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There are flowers in the basket of the plant shown in the picture. Topic: Department of Angiosperms. Pollen grain structure


The meaning of inflorescences. An inflorescence is a shoot or system of shoots bearing flowers. The biological meaning of the appearance of inflorescences is obvious, since the probability of flower pollination increases in both anemogamous and entomogamous plants. It is clear that an insect will visit many more flowers collected in an inflorescence per unit of time than single ones. The sequential blooming of flowers in an inflorescence also represents a significant biological advantage. Some scientists note that damage to a single flower leads to the sterility of the entire shoot. It is very important that one or another type of inflorescence is associated with a certain type of infructescence and with devices for the distribution of fruits and seeds. Taking everything that has been said into account, it is not surprising that inflorescences are characteristic of the vast majority of flowering plants.

Classification of inflorescences. Inflorescences are divided into simple and complex. Among simple inflorescences, two groups are distinguished: 1) racemose (bothrical), or monopodial, and 2) cymose, or sympodial. Racemose inflorescences are characterized by the blooming of the uppermost flower last. Flowers bloom acropetally (from bottom to top), centripetally (from the periphery to the center of the inflorescence). There are three main variants of racemose inflorescences: 1) raceme and related eikolos, head and spadix, 2) umbrella-shaped inflorescences, 3) baskets.

Figure - Schemes of simple racemose inflorescences with terminal flowers: 1 - raceme, 2 - spike, 3 - spadix, 4 - umbel, 5 - head, 6 - basket, 7 - scutellum

Cymose inflorescences are characterized by the blossoming of the upper flower on the main axis first. Flowers bloom basipetally (from the top to the base), centrifugally (from the center to the periphery). Cymose inflorescences are divided into: 1) monochasia, 2) dichasia and 3) pleiochasia.

Figure – Schemes of some cymose inflorescences: 1, 2 – monochasia, 3 – dichasia, 4 – pleiochasia

IN simple forms cymose and racemose inflorescences are easily distinguishable, but in specialized forms it is often very difficult to determine the type of inflorescence.

All the inflorescences mentioned are classified as simple inflorescences. Complex inflorescences are formed from several or many simple inflorescences, both racemose and cymose.

The number of flowers in inflorescences varies greatly, sometimes reaching tens of thousands. The largest inflorescences appear to be those of the Corypha palm, with a diameter of up to 12 m.

Racemous inflorescences. The brush is characterized by the arrangement of flowers on an elongated axis, on pedicels. A similar type, but with sessile flowers, is called a spike. An ear with a thick, fleshy axis is called an ear. Finally, if the main axis is shortened, the inflorescence is called a capitula. The inflorescences of the first two options are especially common.

The ear is very close to the brush. The only difference is that the stalks of the spike do not develop. In connection with this is the absence of bracts. Often the shape of the inflorescence also serves as a systematic feature.

An ear is a spike with a thick, fleshy axis of the inflorescence. The cobs are extremely characteristic of species of the tropical family Araceae, in which the bright color of the cob often contrasts with the equally bright color of the subfloral leaf. All this attracts small pollinating insects. Very few aroids are found in the temperate zone of Eurasia. The most famous is the whitewing, which is often found in overgrown reservoirs, with a whitish subfloral leaf.

Umbrella-shaped inflorescences are quite widespread in nature. A typical umbrella can be seen using the example of celandine, which is common in our garbage places. Umbrellas end with both the main and side shoots. The latter bear fewer flowers. The main umbrella usually consists of 7-9 flowers and corresponds to the pattern. It has already been mentioned that the umbrella can be removed from a brush in which the growth of the axis is completely inhibited and, accordingly, the covering leaves and pedicels are crowded into rosettes. Apple tree inflorescences, which are formed on shortened shoots and are typical umbrellas, mostly consisting of 6 flowers. Onions, some primroses, breakers and other plants also have typical umbrellas.

The scutellum occupies to a certain extent an intermediate position between the hand and the umbrella. It is found, for example, in the closely related apple tree garden pear, and like the umbrella of an apple tree, in addition to the lateral ones, it has an apical flower.

Typical baskets are characteristic of the huge, largest among angiosperms, family Asteraceae. The baskets are shown schematically in , however, the covering leaves of many species are very small and sometimes completely absent.

In baskets, flowers fit tightly to each other and are located on a platform or conical surface corresponding to the expanded axis of the inflorescences. Along the edge of the basket there is an involucre consisting of leaflets, specialized to varying degrees. It should be emphasized that the wrapper is formed by sterile upper leaves. Biologically, but not morphologically (analogy, but not homology!) the basket corresponds to the flower, and the external similarity is often aggravated by the differentiation of flowers. The extended saucer-shaped or conical axis of the inflorescence is sometimes called the common receptacle or simply the receptacle.

Like the raceme, the basket has an essentially acropetal order of flower blooming. The last to bloom are the central, upper flowers.

Since the wrapper is the most characteristic feature of the basket, you should touch it specifically. Biologically, it corresponds to the calyx (again an analogy, but not homology!) and, in fact, has a similar origin to the calyx.

In some Asteraceae, the involucre leaves are brightly colored and act as petals. This is very strongly expressed in the so-called immortelle plants (Xeranthemum, Helichrysum, etc.). The number of involucre leaves of the garden immortelle Helichrysumbracteatum, native to South Africa, is especially large.

Complex inflorescences are quite widespread in nature, especially complex, or double, racemes and complex, or double, umbels.

Double racemes include the inflorescences of many speedwells, a number of moths and other plants. Let's look at a double brush using the example of a clover inflorescence (Trifolium campestre). In the latter it is formed by several capitate racemes emerging from the axils of the covering leaves. The internodes are very elongated, and the brushes are far apart from each other. Along with the racemes, which in this case are private inflorescences, adventitious buds also appear in the axils of the covering leaves of clover. At a certain distance from the apex, not brushes, but leafy shoots emerge from the axils of the leaves of the main axis, i.e., second-order axes that repeat the branching of the main axis. They are called enrichment shoots, and the section of the main axis on which they arise is the enrichment zone. The so-called main internode (between the uppermost enrichment shoot and the lowermost private inflorescence) separates the inflorescence from the vegetative zone with the enrichment zone.

Complex, or double, umbrellas are characteristic of the vast majority of representatives of the large umbelliferous family. A double umbrella can be imagined by imagining that in a simple umbrella each flower is replaced by an umbrella. As a rule, complex umbrellas are open in nature. Therefore, private inflorescences-umbrellas arise as axillary formations. Typically, umbrellas sit on legs, and the length of the latter in many umbrellas (carrots) decreases in the direction from the outer umbrellas to the inner ones.

Figure - Diagram of a complex umbrella

The so-called complex spikes, characteristic of some cereals, present very unique inflorescences, largely due to the fact that their leaf organs are very specialized and turned into scales. The inflorescences of cereals are always complex, consisting of individual inflorescences-spikelets; in a complex ear, the spikelets seem to replace the flowers of simple ears. The spikelets are arranged on the axis of the inflorescence in a double row or spirally. Covering leaves of the spikelets are absent, which often happens in other types of inflorescences. Each spikelet contains one or several (rarely more than 10) flowers. The latter, in addition to the stamens and pistil, also have tiny lodicule films . The flower is enclosed between two scales. Lodicules promote flower blooming. The flowers are arranged in the spikelet mostly in two rows. In addition to the organs mentioned, the spikelet usually has lower and upper glumes at its base. .

Figure - Wheat inflorescence: 1 - flower after removal of scales, 2 - diagram of the structure of the spikelet; NKCh - lower glume, VKCh - upper glume, NTsvCh - lower flower glume, VTsvCh - upper flower glume

In most cereals, the spikelets sit on stalks, and the inflorescence axis branches, resulting in paniculate inflorescences (oats, bluegrass, bromegrass, etc.).

The panicle differs from the double raceme in the multi-axis branching system. Of course, third-order axes are usually present only in the lower and middle parts of the panicle, and in the upper part only the main axis with lateral and (often) terminal flowers often remains. The panicle is found in lilac, elderberry, viburnum, grapes, meadowsweet, hydrangea and other plants .

Figure - Diagram of a panicle with opposite leaf arrangement

Cymose inflorescences. Simple cymose inflorescences are divided into mono-, di- and pleiochasial, to which are also some less common types.

Dichasia is obviously the simplest variant of cymose inflorescences. The blooming of the inflorescence begins with the apical flower, called the first-order flower; both lateral flowers turn out to be flowers of the second order. From the axils of the latter bracts flowers of the third order arise, etc. , and the axis of the inflorescence becomes a sympodium.

Dichasial inflorescences are especially characteristic of plants with opposite leaf arrangement, for example, representatives of the carnation family. Inflorescences of species of chickweed and chickweed (Cerastium) correspond to the above diagram. You should pay attention to the movements produced by the pedicels. During flowering, they are directed upward, when flowering fades, they sharply bend down and straighten again at the time of fruiting. Sometimes the “correctness” of dichasia is disrupted due to the fact that one of the branches develops more strongly than the other (woodlouse - Stellariamedia). Like many other characters, the number of flower orders in dichasia depends on environmental conditions.

Thus, many species of geraniums and resins (Silene) in extreme conditions of existence form single flowers, corresponding to the flowers of the first order of dichasial inflorescences. There are cases among the same cloves when one of the two branches of each pair is regularly suppressed. The inflorescence that then appears, as in some resins (Sileneanglica, S. pendula), is extremely similar in appearance to a brush (Fig. 358), i.e. the axis of the inflorescence turns out to be tortuous. It already represents the transition to monochasial inflorescences.

Typical monochasia are characterized by the development, as a rule, of only one bract (preleaf), especially in flowers of the third and higher orders.

Monochasial inflorescences are divided into two groups: convolutions and whorls. A convolution occurs when the successive axes of the monochasia relative to the covering leaf of the apical flower go either to the left or to the right , in the case of a curl, the axes in relation to the covering leaf are directed in one direction, due to which the part of the inflorescence that has not yet blossomed is twisted, as it were, in a spiral.

Monochasia are very common in the borage family, and since the axis of the inflorescence at the stage of fruit formation turns out to be completely straight, they often appearance extremely reminiscent of brushes or ears of corn.

Figure - diagrams of Cymose inflorescences: 1 - dichasia, 2 - gyrus, 3 - whorl, 4 - double whorl

Complex cymose inflorescences composed of monochasia and dichasia are called thyrzoid inflorescences.

Tyrzoid inflorescences include, in particular, catkins of alder, birch and other so-called catkin-flowered plants. The inflorescences here are often dioecious, characterized by the development of covering leaves and bracts. In alder, for example, the axis of the male catkin bears covering leaves, from the axils of which flowers of the first order arise; the latter have bracts that serve as covering leaves for second-order flowers; in the latter, however, only one bract is developed. Thus, the inflorescence consists of three-flowered dichasias. Sometimes (as in hazel) the picture becomes quite confusing due to the fusion of leaf and axial organs.

Figure – Diagram of part of an alder inflorescence

Pleiochasia is characterized by the fact that from each axis bearing the apical flower, more than two branches emerge, outgrowing the main axis and having the same type of branching.

Delineation of the inflorescence from the vegetative part and its origin.

A sign of an inflorescence is not always the specialization of leaves. It should be borne in mind that the inflorescence is delimited from below by the so-called main internode, which is often longer than the ones that follow it. This internode is preceded by a leaf (or a pair of leaves), in the axil of which an enrichment shoot can arise, repeating the main shoot. Thus, differentiation into an inflorescence and a “basement” (vegetative zone) with enrichment shoots takes place.

Veronica inflorescence diagram. OM – main internode

Some scientists believe that the phylogenetically original arrangement of flowers is their solitary arrangement on the tips of the shoots, as can be seen in magnolia, some peonies and other plants. The axillary arrangement of single flowers turns out to be secondary. Other scientists believe that the earliest angiosperms had inflorescences, possibly cymose.

Tasks “C” Unified State Examination_ 2007 – C 2

Name the method and phase of cell division shown in the figure. What process do they illustrate and what is its essence?

1) prophase of meiosis I;

2) conjugation and crossing over are depicted;

3) crossing over - exchange of sections, genes between homologous chromosomes, which leads to recombination of genes.

Determine the type and phase of division of the cell shown in the figure. What processes occur during this phase?

1) the figure shows metaphase of mitosis;

2) during this phase, bichromatid chromosomes line up in the equatorial plane;

3) spindle threads are attached to the centromeres of chromosomes.

Name the monomer shown in the diagram below. Describe the functions of the biopolymer it contains. What is indicated by the letters A, B, C?

1) molecule of thymine nucleotide DNA;

2) functions of DNA: storage and transmission of hereditary information of the cell;

3) A – nitrogenous base thymine, B – carbohydrate deoxyribose, C – phosphoric acid residue.

ABOUT define the root zones indicated in Fig. numbers 1, 2, 4, and indicate their functions.

1) 1 – root cap, protects the root tip from mechanical damage;

2) 2 – division zone, ensures root growth in length due to cell division;

3) 4 – suction zone, the zone of root hairs, ensures the absorption of water and minerals.

Name the parts of the pestle, indicated in the figure by numbers 1, 2, 3, and the functions they perform.

1) 1 – stigma, catches pollen;

2) 2 – embryo sac, double fertilization occurs in it, participates in the formation of the embryo and endosperm of the seed;

3) 3 – integument of the ovule, from which the seed coat is formed, covering the seed.

What parts of the bean seed embryo are indicated in the figure by numbers 1 and 2, and what functions do they perform?

1) 1 – root, bud (embryo-stem and leaves), 2 – cotyledons;

2) the root develops into the main root, a shoot develops from the bud;

3) cotyledons - provide the seedling with nutrients

ABOUT Determine the class and family of the angiosperm shown in the figure. Name the types of inflorescences and fruits characteristic of this family.

1) class Dicotyledonous plants;

2) family Legumes (Pataceae);

3) inflorescence – raceme, head;

4) fruit - bean.

Which flowering family does the plant shown in the picture belong to? Name the organs designated by the letters A and B and indicate their role in the life of the plant.

1) family Brassicas (Cruciferae);

2) A – head of cabbage – this is a modified shoot (bud) that provides wintering for two-year-old cabbage;

3) B – fruit – pod, ensures the distribution and protection of seeds.

N Name the object shown in the figure and its systematic position (kingdom, subkingdom, type). What process is shown in the figure and what is its biological significance?

1) ciliate-slipper; kingdom Animals, subkingdom Protozoa (Single-celled), type Ciliates;

2) process – asexual reproduction by division in two (simple division); 3) biological significance: reproduction of organisms identical to the parent individual.

ABOUT Determine the class and family of the flowering plant shown in the figure. Describe the structure of its flower. Name the organ indicated by the letter A in the figure and explain its role in the life of the plant.

1) class Dicotyledons, family Rosaceae;

2) flower: perianth of 5 corolla petals and 5 sepals, many pistils, in some species of the family - one, many stamens;

3) modified shoot - tendril (or stolon), provides vegetative propagation.

Indicate the numbers of simple and complex inflorescences. What numbers indicate the inflorescences, the basket and the head? Which plant families have them?

1) simple - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, complex - 8, 9, 10;

2) 5 – head, 6 – basket;

3) the basket is the Asteraceae family, the head is the Anthaceae (Legumonaceae) family.

TO What type of animal is the one shown in the picture? What is indicated by numbers 1 and 2, what is the role of these formations in the life of an animal?

1) type Sarcoflagellate;

2) 1 – contractile vacuole, collects and removes excess water and metabolic products from the cell;

3) 2 – nucleus, participates in the storage and transmission of hereditary information, regulates metabolism.

Name the parts of the flower indicated in the picture by numbers 1, 2, 3, and explain their functions.

1) 1 – stamens, participate in sexual reproduction, form pollen with male gametes (sperm); 2) 2 – pistil ovary, participates in sexual reproduction, contains an ovule with an egg (female gamete);

3) 3 – sepals and petals of the corolla (perianth), serve to protect the stamens and pistil, and participate in attracting insects (pollination).

Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which errors were made and explain them.

1. The anterior roots of the spinal cord include the processes of sensory neurons. 2. The dorsal roots consist of processes of motor neurons. 3. When the anterior and posterior roots merge, the spinal nerve is formed. 4. The total number of spinal nerves is 34 pairs. 5. The spinal cord has a cavity filled with cerebrospinal fluid.

1) 1 – the anterior roots of the spinal cord contain processes of motor neurons;

2) 2 – dorsal roots of the spinal cord contain processes of sensory neurons;

3) 4 – total number of spinal nerves – 31 pairs.

Name the fruit whose cross-section is shown in the picture. What structural elements are indicated in the figure by numbers 1 and 2, what functions do they perform?

1) fruit – grain;

2) 1 – endosperm – storage of organic substances;

3) 2 - pericarp, fused with the seed coat - protection of the seed and embryo.

41. In the picture, label the names of the parts of the flower

1 - stigma of the pistil

2 - column

3 - ovary

4 - ovules

5 - receptacle

6 - peduncle

7 - sepal

8 - stamen

9 - petal

10 - perianth

42. Compare the cherry and tulip flowers shown in the picture. Label their main parts. What are the similarities in the structure of these flowers? What is the difference?

1 - petal

2 - stamen

3 - pestle

4 - peduncle

Similarities: flowers are bisexual, regular, with perianth and peduncle, corolla free-petaled

Difference: the cherry has many stamens, the tulip has a multiple of 3. The cherry has a double perianth, the tulip has a simple one. The cherry has a lower ovary, the tulip has an upper one.

43. Execute laboratory work"The structure of a flower." Draw the parts of the flower and label them

44. Think about the basis on which it can be argued that a flower is a modified shoot. Give a reasoned answer

A flower is a modified shoot, as it develops from a bud. Its stem part is represented by a peduncle and receptacle, and the calyx, corolla, stamens and pistils are modified leaves

45. Compare the cabbage and viola flowers shown in the picture. What is their difference?: Write what these flowers are called

The correct one is cabbage, the incorrect one is viola. Through the right flower you can draw several planes of symmetry, through an irregular one - one

46. ​​Fill in the missing words


Stamen, pistil, pistillate


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1 1 ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN IN BIOLOGY MUNICIPAL STAGE. 7 8 CLASSES Part one. Each question has four possible answers. It is necessary to select only one correct one and enter it into the table on the work form. 1. Mycobacteria are the causative agents of: a) syphilis; b) jaundice; c) tuberculosis; d) mycoses. 2. Kukushkin flax reproduces: a) zoospores; b) seeds under unfavorable conditions; c) disputes; d) aplanospores. 3. Red algae differ from green and brown algae in that: a) red algae do not form chlorophyll a; b) red algae do not have a sexual process; c) no unicellular red algae were found; d) in the life cycle of red algae there are no cells with flagella. 4. Of the listed algae, they are capable of absorbing organic substances from environment: a) spirogyra and fucus; b) spirogyra and ulotrix; c) chlamydomonas and chlorella; d) kelp and fucus. 5. In the basket of the plant shown in the figure, the flowers are: a) reed; b) pseudolingual; c) tubular and pseudolingual; d) reed and tubular.

2 6. Strawberry leaves: a) odd-pinnate; b) trifoliate; c) palmate; d) compound unifoliate. 7. On a cross section of the stem of a 3-year-old linden tree you can see: a) the cambium, the pith inside it, and the bark outside; b) cambium, wood inside and bark outside; c) procambium, with bark on the outside and wood on the inside; d) procambium, a central cylinder outside of it, and wood inside. 8. In one cell of the pulp of a mature rowan fruit, under a microscope you can see plastids: a) leucoplasts, chloroplasts and chromoplasts; b) leucoplasts and chloroplasts; c) leukoplasts and chromoplasts; d) chromoplasts. 9. Underground germination of seeds is typical for: a) castor bean; b) linden; c) pumpkins; d) pedunculate oak. 10. Resin passages are characteristic of: a) conifers; b) Asteraceae; c) umbrella; d) all of the listed plants. 11. What kind of blood is in the toothless heart: venous (low oxygen content) or arterial ( oxygenated)? a) venous; b) arterial; c) in the atria it is venous, and in the ventricle it is arterial; d) arterial in the left atrium, venous in the right atrium, mixed in the ventricle. 2

4 18. Which mammal is characterized by the absence of fangs in the dental system? a) red-headed noctule; b) white hare; c) wolf; d) mole. 19. Representatives of what class are caecilians? a) cyclostomes; b) mammals; c) reptiles; d) amphibians. 20. In passerine birds, a short powerful beak is associated with feeding: a) seeds; b) fruits; c) large animal food; d) insects. 4

5 Part two. You are offered test tasks with multiple answer options (from 0 to 5). Indicate the indices of correct answers/yes (y) and incorrect answers/no (n) in the table on the work form with the sign “X”. Sample of filling out the table: 1 yes/no yes no a X b X c X d X d X 1. Flowering plants growing in water are characterized by: a) poor development or absence of mechanical tissue; b) good development of mechanical tissue; c) good development of wood, ensuring the movement of water throughout the plant; d) the presence of large intercellular spaces in the tissues of roots, leaves and stems; e) predominance of xylem in bundles and poor development of phloem. 2. In the composition of the leaf vein you can find: a) sieve tubes with companion cells; b) vessels; c) sclerenchyma; d) angular collenchyma; e) parenchyma. 3. In moss mosses, horsetails and ferns, roots are formed: a) the main one with lateral ones; b) main; c) subordinate clauses; d) lateral; e) main with subordinate clauses. 4. Asexual reproduction by budding or detachment of body parts occurs in: a) roundworms; b) annelids; c) coelenterates; d) shellfish; d) echinoderms. 5. The lateral line organs in fish serve to: a) determine the direction and speed of the current; b) definitions chemical composition water; c) detecting the approach of a predator or prey; d) detection of underwater obstacles; e) orientation in space along lines magnetic field. 5

6 6 Part three. A task to determine the correctness of judgments. Enter the numbers of correct judgments in the table on the worksheet. 1. The body of lower plants is always represented by a thallus with large leaves. 2. Hawthorn spines are modified shoots. 3. The seed embryo is heterotrophic at the earliest stages of germination. 4. Lungfishes are an extinct group of fish from which the first amphibians originated. 5. Hagfish do not have a larval stage in their development cycle. 6. All representatives of the phylum Chordata are dioecious animals. 7. Regeneration in polyps occurs due to the division of skin and muscle cells. 8. All invertebrates use external fertilization. 9. The bulk of the muscles in birds is located on the ventral side. 10. The group of mammalian skin glands includes sweat, sebaceous and mammary glands.

7 7 Part four. Fill out the tables on the work form in accordance with the requirements of the tasks. 1. The figure shows a cross section of a vascular tuft of corn (Zea mays). Correlate the main structures of the vascular bundle (A D) with their designations: A wood parenchyma; B sclerenchyma; Into the air cavity; G vessels; D phloem.

8 8 2. The figure shows a cross section of a spruce needle. Match the symbols in the figure (1 5) with the names of the structural elements: A epidermis; B resin passage; In the stomata; G conducting beam; D mesophyll.

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TASKS FOR THE MUNICIPAL TOUR OF THE ALL-RUSSIAN SCHOOL OLYMPIAD IN BIOLOGY. 7TH GRADE. 2016-2017 academic year year Part 1. You are offered test tasks that require you to select only one answer option.

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Final test in biology in 6th grade. Explanatory note The test consists of parts A, B, C. 40 minutes are allotted for completion. It is recommended to complete the tasks in order, without skipping any,

Plant organs and tissues 1. The following data on the height of the stem of one of the rye varieties is given: Stem height, cm 95 105 125 75 80 85 98 88 Number of plants, specimens 22 4 0 3 12 25 14 35 Make a variation

Biology. Plants. Bacteria. Mushrooms. Lichens grade 6. (35 hours, 1 hour per week) Developed based on the Biology program. Plants. Bacteria. Mushrooms. Lichens. 6th grade. Authors: Ponomareva I.N. et al. / Biology

MBOU "Kingisepp Secondary School 5" The final certification in BIOLOGY for 5th grade students is carried out in two stages: Stage 1 Stage 2 theoretical part (oral answer on program questions

Test in 6th grade biology, option 1 (1-16) 0.25 points. 1. Chlorophyll is contained in: 1. Chloroplasts 2. Cytoplasm 3. Cell sap 4. Vacuole 2. Tube is: 1. A magnifying device 2. Part of a microscope,

Examination tickets in biology for the program of basic general education (grade 7) 2015-2016 academic year Ticket 1 1. Zoology as a science. Signs and diversity of animals. The role of zoology in life and practical

RESEARCH AND EDUCATION CENTER "ERUDIT" 410000, Saratov, PO Box 91, E-mail: [email protected], http://erudyt.ru, http://erudyt.rus IV International Distance Olympiad in Biology “Plants” For students

All-Russian Biology Olympiad for schoolchildren MUNICIPAL STAGE 2017/2018 academic year d. THEORETICAL TOUR Grade 7 Part I. You are offered test tasks that require you to select only one answer out of four

Demonstration version of the transfer certification in biology for the 7th grade course Part A. Select one correct answer 1. Digestion of food begins outside the digestive canal in 1) mollusks 3) spiders

Demo version of the starting knowledge test in biology, grade 7. Choose one correct answer. 1. For nutrition, animal organisms... A) use ready-made organic substances B) absorb carbon dioxide C) form

Fourth third second first Quarter Thematic planning in biology (externs) 2017-2018 academic year 7th grade Textbook: Biology. 7th grade V.M. Konstantinov, V.G. Babenko, V.S. Kuchmenko, Ed. "Ventana-Count"

TASKS of municipal stage XXXIII All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in biology 2016-2017 academic year Altai region 7th grade Congratulations on your participation in the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad

Name of section/topic MATERIALS for preparation in biology grade 6. Immersion 2 Know Be able to Section 3: Basic life processes of plants. Section 4: Plant diversity and development

The program is compiled on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of basic general education using the program of the authors V.B. Zakharova, N.I. Sonina, E.T. Zakharova M.: Bustard, 2011

Tasks for the municipal stage of the 2013 All-Russian Biology Olympiad for schoolchildren for grade 8 Task 1. You are offered test tasks that require you to select only one answer out of four possible.

Bank of sample tasks for Biology 6th grade P1 base Task 1 Are the following statements true: Indicate the truth or falseness of the answer options: All living plants consist of cells. Cytoplasm internal

Theoretical tour assignments for grade 8. Demo version (maximum score 45) Completion time 60 minutes Part 1. Select one answer. Maximum number of points you can score

6th grade. Option 1. Task 1* What part of the plant is shown in the cut? 1 leaf 2 stem 3 root 4 thallus 2. Problem 2* What function do the cells shown by the arrow perform? 1 gas exchange, transpiration,

Taxonomy. Main plant divisions. Classes of flowering plants. 1. The largest of the listed systematic groups is 1) species 3) family 2) genus 4) class 2. In what case are systematic

Moscow GBOU School 329 Album of microphotographs “Plant tissues” Plant tissues The cells of a plant organism differ in structure and functions. Some of them are flat, colorless, with

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Sevastopol “Secondary school 52 named after F.D. Bezrukov” Work program in the subject “Biology” for grade 7 for the 2016/2017 school year

Midterm test in biology (6th grade) Task A. Choose one correct answer Option 1 1. In the process of respiration, the plant 1. Absorbs oxygen 2. Releases oxygen 3. Absorbs carbon dioxide

MBOU "Kingisepp Secondary School 5" The final certification in BIOLOGY for 7th grade students is carried out in two stages: Stage 1 Stage 2 theoretical part (oral answer on program questions

Requirements for the level of student preparation (7th grade) As a result of studying biology, the student must: know/understand: - signs of biological objects: living organisms; cells and organisms of plants, animals,

Dear Guys! Congratulations on your participation in the municipal stage of the All-Russian Biology Olympiad for schoolchildren! When answering questions and completing tasks, do not rush, as the answers are not always obvious and require

ADVANCED LEVEL TASKS WITH DETAILED ANSWER BIOLOGY 6.6 GRADE (IN-DEPTH STUDY) TOPIC: Design of magnifying devices Question 1. What is a magnifying glass and what magnification does it give? Question

Requirements for the level of training of students As a result of studying the subject “Biology. Diversity of living organisms" 7th grade students should: know/understand - the structure and functioning of biological

Training work in biology. Plants. Grade 7 Part 1. When completing tasks with a choice of answers (1-40), circle the number of the correct answer in the training work or write in the missing answer

6th grade. Biology P2 Task 1 Plant organs A flower is a plant organ that provides: Choose one of 3 answer options: seed reproduction vegetative reproduction both reproductions Task

Final test in biology for the 7th grade course 1. In the lancelet and other skullless animals, the skeleton is 1) absent 2) external 3) internal cartilaginous or bone 4) represented throughout life

Description of control measuring materials for intermediate certification, grade 7 1. Documents defining the content of the test work The content and structure of the test work are determined

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Baltic Federal University named after. Immanuel Kant" Olympiad for schoolchildren "The future is with us" 2015-2016 academic year. Full-time (final) assignments

Time to complete the task: 60 minutes, 1 attempt Task 1. The task includes 22 questions, each of them has 4 possible answers. For each question, select only one answer that you think is most

CALENDAR - THEMATIC PLANNING Subject of the lesson Meters Dates Contents Requirements for the level of preparation Introduction (3 hours) 1 The world of living organisms. Levels of organization of living things. 2 Ch. Darwin and origin

Biology 10th grade. Demo version 1 (45 minutes) 1 Diagnostic thematic work 1 in preparation for the Unified State Exam in BIOLOGY on the topics “Plants. Bacteria. Mushrooms. Lichens", "Animals", "Man and

UNIT 4 Systematics and diversity of living organisms. 1. Establish the sequence of development of systematic groups A) flowering B) gymnosperms C) algae D) psilophytes E) mosses C D D B A 2. Indicate the method

Biology 8th grade. Demo version 1 (45 minutes) 1 Diagnostic thematic work 1 in preparation for OGE-9 in BIOLOGY on the topics “Plants. Bacteria. Mushrooms. Lichens", "Animals" Instructions

TOPIC “Evolution. Main directions" 1. Reduction in the number and range of the Ussuri tiger in the modern era, an example of 1) biological progress 2) biological regression 3) idioadaptation 4) aromorphosis

Code Olympiad in Biology Grade 9 School Stage Task 1. For each question, choose only one correct answer, which you consider the most complete. (1 point for each correct answer) A1. Proteins in

ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN IN BIOLOGY. 2017 2018 academic year SCHOOL STAGE. 7 8 CLASSES Part 1 Each question has four possible answers. You must select only one correct answer and enter

1. Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of the sentences in which they are made, correct them. 1. The common amoeba is a representative of the subkingdom Protozoa, lives in sea water. 2. Moves around

Work program in biology (basic level) 7 “A”, 7 “B”, 7 “C” grades Compiled by: Liliya Grigorievna Nosacheva, highest category biology teacher, 2017 1 Work program in biology for grade 7