Well      06/16/2019

A reference guide to furniture making. Foreign books on furniture. What does it cost us to build a fleet?

Forms and design features various styles furniture, design principles„techniques of architectural and artistic solutions, materials of modern furniture production. The structure of the technological process is described and characteristics of all technological stages of furniture production are given, the main types of wood carving and mosaics are considered, as well as manufacturing technology.
For students of vocational and technical educational institutions of construction profile. Can be used in training workers in production and by home craftsmen.

Chapter 1. Types and shape of furniture
1.1. Types of furniture.
Furniture is classified (GOST 20400) according to operational, functional, structural and technological characteristics, as well as materials and the nature of production.
According to their operational purpose, furniture is divided into household furniture, public furniture and transport furniture.
Household is intended for furnishing various rooms of apartments, dachas, cottages and manor houses, furniture for public premises - for equipment of enterprises, institutions, trade, medical, educational institutions, theaters, hotels, sports facilities, etc.
According to their functional purpose, the following types of furniture are distinguished:
- for storage (cabinet) - cabinets for various purposes, dressers, cabinets, secretaries, shelves;
- for sitting and lying - chairs, stools, banquettes, benches, armchairs, sofas, couches, beds, chair-beds, rocking chairs, sofa beds, ottomans, chaise lounges;
- for work and eating - dining tables, desks, serving tables, coffee tables, toilet tables.
According to structural and technological characteristics, furniture can be:
- universally prefabricated, i.e. allowing repeated assembly and disassembly;
- sectional - consisting of several sections installed one on top of the other or next to each other;
- non-separable - i.e. with permanent connections;
- built-in - built into the premises of the building;
- transformable - changing the functional purpose or dimensions by moving parts;


Chapter 1. Types and shape of furniture.
Chapter 2. Principles of furniture design
Chapter 3. Materials for furniture production.
Chapter 4. Furniture designs.
Chapter 5. Structure and organization of the technological process.
Chapter 6. Basics of mechanical wood processing.
Chapter 7. Cutting wood materials.
Chapter 8. Primary processing of workpieces.
Chapter 9. Gluing bars and veneer
Chapter 10. Cladding.
Chapter 11. Secondary machining.
Chapter 12. Manufacturing decorative elements furniture
Chapter 13. Furniture finishing
Chapter 14. Assembling furniture.
Chapter 15. Making upholstered furniture.
Chapter 16. Repair and restoration of furniture.
Chapter 17. Types of wood carving.
Chapter 18. Material, tools and workplace organization.
Chapter 39. Carving technique.
Chapter 20. Mosaic.
Subject index

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So, I came up with the idea to expand the functionality of my website with a kind of bookshelf. On it I decided to collect books on furniture making, woodworking and other related topics. I think that many will find it interesting.

I decided to systematize by title, and not by author, because... There may be several authors, but one title)). Happy reading.

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The book reveals the technology of cutting three-dimensional animal figures from wood. There is no translation, but everything is clear. Drawings available.

The Big Book of Wooden Toys

The book contains drawings and assembly diagrams quite original toys made of wood. Unfortunately, there is no translation, but pictures, detailed drawings and diagrams make it possible to do without knowing English.

Wooden architecture of the Russian north

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The book is illustrated with reproductions of ancient drawings, miniatures and photographs

Home Craftsman

The book introduces a number of crafts that everyone can find application in everyday life.
The material is presented in such a way that anyone can use it without difficulty and avoid many
unnecessary costs for the purchase of those necessary items that can be made with one’s own hands, as well as
will provide an opportunity, after acquiring practical skills, to start manufacturing these items to order.
Almost all of the above types of work can be done at home, during leisure hours and with minimal equipment; Moreover, taking into account the novice worker, we have strictly separated the equipment that is absolutely necessary in this craft and those tools that can
be acquired subsequently, after the reader acquires practical skills, for preparing more
complex products.
For all types of crafts, instructions are also given for the final, elegant finishing of products.

DIY furniture. Design, production, repair.

The book provides design solutions and technology for producing furniture at home using a variety of materials, common furniture fittings, as well as the most common accessories. Wood furniture coniferous species given Special attention. In addition, the book provides recommendations for working with hand-held power tools.

Working with milling cutters

A fairly detailed illustrated encyclopedia dedicated to milling. It all starts with the basics: what is a router, and ends with complex technological processes that can be accomplished with it. The publication is translated, but very interesting. I recommend reading it.

Manual router and vertical milling machine

Another wonderful publication dedicated to working with, as well as a vertical milling machine (that is, a router built into a table and its industrial analogues). Detailed description types of tools, working methods and various devices will help you in mastering this complex and very interesting tool.

Homemade machines and tools

The book provides various devices that can make the work of home craftsmen easier. Some are provided in the form of finished drawings. Others will have to be modified directly to fit your instrument (which is available), that is, the general idea is given.

Secrets of wood carving

Products made from wood and materials that imitate its texture routinely surround us in everyday life, so we treat it as something ordinary. But as soon as it is touched by the skillful hand of a wood carving master, a work of art is born and such qualities of wood as rich texture, variety of colors, and special warmth are revealed. This book will help the reader discover the wonderful world of creativity and learn the secrets of wood carving. The author hopes that beginning carvers will find in it interesting and useful material that will allow them to become masters. The appendix contains drawings of ornaments and various patterns, which at first you can copy, and as you acquire the skill, you can develop your own designs based on them.

What does it cost us to build a fleet?

This book will be useful for fathers and mothers who want their baby’s arms to begin to grow a little higher than their legs. It contains a bunch of examples of toys of varying degrees of complexity (starting from the simplest) made from paper. As a child, I had such a book, it is still kept on the shelf, and not just stored, I try to make it together with my son.

Encyclopedia of woodworking

A reference book for many professional craftsmen. It outlines materials by type of wood and their characteristics, as well as alternative materials (glass, plastic, etc.), by the tools necessary for their processing, types and methods of fastening parts, as well as finished projects furniture.

This annual publication covers topics such as the preservation, research and restoration of historical furniture. Wide view for the future of furniture manufacturers, conservators and scientists engaged in research on both antique and modern technologies in woodworking, with a focus on pre-industrial tools and work methods.

This issue contains two articles by Joshua Klein: one on selection, restoration and use wooden planes, and the second - on the analysis of the table manufacturing process using hand tools, breaking down the entire process into carefully ordered steps to make efficient use of your time in the workshop. Jim Tolpin suggests detailed instructions on making, straightening and using a wooden ruler, and Vic Tesolin looks at using axes to shape and prepare material. Michael Updegreff shares his knowledge using modern instruments to measure pieces of furniture from the 18th and early 19th centuries, shedding light on the precision workmanship of artisans of the period. Other articles cover topics ranging from making drawers and ending with a timber frame. The publication is more like a book than a typical magazine; it is printed on excellent thick paper and richly illustrated with color photographs and diagrams.

Softcover, 144 pages, 2018 edition.

2900 p

Book "Mortise & Tenon Magazine Issue one"

In 2016, Joshua Klein, a Maine woodworker, launched an annual print magazine dedicated to the preservation, research and restoration of historic furniture, offering a fresh look at the effectiveness and viability of hand-working wood. The first magazine features a special essay by Joshua Klein, in which details his mission for publication, an interview with craftsman Phil Lowe of the Massachusetts Institute of Furniture, and more. An in-depth interview on accurate historical reproductions of products, in-depth analysis of examples of pre-industrial craftsmanship. Publisher – USA

2900 p

Book "Mortise & Tenon Magazine Issue Three"

Mortise & Tenon magazine, issue 3

Edited by Joshua A. Klein

This annual publication covers topics such as the preservation, research and restoration of historical furniture. A broad look at the future of furniture makers, conservators and scientists engaged in research into both ancient and modern woodworking technologies, with a particular focus on pre-industrial tools and work methods. This episode features an in-depth look at two antique chairs, as well as an article by Garrett Hack on how to use patterns. Joshua Klein gives detailed instructions on construction and use lathe with titeva. Danielle Rose Bird presents reflections on the role of artistry in the creation of functional objects. There are also interviews with Drew Langsner and Kenneth Kortemeier, as well as contributions from Shelley Cathcart and Amy Griffin, Brendan Bernhardt Gaffney, Jim McConnell, and others. The publication is more like a book than a typical magazine; it is printed on excellent thick paper and richly illustrated with color photographs and diagrams.

Softcover, 144 pages, 2017 edition.

2900 p