Shower      03/03/2020

Thermal reflective window film. Heat-saving film for windows - benefits for your home! Using the "Third Glass" option

Thermal insulation of plastic windows with thermal protection of the “third glass” film itself helps reduce heat losses with this structure in extreme cold. In this article we will look at the characteristics of thermal film, consider the strengths and weak sides this material.

At the end of the article, we will present video instructions on how to independently use energy-saving foil for additional thermal insulation of plastic windows in an apartment and in a private house.

Thermal film is the latest multi-layer material, each layer of material is no larger than microns and is coated with silver or chrome alloy. The metallized layer does not violate the capacity of the window, since its thickness does not exceed a molecule.

In this case, a layer of ultra-thin metal prevents heat loss from the living room through the double-glazed window in winter.

Due to the thickness of the layer, only a few molecules have a thermal foil with refractive properties and allow the material to become effective thermal insulation for glass block.

Its unique structure reduces heat loss in winter and prevents heat flow through the window in summer, making it easier for air conditioners to operate. In the following, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of thermal film.

Benefits of using thermal film

Comments about thermal film defects:

  • The disadvantage is the ineffectiveness of the material in the spring, when the heating is already turned off, but there is not enough heat in the room;
  • Once installed, all the inner containers on the window shelf will not receive enough UV material, which will negatively affect plant growth;
  • Thermal insulation of plastic windows with heat-protective film is effective only if the manufacturer's recommendations are followed and they must be carefully studied.

Feedback about the advantages of thermal film:

  • The material prevents infrared radiation from escaping from the space while the light transmission capacity is not affected, maintaining visibility through the double glazed window;
  • Thermal window film prevents heat loss from the living room, saving you on home heating and air conditioning in the summer;
  • The advantage of film for plastic windows is the absence of a reflective effect, and the one-way visibility of the glass will save you from the gaze of passers-by.

Thermal insulation of windows with thermophiles

Before installing the “third glass” film on a plastic window, you need to prepare tools such as a typewriter, scissors and a household hair dryer.

These simple tools available in almost every home. It's easier to install together, but you can handle both the job and the job.

Thermal foil or thermal protection on windows?

For a detailed video on how to install thermal insulation film in an apartment, see the end of the article on the website.

Thermal insulation of plastic windows with your own hands

Instructions for Thermal Film "Third Glass"

  1. Start heating your attic windows from a small window.

    The surface of the frame must be treated with a degreasing compound and dried. Additionally, double-sided adhesive tape is included on the double glazing rim;

  2. The film in the package is folded in half, it must be divided and cut out. Cutting is carried out in accordance with the size of the window, taking into account the fixation of the thermal film on the tape.

    Check the dimensions of the film by attaching it to the opening of the windows you want to treat;

  3. Remove the protective tape from the tape and carefully adhere the foil to the double-sided tape. Ignore possible wrinkles, as long as the film is securely attached around the edge of the frame with double-sided tape;
  4. Hot air filter using a household or household dryer, the material will break down due to temperature.

    Thus, the thermal film will increase and become completely smooth over the entire area.

Phase installation of thermal film on a window

Thermal insulation of plastic windows with shrink film

An important advantage of this material is that it increases the strength of the glass unit - the glass does not split into small pieces, which will reduce injuries.

The film can be insulated wooden and plastic frames, the performance of the material can be compared to installing a double glazed unit. The film reduces the transfer of heat energy from the warm space to the cold near the double glazing unit.

When windows are insulated for the winter, it is best to install thermal film in October and November. It is advisable to remove it in May, increasing the daily hours.

If the film is broken after an accident, don't disturb it - you can quickly repair the gap with regular tape.

Video. How to insulate a plastic window with thermal film



Price from 95 UAH.

Heat-saving mononolic film for windows is the most effective remedy for insulating windows with film and saving heat. Thanks to the material and composition
of which it consists energy saving film for the window, the windows have a reliable heat-insulating air chamber.

A kind of closed space is formed between the cold street and warm indoor air
Its working mechanism is as follows:
Thanks to the use of nanotechnology
the film is a multilayer composite material, each layer is so thin that it is practically visible to the naked eye
each layer is covered with a protective ultra-thin layer of metal, which contains a micro layer of silver and nickel alloy
the thickness of the metal does not exceed several molecules; in winter they reflect heat back into the apartment.

Such films do not interfere with visibility and light transmission, while energy savings are achieved at a high level.

The unique structure is achieved by following a strictly regulated manufacturing process
(strict adherence to the required temperature, pressure) and the addition of various components to the material.

Prevents loss of thermal energy in winter time, keeping optimal temperature indoors.
With the help of mononolic film it is possible to insulate any type of window. Third glass.
Does not contain harmful components, environmentally safe for health.

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Energy-saving film on windows - does it help?

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What is the film and how does it work?
When is the film based?
Negative Aspects of the Movie You Should Know
Installation rules
Conclusions and questions that ultimately arise

When looking to save energy, consumers are looking for new Construction Materials, which will help save heat in a house or apartment.

A special place in this line is occupied by fire-resistant film for windows, which reduces energy consumption by 30 percent.

How useful is the use of this material, and what functions, besides saving heat, does the film have?

What is the film and how does it work?

The basis for the production of heat-saving film for windows is the polymer polyethylene terephthalate (PET).

Its thickness, which affects the effectiveness of the product, can be 80-200 microns. The film is highly elastic and can therefore increase power window glass. This means that in case of accidental impacts, glass windows do not break into pieces, they remain “attached” to the film.

But this is not the main thing in using thermal film.

It affects it with a thin layer of plasma evaporation from gold, silver or chromium and nickel and subsequent vapor deposition in an argon environment. The basis for film production is physical properties these metals, which allows filtering solar radiation. The film does not emit infrared and ultraviolet waves, but perfectly transmits visible light.

That's why the room stays bright. The fact is that infrared rays are responsible for heat transfer. The film refines them and returns them to the room, they store the heat accumulated in the room. At the same time, UV elements of the solar spectrum do not penetrate into space.

For reference.

The sun's UV rays are ionizing properties and are essential for the human body to promote the development of vitamin D. UV room air from harmful microbes involved in the process of photosynthesis in plants.

The price of energy-saving film directly depends on the degree of thermal conductivity and installation method. In fact, the film is made in rolls and can have different sizes. For standard window apartments, it is appropriate to have a three-month window to avoid confusion.

Excess can be turned off.

When is the film based?

Manufacturers of thermal insulating films for windows are recommended to use them for gluing on windows, houses, houses in the fall and winter, from October to March. During this period, it is justified to protect windows from heat leakage. The sun's rays typically enter a room with little or no heat, so reflection of the UV portion of the solar spectrum is not required. The film is completely transparent and is not colored into the windows.

Infrared (warm) rays coming from heating devices are reflected from windows to the room, they store heat.

The effectiveness of the film depends on the method of gluing the glass.

Films are available in the following forms:

  1. Thermal shrinkage. You have the ability to stretch when heated using warm air flow. Since the film is attached to double-sided adhesive tape, it plays a role additional glass, which enhances the insulating properties of the glass unit.
  2. A film glued to glass using a soap mixture.
  3. Self-adhesive film.

For reference.

The removable film is available in a variety of colors: bronze, gold, blue, silver. Therefore, it is easy to choose the interior of the room.

Negative Aspects of the Movie You Should Know

Since the film almost completely reflects UV rays, home plants, whose growth is directly dependent on the Sun, begin to suffer because of this.

In addition, the plants are not lost, it is also necessary to light them with photo lamps. This means that this problem has been resolved. Where is the energy saving? The camera should be turned on for at least 12 hours a day to ensure normal plant growth and replace smaller sunlight. They do not save even the most economical lamps.

What happens to thermal energy if the film is used in spring and autumn, when the heating is already turned off? Since the film does not allow natural penetration solar heat from the street, the humidity in the apartment will stabilize and it will be cold.

Few people know about one film - it reflects radio waves. This means that radio signals entering the indoor antenna or mobile phone are reflected by the coating of the film. And vice versa: the signal with mobile phone will be reflected back into the room.

Conclusion: cellular in buildings where the film is attached will be very poor.

Do not use greenhouse or greenhouse film because plants need full spectrum sunlight.

There is no point in bringing in a movie if there is modern windows, with high quality thick double glazed glass.

However, when replacing old windows, this will, on the contrary, be a good help. You must also consider the fact that the film needs to be changed every year.

Thermal film on windows

Advice. When purchasing a film, it is advisable to inquire about the certificate of quality, because it cannot be visually recognized.

Installation rules

Procedure of normal film bonding method:

  • windows must be thoroughly washed, degreased if necessary and wait until they dry;
  • dilute the soap solution (you can use clear shampoo or dishwashing liquid);
  • Cut the film to the size of the window;
  • Apply the soap solution to the entire surface of the glass with a household spray;
  • carefully apply the film to the glass;
  • spread the foil using a rubber roller, gradually removing excess soap solutions and large air bubbles.

Small bubbles and wrinkles are dried out as the soap dries.

Shrink film glued:

  • Prepare the glass (rinse, dry);
  • Cut the film size 2 cm larger than the glass surface;
  • We attach double-sided adhesive tape to the periphery of the window glass;
  • start gluing from the top, peeling wrinkles and wrinkles;
  • then blow the surface of the coated film with hot air using a hairdryer.

Shrink films are often used on a balcony or loggia because they act as a second or third pane of glass.

The key is to keep the cling film in place slowly. The protective layer is gradually removed and smoothed soft cloth from top to bottom. Here you also need an assistant to help tighten the protective layer.

Advice. Preferably, the window is glass at room temperature.

This will greatly facilitate and improve the installation process.

Conclusions and questions that ultimately arise

If we are aware of the shortcomings of the film, we can say that its use is justified in cases where it is necessary to save heat, but it is impossible to get the job done in the case of major heating of a building or building.

Many consumers value the quality of the film, such as protecting the space from prying eyes. At the same time, from room to street, visibility remains 100%.

Windows don't always have heavy curtains or curtains. The film fits perfectly into every interior without disturbing it.

However, the film does not radically affect energy conservation. Therefore, before you stick it on, you must decide what is more important: the effect it gives of reflecting the heat back into the room or the life-saving ultraviolet rays that the film does not leave in the apartment?

Perhaps it is worth considering other heating methods, for example, for installing thermal windows or reinforcing walls with thermal insulation materials? And if it is used in summer to protect from sunlight?

To be objective, it must be said that the properties of thermal film are improving every year. Manufacturers are trying to take into account all the nuances of their use, thereby increasing the performance of the product.

detailed information

Heat-saving film for windows - the fastest, most effective and affordable way increase the room temperature by 3...8C!
It is a well-known fact that any residential building gradually loses accumulated heat.

In particular, it is through glass that a quarter of all the heat produced by your radiators and heaters escapes.
The reason for this is the laws of physics! Have you ever noticed that a tightly closed and airtight window draws in coolness?

This may seem strange if you do not know the principles of thermal conductivity and convection, namely heat exchange in the air, which occurs due to the movement of gas flows of different temperatures.
This is exactly what happens when you supposedly feel a draft - cold air from the street cools the glass, which in turn cools the air inside the room.
What happens - the window does not seem to create drafts, since it is sealed, but still lets the cold into the room?

Not the most pleasant fact, you will agree.
We offer you the optimal solution to the problem. Namely, heat-saving film!
Everything is very simple! If the glass is cold, cut it off with a layer of transparent film!
The film is glued around the perimeter of the window frame using double-sided tape, thereby creating an additional air chamber.

Films for window insulation: application and operating instructions

Due to the transparency of the film at 97%, it is absolutely invisible on the window.
The principle of operation of the film is similar to the effect of a thermos - due to the high coefficient of resistance to thermal conductivity, the film, firstly, prevents the penetration of cold from the street into the room, and secondly, it does not generated by batteries and the heaters dissipate the heat into the street.
As a result, already 3 hours after applying the film, a significant result is felt in the room - an increase in temperature by 3...8C without additional heating, which significantly reduces energy consumption!

In houses with a large window area, savings on heating can reach over 30% in winter, and in summer - on air conditioning.

This improves sound insulation.
The film is absolutely harmless to the human body, since it does not contain harmful compounds and does not emit any dangerous fumes during operation.

Moreover, a film similar in composition (but not in density and thermal conductivity!) is used in Food Industry for packaging dairy products and baby food, which indicates the highest level environmental friendliness of products.
In addition, the thermal film prevents the formation of condensation and ice on the inner glass, which in turn prevents the occurrence of mold and mildew.
The entire application process takes a minimum of time and consists of the following steps:

degrease window frame and, if necessary, wash the glass itself;
2. Apply double-sided tape around the perimeter of the frame;
3. measure and cut necessary element films;
4. evenly stick the film onto double-sided tape;
5. Warm up with a regular household hairdryer until completely straightened.
Everything is very simple and cheap!

Window Forum: Energy Saving Films - Truth or Myth? — Window forum

Does not meet the specified parameters

It's hard to work with film. I have them wooden windows and I decided to conquer thermal film. It's hard to glue alone. It separates along the seam when heated with a hairdryer, and after gluing it reacts to temperature changes - it contracts when heated and comes off. However, the effect is present: after gluing, the temperature rose by 3 degrees, the glass stopped leaking.

Like an ambulance

a new solution, a well-forgotten old method

Budget fixing of an apartment The temperature in the room, according to the manufacturer, does not rise by 8 degrees. Hello to all readers of the site. Today I want to talk about last year’s purchases. Namely, “third glass” thermal film, I bought it last fall to insulate my apartment. Before buying I read a lot of good and bad reviews on the Internet.

But I still decided to buy. I bought it online. I found the site, placed an order, and it arrived in a few days. It cost me 200 UAH, together...

Insulating windows for the winter is one of the top priorities before the start of the cold season. Great solution to avoid such hassle, install this plastic double glazed windows, which can perfectly solve all your problems with windows. But there is not always enough money to buy expensive plastic window units, or even they cannot fully cope with the cold.

The solution to this problem is to use modern technology, which helps to conserve heat and prevent external cold from penetrating into the room. We are talking about a special heat-saving film for windows.

What is this heat-saving film?

This coating is produced from a variety of incredible thin sheets, each of which is coated with special ultra-fine and thin metal coating. The role of the coating is played by various metals, such as chromium and nickel, gold, silver, etc.

Today on store shelves you can find dozens various options such insulation, but among them there are quite a few of really high quality ones. Since it is impossible to determine quality by eye, it is necessary to ask sellers for appropriate quality certificates to ensure that the insulation film is actually made from the specified materials and meets all standards.

What are the pros and cons of it?

Like any other material, heat-saving film has its advantages and disadvantages, which you should definitely know about before making a purchase. Because some of them may not meet your requirements and your money will be wasted.

Let's traditionally begin to consider what advantages it has:

  1. Absolute transparency allows you to maintain a constant level of illumination in the room, and the presence of such a coating does not in any way distort the visible picture through the glass.
  2. The special composition not only prevents the penetration of warm air from the room, but also resists the hot scorching sun in summer. This way, your apartment will be cooler in the summer, and you can save on air conditioning costs.
  3. Thanks to its coating, window insulation film can block the penetration of more than ninety percent of ultraviolet rays. This way, you will significantly reduce their impact on your body and those around you.
Principle of operation

Thanks to the presence of such indicators, heat-saving film is a truly significant competitor among all similar insulation materials. We’ve sorted out the advantages, let’s move on to studying the disadvantages that are also present in this material:

  • At the initial stage of spring, insulation film will not work, since there will be nowhere for the heat to come from, the heating is turned off, and the sunlight is not yet strong enough to warm the room.
  • It is ineffective to use this method of insulation in combination with high-quality plastic window and balcony blocks. Since the latter are already capable of retaining the bulk of heat, and insulation film will only help retain five to ten percent, which is an almost insignificant amount. It is best used with less insulated windows such as wood, aluminum or damaged ones.
  • If you are an avid gardener and like to grow flowers, then this film will not work. It blocks almost all ultraviolet radiation, which is necessary for normal growth and development of plants.

Benefits of using film on windows

When using film on windows there are the following advantages:

  • By using a coating on the glass for insulation, you do not interfere with the natural circulation of air through the wooden frame.
  • Significantly increases strength and prevents the risk of glass shattering when broken.
  • Small sound insulation, perfectly prevents sounds from falling raindrops.
  • Installation is very simple and any beginner who has never even tried this process before can handle it.
  • There is no need for specialized tools and materials for installation or maintenance.
  • It is possible to use film with external mirror surface, while the inside view remains unchanged.
  • Complete protection against fogging and the formation of any type of condensation on the glass surface.
  • Windows become less dirty, since any dust and stains do not remain on the surface.
  • Due to its composition, even severe frosts are not able to freeze pieces of ice on the surface of this coating.
  • Very high wear resistance and durability. As a rule, such a film can last much longer than the window itself. Even in case of damage, the surface can be easily repaired using the simplest stationery transparent tape.
  • Low level of interference with electromagnetic radiation.
  • Film performance is not lost even after prolonged use or if damaged. If a scratch or hole is repaired with tape, the properties of the film remain unchanged.

We make gluing

The entire installation process must be carried out very carefully and not rushed. In this matter, it is better to spend an extra half hour than to get a low-quality end result in the form of an unacceptable appearance or completely damaged material.

The work should be carried out with rubber gloves, and the glass should be normal room temperature. The film has two sides, front and inner, they must be accurately separated in advance so as not to be confused during installation.

Let's start the installation:

  1. You should wash the window thoroughly and wait until it dries completely.
  2. The fittings and all handles are removable so as not to get caught during gluing.
  3. In order not to make mistakes when adjusting, make a small margin of about two centimeters to trim off the excess and adjust the film to the ideal size.
  4. The film for insulation is rolled out and cut to the resulting dimensions with scissors; here it is better to measure everything several times so as not to make a mistake, since the film must be glued in one solid sheet.
  5. Now you need to wet the glass with soap solution, and degrease the frame using regular medical alcohol.
  6. Double-sided tape is glued around the perimeter of the window.
  7. Then the film must be attached to this tape. At correct installation it should be absolutely invisible.
  8. Air bubbles are removed using a soft rubber or plastic spatula, and for better smoothing, the surface is heated with a hairdryer.
  9. It is best to secure the edges of the film with glazing beads. They can be removed before gluing or after, as is more convenient for you.
  10. The holding double-sided tape can be completely removed. We return the fittings and handles to their place.
  11. At the very end, remove the protective layer and the window will be completely ready.

Due to rising energy costs, many people are thinking about window insulation. Why is it necessary to insulate windows? Because heat loss through windows is as much as thirty percent, and in winter this value can reach up to seventy.

You can keep warm by using various methods. The most common method of retaining heat is to seal window cracks using polyurethane foam. This helps reduce heat loss by as much as ninety percent. Or you can insulate the walls from the outside and inside.

A modern method is energy-saving films for insulating windows and their use. This material can cope with the task better than other products. Window insulation heat-saving film – great option thermal insulation.

Features of heat-saving film

Monanolic film is made from a number of layers and components. The thickness of each such layer is several millimeters. The surface of the thermal film has a coating consisting of an ultra-thin metal layer. It can be gold, silver or it can be made of nickel.

Due to the fact that the thickness of the film is only a few millimeters, light can easily pass into the interior of the room. You can save your cash on energy, and heat loss will be significantly reduced.

Also, due to its small thickness, heat-shrinkable heat-reflecting film for windows has a refractive effect, and the low-emissivity membrane becomes an excellent insulation material. Thanks to the unique structure of the material, heat loss is significantly reduced in winter, and it also maintains best temperature inside the room, and in the summer this product does not allow warm air flow to penetrate. Therefore, the room will always maintain comfort and coziness.

Thermal film production process

Manufacturing of this thermal insulation material carried out on the basis of knowledge about the properties of the spectrum of sunlight. It consists of three parts:

  • infrared radiation;
  • visible radiation;
  • ultraviolet radiation.

The second part of the solar spectrum, visible, is the light necessary for the occurrence of biological processes in the human body. These physical properties are fundamental in the production of heat-saving film, which has only positive reviews.

Let's consider the pros and cons of this insulation product.

Advantages of using thermal film

Let's consider the advantages:

  • Energy-saving window film has a unique functionality. It filters solar radiation, while preserving two parts of the solar spectrum (infrared and ultraviolet). But visibility is maintained as throughput remains high.
  • Thanks to the above physical characteristics, energy-saving thermal insulation film is an obstacle to the exit of heat energy from the room. At the same time, a comfortable and cozy temperature is maintained.
  • The use of thermal film can be purchased without problems. It is sold on the construction market.
  • You will be able to save your money on heating in the winter season and on air conditioning in the summer.
  • After you have applied heat-saving film, the original appearance of the interior will not change, because this material filters ultraviolet rays, which cause interior fading.
  • This product does not have a mirror image. The window remains transparent even after using the film.
  • From the outside, there is just mirror effect. The window has only one-way visibility. The insulating film looks aesthetically pleasing.

These are all the main advantages of this thermal insulation product.

Disadvantages of using thermal film

Main disadvantages:

  • The main disadvantage is that this thermal insulation product cannot function normally in the spring season, because during this period it turns off central heating, and the building no longer receives the necessary heat in cool weather.
  • The instructions for installing thermal film indicate that it cannot be used in the construction of greenhouses, because plants require electromagnetic radiation to promote uniform growth and development. Therefore, if you use heat-reducing window film in a room where plants are located, it may negatively affect them. You won't have to put them on the windowsill.
  • You can achieve the desired result only by strictly following the rules and nuances. Therefore, this work can only be done by professionals. They will perform the application procedure efficiently.

Thermal insulation of PVC windows with thermal film

PVC windows, which have an additional thermal insulation layer as a heat-saving film, are the most durable. Even if it is applied swipe, the glass will not shatter into small pieces, but will only be deformed. This ensures maximum safety. Insulation of plastic windows is also carried out in some cases.

Although the windows have plastic frames that are additionally insulated with rubber seals, the glass still allows cold air flow into the room. Even owners of double-glazed windows will not be able to obtain ideal thermal insulation. Therefore, in this case, it is most appropriate to use film as a “third glass”.

Installation instructions for thermal film


  • Most thermal films have a self-adhesive backing, but some products will stick to the glass due to certain adhesive conditions.
  • Before installation, the glass surface must be prepared. Preparation includes thorough window cleaning. After you have washed them, do not forget to dry them. Additionally, use a degreasing solution for treatment.
  • After this, the installation procedure for the heat-saving film begins. Apply it carefully; when wrinkles appear, you need to smooth them out using a soft rag. Or you can use a special tool that looks like a car window brush.
  • Once you have smoothed out the wrinkles on the surface of the glass, the remaining material must be removed. This can be done using a knife designed for installation.

What is third glass film?

Installation of the “third glass”

To install the “third glass” you need to prepare the following tools: scissors, a household hair dryer, a utility knife.

Thermal film for windows can be applied with your own hands. Heat-protective membrane - detailed instructions:

  • The surface must be treated in advance using degreasing compounds.
  • After the processing procedure, the entire perimeter of the window frame must be sealed special remedy- Double-sided tape.
  • The two layers of thermal film must be separated. To do this, you need to blow into it or carefully pry it off using a stationery knife.
  • The material must be cut according to the window parameters. You should also take into account the reinforcement with adhesive tape, which is 2-3 centimeters. Next, check the cutting is correct. To do this, part of the film product must be applied to the window.
  • Then the strip of paper must be removed from the layer, which is double-sided.
  • Next, the product must be carefully glued to the tape. This procedure must be carried out together with someone. If wrinkles form, then you should not pay attention to them. It is better to evenly glue the membrane to double-sided tape around the perimeter of the window frame.
  • Since the thermally insulating membrane has thermal shrinkage, it must be smoothed upon completion of its installation. To do this, use an ordinary household hair dryer. Start slowly blowing on the surface of the film. But you don’t need to try too hard, because after some time the material will become required type. This happens due to the hit sun rays, while all initial specifications products remain the same.

The insulating membrane must be replaced every year. Usually installation is carried out in the middle autumn period(October). It is removed at the end spring period(May).

If the energy-saving thermal insulation film is torn during use, it can be repaired. this work carried out using transparent tape. The repairs are carried out carefully. You can simply replace the film. The third glass film will help you insulate the room.

Today, energy-saving film for window insulation is actively used in schools, kindergartens, and factories. Energy-saving thermal insulation film has gained immense popularity not so long ago.

It is better to entrust the fastening to real professionals who will do the job efficiently and without problems. If you do the mounting yourself, you must strictly follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Thanks to the use of a heat-saving membrane, you can significantly save your money on heating. Your “teremok” will become comfortable and cozy. Window insulation with film is an excellent insulator. Thermal insulation film achieves maximum thermal insulation. Today, heat-saving films for windows are sold in almost every construction market.

Let's find out one way to make your home or apartment warm. Maintain the desired temperature in living rooms Thermal film on windows will help you save on heating costs.

On the eve of cold weather, many owners of houses and apartments are thinking about insulating them. Creation comfortable temperature in living rooms, saving on heating is an important task. One of the options for solving them is to use thermal insulation film, which is glued to the double-glazed window. Experts say that windows account for about 60% of all heat loss in a home. Moreover, even if the profile of the double-glazed window is of high quality, the installation is carried out correctly, the slopes are hermetically sealed and insulated, the glass itself still accounts for up to 30% of heat loss. A thermal imager will help you make sure this is true.

Thermal insulation film

  • Functions
  • Price
  • Sticking


But many homeowners, even without a thermal imager, decide that the glass needs to be additionally protected from the cold! For this purpose, energy-saving, also known as thermal insulation, athermal films are used, which are often called “third glass”. After all, they perform precisely the functions of additional glass, becoming a barrier to the entry of cold into the room and the leakage of heat from the house.

Important! Yes, you can immediately buy triple-glazed windows, energy-saving, designed for severe frosts. But thermal film will definitely cost less. That is why it is in demand among owners of apartments and houses who have ordered double glazed windows.

Remember how many homeowners used to simply board up their windows from the outside plastic film for the winter? Yes, it didn’t look very nice, you can’t open the window in winter, the street is practically invisible, but this measure helped reduce heat loss through the old wooden windows. Thermal films operate on the same principle and look similar to ordinary polyethylene films. However, they are easier to use, they are attached from the inside, they do not interfere with the ventilation of the rooms, and they do not block the view from the window.

Describing the varieties protective films on windows, we mentioned energy-saving ones. Thermal insulation film, despite its external similarity to ordinary polyethylene, is in fact a polyester sheet on which an extremely thin layer of metal or ceramic is sprayed.

It is thanks to this layer, which is applied using the flame discharge method in an argon atmosphere, that the thermal film gains the ability not to release warm air from the house in winter, and in summer - do not allow the room to heat up excessively. According to experts, energy-saving film on a window can raise the room temperature by at least 3°C.


The cost of thermal films for windows can vary greatly. You can buy a square meter of this protective coating for 50 rubles, or maybe for 500 rubles. The difference is in the properties of the film itself. The cheapest thermal films can hardly be called truly energy-saving; they create the effect of a thermos, serve as a “third glass”, but do not protect from infrared rays.

The second advantage of expensive options is that such films combine several functions. They not only prevent heat loss, but also protect against sunlight and ultraviolet radiation. They are also part of the anti-burglary protection, preventing the window from being broken with a stone or hand tool.

In addition, expensive thermal insulation films are self-adhesive. That is, it is much easier to apply them to glass - the protective upper layer and the canvas is carefully attached, while, of course, we must not forget about the need to remove possible air bubbles.


If the film is not self-adhesive, you can attach it to the window in the following way:

  1. Wash the entire window, degrease, wipe dry thoroughly to avoid streaks;
  2. Double-sided tape is attached along the prepared perimeter of the frame;
  3. A piece of film is cut out the right size from a purchased roll;
  4. The upper protective part of the tape is removed;
  5. The film is glued;
  6. In order for it to stretch, let in sunlight and not interfere with the view of the surroundings, you need to walk over the surface of the film with a hairdryer - it stretches perfectly and becomes barely noticeable.

Important! Experts insist that the film should be glued to the frame, and not to the glass itself. In this case, an air heat-protective pocket is formed.

The thermal film should be changed every year so that the protection of the room from heat leaks remains as reliable. We strongly advise you to additionally check the seals for plastic windows, replace them if necessary. Wooden frames should also be checked and, if necessary, sealed. published

If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project.

“We will improve the thermal insulation of windows by 42% using a unique film with a 10-year guarantee.”

Low-emission energy-saving film

When installing energy-saving film on a window, the room becomes much warmer. It prevents wave radiation from cooling the interior through the glass and thus retains up to 42% of additional heat.

In the spring-summer period, a window on which a heat-saving film is installed does not allow the room to overheat. This coating on the glass blocks the penetrating thermal rays of the sun. These qualities of the film make the window a real heat insulator throughout the year.

This effect is achieved due to the physical properties of refraction of sunlight. Thermal reflective films are produced using special technology only by manufacturers from the USA (4 are produced in the world). Low emissivity films have main characteristic- emission coefficient, i.e. the ability to re-emit energy. The lower the value of this coefficient, the more effectively it retains heat in the room.

Name, color

Transmission of visible light A Emission factor

Price per sq.m.

(with work)

Availability in warehouse e Photo
Llumar LE35


2300 rub.

in stock

Llumar LE50 Silver with a golden tint


2300 rub.

in stock

Solar Gard Silver AG50


51% 0,37 2800 rub. on order 20 days


yellow tint

68% 0,09 160 USD limited quantity

According to our measurements, not a single film, except Ecolux70, provides a noticeable heat-saving effect on double-glazed windows. A slight effect is visible with a thermal imager only on single glass.

Only 3 films in the world give an effect on a double-glazed window: Ecolux70 from SolarGard, Enerlogic from LLumar and Thinsulate from 3M.

Energy-saving film is an effective heat insulator in winter and summer.

Elite heat-saving film Ecolux70 SolarGard

The completely new Ecolux70 from the manufacturer SolarGard is the best product on the film coating market currently.

With an emission coefficient of 0.09 (better than low-e glass), the film effectively retains heat in the room in winter and prevents overheating of the room in summer. At the same time, the film practically does not change appearance, being almost transparent and without a mirror effect.

How much heat does it retain?

In winter, the outside temperature is -18°C. At the same time, the thermometer in the room shows +21°C. Being in a room, 1 meter from the window, a person feels a temperature of +17°C. After installing Ecolux70, a person in a room 1 meter from the window will feel a temperature of +21°C, as in the entire room. At the same time, the inner glass itself will become several degrees cooler, and the space near the glass will become warmer.

In summer, the film works at reverse side, preventing overheating of the room from direct and reflected sunlight. It reflects up to 48% of heat. Its effectiveness all year round is achieved by combining sun protection and low-emission properties. This is the best product in terms of transparency and sun protection characteristics.


  • Visible light transmittance 68%
  • Yellow tint
  • Overall reduction solar energy 53%
  • UV cut-off 99%
  • Shading coefficient 0.55
  • U-factor 3.45
  • Emissivity 0.09
  • Glare reduction 27%
  • This is the best heat-saving film currently available.


In addition to creating a more comfortable temperature in the room, energy-saving film allows you to save money on heating and air conditioning. Together with the manufacturer we carry out film efficiency calculation for your object. To calculate, we need to know the formula for double-glazed windows (preferably U-factor) and the approximate quantity square meters glass on each side of the world. Having received this data from you, we will make an approximate calculation of heat savings in winter and efficiency in summer. During the installation process, at your request and for an additional fee, we can take measurements using a thermal imager and demonstrate the difference in heat retention between glass with and without film.

The cost of film with installation is from 160 USD to 180 USD per sq.m. depending on the footage and glass sizes. The film is made in the USA and is available to order. Delivery time 2 weeks.

Your benefits:

  • Comfortable temperature in winter and summer.
  • Saving money - reducing heating and air conditioning costs, saving the life of climate control equipment.
  • Significant reduction in interior fading due to the UV filter. Ultraviolet light is the main cause of fading.
  • High degree of transparency, no mirror effect.

Operating principle

Solar radiation consists of various components. It includes infrared and ultraviolet radiation invisible to the human eye, as well as the visible spectrum. Thermal reflective film technology takes advantage of these physical properties of light.

At its core, energy-saving film for windows is a composite material., the numerous layers of which are no more than a few microns thick. Using a plasma discharge method, a special ultra-thin layer of metal is applied to each microlayer. Sputtering is carried out in an argon environment using metals such as rare earth and precious metals: silver and gold, chromium and nickel alloys.

Thanks to the micro-thickness of the created layers, the necessary refractive effect is achieved, which makes the low-emissivity film an effective thermal insulator. The multiple layers that make up the material do not impair visibility in any way, and the energy saving factor increases significantly.

The adhesive used helps to connect the layers. The process is carried out under firmly established parameters of temperature and pressure. Ready material does not allow unwanted solar radiation to pass through. These properties make heat-reflecting film as convenient and beneficial as possible for application to window glass.

Advantages of windows with low-emissivity films

In addition to the heat-saving effect, the use of film provides additional advantages. The glued film prevents the glass from flying into pieces if the window breaks. This effect makes windows with such coating much safer. According to their own operational properties A single-chamber double-glazed window with a heat-saving coating completely replaces a conventional two-chamber one.

It follows that The use of heat-saving films on windows allows for significant financial savings. Such windows not only retain heat in any room during the cold season, but also save from the heat in summer. Such visible benefits of this material allow it to be widely used for insulating windows.