Shower      03/26/2019

Projects of large houses. Russian estate traditions

Russian history noble estate dates back about six centuries. Villages Ancient Rus' were the prototype of the future patrimonial estate; the house of the most prosperous owner stood separately in them. Estate construction developed under Peter I, who donated lands to his associates. The Russian noble estate embodied the dream of their owners to create their own world with special traditions, rituals, morals, a specific type of farming, a schedule of everyday life and holidays. For several centuries, the main events in the life of a nobleman were connected with the estate, so its structure was thought out to the smallest detail. Very often, manor houses were painted yellow and had white columns. This combination spoke of the wealth of the owner (he was personified by the yellow color, reminiscent of gold) and his spirituality (the white columns demonstrated the desire for light). The gray facades indicated that their owner was a philosopher and was seeking to retire from active life and society. The red color on the facade spoke of the active nature of the owner, his confidence and authority. The greenery of gardens and parks demonstrated joy, health and success. The built world of the noble estate was isolated and separated by a lattice fence, a stone wall, and, when the surrounding landscape allowed, by lakes, ravines and ditches. In addition to the ceremonial elements - the manor house and parks - the noble estates also had “economies” (the term was used since the 18th century and meant the outbuildings of the estate: horse and cattle yards, barns, greenhouses and greenhouses), which were built in uniform style with house and park

“Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility” or “On the Granting of Liberty and Freedom to the Entire Russian Nobility” is a decree of Peter III of February 18 (March 1), 1762, which exempted the nobility from compulsory public service.

The heyday of noble estates occurred in the mid-18th and early 19th centuries. Estates were built around Moscow and in the provinces. After the release of the “Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility,” construction covered almost the entire European part of Russia. As a result, after 1762, owners of large, medium and small estates began to actively develop their estates. In the architecture of the Russian noble estate of Elizabethan times, Baroque aesthetics was popular. The facades were painted blue, green, red, yellow shades. By the middle of the 18th century, the layout of estates became regular with axial construction and symmetry. An example of a noble estate of that time is Yasenevo, where during the Lopukhins’ time a manor house with outbuildings was built. In Kuskovo, Count Sheremetev decorated the park with pavilions and gazebos, bridges, monuments, and sculptures.

After the release of the manifesto, large estate complexes were built in the suburbs of Moscow: Bratsevo, Vasilyevskoye (Mamonova Dacha), Kuntsevo, Znamenskoye-Sadki, Neskuchnoye, Lyublino, Ostankino, Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo, Ochakovo, Uzkoye, Troekurovo, Cheryomushki, most of which were built in classicism style. Some estates used neo-Gothic elements - for example, in the Mikhalkov estate (the estate was built in the 16th century, then rebuilt), the main entrance to Vorontsovo, and the economic complex in Cheryomushki. The imperial residences - estates - Petrovsky Palace and Tsaritsyno became examples of Russian neo-Gothic.

Gradually, regular French classicism in the design of a noble estate was replaced by English landscape classicism. Sometimes in a Russian noble estate, as, for example, in Kuzminki, landscape and regular design were combined. After the War of 1812, new noble estates were rarely built; the owners of the estates limited themselves to the restoration and repair of old buildings. Some estates were actively being built. For example, Kuzminki, where buildings were built in the Empire style.

But, basically, in the 19th century, the estates were restored and completed in the classicist style, which was reflected in the columns, porticos, sculptures, and facade pediments. Russian noble estates have always formed a single ensemble; in addition, they never had a fortification purpose, since the nobility did not conduct military operations among themselves. Now in fashion is the construction of country residences in the style of a noble estate with houses with classical elements and park or garden areas in a regular or landscape style. As an example of a modern mansion, which can stand alone or be a house in an estate, we can cite the building of a private cottage in Tyumen with elements of a classical style:

The Russian estate has become a separate phenomenon in architecture and interior design. And now many owners of country houses are trying to reproduce this trend. Let's try to figure out how a Russian estate differs from ordinary mansions, take a little dip into the past and consider the features of such an interior.

The artist Stanislav Zhukovsky is known for his paintings in which he lovingly depicted ancient Russian estates. From his paintings you can study the interiors of houses from the mid-19th to the beginning of the 20th century.

S. Yu. Zhukovsky. Poetry of an old noble house, 1912

S. Yu. Zhukovsky. Large living room in Brasov, 1916

S. Yu. Zhukovsky. Interior of the library of a manor house, 1910s

Let’s immediately decide that we will talk specifically about estates, and not huts, towers and princely palaces. A lot has been said about huts and towers; this is also history, and more ancient. And nowadays only a few can afford to replicate the luxury and royal style of the palaces of Russian princes. And who would decide to reproduce such a style - in modern realities it is difficult to imagine.

The Russian tower, as a place of residence for fairly wealthy families, can now be found mainly in ancient cities and villages. Carved platbands, wood as the main material, four small rooms around a solid stove, a veranda - these are the main differences of this structure.

The interior of a Russian hut can now be found in bathhouses; sometimes people who are fond of antiquity build dachas this way. Everything here is simple, rustic, without frills or unnecessary details.

So, having dealt a little with the towers and huts, we move directly to the estate. The name comes from “to plant” or “to plant.” An estate is traditionally understood as a country building, an entire complex, which, in addition to the residential building itself, includes outbuildings and an extensive garden. It is customary to distinguish the following types of estates:

  1. Boyar or merchant estates that began to appear in the 17th century.
  2. Landowner estates, which remained the main place of residence for wealthy Russians until the beginning of the 20th century, gained particular popularity in the 19th century.

Baron Nikolai Wrangel (brother of Pyotr Wrangel, leader of the White movement) went to the provinces in 1902 to study in detail the features of the estates of the then landowners. This is how he described a traditional estate in his book: “White houses with columns, in the shady thicket of trees; sleepy ponds smelling of mud with white silhouettes of swans plowing the summer water...”

White or sometimes blue house in classic style, columns with Corinthian orders, a maximum of two floors, a wide porch or terrace - this external appearance of a Russian estate is not outdated even now.

This photo shows the Galsky estate, located in Cherepovets. Now it is a house-museum telling about the life of landowners of the early 19th century.

As for the interior of Russian estates, one should distinguish the merchant style from the later one, created under the influence of European, mainly French trends and closer to modern realities.

These photographs show the house of the merchant Klepikov, located in Surgut. You can clearly see the abundance of textiles, very simple decoration, plank floors, good quality wooden furniture. We are sure that many of you have found such a metal bed with springs at your grandmother’s in the village. Let us turn again to Baron Wrangel, who described the interior of the estate as follows: “Inside, in the rooms, there are decorous comfortable chairs and armchairs, friendly round tables, sprawling endless sofas, wheezing clocks with a rusty bass chime, and chandeliers, and candlesticks, and sonnets, and screens, and screens, and pipes, pipes ad infinitum.”

The furniture in such an estate was often mismatched - an old chest inherited from the grandfather could sit next to a newfangled French chair or an English armchair, which the owner of the house, at the whim of his wife, purchased during a trip to the city. Traditionally, a Russian estate had a hall for receiving guests and, if the size of the house allowed, balls, as well as an office, which became the owner’s men’s refuge.

This photo shows the interior of an estate built in the village of Copper Lake (near St. Petersburg) by architects Elena Barykina and Slava Valoven for collectors of antique furniture. Almost all the furnishings are authentic, but there are also modern replicas in this house, created in an antique style.

If you want to recreate the interior of a Russian estate in your home, you should adhere to the following principles:

  1. A mandatory element will be a wooden floor, possibly parquet or planks.
  2. The furniture is laconic, preferably made of dark wood, with thin legs.
  3. Interior doors and plinth are white.
  4. The walls can also be wooden, painted in neutral shades (but preferably snow-white). You can also use antique wallpaper that imitates textiles.
  5. Tables are round or oval, with beautiful tablecloths, lamps with cozy lampshades and light curtains.

As for the kitchen and bathroom, it is advisable to use tiles here. Doors kitchen cabinets you can leave them wooden or paint them like Gzhel, as in the example we presented.

Separately, it should be mentioned the influence that the Empire style or late classicism, which came from Europe, had on the interior of a Russian estate. Within the framework of the landowner's estate, this direction was called “rural empire”, becoming less pompous and luxurious.

Now some homeowners imagine the style of a Russian estate as a kind of mixture of hut, country, chalet, rustic and modern motifs.

Well, the style of the Russian estate has always been a kind of mixture of different directions, taking a lot from the classics and history of our country. However, if you adhere to the main canons, in the end you should end up with a light interior, not overloaded with furniture, cozy, fresh, quite simple and at the same time truly homely, a real Chekhov’s dacha, described more than once by the classics of Russian literature.

To build high-quality, durable and beautiful house, you can’t do without a reliable construction company. She must have extensive experience and a good reputation in the market.

Construction company " Russian Manor Traditions» is engaged in the construction of houses, cottages and baths, and also provides a wide range of various construction services. This page is the official website of the company " Russian Manor Traditions", here are house designs, a list of services, and a description of construction technologies.

If you require construction services, contact the company " Russian Manor Traditions" We build turnkey houses. In this case we use various materials and technology, depending on the house project chosen by the customer.

Our services:

  • architectural and structural design;
  • provision of construction materials;
  • home construction;
  • connection of utilities;
  • internal and external finishing.

Construction technologies

SIP panels

This material allows you to build Vacation home without spending a lot of time on it. SIP panels have excellent strength characteristics, are easy to install and meet the requirements of fire and environmental safety. We offer favorable prices for construction services using this technology.

Profiled solid timber

This material is ideal for the construction of suburban wooden house. You can also use it to build a bathhouse, a summer house or a guest house on the site. Profiled solid timber is chosen by people who require a strong and durable house with good thermal insulation qualities.

Glued laminated timber

Houses made of laminated veneer lumber are in great demand. This material is manufactured using a special technology that reduces the risk of cracking and deformation of walls. In the company "Russian Estate Traditions" you will find many projects of houses made of laminated veneer lumber.

Rounded log

Houses made from rounded logs turn out to be very beautiful. They do not require mandatory expensive exterior decoration, since this material is beautiful in itself. We have extensive experience in the construction of houses of this type and know how to create a reliable, durable structure with excellent thermal insulation properties.

Frame houses

Frame technology is considered one of the most affordable. The construction of such a house is reminiscent of working with a constructor, where each part is connected to each other using special fasteners. Over the past few years, the Russian Estate Traditions company has built several dozen houses using frame technology.

Ceramic or gas silicate block and brick

If for some reason you do not want to build wooden house, give preference to blocks or bricks. Such a house will be strong and durable. We can provide you standard project or develop a unique one according to your requirements.

Geography of activity

The company "Russian Estate Traditions" carries out the construction of houses throughout the Moscow region, including the southern direction from Moscow along the Simferopol highway: Chekhovsky, Serpukhovsky and Zaoksky districts.

Surely, everyone who has a country plot plans to build a comfortable house on it. But here the question immediately arises with the choice of layout and design. If the area of ​​such a plot allows, then large buildings can be erected - estates. The estate project can be anything and has its own distinctive features.

What is a homestead?

If to the definition of dacha or country house everyone is already used to it, then for many the concept of “estate” evokes a similar definition, but this is not so. The estate is a fairly large park and residential complex. This area is located a large number of commercial and residential buildings.

Features of the estate:

  • There is also landscaping. It cannot be said that it is possible to build an estate in any region, since previously they were built only in those areas of the area where there was good landscaping.
  • What distinguishes a manor from an ordinary country house? Everything is quite simple - the size of the site and the building itself.
  • If you look a little deeper into history, such structures were built for nobles or officials close to the rulers; even at that time they amazed with their luxury.
  • Fenced areas, green spaces, parks with numerous sculptures, squares and gazebos, green lawns.

You can continue for a very long time. In principle, there were no restrictions either in the choice of building material or in the preference of the area for the construction of the estate.

Very often such buildings were erected in such places:

  • Forest areas.
  • Steppe meadows.
  • Near the pond.
  • The area of ​​the estate was very large. They were at least 600 sq.m.

If you want to build a family estate in the form of an estate, then you should initially purchase a country plot, the size of which is at least 50 acres.

Only then will it be possible to correctly and effectively distribute space.

Distinctive features of the appearance of a manor or country estate

The main difference between this structure was and remains its size.

This can take various forms:

  • U-shaped.
  • Square.
  • Rectangular.
  • "Hollow Squares"
  • "Hollow Rectangles"

The latter are buildings that have a closed design and inside there is a courtyard with a variety of green spaces and comfortable walking paths. Very often they were previously placed there winter gardens or terraces for relaxing, dining or other pastimes.

The design of the estate house has a large entrance, which is separate from the main building; it was designed in a classical style.


  • Huge columns painted in light colors.
  • Large massive doors made of different materials.
  • Marble or reinforced concrete steps.

Stained glass windows were also installed in the entrance area above the door. Today, such design practically does not occur, since people have become more practical and are not as eager for luxury than the rulers of that time.


  • Windows of this structure can also be of different shapes and sizes. More often in the construction of estates they were not used too much big windows rectangular or square shape.
  • The building could have any number of floors. The structures had both rectilinear and broken shapes. That is, the second floor might not have been around the entire perimeter of the estate.

As roofing material At that time, only environmentally friendly materials were used. This was the tile, which is durable and reliable. It retains heat indoors very well and thus there is a constant temperature regime in the house.

Layout and design of a house in the form of an estate

Estates have always been distinguished by their scale. Residential buildings had big sizes all rooms. The site originally housed outbuildings, which were designed in a similar stylistic direction as the residential building. Further on there was a garden and park area, in the center of which a building could be seen.

Inside such a structure, everything was correctly planned.

If the house was two-story, then on the ground floor there are:

  • Entrance hall, which has a staircase to reach the second floor.
  • Large cozy living room.
  • The office is also of considerable size.
  • Fireplace rooms (there may be more than one).
  • Dining areas with large stained glass windows.
  • Kitchen (as a rule, only servants could be in it).
  • The last rooms used to have an entrance to basement. Nowadays such traditions are not changed, and the entrance to the basement is also built from the kitchen area. All rooms on the first floor are massive.

The second floor begins with climbing the stairs, it can be:

  • Straight.
  • Screw.
  • Multi-march.

The choice of the type of such construction depended on the project itself. They were decorated using wood, marble, granite or other finishing material.

On this moment in the construction of stairs in a residential two-story house The following materials are used:

  • Reinforced concrete.
  • Metal.
  • Wood.

The steps are made of natural stones: the same marble or granite.

When planning such a design for a staircase structure, it is worth considering that the cost of natural stones is high, and not everyone will be able to afford it.

We can say that this is a dream project:

  • But if desired, it is possible to use analogues of such materials and use artificial stones, which in their own way technical properties and characteristics are similar. But their cost is several times lower.
  • All the bedrooms are located on the second floor. There can be a very large number of them: bedrooms for each owner, for guests, children's rooms and much more.
  • If the residential building had only one floor, then thanks to unusual shape("hollow squares" or "hollow rectangles") bedrooms were located at the very end of the house (the back side).

Today everything is more practical. Estates can also have several floors, only the shapes have become more acceptable (square, rectangular).

What were estates built from and modern building materials for their construction?

Estates of that time were built from practical and durable materials:

  • Natural stones.
  • Clay.
  • Concrete solution.
  • Priming.
  • Wood.

Natural stones were in most cases processed, since it was quite difficult to use their natural form. Clay has long been used in the construction of residential buildings, as it is an environmentally friendly material that is particularly durable. Thanks to its properties, it helps maintain a constant temperature in rooms.

The concrete mortar of that time was very durable and was used to construct the walls of the building (masonry joints). Quite often it was used to pour the foundation for a building. At the moment, you can’t do without such a solution. It is used for both foundation and masonry building material. In principle, technology has not changed.

Soil has also been used for a long time. But such construction took too long and every year the technologies for such construction began to become outdated and such materials were replaced by more modern ones.

Wood, as it was used previously, is still used today. Projects of wooden estates are very diverse. All buildings of this type are distinguished by their environmental friendliness and durability. All of them are durable and a large number of estates from past centuries have survived to this day.

At modern construction There are several types of log laying and wood processing itself.

Currently used for construction:

  • Profiled timber.
  • Rounded timber.
  • Untreated log.

The latest version of the material, just like the previous ones, goes through a processing and drying process.

The popularity of buildings in the form of an estate

Project "Russian estate" for last years began to gain great popularity. They are built on almost every suburban area, which is large in size. The main role with such a design is landscape design. It is necessary to properly plan the space on the site first. You can adhere to the same planning principles as before, only slightly reduce the scale of construction.

It is worth considering that maintaining estates is quite expensive, since you will definitely need the services of professional gardeners, repairmen, and so on. But this is provided that the house and plot are very large. Even if the scale of the building is not too large, then you can cope with maintaining order yourself.

Any architectural and construction project consists of three parts: architectural, design and engineering. This is a document without which the developer will not receive permission to begin construction.

The main part of the project is the architectural and design sections. If the customer is absolutely sure that the construction team will have intelligent specialists in engineering networks, then they can refuse to develop this part of the project in a specialized company. But it is necessary to understand that the architect, designer and engineer work on the project together and such aspects as, for example, grooves and openings in the walls for laying pipes and wires are provided for by them in advance.

The engineering part of the project is divided into several parts

  • Water supply and sewerage (WSC)
  1. water supply scheme
  2. sewerage diagram
  3. general form systems.

Before starting design, it is necessary to decide what kind of communication will be - individual or connected to centralized system.

Individual water supply provides complete independence from external conditions. But you must remember that you will need your own water sources, and drilling a well will cost a decent amount.

Connection to a centralized system will require the development of a project in accordance with technical specifications existing network and obtaining permission for connection.

When connecting a sewerage system to a centralized system, the procedure is the same as when connecting a water supply: submitting a request to the relevant services, developing a project, obtaining permission to tap into the system. If you decide to organize an individual sewer system, then from time to time you will have to invite a sewer service.

  • Heating and ventilation (HVAC)
  1. heating scheme: calculation required power equipment, distribution diagrams of heating mains, location of pipes and radiators
  2. ventilation diagram: connection to power electrical equipment, ventilation communications and shafts, passage nodes and, if necessary, placement of stoves and fireplaces
  3. boiler piping (if necessary)
  4. general instructions and recommendations for the section.

If the ventilation system is always an individual design, then heating can be either individual (stove, air, water, electric) or connected to centralized networks.

  • Power supply (ETR)
  1. lighting wiring
  2. power network wiring
  3. ASU diagram
  4. grounding system
  5. detailed description and characteristics of all system elements.

Electrical systems can be divided into mandatory and optional. Mandatory items include interior and exterior lighting, ventilation, air conditioning and electric heating systems. Additional systems include systems such as "Warm floor" or automated gate control.


  • Each part of the engineering section of the project must contain general and technical descriptions, specifications of materials and necessary equipment.
  • Drawings of elements of all systems and floor electrical wiring are made on a scale of 1:100.

Price: from 100 rubles. per m²

Package "Utility networks"

Package "Utility networks"

Project utility networks will allow you to competently lay communications and make the house truly comfortable and modern.

  • Price: from 100 rub. per m²

Making changes to the project

Often, the customer is faced with the question: choose a typical house project and save money, while losing on the originality of future housing, or order an individual project, but for a lot of money.

Our company offers a compromise option. You order a standard project, and we make changes to it, taking into account all your wishes as much as possible. Of course, this implies additional costs, but, in any case, such a project will cost much less than work for a specific order. And we will make sure that your home looks original.

The following changes can be made to the house design:

move wall partitions. But only if they are not load-bearing. This operation will allow you to change the size and purpose of the rooms

moving windows and doorways will allow you to change the lighting of the rooms and organize convenient access to the rooms you need

changing the type of floors and walls will allow you to fully realize your own ideas about economical and rational housing

change the height of the ceilings. Although all our houses are designed with optimal height rooms are 2.8 m, some customers believe that high ceilings are extra comfort and comfort

Converting an attic into living space will give you the opportunity to expand your own living space

It is worth changing the angle of inclination of the roof and awnings taking into account the climatic conditions of a particular region

it is necessary to change the type of foundation, taking into account the engineering and geological parameters of the soil. It is also possible to add or change a basement or ground floor

you can add, remove, change a garage or terrace, in accordance with your ideas about the functionality of your home

change in structural composition, construction and finishing materials will allow you to manage your own financial resources economically

the project in a mirror image will allow the house to organically fit into the surrounding landscape.

The changes made should not affect the safety of the home.

Too many changes usually do not improve the project. If you couldn’t choose a suitable house from the catalogs, then maybe it’s worth ordering housing from an architect based on an individual project.

Price: from 2000 rub.

Making changes to the project

Making changes to the project

A house built according to a standard design can look original

  • Price: from 2,000 rub.

Package "Foundation adaptation"

When a standard house design is developed, certain average soil parameters are taken as a basis. But without accurate geological examination data, it is difficult to take into account all the nuances when designing. Therefore, often the engineering and geological characteristics of a real site differ significantly from those originally included in the project. This means that the foundation - the basis of the entire house - will need to be modified to make it strong and reliable.

To completely eliminate all problems when laying the foundation, our company’s specialists have developed the “Foundation Adaptation” package. When implementing a package, not only specifications, but also the wishes of the customer.

This package includes:

  • selection of foundation type
  • calculation of technical parameters:

Depth of laying the base of the foundation
- load bearing capacity
- indicators of soil stress under the foundation
- cross-sectional area of ​​working reinforcement, etc.

  • detailed drawings of the zero cycle
  • cost sheet for construction materials.

Adaptation of the foundation provides a complete guarantee of its strength, and therefore the reliability of the entire building. You are guaranteed to get rid of problems such as shrinkage and cracks during operation. finished house. Moreover, often the adapted foundation turns out to be cheaper than the option originally included in the project. And this will help save materials and financial resources.

Price: 14,000 rub.

Package "Foundation adaptation"

Package "Foundation adaptation"

A carefully prepared foundation project is strong and reliable home

  • Price 14,000 rub.

Individual design

If you decide to build a house, then you have your own idea of ​​what your dream home should be like. And if none of the standard projects suits you, it makes sense to think about individual project. In addition, all your wishes will be taken into account as much as possible: level of comfort, family composition, even the view from the window. It is clear that such a project will not be cheap. But you will know for sure that there is no other like it.
Sometimes, however, you have to resort to individual design. For example, a developer received a plot of land with a non-standard configuration, and not a single standard project simply fits into it. And it also happens that the number of changes made by the customer is such that it is easier and cheaper to design a house from scratch.

Stages of working on an individual project:

  • development of technical specifications for house design
  • contract for design work
  • preparation of a preliminary design: linking the building to the area, external and internal view, layouts, sections
  • detailed study of project sections.

In addition, you can also order:

  • projects for additional structures - garage, workshop, bathhouse, etc.
  • visualization of the project in 3D format.

Ultimately, the customer receives the package project documentation, consisting of architectural and structural sections.

The project features:

  • General plan of the house linking it to the boundaries of the site.
  • Floor plans, which indicate the thickness of walls, lintels and partitions, room areas, specifications of windows and doorways.
  • Facade plans indicating finishing materials and color schemes.
  • Sections of the building and main components.
  • Drawings and sections of the foundation, material consumption sheet.
  • Overlap calculation, rafter system roofs, roof insulation and waterproofing units.

You can decide on the style of your future home in the “Individual Design” catalog.

Price: from 450 rub. /

Individual design

Individual design

Realize your individuality!

  • Price: from 450 rub. / m²

Package "Tender proposal"

For any developer, the question from the funny nursery rhyme "what should we build a house...?" far from idle. Moreover, the cost of building a house depends on many factors. Therefore, you should not estimate costs by eye. Without complete information, it will not be possible to calculate everything down to the smallest detail and, in the end, it will cost you more. And, in addition, a careful calculation of the cost of materials and work affects not only your finances, but also the time frame for building a house.

You can accurately calculate construction costs using the “Tender Offer” service developed by our specialists. Essentially, this is a document that provides full list all construction materials and works indicating their volumes.

Having a tender offer allows you to:

  • get a real picture of the costs of upcoming construction
  • attract a construction company that can offer the most favorable conditions for the work
  • not only understand the essence of the construction process, but also competently control the consumption of building materials, independently adjusting prices for each item
  • competently control the actions of contractors at all stages of construction

tender proposal supported by information on the cost of materials and construction work- a serious argument for obtaining credit funds from a bank.

Package "Tender proposal"

Tender proposal:

Request a detailed estimate. Build for your own benefit!

  • Price 10,500 rub.

Anti-ice package

Snowdrifts and ice in winter time on the roof of your house cause a lot of trouble. You can, of course, climb onto the roof and swing a shovel in the cold for 2-3 hours - no matter what. But effective snow melting and anti-icing systems have long been invented and widely used. Their basis is heating cables. The system is organized according to the same principle as a “warm floor”. Only more powerful and the cable laying step is smaller.

The Anti-Ice package is developed taking into account the characteristics of the home's energy supply:

for the roof and gutters: snow melting in gutters, at the edge of the roof to prevent the formation of icicles and ice in pipes

For entrance group: heated steps, paths and open areas

for the entrance to the garage: heated driveways

in addition, sometimes the Anti-Ice system is used to heat the soil in greenhouses, and for landscape heating of flower beds, lawns and lawns, as well as for heating sports facilities.

During the design process it is calculated minimum consumption electricity and is provided fire safety. When creating an Anti-Ice system, it is recommended to use only certified self-heating elements that do not support combustion. In addition, the system is equipped with an overheat shutdown device or a differential circuit breaker to automatically shut down the system when energy loss is detected. If the system turns out to be too large, it is divided into smaller sections. This makes it easier to manage its work.


For a multi-pitched roof, the specialists of our company will design the Anti-Ice system according to individual orders.

Price: 4500 rub.

Anti-ice package

Anti-ice package

Your comfort and safety in winter

  • Price 4,500 rub.

Package "Lightning Protection"

Often, developers do not attach much importance to protecting their own houses from lightning: some save, some count, others hope for chance. But 3-4 years after building a house, many people remember lightning protection. The neighbor's roofing felts were all burned in a thunderstorm Appliances, then I came across statistics about how many fires due to lightning occur per year.

We propose to resolve the issue immediately: to provide protection already at the design stage of the house. This is worth thinking about, at least for purely aesthetic reasons - there will be no need once again hammer the walls of the house and pull the down conductor along the facade, violating the well-thought-out appearance building.

Lightning protection for a home is a system of devices located both outside the home and indoors. External lightning protection prevents lightning from entering the house, internal lightning protection protects the electrical network from sudden voltage surges. A special devices protect electrical equipment from sudden changes in the electromagnetic field within the radius of a lightning strike.

The Lightning Protection package includes

  • layout diagram of lightning rods that absorb direct lightning strikes
  • cross-sectional diagram of a down conductor diverting current from the lightning rod to grounding
  • diagram of a grounding loop that distributes lightning energy in the soil, ensuring complete safety
  • averaged resistance calculations
  • detailed list necessary materials
  • recommendations for project implementation.

The Lightning Protection package from Dom4M guarantees your home safety even in the most severe thunderstorm.

Package "Lightning Protection"

Package "Lightning Protection"

Lightning protection: think about safety in advance

  • Price 3,100 rub.

Package "Central vacuum cleaner"

"Central vacuum cleaner" is a type of aspiration system(removal of small particles by sucking them in with an air flow).

The system consists of:

  • vacuum cleaner(installed in the technical room);
  • air duct system along which the dust-air mass moves (hidden installation is often carried out in the preparation of the floor or in the space behind the false ceiling);
  • pneumosockets and pneumatic scoops(a flexible hose with telescopic rod and a nozzle, as in a regular vacuum cleaner, the latter are intended for express cleaning, usually in the kitchen).


  • removable dusty no air gets in back into the room, and is “thrown out” after the unit onto the street;
  • No noise in cleaned areas.
  • Ease of cleaning without “dragging” the vacuum cleaner from room to room, without using extension cords.
  • Hidden installation system, there is nothing in the room except an air outlet.

Project price: from 3100 rub.

Package "Central vacuum cleaner"

Package "Central vacuum cleaner"

"An integral part of modern house- comfort, cleanliness and fresh air"

  • Project price: from 3,100 rub.

Package "Comfortable Home"

Explanatory dictionaries claim that comfort is a set of household amenities, without which life is unthinkable
modern man V modern house. Most of these amenities are included at the design stage. But we are ready to expand their list and help clients make their own homes as comfortable as possible.