Shower      04/21/2021

The community probably contains inappropriate materials: what is it and how to get rid of it? Group, public VKontakte is not displayed in the search. Why? The community probably contains inappropriate materials, what should I do?

How to remove “the community probably contains inappropriate materials” if such an inscription interferes with the development of a group or public? The decision depends on a lot of factors that need to be taken into account:

  1. Reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant alert.
  2. Ways to access social network.
  3. A person who needs to cope with a problem.

At the same time, the way out of this situation turns out to be extremely simple. The user can only choose the approach that best suits him and use the recommendations received. Usually, if all the steps taken are correct, restoring access to the site does not take much time.

Having gotten rid of the inscription, users should remember what helped them bypass the established restrictions and regain the ability to use VKontakte, and try to understand what exactly prevented them from visiting the public, so as not to find themselves in similar situations in the future. After all, it is easier to prevent the occurrence of difficulties and troubles than to later try to correct the situation and restore normal, stable operation of the social network.

  • 1 What does it mean “the community probably contains inappropriate materials”?
  • 2 Why does it say “the community probably contains inappropriate materials”?
  • 3 How to remove “the community probably contains inappropriate materials” on Iphone?

What does it mean “the community probably contains inappropriate content”?

First of all, when faced with an unpleasant message indicating that access to certain pages of a social network is restricted, users need to figure out what the message that suddenly appears means.

The mentioned task will not cause serious difficulties, since the notification should be taken literally. That is, the words that there are unacceptable publications in the group indicate the posting in the community of posts, entries and comments that are prohibited by current legislation and the rules for using the social network.

There is no other interpretation of what was said. But an alternative reason for the appearance of an unpleasant inscription is possible, related to the peculiarities of the VK mobile application on the iPhone. In a similar way, access to public pages containing adult content is limited. The presence of content is determined by the owner of the group who has set the 18+ marking. As a result, the administration of social The network helps moderators ensure that the established framework is strictly observed, regardless of the status of the public - open or closed.

Why does it say “the community probably contains inappropriate materials”?

In addition to the mentioned difficulties with the operation of the application on iPhones, the main reasons for the appearance of the inscription that prevents you from entering the public page and limits the viewing of posts and publications are the posts and comments themselves. They must not contain:

  • extremist appeals, propaganda and justification of terrorism;
  • erotic or pornographic content;
  • information discrediting the dignity, honor and fair name of citizens and users;
  • insults;
  • calls for suicide or descriptions in various ways suicide;
  • recordings that romanticize crime and describe methods of committing crimes;
  • propaganda of drug addiction and offers to purchase narcotic substances.

Additionally, groups created by scammers and aimed at making illegal profits and deceiving others are closed. The administration is actively fighting for safe communication, so it is impossible to subscribe or even just visit such pages (after they are identified). The decision to wait for time, which can bring success in some cases, will definitely not help here.

Reasons for the appearance of the inscription

Most common cause the appearance of a phrase about restricting access to the group is the presence in it of materials that fall into the 18+ category. In addition, extremist content, calls for violence, and pornographic materials are blocked.

An absolute ban is imposed on groups aimed at bullying and publicly insulting individuals, and on public pages promoting the use of drugs that contribute to their distribution.

In addition, Apple has a strict policy that prevents users from accessing prohibited materials. Therefore, people using iOS devices most often complain about the above-mentioned notation appearing on the screen.

Important! Just because access to a community has been restricted does not mean that it actually contains dangerous content. The word “Probably” in the warning only indicates administrators’ suspicions. However, this is enough to instantly block the group.

One more nuance. The inscription on the screen may appear in cases where the creator of the community himself has set the age limit for guests and subscribers. This allows you to work within the law and ethical standards.

How to fix the ban problem

IN this moment There are several options to “deceive” the system and still enter the forbidden community. This:

  • To access the Internet, use a browser rather than the official Apple application. For example, Google Chrome.
  • If possible, view materials from a PC. This works in almost 100% of cases.
  • If for some reason the user is not satisfied with working through the browser, and he definitely wants to log into the social network through the application, you can download one of the unofficial applications. “Kate Mobile” and “Tsarsky VK” are especially popular. They are presented in Google Market and AppStore, but here you need to remember some risks associated with the security of personal data.
  • In the settings of the VKontakte page, indicate an age above 18 years. In this case, all communities will be available to the user, even those with an age limit of 18+. However, here you also need to remember a certain danger: VK moderators carefully monitor the accuracy of the information specified in the questionnaire. Therefore, if the deception is revealed, the personal page may be blocked.
  • If the administrator of a blocked community wants to solve the problem of the appearance of the phrase about inappropriateness, he just needs to cancel the age limit in the group settings.

Important! If all attempts to circumvent the ban have been unsuccessful, all that remains is to wait until the creator of the public solves this problem. To do this, he must convince the service technical support in VK the submitted content is safe.

Thus, owners of mobile devices running on the iOS platform most often encounter blocking of VKontakte communities. This ban can be introduced either by the social network itself or by Apple. Such tough measures are associated with strengthening control over censorship, which dates back to 2017. However, the most advanced users have figured out how to get around the sanctions: log in through a browser or an unofficial application, view the content via a PC, and indicate an age over 18 years. And the group administrator in the settings section can cancel the age limit, and then access to the content will be open to all network users.

The main thing to remember is that only high-quality, reliable content that complies with ethical and legal standards guarantees the safety of the community. Even if such a group is accidentally blocked, VK moderators will correct this error within a couple of hours. But prohibited materials take the public beyond the “rules” of the social network and therefore it will not be possible to get it out of the “ban”.

How to remove restrictions on iPhone

First of all, in the “VK” profile you need to set the age above 18 years. Additionally, we also do the same in our Apple ID account. After this, the restrictions should be lifted. If you are a group admin and receive questions like this, review and remove the age restrictions for viewing your community pages. This is all done in the group management menu.

Change your age to fit the age limit

User not found on Instagram. What does this mean and how to fix it.


The official VKontakte application on iPhone should be closed. Now we go to the social network through any browser. We log in and go to the public page that interests us. He should be without a ban. This is due to the fact that browsers are not subject to censorship by Apple, since they are not its product. This corporation always monitors copyright, developer requirements and licenses.

Open the blocked community via VK in the browser

Third party application

If you abandon the official VK application and use unofficial clients, the ban will also disappear. You can find it in the store a large number of such software designed to work on a social network, for example, such as “Tsarsky VK” or “Kate Mobile”. We choose the software we like and use it. The corporation's censorship circumvention is in effect again.

The Tsarsky VK application on iPhone also allows you to remove the restriction

Bide the time

If the ban is imposed accidentally, it will undoubtedly be lifted after some time. If it doesn’t work for you, wait a few days, and then try visiting the public again. It would be a good idea to contact the group admins to clarify the situation. You can also write to the developers “VK”. The main thing is to be persistent in getting an answer. This is also true for owners of communities that have received a ban. Be sure to seek the removal of restrictions, because otherwise the group’s progress will be minimal.

Finally, I would like to add that you can easily remove the message “The community probably contains inappropriate materials.” The very process of tightening the nuts in the VC, which in 2017 only began to accelerate, is stressful. For now, the mobile versions are suffering the most, but the time will come for the browser version too. Censorship and paid music are just the beginning of big changes.

Access recovery

To restore access in the first case, when there is a problem with the computer, you should eliminate malicious files and return the hosts file to its original state.

If a profile is blocked due to hacking or for any other reason, you will have to contact the admin

Virus on the computer

A virus program on a computer that blocks access to a VKontakte page can enter the system when downloading unlicensed games and applications that supposedly allow you to hack someone’s account, increase your rating on a social network or Youtube, and other files from unverified sources.

After launching the file, when you try to log in, a message appears indicating that the page is unavailable.

Inaccessible VKontakte page

In the latter case, there is often a request to enter a password or phone number, as well as send an SMS.

This is required for scammers to be able to log into the page or directly transfer money from a phone account.

In any of the options, you should not fall for the tricks of scammers and provide confidential information.

After all, as a result of unauthorized access to the page, both the page owners and their friends who receive links or files with viruses and messages with fraudulent offers may suffer.

Moreover, you should not send SMS.

Correcting the hosts file manually

In order to fix a hosts file damaged by a virus, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the system drive (usually C:);
  2. Go to the Windows\System32\drivers\etc folder;
  3. Find the hosts file.

The first three items can be replaced by typing the name in the Explorer search bar:

Finding a system file on your computer

Having opened the file using, for example, regular Notepad, you should make sure that its text does not contain any extra addresses after the entry localhost.

An example of a hosts file

If the file does not open for some reason, you need to restart the computer and enter " Safe Mode" The mode is entered by pressing the F8 key before loading the system.

If there are any entries after the IP address - and, especially if among them there is text like or, you should definitely delete them and save the file.

Notice! Often, malware embeds addresses at the very bottom of hosts, so it’s worth looking through it to the end.

After changing a system file, it is worth looking for the program that made the changes to it. Most often it is called vkontakte.exe - if you find one, you should delete it immediately.

Using the AVZ utility

If troubleshooting a problem with the hosts file causes the user some difficulty or fear of damaging system settings, you can download the AVZ program, which is specifically designed to resolve such issues.

This application is capable of:

  • Return the system file to its original state;
  • Clear static routes, which may also be the reason for lack of access to VK;
  • Perform other actions that optimize system performance.

You can download the program on the official website of its manufacturer (Kaspersky Lab) or on other services - preferably verified ones, so as not to download a new virus to your computer.

Antivirus utility AVZ

AVZ is launched as a computer administrator. This is followed by:

  1. Find the “File” item in the main menu;
  2. Select “System Restore”;
  3. Set all the checkboxes as indicated in Fig. 5.
  4. Restart your computer and log into VKontakte again.

Selecting items to restore files that interfere with access to VKontakte

Hacking check

If all else fails, you will have to check whether the web page was actually hacked or even already blocked after being hacked.

To do this, open the command line by entering the text “cmd” into the command window (called with the Win + R keys).

In the line you should enter nslookup, and immediately after that - ping

The address that appears after executing the second command must match one of those shown by the first.

In this case, you receive proof that everything is fine with access to the social network. But your page has been hacked and blocked by the VKontakte administration.

Checking addresses belonging to VK

All that can be done in this case is to contact the administration to unblock your account.

In this case, they are usually asked to enter a password, phone number and a number of other data to identify the owner of the page (including a security question).

It usually takes some time to restore access.

Important! But the real administration, unlike scammers, never asks the user to send SMS to unknown numbers.

Standard view of a page blocked by the administration

Useful articles:

I created a community (group or public) on VKontakte, but it does not appear in the search and cannot be found by name. What is the reason? When will it appear there? What needs to be fixed?

The main reason

Perhaps in the settings of your group or public the age limit is set to 16+ or 18+, although there is no “adult” content there. Later it turns out that the group is not displayed in VKontakte safe search, and in the iPhone application it does not even open via the link - a message is displayed:

The community likely contains inappropriate content and is not viewable.

The fact is that Apple (iPhone manufacturer) is strict about “adult” materials and requires them to be hidden in applications regardless of the user’s age. Therefore, VKontakte developers are forced to do this in their application. And in a search on the VK website, such a group can be found only by unchecking "Safe search"- not everyone will notice it, since it is located at the very end of the search parameters.

If you set an age limit in a group, you are voluntarily informing that your group needs to be hidden. Without fully understanding what exactly you are doing, you will not close the group from teenagers, but will only prevent all normal people from joining it.

How to remove age restrictions in a group

If there is no “adult” content in the group, go to “Management” in it and in the “Additional information” settings section, click “Specify age restrictions”:

Then select an option "Under 16 years old" to remove the restriction, and press "Save".

This should solve the problem. But keep in mind that the group may not appear in the search immediately, but after some time.

Other Possible Causes

  • The community was created quite recently and has a very small audience (few participants, subscribers). For some time now, such groups have not been included in searches in order to reduce the amount of spam.
  • The time a group appears in searches may depend on the frequency of its name (competitiveness). For example, if it is called simply “Dating”, then it may not appear in the search for a long time, but if “Dating in the village of Pochinok” it will appear faster.
  • Not enough content. Create several posts (entries) in the group. At least 5 pieces. Add hashtags to your posts (the # sign and a word indicating the topic of the post - for example, #vkontakte, #interesting), but only a little, no more than 10 (if more, they won’t work).
  • The group contained some material (for example, a photo) that was recognized by VKontakte systems as intended for adults, or as spam, or there was another violation of the site rules in the group. As a result, the group was excluded from Safe Search, and in order to return it there, you will have to write a request to support agents.
  • There are too many bots or blocked users (dogs) in the group. Remove them from the participants and write a request to the agents asking them to return the group to the search.

When will the group appear in the search?

Why is the VKontakte group not in search engines - Yandex, Google?

Because it does not get into search engines (indexed) immediately, but after some time, sometimes quite long - two weeks, a month. This depends on how quickly search engines find the group (i.e., on the presence of links to it on the Internet), its content and other factors. In addition, Yandex or Google may decide not to show the group in search results at all - for their own reasons.

There is a belief that if you leave a link to your group in the comments below, it will appear in the search. However, it is not. In fact, you need to be careful.

The social network “VK” constantly produces various errors and introduces restrictions. At the moment, iPhone users often encounter the error “The community probably contains inappropriate materials and is not available for viewing,” which appears in the mobile version of the network. The restriction blocks the ability to subscribe to groups and view the content contained in it. We will tell you what this limitation is and how to quickly bypass it on your iPhone.

Why does iPhone block VK groups?

Most often, society can be blocked due to 18+ materials. Also subject to such a ban are public pages that are of an extremist nature, calling for violence, etc. What is characteristic is that it is the VK platform for iOS that is subject to a warning that the page contains inappropriate materials and is not available for viewing on VK. This is due to the strict policy of Apple Corporation, which does not want to show prohibited materials to its users. It is not a fact that blocked groups actually contain such information - everything is done at the discretion of Apple, they also write “Probably”.

The second point is that the community administrators themselves set an age limit for subscribers and guests. This approach is necessary if general rules morality and law.

How to remove restrictions on iPhone

First of all, in the “VK” profile you need to set the age above 18 years. Additionally, we also do the same in our Apple ID account. After this, the restrictions should be lifted. If you are a group admin and receive questions like this, review and remove the age restrictions for viewing your community pages. This is all done in the group management menu.


The official VKontakte application on iPhone should be closed. Now we go to the social network through any browser. We log in and go to the public page that interests us. He should be without a ban. This is due to the fact that browsers are not subject to censorship by Apple, since they are not its product. This corporation always monitors copyright, developer requirements and licenses.

How to remove “the community probably contains inappropriate materials” if such an inscription interferes with the development of a group or public? The decision depends on a lot of factors that need to be taken into account:

At the same time, the way out of this situation turns out to be extremely simple. The user can only choose the approach that best suits him and use the recommendations received. Usually, if all the steps taken are correct, restoring access to the site does not take much time.

Having gotten rid of the inscription, users should remember what helped them bypass the established restrictions and regain the ability to use VKontakte, and try to understand what exactly prevented them from visiting the public, so as not to find themselves in similar situations in the future. After all, it is easier to prevent the occurrence of difficulties and troubles than to later try to correct the situation and restore normal, stable operation of the social network.

First of all, when faced with an unpleasant message indicating that access to certain pages of a social network is restricted, users need to figure out what the message that suddenly appears means.

The mentioned task will not cause serious difficulties, since the notification should be taken literally. That is, the words that there are unacceptable publications in the group indicate the posting in the community of posts, entries and comments that are prohibited by current legislation and the rules for using the social network.

There is no other interpretation of what was said. But an alternative reason for the appearance of an unpleasant inscription is possible, related to the peculiarities of the VK mobile application on the iPhone. In a similar way, access to public pages containing adult content is limited. The presence of content is determined by the owner of the group who has set the 18+ marking. As a result, the administration of social The network helps moderators ensure that the established framework is strictly observed, regardless of the status of the public - open or closed.

Why does it say “the community probably contains inappropriate materials”?

In addition to the mentioned difficulties with the operation of the application on iPhones, the main reasons for the appearance of the inscription that prevents you from entering the public page and limits the viewing of posts and publications are the posts and comments themselves. They must not contain:

  • extremist appeals, propaganda and justification of terrorism;
  • erotic or pornographic content;
  • information discrediting the dignity, honor and fair name of citizens and users;
  • insults;
  • calls for suicide or descriptions of various methods of suicide;
  • recordings that romanticize crime and describe methods of committing crimes;
  • propaganda of drug addiction and offers to purchase narcotic substances.

Additionally, groups created by scammers and aimed at making illegal profits and deceiving others are closed. The administration is actively fighting for safe communication, so it is impossible to subscribe or even just visit such pages (after they are identified). The decision to wait for time, which can bring success in some cases, will definitely not help here.

How to remove “the community probably contains inappropriate materials” on Iphone?

There are several different ways to get rid of the “Community may contain inappropriate content” message on your iPhone:

It is important to emphasize that searching for an alternative Vk application will not take much time, but the network administration does not take responsibility for the reliability and security of such programs.

Situations when a moderator needs to disable a message deserve special consideration. Public owners are able to:

  • remove prohibited materials;
  • Remove the 18+ age limit.

There are no other solutions to restore free access.