Well      03/04/2020

Who wants a house with a large greenhouse. Greenhouse near the wall of the house. The attached greenhouse can be covered

The greenhouse attached to the house was conceived back in the early early stage design. The main purpose is to grow seedlings for your own garden and for selling surplus. This greenhouse was originally planned as a “cold” greenhouse; in winter it was planned to maintain the temperature at 2-4 degrees Celsius, the main thing being that it did not fall below 0. At this time, it was supposed to store some outdoor plants that could die (boxwoods, lilac seedlings) and plants that do not need heat in winter (laurels, roses, tangerines grafted onto trifoliora, etc.), of course, the greenhouse can be used for forcing tulips. Well, in the spring (from the end of February), when the temperature rises, it can be used to produce seedlings of flowers and vegetables.
To improve lighting conditions, a stepped design was chosen similar to the so-called Klin greenhouses of the 19th century, in which the racks on the northern part are located higher than on the southern part (in the diagram on the left). Because of this, glazing was not done on the northern side of the greenhouse, since there is no light from there in winter anyway, and heat losses increase significantly.
To reduce heat costs, the floor of the greenhouse is lowered 60 cm below ground level, the walls are made of ¼ brick (inside) and reinforced concrete outside.
Because well water in our area it is hard and many plants cannot grow when watered with it for more than 6-10 months (myrtles, lemons), then in the greenhouse there are containers made of brick with a total volume of approximately 15 m3 to collect rainwater. For waterproofness, an appropriate additive is added to the masonry mortar and plastering mortar. In addition, the inside of the container is treated with bitumen or acrylic mastic. Water is collected both from the greenhouse itself and from the house. In 2010, this volume was enough for the entire period without precipitation.
For what is winter warm air did not go to the upper part of the greenhouse, the glazing is made in two ridges, in this case, warm air does not gather in vain at the highest point of the structure and the temperature differences near the floor and at the highest point do not exceed 2 degrees. For ventilation and cooling in the summer, transoms made of 6 mm cellular polycarbonate and vents on the side surface are made from above. Possibility provided forced ventilation- holes for fans are left in the northern wall.
The right side is used as a utility room, and soil, tubers, and pots are stored under the floor. The utility room itself is used for storing motorcycles, and also as a small workshop; a backup generator is also installed there.
During the construction of the house, the boiler was installed with a power reserve sufficient to maintain, in addition to normal conditions in the house - a positive temperature in this greenhouse at -15o -18o outside. Based on this, registers were calculated and installed. It was planned to make up for the lack of heat with electricity. The number of days per year when the temperature drops below these indicators usually does not exceed 15-20. But interruptions in the power supply forced us to first install a cast-iron collapsible potbelly stove, instead of which this year we installed a bell-type heating stove designed for both wood and coal. To increase heat removal from it, I used a household fan, and for a more even distribution of heat in the horizontal plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 mm installed duct fan. The first frost of this year is 26-28 degrees in a greenhouse with the addition of new oven, the greenhouse held up brilliantly. The presence of a large volume of water can significantly reduce daily temperature fluctuations in both summer and winter. For example, in winter, even when frosts occur below the calculated ones, the sufficient heat capacity of a buried greenhouse allows you to not start additionally heating the greenhouse for 1-2 days despite high heat losses through the glass.

Constantly improving technologies for the construction of greenhouse structures, manufacturing plants are providing ever new ideas to farming enthusiasts. Today, greenhouses and greenhouses can be seen in a variety of expressions and with completely different functions.

A greenhouse that is attached to the wall of a house or an ordinary outbuilding is great idea for the construction of a building for growing various types plants for pleasure, interest and profit. In this case, we build the roof slope at a specific angle, taking into account the climate in the region. The angle of inclination should not be too large, but its inclination should be enough to prevent snow and raindrops from accumulating on the top of the building. Such a structure can also be attached to residential building, and to the summer design.

The greenhouse attached to the house is an unfinished form that is, as it were, a continuation of the house. It is best to build such a greenhouse on the south side of the building, where Sun rays happen most often.

The wall of the house protects the greenhouse very well from the wind. Energy supply, water supply, heat supply, in an attached greenhouse near the wall of your house will cost you less.

An attached greenhouse can be covered with:

  • Glass:
  • Polyethylene;
  • Polycarbonate.

The frame of this greenhouse can be built from wood or metal profile. The Maxidom chain of stores will help you decide on the choice of material.

A practical greenhouse in a country house: what can be grown in it

Growing cucumbers in the kitchen or basement of a private house is a very real thing. By building a greenhouse, you can get juicy, environmentally friendly, natural and healthy berries and vegetables in early spring and throughout the year. How to organize such a greenhouse in the basement, or on ground floor with your own hands? The main problem that will need to be solved is the lack of daylight. And if growing champignon mushrooms may be in the dark, then cucumbers really need a sufficient amount of light.

Greenhouse in country house in the basement will require you to solve non-standard problems, since basement has its own characteristics. It's dark, damp and cold there.

Since the outside temperature is low in winter, you should insulate the basement. If there are drafts in a leaky basement, then good harvest It won't grow there. Once the equipment is installed, you need to think about the soil. For the basement, it is better for you to choose small quartz or granite gravel. When you have prepared the soil, you should consider lighting. For normal, proper growth, cucumbers need at least 10 hours of light every day. An important issue in proper cultivation plants is the disinfection of space as a prevention of crop diseases from various ailments.

In the basement you can grow:

  • Cucumbers;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Greenery;
  • Potato;
  • Zucchini;
  • Pepper;
  • Eggplant.

Each culture requires separate care and its own microclimate. Therefore, before planting any crop in such a greenhouse, analyze whether you can provide it with everything necessary.

Built-in greenhouse on the second floor of the house: design features

In addition to the basement, some people use the second floor to grow plants. country house. This is also not a bad option, even because there is already daylight in this space. In addition, you cannot allow free space to go to waste.

A greenhouse on the second floor of the house will help you obtain a variety of vegetables at any time of the year. Proper care behind such a greenhouse can give you a real winter garden.

But this method also has its drawbacks. It is not allowed to equip a greenhouse in an old-style building. A greenhouse means constant dampness and humidity. The greenhouse structure must be completely sealed, otherwise the first floor will constantly suffer from moisture penetration. If the house has an extension, it is better to equip a greenhouse there.

Features of the greenhouse on the second floor of the house:

  • The advantage is the fact that such a house already has heating and lighting, you just need to adjust them;
  • Plants are best grown in small, sealed, sealed trays. Then it will be convenient for you to process and water them;
  • Large, large climbing plants are not suitable for such a pleasure;
  • Provide the room with ventilation, otherwise the plants will not grow.

Low, compact flowers are best suited for growing on the second floor of a house.

House in a greenhouse: Sweden on its own site

With each new season, farming enthusiasts never cease to amaze us. Their discoveries benefit people all over the world. More recently, a family from Sweden patented their discovery, who built a greenhouse around their house, and thereby killed, as they say, two birds with one stone.

A house in a greenhouse “Sweden”, this is how we can now call a new discovery in the field of greenhouse construction. And now everyone has the opportunity to enjoy many benefits all year round.

Similar designs began to grow like mushrooms all over the world, and the scope of application of such technologies has grown significantly. Now it is possible not only to reduce the cost of heating premises in a private home, but also to make it more comfortable.

Greenhouse houses can be equipped with:

  • Place for growing plants;
  • Botanical Garden;
  • Pool;
  • Beach;
  • Terrace for relaxation;
  • Outdoor dining;
  • Playground for children;
  • Place for walking;
  • Aviary for animals.

Owners of private houses constantly have more and more new ideas about the use of such a building, but one thing is obvious - this new breakthrough has many advantages and only positive reviews.

Greenhouses in a private house on the roof: advantages

Roof greenhouses have appeared a long time ago, but they are not often used due to the complexity of installation. It is almost impossible to adapt old buildings for this type of occupation, and therefore this technology It is used mainly in the construction of new, modern buildings.

Greenhouses in a private house on the roof are a great idea for those who want to grow healthy crops at home. But you must be prepared to face a number of difficulties.

By equipping such a greenhouse correctly and organizing the cultivation of vegetables, fruits or flowers in it, you will provide yourself with healthy products throughout the year.

Advantages of a greenhouse on the roof of a house:

  • The ability to save space on your garden plot and in the yard;
  • Lighting comes entirely from the sun;
  • Heating can be made integral with common system home heating;
  • The design is easily ventilated;

This option may have a common area with the roof of the house, or may occupy only part of it.

What is a house in a greenhouse (video)

Greenhouse structures are particularly diverse and have many options. Those who know how to save space and have learned to value and protect every free meter of land are constantly developing new greenhouse technologies. Nowadays greenhouses can be seen not only on personal plots and dachas, but also on the roofs of houses, and even around the building itself.

House with a greenhouse as a shell

The house with a greenhouse that we would like to tell you about is, first of all, a visual embodiment of a method of protection from the winter cold. A huge number of people are forced to live in an area of ​​harsh climatic conditions, which impose a number of requirements on the architecture of residential buildings.

Some experts advise northerners to wear thermal underwear and warm clothes, arguing that purchasing long johns is more economical solution than turning on the heating boiler for full power. Someone offers more original ideas. What do you think, in particular, about setting up a tent - at home! - in order to reduce heating bills?

Returning to the object that became the reason for writing this article, let’s say that it implements perhaps the most original and rather expensive approach to saving thermal energy. In front of us is a house located not far from Stockholm. The owners built a greenhouse around it, inserting 4 mm thick glass into an aluminum frame.

The concept of such structures was first proposed back in the 70s by the Swedish architect Bengt Warne. His project was called Naturhus.

Well, the idea turned out to be quite sound, as the following video tour convinces us of.

The owners of the house, Marie Grandmar and Charles Sasilotto, were so inspired by Varnay's work that they decided to create their own version of Naturhus. They purchased a property that already had a summer home on it and installed a standard greenhouse around it, spending about $84,000.

The couple installed a centrifugal cleaning system in their house Wastewater, which separates urine from solid particles. Next, the resulting liquid is purified using special plants and sent to water the beds and trees.

A greenhouse allows you to significantly extend the gardening season and grow representatives of the Mediterranean flora such as figs, as well as reduce heating costs.

The space between the walls of the house and the glass shell can be used all year round. It includes several compact terraces and one large one, located on the roof of the cottage.

Of course, this concept will only work in countries with harsh climates characterized by short summers and frosty winters. But the very fact that the heroes of our article are extremely satisfied with their home speaks of its wealth.

What do you think about her?

People's desire to be closer to nature at home leads architects to bold, completely unexpected projects. They create greenhouse houses - open, light, equipped modern technologies. Let's get acquainted with four amazing houses.


This house Sliding House from the architectural bureau dRMM in British Suffolk consists of three separate modules - a residential part, an extension and a garage between them. The bright red cube of the garage is shifted to the side relative to the central axis, and the rest of the buildings are placed along the same line. The living part of the house is completely glass and looks like a two-story greenhouse. The peculiarity of the house is a sliding structure of walls and roof that covers glass House, a patio and an extension, like a cover. The 20-ton roof rests on railway rails on a special platform. It is driven by a powerful electric motor. A sliding roof can completely cover all parts of the house, open one thing, or vice versa - move completely and open the whole building. The owners plan to make a pool in front of the house: for this, the rails will be lengthened and the roof will move further. Please note that the architecture of the house is very simple: squares and triangles, no protruding parts, otherwise the project would be impossible to implement.


The whole world is complaining about compact development, which is disfiguring historical centers, but it is rare that an architect truly proposes nice solution Problems. French bureau with a funny name 2 p.m. architects has created a three-story polycarbonate house that is simple and mobile, which can be built almost anywhere. According to the architects, due to the translucent material and its visual lightness, it will fit into the unoccupied space and connect the buildings to the right and left of it. This is an experimental project for a competition for eco-hostels in the Bordeaux area and it exists only in a 3D model, but it may find a response from investors. One of the tasks of architects is to draw attention to the democratic and functional polycarbonate from which garden greenhouses are usually made. Noble architecture can also be created from such base material.


Finnish architects bureau Avanto They have come up with and implemented many large projects, but all over the world they are recognized thanks to their small and charming greenhouse cabin. The team created a modular barn house Green Shed, which can be supplemented in different parts, complete the construction and turn it into a gazebo, utility block for storing tools or a secluded housing area of ​​10 square meters. m. Or even all of this together. The glass structure, which does not require a foundation, is ideal for those who want to comfortably spend time in nature while escaping the city. Look at the photo - isn’t it a dream: to wake up under the sky, surrounded by trees and grass and feel like part of the world. And I don't care about the rain. The booth should also be used for its intended purpose - for growing plants: you can regulate the temperature and humidity in it, install shelves and beds with plants.

In the 1970s, a Swedish architect Bengt Warne proposed a wonderful idea - to conclude wooden houses in a glass frame. The result was a house within a house, inside of which the temperature was constantly maintained at about 20 C and it was possible to grow plants, as in a real greenhouse. Despite the fact that several such houses were built in Sweden and Germany, and Varna lived in Nature House together with his family, the project was not widely implemented and was forgotten. But recently a young studio found out about him Tailor Made arkitekter and has already covered one of the Swedish houses with a custom dome, and also built an exhibition pavilion Nature House. In addition to the fact that glass walls provide additional space and warmth, they extend the life of wooden ones, protecting them from adverse natural conditions.