Mixer      03.03.2020

How best to insulate the foundation. Proper insulation of the foundation of a private house in various ways. Warming the foundation with your own hands

It is better and more comfortable to engage in the construction and insulation of the foundation in the spring-summer-autumn period, when the air temperature is quite high and the humidity “does not go off scale” ... Let's figure out how to insulate the foundation from the outside correctly and efficiently!

Why is it necessary to insulate the foundation

Applying insulation for the foundation is just as important as insulating the walls of the house! Especially in areas that are characterized by a harsh climate and freezing of the soil to a great depth. Foundation building structure"gives away" environment 10-20% of the total heat loss of the building.

A particular danger for building foundation structures is the freezing of so-called "heaving" soils. Such soils are capable of freezing during severe frosts and significantly increase in volume, which leads to a rise in the soil level.

Attention! At significant depths of soil freezing, it is possible to “move” its level by 35 cm. This value corresponds to 15% of the depth of soil freezing.

The rise in the ground level leads to deformation of the foundation of the building. If the foundation is laid above the freezing level and the foundation slab is not insulated, then during the freezing period, frost heaving forces arise under this slab, directed normally (perpendicularly) to the surface of the slab. Therefore, in the freezing zones, thermal insulation of the horizontal foundation slab is also carried out.

The quality of work in this heat-insulating direction will determine the operating conditions of the building as a whole and the comfort of living in it. The planning of insulation works of the foundation is carried out at the stage of its construction.

Since a large “amount” of cold enters the house through the foundation, when building a house, floor slabs raised above the ground are used. Cold air in large volumes is at the level of the foundation and floor, while warm air rises and, if the roof is poorly insulated, goes outside, making room for a new "portion" of cold air.

And if the basement is used for any functional purposes (not a cellar), then special attention should be paid to its insulation. Game room, gym, billiard room, laundry room - no matter what the purpose of the room is, it is important comfortable temperature air in it. And the presence of dampness without insulation of the foundation is guaranteed.

An unheated basement is "undemanding" to thermal insulation. But it is necessary to insulate the basement of the foundation. to reduce heat loss at the floor level of the first floor, which is heated.

Insulation of the basement of the foundation will allow you to save heat in the house, blocking the way to the house for cold air. Remember that high-quality insulation of the house, including the foundation, allows you to save from 30 to 50% Money allocated for heating.

In addition to thermal insulation functions, the foundation insulation layer plays an integral role in its waterproofing.

So, basement insulation:

  • reduces heat loss;
  • reduces "heating" expenses;
  • reduces or completely eliminates the impact on the foundation of the forces of frost heaving of the soil;
  • stabilizes the temperature inside the building;
  • prevents the formation of condensate on the inner planes of the walls;
  • plays the role of mechanical protection of waterproofing;
  • favorably affects the longevity of waterproofing and the foundation structure as a whole.

What insulation for the foundation to choose?

Planning of works on warming includes the main step - the choice of heat-insulating material. So, what is the best way to insulate the foundation of the house?

Such materials for the insulation of the foundation should:

  • not deform under ground pressure;
  • do not absorb moisture.

Today it is easy to "get lost" in all the variety of heat-shielding materials. It is clear that common insulation material - mineral wool it is not suitable here because of its “softness” when backfilled with soil and high water absorption, which reduces its thermal insulation qualities.

To insulate the foundation today, experts recommend two main methods:

  • insulation with extruded polystyrene foam;
  • spraying polyurethane foam.

These heaters differ in different values ​​of thermal insulation parameters and cost. For optimal choice their advantages and disadvantages need to be studied.

This is a modern heat-insulating material that combines the functions of heat, hydro and sound insulation. For its use, special equipment is required, with the help of which polyurethane foam is sprayed layer by layer on the surface to be insulated. The thickness of the insulation layer is 50 mm and this is with a density of polyurethane foam of 36 kg / m 3. A similar insulating effect can be achieved when using expanded polystyrene with a thickness of at least 120 mm.

There are no gaps and seams in the polyurethane foam coating, which are cold bridges and a “path” for moisture to penetrate into the foundation. When insulating with foam plastic, it is necessary to seal and seal the joints, as well as use additional mounting fasteners, which increases the time installation work and their cost.

Benefits of using polyurethane foam:

  • seamless coverage;
  • high adhesive properties;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • low vapor permeability;
  • reliability;
  • "longevity";
  • no need for additional vapor and waterproofing.

The disadvantages of such a material include the need for special equipment and the "fear" of UV radiation.

In its defense, extruded polystyrene foam can only "present" a lower cost, the significance of which reduces the complexity of installation and lower thermal insulation properties.

Plates made of extruded polystyrene foam, due to their cellular-closed structure, practically do not absorb and, of course, do not let water through. And this means that the moisture in the plates will not destroy them when freezing. Therefore, extruded polystyrene foam is characterized by a long service life while maintaining its thermal insulation characteristics.

Note! To the question: “How to insulate the foundation with foam?”, We offer the following answer ...

The use of ordinary foam for insulation of the foundation can lead to the fact that after several cycles of seasonal "freezing - warming up" of the foundation, the insulation layer will crumble into a pile of balls. This will happen due to moisture, which is easily absorbed by ordinary polystyrene foam.

Vertical thermal insulation of civil and industrial facilities it is carried out with plates of extruded polystyrene foam with a strength (in compression) of 250 kPa or more, private buildings allow the use of expanded polystyrene with a strength of up to 200 kPa. For floor coverings, it is necessary to choose slabs with a strength of 500 kPa or more.

Such "strength" characteristics of extruded polystyrene foam favorably affect the integrity of the foundation waterproofing and are its integral element, ensuring the normal long-term existence of the foundation.

Among thermal insulation materials from extruded polystyrene foam there are plates with milled grooves. In collaboration with the geotextile fabric, this material perfectly performs the function of wall drainage, insulating the foundation, protecting the waterproofing and diverting water from the foundation into the drainage system.

Advantages of insulation with extruded polystyrene foam:

  • long service life (at least 40 years);
  • high compressive strength;
  • constancy of thermal insulation properties during operation;
  • "inedible" for rodents.

Warming of the foundation with expanded clay

Until recently, this was the most popular way to insulate the foundation from the outside. It was supplanted by the relative "cheapness" and high efficiency, the methods discussed above how to insulate the foundation from the outside.

How to insulate the foundation of the house with polystyrene foam from the outside

Proper and effective insulation of the foundation from the outside in the areas of soil freezing involves the installation of heat-insulating plates to the freezing depth. Insulation of the foundation (walls) below the level of soil freezing is not so effective and is often not performed.

The corner zones of the building require "reinforced" thermal insulation. Therefore, at a distance of 1.5 m from the corner, the thickness of the expanded polystyrene plates or the polyurethane foam layer increases by 1.5 times.

It is also necessary to carry out soil insulation around the perimeter of the building. An insulating layer of extruded polystyrene foam is located under the blind area structure. Its main purpose is to reduce the depth and degree of soil freezing along the walls, as well as to keep the freezing boundary in a layer of non-rocky soil (sand, gravel, etc.)

The laying angle of extruded polystyrene foam boards should be at least 2%, and the width of the blind area should correspond to the depth of soil freezing in this region. Optimal Thickness slabs corresponds to the thickness of the vertical layer of foundation insulation.

Before insulating the foundation of the house from the outside, the surface of the walls must be leveled and waterproofed.

Plates of extruded polystyrene foam during installation create an airtight shell of the foundation. Therefore, the use of mechanical fasteners for their fixation is unacceptable due to point depressurization of the insulation layer.

Fixation of heat insulator plates is carried out by applying to them adhesive composition or by the method of "melting" the layer bituminous waterproofing at 5 or 6 points, to which the expanded polystyrene plate is then pressed and held for some time until it hardens.

Installation of plates begins from the bottom, the rows are joined end-to-end. The thickness of the plates must be the same. Vertical seams adjacent to each other should be offset relative to each other (checkerboard order).

Attention! The use of torn-off plates for re-assembly is not allowed, as well as the displacement of the plates after the bitumen or adhesive mortar has cured.

Joints between plates with a thickness of more than 5 mm are filled mounting foam, it is more convenient to use plates with a stepped edge. Its gluing will ensure the tightness of the heat-insulating layer and additional waterproofing of the foundation.

The adhesive is selected based on the material of the waterproofing layer. Use of rolled or mastic waterproofing materials bitumen-based defines the use of bituminous mastics that do not contain aggressive ingredients for expanded polystyrene as an adhesive composition.

Attention! Before insulating the foundation from the outside, it is necessary to wait for the bituminous waterproofing to dry completely (5-7 days). Do not install extruded polystyrene foam boards on a dry bituminous waterproofing base, as the boards can “part” and break the waterproofing. Also, bituminous waterproofing may contain solvent particles, which, in a “dry” form, can harm expanded polystyrene boards.

Glue on the slabs located below ground level is applied with several points. This will allow moisture condensed between the surface of the insulation and the foundation wall to flow down unhindered.

The use of fixing dowels in conjunction with the adhesive composition of polymer cement adhesives is necessarily applicable to expanded polystyrene boards located above the ground level at the rate of at least 4 pcs. on one plate. The plates located in the ground are attached only to the adhesive composition and are pressed against a layer of soil.

Features of the installation of thermal insulation made of polyurethane foam

The insulation of the foundation with polyurethane foam is carried out in this way. Let's watch the video...

How to insulate the base plate?

Deciding how to insulate the foundation from the outside, for more effective insulation gender or basement care should be taken to insulate the foundation slab.

In this case, the insulation boards are laid on a waterproofing layer.

Further, in the case of using knitted reinforcement for pouring the power floor, it will be enough to cover the heat insulator layer plastic wrap with an overlap of 100-150 mm and gluing with double-sided tape.

When using a welded reinforcement structure on top of the film, it is necessary to make a protective screed of concrete or cement-sand mortar, and already on top of it to perform welding work.

Foundation insulation

Builders claim that 20% of heat loss is produced through the foundation. Modern technologies reduce the likelihood of this negative factor to a minimum.

Warming is done through additional materials that are attached to the plinth. When choosing them, it is necessary to take into account not only the price. They play an important role operational properties, installation method, service life and others.

The need to insulate the basement from the outside will save comfortable conditions not only indoors, but also in the basement. Thanks to this, it will be possible to store all vegetables and fruits in it for a long period of time. Before starting all the actions, it is necessary to study the features of the thermal insulation of the house. The right approach will save on heating, because the resources will not go into the soil.

basement insulation

At the first stage, a person must find out how to insulate the basement of the building.

It is allowed to opt for materials that fully meet the following requirements:

  • do not conduct heat inside their surface;
  • do not absorb moisture;
  • when compressed, they are characterized by high strength;
  • the surface is not a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms.

Additionally, it should be noted that the process of warming the basement of a private house should create optimal conditions over a long period of time. Environmental safety plays an important role.

It is necessary to insulate the foundation and the plinth from the inside and outside. The choice of option directly depends on climatic conditions and the material from which the walls and foundation are made.

Warming outside

Keeping the heat in the room should be taken care of even before the onset of cold weather. To do this, you should insulate the house from the outside with your own hands. Sufficient attention must be paid to the choice of material. It can be in the form of a plate or polymer-based. Before buying, you should consider the advantages, disadvantages and method of installation.

Basement insulation with extruded polystyrene foam

When choosing a material, you should focus on its main properties. Basement insulation allows you to create comfortable conditions for human life in the cold season.

This material has a number of advantages:

  • does not accumulate heat in its surface;
  • simple installation (convenient cutting, light weight);
  • acceptable price;
  • high density, which allows you to withstand mechanical stress;
  • the material withstands sudden changes in temperature and does not lose its properties;
  • will last at least 25 years.

Extruded polystyrene foam loses its flexural strength and can be damaged by rodents. accumulation of moisture in top layer causes cracking of the material.

Basement insulation with foam plastic is cheap and is rarely used today.

The main stages of installation:

  • Measuring the area of ​​the plinth and cutting the extruded polystyrene foam board. In parallel, the same amount of reinforcing mesh should be made.
  • Gluing sheets with an overlap of 10 centimeters.
  • Installation of additional fasteners by means of a dowel, nail or self-tapping screw.
  • The seams are blown with mounting foam. After it dries, the remnants of the substance are removed.
  • The insulation of the basement with expanded polystyrene ends with the elimination of reinforcement defects.

Expanded polyurethane foam

If you are thinking about how to insulate the basement of a house quickly and efficiently, then you should pay attention to this material.

It has the following advantages:

  • fast installation;
  • light weight;
  • high inertness and strength of the coating;
  • monolithic thermal insulation;
  • long term services;
  • high adhesion;
  • the material does not burn and does not become moldy;
  • comfort and versatility.

Among the shortcomings, it should be noted the presence of a negative reaction to ultraviolet radiation. Special equipment must be used during the installation process. It makes it possible to distribute polyurethane over the surface of the plinth.

It will be high only if the material covers the foundation without gaps. In addition, it should be noted that there is no need for preparatory work.

Mineral wool

- this is a heater for the base, which is sold in rolls or mats. Bars are used for fastening. They must be pre-treated with an anti-rotting compound.

Installation of insulation on the base is carried out using dowels:

  • Installation wooden crate 2 cm smaller than the size of the material. The cladding is fixed special mounts or brackets. For improvement decorative properties siding or lining is placed on top.
  • Applying plaster is possible only on the reinforcing mesh. In this case, finishing in the future is possible with the help of tiles or clinker.

Expanded clay insulation

If we insulate the basement, then we should pay attention to the advantages of expanded clay:

  • well resists bad weather conditions;
  • does not rot and does not freeze;
  • does not serve as a favorable environment for the development of rodents;
  • simple installation and the possibility of deep location of the material.

If it is made with expanded clay, then you will additionally need to install a thick partition.

When carrying out installation work, you need to be prepared for material overruns:

  • formation of a trench with a foundation 1 m wide;
  • flooring made of roofing material coated with bitumen;
  • filling the ditch with expanded clay;
  • additional protection with roofing felt and sand;
  • installation on the plinth of the crate of the boards, which will be covered with clay on top.

Insulation with thermal panels

You can close the bottom of the house with the help of thermal panels. They create an excellent thermal insulation layer. Thanks to this, the indoor climate will be optimal. It will be possible to minimize the likelihood of cold air entering from outside. Finishing can be done with any building materials that completely suit the owner of the house.

Before performing the installation, you should find out how to properly insulate the basement of the house from the outside with thermal panels:

  • Creation of a framework of panels - a side.
  • Panel installation. The process is carried out quickly due to the groove fastening system.
  • Additional fixation with self-tapping screws.
  • Stitching and grouting.

Insulation with warm plaster

The basement is insulated and finished with special adhesive mixtures. They are known in construction under the name. They include sawdust, vermiculite or polystyrene foam.

The material has the following advantages:

  • Monolithic thermal insulation.
  • Ease and speed of installation. Installation of reinforcing mesh is completely optional.
  • Acceptable cost.

If you plan to sheathe the base with plaster, then its disadvantages should also be taken into account:

  • Ability to absorb moisture.
  • The layer cannot exceed 5 cm.
  • Plaster cannot be used as a finishing material.

Socle insulation with soil

There is a large number of tips for insulating each part of the building. But, all builders agree that sand or soil can be used as a temporary option. The method involves filling the base with a large part of the soil.

In this case, it is not possible to achieve minimum loss heat. Required amount soil can be obtained only if assistants are involved in the task. One person can't handle it. The basement also contains ventilation ducts, which in the process of arrangement will need to be brought out.

Warming from the inside

Modern technologies allow a person to choose the most suitable option basement insulation between internal or external. The first option will protect the room from low temperatures. However, in the absence of the outer part of the insulation, condensation may accumulate on the wall.

Against this background, the ability of the coating to protect a person from the cold decreases. Installation must be carried out in accordance with all norms and rules. Thanks to this, it will be possible to prevent freezing, cracking, deformation and crumbling.

Styrofoam and expanded polystyrene

It is most profitable and most reliable to insulate houses from the outside with polystyrene foam, but this possibility does not always exist. In some cases, it can only be fixed on the inside of the walls.

Insulation with foam boards has the following advantages:

  • noise reduction;
  • low degree of passage of steam;
  • the surface does not deteriorate under the influence of chemicals;
  • environmentally friendly and fireproof material.

Foam insulation has only one drawback - a high degree of fragility.

Installation is carried out in a similar way with the external version. You should first analyze all the pros and cons.

Mineral wool

The material can be used to insulate the basement and is characterized by the following positive qualities:

  • retains its shape at any temperature;
  • counteracts chemicals;
  • simple installation process;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • saving;
  • material does not burn.

Among the disadvantages, attention should be paid to the need to use a layer for hydro and vapor barrier. If mineral wool was made on the basis of glass, then dust will accumulate in its surface.

Installation is carried out by applying an adhesive composition to the insulation and the surface. Thus, it is also possible to insulate the blind areas around the house. Sheets should be placed evenly and joints should be avoided.

For additional fixation of the coating, it is allowed to screw a bar over the layer of mineral wool. In addition, it acts as a pad for softening. A couple of days after drying, it is recommended to screw the insulation layer with dowels or self-tapping screws.

polyurethane foam

This material has long been used in the case when it is necessary to decide how to close the basement of a house on screw piles. Also, using a similar technology, it can be used to insulate the foundation from the inside.

Work does not require costs a large number time and effort. For their implementation, special equipment must be available. Thanks to this insulation, it will be possible to protect the base not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Insulated plinth finish

The basement is an integral part of any building. After carrying out the insulation work, you should proceed to the cladding. In any hardware store man can find it decorative plaster. There is also a wide range of other materials.

decorative plaster

A person may be faced with the question of how to create protection and sew up houses on stilts in order to reduce heat loss. It is best to finish the plinth with plaster.

The material is durable, but this is far from its only advantage:

  • installation directly on the heater;
  • you can cook yourself;
  • a hardware store sells a lot ready-made options products;
  • does not interfere with air circulation;
  • acceptable cost.

Among the shortcomings, it should be noted a shorter service life than other materials. The plaster absorbs moisture, so it cracks at low temperatures.


Additional fixation of the insulation layer can be achieved with bricks. Only the cladding is done only as a decoration. Masonry can be ordinary or tied up in a multi-row system. All jobs require special skills. Otherwise good result Not sure it's going to happen. It is important to correctly overlay the corner and window sill areas. With the help of a brick, an excellent result is achieved according to external criteria.

Basement siding

The choice of proper insulation directly depends on the weather conditions of the region. Siding reduces heat loss, so it is often used when carrying out facing work. The material is lightweight and flexible. In any hardware store you can find a wide range of products of this group.

Tiles, porcelain tiles

This material is used for reliable protection walls of the house from the negative impact of the external environment. Porcelain stoneware, ceramic tiles are a popular option that is used to refine the basement. It is important to properly process each node, because it is through such an element that heat can be lost.

On the tile, you should stop your choice, because it has a number of advantages:

  • a wide range of colors and textures;
  • color does not change under the influence of sunlight;
  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • will not be damaged by open fire.

We should not forget that subsequently drilling the tile can be very difficult. It weighs a lot, so it is not convenient for transportation. Porcelain stoneware has a high cost, so not everyone can afford it.

Artificial, natural stone

This material is environmentally friendly. It perfectly resists moisture and is not subject to pollution. If it is necessary to close the foundations with a pile or screw piles, That a natural stone fits perfectly.

This design has the longest service life. The region of residence plays an important role. The climate can lead to occasional salt seepage. If there is such a risk, then it is better to give preference to another material.


Properly selected basement insulation will create optimal conditions not only in residential premises, but also in the basement. The choice of material directly depends on the financial capabilities of the person and the region of residence. With a detailed analysis of these criteria, you can choose the best option for a particular case.

Insulation of the foundation from the outside - necessary work to ensure the safety of heat in the room, protection from moisture, saving energy.

The best solution is to carry out all the manipulations during the construction of the building, but the plan can be carried out after the construction of the building is completed.

For each individual case, its most convenient algorithm has been developed, according to which the foundation of a private house should be insulated from the outside, and materials have been selected to achieve the highest quality and most effective insulation of the foundation.

Variety of materials for thermal insulation

Insulation of the foundation basement from the outside is performed:

Each of the listed materials is ideal for arranging high-quality insulation of the foundation of the house from the outside.

In all cases, it should be remembered that the thermal insulation of the foundation is not necessary in order to increase the flow warm air penetrating into the room. Every effort should be made to prevent the penetration of cold into the building.

The insulation must be moisture resistant

If you want to avoid material costs and save as much as possible on arranging a warm foundation for the house, many owners of private buildings carry out all the work using the land. The method of backfilling allows you to achieve a positive result, but modern materials provide a guarantee that a reliable and high-quality warm foundation will be created.

When deciding how to insulate the foundation, you must first choose the method of performing the work, because the heat-insulating material can be fixed outside the building or on inner surface grounds.

Depending on which insulation was chosen and on the method of insulation, the materials for insulation of the foundation are selected, which are necessary to achieve the goal.

You can buy everything you need, knowing how to properly insulate the foundation of a residential building in order to provide the owners with comfortable living conditions. The materials used should not be deformed under the influence of aggressive environments, pass moisture. They must be different long term operation, resistance to temperature extremes, low weight, strength and high density.

Given all the requirements, experts recommend using as a heater:

  • penoplex;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • sprayed polyurethane foam.

Before you insulate the foundation of the house from the outside with your own hands, it is necessary, in strict accordance with all the requirements, to prepare the surface of the base, on which the heat-insulating material will later be fixed.

For spraying polyurethane foam, you will have to invite professionals with equipment

Spraying polyurethane foam requires the participation of craftsmen, the use of special equipment, in addition, such a coating is afraid of exposure to ultraviolet rays.

That is why the owners of suburban buildings seek to insulate the foundation of a private house with the help of penoplex, which is cheaper, but strong enough and of high quality.

It is also popular to insulate a house from the outside with polystyrene foam because it does not require the use of special fasteners. For its reliable fixation, it is enough to use an adhesive composition similar to mounting foam. This is foam cement.

Execution of works

Knowing how to insulate the foundation from the outside, you can choose the right one suitable material and prepare the foundation.

This stage requires special attention, since the algorithm for performing work depends on the features of the constructed skeleton. In cases where we are talking about pile or columnar, then construction will be required brick wall, filling the gaps between already installed piles or pillars:

  1. You will have to dig a trench around the entire perimeter of the house, equip a sand cushion at the bottom of it, which will need to be carefully tamped.
  2. The second stage is the laying of a reinforcing mesh, on top of which a concrete base is poured.
  3. After 10 days, the concrete will gain strength and you can start laying.

Another option that is being considered when deciding how and how to make a warm foundation is to use slag or expanded clay. Having decided how to insulate the foundation of the house, you can begin to perform calculations and purchase materials.

Surface preparation begins with sealing all detected defects on the outer surface of the foundation base of an already constructed building.

For this purpose, you can use a sand-based plaster mixture, and the largest gaps can be filled with mounting foam. Primer is applied over the plaster. It should be a deep penetration compound that provides high-quality adhesion of materials. For more information about the insulation of the base, see this video:

Having made the final decision on how to insulate the foundation from the outside, you need to take care of arranging high-quality waterproofing. To process the foundation from the outside, coating materials such as bitumen mastic are needed.

Outside, the foundation is insulated in two layers

Now it's time to attach the first layer of polystyrene foam. It is necessary to apply an adhesive composition on it and press it firmly against the surface that we insulate.

All seams and joints are foamed and after the foam has hardened, it is cut off and covers the entire glued area. reinforcing mesh to create the second layer of plaster.

To insulate the foundation from the outside, two layers of polystyrene foam are required. The final decoration will be:

  • plates;
  • panels;
  • plaster and paint;
  • tile.

Before choosing the best way to insulate the foundation of a built house, you need to decide how and how to insulate the area under it. To do this, you should know how to insulate the foundation, given that a lot depends on the quality of the floor. The penetration of cold air is possible from the underground or basement. Treatment of old floors, during which it is good to use modern insulating materials. For more information about the stages of work, see this video:

Considering various methods and options for warming the foundation, you can be sure that this process is not as simple as it might seem.

Failure to comply with the nuances technological process causes a violation of the microclimate in the room, heat loss, unjustified energy costs.

However, knowing the characteristics of each will help to succeed. separate design and used for its construction building materials. For example, concrete base they insulate only from the outside, because it practically does not pass through it cold air, but the false base pile foundation requires mandatory insulation of the inner surface.

Solving the issues of thermal protection of the building in a complex, among all the options, contractors and owners most often choose the popular method of insulating the foundation of the house from the outside with polystyrene foam. There are other technologies, but unlike wall insulation, not all “usual” heat-insulating materials are used here - the features of operating conditions and a wider range of tasks impose certain restrictions. Since the foundation has not only an underground part, sometimes it is necessary to use a combination of several technologies. How and with what to close the foundation from the outside in order to reduce heat loss, we will consider in this article.

A warm house is the care of the owners Source vikonda.zp.ua

Why insulate the foundation

Thermal losses of the building through the foundation are small - from 5% to 15%. Its position and features of the "physics" of heat transfer affect.

About 15% of losses remain on the foundation and floor, but how much this is in absolute terms depends only on the owner of the house. Source ps-b.ru

There are only three ways to transfer thermal energy: radiation, convection (for gas and liquid media) and heat conduction.

Radiation is clearly not "about the foundation", but about the devices of the heating system. They have a higher temperature than the air and surrounding objects and serve as sources, not "sinks". But the walls of a heated room in the cold season radiate energy into the street in the infrared spectrum. To see this background, just look at them in the thermal imager. It is especially bright in non-insulated areas and "cold bridges".

It's so easy to see how heat escapes through uninsulated walls. Source rte-france.com

Natural convection is characterized by an upward flow of warm air and a downward flow of cold air. Of course, the temperature of the foundation cannot affect this process. Here it is important to insulate the roof and ceiling so that they do not quickly "cool" the warm air.

Of the above three ways of transferring thermal energy, it is “due to” the thermal conductivity of structural materials that a cold foundation affects heat loss and the cost of heating a house. And the thermal conductivity of reinforced concrete, from which the foundation is usually made, is quite high, so its low temperature is transferred to the walls and load-bearing partitions.

The air in the room cools due to the building envelope, which gives off heat to the environment. For the underground part of the foundation - this is soil, for the basement and walls - air. Insulation of the foundation reduces these losses.

Video description

Details about the heat loss of the building and the goals of insulation of the foundation are described in the video material.

But there is also another function of the thermal insulation of the foundation of the house - an increase in the service life of the base. Building materials have such a criterion as frost resistance. Its numerical expression means how many freezing cycles (in the condition of saturation with water) must pass before signs of destruction appear. Therefore, for regions with cold and long winters, insulation and waterproofing of the foundation is a prerequisite for ensuring the strength and durability of the structure.

Technologies and materials

There are only two types of foundation that are subject to insulation: slab and tape. For columnar and pile foundations, we can only talk about the thermal insulation of the floor of the first floor and the fence (basement) - a kind of screen that protects the underground. And directly piles and pillars are not insulated.


The technology of warming the foundation of the slab is no different from the thermal insulation of concrete floors on the ground:

    solid foundation of compacted soil;

    geomembrane as protection against capillary rise ground water;

    crushed stone-sand cushion to improve the bearing capacity of the soil and the correct distribution of the load;

    roll waterproofing;

    sheet insulation (polystyrene foam or EPS);

EPPS - best material for warming the foundation of the slab Source rmnt.ru

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer foundation design and repair services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

The Swedes have slightly improved the technology and already at the stage of pouring the foundations they mount a "warm floor" in the slab. We often do it the old fashioned way - in a screed or under the finish flooring. The Scandinavians are “boring” people and already know in advance where they will have not only partitions, but also how the furniture will stand (one of the conditions correct operation"warm floor"). Our people have a different character - they are not like furniture, but also internal walls often moved from place to place.

Strip foundation

The insulation of this type of base has more wide choose materials and technologies:

    fixed formwork;

    fastening sheets of foam or extruded polystyrene foam;

    spraying liquid polyurethane foam;

    expanded clay backfill.

Among the insulation for the foundation, only one popular heat-insulating material is missing - mineral wool. When saturated with water, any kind of it loses its thermal insulation properties. And although it not only easily absorbs, but also easily releases moisture, it is impossible to create conditions for its weathering for the foundation.

Places of insulation of the foundation Source anticafe-sandbox.ru

Strip foundation insulation technologies

Each type of insulation has its own characteristics that dictate how it is used.

This is the only method of insulation that is possible only at the stage of construction of a monolithic strip foundation. In fact, this technology can be called "two in one", when the formwork of heat-insulating materials remains as part of the structure after construction is completed. Moreover, fixed formwork solves two problems - how to insulate the foundation of the house from the outside and from the inside.

Structurally, there are two types: block and panel. When pouring the strip foundation, shields are used. The blocks have walls and transverse wide lintels, which reduces the strength of the reinforced concrete base.

Ready-made kits have a set of polymer jumpers that can be used to adjust the width of the foundation Source visualizepicture.com

Such formwork is made from different materials, but most often they insulate the foundation of the house from the outside with polystyrene foam (regular or extruded).

In addition to the "clean" technology, there is a combined one, when the plates are not "connected" to each other, but are attached to a removable formwork.

Removable and fixed formwork- this is increased strength with large volumes of concreting Source pobudova.in.ua

After they backfill the sinuses near the underground part of the foundation, they prepare a “trough” for the blind area from the compacted soil. And then according to the standard scheme: crushed stone, sand, waterproofing film, insulation (expanded polystyrene or XPS boards), formwork, reinforcement and concrete pouring. Can be used instead of concrete paving slabs or gravel, but blind area insulation, as part general works- Necessarily.

Insulation of the blind area will reduce the effect of heaving of the soil on the foundation Source decorexpro.com

Unlike the previous method, an already existing foundation is insulated. Therefore, there is only external insulation. Work is carried out both during construction and during the reconstruction or repair of a house.

Warming during the construction of a house is much easier than during reconstruction

Most complex work have to be carried out during the repair. Before insulating the foundation of the house from the outside, it is necessary to dig out and clean the tape from the soil up to the heel. Then the steps go in the following sequence:

  • Waterproofing is performed - first, a bituminous primer is applied, then strips of rolled materials are glued (soldered) from the bottom up with overlapping seams.
Note. It is better not to use bituminous mastics in tandem with sheet insulation- they are "fluid" and do not provide reliable fastening of the plates to the adhesive solution.

    A cement-based adhesive is prepared, with its help the plates are fixed to the foundation. In the above-ground part, additional fixation with dowels is not necessary - only on the base. Direct fastening of plates using mechanical fasteners without an adhesive solution is unacceptable - the adhesive also serves as a “gasket” between polystyrene foam and bitumen, which is an aggressive medium for the polymer.

    After backfilling and making blind areas, perform finishing plinth: apply a layer of adhesive mortar, reinforce with fiberglass mesh and plaster or tile.

Video description

With the features of the technology of insulation with polystyrene foam can be found in the video:

Insulation with sprayed polyurethane foam

Among all polymeric heaters, sprayed polyurethane foam is the most expensive type. Its advantage is that the thermal insulation layer has no seams, and the foamed polyurethane has very good adhesion to all types of building materials.

The application of PPU on a surface cleaned of dirt is very fast. There are two types of materials: two-component and one-component.

In the first case, you need professional equipment, whose work consists in supplying both components under pressure to the working head, where they are mixed and foamed.

One-component polyurethane foam is produced in liter aerosol cans, and even an unprepared beginner can handle them correctly. But this technology is good for a small front of work, or when you need to apply a small layer up to 2 cm thick.

PPU spraying is similar to painting with an airbrush, so it is better to close the cladding of the house. Source ppuspb.ru

If the soils are dry, the level of the top water is low and competent drainage work has been carried out, then the waterproofing of the foundation and the plinth can be omitted - there are no seams, and the water absorption of the cured polyurethane foam is small (no more than 2%). When finishing the basement with plaster, reinforcement is not necessary - there are no joints, like foam plates, and, therefore, there are no prerequisites for cracks to occur.

In addition to the price, PPU has another small drawback, which is a consequence of its dignity - good adhesion. When carrying out basement insulation work, it is necessary to protect walls that already have a finish (or do not require it) - this is easier than peeling off hardened foam.

IN Lately for the insulation of the foundation, this bulk material is rarely used. Two factors limit its use: rather high water absorption and thermal conductivity compared to polymeric heaters.

The thickness of bulk thermal insulation can reach 60 cm Source obustroeno.com

The first indicator lies in the range of 8-20% of the volume. Moreover, such water absorption is typical for "fresh" expanded clay - over time it becomes even higher. For comparison, in ordinary foam it is no more than 4%. Therefore, it is necessary to waterproof both the foundation and the entire layer of insulation.

It is impossible to ensure complete “tightness” of expanded clay, and it will take a long time to dry underground, wrapped in a film - its use is not recommended in conditions of high seasonal groundwater rise.

Thermal conductivity also does not meet modern requirements for the thermal protection of buildings - 0.07–0.18 (W / m * ° C) versus 0.02–0.04 for PPU, 0.03–0.04 for PPS / EPS. Therefore, the recommended thickness of bulk thermal insulation for our mid-latitudes lies in the range of 40–60 cm.

The wiring diagram looks like this:

    dig a trench of the estimated width (or clear the sinus of the pit) to the heel of the foundation;

    a waterproofing film is laid over the entire area of ​​the trench - foundation-bottom-wall;

    fall asleep and level expanded clay;

    cover with a film on top;

    pour a layer of sand;

    make a blind area.

Typical scheme for warming the foundation with expanded clay Source sevparitet.ru

The advantage of expanded clay is environmental friendliness and low price. Although, taking into account waterproofing and a large amount of materials, the cost of work in the end will not be so low. In addition, the base will have to be insulated using one of the above methods.


The choice of a specific material and how to insulate the foundation of a house from the outside depends on many conditions - construction or repair, dry or wet soils, the depth of freezing and heaving, the volume and budget of work, the design and depth of the foundation. Therefore, such a task should be solved by professionals.

Insulation of the foundation is an important measure that allows not only to reduce heat loss and save on heating, but also significantly extend the life of the foundation of the house itself. Thermal insulation must be taken care of even at the construction stage, so that it is of high quality. In this case, do-it-yourself insulation is easier to do without the involvement of professionals.

Why is it necessary to insulate the foundation?

From 15 to 20% of the heat goes through the foundation. By insulating the basement separately, it is impossible to get rid of the problem. In addition, the insulation of the foundation will help get rid of the following problems:

  • destruction of the base, since materials exposed to low temperatures lose their quality characteristics faster;
  • excessively cold floors of the lower floor;
  • dampness in the basement, which contributes to the development of fungus and mold, which further spread to the walls of the house.

Reliable thermal insulation and waterproofing makes it possible not only to provide a comfortable atmosphere in the house, but also to extend its life.

Types of insulation

In order for the material to perform the function of thermal insulation to the maximum, it must meet certain criteria:

  • resistance to moisture;
  • increased density;
  • low level of thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to temperature changes.

Mineral wool, polymeric materials are used for insulation. They can be either rolled or slab, or sprayed.


Insulation of the foundation with foam

The most common option for thermal insulation are foam boards. It is quite simple to insulate houses outside with polystyrene foam. In this case, it is worth choosing the right material, since the sheets are very fragile. Therefore, preference should be given to material with increased density, at least 5 cm in thickness. This heater has an excellent price-quality ratio.

Thanks to correct form laying polystyrene foam when insulating a house with your own hands is very simple to do. This is also facilitated by the compatibility of the material with various building mixtures.

Extruded polystyrene foam

EPPS foundation thermal insulation

Compared to polystyrene, extruded polystyrene foam has higher performance properties. The material produced by extrusion is more resistant to the influence of aggressive factors.

Due to the high thermal insulation characteristics of the plate for insulation, it is possible to use a thinner thickness than polystyrene foam. For insulation, 4 cm is enough. If we talk about cold regions, then it is more expedient to use plates 6 cm thick.

Expanded clay

Schematic drawing of the insulation of the foundation with expanded clay

Expanded clay is the most common among bulk materials for warming the foundation. But now it is rarely used for thermal insulation of a private residential building. This is due to the characteristics of the heater. But in certain cases, the use of expanded clay allows you to avoid excessive spending. This is especially true country houses and dachas.

Despite significant shortcomings, the use of expanded clay in the insulation of the foundation is not neglected, but it is used as an additional layer for thermal insulation.

polyurethane foam

Thermal insulation with polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is quite effective in insulating the foundation. It is presented on the market in the form of plates, as well as a composition for spraying. Application this material allows you to achieve an excellent effect of thermal insulation, but the work itself is complicated due to the peculiarities of the structure and installation technology.

Today, it is much easier to make basement insulation with polyurethane foam, since special disposable kits for installing insulation are on the market.

Which insulation is more effective?

Each of these heaters has its pros and cons. At the same time, they are all used for thermal insulation of the foundation. When choosing a heater, you must consider:

  • region temperature;
  • soil features;
  • foundation type;
  • required insulation thickness.

According to statistics, the most common when insulating the foundation are slab and sprayed materials, but bulk expanded clay and mineral wool insulation are less popular.

Foundation thermal insulation technology

Scheme of insulation of the foundation of a private house outside

It is possible to produce full-fledged thermal insulation only in cases with strip and slab foundations. If we talk about the columnar base, then here you should take care of the insulation of the basement itself. Thermal insulation technology will depend on the selected insulation. But there are general recommendations for work with various types foundation.

Strip foundation

Strip foundation insulation options

When insulating a base of this type, any heaters can be used, except for mineral wool, which, when wet, can lose its thermal insulation properties. When preparing a strip base for thermal insulation, it is necessary to carry out volumetric excavation. The trench must be at least 1 meter wide. As for the depth, it depends on the level of soil freezing. To speed up this process, it is better to use special equipment.

The next step is to lay a cushion of rubble and sand at the bottom of the dug trench. The walls must be cleaned and ensure they are completely dry. In this regard, all work on the thermal insulation of the strip foundation should be carried out in the warm season. If there are defects or cracks on the cleaned surface, they should be treated. The entire surface must be pre-levelled. According to the technology of warming the strip base from the outside, if the irregularities are too large, it will be necessary to use a reinforcing mesh when plastering.

Column Foundation

Scheme of insulation of a columnar foundation

The essence of the thermal insulation of a columnar foundation is to process the space between the grillage and the ground. This will require a special pickup. This is an additional structure that does not exert additional load on the building. Preparation also involves digging a trench, followed by backfilling with gravel and sand. The formed pillow is poured with a concrete mixture, having previously fixed metal frame. Next, a brick layer is laid. At this stage, it is necessary to take care of the products that will provide ventilation. Instead of a brick layer, you can use a wooden frame or a metal profile. If a timber is chosen for work, then care should be taken to treat it with an antiseptic and dry it.

After completion of the preparatory procedures, the insulation is installed, on top of which a decorative finish is performed. It could be plaster decorative rock Or just plain paint.

slab foundation

Thermal insulation scheme slab foundation

Insulation of a monolithic foundation is carried out at the stage of building a house. To do this, a mixture of crushed stone and sand is first poured into the pit prepared for the base and carefully compacted. The density of the insulation installation will depend on how evenly the sand cushion lies. After that, the installation of the film takes place, on which the insulation boards are laid. It is necessary to monitor the correct joining of individual elements.

Along the perimeter of the slab foundation, it is necessary to mount the formwork with a frame of metal rods. poured over the structure concrete mix. Then a blind area is constructed, which is leveled with sand. Next, the plates are laid, which should be covered with waterproofing material.

Features of insulation with different materials

Each of the thermal insulation materials has its own installation features. Some heaters do not require preliminary waterproofing, for laying others, additional procedures will be required.

Warming with mastics

As a separate option for thermal insulation, mastic is not used, but the use of this material allows you to seal the joints of plates, cracks, which eliminates additional heat leakage. Further vapor and waterproofing with the help of rolled material enhances the thermal insulation effect.

Waterproofing and insulation of the foundation with mastic

How to insulate the foundation of the house with polystyrene foam from the outside

Insulation of the foundation with polystyrene foam is possible with a ready-made base. This allows for thermal insulation during the reconstruction or repair of the building. After preparing the trench and cleaning all surfaces, the following series of works must be performed:

Provide waterproofing. This can be done with a bituminous primer. Its main difference from mastic is its viscosity, which is why when working with sheet materials It's better to use a primer.

After preparing the surface, expanded polystyrene plates are attached to it. This must be done with concrete-based glue. This is a prerequisite, since bituminous mixtures have an adverse effect on the insulation boards. Additional fasteners from dowels are optional. They should only be used on the plinth.

Having fixed the plates, it is necessary to provide backfilling, make a blind area and only after that make a decorative finish.

Features of the installation of thermal insulation made of polyurethane foam

This material can be applied in two ways: pouring and spraying. When insulating the foundation, use the second option. A one-component solution is sold in special cylinders, with the help of which spraying occurs. When using two-component polyurethane foam, mix the components in special installation. Then, under pressure, the mixture is applied to the surface.

Thermal insulation of the foundation of the house with polyurethane foam

A feature of this material is that when working with it in most cases there is no need to provide waterproofing. In addition, before decorative trim no need for reinforcement.

Foundation insulation with mineral wool

Mineral wool in rolls is not suitable for foundation insulation. Can be used for thermal insulation mineral wool boards with the best performance features. They are glued to the prepared surface using bituminous mastic. To provide greater thermal insulation, an additional layer of bituminous mastic should be poured over the backfill. This will also help improve the moisture resistance of mineral wool insulation.

Insulation of the foundation with foam

Insulation sheets are attached to a cleaned and leveled surface, on which bituminous mastic was previously applied for waterproofing. Fastening occurs with the help of glue, which contains cement. The lower part of the sheets does not need to be additionally fixed, since it will be pressed by the ground, but it is important to fix the upper part with dowel-nails. This process should be carried out after the adhesive composition has completely dried. To protect the surface of the insulation from damage, it is important to plaster using a reinforcing mesh.

Insulation of the foundation with foam

Insulation of the foundation in the backfill method

The technology of warming the foundation with bulk material is very simple. The prepared trench is processed bituminous mastic to provide waterproofing. Also at high level groundwater will require additional drainage. After that, a film is laid on which the insulation is poured. The final stage is the manufacture of a blind area, on top of which a decorative finish is performed.

Foundation waterproofing drainage system(by filling method)

Water drainage from the basement

Drainage will ensure the removal of water, which favorably affects the service life of the insulation, the preservation of its thermal insulation characteristics, as well as, in general, the duration of operation of the foundation itself. Before styling drainage pipes it is necessary to pour a pillow of gravel. Pipes should be wrapped in geotextile to prevent clogging of the holes. Gravel is again poured from above. Through these pipes, water will flow to the drainage well.


Insulation of the foundation in combination with thermal insulation of walls, ceilings, basement can reduce heat loss by 80%, which will help maintain a comfortable atmosphere in the room, as well as significantly save on heating.