Shower      04.03.2020

How to hide the battery in the kitchen under the fireplace. Finishing radiators: for every taste and for various possibilities. Installation of new radiators

In fact, we are talking not only about old cast-iron batteries. It is very likely that when moving to new apartment you find that batteries (even if they are white and neat) spoil general form rooms. And you don't know what to do with them. We've put together five inspirational ideas for you on how to disguise an ugly radiator.

1. Paint the color of the walls or make them contrast

Let's start with the most banal: paint the battery in the color of the wall with special paint (resistant to elevated temperatures). But this can only work if the radiators initially look decent - such decor will not save shabby cast-iron batteries.

Even cooler - paint the radiator in a contrasting color - the battery will instantly turn into a stylish design detail. Just paint it carefully and carefully.

Even more interesting idea- paint the radiator in ombre style or different colors. Such a bright battery can no longer be called ugly.

2. Order or make a special screen

Another simple option to hide the battery is to put a special metal or wooden screen on it. It can be ordered in special stores, or you can do it yourself. Remember that it must have holes for heat to escape. Most often, wooden grilles are used for decoration: they do not interfere with the passage of warm air, they are easy to install and easy to remove.

In addition, such a screen can be used as a small shelf - put a vase of flowers or souvenirs on it.

Minus wooden screens - under the action high temperatures they can deform.

3. Turn the battery into a mini chest of drawers

A more advanced way is to disguise the radiator as furniture. For example, under the chest of drawers. It is rather difficult to build such a structure on your own, but it can be ordered according to your design. Surprisingly, some chests of drawers are made in such a way that guests will not even guess that a battery is hidden behind them.

Or you can just carefully hide the battery under the table.

4. Hide the battery in a cabinet

This method is similar to the chest of drawers idea, but requires even more imagination. You do not just close the battery with a small chest of drawers - it becomes a full-fledged part of a large cabinet (for example, a bookcase).

Such a cabinet looks very organic: the mesh insert does not spoil it at all appearance. However, remember that in the event of a radiator breakdown, you must have quick access to the battery (the door must open).

5. Make a recreation area above the radiator

If the battery is very large (or there are several), then you can turn the space above it into a bench and make cozy area recreation. To do this, you need to make a wooden box with bars, put a small mattress on it and decorate the bed with small pillows.

The heating radiator very rarely can harmoniously fit into the interior, in other cases it has to be somehow masked. In an attempt to bring beauty to the apartment and hide the batteries, many make big mistakes, the result of which can be an even greater protrusion of the place where the radiator is located, or a violation of convection air flows. How to hide a heating radiator in such a way as to preserve its necessary functions and make it truly invisible? We reveal the secrets of designers and learn how to apply them in self-arrangement apartments.

No. 1. What needs to be considered?

The radiator, which some do not hesitate to compare with a log in the eye, performs in an apartment essential function, and we must not forget about it, because to survive harsh winter impossible without proper heating. That is why all attempts to decorate the radiator should not go beyond common sense.

Deciding how to disguise, it's worth take into account such nuances:

The easiest way get a battery that is not conspicuous and 100% preserve all its functions - this is buy designer radiator. Such products are made to order and fully comply with the design of the room. The downside is the high price, which forces you to look for more affordable options.

No. 2. Radiator painting is the easiest way

In any case, it is better to paint the radiator in such a way as to “dissolve” it as much as possible against the background of the walls. It is necessary to use thermal paint, ideally - exactly repeat, but discrepancies in a couple of shades are allowed.

If the walls are not white, then a white radiator, clearly contrasting against their background - big mistake. Often, those who decorate the walls with patterned wallpaper also glue them into the niche behind the battery, thereby emphasizing the latter. In this case, it is recommended to leave the entire niche white: against its background, the white radiator will be almost invisible.

No. 3. Radiator painting

WITH painting and decoupage you have to be very careful, because there just cross the line from simply disguising a battery to protruding it. If a radiator with a pattern applied to it contrasts sharply against the background, it will catch the eye, although a completely different task was originally set. Such a battery, as if, suggests that it greatly interfered with the owners, and they tried to hide it.

Designers recommend painting not only the radiator itself, but part of the wall against which it is located. The drawing can be made in any technique and color scheme. If there is talent, then we take paints in our hands and start creating: do not forget that the paint must be resistant to heat. If there are no special artistic talents, then you can use ready-made stencils for drawing, use the decoupage technique or even vinyl stickers . The main thing is that everything looks harmonious, and the battery turns out to be really disguised.

No. 4. Hinged screens (grilles) for radiators

Hinged screens, as a rule, are made of metal, have a lot of holes, so they do not interfere with free air convection. Among others benefits ease of installation, providing access to the radiator at any moment, a good assortment, besides, the metal heats up quickly. Hinged screens differ not only in color, the nature and size of the holes, but also in some functional features: there are models designed for single-sided and double-sided pipe connections.

It is better to choose grilles with rounded corners to reduce the risk of injury. From cons this option not a very pleasant sound when hit, but it can be experienced. Dust from such a grid will have to be wiped regularly. It can also be advised to take the screen to the entire width of the window sill, and not to the width of the radiator: in this case, it will be possible to really disguise the radiator rather than underline its location.

The metal hinged screen can be of any color and style. You can even find a stainless steel screen with a shiny surface. If the first ones look good in classical style, then the latter will complement the interior in. Forged screens, due to their openwork, provide excellent air circulation, but a radiator is visible through them, so they are often duplicated with a metal perforated sheet.

To be able to hide the radiator with glass, you need to pay attention to the method decoration surfaces. Of course, you should not leave the glass without a picture: in this case, the outlines of the radiator hiding behind the screen will be clearly visible, and the screen itself will play the role of drawing attention to the battery. It is desirable to at least give the glass some shade. Among the ways to decorate glass allocate:

  • photo printing. You can put absolutely any pattern on the glass, even a photograph taken with your own hand, so it will turn out to perfectly fit the screen into existing interior;
  • . You can use expensive stained glass techniques (fusing, Tiffany technique or faceted stained glass), or you can create a pseudo-stained glass window using films or paints, which is much cheaper, and the effect will be no worse. Another option is sandblasted stained glass, perfect for modern interiors;
  • independent decoration. Typically, screen decoration is entrusted to companies specializing in this issue, but it is possible to decorate an ordered matte screen. with your own hands. This is a sticker stained glass films, rhinestones, etc.

With glass screens, the same rule applies as with hinged metal screens: it must harmoniously fit into the space under the window, so it is advisable to choose glass with a width equal to the width of the window sill. If you highlight with glass only a part of the space under the windowsill where the battery is located, you will get an effect that is the opposite of what you expected.

No. 6. Wooden screen for radiator

To mask the batteries, you can also use wooden screens, which are both attached and flat, if the radiator is located in. Such an option can be called the most environmentally friendly and one of the most attractive in appearance, since it is possible to obtain screens with the most whimsical patterns. Externally, such a screen can have any look, it can be purchased both ready-made and to order.

Wooden screens are best used in classic interiors , and in order to successfully fit them into the room, they must overlap with other elements of the interior(furniture and doors), and optimally, have similar elements. In any case, such an overlay for radiators should cover the space from wall to wall or be as wide as a window sill. The wooden side screen can be used as a stand, table or even a bench. Main minus- this is a feature of deforming and drying out under the influence of temperature changes and with significant fluctuations in humidity levels.

chipboard screens not very common due to their not the most outstanding performance. Outwardly, they are not bad, but for use in a residential apartment, it is necessary to choose chipboard with a formaldehyde emission level of E0 or E1.

Plastic screens amaze with variety and low price. The main thing is to make sure the material is safe by examining the accompanying documentation. For screens, plastic should be used that can easily tolerate heat up to 60-80 0 C. Such products are great for, as they are hygienic and not demanding to maintain.

No. 8. Creating a false wall with a niche for a radiator

If the radiator protrudes above the wall surface, then it can be quite difficult to disguise it with all the methods described above. In this case, they resort to mounting around the radiator. drywall construction, the main goal is to create a unique niches for batteries. As a result, it is possible to achieve an excellent effect, but part of the usable area of ​​​​the room will have to be abandoned.

You can handle all the work yourself: a frame made of metal profile is constructed the same as with , or . Plasterboard sheets are mounted on the frame, Special attention given to the area around the radiator. After all this, puttying the seams, priming and applying finishing material on the walls. Himself radiator sometimes closed drywall with a number of small holes for air circulation, but this is not the most a good option- where it is better to use a metal grate or, on, extreme case, plastic ventilation grille.

No. 9. Several original ideas

If for some reason the standard solutions do not suit you, you can use more original methods:

  • pull on picture frame fabric to match the walls and use as a regular screen. The option, of course, is suitable for radiators located in a niche;
  • - Very unusual way hide the radiator, but in some cases it is the place to be. Installation work is minimal;
  • creation above the heating radiator. The frame of the fireplace can be made of drywall or plywood, close the hole with a metal grate. With the right finish, the design will resemble a real fireplace as much as possible, and in winter real heat will come from there.

How can you close heating radiators after repair - everyone is puzzled by this question if you do not like the appearance of the batteries. Well, how to close the radiators so that it is beautiful, elegant and at the same time without loss of heat transfer - today we will talk about this.

The principle of operation of any heating batteries is achieved due to the movement of air - cold comes to them from below, and warm rises up. Therefore, you need to properly mount heating network ensuring proper convection.

Even the most modern radiators do not have a very attractive appearance, often standing out against a wall pasted over with wallpaper or painted. Another component is child safety: screens covering radiators help prevent burns in babies and protect against injuries.

How to avoid heat loss

To begin with, before determining how to close the radiators, it is worth understanding what is possible and what is not, since any wrong action will lead to a violation of the circulation of warm air and cooling the room.

Firstly, you can not completely close the radiator, even the most modern materials that conduct heat.

Secondly, heat loss also increases when using a continuous lining with the minimum amount holes (e.g. glass screen).

Thirdly, you need to take into account that warm air rises, and the box is either too wide window sill will certainly close this part, which will lead to a deterioration in heat transfer. And no matter what foremen or window sill manufacturers say, perforation does not help to keep warm, simply because there are not enough holes.

A little trick: to increase the amount of warm air entering the room, place a reflective screen made of ordinary foil behind the radiator.

Another option for removing warm air from under the windowsill is to install a special visor that directs warm air out.

The key to good heat dissipation is the use of maximally perforated screens with holes on the sides, below for cold air to enter, and from above for warm air to exit.

How to Close Batteries Safely

Preservation of heat transfer is not the most important, although an important task. No less exciting is the question of the availability of the radiator itself and the pipes suitable for it.

Even the newest radiator can leak, not only because of old pipes or poor quality plumbing. Defective materials, water hammer, the human factor in the form of improper installation - all this can become a problem for residents, both in this apartment and in the room below.

Also, the quality of the water that fills the heating system at home leaves much to be desired, and it may happen that in order to increase heat transfer, the battery will have to be removed and washed, which will become impossible when access is closed.

Therefore, for decorating and closing batteries, it is more practical to use attached or removable structures, without rigid fastening.

Tip: if, as a decor, it is planned to sew the radiator into a plasterboard box with a perforated patch panel, an inspection hatch should be left at the junction of the pipes to the batteries (as in bathrooms) so that you can check for leaks at any time.

How to beautifully decorate radiators

Installing a decorative box for closing heating radiators is not the only solution, and not everyone will be able to come up with something and do it on their own. There are several more ways how and with what to decorate radiators under the window.

Painting radiators

One of the important issues in the design of the room is the combination of colors. Well, how can a white radiator look, for example, on a dark wall? Although it White color for some reason it is considered ideal for batteries ...

The choice of heat-resistant paints on the modern construction market is huge, it remains only to choose the right shade and tint the white base. Even if you don’t guess with a shade of a couple of tones, it’s okay, such a difference seems not at all noticeable. But it will still be better than just white. Well, if you wish, you can also manually paint the batteries, especially if there is an ornament on the wallpaper. To facilitate the work, you can use a stencil.

Remember: if you decide to paint the radiators in the apartment, buy only heat-resistant paints.

By the way, you can paint not only ordinary cast iron radiators, but also steel, and bimetallic, and aluminum.

Another decor option is sewing and attaching a fabric screen-screen. This masking method has been tested and is quite effective in terms of minimal heat loss, since the fabric, even the densest one, still passes warm air(as opposed to a hard screen).

Previously, when heavy curtains were in fashion, they hid behind them all the batteries and the pipes suitable for them. And now, when Roman or roll-curtains that do not reach the floor are widely used, you have to invent something. A practical solution is to fasten Velcro to the bottom of the window sill, and sew the second half of the adhesive tape to the fabric - this way a removable fabric screen is obtained. You can choose the material for it according to your taste and financial possibilities - from a thin curtain, to natural linen or cotton, or vertical stripes of blinds. The only condition is that the fabric can withstand temperatures up to 60 degrees.

Well, having arranged the space under the window in this way, you can already choose roll-curtains or window blinds as protection from the sun, without worrying about the unsightly appearance of the radiators.

Box for heating battery

Most often, such structures are either mounted on the wall, or are attached, facilitating the maintenance of communications. Such boxes are made mainly from MDF, chipboard, wood or plywood. The first option is the most practical, since MDF does not dry out and is not exposed to temperature changes, and it can be given any shape.

A prerequisite for such a design is the presence of perforations (holes), and the larger - the more heat will enter the room. There must be a hole at the bottom for the influx of cold air, and at the top - for the warm air to come out.

As a frame for the box, you can use ordinary wooden bars, and having the skills of a carpenter - to build a box according to individual sizes: it can be either a design across the entire width of the room, covering both the radiator and pipes, or a box covering only the radiator.

Usually, the installation of a box that hides radiators is accompanied by dusty work, so you need to think over the design and create a sketch at the beginning of the repair. A decorative box can not only hide nondescript radiators that are unnecessary to the eye, but also become an element of interior decoration.

hard screen

The most common (but, unfortunately, not the most practical) solution is to equip a hard screen, hardware stores even offer already turnkey solutions of the most different materials. Each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages over others.

  • metal. Typically used for production stainless steel with subsequent painting or chrome elements. Such designs look like ordinary mesh boxes. Of course, not every room is suitable for a metal object under the window; the ideal style for such a solution is high-tech or loft. But such a design conducts heat well and will last a long time.
  • from wood. Wood has always been considered a win-win option, as it fits into almost any interior. Wooden screens are a structure in the form of wooden lamella panels, horizontal or vertical, located at a sufficient distance from each other. Thanks to good perforation, such a grille does not interfere with proper convection, a wooden screen for a radiator will be a reasonable solution. The only condition is that it must fit perfectly into the environment. This can be achieved by making a custom-made design with tinting for furniture.
  • From glass will perfectly fit into the interior of any room. Glass can be either frosted or colored, almost completely covering the radiator, or it can have a pattern that matches the style of the room. However, along with the elegant and airy appearance, there is one huge drawback - heat loss in the absence of perforation will almost double. Even the thermal gap at the top and bottom of the screen does not save the situation. You can improve air circulation by using not solid glass, but glass panels located at some distance from each other.
  • From drywall. Of course, we are talking, rather, about drywall as the basis of the screen itself, and with the help of other materials, you can make a decorative overlay panel that closes the batteries flush with the box itself. When installing this design, you need to remember all the laws of heat engineering and safety, leaving access to communications in case of leakage or the need to replace batteries.

metal screen for radiator

With the help of a wooden lattice, you can close the battery

Mounting the radiator in the wall

This option is possible only at the construction stage or overhaul because of the many dusty and dirty jobs. All pipes suitable for the radiator are sewn into the wall, leaving only small areas for connecting radiators. By the way, they can also be sewn into the wall, leaving a hole for convection, which is closed with a decorative grille. Such a solution is not without drawbacks: in addition to reducing the usable area of ​​the room itself, heat loss inevitably follows, however, all this is compensated by an elegant and beautiful appearance. If such heating is not enough, then you will have to take care of warm floors as an additional source of heat.

How to make a drywall box to mask radiators - step by step instructions

Since such solutions are becoming more and more popular and universal, let's dwell on the question of how to make a drywall screen with your own hands. For the arrangement of the structure, we need the following materials and tools:

  • Drywall sheet of the required size and thickness (it is better to take no thinner than 10 mm);
  • UD and CD profile;
  • Galvanized sheet or foil sheet for thermal insulation of the wall behind the radiator;
  • Construction PVA glue;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Self-tapping screws for metal;
  • Pencil;
  • Stationery or construction knife;
  • Scissors for metal;
  • Sandpaper fine and medium grit;
  • Construction level;
  • Decorative overhead grille.

Work on the installation of the box begins with preparatory work. Firstly, we need to process the drywall sheet itself a couple of times with PVA glue - this will give the sheet resistance to moisture and temperature changes, the gypsum will not dry out and crumble. Secondly, you need to make all the necessary measurements and mark the future box on the wall with a pencil.

Build the frame of the future box from a metal profile. Use at work building level and a window sill - so that the structure is not skewed.
Cut out a screen from a galvanized sheet and fix it behind the radiator - this technique will allow the heat not to go into the wall, but to direct it into the room.

Attention! The lower part of the box must be left open for the flow of cold air.

Sew up the sides of the box with drywall. In principle, this can be stopped if the size of the lattice matches the size of the box. But we will also sew the front part around the perimeter. Putty and paint the finished box. From above you can fix a beautiful grille.

You can buy a ready-made grille for masking a radiator, or you can make it yourself from a picture baguette or door architraves sawn at a 45 degree angle. The center of the decorative grille can be made from non-combustible fabric, rattan or metal mesh.

In general, the appearance of the box depends only on your imagination and financial capabilities.

How to close heating pipes

All communications suitable for radiators also often have an unflattering appearance and the ability to stand out on a painted or wallpapered wall. If it is not planned to decorate the window with curtains that cover all the pipes, then the question certainly arises: how and with what to close the pipes, or at least disguise them?

The first way, which suggests itself due to its simplicity, is to paint the pipes in the color of the walls. Of course, in this way they will still remain visible, but will be less noticeable. You also need to buy radiator, heat-resistant paint and tint it in the desired color.

It is possible to hide behind a box or sew pipes into a wall only after they have been completely replaced in order to avoid leaks and flooding of neighbors. The pipe box is made in the same way as the drywall box for radiators is mounted (see above). Subsequently, it can be painted or pasted over with the same wallpaper as the whole room.

You can try to decorate the pipes, for example, by wrapping them with a jute cord or twine. However, this option will reduce heat transfer and is not suitable for every style of room.

If the pipes suitable for the radiator itself pass from below, then they can be hidden under floor plinth. But with a riser, this will not work.

Well, now, as promised, we present a photo selection of beautiful and original screens for the radiator.

In any case, no matter which method you choose, it is possible to hide the heating radiator, it all depends on your imagination, the availability of free time and the desire to change something. However, it is not worth thinking about how to hide pipes and radiators when it comes to old houses and poorly heated apartments, as this will inevitably lead to a deterioration in heat transfer.

How to close the heating pipe and is it possible to do this at all? How to close the radiator with drywall?

Will it affect the climate in the room? Or is it better to look for some other solutions?

Perhaps the designer will take over the head. However, from the point of view of the author, the photo shows the best of the decorative screens for the radiator. Pipes don't have to be closed at all.

Key points

Let's just point out one subtlety. The author is a former plumber with many years of experience. As a result, it is pointless to search in the article design solutions: we will consider first of all how a particular project will harm the normal operation or maintenance of heating equipment.

Nuance: against beautiful design there is no objection to the premises. When the house is clean, beautiful and a rusty pipe or a battery with peeling and yellowed paint does not stick out before your eyes, this is wonderful. However, experience tells us that if the same thing can be done in several ways, the worst is invariably chosen. possible solutions. This is what we will try to fix.

So, how to close heating radiators without harming? What can our attempt to bring beauty in general affect?

Heat dissipation

A radiator heats a room using a combination of two heat transfer methods.

  • infrared radiation transmits thermal energy directly to objects in the room. It is thanks to him that you feel that your cheeks begin to burn when you bring your face closer to a hot radiator.
  • Convection currents lift warm air up and replace it with colder air. As a result, the entire atmosphere of the room becomes evenly warm.

When choosing how to close the radiators, you need to clearly understand that ANY screen in front of the radiator will limit the exchange of heat between it and the room. The larger the area of ​​​​its continuous surface, the colder it will be in the house.


As a heat carrier, the central heating system uses conventional process water, which is initially far from the ideals of purity. Having traveled a long way along the heating mains, the elevator unit, bottling and risers, the water, by the time it ends up in the battery, carries a large number of suspension. Guess where they stay?

It is because of the gradual silting that once every few years, radiators require flushing. It requires the actual flushing valve, located in the lower corner of the heater on the opposite side from the supply, and ... free access to the radiator.

If it is not there, you will either have to put up with the fact that the first two of the ten sections heat up, or break a decorative box or screen made by yourself.


When deciding how to close a heating radiator, it is useful to remember one more thing. Everything breaks sooner or later. Since, presumably, if the appearance of the radiator and pipes does not suit you, they are no longer new - most likely, there will be a bit of a breakdown. What can happen?

Plenty of options:

  • The steel pipes on the threads in front of the battery are thinner than on the straight sections of the riser, and leak first of all.
  • The risers themselves, welded from an electric-welded water and gas pipe, sometimes leak along the factory weld.
  • A leak from under the lock nut of the radiator is a frequent visitor in apartments with cast-iron heaters.

Locknuts are one of the sore points of cast iron batteries.

  • Finally, in spring and autumn, leaks between radiator sections are frequent. Paronite gaskets no longer provide tightness after several years of operation.


Any decorative screen in front of the radiator

  1. Should create as few obstacles as possible to convection and thermal radiation. The ideal is a metal or plastic decorative screen in the form of a coarse mesh. First of all, solid boxes from above are unacceptable, where hot air rises.
  2. Should be easy to remove. It is best to be attached, without any permanent attachment.

Pipes should also be easily accessible if necessary. If, despite the above, you decide how to close the heating pipes with drywall - well, your right. At least provide light plastic door near the radiator inlet. And, of course, be prepared to disassemble the structure you created at the first leak.


So, how to close heating radiators, taking into account all of the above?

decorative screen

We have already mentioned the main selection criteria. Mesh wherever possible and no permanent fixing to the wall.

When choosing, you will surely meet several alternatives which you will like very much in appearance. Alas, no matter how attractive the design and price of the product are, remember that in winter the house requires, first of all, warmth.

wooden lattice

How to close radiators if you want to put your own hands to work?

The instruction is simple: assemble an attached wooden grate. Thin mounting rails are easy to buy at hardware store, and stain and varnish will make your work truly memorable.

The Healthiest Decision

Finally, consider another option. Perhaps it is better not to think than to close the heating pipes in rust stains and flaky batteries, but to replace them with new ones? AND aluminum radiator, and a snow-white pipe made of reinforced polypropylene will not spoil the design of the home at all. Rather the opposite.

More importantly, in this case possible problems with a heating system will remain in the past for a long time.


You listened to the opinion of the plumber and, we dare to hope, took note. The video at the end of the article will offer you a different point of view on the problem: the same question will be considered from the point of view of the designer.

Good luck decorating your home!

Faced with the need to decorate the batteries in the room, we close them with a hinged screen, missing the opportunity to dream up. You can hide the batteries in such a way that no one except the owners of the apartment will guess where the heating system goes.

Massive old cast-iron radiators disrupt the appearance of the room, even hidden behind beautiful curtain they attract unwanted attention. In addition, dust often accumulates between sections.

Even modern wiring from metal-plastic pipes And neat radiators from light alloy metals does not always fit nicely into the interior of the room.

Therefore, many owners are thinking about how to cover heating elements in the apartment.

Decor methods:

  1. A cast iron radiator would look good in a Victorian or Venetian style room. At the same time, it is desirable to give it an "aged" look.
  2. Small radiators can be decoratively changed - painted in a bright contrasting color that suits the style of the room or decorate the batteries with beautiful little things.
  3. The easiest and most profitable way is to install a decorative screen on the radiator. Most often, this is a metal grill, which has affordable price and excellent thermal conductivity.
  4. The wooden frame will great solution for kitchen or room rustic style. A wooden box mounted on a radiator can be adapted to a shelf or window sill.
  5. False wall or drywall box.

Many experts advise gluing a thermal reflector to the wall behind the battery, so the heat will not go outside. The most commonly used foil insulation, which is easily glued to the wall and takes up little space.

How to close the heating radiator with your own hands in the kitchen and bathroom

The problem of how to hide heating batteries in small rooms must be approached with great attention. Bulky cabinets or hanging boxes will look ridiculous, and not all materials are suitable for decoration in rooms with high humidity.

If it is not possible to install a nice coil in the bathroom, then it is better to hide the battery so that it does not violate overall design bathroom.

Most often, radiators are hidden in special neat cabinets that can be adapted for storing various household trifles. With small dimensions of the bathroom, a wall cabinet can visually reduce the space, so it is better to paint the radiator to match the walls or replace it with a compact coil.

The battery, located at the bottom, will hide well behind a screen made of MDF or chrome-plated metal. In this case, you need to choose materials that are not afraid of moisture. Many owners use glass as decoration, but if there are small children in the house, it is better to abandon this idea.

In the kitchen, batteries are most often hidden under a narrow countertop. This method is considered the most advantageous - the working area increases and the radiator is beautifully hidden. Alternatively, the battery can be covered by an adjacent dining table if the area of ​​the kitchen allows.

How to beautifully close the battery with a screen: decor materials

Decorative grilles installed on radiators not only mask the heating elements, but also act as protection from small children. They protect them from burns and bruises on the metal parts of the device.

In kindergartens and schools cast iron battery often installed wooden fencing that fits into almost any interior.

When installing screens on a radiator, its placement must be taken into account. Deeply hidden in a niche under the window, the batteries can be hidden behind a flat screen. Cast iron radiators protruding forward or located under the window sill are hidden behind the side boxes.

Material for screens per battery:

  • Metal;
  • Drywall;
  • Tree;
  • Glass.

When closing the battery with a screen, the practical side of the issue must also be taken into account. A hinged screen made of wood can be adapted to a convenient shelf. Using chipboard sheets you can mount a low cabinet for the entire width of the room with doors covering the battery.

Sewing devices into a screen made of thick glass with beautiful patterns will delight the eyes of even the most fastidious aesthete. In this case, the temperature in the room will drop significantly. I perform my decorative function, the screen blocks the way for warm air.

Beautiful metal grilles with intricate patterns are one of the most common ways to decorate radiators. The more holes in the grate, the more heat enters the room.

Making a false wall: how to close the battery with drywall

Installation of a false plasterboard wall is possible at the construction stage or a complete redevelopment of the premises. Under the plasterboard wall, not only radiators are hidden, but the entire system of heating elements.

When installing, you need to remember that a drywall wall will take part of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. If the room is small, the radiators can be hidden behind a box made of the same material.

Drywall sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws to special UD and CD profiles. Before proceeding with the installation, experts recommend impregnating drywall with several layers of PVA glue.

When constructing a false wall, it is necessary to foresee in advance how to properly organize access to the wiring system and radiators. In addition, they need to be closed so that warm air can still find a way out. protective screen The batteries can be made of wood, plastic or metal.

If it is not possible to close the entire wiring under the false wall, a niche with a battery under the window is sewn up with drywall. If desired, you can mount the panel around the entire perimeter of the room. The panel can be wallpapered, painted water-based paint or sheathed with wood.

How to close radiators: the choice of materials (video)

The desire of the owners to hide the heating elements is quite understandable, but this issue should be approached with all seriousness. Having decided to seal the pipes in the apartment, you can completely block the flow of heat inside, as a result of which heating costs can increase significantly.

Examples of how to close radiators and pipes (photo)