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How to create remote access. Remote access to PC. How to make a changeable IP address permanent

There are often situations when it becomes necessary to gain access to a remote computer - to its desktop. Most often this happens when you need to help one of your relatives or friends in mastering all sorts of computer tricks. For example, your mother calls you and says: “Listen, why is there some kind of scary message on my computer that I can’t read? They ask you to press some button - should I press it?” In this case, of course, it’s best for you to see with your own eyes what exactly is asked there and what buttons are offered to choose from, otherwise you never know... In addition, remote access can be very useful when you need to install or configure some software. Yes, and sometimes you need access to your computer from a distance - all sorts of cases happen. How and with what help is this all done? In the Windows operating system, remote access can be accomplished using the system itself. Open "Control Panel - System - Remote Access". There you need to enable the option to allow Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop connections.

Remote access settings in Windows 7

If Windows 7 is installed on your and the remote computer, then among the remote desktop options, select the third option - connect to a remote desktop with network level authentication. If you plan to connect to Windows XP, then you need to select the second option.

Enable Remote Assistance in Windows XP

Windows 7 supports two different modes:

    connecting a remote assistant; remote desktop control.
Remote Assistance works in all versions of Windows from XP to Windows 7. At the same time, you will see your subscriber’s desktop and will be able to exchange messages with him in chat (you never know, maybe you don’t have the opportunity to talk to him on the phone at the same time), and he can give you access to control your computer: you will be able to use your mouse and keyboard to perform various actions on his computer. Remote desktop control is only supported in Windows 7, except for the Starter, Home Basic or Home Premium versions. With remote control, your subscriber will see the lock screen, and you will be able to log into his computer as a specific user and work in the same way as if you were sitting at this computer. Connecting Remote Assistance On both computers, run Windows Remote Assistance. On the computer you're calling, click "Invite someone you trust to help." Then there are three options: save the invitation as a file, send an invitation by email, or use Easy Connect.

Type of invitation

The first option is to create a special invitation file, after which it must be somehow transferred to the subscriber - for example, through a messenger. The second option is practically the same, only this file is sent to the subscriber via email. Third option, which may not be available, is sending an invitation through a special Easy Connect service. After you select any of the options, a password will appear on your screen, which your subscriber will have to enter to access your computer.


If the subscriber has received an invitation file, he must launch it - a password request will appear. When using Easy Connect it will have this prompt without any files. After entering the password, the computers will try to establish a connection and, if everything works, you will be asked to confirm the connection of the remote assistant. After confirmation, your desktop will appear on the subscriber’s computer.

Remote Desktop

There is a "Request Control" option in the caller's Remote Assistance window. If he clicks it, you will be asked to allow Remote Assistance to control your desktop. Once confirmed, Remote Assistance will be able to perform actions on your computer. It must be said that not in all cases it is possible to set the remote assistant connection mode. This connection can be blocked by firewalls (aka firewalls, also known as firewalls), complex security tools (for example, Kaspersky Internet Security). For Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, the router (router) must support UPnP network technology. Also, the home networks of both computers in Windows Vista or Windows 7 must be in "Home Network" or "Enterprise Network" mode, but not "Public Network".

Network settings

Remote desktop control Launch the Remote Desktop Connection program. There you make the settings you need (screen parameters, sound, etc.), enter the computer name and the user name under which you should log in.

Connection settings

Click the "Connect" button, after which, if the computer is found and connection is possible, you will be asked for the user password. You can save this information so you can connect without entering a password the next time. Once the connection is established, the desktop of the remote computer will appear in front of you, on which you can work as if you were sitting right behind it. At this moment, the work session on the remote computer itself will end and the user selection screen will appear. If the user of the remote computer logs in again, your remote desktop connection session will end.

The remote computer's desktop is on top of the regular desktop

Safety For security reasons, it is recommended that you enable remote access only immediately before a scheduled session. After everything is done, the possibility of remote access (either assistant or desktop control) should be disabled. other methods There are other ways to connect remotely. There are dozens of relevant programs that implement this feature.
These programs can be both complex and advanced like RAdmin, and simple ones that require virtually no settings. Among the simple and effective ones, I can recommend the free Ammyy Admin utility (download). It is extremely simple and convenient. Download the program and run it on your and the remote computer. On the remote computer, select the “Client” tab and click the “Run” button. The program will report its identification number - ID.

Running client

On your computer, you need to open the “Operator” tab, enter the client ID there (the numbers will be remembered for the future) and click the “Connect” button.

Running statement

This will launch the remote desktop, which you can control using your mouse and keyboard.

Remote Desktop

As you can see, everything is extremely simple and clear. True, unlike the basic Windows 7 tools, remote desktop control is noticeably slower, but usually this type of access is needed in order to perform a few simple actions or even just see what’s happening on the screen, so this method can be used.

In order to connect to a remote computer via the Internet from Windows, we will resort to using the standard Windows features - "Remote Desktop Connection":

You can resort to more fine-tuned connection settings to connecting to a remote computer. To do this, click on the "Options" button:

On the first "General" tab, you can enter in the "User" field the user name under which you plan to frequently connect to the remote computer. And, thanks to the “Connection Settings” section, we have the opportunity to save the connection we created with the desired settings and use it in the future:

On the "Screen" tab, you can adjust the size remote desktop and depth color palette(if you have a weak Internet connection, do not set a higher color depth. In many cases, 256 colors are enough):

The "Local Resources" tab will allow you to transfer sound from a remote computer, use keyboard shortcuts and connect local devices (printers), as well as use the clipboard:

If you need any program to run on it, then you need to specify it in the “Programs” tab. Check the checkbox and specify the path to the program to be launched on the remote computer, as well as the working folder:

On the "Advanced" tab, you can select the connection speed, as well as disable some unnecessary functions when connecting (such as wallpaper, visual effects, etc.):

The last tab - "Connection" - will allow you to configure authentication settings and make additional connection settings when connecting through the Terminal Services Gateway, which you may need when connecting to a remote computer:

Taking advantage of the opportunity Remote Desktop Connections, you can easily connect to a remote computer or server.

Attention! For better security, you should change the standard connection port to a non-standard one, and, if necessary, allow the passage (or forwarding) of packets through these ports in the firewall.

RDP (Remote Desktop) is a remote desktop that has been built into Windows operating systems since version XP. This is a protocol that allows connect to the target computer from anywhere in the world where there is access to the Internet. Currently, RDP can also be used on MacOS and almost all mobile devices

What you need to know before use

Initially it was assumed that RDP would be used in local network. Those. in enterprises, or at home on computers connected to one router.

But now for such a connection you can use Internet, which we’ll talk about below.

To connect you need to know Device IP address, to which you need to connect. You also need to know what address is used on the computer. static or dynamic.

We are interested precisely static address. Let's look at how to set it.

There is another way - to change the address distribution settings to router. Here we need tie specific ip to the MAC address of the device. We won’t go deeper, because... if the user knows how to configure the router, then there will be no problems, but if not, then quite long setup instructions will be required.

How to set up the system

The next thing to do is allow access via RDP to the target computer. It's easy to do - let's go to Control Panel and click on the icon System.

On the left we are looking for an item Remote Access Settings

In the window that opens, you must activate elements that are shown in the screenshot below. You can also set permissions to allow certain users to use this feature.

How to connect to desktop

Often using the standard remote desktop feature does not require installation of additional components. However, Home versions of the operating system do not have such a function.

To launch the connection window in versions of Windows 8 and 10, just start typing “ remote Desktop».

On older versions you will need launch from start menu. To do this, go to point Standard and launch the connection shortcut.

If this shortcut is not in Start, you can try to find it in system folders. Open the disk C\Windows\System32 and look for the file mstsc.exe.

When the window starts, it will be enough set ip address The PC you want to connect to, then specify login And password. After a few seconds, the desktop of the remote computer will open.

By going through the bookmarks you can specify many settings such as screen resolution, launched programs, device redirection, etc.

Using RDP on MacOS

In the event that you need to connect to Windows computer with MAC, it will be necessary from App Store download the application Microsoft Remote Desktop.

After installation launch program, looking for an icon plus and click on it. In the window that opens you need create a new connection, where you will need to set ip, login, password and specify any name.

As in Windows, here you can install options screen and other settings. After all the manipulations, close the window, look for the specified name in the list and launch. If everything is configured correctly, the computer desktop will open.

Use on Android and iOS

You can also use this technology on mobile OS. Connection on Android phones and tablets, as well as iPhones and iPods, is practically no different from Windows.

We are looking for an application in google play or app store Microsoft Remote Desktop And install his.

After launch, regardless of the operating system, a window will open in which you need to enter the same data that was indicated in the previous sections. If the settings are correct, the device will connect to the PC.

Using RPD via the Internet

The principle of operation of Remote Desktop via the Internet is no different from those described above, but there are some peculiarities.

First of all, here you will no longer need interior(local), and external static ip address. In addition, you need to do port forwarding to the target computer.

Also, in the case of an external connection, specifying the ip is not enough; you will need to put it after a colon port.

It is worth noting that this method is often used in enterprises or firms, because At home, you will need to contact your provider to forward the port. Best used at home specialized programs for working with remote desktop.

Hi all! Today I will show How can you connect remotely to a computer without third-party programs?

How to connect to remote desktop

Nowadays there are so many programs for remote connection to a computer that even your eyes run wild. I'm not even talking about computers, phones are already full of them, you can do whatever you want!

But! It happens that there is no Internet at hand, for example, or the Internet is slow, even though it’s the 21st century, but this also happens!

And what is the use of a program if, for example, you need standard tools. For this case, Windows has made standard and quite convenient controls.

The controls are actually simple, but they work stably. To implement this, you must have a password on your account and make sure that the checkbox is checked Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer.

This checkbox is found if you right-click on my computer - properties (or control panel - system) - additional settings - remote control.

If the checkbox is checked, you can start managing the computer!

Go to start - all programs - standard - Connect to remote desktop

Or in the command execute type mstsc and enter.

In the window that appears, enter the IP address of the computer to which you need to connect. If you don’t know your IP address, you can find out from my article. If the computer is outside the network, then use an external IP address, and if on your network, then use an internal one.

To avoid having to do the same procedures next time, you can save the connection to your desktop.

And so, enter the IP address, click connect, then agree to the certificate and when another computer appears, enter the password for the account and voila, we are connected!

This is how you can connect remotely to a computer without third-party programs!

The discussion about what the Internet is semantically - the Network or a Huge Dustbin - is not related to the main feature of this environment. We are talking about the possibility of communication between devices remote from each other. The network is divided into active data providers - servers, and passive ones - ordinary user computers (clients). The same computer can act as both a client and a server - very often this is exactly the case.

An example of client-server interaction is accessing web pages over the Internet. The server computer receives a request from a remote client user and provides him with the contents of the next page. But we are interested in a remote service of a completely different kind - the ability to connect to a desktop on another computer, i.e. how to connect to another computer via the Internet and see everything that happens on its screen.

Why might such a remote connection be needed? Well, for example, in order to help a colleague or friend in carrying out some operation that is incomprehensible to him. Many companies use such a remote connection to monitor the work of their own employees, as well as to help remote clients. In a word, there would be a connection, but we’ll figure out how to use it.

There are two ways to make such a connection possible: using tools built into Windows or using third-party programs.

Let's consider these methods in order.

Built-in Windows Toolkit

The standard method to connect to someone else's computer and desktop is to use a Windows tool called - "Remote Desktop Connection". To connect to another computer, do this:

Go to the Start menu and call the service mentioned above.

A window similar to this will open in front of us:

In the “Computer” field, enter the IP address of the remote system or its network name.

If the remote system is ready to make its desktop available to you, then in a few seconds you will see it on your screen. On the other side of the connection, remote desktop access rights must be configured for you as the client.

Sending content such as a computer screen image over the Internet is quite expensive. There is not always a need for high quality of the transmitted image. Sometimes a low screen resolution is enough. To configure this and other parameters of someone else’s desktop, you need to click on the “Options” button and assign the necessary options.

The parameters window contains several tabs and many options, which we do not have the space or opportunity to discuss in detail. Let us list them briefly so that it is clear what we are talking about. In the settings window you can adjust and specify the following things:

  • Someone else's desktop screen resolution and color quality.
  • Transferring settings from another computer, such as keyboard shortcuts, via the Internet. Other people's settings override their own for the duration of the connection.
  • A program launched when another user accesses the desktop. This refers to the program on the connected computer.
  • Many other characteristics listed on the tab "Additionally",, including a variety of visual effects.

Meet "Team Viewer".-

We will assume that you are so far from the issues being discussed that you do not know about the existence of the wonderful “Team Viewer” program. . With its help, connecting via the Internet to another system is even easier than using the tools built into Windows. The program has a rich interface and provides developers with great capabilities. For home use This program is completely free. Connecting with its help via the Internet is not limited by anything except the fantasies of its creators. If you are suspected of commercial use programs, then the connection time will be limited directly through the network.