Shower      03/28/2019

How much does a raw cube weigh. How much does a board cube weigh: main characteristics

Starting the construction of a house, or making repairs, sometimes you have to deal with questions that seem to be simple at first glance, but you can’t give an answer to them right away. It seems awkward to address such a question to specialists, but you need to know for sure. For those who can access the Internet, it’s easier - I typed in the search engine “How much does a cube of wood weigh” and in half a minute I got an exhaustive result. And by the way, really, how much?

Influence of humidity on wood weight

The weight of wood does not always have the same indicator. What does it depend on? First of all, from the moisture of the tree. If we compare, for example, oak and birch, it turns out that a cubic meter of oak weighs 700 kg, and birch weighs 600 kg. But it may be otherwise. Weighing a cubic meter of birch, we get 900 kg, and oak will show the same 700. Or in both cases it will be 700 kg. Why are there such different numbers? In this case, the moisture content of the wood plays a role.

There are four degrees of humidity: dry (10-18%), air-dry (19-23%), damp (24-45%) and wet (above 45%). Thus, it turns out that different rocks at the same moisture content have different weights, as in the first example above. If the humidity is not the same, then the weight can fluctuate in one direction or another. The standard humidity is 12%.

Different density - different weight

Another factor that affects the weight of wood is its density. The highest density of iron and ebony is from 1100 to 1330 kg / m 3. Close to them are boxwood and bog oak- 950-1100. In ordinary oak, beech, acacia, pear, hornbeam, the density is about 700 kg / m 3. It is even lower in pine, alder, bamboo - 500 kg / m 3. And the lowest is at the cork tree, only 140 kg / m 3.

Why do you need to know the weight of a cubic meter of wood

Having knowledge in this area is sometimes very important. By purchasing construction material, its amount is impossible for a non-specialist to determine by eye. Knowing the dimensions of the timber or lining, the material from which they are made and its moisture content, simple calculations allow us to determine the weight of the purchased goods. How much does a cube of wood weigh - in this case, the answer to this question will help you figure out whether the seller released the goods to you correctly.

Heat dissipation of wood

In addition, there is another indicator - heat transfer. She will come to the aid of those who use wood as firewood for heating. The higher the hardness, i.e. density tree species, the higher its calorific value. Of course, no one will heat the room with boxwood, but choosing between linden and pine or birch and acacia, you can get much more heat if you know which of these species are the hardest. Information about the density of each tree can be gleaned from the tables, since all this information is systematized for ease of use.

Weight of dense cubic meter, kg

Breed Humidity, %
10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Beech 670 680 690 710 720 780 830 890 950 1000 1060 1110
Spruce 440 450 460 470 490 520 560 600 640 670 710 750
Larch 660 670 690 700 710 770 820 880 930 990 1040 1100
Aspen 490 500 510 530 540 580 620 660 710 750 790 830
- fluffy 630 640 650 670 680 730 790 840 890 940 1000 1050
- ribbed 680 690 700 720 730 790 850 900 960 1020 1070 1130
- Dahurian 720 730 740 760 780 840 900 960 1020 1080 1140 1190
- iron 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1120 1200 1280
- petiolate 680 700 720 740 760 820 870 930 990 1050 1110 1160
- eastern 690 710 730 750 770 830 880 940 1000 1060 1120 1180
– Georgian 770 790 810 830 850 920 980 1050 1120 1180 1250 1310
- Araksinsky 790 810 830 850 870 940 1010 1080 1150 1210 1280 1350
– cedar 430 440 450 460 480 410 550 580 620 660 700 730
- Siberian 430 440 450 460 480 410 550 580 620 660 700 730
- ordinary 500 510 520 540 550 590 640 680 720 760 810 850
- Siberian 370 380 390 400 410 440 470 510 540 570 600 630
- white 390 400 410 420 430 470 500 530 570 600 630 660
- whole leaf 390 400 410 420 430 470 500 530 570 600 630 660
– white 420 430 440 450 460 500 540 570 610 640 680 710
- Caucasian 430 440 450 460 480 510 550 580 620 660 700 730
- Manchu 640 660 680 690 710 770 820 880 930 990 1040 1100
- ordinary 670 690 710 730 740 800 860 920 980 1030 1090 1150
- sharp-fruited 790 810 830 850 870 940 1010 1080 1150 1210 1280 1350

The table shows the average weight values. The possible maximum and minimum values ​​of the mass are respectively 1.3 and 0.7 of its average value

When working with lumber, it is often necessary to know what mass of wood. Let's figure out how much a cube of wood weighs and how to determine this value?

The mass of wood - why measure it?

First, let's figure out why this value is needed at all - mass of wood and how important this indicator is.
The weight of wood plays a big role in construction:
- Firstly, this indicator makes it possible to determine the weight of the finished structure, whether the floor or foundation will withstand it;
- secondly, a specific mass of lumber is necessary when determining the method of transportation, it helps to determine how much transport can move a particular amount of wood;
- thirdly, before buying a material, you need to figure out how much a cube of timber weighs, how much a cube of lining or boards weighs. All these materials are not sold individually, but in cubic meters. Therefore, knowing how to determine the weight of the material is necessary at least so that unscrupulous sellers cannot deceive you. Well, in order to provide yourself with the necessary amount of material, this also does not hurt. To find yourself in a situation where at the most inopportune moment you realize that there is not enough material is rather unpleasant, just like the situation when, after the completion of construction, it turns out that there is still a whole trailer of wood that is no longer needed;
- fourthly, such an indicator as mass of wood important in determining where to store the material. Knowing how much wood occupies, you can easily determine what size storage room you need.

How to determine the weight of a cube of wood?

The mass of wood depends on several parameters:

The type of tree. Wood species are divided into light ones weighing up to 500 kilograms (this includes conifers), medium - weight up to 650 kilograms (for example, birch or ash) and heavy - weight over 700 kilograms (the most popular representative is oak).

The humidity level is also divided into several levels: dry wood - humidity up to 15%, air-dry - humidity up to 20%, raw - up to 45%, and wet - humidity above 46%. That is, at different humidity even the wood of one tree will have different mass and with the weight of different breeds will differ even with the same level of humidity.
The very concept of wood mass includes several measured parameters that are convenient to use in a particular case:
- specific gravity wood is a parameter that shows how the cube of wood and the cube of water correlate. The specific gravity of lumber is determined without taking into account moisture and wood species, that is, this indicator will be averaged for any tree. Specific gravity is used both to determine the actual cubic capacity of the wood and to determine the volume of the stocked board. It is convenient to use the specific weight of wood for companies involved in the transportation of material, in which case it is not necessary to measure the humidity and other values ​​​​for each individual species, because sometimes several types of wood are transported, and their humidity can be completely different, calculating the total weight of such materials will take a lot of time , therefore it is easier to use a ready-made average value.
- void ratio - this indicator, which helps to determine the mass of stored lumber. Stored wood, especially if it is unfinished or has a non-standard shape, forms voids among themselves, which significantly affect the determination of the total mass of such material. If the void factor is not taken into account in the calculations, only very approximate values ​​\u200b\u200bcan be obtained. What is the formula for calculating the weight of wood, taking into account the coefficient of voidness? If we take all the stored material as 100%, then about 20% of them will occupy voids, respectively, the remaining 80% is wood. The void ratio will be 0.8. Let's say you have 10 cubic meters of space occupied by a stored board, multiply 10 by a factor of 0.8 and we get that the wood in the room is 8 cubic meters.

Reference values ​​​​are on the Internet, and simply in everyday life there are certain persistent values ​​\u200b\u200bof the weight of wood and wood products. This value is easy to use when buying. It is enough just to know the type of wood from which, for example, lining is made. You open the table and see how much one cubic meter of lining made of alder or oak timber weighs. This makes it very easy to check whether lumber sellers are deceiving you.

Volumetric weight of a cube of wood - an indicator of volumetric weight is often equal to the values ​​​​of the density of wood. To determine it, a universal indicator of humidity is taken - 20% and a fixed density value is determined. All measured data are entered into special tables and are freely available on the Internet. Volumetric weight is also called GOST. The volumetric weight of wood uses the definitions of the parameters of both the raw board and the raw board. This value is very universal and allows you to compare the weight of different breeds, but subject to the same humidity.

Weight of a cubic meter of wood of different moisture content

Below is a table that shows the weight values ​​of wood of different species at different levels of humidity.

Breed Humidity, %
10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Beech 670 680 690 710 720 780 830 890 950 1000 1060 1110
Spruce 440 450 460 470 490 520 560 600 640 670 710 750
Larch 660 670 690 700 710 770 820 880 930 990 1040 1100
Aspen 490 500 510 530 540 580 620 660 710 750 790 830
- fluffy 630 640 650 670 680 730 790 840 890 940 1000 1050
- ribbed 680 690 700 720 730 790 850 900 960 1020 1070 1130
- Dahurian 720 730 740 760 780 840 900 960 1020 1080 1140 1190
- iron 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1120 1200 1280 - - - -
- petiolate 680 700 720 740 760 820 870 930 990 1050 1110 1160
- oriental 690 710 730 750 770 830 880 940 1000 1060 1120 1180
- Georgian 770 790 810 830 850 920 980 1050 1120 1180 1250 1310
- Araksinsky 790 810 830 850 870 940 1010 1080 1150 1210 1280 1350
- cedar 430 440 450 460 480 410 550 580 620 660 700 730
- Siberian 430 440 450 460 480 410 550 580 620 660 700 730
- ordinary 500 510 520 540 550 590 640 680 720 760 810 850
- Siberian 370 380 390 400 410 440 470 510 540 570 600 630
- white 390 400 410 420 430 470 500 530 570 600 630 660
- whole leaf 390 400 410 420 430 470 500 530 570 600 630 660
- white 420 430 440 450 460 500 540 570 610 640 680 710
- Caucasian 430 440 450 460 480 510 550 580 620 660 700 730
- Manchu 640 660 680 690 710 770 820 880 930 990 1040 1100
- ordinary 670 690 710 730 740 800 860 920 980 1030 1090 1150
- sharp-fruited 790 810 830 850 870 940 1010 1080 1150 1210 1280 1350

Irina Zheleznyak, Correspondent of the online publication "AtmWood. Wood-Industrial Bulletin"

Before carrying out any construction or repair, always calculate the required amount of material. For example: brick, rolled metal or lumber: unedged, edged board or wagons. Usually the seller provides wood delivery services, but it happens that this is not possible. And this question already has to be decided by the buyer himself: what kind of car needs to be ordered in order to bring required amount scaffolding for the construction site?

lumber features

Even if the number of trees in cubic meters, then according to the carrying capacity, the choice of the machine will still need to be calculated. Even knowing how much a dry board cube weighs, the mass of a cubic meter of material on the market can vary significantly. And the fault for this will be not only the type of tree, for example: it is a pine or spruce, birch or cedar, but also the place of the log house, the humidity of the surrounding air, and even the time that has passed since the day of the log house. The weight of a unit cubic meter of the same tree will also differ from the degree of processing of the material. The mass of round timber, under the same conditions, will always be less than the mass of unedged timber. This is due to the fact that the packing density of the material in one cube will be different. The round timber cannot be stacked tightly on top of each other, large voids will remain. The same applies to unedged boards. The surface will not be pressed tightly from the sides.

Therefore, when calculating the carrying capacity of transport, you need to focus on the transportation of the maximum possible mass of cargo. So you need to find out how much a cube of edged pine boards of natural moisture weighs? Since this is the state of the tree during its felling, and hence the maximum humidity and density.

Indicators affecting the weight of lumber

The moisture content of wood is a very important indicator that you need to pay attention to. With its high degree, the tree swells, and at a low degree, on the contrary, it dries out. All construction works it is recommended to perform with already dried lumber, in which the moisture content does not exceed 15-20%. Otherwise, the installed raw forest, over time, drying up, will change its geometric dimensions (decrease) and thereby violate the integrity of the building.

Dried wood becomes more durable, lends itself well to finishing, is not subject to mold and insects, and retains its building qualities for a long time. Before drying, the remaining bark is removed. This is necessary for uniform drying and avoiding damage by insects (bark beetles).

Drying of the forest is carried out by specialists on outdoors. The wood is stacked in a pile, on the spacers between the rows, so that the air can pass freely and dry the boards from all sides. It is advisable to locate the drying place in a place where direct sunlight does not fall on the material, but there is good ventilation. The top row of the stack must be pressed with a load to prevent deformation.

Weight calculation

Now let's calculate the weight of the most common lumber that can be encountered on the market.

We calculate the mass using a calculator, according to the formula M \u003d V * ρ, kg, where:

  • V is the volume of material required for calculation, m3. In our case, this value is 1 m3;
  • ρ - wood density, kg/m3. For freshly cut pine, the value is 820 kg/m3.

Substituting into the formula, we get:

Similarly, knowing the density of the material, you can calculate how much a cube of a larch board weighs:

And this means: no matter what size the edged board:

  • 150x150x6000;
  • 25x100x6000;
  • 25x150x6000;
  • 50x150x6000.

Their weight in one cube will be approximately equal, the main thing is that the composition of the wood, as well as the moisture index, remain unchanged, only the number of boards will differ.

The question arises, how much does a cube of a dry board of the same pine weigh? This state of wood is accepted when its moisture content is up to 20%. In this case, the density is - 520 kg / m3.

Difference in weight of one cube between pine natural humidity and dry will be - 300kg! But for construction, not 1 m3 is purchased, but for example 100 or 500. Accordingly, the carrying capacity vehicle increases by 30 or 50 tons!

Therefore, when choosing lumber, it is important to know the moisture content of the board. In order not to make a mistake in the choice of transport or the number of flights required to transport the entire forest.

How much does 1 cube of a board weigh, people who are building their own house or cottage want to know.

How much does a cube of natural moisture board weigh?

1 cube board weighs 800-1000 kg (depending on the type of wood)

Now you know how much a cube of natural moisture board weighs in tons and you can accurately calculate the right amount.

Previous articleHow much does a cube of rubble weigh?Next ArticleHow much does a cube of pine weigh?

How much does a cube of edged board weigh?

We offer you a table of weights of the main types of wood.


How to correctly calculate the board in cubes.

The edged board differs from the unedged one in that it has a regular shape in cross section. rectangle. This allows you to stack it evenly, pack it in even bundles, and quite accurately determine the cubic capacity, that is, the volume of packed materials. If you want to determine the weight of the package, or one cubic meter, it is enough to multiply the volume by the density, which is a reference value and depends both on the type of wood and on its moisture content, that is, the degree of drying.
For the most commonly used wood species in construction, you can compile a table showing how much a cube of edged board weighs:
lumber type
Weight of one cubic meter, kg
raw pine
dry pine
raw spruce
dry spruce
As can be seen from the table, humidity affects how much a cube of edged boards weighs very significantly. Such a large dependence is due to the fact that water is present in large quantities in the cellular structure of freshly sawn wood, and if it is not properly dried, its rapid evaporation can lead to significant distortions in the geometric shape of the boards and bend them.
As a result, it can be argued that the weight of a cubic meter of an edged board can really be determined by the type of wood, referring it to one of the categories.
Light woods include pine, fir and other conifers, as well as poplar. Their average density, that is, the weight of a cubic meter, fluctuates around a figure of 500 kilograms.
Medium breeds - a cubic meter of ash, beech, birch weighs about 650 kilograms.
Heavy breeds, such as oak or hornbeam, have a density of more than 750 kilograms per cubic meter.

How much does one edged board weigh.

How much does one edged board weigh. The most frequently asked question on search engine queries is how much one cube weighs, as a result, one edged board. I continue the series of articles on edged lumber.
At the insistence of colleagues and regular visitors to the site, I continue the series of articles dedicated to lumber. This article is a continuation of the article "How much does one bar weigh." It's only about the pine growing in the territory in the middle part of Russia. I’ll make a reservation right away that the pine growing in Siberia has a denser texture, and weighs more and costs an order of magnitude more expensive. You can even distinguish it visually, but this is the topic of the next article.
The weight of one cubic meter of freshly sawn and processed into edged pine lumber is about 860 kg.
I will give the calculations in the form of a table according to the sections of the GOST 8486 board and recall the calculation formulas.
11.1 860kg.: 11.1pcs. 77.5 logo250х50х6000
13.3 860kg.: 13.3pcs. 64.7 logo200х50х6000
16.6 860kg.: 16.6pcs. 51.8 logo150х50х6000
22.2 860kg.: 22.2pcs. 38.7 logo100x50x6000
33.3 860kg.: 33.3pcs. 25.8 logo200х40х6000
20.8 860kg.: 20.8pcs. 41.4 logo150x40x6000
27.7 860kg.: 27.7pcs. 31.04 logo100x40x6000
41.6 860kg.: 41.6pcs. 20.7 logo150x30x6000
37.0 860kg.: 37.0pcs. 23.2 logo200x25x6000
33.3 860kg.: 33.3pcs. 25.8 logo150x25x6000
44.4 860kg.: 44.4pcs. 19.3 logo100x25x6000
66.6 860kg.: 66.6pcs. 12.9
To determine on your own how much a cut board with a length of 4000mm and 3000mm, or another, will weigh. I will give an example of a calculation formula in which necessary condition calculation is the number of pieces in 1m3.
For a board, let's say 150x25x3000mm:
1: 0.15: 0.025: 3 = 88.8 pcs. in 1m3
860kg. : 88.8 pcs. = 10 kg.
The weight of this board with a section of 150x25 is 3000mm long. 10 kg.
For a board 150x50x4000mm:
1: 0.15: 0.05: 4 = 33.3 pcs. in 1m3
860kg. : 33.3 pcs. = 25.8 kg.
The weight of one board with a section of 150x50 is 4000 mm long. 26 kg.
At the end of the article, I would like to specifically note that these calculations in Moscow in the markets are the subject of large and small fraud, therefore, each time you need to personally check the “CLASSED LUMBER DIMENSIONS”. Like this! (see photo)
The above calculations in the tables are valid only for lumber of clear "DECLARED DIMENSIONS" with the correct geometry, i.e. corresponding to GOST 8486-86.
For the “Air or Armenian Version” of timber and board, which is sold cheaply at any special sales. prices need a separate approach, because the number of pcs. in 1m3 each time you need to calculate separately in accordance with the actual dimensions that the timber and the board have.

Specific and volumetric weight of wood - tables

Distinguish between the specific gravity of wood (solid wood pulp without voids) and the specific gravity of wood as physical body. The specific gravity of the wood substance is higher than unity and depends little on the type of wood; on average, it is taken equal to 1.54. The specific gravity of the wood substance is important in determining the porosity of wood.
Instead of the concept of the specific gravity of wood as a physical body, i.e., the ratio of its weight to the weight of water taken in the same volume at 4 °, in practice the volumetric weight of wood is used. Volumetric weight (weight per unit volume of wood) is measured in g/cm3 and is reduced to normal wood moisture content - 15%.
In addition to volumetric weight, sometimes they also use the reduced volumetric weight, or conditional volumetric weight. Conditional bulk weight is the ratio of the weight of a sample in a completely dry state to the volume of the same sample in a freshly chopped state. The value of the conditional volumetric weight is very close to the value of the volumetric weight in a completely dry state. The ratio between the conditional bulk density (γcond) and the bulk density in an absolutely dry state (γ0) is expressed by the formula
γ0 = γcond/(1-Υ)
where Υ is the total volumetric shrinkage in percent,
γ0- volume weight absolutely dry wood.
Volumetric weight of wood.
The conditional bulk weight has the advantage over the bulk weight that it does not depend on the amount of shrinkage and does not require conversion to 15% moisture content. This greatly simplifies the calculations and provides more uniform results when determining γcond for several samples.
The volumetric weight of wood depends on humidity, on the width of the annual layer, on what position the sample occupied in terms of trunk height and diameter. As the moisture content increases, the bulk density increases.
The change in the volumetric weight of wood when dried to a moisture content corresponding to the saturation point of the fibers (23-30%) is proportional to the moisture content; after that, the volumetric weight begins to decrease more slowly, as the volume of wood also decreases. With an increase in the moisture content of wood, the opposite phenomenon is observed.
The numerical relationship between the volumetric weight of wood and moisture content is determined by the following formula:
γw = γ0 (100+W)/(100+(Y0 - Yw))
where γw is the sought volumetric weight at moisture content W, γ0 is the volumetric weight in an absolutely dry state, W is the moisture content of the wood in percent,
Y0 - total volumetric shrinkage in percent when dried to absolutely dry state and
Yw - volumetric shrinkage in percent when drying wood to W% moisture content.
The volumetric weight of wood at a given moisture content can be easily determined with sufficient accuracy from the nomogram proposed by N. S. Selyugin (Fig. 11). Suppose that it is required to determine the weight of 1 m3 pine wood at 80% humidity. According to the table 41a we find the volumetric weight of pine wood at 15% moisture, equal to 0.52. On the dotted horizontal line we find the point of volumetric weight 0.52 and from this point we go along the corresponding inclined line of the reduced volumetric weight until it intersects with the horizontal line showing the moisture content of 80%. From the intersection point, we lower the perpendicular to the horizontal axis, which will show the desired volumetric weight, in this case 0.84. In table. 5 gives the values ​​of the weight of wood of some species depending on the humidity. furniture restoration
Specific and volumetric weight of wood table Figure13
Rice. 11. Nomogram for determining the volumetric weight of wood at different humidity.
The volumetric weight of wood also depends on the width of the annual layer. At hardwood the volumetric weight decreases with decreasing width of the annual layers. The greater the average width of the growth ring, the greater the volumetric weight of the same breed. This dependence is quite noticeable in ring porous rocks and somewhat less noticeable in scattered porous ones. In conifers, an inverse relationship is usually observed: the volumetric weight increases with a decrease in the width of annual rings, although there are exceptions to this rule.
The volumetric weight of wood decreases from the base of the trunk to the top. In middle-aged pines, this drop reaches 21% (at a height of 12 m), in old pines it reaches 27% (at a height of 18 m).
In birch, the decrease in volumetric weight along the height of the trunk reaches 15% (at the age of 60-70 years, at a height of 12 m).
There are no patterns in the change in the volumetric weight of wood along the diameter of the trunk: in some species, the volumetric weight slightly decreases in the direction from the center to the periphery, in others it slightly increases.
A large difference is observed in the volumetric weight of early and late wood. Thus, the ratio of the volumetric weight of early wood to the weight of late wood in Oregon pine is 1:3, in pine 1:2.4, in larch 1:3. Therefore, in conifers, the volumetric weight increases with an increase in the content of latewood.
Porosity of wood. Under the porosity of wood understand the volume of pores as a percentage of the total volume of absolutely dry wood. The porosity depends on the volumetric weight of the wood: the greater the volumetric weight, the lower the porosity.
For an approximate determination of porosity, you can use the following formula:
C \u003d 100 (1-0.65γ0)%
where C is the porosity of wood in %, γ0 is the volumetric weight of absolutely dry wood.
Table 5 - Approximate weight of 1 m3 of wood of different species in kg
Threshold of the tree Moisture status of the wood
12-18% 18-23% 23-45% fresh cut
Acacia, beech, hornbeam, oak, ash 700 750 800 1000
Birch, elm, elm, chestnut, larch 600 650 700 900
Willow, alder, aspen, pine 500 550 600 800
Spruce, cedar, linden, fir, poplar 450 500 550 800




how much does a cube of natural moisture pine weigh

Weight of 1 cube of natural moisture pine

In chapter Other to the question How much does 1 cubic meter weigh? m pine board? the author's best answer is The edged board differs from the unedged one in that it has the shape of a regular rectangle in cross section. This allows you to stack it evenly, pack it in even bundles, and quite accurately determine the cubic capacity, that is, the volume of packed materials. If you want to determine the weight of the package, or one cubic meter, it is enough to multiply the volume by the density, which is a reference value and depends both on the type of wood and on its moisture content, that is, the degree of drying.
For the most commonly used wood species in construction, you can compile a table showing how much a cube of edged board weighs:
lumber type
Weight of one cubic meter, kg
raw pine
dry pine
raw spruce
dry spruce
As can be seen from the table, humidity affects how much a cube of edged boards weighs very significantly. Such a large dependence is due to the fact that water is present in large quantities in the cellular structure of freshly sawn wood, and if it is not properly dried, its rapid evaporation can lead to significant distortions in the geometric shape of the boards and bend them.
As a result, it can be argued that the weight of a cubic meter of an edged board can really be determined by the type of wood, referring it to one of the categories.
Light woods include pine, fir and other conifers, as well as poplar. Their average density, that is, the weight of a cubic meter, fluctuates around a figure of 500 kilograms.
Medium breeds - a cubic meter of ash, beech, birch weighs about 650 kilograms.
Heavy breeds, such as oak or hornbeam, have a density of more than 750 kilograms per cubic meter.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How much does 1 cubic meter weigh? m pine board?

Answer from Irina Saburova[newbie]
Prices can vary significantly from company to company. The main thing is not to miss the issue of quality in the pursuit of cheapness. Here is a link by the way, excellent value for money. Plus, they give discounts if you buy a large volume and give very practical advice if you are not very well versed in the issue.

Answer from Alexander Lestorg[newbie]
The company "Lestorg" is a manufacturer of lumber. The edged board occupies a significant segment in the total volume of products manufactured by our company, since building material made from natural wood is most in demand in the construction industry. We offer to buy edged board from the manufacturer at a bargain price.
1 m3 - 5000 r

Answer from Osipov Alexander[newbie]
Price for all sizes click here

How much does a pine cube weigh? |

How much does 1 cube of pine weigh, people who are building their own house or cottage want to know.

How much does a cube of natural moisture pine weigh?

1 cube of pine weighs 600-800 kg (depending on humidity)

  • Dry - wood with a moisture content of 10-18%, which has undergone technological drying or has been stored (dried) for a long time in a warm, dry room;
  • Air-dry - wood with a moisture content of 19-23%. This degree of humidity is achieved during long-term storage of wood in certain natural conditions, i.e. without the use of special drying technologies;
  • Raw - wood with a moisture content of 24-45%, which is in the process of drying from a freshly cut state to an equilibrium state;
  • Freshly cut and wet - wood with a moisture content of more than 45%, recently cut or immersed in water for a long time.

Now you know how much a cube of pine forest weighs and you can accurately calculate the right amount.

Previous articleHow much does a cube of natural moisture board weigh?Next ArticleHow much does a cube of wet birch weigh?

Go to alternative sources energy makes us pay attention to wood. It was it that our ancestors used to heat their homes and cook food. Furnaces, fireplaces, solid fuel boilers- for all these devices you need a tree, namely firewood. But all plants are different, and trees, having a different structure and chemical composition, differ in such characteristics as calorific value, weight, density, humidity.

How much does firewood weigh?

How to determine weight of 1 cube of firewood? Does it matter what kind of firewood you buy, fresh cut or dried? Knowing the specific gravity, moisture content and other features of wood will help to deal with this.

More than 200 species of trees and shrubs grow on the territory of our country. They all burn differently, some faster, others slower, some give off a lot of heat, and some less. When choosing a tree for a firebox, it is better to focus on a middle-aged tree, do not take too young or too old. They burn for the longest time and give off the most heat.

Also, the amount of heat given off directly depends on the density and dryness of the firewood. Wood with a moisture level of 15 - 20% is considered the most suitable for sending to the furnace, and in a freshly sawn tree, moisture is not less than 50%. Part of the heat will be spent on the evaporation of water, so the efficiency of wet firewood is much lower. Yes and dry wood weight much lower than wet ones.

The weight of wood depends on:

  • structure of wood cells, their moisture content,
  • wood density,
  • parts of the plant (the heaviest parts are branches, the lightest are the base of the trunk),
  • salt and resin content.

The weight of firewood can be determined empirically, that is, simply weigh a small piece of wood of a certain volume and, by simple calculations, find out its density (the ratio of mass in kilograms to volume in m3). But such a procedure is not convenient in all cases.

Tables of average wood weights will help make calculations easier. Conditional values ​​are given for the material moisture content of 15 - 20%. Interestingly, changing the moisture content of a tree does not change its density, although it greatly affects the value of the specific gravity.

Table of some reference values ​​for the density of wood and the weight of firewood during loading
wood species Specific gravity g/cm3 Specific weight kg/m3 Loading weight of firewood kg/m3
Ash, beech 0,68 650 - 750 480
Birch 0,65 620 - 650 450
Oak 0,71 650 - 800 470
Larch 0,66 580 - 635 420
Pine 0,52 480 - 520 360
Spruce 0,45 420 - 450 330
Acacia 0,69 650 - 750 460
Elm 0,65 620 - 660 440
Aspen 0,48 460 - 550 350

What is the best firewood for fireboxes?

Oak firewood is considered the most optimal in terms of calorific value, followed by birch, aspen and pine.

  • Oak contains few resins, but releases a lot carbon monoxide. The tart aroma of burning oak logs tones the body.
  • Birch firewood burns for a long time, evenly, but has a lot of resinous substances and deposits soot in the chimney.
  • conifers also used less frequently due to high content resins.
  • It is not recommended to use poplar firewood, as it emits an unpleasant bitter odor and provides little heat.

It is best to use hardwood firewood, the specific gravity of which is high. It is desirable that the firewood be dry, not freshly cut. Recall that when buying wet firewood, you pay more for the weight, but you get less heat.

Before carrying out any construction or repair, always calculate the required amount of material. For example: brick, rolled metal or lumber: unedged, edged boards or lining. Usually the seller provides wood delivery services, but it happens that this is not possible. And this question has to be decided by the buyer himself: what kind of machine should be ordered to bring the required amount of timber to the construction site?

lumber features

Even if the amount of wood in cubic meters is known, then the choice of machine will still need to be calculated in terms of carrying capacity. Even knowing how much a dry board cube weighs, the mass of a cubic meter of material on the market can vary significantly. And the fault for this will be not only the type of tree, for example: it is a pine or spruce, birch or cedar, but also the place of the log house, the humidity of the surrounding air, and even the time that has passed since the day of the log house. The weight of a unit cubic meter of the same tree will also differ from the degree of processing of the material. The mass of round timber, under the same conditions, will always be less than the mass of unedged timber. This is due to the fact that the packing density of the material in one cube will be different. The round timber cannot be stacked tightly on top of each other, large voids will remain. The same applies to unedged boards. The surface will not be pressed tightly from the sides.

Therefore, when calculating the carrying capacity of transport, you need to focus on the transportation of the maximum possible mass of cargo. So you need to find out how much a cube of edged pine boards of natural moisture weighs? Since this is the state of the tree during its felling, and hence the maximum humidity and density.

Indicators affecting the weight of lumber

The moisture content of wood is a very important indicator that you need to pay attention to. With its high degree, the tree swells, and at a low degree, on the contrary, it dries out. All construction work is recommended to be carried out with already dried lumber, in which the moisture content does not exceed 15-20%. Otherwise, the installed raw forest, over time, drying up, will change its geometric dimensions (decrease) and thereby violate the integrity of the building.

Dried wood becomes more durable, lends itself well to finishing, is not subject to mold and insects, and retains its building qualities for a long time. Before drying, the remaining bark is removed. This is necessary for uniform drying and avoiding damage by insects (bark beetles).

Drying of the forest is carried out by specialists in the open air. The wood is stacked in a pile, on the spacers between the rows, so that the air can pass freely and dry the boards from all sides. It is advisable to locate the drying place in a place where direct sunlight does not fall on the material, but there is good ventilation. The top row of the stack must be pressed with a load to prevent deformation.

Weight calculation

Now let's calculate the weight of the most common lumber that can be encountered on the market.

We calculate the mass using a calculator, according to the formula M \u003d V * ρ, kg, where:

  • V is the volume of material required for calculation, m3. In our case, this value is 1 m3;
  • ρ is the density of wood, kg/m3. For freshly cut pine, the value is 820 kg/m3.

Substituting into the formula, we get:

  • M=1*820=820 kg.

Similarly, knowing the density of the material, you can calculate how much a cube of a larch board weighs:

  • M=1*940=940 kg.

And this means: no matter what size the edged board:

  • 150x150x6000;
  • 25x100x6000;
  • 25x150x6000;
  • 50x150x6000.

Their weight in one cube will be approximately equal, the main thing is that the composition of the wood, as well as the moisture index, remain unchanged, only the number of boards will differ.

The question arises, how much does a cube of a dry board of the same pine weigh? This state of wood is accepted when its moisture content is up to 20%. In this case, the density is - 520 kg / m3.

  • M=1*520=520 kg.

The difference in the weight of one cube between pine with natural moisture and dry will be - 300 kg! But for construction, not 1 m3 is purchased, but for example 100 or 500. Accordingly, the carrying capacity of the vehicle increases by 30 or 50 tons!

Therefore, when choosing lumber, it is important to know the moisture content of the board. In order not to make a mistake in the choice of transport or the number of flights required to transport the entire forest.