Shower      01.10.2020

A criminal case against Dontsova’s son. Daria Dontsova's son is hiding from justice. Having a child together was a conscious decision

The police interrogated 39-year-old Arkady Vasilyev in a criminal case of hooliganism in the center of the capital.

The 39-year-old son of the famous writer Daria Dontsova, Arkady, testified to the metropolitan police in a criminal case of hooliganism initiated following a shooting near a metropolitan nightclub.

The son of the author of dozens of detective stories is so far only a witness in the case, but employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have every reason to believe that six months ago, during a traffic conflict, he, waving a traffic police officer’s baton, shot at the driver of the Mercedes and disappeared.

The conflict occurred on November 26, 2011 at about 2 a.m. near the Kafka nightclub on 1905 Street, a source told Life News law enforcement agencies. - A couple came out of a nightclub. The girl got behind the wheel of a dark gray BMW car, and the man took out the baton of a traffic police officer and began pointing it out to drivers of parked cars nearby, demanding that the exit be cleared for his foreign car.

According to witnesses to this scene, the stranger was very drunk, behaved inappropriately and swore at everyone.

Many drivers began to answer him and make comments,” our source continues. “Then he pulled a pistol out of the car and pointed it towards the Mercedes S500 car, in which 42-year-old Nikolai Z. was located. Having fired two shots at the driver’s door of the car, the man disappeared.

Witnesses to the conflict remembered the license plate number of the car, and the next morning the owner of the bullet-ridden car contacted the police. A criminal case was initiated under Part 1 of Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Hooliganism with the use of weapons or objects used as weapons.”

Having identified the owner of the BMW, the operatives went to her residence address. It turned out that the car was registered to ex-girlfriend shooter. She told the police that she was only the formal owner of the car. In fact, the car belongs to Arkady Vasiliev, the son of the writer Daria Dontsova, whom she has not seen for a long time.

The police were unable to find Vasiliev immediately: he did not live at his place of registration. After several months of searching, they finally managed to interrogate him.

In the interrogation report, Vasiliev indicated that no such incident happened to him and he was not near the club at the specified time.

The police asked him to undergo a victim identification procedure.

A specific date for investigative actions has been set,” the source continues. - Nikolai Z., whose Mercedes was shot at, Vasiliev himself and several extras were supposed to come. Nikolai had to either point to Vasiliev, or say that among these people there was no one who shot at his car.

However, Dontsova’s son did not show up at the police station at the appointed time, and then stopped answering phone calls altogether.

According to a Life News source, Arkady’s mother wrote a letter to the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a complaint against the investigator who is investigating this case, asking them to look into it.

The writer’s official representative denied this information, also adding that Daria Dontsova would not comment on what happened to her son.

In the near future, a summons will be delivered to the address of Arkady Vasilyev’s actual residence.

Our city is currently hosting an annual trade exhibition, which is easier to call just a fair. By the way. The most cozy and familiar Russian fair has German roots and comes from Jahr - year and Markt - market, bazaar.
I invite you to take a walk through the German province in the rain, where would we be without it?

This announcement in the children's pavilion made my day_ "Please. Don't forget to pick up the children!"


Fairy, just Fairy

Many letters.
Sasha and Dasha met as students, were friends for 4 years, got married. She said that you don’t need to get married right away, so who would listen ((
The problem was Dasha. More precisely, it’s not a problem, the person just had to be allowed to live independently, and only then build his own family. Her mother has big, big bells and whistles, she crushed Dasha when Sasha introduced us to her, the first impression is a thin, thin sprout that is just crawling out of the ground. She would like to live at least a year without her mother, just alone, but love is carrots, we ran to the registry office.
After the wedding, they united the premarital, bought three rubles in a new building, got pregnant, it’s like live and be happy. After the birth, a paragraph began ((((Sasha from a family with the model “father is the breadwinner, mother is the keeper of the hearth,” and mother’s Dasha, who transferred her own cockroaches to her daughter’s family life, instead of help, a daily lecture that a good wife has her husband’s dirty socks washed on the same day and for a husband there should always be first, second and compote. Sasha’s brain was inserted, he began to actively help Dasha and his mother-in-law began to come only in his presence, but it was too late,
It ended sadly. When Andryushka was 9 months old, Dashka had a breakdown. During the next scandal, she rushed out of the house in only a robe at 3 a.m. and left. Thanks to her friend, she took her, but she had to call an ambulance, emergency hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital. Dasha stayed in the ICU for almost six months, was discharged, and never returned to her family. She moved to the metropolis, got a job, 2 years later she got married a second time and gave birth to a daughter. She was widowed while pregnant, inherited her husband’s business, and now everything is fine with her. I started communicating with my son as soon as I left the hospital.
Sasha also got married. Nadya, a little older, her first marriage broke up due to her infertility, was purposefully looking for a man with children. She accepted Andryushka as one of her own and adopted her as a common child.
When Sasha was filing for divorce, she said that they should determine the child’s place of residence with you, but again, who would listen ((
Andryushka is happy with everything and calls them both mothers. He is almost 7 and is going to school this year. There is mom Nadya, who is always with him, dad and his adored little brother, dad and mom promise to buy a little sister. And holiday mother Dasha, who takes her with her on weekends and on all sorts of trips across the seas and oceans, plus her beloved little sister too.
The problem is that Dasha decided that she needed to take Andryushka. Sasha and her family live in a small town, she is in the regional center, she wants to send her to a good school. Sasha, of course, categorically does not want to give up his son.
People are sane, so far everything is quiet and peaceful, but a scandal is brewing.
The question is - what is best for the child? Should I leave my dad in the family or give it to my mom, where there will be more opportunities for education?



Hi all.
Finally got around to writing a report for the year.

Greetings from Sunny Beach

My journey began from the glorious city of Lviv. (I live here now, so I didn’t consider any other option).

We were in Bulgaria for 9 nights, excluding the road.
I was traveling by bus...



Yesterday a cat jumped from the 7th floor. So the son, shouting: “I’ve come here to kill a cat!”, rushed downstairs. Thank God, I only hurt my knees. And I was saddened to tears... I raised my sons alone. Sold old apartment, I bought a new one, I’m paying extra for the mortgage. I’m retired myself, I go to Moscow and work to pay it off. And he lives in such a mansion with his daughter-in-law, they don’t help with money. And they constantly offend me. The cat tore up the apartment, the smell from her toilet is.... So I put her toilet on the balcony and opened the door a little so that it could be ventilated. And this wild miracle managed to jump there. That’s how it happened!.. I walked around the city all evening in tears and resentment. We should have bought them a one-room apartment right away! And then as they want! And not a two-room apartment, where I have one room, and in the apartment I don’t feel like a mistress. Although she privatized it for herself. 3 years retired. I can’t buy it for myself anymore. But I didn’t want to kill the cat.


Kristina Prilepo

The topic is just to whine and read your opinion. Does anyone help you with the child? There is no one to help us, my husband’s parents are far away, mine are divorced and have also moved to different cities 3 thousand km away from us. My husband and I are alone, our daughter is growing up, this month I was urgently called to work because... two more employees went on maternity leave, and we have to look for new ones, train them again, etc. our leadership does not want to. In principle, they took us into the garden and I agreed to go out and work. But the fact is that a small child is a small child, either a fever or an upset stomach and needs to be urgently taken from the kindergarten, and I begin to struggle, searching for someone who could help me out, it turned out to be so difficult. The husband works on a shift basis, i.e. He’s not home for months and I have to cope on my own. I have a grandmother, she’s 70, I wanted to ask her to help me out sometimes (for example, get into a taxi I paid for and pick up my child from kindergarten and spend half an hour with him until I get home from work), but my grandmother said don’t count on me. I’m so offended (I understand that she doesn’t owe me, but she could help out from time to time, but she doesn’t care, although she knows very well that I’m alone. She herself is cheerful, although she’s old, but she refused, I was really upset today, or her the words that they gave birth to for themselves offended me so much (it’s like that for you too and it’s normal, but I just feel sorry for myself? Or are my relatives like that (Mom is also not particularly interested in her only granddaughter, doesn’t call, writes on the Internet once every couple of months, sometimes I I feel very, very lonely. I don’t know why I wrote, I’m just not whining to my friends, but I want to talk out.


Maria Pavlova

This is actually a reply to the 2nd thread of the girl who lost her wedding ring. It’s just that the topic is closed, and I was thoroughly irritated by the attacks on the girl.
You know, I’m tired of reading how married people fight to the death with their “cohabitants” over the most precise definitions of marriage! It's disgusting to read! This doesn't just happen on this forum. And don’t attribute envy to those officially registered to me. I'm generally the last in this food chain. I'm not a wife or even a cohabitant. I'm supposed to be extremely jealous of both categories and sob into my pillow.
One thing is not clear to me: until when in our country will a woman be judged by the presence of pants in the house? And everyone rushes to the barricades: I have pants in the house, but no, your pants are irresponsible. My pants took responsibility for me and stamped me. Mine are, like, better quality. No one is loved as much as I am, you, the unstamped one, for sure. And after all, everyone writes “I don’t care what the status is” and then casually emphasizes that she has the coveted stamp. Lack of dignity competition.


Guest programs of Boris Korchevnikov- Darya Dontsova. If you want to get rid of depression, read her detective story. Better yet, find out about her fate. Today she is one of the most recognizable and beloved authors in Russia, and readers are ready to stand in line for half a day to get her autograph: it is believed that it brings good luck. And it all began in the ward of the oncology clinic, when Dontsova suddenly took up her pen. The terrible diagnosis came when she was 45 years old. Before Daria Dontsova decided to call the disease her luck, she had to endure 18 courses of chemotherapy and four surgeries.

There have been three marriages in her life, but she considers only one to be real. She and Academician Alexander Ivanovich have been together for 36 years. Between them they have three children and can’t count how many pugs there are. Thanks to Dontsova, dogs of this breed have become incredibly popular. She jokes that they are the ones who write all her detective stories for her. After all the trials, Dontsova admits that her husband is the only person in the world with whom she could connect her fate.

Moreover, throughout the 36 years of their acquaintance, she calls him by his first name and patronymic. He says out of respect: “He is much smarter than me and much stronger than me, if you say anything else wrong, what will happen?” It was out of love for him - the youngest doctor of science at that time - and caring for her large family - three children, two grandmothers (mother and mother-in-law) and a bunch of dogs - that Daria, having learned from the doctors that she was dying, decided to find a replacement for herself. The choice fell on my friend Oksana - she is lonely, a surgeon, she has three dogs, and her son is a close friend youngest daughter Dontsova, Masha. She happily “agreed”, only asked where Dasha herself was going. Having learned that “to dad, at the Novodevichy cemetery,” I found a good oncologist for my friend.

Dontsova says that she did not know her father - writer, party functionary and Cheka/KGB officer Arkady Vasilyev. He died when she was 20, but he was never home. There was a “Kremlin” telephone in the office, but the topic of my father’s work for the “organs” of the house was never raised. In general, nee Agrippina Vasilyeva knew very little about her father’s past. More recently, she discovered that she doesn’t even know exactly her father’s age: the year of birth he gave contradicts the documents found. Dad never said that he spoke German, but one day he casually helped a girl with a school exercise, and in the GDR, where his books were published, he hired her as a translator. Daria gave the notebook with texts in this language, found after her father’s death, to a graphologist, who reported that the author not only spoke fluently, but also thought in German. When the family returned from their father’s funeral, the painting in his office had been removed, there was a hole behind it, and the Kremlin telephone was no longer there. Mom and grandmother were not surprised.

My father was friends with Konstantin Simonov, who lived with them in the same house. One day he came to visit on the eve of May 9th. Dad always said that during the war he worked for the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper, but Simonov, who himself worked for this newspaper throughout the war, heard this and only smiled fleetingly and strangely, Dontsova recalls.

Agrippina was born out of wedlock - her father was then married to another woman and later adopted his child. Arkady Vasilyev was prompted to register his marriage for the first time by the threat of expulsion of his future mother-in-law, her daughter and granddaughter (Agrippina) as former members of the family of an enemy of the people. But the registry office was closed - Stalin died on that day. Officially, the parents signed only in 1959, when Agrippina was eight years old.

Dontsova's eldest son (from her first marriage), Arkady, was born on the 40th day after the death of her father. And with Arkady Jr.’s father, Dmitry Demin, she ran away very quickly. He says that they signed out of stupidity. She was a freshman - “young, stupid.” We met in Koktebel and lived together for a month or two. The second husband was a witness at her wedding to the first. She fell in love with him right there as a bride.

He was similar to her first love - a married French racing driver much (20 years) older than her. And she was 17 then. They met at an international automobile exhibition in Moscow, where Daria worked as a translator from French (she is also fluent). The romance was long. The wife remained in Paris. He said that he was going to get a divorce and... did not return. Many years later, this man’s wife came to Moscow, met with Dontsova and told her that her husband divorced her and did not leave Dasha - he was going to go after her, but did not have time - he died and had an accident.

They lived with their second husband, Boris Kapustin (now a professor, teaching at Yale University) for seven years. And then we realized that it was just very Good friends, but not husband and wife. Divorced. Both now have new families, and Dontsova considers her current marriage essentially her first.

It was Alexander Ivanovich who became her main ally in the fight against the terrible disease. And also friends - Oksana Glod (the same failed replacement) and Maria Trubina. “Masha brought a five-liter (!) jar of black caviar to the hospital: someone told her that it was useful for oncology (this is not true). She force-fed me with a ladle - I can’t stand caviar. It was some kind of “White Sun of the Desert” , - Dontsova laughs now. And then, in 1998, having learned the diagnosis and her remaining sentence - three months - she cried. For a long time. And then she went to “match” her friend’s husband...

It was a miracle that she survived stage four breast cancer. The doctor said: “The Lord God has special plans for you.” She became a writer while in intensive care; my husband said: you’ve been wanting it for a long time, so write it. Once I started, I couldn’t stop. I wrote out my first novel in two weeks - I was afraid that I wouldn’t have time to finish it. She wrote a book about her illness much later. Dontsova believes that it was she who brought cancer patients out of the “underground”: before that, oncology was considered a death sentence, there was nothing to talk about with such patients. Now she supports women with her diagnosis, and those - more and more. When she asked her husband if he would live with her after her mastectomy, he replied: “If only one ear remains of you, I will live with this ear”...

How do you need to answer the Kremlin “spinner” in order to receive a luxurious doll as a gift? What does Dontsova have in common with Khrushchev’s relatives? How did Grunya Vasilyeva meet her third husband? How did it happen that his son began to live with them, and not with his mother? Why does she call one of her works “a novel written on a toilet”? Answers are in the program "The Fate of a Man with Boris Korchevnikov".

Regardless of the attitude towards the genre itself, probably everyone knows the writer Daria Dontsova, the author of many ironic detective stories. Her legacy is more than a hundred books with twisted detective plots. And this is in just 17 years, since the writer began her literary career at the age of 45. Until that moment, she worked as a correspondent, translator, tutor and remained a faithful and devoted mother children of Daria Dontsova.

In the photo - Daria Dontsova with her husband Alexander Ivanovich

If we count the husbands and children of Daria Dontsova, then there will be exactly three of both. The writer does not like to talk about her failed marriages. Only out of necessity does she mention that from her first union she has a son, Arkady Vasiliev. But he speaks about his third wife, Alexander Dontsov, with undisguised pride and love, because in addition to the fact that he is a professor of psychology, he is also precisely the person who did not give up during the difficult period of illness. He was the one who brought it to the hospital blank sheets, which upon returning home were already full-fledged manuscripts of the first four books. Daria Dontsova has considered his son from a previous marriage, Dmitry, to be her family since 1983 (the year of marriage). And their daughter Maria is their common one.

In the photo - Daria Dontsova with her eldest son Arkady

Of course, all the writer’s children are already independent adults. Now they only occasionally get together in the huge house that their parents built ten years ago. Daria Dontsova is already rich not only in her book heritage and children, but also in her grandchildren. Arkady has a son, Nikita, from his first marriage to a girl named Natalya. However, judging by press reports, not only the marriage itself, but also the life of the writer’s eldest son did not go according to the planned scenario. Three years ago, a criminal case was opened against him and, since he fled in an unknown direction, he was put on the wanted list.

In the photo - Daria Dontsova and her family: husband, son Dmitry with his wife Margarita and daughters Arina and Anastasia, daughter Maria with her husband Yuri

The son of Alexander Dontsov, Dmitry, is today happily married. His wife Margarita gave her husband two daughters - Arina and Anastasia. The couple's common daughter, Maria, graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. As the writer previously said in her interviews, from the age of 15 she got used to living independently, since those busy with construction country house her parents were forced to move and leave her as the mistress of their Moscow apartment. Of course, the distance made it possible to visit their daughter often, but the parents soon stopped interfering in everyday matters. Even at the age of 19, Maria finally decided on the choice of her betrothed and settled with him under the same roof. In 2013, after 7 years, the couple formalized their relationship. The husband of Daria Dontsova’s daughter’s name is Yuri Subbotin. By profession, he is a specialist in the field of computer technology.

Writer, screenwriter, TV presenter, member of the Writers' Union and winner of various awards - Daria Dontsova was born in Moscow in 1952. At birth she was named in honor of her grandmother Agrippina Vasilyeva.

Since childhood he knows German and French languages, since before school two governesses of foreign origin took care of her. Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. I worked a lot in my profession.

She wrote her first work in 1985, but the work did not gain much popularity. In 1999, during a serious illness, she began writing detective novels, which subsequently brought the writer particular popularity.

Daria Dontsova is considered one of the most read and prolific (on average it takes her a month to write one novel) writers in Russia, the CIS countries and Western Europe. In 2015, Daria Arkadyevna published more than a hundred books, as well as brochures, and this is only in Russia.

Personal life

In 1998, she became seriously ill and was hospitalized with a diagnosis of cancer, and underwent several operations. While she was in the hospital, she began writing her first detective novel and by the end of her stay in the hospital she already had five novels ready for publication.

Daria Arkadyevna was married three times, the last time she married Alexander Dontsov. From her first marriage she has a son, Arkady, and from her second, a daughter, Maria. Each of the children gave Dontsova a grandson (Maria's son is Mikhail, Arkady's is Nikita).

Daria Dontsova's house on Novorizhskoe highway

The writer took three years to build the three-story house; for this purpose, she and her husband specifically moved from an apartment closer to the construction site. Daria Arkadyevna built the house not far from the famous Zhukovka, in the elite cottage village "Sherwood".

The house was created not only for the convenience of Daria Arkadyevna and her family, but also for her beloved pugs. There is a large sign on the door that says “Mops House”. The interiors are filled with various images, pieces of furniture and embroidery with pugs; it is no secret that Dontsova has been collecting them for a long time.

There was no special designer hired, nor was there an architect as such. Has already been purchased finished project and remodeled to suit the needs of the family.

The house consists of many rooms; on the ground floor there is a kitchen, living room, dining room, and also Natasha’s (au pair) room.

On the second floor are the bedrooms of Daria Dontsova and her husband, a bathroom, a dressing room, as well as an office and a library.

The entire third floor is occupied by a large dressing room with a bathroom. And all attic floor given to daughter Dontsova, although she is more often in the Moscow apartment, she often comes to her parents and here her own corner awaits her.

Currently standing on the site big house, in which Dontsova lives with her husband and daughter and a small house for her son.

Daria Dontsova’s beloved pugs and Alexander Ivanovich’s cat (the writer’s husband) also live in the house. The animals live peacefully and even sleep together.

The price of houses in the elite village of Sherwood reaches 300 million rubles. The Dontsovs were one of the first to buy a plot of land in this village and built a house from scratch. Land in this village costs around 160 million rubles.

Apartment of Daria Dontsova

The apartment is located in a house that belonged to the Writers' Union, near the Airport metro station. The apartment is small, so it was decided to build a house in the Moscow region, and leave the apartment as an inheritance to Dontsova’s daughter Masha or her children.

After the house was built in the Sherwood village, the Dontsovs began to renovate the apartment, but here, by and large, Masha was already in charge. Although Daria took a significant part in the renovation, since after the construction of the house she already knew how to communicate with the foremen and builders.

The general council decided to sell all the furniture and start renovations from empty rooms. The furniture went away very quickly, but the renovation still took a long time.

Several walls were broken, and a large hallway appeared. The old hallway made a wonderful dressing room, and two small rooms made into a large dining room and living room. One small room turned into an office, and the other into a bedroom.

All architectural and design solutions Masha herself studied, and small apartment turned into something special. The rooms are filled with original lighting solutions: in the living room there are two lamps of different colors, in the kitchen there is a chandelier consisting of many glasses that glow, there is a lamp in the shape of a trash can on the floor.

In general, Masha really likes unusual things in the interior, so multi-colored chairs appeared in the apartment, a black cat hanging from the air conditioner, and the wall in the toilet was decorated with tiles that imitate bookshelves especially for Daria Dontsova.

There are various paintings of cats hanging on all the walls - Masha’s dad loves to shower his daughter with unusual trinkets. In general, cats are a special passion of Dontsova’s husband, and Daria herself, as you know, adores pugs.