Mixer      08/21/2020

Candy is crazy. Sweets "Mad bee" (factory "Roshen", Lipetsk). Sweets "Mad bee": composition and taste

And why am I writing all about chocolates, as if other sweets do not exist? I am correcting myself. One of the non-chocolate candies that impressed me in Lately- a marmalade creation of the now unfashionable Roshen confectionery factory called Mad Bee. Let's leave politics aside and dispassionately evaluate a candy with such a strange name. Especially after the New Year holidays, abundant in every sense, you want something simple and uncomplicated, but at the same time, of course, tasty.

The name, as I said, seems a little strange to me, because, in my opinion, the word "mad" is more often used in a negative way. Here, if I guess correctly, and the creators of the candy have nothing against the bee and even, I dare to hope, treat it with respect, then one could choose other adjectives, more calm and neutral.

I can’t mark the design of the candy wrapper with a plus sign. On the one hand, it seems bright and pretty - rich red and yellow colors, a large image of the bee itself. But on the other hand, the name of the candy is hidden in the twist so thoroughly that you can read it only by unrolling the wrapper. I consider this a serious disadvantage that many manufacturers sin.

In addition, the name of the factory is hidden in the same place, which is even worse, since this information is the most important, but, unfortunately, not available at the time of purchase.

Sweets "Mad bee" are available in many different flavors and with a variety of fruit fillings (information from the site):

  • orange,
  • grapefruit,
  • sour cherry,
  • red berries,
  • lemon-lime,
  • strawberries.

I photographed only a couple of sweets so that the external and internal contents of the candy were clear (I apologize for the somewhat fuzzy image, the camera had difficulty focusing on such a blurry and translucent object).

Sweets have a very convenient small and rounded shape. Inside it is a filling: soft, flowing, similar in texture to jelly.

Candies of all flavors that I came across turned out to be worthy. And I consider these sweets a rare success, since it is quite difficult to find such unpretentious, but neat, not too high-calorie sweets for every day, with the possibility of their almost unlimited consumption.

Other reviews about the products of the Roshen factory.

Information about candies "Mad bee"

Compound: glucose syrup, granulated sugar, water-retaining agent sorbitol, gelling agent carrageenan, acidity regulators: a mixture of lactic acid and citric acid, trisodium citrate; thickener E1422, flavorings: identical to natural: "Strawberry", "Cherry", "Wild Berry", "Grapefruit"; natural: "Orange", "Lemon lime"; confectionery fat, dyes: E163, E141, E171, carmine, carotene, paprika extract, curcumin; concentrated juices: cherry, orange, strawberry, lemon, pink grapefruit, cranberry.

The nutritional value per 100 g: proteins - 0.3 g, fats - 0.6 g, carbohydrates - 79.6 g.
Energy value in 100 g: 322 kcal.

Roshen Confectionery Corporation is one of the largest international manufacturers of confectionery products. She is ranked eighteenth in the Candy Industry Top-100. Roshen produces about two hundred types of various confectionery products. The company is best known for its chocolate. Its milk, black, white, aerated chocolate is very popular not only in the manufacturing country (Ukraine), but also abroad (USA, Germany, France). "Roshen" also produces a variety of sweets: jelly, caramel, chocolate. The confectionery factory is famous for its cakes: the famous "Kiev" is one of the most popular gifts from Ukraine. It is worth noting good quality and other products. The article will focus on rainbow delicious candies "Mad Bee".

Sweets "Mad bee": composition and taste

The most common are sweets with grapefruit flavor, orange, cherry, berry, strawberry. They have wonderful taste, and after eating a few pieces, it is almost impossible to stop and not eat the whole package. But is it worth eating them often and in large quantities? Are the ingredients of Mad Bee candy dangerous to health? Your attention is provided with a description of the composition of this product. Let's start with the non-hazardous components. These are glucose syrup, sugar (a safe supplement, but not recommended for children under three years old), citric acid is considered safe and even beneficial), trisodium citrate (does not harm the body in small quantities), anthocyanins (harmless dyes), curcumin (a dye that is not hazardous to health). The following are the ingredients to be treated with caution. These are sorbitol (use in large quantities causes diarrhea, bloating, colic), acetylated distarch adipate (thickener and stabilizer, which is undesirable for small children) and (clouding agent).

The following products in Mad Bee candy are considered unhealthy: carrageenan (a thickening agent that can cause various stomach diseases), carmine (a red dye that causes asthma and hives). Again, in moderation, they will not cause harm, but you should not eat a whole package of sweets at a time. Now we can move on to taste. The reviews especially note the moderately sweet, pleasant fruity taste of the Crazy Bee candy. But still, you should not abuse this delicacy too much.

Sweets "Mad bee": calories

Many people who care about their figure prefer to know the composition of all the products they use and their calorie content. Candy "Mad Bee" is a favorite delicacy of many, so a similar question interests them. Calorie delicacy - 332 kcal per hundred grams. This is not much, but nevertheless it is better to use this product in small quantities.

Having got acquainted with the "Brave Mosquito" sweets, leaving a review and reading the comments, I desired the "Mad Bee". Searched for several days. and finally bought it today. I found this bee in Magnit, 256 rubles / kg. Small sweets with a cute pop-eyed bee)).

I tried it and was immediately disappointed .. A very elastic jelly mass, gelatin was clearly not spared, it looks like rubber. Chewed for a very long time, Candy with different flavors, I got cherry, orange and lemon. The filling is the consistency of liquid syrup. The taste is unnatural, clearly gives chemistry. The aftertaste is gelatinous, does not pass for a long time. I took a picture of one candy, all the rest differ only in color.

I'm unlikely to buy, I've never been fond of chewing gum.

Advantages: bright, delicious

Flaws: composition that caused allergies

Hi all! Today I saw Roshen "Mad Bee" candy in the store, gave it to my son, took a picture for this review and no more ... we don't buy them anymore and don't recommend them to anyone.

My friend told me about these delicious sweets. She bought them for her little child and highly recommended them to us. I remember how then we laughed with such a wonderful name "Mad Bee".

I was in no hurry to buy them, because I myself don’t particularly like sweets, and I didn’t want to accustom my child (he was one and a half years old then).

Soon by the new year, the husband received a children's gift at work. That year it was Roshen sweets. And among the various sweets there were sweets in a bright beautiful wrapper called "Mad Bee". That's when we tried them for the first time and we liked them very much. Bright, soft, jelly with filling. They looked very appetizing.

I asked my husband to buy them for me in the store. And he brought a package of these delicious sweets. We ate them a little at a time, but I didn’t look after my son and he ate five of their little things.

And at night the most terrible began. The child woke up and scratched his palms, covered with pimples. It was a terrible night.

Then the doctor confirmed that it was an allergy. And we were treated for three weeks, remembering the name of the candy "Mad Bee", but it's true that the child's palms were itchy, swollen and everything in pimples seemed to be bitten by bees. And then the name of the sweets no longer seemed funny to us. And in the hospital, I even felt embarrassed when I explained that on the eve of this allergy I gave the child sweets called "Mad Bee"

Since then, I have been trying to carefully choose sweets, and, of course, we never buy such sweets and do not recommend them to anyone.

And we no longer encounter allergies, and at first the child himself refused to eat sweets, pointing to his little hands.

Neutral Feedback

I discovered these sweets for myself a long time ago, but I don’t eat them often, the composition is painfully embarrassing for sweets.

So, appearance pleasant, appetizing. Marmalade is transparent and elastic! Nchinka does not pour out. Oshnako, I was immediately embarrassed by the not quite natural aroma, as it was before. Candies definitely began to have a not quite fruity flavor. The taste is the same - earlier these sweets looked more like osto marmalade, but tighter and without sugar, now you can feel directly that "SOMETHING" has been added to the composition ...

And now the composition itself: starch syrup, sugar, water-retaining agent sorbitol, gelling agent carrageenan, acidity regulators: a mixture of lactic acid and citric acid, trisodium citrate; thickener E1422, flavors: identical to natural: "Strawberry", "Cherry", "Wild Berry", "Grapefruit"; natural: "Orange", "Lemon Lime"; confectionery fat, dyes: E163, E141, E171, carmine, carotene, paprika extract, curcumin; concentrated juices: cherry, orange, strawberry, lemon, pink grapefruit, cranberry.

So, in fact, I wonder why the mad bee ... Maybe because of the mad composition?

Multi-colored sweets "Mad bee" from ROSHEN are familiar to many, they are also sold by weight (the cost is about 160 rubles), and in such bright packs:

In the package, as in the photo, there are 250 grams of jelly splendor in wrappers, sweets are all of different colors - green, orange, yellowish, which should correspond to a certain fruit (apple, cherry, cranberry, etc.). The contents of the pack without a few pieces, greedily eaten at once, are as follows:

These are the so-called jelly sweets with a drop of thickened juice inside, which looks funny and inviting in a whole candy, look:

Soft, not rubbery - they bite off easily, there is no feeling of heaviness when eating, no matter how much you eat them, thanks to which you can easily forget yourself and eat the whole pack. Sweets from the “Fly like seeds” category, to which, for example, this chocolate “Korovka” belongs. They are inexpensive, affordable and tasty so much that then you only have to wonder where the extra kilogram of live weight came from!

I will buy more than once, who has not tried it - try it.

One star removed for a large set of flavors in the composition - this is superfluous, respected manufacturer. We want to eat candy WITHOUT flavors.

I got hooked on these jelly candies in the summer when I went to Belarus. That's where I bought them for the first time. And ever since then I want them all the time! I really like their varied taste, liquid filling, structure. And the price is quite budget.

"Mad bee" - who came up with such a fun name? Smile Bright packaging attracts me in any store, wherever I see it.

The filling, as I said, is liquid. All the sweets are wrapped in the same candy wrappers, so you won't guess what flavor you will get next time. Maybe it will be berry flavor, or maybe citrus. Sweet or sour. Wonderful sweets! And the teeth do not suffer, as the sweets are jelly, soft and do not stick to the teeth.

The only thing that upset me in the end was the composition. I hadn't read it before, but I got to know it later. Lots of chemistry! Basically, these are flavors and dyes. Each taste has its own, so there are just a lot of them! But concentrated juices make me happy: sweets contain not just flavors, but also natural juices. Therefore, I will continue to buy, but I will try not to overeat!

Positive reviews

Cool sweets, bring me to Russia, I can’t buy a couple of kilograms anywhere in the city of Nizhny Tagil.

Advantages: Taste, colorful packaging, affordable price.

Flaws: dyes

Good day to all visitors of the site. I love these Sweets from Roshen "Mad Bee". And I realized that not only the children, but no matter how much I buy, I eat as much as a mad bee ... It’s impossible to drag it by the ears ...

Each candy is of a different color and taste, I try to choose the red ones, I like them the most, with raspberries, I would say, and cherry filling. But the green ones resemble a mint flavor, I don’t really like it, and the yellow ones, like oranges, are very gentle and pleasant. But if I eat more than 100 grams, I start to feel sick and even very much. My opinion is that there are too many chemistry, but what delicious ones. And the filling is sour, like a thick syrup, and the candy itself is of a jelly consistency and sweet.

You look at the bees, especially at the eyes, and you see yourself ... Namely, when I see these sweets, my eyes open and I fly to buy, and then I don’t calm down until I see the end and the mountain of empty candy wrappers. I would not allow children to use in large numbers. And I don't recommend it for adults either. Everything is good in moderation. Tasty, tender, original, colorful packaging and candy wrappers. I really love the crazy bee!!!
Who has not tried it yet, I recommend it, especially to those who love sweets similar to marmalade and jelly ...

Advantages: assorted in the package, pleasant to the taste, if they are not eaten much

Flaws: are eaten at the moment, there is little natural in them

Vinnitsa confectionery factory (Ukraine) produces a wide range of sweets, including jelly candies "Mad bee". They are jelly sweets with fruit fillings. Candies of six flavors are sold in packs or by the piece: orange, grapefruit, cherry, red berries, kiwi and strawberry.

The manufacturer characterizes them as follows: "... sweets based on a gelling agent plant origin- carrageenan (a product derived from seaweed) and with the addition of natural juices. "In principle, according to the description, they are quite natural sweets ... For information, I will inform you that the energy value of 100 grams of Mad Bee" is 309 kcal and 79.2% carbohydrates. They taste good, but if you eat 1-3 things. But it turned out like this: once I overate them (I watched a movie and the pens reached for them by themselves ... ), as a result, I ate 200-300 grams of them and then I had such a feeling in my mouth that I had eaten too much dye (something like this ...) After that I don’t use them. For myself, I decided that I’d better eat marmalade, but I definitely won’t offer them to my growing daughter.

Advantages: taste

Flaws: something in the

What sweets from Roshen I just have not tried! Many of them are delicious, although everyone looks at this company differently now. But if we evaluate Roshen "Mad Bee" sweets, discarding everything else, then I will tell you the following.
I really like these candies. They are packaged brightly and attractively - for both a child and an adult. I also note that the candies are jelly, and they are all different colors. Inside is a slightly watery filling, a little stretchy. And also very tasty. The consistency is not very hard (of the most jelly shell, I mean), it is convenient to chew it.

Eating these sweets, you will not get off with one - you still want more and more. So I advise you to buy such sweets. I think you will like them, although the composition is not perfect. They go away like seeds. And finally, I will add photos of two flavors of these sweets.

The sweets are small: maybe that's why they leave quickly.

Advantages: tasty, tasty and inexpensive

Flaws: dyes and flavors in the composition, it is impossible to come off

Never paid attention to them. I was "pinned" by hunger at the institute. I understand, of course, that you can’t eat candy, but sometimes they save me. I snack on them before the big break.
I was treated to one of these sweets and I liked it so much that I went to the store that same evening just for the sake of them. Now they cost about 150-200 rubles, everywhere in different ways.
In my opinion, they have a fairly ordinary packaging for this kind of candy.

Description: caraginan jelly sweets with creamy fruit filling.

By the way, Karaganin is very harmful substance, thickener, retains shape, can cause stomach problems. Also, the composition includes a bunch of various flavors and dyes, which are also very harmful to health. The main thing is to use in a small amount and then they will not bring much harm, BUT they are like seeds, it is not possible to break away from them, very tasty and light.
In addition to the tastes presented, how common are such tastes as: grapefruit, cherry, red berries, lemon-lime.
The main thing is not to get carried away, try it, you will not regret it.

Advantages: Interesting jelly sweets with juicy filling. Cool name, good taste

Flaws: Unnaturally thick consistency

I lived for myself and did not know about the existence of these wonderful sweets, while my very good friend did not poke my nose into them, almost in the truest sense of the word, with exclamations: "Ah, my beloved!"

At that time (and it was about 5 years ago) "Mad Bee" sweets were in transparent wrappers, through which their multi-colored sides were visible. Now, every time you open a candy wrapper, a surprise awaits you - is it yellow, red, green? They are all delicious, but I prefer red ones with raspberry flavor, they are too juicy! All the juiciness under the unnaturally dense gelatin (I don’t like this, it feels like it couldn’t do without chemistry, although I have never read the composition) in the form of a liquid fruit filler.

Jelly unglazed sweets called "Mad Bee" from trademark I fell in love with "Roshen" from the first time, and now from time to time I indulge myself with a delicacy with an unusual filling! smile
You can buy these sweets both by weight and in packaged form of 200 grams (such packaging, depending on the store, can cost about 15 UAH. (31 rubles).
Each candy is in an opaque wrapper, so you can find out the aroma and fruity taste of the delicacy only by opening the wrapper. Tastes are very curious and appetizing: strawberries, cherries, wild berry, grapefruit, orange, lemon-lime. Personally, I really like cherry "bees"!

Each candy is jelly with a matte surface, and inside there is a liquid filling.
The composition of sweets is not long, there are concentrated juices of the corresponding berries. Calorie content is attractive for those who are on a diet, but cannot live without sweets - 320 kcal per 100 grams.

Advantages: tasty and inexpensive, variety, juicy taste, bright packaging

Flaws: quickly eaten, impossible to break away

Have you tried Crazy Bee candy? I am delighted with them!
Roshen pleasantly surprises with delicious sweets that I love so much.
I think that many have tried Crazy Bee sweets. Very tasty and light sweets.

Price: about 30 hryvnia per kilogram

Candy colors are different. Jelly candies with different flavors and all very tasty.
They are light in themselves, so there is something to eat for 200 grams.
Packing: Bright, colored candy wrappers that look very nice.
I recommend trying it if you haven't tried it yet!