since double-circuit boilers are not designed for intensive hot water consumption, it will be enough to lay a pipe to 2-3 main consumers in the house. At the same time, it is not necessary to increase the diameter of this pipeline, be guided by the dimensions of the connecting pipe of the heat generator.


When installing and piping a natural gas boiler, one must not deviate from the requirements of regulatory documents. Not only that, the very first inspection of the gas service will reveal violations and give an order to eliminate them. Failure to comply with the rules can endanger the health and life of your loved ones, as it can lead to consequences of varying severity.