Shower      04/02/2019

Proper care of indoor flowers. How to properly care for indoor flowers

AND houseplants, and plants open ground perfectly complement any setting. They are usually easy to care for and will thrive with proper care and treatment. If you are not sure that you are properly caring for your plants, then in this article you will find information about proper care for indoor and garden plants.


Caring for indoor plants

    Provide the plants with enough light. One of your first priorities is to check that your plants are getting enough light. Plants on a side table in the living room may look great, but if they are too far from the window, they will not last long. Research the lighting requirements of each specific plant and place it in a location that suits its needs. Keep in mind that south-facing windows receive the most sunlight, while north-facing windows receive the least amount. Basic recommendations for lighting are as follows:

    • Plants that require full sunlight should be placed in a location where they receive 4-6 hours of direct sunlight per day.
    • Plants that require partial sunlight should be placed where they will receive 2-3 hours of direct sunlight per day.
    • Plants that require a shaded location should be placed where they will receive 1 hour of direct sunlight per day.
  1. Water your plants regularly. Determining exactly how much water a plant should receive can be difficult: if there is too much water, the roots will begin to rot due to poor drainage, and the plant will die. The amount of water needed varies from plant to plant, as some like very moist soil while others (such as cacti and succulents) need watering once every few weeks. However, most plants do well with watering 2-3 times a week. Use an aerosol spray bottle or small garden watering can, and with each watering, add enough water to keep the soil moist but not wet.

    Fertilize your plants every few weeks. Fertilizer is a soil additive that supplies the plant with nutrients. It is especially important to fertilize indoor plants every 2-3 weeks because no organic matter is naturally added to their soil, as is the case with outdoor plants. Most fertilizers have a formula of three numbers, for example 10/20/10; these numbers indicate the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium that the fertilizer contains. Since each plant species requires a different ratio of these three elements, the type of fertilizer varies depending on the plant species. We recommend starting with the “golden mean” - a fertilizer with the formula 6-12-6 or 10.10.10, which should suit most>

    • Spray or mound the fertilizer directly onto the soil surface according to package directions.
    • You should not mix fertilizer into potting soil as it will take a long time to break down and work its way into the soil structure.
  2. Clean plants from dust. Over time, indoor plants become covered with a thin layer of dust. This dust detracts from the natural beauty of the plants and also inhibits growth by clogging the “pores” on the leaves. This is why it is so important to regularly clean dust from plants. Depending on the size of the plant, two various methods cleaning: wipe with a cloth and rinse in the sink under running water. If you decide to wipe down your plants, add a little dishwashing liquid or plant soap to warm water, dip a clean rag in the mixture, and wipe the leaves thoroughly with it. If you are washing the plant under running water, simply turn on warm water in the sink and rinse each leaf thoroughly with your hands or a clean kitchen towel.

    • It is best to rinse smaller plants under running water. In this case, you need to make sure that too much water does not get into the pot.
    • Stores sell branded plant cleaning aerosols; you can use them to clean dust from plants.
  3. Do not place plants near air outlets. Humidity levels in buildings are usually lower than outside. As a result, indoor plants often dry out due to low humidity. Although regular watering helps prevent this, big problem may cause indoor plants to be placed near air outlets. Whether it's a heater or an air conditioner, constant air flow will dry out plant leaves and cause them to die. To solve this problem, move them away from any air outlets. To increase air humidity, you can install an air humidifier in the room.

  4. Make sure you don't plant your plants too deep. If your plants are slowly dying and weakening for some unknown reason, you may have planted them too deep. The plant's roots should be relatively close to the surface so that they can extract all the nutrients from the topsoil and have access to sunlight. Carefully dig up your plants and replant them so that the root ball is almost at or just below the surface of the soil. If the root ball is partially exposed, cover it evenly with a thin layer of mulch to protect it.

    • If most of If the roots are above the soil surface, the plant will also die. The roots should be in the top fertile layer of soil.

They take up significant space. They perfectly decorate the room, and some of them can disinfect the air from a variety of harmful microorganisms. Flowers also have a positive effect on a person’s psychological state.

Stages of care

In order to properly care for indoor plants, you need to know simple steps and requirements, as well as comply with the conditions for them active growth:

  1. House flowers definitely need water, it is best if it comes from rain or from an aquarium. If you can’t find one, then you can use a household one, but before that it should sit for about 12 hours.
  2. Recharge is definitely necessary. That's why home care includes systematic fertilization of the soil with minerals and vitamins, as well as other nutritional components.
  3. These flowers require daylight. The most best place there will be a window sill for their habitat. It is important to know that strong sun can burn plants, so direct rays are controlled using blinds or other devices.
  4. We must not forget about air humidification. This is especially true for care in winter time when the room begins to dry with hot radiators. Such an atmosphere has a bad effect not only on but also on the health of plants.
  5. It is necessary to pay close attention to temperature control. Since sudden changes can negatively affect home flowers. Care at home becomes more difficult during the cold period, since the rooms are very hot, and coolness comes from the window.
  6. Recommended frequent washing to remove dust that constantly settles. You can walk over the leaves with a damp cloth every day, and give them a shower once a week.
  7. An important step is pruning. When plants' stems or leaves die, they need to be removed.

In-store purchase

Caring for indoor plants includes such an important point as watering. Due to a lack of moisture, the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out over time, and if there is excess, they rot. In order to correctly determine the time of water replenishment, you only need to check the condition of the soil. If it is wet, then you need to wait a little, but if it has dried well, then it’s time to take up the watering can. It is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out. In general, indoor flowers are moistened in the evening in summer, and in the morning in winter. Plants that love water are watered twice in warm weather, just like flowering ones. But don’t overdo it: the liquid that collects in the pan is always drained.

Need for washing

Every day a large amount of invisible dust settles on the leaves, and if you do not wipe or wash them for a long time, it will become very noticeable and will have a bad effect on your home flowers. Home care involves regular rinsing, which can be done even under flow-through tap, only preferably in warm water. It is necessary to ensure that the soil does not soften or wash away. If soap is used (this procedure is carried out several times a week), then it is imperative to protect the soil from it.

You need to know how to do it correct processing plants in winter. This process is practically no different from the summer one, in addition, you need to take into account that this is done only as needed, since most flowers are in a dormant period, and it is better not to disturb them unnecessarily. If the leaves are covered with dust, you can simply wipe them with a rag. After water procedures You should not send the plant immediately to the windowsill; first you need to let it dry.

Feeding house plants

Fertilizers are active ingredients that all window flowers need. Home care requires such an operation; you just need to know the nutritional system of each crop. We must not forget that all fertilizing is applied an hour after normal watering. Extremely large amounts of fertilizer required fast growing plants, which have actively developed roots: roses, amaryllis, jasmine, hibiscus, fuchsia, pelargonium and clenodendrum. For such species, alternating organic matter and minerals is beneficial. It is not recommended to use various food products from the human table as fertilizing, as this can lead to the death of the entire plant.


The main mistake when increasing the planting area is ignorance of the composition of the soil, and this is quite important point in order for indoor flowers to take root well. Transplantation, propagation and care at home can take place in unsuitable soil that the plant requires, as a result it simply dies or stops growing. It also happens that this procedure occurs unnecessarily in order to help save the flower from a certain ailment. It is also incorrect that some people carry out relocation in autumn or winter, when there is little light and quite cold. Often you buy a very large pot, and the soil in it turns sour. Otherwise, the plant does not have enough area to feed. It is considered correct to plant the cuttings in a small pot, and simply increase its capacity as necessary.

It is important for every owner to know what home flowers cannot grow and develop without. Care at home is not always correct, and this is poorly reflected in the appearance and condition of the plant. The lack of the required component will affect the appearance of the leaf or color. If there is a lack of nitrogen, this can primarily be observed by poor shoots and stunted growth. In the case of a small amount of phosphorus, the crown will noticeably darken and become sparse. Without sufficient potassium, flowering may not occur at all, since the minerals will be used for the development of the stem and leaves.

All indoor plants, with the exception of corms and bulbous plants, need to be periodically supplemented with organic matter. This is not only their main “food”, but also an excellent way to make the soil looser and improve air access to the rhizomes. To prepare the fertilizer you will need bird droppings(1 tsp per liter of water) or mullein (2 tsp per liter of water).

An excellent recharge, which is used once every three months, is an ash solution, for the preparation of which you will need to infuse 1 tbsp. l. ash in 1 liter of boiling water for a week, and then add to home flowers. Care at home, although simple, is quite painstaking, so you need to use all the components correctly.


In order to provide a comfortable environment for anthurium, you need to know about its preferences. The lighting should be of medium strength; if you can create partial shade, then this is generally wonderful. But it is best to avoid direct sunlight, as they can burn the indoor plant. Care at home should provide for a warm and windless atmosphere, and drafts here are the worst enemies of this plant. Likes moderate watering, this should be done only when upper layer It will dry out a little.

In order not to spoil the roots, the water must be poured out of the pan. Anthurium really loves moist air; for this, spray bottles can come to the rescue, with which you need to spray the plant on a regular basis. It is important to know that any liquid should not drip onto the flowers, as brown spots will appear on them. Replanting can only be done in the spring, and once a year, and this must be done with great care so as not to damage the root system.

Mandevilla - the most beautiful indoor vine

This plant is not very common among gardeners today, but its beauty is simply mesmerizing, so you need to get to know it. Tolerates well and loves bright light. Throughout the year, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 25-28 degrees, since this is the range that Mandevilla prefers. Care at home must be very painstaking, and if it is not possible to achieve everything necessary recommendations, then it is best to give her a period of rest in winter and send her to a fairly cool place.

Watering from spring to autumn is carried out abundantly, and in cold times it must be reduced until the substrate dries. Feeding should be carried out only during the active growth phase, approximately once a week with the help of. It is recommended to constantly prune the Mandevilla, and this procedure is best carried out in the second half of autumn.


This plant does not like very bright light, so placing it on south-facing windows is not recommended. In case of contact with direct sunlight, it leaves burns on the leaves. It can bloom twice a year - both in autumn and in warm weather. If there are no arrows, you need to look for the reason in low lighting and an overly large pot, which these indoor flowers do not welcome at all. Caring for such a sensitive plant involves replanting several times a year, depending on its growth rate. It is best to do this procedure in the spring and choose a pot a few centimeters larger than the previous one.

In winter it is enough to water it twice a week, and in summer three times is better. If the flower needs moisture, its leaves will become sluggish and drooping. Water for irrigation must first be settled. The flower likes constant spraying, and you also need to periodically wipe off the dust, since spathiphyllum really doesn’t like it.

Home care, replanting and watering, as well as fertilizing are very important for the plant. The latter is performed at least three times a quarter during periods of rest. To do this, it is recommended to use universal fertilizers for flowering plants.


It belongs to the Bromeliad family. Without certain skills, growing such a plant is labor-intensive and difficult. It must be placed in warm places, as this is what Bilbergia flowers love. Home care includes: better growth and rooting, you can cover the pots with a frame and arrange a small greenhouse. It does not like active sunlight, so it should be placed where it is warm, but not very sunny. Watering should be done as the substrate dries. The shoots are thrown out 1.5 - 2 years after rooting.

Caring for indoor flowers is a troublesome task, but extremely enjoyable. Their growth and flowering depends on how you care for your home flowers. Houseplants need your care to meet their basic needs. Leave them in deep shade or without water and they will die. They will gradually wither away without food, and almost all varieties should be kept in a frost-free environment.

Proper care of houseplants involves providing them with heat, light, water and nutrients. Some flowers additionally require when growing and caring for high humidity air, fresh air, protection from drafts, etc. There are rules for caring for indoor plants that are not necessary for the life of the plant. These are simple procedures such as pruning, shaping and cleaning to make plants look their best.

Rules for caring for indoor plants

Success in growing flowers at home requires neither hard work nor great skill. However, you should follow the rules for caring for indoor plants. Remember that extremes in watering, nutrition, etc. can destroy plants. Do not forget also that there is a dormant period, usually in winter, when much less water, food and heat are required. Remove dead leaves and wilted flowers and watch for pests and diseases. Pity the poor outdoor gardeners who must work in wind and rain to dig holes, hoe weeds and mow lawns!

Before caring for indoor flowers, observe them. Spend a couple of minutes every few days looking closely at the leaves, stems and compost. By touching the compost you will know when watering is required. Appearance foliage will tell you that something is wrong with watering, temperature, lighting, nutrition or air humidity. Some people grow houseplants for years without actually looking at them or bothering to find out what the leaves can tell them.

Caring for indoor plants: temperature regime

Most indoor plants came to us from warm regions of the world. This has led many people to the mistaken belief that these plants require temperatures higher than normal room temperature. In fact, few plants will grow well in normal room conditions at temperature conditions above 24°C.

Almost all indoor plants will need a temperature of 13-24°C. Some grow quite successfully in rooms that are a little cool from the point of view of human comfort. There are exceptions to this general rule of caring for indoor plants - many flowering potted plants need maximum temperature 16°C in winter, and some heat-loving varieties require a minimum of 16°C.

Most plants can tolerate temperatures slightly higher or lower than they prefer for short periods. The real enemy is excessive temperature fluctuations. For most plants, a drop in temperature of 3-6°C at night is beneficial, but a sudden cooling of 11°C can cause harm or death. It may be necessary to move pots from windowsills in frosty weather.

Cacti and succulents are an exception. Large temperature fluctuations do not pose a problem for them because in their desert homeland they have adapted to hot days and cold nights.

How to care for house flowers: light mode

There are two aspects to lighting. The first is duration. Almost all plants require 12-16 hours of daylight or fairly strong artificial light to maintain active growth. Shorter duration of illumination will slow down the synthesis of nutrients, and this is why the rest period deciduous plants in winter it is not disturbed by bright but short sunny days.

The second aspect is the intensity of the light regime - in contrast to the duration, the need for it varies from plant to plant. Some varieties grow well on a sunny windowsill, but quickly decline in a shady corner; others will grow in light shade but cannot survive in direct sunlight.

When walking from a sunny window to the corner of the room, you will walk about 2.5 m into the shadow. Walking with your back to the window, you may not notice much change, but the light intensity will drop by about 95% over this short distance.

The leaves and stems of plants on the windowsill lean toward the glass. To prevent one-sided growth, you need to turn the pot from time to time. Make only a small turn at a time. Do not turn the pot of a flowering plant while it is in bud.

A flowering plant will suffer if it is moved from a place with recommended lighting to a shady one. The quality and quantity of colors depend on both the duration and intensity of illumination. Without adequate lighting, foliage may grow beautifully, but flower decoration will inevitably disappoint.

An ornamental leaf plant can be suddenly moved from its ideal position to a shady location without negative consequences. It will survive, but will not develop. Move him back to the lighted area for about a week every 1-2 months to allow him to recuperate.

The plant should not be suddenly transferred from a shady place to a sunny windowsill or to outdoor garden. Allow it to acclimatize for several days, moving it to a lighter location every day.

Growing and caring for indoor flowers: air humidity

When you turn on the radiator to warm up in winter cold air, the room becomes comfortable, but the amount of water vapor in the air decreases. The air becomes “dry”, that is, the relative humidity of the air drops, so growing and caring for indoor flowers in such conditions is very difficult.

In general, houseplants need less warm air and more humid air than you think. Because of central heating in the depths of winter the air becomes relative humidity Sahara desert. Plants are rarely able to develop normally in such conditions - many decorative leaves and most flowering plants will suffer if there is insufficient air humidity around the leaves. You can avoid the problem by finding a damp place for your plants, such as the kitchen or bathroom.

You can use a humidifier to increase the relative humidity in the entire room. However, it is much more common to use methods that create a humid microclimate around the plants, while the atmosphere in the rest of the room remains dry as before.

There are three main ways to increase air humidity around plants. They are described on this page. For plants that originated from the jungle, these methods may not be enough to ensure their active growth in a centrally heated room.

Such plants will take advantage of the humid atmosphere. In a useful way To keep phalaenopsis in bloom for many months is an orchidarium. Place a 5cm layer of expanded clay on the bottom of a regular glass aquarium and place pots on it. Pour water to cover the bottom half of the expanded clay layer - do not cover the entire layer. It is necessary to ensure that the water level in the lower part of the orchidarium is maintained approximately at the middle of the expanded clay level.

Spraying when growing indoor flowers

Spray with warm water in the morning to allow the foliage to dry before dark. Do not spray in bright light sunlight. Misting provides more than a temporary increase in humidity. It cools on hot sunny days, prevents the spread of red spider mite and reduces dust deposition on leaves.

Don't tie the plant to a single stake - use frames with three or four sticks instead. The pegs should reach the bottom of the pot.

As you can see in the photo, when caring for indoor flowers, there are many other supports for installation in a pot. For example, trellises, moss sticks and wire hoops. There are also wire or wood vine structures installed outside the pot.

Do not tie the stems too close to the support. Tie up the new growth while it is not too long and bends well. Clinging vines must be tied up frequently, otherwise the tendrils will tie the stems together.

Many novice flower growers are concerned about the question: how to properly care for flowers. In order for the plants in the house to be a decoration and pleasing to the eye, of course, a lot of effort must be made. But the result is worth it. After all, they are the ones who make the interior unique and add comfort to almost any room.

Many plants need individual approach, but there are quite simple ones, general rules content of flowers, knowledge of which will help make your house or summer cottage bright and original.

Indoor flowers often differ significantly in the conditions of their maintenance. They prefer different soil composition, have different attitudes towards watering and humidity. To thermal and light conditions.

The rules for lighting a flower directly depend on the preferences of the variety, but rarely does direct sunlight benefit

Caring for some takes a lot of time and effort, and sometimes requires special knowledge. All this must be taken into account when choosing a flower.

Before buying a flower you like in a store, try to find out more about it. This will help you understand whether you can organize a comfortable microclimate and protect you from disappointment.

Temperature and light conditions

Everyone can be called thermophilic indoor views. Of course some of them need temperature reduction during the dormant period, but for the vast majority a temperature from +18 to +24°C is suitable. But the light conditions can differ quite significantly.

You can choose plants for almost every room in the house. Some species are not harmed even by direct sunlight. These include succulents. These include cacti, spurge, aloe, agave, and adenium.

With an abundance of light and warmth, they feel great. In addition to succulents, palm trees and oleander grow well in such conditions.

The next group of indoor flowers also needs large quantities warmth and light, but the light should be diffused. Direct sunlight can cause leaf burns in this category.

Oleander tolerates abundant light and warm climates.

At the same time, in the shade and coolness, flowers do not feel comfortable, stop blooming and lose their decorative qualities. Geranium, roses, hibiscus, asparagus are just such.

Plants that grow well in partial shade. There are quite a lot of them too. For normal development, they need a lot of warmth and moisture, but they do not particularly need a lot of sunlight.

Representatives of this category are tradescantia, fittonia, gardenia, saintpaulia.

Humidity and spraying

There are many differences here too. However, almost all plants need to be watered with settled water. room temperature. Running water too cold for most indoor flowers, in addition, settled water has a lower content of salts and chlorine.

In addition, it should be remembered that excess moisture is very reflect negatively on indoor views.

When planting or replanting, you must ensure that the pot has holes for water drainage. In addition, a drainage layer is necessary at the bottom of the pot. Expanded clay, gravel, fragments of ceramics or brick chips are perfect for this.

Half an hour after watering, it is necessary to remove excess water from the trays.

Many flowers are best watered along the edges flower pot . Water getting into the root rosette can destroy the plant. You should also avoid getting water on flowers and buds.

In addition, in summer, flowers must be sprayed regularly. This is done not only to moisturize, but also to remove accumulated dust.

Plants with villi on the leaves cannot be sprayed.

You need to water regularly. But it should be remembered that lack of moisture usually less destructive than its excess.

In winter, watering of all pets is reduced by 2-3 times.

Do you need a double pot?

Recently in flower shops a new product has appeared. Double pot. This is a pot in the walls and bottom of which there are many holes made to get rid of excess moisture. It is inserted into another pot without holes of a slightly larger diameter.

If the plant is accidentally flooded, excess water drains quickly and it is easy to remove. If the family has small children who usually love to water flowers, purchasing such a pot will not be a bad idea.

There are many types of pots, but overflow protection will come in handy

Fertilizers and fertilizers

When and why are fertilizers applied?

It is necessary to fertilize and feed. Fertilizers and fertilizing begin in the spring, when the flowers begin their period of active growth and are usually fertilized 1-2 times a month until October. In winter, flowers are practically not fertilized.

Flowers need both organic and mineral fertilizers, since any soil becomes depleted over time and the flower begins to suffer from a lack of essential microelements.

Types of fertilizers

Mineral supplements are divided into phosphate, nitrogen, potassium and complex. Fertilizers are available in dry and liquid form.

For indoor varieties Liquid fertilizers are optimal; they are better absorbed. But also the price liquid fertilizers slightly higher.

Process and purpose of polishing leaves

As a rule, species with large leaves are polished to give the flower a well-groomed appearance. Make the leaves brighter and shinier.

Polishing leaves is a monotonous process that requires patience.

The latest generation of polishes and sprays may contain substances that protecting the flower from pests. Liquid polishes are rubbed with a sponge or cotton pad.

Before applying polish or spray, the flower must be washed to remove dust and allowed to dry.

Polishing with folk remedies

Sometimes banana peels, a solution of lemon juice or vinegar, yolk and beer are used to polish the leaves. It should be noted that the use of such remedies is time-consuming and does more harm than good.

Polishes and shine sprays are better use as little as possible and only in exceptional cases. With frequent use, a film that does not allow moisture and air to pass through is formed on the leaves, which is undoubtedly harmful.

Why and how to prune

Pruning is carried out in order to improve the decorative qualities of the plant, to give it beautiful view, ensure the growth of new shoots. Sometimes the need for pruning is caused by disease.

Many plants stretch up excessively. Pruning leads to the development of side shoots.

If the flower shows signs of disease, such as a fungal infection, it is necessary to remove all parts affected by the fungus.

Repotting indoor plants

General transplant rules

All varieties need replanting. Moreover, some are replanted annually, while others are replanted once every few years. Young ones are transplanted more often than adults. The day before transplanting, the flower must be watered.

Wet soil is easier to remove from the pot. When transplanting, the roots are carefully examined. Rotten roots are cut off with a sharp knife and powdered with charcoal.

We have repeatedly described the procedure for transplanting plants. This is important even if the process is generally the same for different colors. For example, .

Pot and soil

When replanting, you must act carefully so as not to damage the roots. The new pot should be only slightly larger than the previous one. The pot for replanting must be selected taking into account the root system of the plant.

Many people buy ready-made soil mixture in stores. If you prepare the soil yourself, find out the correct proportions for the components

When transplanting, you should always consider soil mixture composition which is preferable. You can buy the necessary soil at a flower shop.

Correct transhipment

Many flowers are transplanted using the transshipment method. This means that when transplanting, the main thing is not to damage the earthen ball. The flower along with the soil is placed in a pot and the pot is supplemented with soil by tapping the pot on a hard surface to achieve light compaction of the soil.

Preparing for flowering

Typically the flowering period occurs in spring and summer. The abundance of warmth and light after the winter coolness and insufficient daylight hours serves as a signal for the beginning of flowering. Often in the same ways you can deceive the plant.

To make it bloom, the plant needs:

During the flowering period, the plant especially needs fertilizing, loosening the soil and watering.

Loosening the soil has a positive effect on flower growth

Features of caring for garden plants

When planting garden varieties it is also necessary take into account flower preferences. Some feel better in damp and shady places on the shore of a home pond, while others feel better on a sun-drenched alpine hill.

Thanks to the efforts of breeders and designers, there is now one garden plot You can find completely different plants.

Main care requirements

Garden species need to be regularly watered, weeded and hilled. Shrubs (jasmine, roses) need pruning.

Feeding also important for garden plants, as for indoor ones. Since the area occupied garden varieties, is large, use large packages of dry or granular fertilizers.

If the plants are perennial, they are pruned for the winter and covered from frost with spruce branches, sawdust or other covering material.

Step-by-step transplant

Garden plants are most often propagated seedling method. In February-March seeds the desired plant planted in boxes with a drainage layer and suitable soil. The seeds are placed in the soil at a shallow depth, watered and covered with film.

It needs to be opened periodically and the seedlings ventilated. After 2-3 leaves appear, picking should be done. Planting in the ground is carried out after the soil has warmed up.

Dividing the bush

Mature plant carefully separate into several bushes, each of which should have a developed root system and young shoots. The bushes are placed in new places in the holes, the roots are sprinkled with soil and the plants are watered.

This method of reproduction is known for its reliability

Which garden plants are medicinal?

Plants that have long been used to treat or alleviate any disease are called medicinal and are often planted in summer cottages to always have on hand.

A few examples of well-known medicinal plants:

  • often decorates the landscape summer cottage. It is an excellent antiseptic, relieves inflammation, and is used as a general tonic;
  • grown in dachas in medicinal purposes. Treats gastrointestinal diseases, helps with colds and rheumatism. Effective for inflammatory and skin diseases;
  • is garden shrub and helps in the treatment of colds and pulmonary diseases, liver and kidney diseases.

Chamomile Pharmacy Elecampane Viburnum

In order for the plants planted at the dacha and in the apartment to be truly beautiful, you just need to treat them with attention and care. Very little time will pass and today’s newcomer to floriculture will proudly show his friends especially beautiful and rare specimens of his flower collection.

Date of publication: 02/17/2014

The importance of indoor plants for humans cannot be underestimated. In a metropolis, potted plants help maintain the required level of humidity in apartments and enrich the air with oxygen. Volatile organic substances released by plants have a beneficial effect on the circulatory and nervous system person. In addition, it has been scientifically proven that caring for “green pets” has a relaxing effect.

Correctly and tastefully selected indoor plants will decorate your home and give it freshness, and on winter evenings they will remind you of summer.

When choosing indoor plants, you should remember that most of them are plants of subtropical and tropical climates. In order for your potted pet to please you for many years, you need to know a few basic rules of care.


For life and normal growth, plants must meet certain conditions. The most important of these conditions are: light, nutrients, moisture, air and ambient temperature.

Light is of exceptional importance for indoor plants, so each one should receive it in the amount it needs. With a lack of light, plants become stretched, normal development and flowering are delayed, and the plant may even die. If there is insufficient natural light, lighting devices are placed near the plants.

On window sills, it is better to place low plants closer to the glass in the first row, followed by tall ones. If the windows of your apartment face south, you should not place them on the windowsill. shade-loving plants. It is better to place them at some distance from the window. The most light-loving indoor plants are begonias, ficuses, philodendrons, agaves and coleus. Shade-tolerant plants include ivy, aspidistra, ruscus and some ferns.

In addition to optimal lighting, indoor plants also need sufficient moisture. Different plants need water to different degrees.

Plants such as cacti, agaves, and sansevieria are rarely watered; excess moisture is detrimental to them. Ficuses, philodendrons, asparagus and begonias require more frequent watering.

Bulbous and tuberous plants - amaryllis, gloxinia and tuberous begonias from September to mid-February it should be watered 1-2 times a month and kept at a temperature of about 7C.

In urban conditions, plants are usually watered tap water, which must first be left to stand for at least 12 hours. The water temperature for watering plants should not be lower than the air temperature in the room where it is located.

IN different time Plants are watered differently each year. In winter, when most indoor plants are dormant, moderate morning watering 2 times a week is sufficient. In spring and summer, starting around the end of April, indoor plants go into an active growth phase. At this time, daily abundant watering is necessary, preferably in the evening. It should be borne in mind that not only a lack of moisture is detrimental to plants, but also its excess. Therefore, before the next watering, it is necessary to check the soil moisture.

The rules for caring for indoor plants are simple, but sometimes there are situations when it is simply not possible to follow them. What to do if you need to leave home for a while and have no one to ask to water your flowers?

If your departure will last no longer than one week, then you can cover the soil in the pots with cling film, after watering the plant abundantly. Flower pots can be placed in deep containers with water and then the plants will be able to independently take the amount of moisture they need.

If you plan to be away for a longer period of time, you can place flower pots on the floor and a basin of water on a raised platform. Cut strips of fabric, wet them and place one end in a bowl of water and the other in a pot of flowers. In this way, water will gradually flow into the soil for quite a long time.

An important factor for plant development is indoor air quality. Regular ventilation and fresh air have a good effect on the growth of indoor plants. The air should be fresh and not very dry. However, it should be borne in mind that some plants do not tolerate drafts, such as bertolonia and croton.

Without exception, all indoor crops need good soil. Correct selection soil mixtures is one of the important conditions for normal growth and development of plants. Nowadays, there is no longer any need to prepare soil mixtures yourself, since there are many specialized stores offering ready-made mixtures for all types of plants. During the period of active growth, usually in spring, houseplants need feeding. Additional minerals and fertilizers, also selected in the store specifically for your plant, will help it become even more lush and delight you with active flowering.

Since the main respiratory organ in plants is leaves, very an important condition healthy growth is their cleanliness. Dust and dirt settled on the leaves prevents the plant from breathing, so it is recommended to regularly wash your pet in the shower or spray it generously with a spray bottle. It is also necessary to remember that without regular cleaning, the plant will develop favorable conditions for the propagation of diseases and pests.

So, we have looked at the basic conditions that need to be created and maintained in order for your indoor plants to grow well, delight you with lush foliage and regular flowering. Don't forget about them and they will bring beauty and harmony to your home!

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