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When is the day of Seraphim of Sarov in the year. Orthodox Kuban celebrate the day of remembrance of St. Seraphim of Sarov. Works of spiritual care

It is difficult to imagine a more Russian saint than Seraphim of Sarov. Dozens and hundreds of pilgrims come to the reliquary (ark) with its relics at the Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery every day. Each of them knows that Saint Seraphim will not leave them in trouble and will pray for those who suffer at the throne of the Heavenly God. January 15 and August 1 are the dates of memory of the great saint. January 15 is the day of the saint's death. August 1 - discovery of his holy relics. Let us tell you how and why a person from a merchant family was honored to be a great saint of God.

The boy, who gave birth in Kursk on July 19, 1759, was named Prokhor. His father Isidor Moshnin was a rich merchant, a pious man and generous in alms. He owned a brick factory and erected many stone buildings and churches. Prokhor's older brother was engaged in trade. They predicted the same future for the youngest, forcing him to sit behind the counter. But Prokhor helped his brother only out of obedience; he was drawn to church, to church services.

By the way, even then God’s mercy was shown to him. At the age of seven, Prokhor fell from the bell tower of the temple, where he climbed with his mother Agafya Moshnina, but was not hurt at all. This is how it is written about this in the life of St. Seraphim: “Suddenly moving away from his mother, the fast boy leaned over the railing to look down, and, through carelessness, fell to the ground. The frightened mother ran away from the bell tower in a terrible state, imagining to find her son beaten to death, but, to unspeakable joy and great surprise, she saw him safe and sound. The child stood on his feet. The mother tearfully thanked God for saving her son and realized that her son Prokhor was being protected by the special Providence of God.” At the age of 10, Prokhor became very ill, and there was no hope of recovery. But at some point, the Mother of God Herself appeared to him in a dream and promised to heal the boy. The mother put her sick son to the miraculous icon of the Sign of the Mother of God and he gradually recovered.

As a 17-year-old boy, Prokhor asked his mother for a blessing for monastic life. And Agafya blessed her son with a copper cross. He carried it with him until his death. Prokhor entered the Sarov Monastery on November 20, 1778. This is evidenced by documents that have survived to this day in the archives of the monastery. It also says that novice Prokhor baked bread and prosphora, worked as a carpenter, and rafted timber. At some point he was struck down by a serious illness. Prokhor was ill for almost three years, half of which he spent in bed. Just like in childhood, I healed a novice Holy Mother of God, appearing to him in a dream with the apostles Peter and John: “This one is of Our kind,” said the Queen of Heaven. After some time, Prokhor recovered.

Eight years later, on August 13, Prokhor was tonsured a monk with the name Seraphim. Then he was ordained a hierodeacon, and then a hieromonk. From that time on, he was able to perform church services and fulfill his duties. In a word, serve people. But the monk became a recluse. He went far into the forest, built a cell in the wilderness and devoted himself to unceasing prayer. The monk ate crackers, which he himself dried from the monastery bread, herbs, and berries. For a thousand days and nights he prayed on his knees on a stone with the Jesus Prayer: “God, be merciful to me, a sinner.” One day, robbers attacked him and severely maimed him with an ax. Seraphim was ill for a long time, but this time the Most Holy Theotokos did not abandon her beloved child.

For several more years, Seraphim of Sarov labored in complete solitude in the desert. This feat was called - desert living. And then he began to host everyone who sought him as an elder for advice and prayer. True, entry to the monk was prohibited for women. So Seraphim protected himself from unnecessary temptations and gossip of the monastic brethren. “Christ is Risen, my joy!” - this is how Saint Seraphim greeted everyone who came to him. The Monk Seraphim died in 1833 while kneeling in prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness”. In 1903 he was glorified as a saint.

August 1 is the day of Seraphim of Sarov. Life of a saint, signs

On August 1, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of St. Seraphim of Sarov.

The small homeland of Seraphim of Sarov was the city of Kursk.

Seraphim's father, Isidor Moshnin, was a pious and devout man. By the nature of his earthly activity, he owned brick factories, was engaged in trade, and took out contracts for the construction of houses and churches.

Seraphim's mother, Christian Agafia Fotievna, was not inferior to him in virtue, but was especially distinguished by her mercy and attention to the poor.

The Monk Seraphim of Sarov was born on July 19, 1759 in the city of Kursk into a merchant family. At baptism he received the name Prokhor.

When the young man reached the age of seventeen, he definitely decided that he would leave the world, asked for a blessing from his mother and devoted himself to monastic life.
First, the monk went to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, where he met one perspicacious recluse, Dosifei, who saw in Prokhor a faithful servant of Christ.

The recluse said that his place was in the Sarov desert and blessed the young man to go there for salvation.

On this advice, nineteen-year-old Prokhor Moshnin ended up in Sarov on November 20, 1778, where he was received by Elder Pachomius, who was the rector of the desert.

On November 20, 1794, he went to live in a secluded cell, which was 5-6 kilometers from the monastery in the forest on the banks of the Sarovka River. The cell had only one room with a stove. The monk made a vegetable garden near his home, and later began to raise bees.

Seraphim's clothes were very simple, even wretched - a worn kamilavka, a robe made of white fabric, leather mittens, stockings and bast shoes on his feet. On his chest there was always a cross, with which his mother blessed him, and behind his shoulders was a knapsack, which always contained the Holy Gospel.

The zealous ascetic of Christ spent all his time in prayer and reading holy books. During cold weather, he collected firewood to heat his cell, and in the summer he worked on the land, growing vegetables in the garden, which he ate.

Before Sundays and holidays, the Monk Seraphim of Sarov went to the monastery, where he listened to Vespers, All-Night Vigil or Matins and received Holy Communion. Then he communicated with the monks, then took bread for a week and again returned to his lonely forest cell.

At first he ate dry bread, and later, Holy Father Seraphim intensified his fast even more and even refused bread. The monk ate only vegetables that he grew in his garden.

The last appearance of the Mother of God in her earthly life to the venerable elder occurred early in the morning, on the Feast of the Annunciation, March 25, 1831.

Father Seraphim was informed that his earthly exploits were nearing completion. Preparing for his departure, the elder warned his neighbors that he would soon leave this world.

In 1833, on his first day, Seraphim went out several times to the place he had chosen for his burial and prayed for a long time. The next day he was found dead, on his knees.

There are no special prohibitions associated with the day of St. Seraphim of Sarov in the Orthodox Church. It is undesirable to swear, quarrel with loved ones and friends, condemn and slander (as on any other day of the year).

You should not abuse alcohol (as on other Orthodox holidays).

Brief life of St. Seraphim of Sarov

The Most Rev. Sera-fim Sa-rovsky, in the world of Pro-choir, was born on July 19, 1759 in the city of Kursk in Bla. -che-sti-voy ku-pe-che-skoy family. His whole life is from the knowledge of God's mercy. When, as a child, his mother took him with her to the construction of a temple and he fell from a stake, the Lord kept him safe. di-my. During the illness, the Mother of God in a dream vision promised to heal him. Soon, near their house, with a procession of the cross, they carried the Kursk Root Icon of the “Knowledge” of the Most Holy Bo-go-ro-di -tsy, the mother bore the pain, he clung to the icon and after that he quickly recovered (kontakion 3). At the age of seven-ten, the young man had already firmly decided to leave the world, and his mother blessed him to mon-she-move her medical life. a cross, with which the pre-similar one did not part until the end of his life (kontakion 2). Elder of the Ki-e-vo-Pecher Lav-ra Do-si-fey (pre-excellent Do-si-fairy) bla-go-said Pro-ho-ra id- you are going to be in the Sarov Assumption Desert, on the border of the Nizhe-rod-skaya and Tam-bov-skaya gub-ber-niy, from the West strict adherence to foreign regulations and a driven life in the villages (ikos 3). After two years of Mo-na-Styr’s labors and progress in obedience, Pro-choir fell seriously ill and was sick for a long time. I asked for help from the doctors. Three years later, the Mother of God appeared to him with the apostles Peter and John and healed him (kontakion 5).

On August 18, 1786, the novice took a foreign haircut with the name Sera-fim (“Flame”) and in de-cab- In 1787 he was ordained to the rank of hiero-di-a-ko-na. Already at that time, the young mover was able to see the holy Angels and Sa in the presence of God. -my Lord of ours, Jesus Christ, coming through the air, surrounded by the Heavenly Forces (ikos 6). In 1793, Saint Se-ra-fim was ru-co-po-lo-married to the rank of hiero-mo-na-ha and lived for a long time shame-but-living and secluded prayer in a forest cell, on the banks of the Sa-rov-ka river (kontakion 6). The devil scolded against the movement, and the great one lifted the movement of the pillar upon himself. You-six days and nights, he and his hands prayed on the stone: “God, be merciful to me, I’m a sinner.” -mu" (kontakion 8). The powerless spirit-but-low-to-live-on-movement, the devil-sent on the pre-pre-existence-of-the-fight-no-cov, brought He suffered mortal wounds, but the Mother of God appeared and healed him for the third time (ikos 5).

Upon his recovery, the great Se-ra-fim stood silently for three years, and in 1810 , after 15 years of being in the desert, he hid in a mo-na-Styr cell. For love of God, humility and movement, the venerable Se-ra-fim was able to give spiritual gifts to the world -li-in-sti and miracle-of-creation. On November 25, 1825, the Mother of God with the saints appeared on the move and opened the window. creativity The venerable old man began to accept those who came to him for bliss, co-ve-t and spiritual help -she-ne-em, with love-calling everyone: “My joy, my treasure” (kontakion and ikos 9).

The word of na-zi-da-niya, like all his life, the Reverend Seraphim invariably based on the word of God, the works of the holy fathers and examples from their lives, while especially honoring the saints of the warriors and reverence lei pravo-slav-viya. I loved to talk about Russian saints. He convinced everyone who turned to him to stand for the impossibility of faith, explained what -It’s pure right. He convinced many races to abandon their errors and join the Church. The teaching word was abundantly supported by the pro-ro-che-stva-mi, the-tse-le-ni-i-mi and the miracle -re-ni-i-mi. Many warriors who have received blessings from the pre-excellent Se-ra-fi-ma, for-witness It’s true that, according to his prayer, we were left uninjured on the battlefield.

The Most Rev. Se-ra-fim looked after and supervised the sister of Di-ve-ev-skoy ob-te-li and according to the instructions of Ma-te-ri God's os-no-val for the girls from the Se-ra-fi-mo-Di-ve-ev-smel-nich-schi-nu-schi-nu. The Queen of Heaven announced his death in advance, and on January 2, 1833, The ny Se-ra-fim betrayed the soul of the Lord during a short-bowed prayer before the icon of God -ri (kontakion and ikos 10).

According to your prayers, the pre-ex-pres-n-go Se-ra-fi-ma has come to niya on his grave. On July 19, 1903, the glory of God's pleasure came to an end.

Ob-re-te-re-re-relics of the pre-extra-no-go Se-ra-fi-ma Sarov-skogo, miracle-creator

In the beginning of the last century, a new bright candle appeared on the candle of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Lord wished to send our earth a prayer, a move, and a miracle. tsa.

In 1903, the glory of the great Se-ra-fi-ma of Sarov was celebrated, 70 years after him it's over. (The life of the saint on January 2, on the day of his death). On July 19, on the day of the saint's birth, with great solemnity his relics were opened and placed in ready-made soup. A long-awaited event with many miraculous des-nesses that caused the sick, in pain -how many people came to Sarov. Po-chi-ta-e-my very shi-ro-ko even during his life, pre-similar Se-ra-fim became one of my most loved ones -my saints of the right-glorious Russian people, as well as the Venerable Sergius of Ra-do-Nezh.

The spiritual path of the pre-precious Se-ra-fi-ma is marked by the great modesty inherent in Russian saints. Since childhood, scolded by God, the Sa-rov movement, without co-le-ba-nies and doubts, rises from strength to strength in his striving for spiritual so-perfection. Seven years of obedient labors and seven years of temple service in the ranks of hiero-di-a-ko-na and hiero-mo-na -ha, empty-of-life and pillar-of-nothing, shutter and silence replace each other and the wedding is old -what. Move, yes, superior natural human capabilities (for example, the ability to lit-va on the stone in those thousand days and no-whose), gar-mo-nich-but and simply enter the life of the saint.

Tai-on-the-living mo-lit-ve-no-go-society determines-de-la-the-spiritual-inheritance of the pre-excellent Se- ra-fi-ma, but he left the Church another wealth - brief, but beautiful instructions, for-pi-san-from -frequently you see them, and sometimes you hear them. Not long before the saint's fame, there was a na-de-na and in 1903 on-pe-cha-ta-na "Be-se-da pre-po" -add-no-go Se-ra-fi-ma Sa-rov-skogo about the purpose of Christian life", in November 1831, a little over a year before his death. This was the most valuable contribution of the movement to the treasury of the Russian holy father. Czech teaching. In addition to the teaching about the essence of Christian life, it contains a new explanation of many important places of the Holy Scripture.

“Fasting, prayer, vigil and all other Christian deeds,” taught the reverend, “no matter how good on their own, but not in business, only their purpose is the goal of our life as a Christian, although they are serve as means for achieving it. The true goal of our Christian life is the acquisition of the Holy Spirit God's God." One day, being in the Spirit of God, the Lord saw the whole Russian land, and it was completely on and as if covered with the incense of the prayers of the believers, praying to the Lord.

In the descriptions of the life and actions of Saint Se-ra-fi-ma, there are many evidences of blessings. but of the pro-sight, which he used to arouse in people the race in sins and disposition -state-of-law.

“The Lord revealed to me,” he said, “that there will be a time when the arch-priests of the Russian land and other spiritual persons they shirk from preserving the right-gloriousness in all its purity, and for this the wrath of God will strike them. I stood for three days, I asked the Lord to have mercy on them and I asked him to better beat me, the wretched Se-ra-fi-ma, the Kingdom of Heaven. go, why should I punish them? But the Lord did not bow to the request of the wretched Se-ra-fi-ma and said that he did not agree -lu-et them, for they will teach them the doctrines and principles of mankind, but their hearts will be a hundred years old from me".

Revealing the blessings and powers of God to the people, the venerable Seraphim gave the people who came to him , how to go to the narrow path of the spa-se-niya. He instructed his spiritual children to obey and was faithful to him until the end of his life. Having spent his whole life in activities that were beyond the strength of ordinary people, he co-went to go to the holy father's "king" skim (average) way" and not take on overly difficult de-es: "you shouldn't take higher measures -but; try so that your friend - our flesh - is faithful and capable of creating goodness."

He considered prayer to be the most important move and means for acquiring the Holy Spirit. "All the goodness, Christ of ra-di de-la-e-may, may the goodness of the Holy Spirit, but... pray Most of all, it comes from the Spirit of God, and it is most convenient to correct everything.”

The Most Reverend Seraphim so-ve-to-stood in the temple with his eyes closed during divine services. behind-mi, then turn your gaze to an image or a burning candle and, expressing this thought, present-a-galal a beautiful comparison the life of a person with a wax candle.

If the holy elder complained about the impossibility of fulfilling the prayer rule, then he co-ve-to the shaft prayed in a hundred-yang-but: both during work, and while walking somewhere, and even in the wall. And if anyone is at the right time, said the Lord, let him join other souls -helpful prayers and readings of ka-no-novs, aka-fi-sts, psalms, Gospels and Apostles. The saint decided to study a series of divine services and keep them in mind.

The Most Reverend Sera-fim considered the long prayer rules of his Di-ve-ev-society unnecessary. He gave the people some easy rights. Mother of God for-pre-ti-la oh. Se-ra-fi-mu oblige the listeners to read long aka-fi-sts, so that this does not impose unnecessary burden on the weak. But at the same time, the saint strictly said that mo-lit-va should not be formal: “Those mo-na-hi, who do not unite- they put an external prayer with an internal one, not mo-na-hi, but black ho-lo-wags!” I know Se-ra-fi-mo-in-pra-vi-lo for those laymen who, due to the power of life's circumstances, Governments cannot read the usual morning and evening prayers: in the morning, before lunch and in the evening, read “Father” three times ours", three times - "Bo-go-ro-di-tse De-vo, rejoice", once - "I Believe"; for-no-ma-necessary-ho-di-we-mi-de-la-mi, from morning to lunch, pray to Jesus: “Lord, Jesus “Behold Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner,” or simply “Lord, have mercy,” and from noon to ve- che-ra - “Most Holy Bo-go-ro-di-tse, save me, sin-no-go” or “Lord, Jesus Christ, God-go- Give birth to me, you sinner."

“In prayers, pay attention to yourself,” the movement’s co-ve-to-val, “that is, collect the mind and unite it with the soul. For a day, two or more, do this prayer with one mind, separately, paying attention to each particular word. , when the Lord warms your heart with the warmth of His goodness and unites it in you into one spirit: then “It’s in you that it prays without ceasing and will always be with you, delighting and nurturing you...” The Reverend said that by following this rule with the media, one can achieve Christianity of perfection and in worldly life.

“I need to supply the soul with the Word of God. Most of all, one should practice reading the New Testament -ta and Psal-ti-ri. From this there would be a light in the mind, which is from me. not-divine,” instructed the holy mover Sa-rovsky, who himself pro-chi-vav- The entire New Testament was written in those weeks.

Every Sunday and every holiday is inadmissible, but the communion of the Holy Ta-in, Venerable Se-ra-phim When asked how often one should approach Communion, he answered: “The more often, the better.” Sainted to the Di-ve-ev-skoy community of Va-si-liy Sa-dov-sko-mu, he said: “Blessings, yes-ru-e -May we be in common, so great that no matter how unworthy and no matter how sinful a person is, as long as he is humble -now, with the knowledge of all my sins, I came to the Lord, who bought us all, you would be covered with sores of sins from your head to your feet, and you would be cleansed by the blessings of Christ, more and more and more light-fly, with all light-flies and spa-set."

“I believe that, according to the great goodness of God, this blessing is also known to be given to the generation -go-sya...". The saint, however, did not give the same instructions to everyone from the frequent communion . He spoke to many people on all four hundred and on all two holidays. It is necessary to remember his warning about the possibility of condemnation: “There will be other where it’s like this: here on earth they communicate; but with the Lord they remain uncommunicative!”

“There is no worse sin and nothing worse and worse than the spirit of despondency,” said Saint Seraphim. He himself shone with spiritual joy, and with this quiet, peaceful joy he abundantly filled the hearts of those around him -shih, greeting them with the words: “My joy! Christ is risen!” All life's burdens have become light near the movement, and many mourners and seekers of God there were a hundred people, but there was a crowd of people around his cell and the desert, wanting to communicate blah-da-ti, because -va-yu-shche-sya from the pleasure of God. In front of everyone's eyes, the truth was confirmed, expressed by the saint herself in the great Angelic call: “Stya “Live the world, and you’re surrounded by peace.” This premise about the acquisition of the world leads to the doctrine of the acquisition of the Holy Spirit, but it also manifests itself The most important step is on the path of the spirit of the rise. The most venerable Seraphim, who has undergone all the experience of the ancient right-glorious na-u-ku as-ke-ti-che-skogo- movement, saw how the spiritual work of the future will be, and taught how to seek spiritual peace and not to condemn anyone: “Whoever walks in the worldly dispensation, as if through a lie, draws spiritual gifts.” "To preserve the world's soul... everyone must avoid judging others... In order to -to avoid condemnation, to be attentive to oneself, not to accept other thoughts from anyone, and to be dead to everything - woo."

Precious Se-ra-fim can rightfully be called the scientist of God Ma-te-ri. The Most Holy God healed him three times from fatal illnesses and appeared to him many times , put-la-la and strengthened-la-la it. While still on his way, he heard the Mother of God, pointing at him, lying on the sick bed -no, said to Apostle John the Word of God: “This one is from our generation.”

Upon his release from his cause, the Pres- ence gave a lot of effort to the establishment of a girls' mo-n-she-community in Di -ve-e-ve and he-said that he didn’t give a single instruction from himself, he did everything according to the will of the Queen of Heaven- Noah.

The Most Precious Se-ra-fim stands in the na-ra-zi-tel-no-go rise of the Russian right-to-glorious spirit -sti. With great power he sounds on-my-na-nie: “The Lord is looking for the heart, I look to Bo -gu and his neighbor; here is the throne, on which He loves to sit and appear in the fullness of His pre-inferiority. “Son, give Me your heart,” He says, “and everything else I myself will lay down for you,” for in the heart there is “The Kingdom of God can contain everything.”

Complete life of St. Seraphim of Sarov

The Most Rev. Seraphim of Sarov, a great leader of the Russian Church, was born on July 19, 1754. Ro-di-te-li pre-po-do-no-go, Is-i-dor and Agafia Mosh-ni-ny, were-li-te-la-mi Kur-ska. Is-i-dor was a merchant and took on sub-contracts for the construction of buildings, and at the end of his life he began to build a co-bo-ra in Kur-ske, but died before the completion of the work. The youngest son, Pro-choir, remained on the pe-che-nii ma-te-ri, instilling deep faith in his son.

After the death of her husband, Agafia Mosh-ni-na, who continued to build a co-bo-ra, took one-on-one with her fight Pro-ho-ra, who, having stopped drinking, fell from the rock down. The Lord preserved the life of the future light of the Church: the worn-out mother, going downstairs, found her son on the verge -di-my.

Young Pro-choir, possessed of a beautiful memory, soon learned the art. Since childhood, he loved to attend church services and read to his peers the Holy Scripture and the lives of saints , but most of all he loved to pray or read the Holy Gospel in solitude.

One day Pro-choir was seriously ill, his life was in danger. In a dream, the boy saw the Mother of God, who promised to sit and heal him. Soon a procession with the icon of the Sign of the Most Holy God passed through the courtyard of the Mosh-ni-nykh estate; the mother carried Pro-khor in her arms, and he clung to the holy icon, after which he began to quickly recover.

Even in his youth, Pro-ho-ra matured the decision to completely dedicate his life to God and go to the monastery. The blessed mother did not hinder this and blessedly put him on a different path by crucifying him, -that-so-pretty-like all my life I've had strength in my chest. The choir marched from Kursk to Kiev on foot from the right-hand side to pay homage to the Pe-cher-sky lands.

Skhi-mo-nah elder Do-si-fey, who visited the Pro-choir, blessed him to go to the Sarov desert and sleep there. Returning briefly to his parents' house, the Pro-choir said goodbye to his mother and relatives for all time. On November 20, 1778, he came to Sarov, where the wise old man, Father Pa-ho-miy, was then in charge. He received the young man kindly and named him Elder Joseph as his spirit. Under his leadership, the Pro-choir went through many ceremonies in the monastery: he was the cell of the old man, the worker. worked in the bakery, prosphora and carpenter's shop, had responsibilities in labor, and did everything with zeal and diligence, service It's as if I'm the Lord. According to his constant work, he protected himself from boredom - this, as he later said, “dangered the is-ku -she-tion for the new-in-chief monks, who are praying for the doctor, who are holding back from the holidays Words, with strong hands, read the Word of God and endure, for what gives birth “It comes from little soul, carelessness and idleness.”

Already in these years, Pro-choir, following the example of other monastics, who went into the forest to pray, received the blessings -the old man’s time to go into the forest in his free time, where he prayed to Jesus in complete solitude . Two years later, novice Pro-choir fell ill with water, his body swelled, he experienced severe suffering . The mentor, Father Joseph, and other elders who loved Pro-chora, looked after him. The illness lasted about three years, and not once did anyone hear the word ro-po from him. The elders, fearing for the pain’s life, wanted to call a doctor to him, but Pro-choir asked not to do this, told Father Pa-ho-miy: “I have given myself, holy father, to the True Doctor of souls and bodies - the Lord -to Jesus Christ and His Most Holy Ma-te-ri...", and wished to be partook of the Holy Mysteries. That's when Pro-ho-ru had a vision: in an indescribable light the Mother of God appeared in the company of the holy apos; -hundreds of Peter and John of God's word. Pointing her hand at the pain, the Most Holy Virgin said to John: “This one is from our generation.” Then she touched the painful side with the rod, and immediately the liquid, filling her body, began to flow through the -ra-zo-v-she-e-sya from-the-hole, and he quickly-corrected. Soon, at the site of the appearance of God Ma-te-ri, a hospital church was built, one of the businesses of the that swarm was consecrated in the name of the Reverend Zo-sima and Sav-va-tiya So-lovets-kih. Pre-table for the pre-de-la pre-similar Se-ra-fim co-created his-and-mi ru-ka-mi from ki-pa-ri-so-in-go de- re-va and always communicated the Holy Mysteries in this church.

Having spent seven years listening to no one in the Sarov monastery, the Pro-choir took a foreign haircut with the name Seraphim, so well did we express his fiery love for the Lord and his desire to zealously serve Him. A year later, Se-ra-fim was ordained to the rank of hiero-di-a-ko-na. Burning in spirit, he served in the temple every day, constantly praying after the service. The Lord gave great blessings during church services: more than once he saw the affairs of the holy Angels, co-serving the brethren. Especially-ben-no-go-go-dat-no-go-go-de-niya pre-po-like-spo-do-during-during-the-divine-li-tour- on Holy Thursday, which Father Pa-ho-miy and Elder Joseph came to believe. When, after the tro-pa-rey, the pre-po-dob-y pro-iz-said “Gos-po-di, spa-si bli-go-che-sti-vy” and, standing in the royal at the gate, he pointed the orar at those praying with the cry “and for ever,” and suddenly a light ray dawned on him. Raising his eyes, the venerable Seraphim saw the Lord Jesus Christ walking through the air from the west. of the temple doors, surrounded by the Heavenly Demon-solid Forces. Come to am-vo-na. The Lord said good-bye to all those who prayed and entered the local church to the right of the royal gates. The Most Reverend Seraphim, in spiritual delight, looking at the wondrous phenomenon, could not utter a word , never leave your place. They took him by the hand to the altar, where he stood for another three hours, his face changing from the great blessing that illuminated him -yes. After the vision, the great one intensified his movements: during the day he worked in the abode, and at night he spent in the Lithuania in a forest desert cell. In 1793, at the age of 39, the Reverend Se-ra-fim was ordained to the rank of hiero-mo-na-ha and continued service in the temple. After the death of the father of Pa-ho-miya, the reverend Seraphim, having his pre-death blessing -ve-ness for the new-movement - empty-of-living, took the same blessing from the new-on-the-sto-I-th -la - father Is-a-ii - and went to a deserted cell a few kilo-meters from the mo-na-sta-rya, in a remote forest . Here he began to offer solitary prayers to you, coming to the monastery only on Saturday, before the all-night vigil and, possibly turning to his cell after the tur-gia, behind which he partook of the Holy Mysteries. The great one led his life in harsh movements. He made his ceremonial prayer rule according to the rules of the ancient desert abodes; I never parted with Saint Evan-he-li-he, pro-reading the entire New Testament in those weeks, - There were also holy fatherly and divine service books. You learned many church songs by heart and sang them during your work hours in the forest. Near the cell he planted a vegetable garden and set up a bee-house. He himself was a very strict faster, ate once a day, and on Wednesdays and Fridays -tsu so-ver-shen-but refrained from pi-schi. In the first week of the Holy Day, he did not take any food until Saturday, when the Holy Communion took place. tykh Secrets.

The holy elder, in solitary solitude, huddled deeply in his inner heart prayer, which for a long time remained motionless, not hearing anything and not seeing anything around. Those who visited him from the very beginning - monk Mark Mol-chal-nik and hiero-di-a-kon Alexander, having found the saint -th, in such a prayer, with the bliss, they quietly went away, so as not to disturb his contemplation.

In the summer heat, the pre-precious so-bi-ral on the bo-lo-te moss for the convenience of the o-ro-yes; the ko-ma-ry mercilessly stung him, but he b-show-but endured this suffering, saying: “Pas-s-sti-is-consumed- They are suffering and grieving, or because of their freedom, or because of their thoughts." For about three years, the pre-loving one drank only one grassy dream that grew around his cell. In addition to the brethren, lay people began to come to him more and more often for advice and good-words. This is the na-ru-sha-lo of his seclusion. Is-pro-siv b-word-ve-ness on-the-sto-I-te-lya, the pre-re-worthy one blocked the women's access to himself, and then to everyone else, having received the sign that the Lord approves of his idea of ​​complete silence. By prayer, the pre-additional do-ro-gu to his deserted cell pre-gra-di-li huge bitch-ve-ko-vyh co- Sep. Now only the birds, having followed in great numbers to the great one, and the wild animals his. The Pre-loved one fed honey bread from his hands, when bread was brought to him from the mo-na.

Seeing the movement of the pre-do-be-no-go Se-ra-fi-ma, the enemy of the race of man-in-arms lived against him and, wanting to force the saint to leave him silent, decided to intimidate him, but the venerable guarded himself begged -howl and strength of the Living Cross. The devil led to the holy “mental warfare” - a persistent, long-lasting effort. To ward off the enemy, the great Se-ra-fim did the work, taking upon himself to move the pillar -stva. Every night he climbed up onto a huge stone in the forest and prayed with his hands up, calling out: “Bo- Well, be kind to me, I’m a sinner.” During the day, he prayed in his cell, also on a stone, which he brought from the forest, leaving it only for a short rest. ha and strengthening the body with meager food. So the venerable one prayed for 1000 days and nights. The devil, disgracefully pre-loved, thought to kill him and sent gra-bi-te-lei. Go to the saint, who worked at the ogo-ro-de, and start demanding money from him. At that time the pre-ex-plenty had an ax in his hands, he was physically strong and could have turned around, but not for -to do this, remembering the words of the Lord: “Those who take the sword die with the sword” (). The saint, lowering the ax to the ground, said: “Do what you need.” Once-a-boy-ki-ki-ki-began to hit the-pre-do-no-go, the butt hit the go-lo-wu, broke a few ribs, Tom, having tied him up, wanted to throw him into the river, but in a dream he searched the cell in the search for money. Having crushed everything in the cell and not finding anything in it, except for an icon and a few car-fe-lins, they got tired of their - evil-de-i-niya and left. The Reverend, having come to consciousness, crawled to the cell and, suffering so much, lay there all night. The next morning, with great difficulty, he reached the obi-te. The brothers were horrified when they saw something move from the wound. For seven days he lay there, suffering from wounds; If you had called doctors to him, you would have been surprised that Seraphim remained alive after such battles. But the Reverend did not receive healing from doctors: the Queen of Heaven appeared to him in a subtle dream with an apo-sto-la- mi Peter and John. Touching your head, the Most Holy Virgin gave him healing. After this incident, the pre-excellent Se-ra-fi-mu had to spend about five months in the abode , and then he again went into the deserted cell. Remaining bent-for-ever, the great-like-walked, leaning on the dryness or the-on-the-rick, one-on-their grievances -chi-kov forgave and begged not to point out. After the death of his father Is-a-ii, who had been his friend since youth, he took over moving silently, completely, but from all life-thoughts for pureness before God in unceasing prayer. If a saint met a person in the forest, he fell on his face and did not get up until the passerby left. The old man spent about three years in such silence, no longer even visiting the monastery on Sundays. The fruit of silence appeared for the pre-excellent Se-ra-fi-ma, the acquisition of peace of the soul and joy in the Holy Spirit -heh. The great mover subsequently spoke to one of the mo-na-khovs of the mo-na-sta-rya: “... my joy, my “I love you, you have acquired a peaceful spirit, and then you have a soul that is around you.” The new rector, Father Ni-font, and the elder brethren of the abode offered to live with Father Se-ra-fi-mu or as before I can’t come to the monastery on Sundays to participate in divine services and communion in the community Holy Ta-in, or return to the monastery. The great one took the last one, since it became difficult for him to walk from desert to desert. In the spring of 1810, he returned to the monastery after 15 years in the desert. Without interrupting his silence, he added the shutter to this move and, without going anywhere or I didn’t accept it with myself, I was constantly in prayer and in thoughts of God. In thy work, the most venerable Seraphim found high spiritual purity and was able to fight from God special blessings - vision and miracles of creation. That's when the Lord put His out-of-branch to serve people in the highest possible movement. ge - old age. On November 25, 1825, the Mother of God, together with the celebrations on this day, appeared to two saints in a dream. nom vi-de-nii old-tsu and told him to come out from behind and take in the weak souls of the people -sky, demanding instructions, consolation, guidance and research. The blessing of having spoken to the na-sto-ya about the change in life, the great one opened his doors -ey cells for everyone. The old man saw the hearts of people, and he, like a spiritual doctor, healed mental and physical illnesses with prayer to God and blessed words. I came to the pre-excellent Se-ra-fi-mu feeling of his great love and with the mind -the kind words with which he addressed people: “my joy, my treasure.” The old man began to visit his deserted cell and spring, called Bo-goslovsky, near someone you built him a little kel-lay-ku. Coming out of the cell, the old man always carried a tom-ku with stones over his shoulders. When asked why he was doing this, the saint humbly replied: “Tom-me.” In the last period of his earthly life, the great Se-ra-fim was especially concerned about his beloved de-ti-sche - Di-ve-ev-skoy female obi-te-li. While still in the rank of hiero-di-a-ko-na, he co-pro-leader-gave the father of Pa-ho-miya in Di-ve-ev -to-the-society-well-to-the-sto-I-tel-not-tse-mo-na-khina Alek-san-dre, the great-mov-tse-tse, and then-where Father Pa- Ho-miy blah-s-s-vil-pre-do-do-but-always cares about the “di-ve-ev-si-ro-ts.” He was a real father for the sisters, who turned to him in all their spiritual and life-related problems. I. Academics and spiritual friends can sacredly nourish the Di-ve-ev-skaya community - Mi-ha-il Va-si -lie-vich Man-tu-row, healed from a serious illness and, according to the elder’s advice, accepted it -I have made a voluntary move; Ele-na Va-si-lyev-na Man-tu-ro-va, one of the di-ve-ev-skih sisters, do-ro-free-but with-gla-siv-sha-ya- to die out of obedience to the elder for his brother, who was still needed in this life; No-bark Alek-san-dro-vich Mo-to-vi-lov, so-ts-tse-len-ny pre-po-dob-nym. ON THE. Mo-to-vi-lov za-pi-sal for-me-cha-tel-no-teaching of the pre-excellent Se-ra-fi-ma about the purpose of Christ-sti- an-sky life. In the last years of the life of the pre-precious Se-ra-fi-ma, one healed by him saw him standing in the air -he, at the time of your prayers. The saint strictly forbade talking about this before his death.

Everyone knew and honored the great Se-ra-fi-ma as a great mover and miracle-creator. A year and ten months before his death, on the feast of the Blessing, Venerable Seraphim once again sang -before the appearance of the Queen of Heaven in the co-pro-leadership of the Baptism of the Lord John, the apo-sto-la John-on-God-words and two-twenty-virgins, holy-martyrs and venerables. The Most Holy Virgin was with the Most Holy One for a long time, giving him instructions from the Di-ve-ev-sisters. Having finished speaking, She told him: “Soon, my love, you will be with us.” At this appearance, at the marvelous sight of Bo-go-ma-te-ri, the presence of one di-ve-ev-skaya st- ri-tsa in prayer for her, pre-do-do-no-go.

In the last year of his life, the great Seraphim began to noticeably weaken and spoke to many about his imminent death. At this time, he was often seen at the coffin, appeared in the outskirts of his cell and prepared for his family. bya. The Reverend himself pointed out the place where his trace was located - near the altar of the Assumption Cathedral. On January 1, 1833, the Reverend Serafim came to the hospital Zo-si-mo-Sav-va-ti for the last time. the Ev-church to li-tur-gy and partook of the Holy Mysteries, after which he blessed the brethren and said goodbye, saying manager: “Stay safe, don’t be discouraged, stay awake, today we are going to win crowns.” 2 Jan-va-rya cell-ley-nik pre-po-do-no-go, father Pa-vel, at six o'clock in the morning he left his cell, on the right - I went to the church, and felt the smell of fire, coming from the cell of the pre-precious; Candles were always burning in the saint’s cell, and he said: “As long as I’m alive, there won’t be any heat, but when I’ll die, my end will open in the heat.” When the doors opened, it turned out that the books and other things were smoldering, and the great one himself was standing on the chair. nyah in front of the icon of God Ma-te-ri in the prayer-line, but already breathless. His pure soul, during his prayer, would have been taken by An-ge-la-mi and taken up to the Throne of the God of All-living. te-la, a faithful slave and servant of whom the venerable Seraphim was all his life.


Troparion to St. Seraphim of Sarov, for repose, tone 4

From your youth you loved Christ, O blessed one, / and you ardently desired to work for Him alone, / you labored with unceasing prayer and labor in the desert, / with a tender heart the love of Christ Having acquired the wealth,/ the chosen one, beloved of God, appeared to the Mother./ For this reason we cry out to you // Save us with your prayers, Seraphim, like our Father.

Translation: From your youth you loved Christ, and, having ardently desired to serve Him alone, through unceasing prayer and labor, and having acquired the love of Christ with a tender heart, you appeared as the chosen beloved of the Mother of God. Therefore we cry to you: “Save us with your prayers, Seraphim, our reverend father!”

Troparion to St. Seraphim of Sarov, for glorification, tone 4

From your youth you loved Christ, O venerable one, / and you ardently desired to serve Him alone, / in your desert life you labored with unceasing prayer and labor, / with tender hearts With your heart you have acquired the love of Christ, / Companion of heavenly Seraphim in hymn, / in love flowing to you to Christ imitator, / also the chosen one, beloved of God, you appeared to Mother, / for this reason we cry out to you: / save us with your prayers, our joy, / warm intercessor before God, / / ​​Blessed Seraphim enne.

Translation: From your youth you loved Christ, reverend, and you ardently desired to serve Him Alone; in your deserted life you labored with constant prayer and labor, having found the love of Christ with a humble heart, an assistant in prayerful hymns, an imitator of Christ in love for those who turned to you, therefore you became a beloved chosen one of the Mother of God, therefore we appeal to you: “Save us with your prayers, our joy, ardent intercessor before God, blessed Seraphim.”

Kontakion to St. Seraphim of Sarov, tone 2

Having left the beauty of the world and the corruption in it, O monk, / you moved into the Sarov monastery, / and there you lived like an angel, / you were the path to salvation for many, / for this reason, Christ is for you, oh Father Seraphim, glorify / and enrich us with the gift of healings and miracles ./ Moreover we cry to you: Rejoice, Seraphim, like our Father.

Translation: The beauty of the world and everything that is corruptible in it, leaving, reverend, you moved into Sarov and, having lived there like an angel, became for many the path to salvation. That is why Christ, Father Seraphim, glorified you and enriched you with the gift of healings and miracles. Therefore we cry to you: “Rejoice, Seraphim, our reverend father!”

Prayer to St. Seraphim of Sarov

Oh, wonderful Father Seraphim, great miracle worker of Sarov, quick and obedient helper to all who come running to you! During the days of your earthly life, no one was weary and inconsolable when you left, but everyone received the sweetness of the vision of your face and the sweet voice of your words. Moreover, the gift of healing, the gift of insight, the gift of healing for weak souls has appeared abundantly in you. When God called you from earthly labors to Heavenly rest, your love ceased from us, and it is impossible to count your miracles, multiplying like the stars of heaven: behold, to all the ends of the earth You appear to our people of God and grant them healing. In the same way, we cry out to you: O humble and meek servant of God, bold to Him, prayer book, never again those who call upon you, lift up your merciful prayer for us to the Lord of Hosts, may He grant us all that is useful in this life and all that is useful for spiritual salvation, may he protect He will teach us from the falls of sin and true repentance, so that we can enter without stumbling into the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, where you are now in everlasting glory, and there sing with all the saints me the Life-Giving Trinity until the end of the age. Amen.

Second prayer to St. Seraphim of Sarov

Oh, great saint of God, our reverend and God-bearing Father Seraphim! Look down from the Mountain of Glory upon us, the humble and weak, burdened with many sins, your help and consolation to those who ask. Reach out to us with your kindness and help us to preserve the commandments of the Lord immaculately, to firmly maintain the Orthodox faith, to diligently offer repentance for our sins to God, in the piety of Christians We prosper with grace and are worthy of your intercession in prayer to God for us. To her, Holiness of God, hear us praying to you with faith and love, and do not despise us who demand your intercession: now and at the hour of our death, help us and protect us with your prayers from malicious slander of the devil, may not those powers possess us, but May we be honored with your help to inherit the bliss of the abode of paradise. We place our hope in you now, O merciful Father: be truly a guide to our salvation and lead us to the eternal light of Eternal Life by your God-pleasing intercession at the Throne of the Most Holy Throne Jesus, let us glorify and sing with all the saints the venerable name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit , forever and ever. Amen.

Canons and Akathists


Kontakion 1

The great miracle-worker and wondrous delight of Christ, who is so powerful and prayerful to us, reverend Father Seraphim! The Lord has glorified you, and praises you. But you, have great boldness towards the Lord, free from all our troubles, calling:

Ikos 1

An-ge-lov Your Creator chose you from the beginning, so that your life glorified your wonderful name of the Holy Trinity: for you appeared in-is-tin-nu an-gel on earth and in plo-ti se-ra-fim; Like a ray of all-bright Eternity on the Sun of Righteousness, your life is enlightened. We, seeing your praiseworthy work, with reverence and joy say:

Rejoice, righteousness of faith and goodness; Rejoice, about the blood and the media.

Rejoice, most glorious thing of the faithful; Rejoice, quiet consolation to the sorrowful.

Rejoice, beloved praise of monks; Rejoice, wonderful help to those living in the world.

Rejoice, Russian powers, glory and protection; Rejoice, Tambov country, sacred decoration.

Rejoice, like Seraphim, Sarov miracle-worker.

Kontakion 2

You see your mother, like Father Seraphim, your warm love for the monastic life, knowing the holy will of the Lord for you, and God, for bringing the perfect gift, bless you on the narrow monastic path with your holy cross, which you wore on your chest until the end of your life, signifying the greatness of your love for Christ, who crucified for us God To our-name, to Him we all call with compassion: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Your mind is not demonic, O Holy One of God: from your youth you never ceased to think about Heaven, you left your father’s house, the Kingdom of God, for your sake and rule. -His dy. For this reason, they receive this praise from us:

Rejoice, city of Kursk, God's chosen child; Rejoice, most honorable branch of the parents of the good.

Rejoice, you who have inherited your own virtues; Rejoice, taught by piety and prayer.

Rejoice, blessed upon the cross from ma-te-re; Rejoice, this blessing is like a shrine until death.

Rejoice, love God for leaving your father's house; Rejoice, the whole beautiful world of this world is imputed to nothing.

Rejoice, like Seraphim, Sarov miracle-worker.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Highest from your youth in keeping you, O Reverend: from you the temple fell from you and the Lord did not harm you , and the suffering of the same lover of the murders of the world, with the sky, is the time of the dies, the hazard of the Issue of Vera-but served, he was calling to him: Alli-Luii.

Ikos 3

Having diligence for the struggle of foreigners, equal-an-gel-on-go life, you came to the holy city of Kiev for the sake of the venerable people of Pechersk, and from the mouth of the Venerable Dositheus, let us accept the command to set your path in Sarov, to direct your path, with faith from the da-le-cha you kissed this holy place, and there all your life flowed to God. You have passed away anything you liked. We, however, admire God’s providence for you, with tenderness in our hearts:

Rejoice, renounced worldly vanity; Rejoice, O fiery desire for the Heavenly Fatherland.

Rejoice, Christ, whom you love with all your heart; Rejoice, you who have received the good yoke of Christ.

Rejoice, perfect obedience; Rejoice, holy guardian of the Lord under them.

Rejoice, your mind and heart are prayerfully affirmed in God; Rejoice, the table of good-ness is not-for-a-le-bi-my.

Rejoice, like Seraphim, Sarov miracle-worker.

Kontakion 4

Boin-para-pas-tie was subsided, he had a whole path of the main and seduced pursuit of the INO-CHO-Ca-ko-th, nonsense of the dumbness and silence, multi-minute vigor, and the same, voil- May God rise from strength to strength, from action to the vision of God, you pre-seated in the Abode of Gornia, who came from An-ge-ly sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing and seeing your holy life, like Father Seraphim, all your brethren are amazed at you and, coming to you, I learn about your words and struggles, glory - Yes, the Lord, div-n-go in His holy ones. And we all praise you with faith and love, like our father, and we sing to you:

Rejoice, you have sacrificed everything to the Lord; Rejoice, you who ascended to you without passion.

Rejoice, warrior-not-Christ-of-the-good-for-the-poor; Rejoice, Lord of the Houses, good and faithful servant.

Rejoice, you who are shameless and stand before the Lord for us; Rejoice, to the Bo-go-ro-di-tse mo-lit-ven-never our un-put to sleep.

Rejoice, desert valley of the most wonderful fragrance; Rejoice, God's blessings are so undesirable.

Rejoice, like Seraphim, Sarov miracle-worker.

Kontakion 5

God's hard-veined light shines upon your life, likewise, when I am sick and lying on the bed of death, the Most Pure Virgin Herself, having come to you from holiness The apostles Peter and John said: “This is from our generation,” and I will touch your head. Having healed Abiye, you sang the blessing of the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the enemy of the human race, the number and holy life of yours, like Seraphim, wants to destroy you: people will bring evil upon you, who have unlawfully tortured you and are barely alive I left you; But you, holy father, like a gentle lamb, have endured everything, praying to the Lord for those who offend you. Moreover, we all respect such kindness of yours, we respect:

Rejoice, in your meekness and humility, imitating Christ God; Rejoice, with your kindness the spirit of malice is saved.

Rejoice, diligent guardian of the forest; Rejoice, hermit, filled with grace-filled gifts.

Rejoice, God-glorified and perspicacious ascetic; Rejoice, having become one of the most wonderful and God-wise.

Rejoice, Holy Church in praise and joy; Rejoice, you are blessed with Sarov's glory and blessings.

Rejoice, like Seraphim, Sarov miracle-worker.

Kontakion 6

The desert of Sarov preaches under your vi-gi and your labors, God-pleasing Christ: the wilds and forests of its prayers have fragrant you, the prophet of God Elijah and the Baptist of the Lord Imitating John, he showed - You have vegetated in the desert, abundantly fruitful with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, by whose many and most glorious actions you have accomplished, under the vi-zaya of the faithful, the blessings of the yes to God: Alli-luia.

Ikos 6

Behold in you a new seer of God, like Moses, the blessed Seraphim: immaculately serving the altar of the Lord, you were able to see Christ, in the temple with the Bodiless Ones The lami is coming. This is God's good will towards you, we sing praises to you:

Rejoice, most glorious one of God; Rejoice, illuminated by the Trisiac Light.

Rejoice, faithful servant of the Most Holy Trinity; Rejoice, Holy Spirit, adorned life.

Rejoice, Christ-sta with An-ge-ly te-les-ny-ma eyes-seeing; Rejoice, in this mortal world the heavenly sweetness is before the taste.

Rejoice, filled with the Bread of Life; Rejoice, filled with drink without death.

Rejoice, like Seraphim, Sarov miracle-worker.

Kontakion 7

Although, the Lover of mankind, the Lord, reveal in you, O Reverend, His incomparable kindness to people, as it is for you. tin-well, God-bright light: by your deeds and words you led everyone to piety and the love of God. Moreover, with the light of your exploits of enlightenment and the bread of your teaching, you are diligently taught and glorified thee by Christ: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

But I saw you as God’s chosen one, and from here I flowed to you in haste and pain; and these, burdened with troubles, you did not reject, exuding healing, giving consolation, intervening in prayers. At the same time, your miracle went out into the whole land of Russia, and here you glorify your spiritual child:

Rejoice, our good shepherd; Rejoice, O merciful and meek Father.

Rejoice, our speedy and blessed doctor; Rejoice, thou who art merciful and protect our infirmities.

Rejoice, in troubles and with no power; Rejoice, most sweet souls of the troubled pacifier.

Rejoice, the one who is to come, who is the seer of us; Rejoice, perspicacious accuser of the most secret sins.

Rejoice, like Seraphim, Sarov miracle-worker.

Kontakion 8

We see a strange miracle on you, venerable one: like this old man, weak and laborious, you abided in prayer for a thousand days and a thousand. Who is pleased with your words and your battles, blessed is the one who has endured, lifting up your holy hands to God, Amalek of the mental victory and the Lord's belt: Hallelu ́ia .

Ikos 8

You are all sweetness, all sweetness, Sweetest Jesus! - so in your prayers you cried out, father, in your desert silence. But we, who have spent all our lives in the vanity of darkness and in sin, praise your love for the Lord, here we are:

Rejoice, for those who love and honor you, I give you a sense of well-being; Rejoice, bring sinners to correction.

Rejoice, most wonderful silent and reclusive one; Rejoice, you pray diligently for us.

Rejoice, you who showed fiery love for the Lord; Rejoice, you pray for the fire of the enemy's arrows.

Rejoice, unquenchable light, flaming howl in the desert; Rejoice, shine, burn and shine with spiritual gifts.

Rejoice, like Seraphim, Sarov miracle-worker.

Kontakion 9

All that is yours an-gel-skoe is seen by strange sight: to the old man, I exist in the shutter, He-he-he and the earth-queen appear, commanding, let him open his shutter and let him not forbid Let the Orthodox people come to themselves, but let Christ teach everyone how to sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Many people are not able to express the strength of your love, blessed one: for you have given yourself over to serve all those who come to you, The command of God was fulfilled, and you were a good advisor to the perplexed, a comforter to the despondent, gentle admonition to those who went astray, a doctor and healer to the sick. For the sake of it:

Rejoice, let everything go from the world, and virtues will come to you; Rejoice, returning from the desert to the abode, sowing seeds in virtue.

Rejoice, Holy Spirit, illumined with all the blessings; Rejoice, full of meekness and humility.

Rejoice, dear child-loving father who flocked to you; Rejoice, in the words of love you gave them encouragement and consolation.

Rejoice, you who come to you with joy and treasure; Rejoice, for your holy love you have been made worthy of the joys of the Heavenly Kingdom.

Rejoice, like Seraphim, Sarov miracle-worker.

Kontakion 10

Your saving feat, reverend, has reached its end; at the prayer, on your knees, you have betrayed your holy soul into the hand of God, even as the angels of holiness have ascended to the Lord -to the hundred of the Almighty, and with You stand before all the saints in uneven glory, singing the song of praise of the saints to the Most Holy Word: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

There is joy for all the saints and monks, the Most Holy Virgin before your end, proclaiming your closeness to God from your departure. We, having witnessed such a visit to God-ma-te-re, vo-pi-em:

Rejoice, you who have seen the Queen of the earth; Rejoice, you have been pleased with the appearance of God's Ma-te-re.

Rejoice, you have received news from Him of the Transmigration of Heaven; Rejoice, having shown the holiness of your life by the righteous end.

Rejoice, in prayer before the icon of God, your tender spirit is before God; Rejoice, having fulfilled your prophecy with a painless outcome.

Rejoice, crowned without death from the hand of the Almighty; Rejoice, you who have inherited the bliss of heaven with all the saints.

Rejoice, like Seraphim, Sarov miracle-worker.

Kontakion 11

The unceasing murder of the Trinity is ascended, the reverence, everyone’s life-thus, the ascetic of a welfare viba-one, who has come to the enlightenment, the sick of the sores and the scrap for repair. But we, thank the Lord for such mercy towards us, and you call Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The light-giving lamp was in life, blessed by God, and after your death you shone like a radiant light of the Russian land: you exude from your honorable powers. I love them to everyone, with faith and love for those with you. At the same time, we, as he prayed for us to the warmth and the miracle worker, cry out to you:

Rejoice, you are glorified by many miracles from the Lord; Rejoice, you have made the whole world shine with your love.

Rejoice, love Christ, you are a faithful follower; Rejoice, consolation to all those who require your help.

Rejoice, you are an inexhaustible miracle; Rejoice, healer of the sick and ill.

Rejoice, multi-healing water is an inexhaustible storehouse; Rejoice, for you have embraced all the ends of the earth with your love.

Rejoice, like Seraphim, Sarov miracle-worker.

Kontakion 12

May your goodness and greatness be your boldness before God, you are like our father, we pray: we pray for warmth to the Lord, may He keep His Holy Church from unbelief and race, from troubles and misfortunes, and according to God, who benefits us : Alli-luia.

Ikos 12

I sing your glorification, we bless you, O Reverend, for the prayer for us before the Lord is so powerful, comforting you and intervening, and with love -bo-viu we exclaim ti si-tse:

Rejoice, O Church of the Righteous and Glorious; Rejoice, shield and defense for our Fatherland.

Rejoice, guide, guide everyone to Heaven; Rejoice, for our protector and protector.

Rejoice, you have done many miracles by the power of God; Rejoice, with your robe you healed many sick people.

Rejoice, all the devil's goats; Rejoice, thou who subdued the wild beasts by thy meekness.

Rejoice, like Seraphim, Sarov miracle-worker.

Kontakion 13

O most wondrous pleasure and great miracle-worker, like Father Seraphim, with this little thing now, in praise to you, and, standing before the Lord of our Kings, Jesus Christ, pray - for all of us, that we may find His mercy on the Day of Judgment, singing to Him with joy: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1

Prayer to St. Seraphim of Sarov

Oh, most wonderful Father Seraphim, the great Sarov miracle-doer, to all who come running to you, quick to obey in no way! In the days of your earthly life, no one left you lean and inconsolable, but everyone had the sweetness of seeing your face and the sweet voice of your words . Moreover, the gift of healing, the gift of vision, the gift of healing for weak souls appears abundantly in you. The eg-yes, the God is from the earthly labor to the unsuccessful restfulness, the nicolier is your reptile from us, and it is impossible to expire the Chu-de, the smart, as well as the stars of the non-boss: in all corners of our earth God appears to people and grants them healing. In the same way we cry out to you: O most quiet and meek God-pleaser, daring to pray for Him, turn away from those who call upon you! Offer up your merciful prayer for us to the Lord of strength, that He may grant us all the good things we need in this life and all for spiritual well-being according to -lez-naya, may he protect us from our sins and teach us true repentance, so that we can unhinderedly enter into the eternal Heavenly Kingdom, the same as you now you shine in glory, and there you will remember the Life-Giving Trinity with all the saints forever. Amen.

Song 1

Irmos: As Israel walked across the abyss on dry ground, seeing the persecutor Pharaoh drowned, we sing a victorious song to God, crying out.

Lord, open my unworthy lips and give me the word of reason to worthily sing the memory of the blessed Seraphim, now praying to You with the Angels to deliver us from every cruel situation.

You were a great prayer book to the Mother of God, O Reverend, You were honored to see the Apostles even, and now do not stop visiting your children with your prayers.

From your youth, reverend, you devoted yourself to the mind of God and, having tamed the passions of the body with strong abstinence, you adorned yourself with all sorts of virtues, O wise one.

Theotokos: O All-Blessed Lady, Who gave birth to the Most Blessed God in the flesh, cleanse my heart, embittered by passions, so that with faith and love I magnify Thee.

Song 3

Irmos: There is no one holy like You, O Lord my God, who has lifted up the horn of Your faithful, O Good One, and established us on the rock of Your confession.

With your prayers, reverend, standing before God with the Angels, pray for the whole world, consume the battles of the enemy and grant victory to your adversaries.

From your youth, with faith and love, you clung to the Lord of the Highest Powers, Reverend Seraphim, and, having risen in the desert of Sarov, like the sun, you were a comforter to those who came to you in sorrow; pray for us to be saved.

Thou hast appeared, O Reverend, to those who pray to you, an unshakable pillar and a refuge for all those who flow to the Sarov monastery and receive healing from inexhaustible grace.

Theotokos: When Mother Eve heard: in sorrow, give birth to a child. But you, Pure Virgin, having heard: The Lord is with you, rejoice, - with a joyful voice you consumed the sorrow of your foremother.

Sedalen, voice 4

Song 4

Irmos: Christ is my strength, God and Lord, the honest Church sings divinely, crying out, pure in meaning, celebrating in the Lord.

Today the Sarov monastery brightly celebrates your memory, reverend, and prays to you: ask the Lord of the universe for peace and great mercy for our souls.

With your great deeds, reverend, you have flourished like a phoenix, delighting the hearts of those who flow to you with fruitful words and immaculate life, and now pray that we may find mercy from Christ our Savior.

With your prayers for us, beseech God, Reverend Seraphim, and destroy the sinful darkness of our sorrow, adorn all who honor your glorious memory with dispassion, faith and love.

Theotokos: Rejoice, Lady Virgin, beauty to the Churches, power and praise to pious people, unceasingly pray to Christ God, may He save us from troubles with Your prayers.

Song 5

Irmos: With Thy God's light, Nearer, illumine the souls of Thy morning with love, I pray, Lead Thee, the Word of God, the true God, calling out from the darkness of sin.

You were a true teacher to all who came to you and a great prayer book to the Mother of God, and now, reverend, do not cease praying for your children, for you have great boldness.

May the people of Christ now descend into the temple of the Sarov monastery, to your honorable relics, Reverend Seraphim, and may they ask from you for healing, health and salvation, magnifying Christ.

At night I pray to God, O Reverend, the invisible enemy wanted to frighten you, but, through your prayer, he was put to shame, and the all-evil one disappeared.

Theotokos: God, Whom You gave birth to, Most Pure Mary, pray to Your servant for forgiveness of sins.

Song 6

Irmos: The sea of ​​life, raised in vain by misfortunes and storms, flowed to Your quiet refuge, crying out to You: lift up my belly from aphids, O Most Merciful One.

Your holy soul was the abode of God, in which the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit dwelt, and we also pray to you, reverend, to drive away the obsessions of the enemy from those who honor you and grant peace and health to faithful people.

We honor your great desert exploits and labors and the sweetness of your teaching, Reverend Seraphim, in the image of many who came to you, you enlightened and taught you to sing the praises of the Consubstantial Trinity.

Having followed the Lord Christ with a pure life, you ended your good course, O Reverend, and ascended to the eternal abode, blessed one, seeing there even the Angels see. In the same way, honoring your memory, we magnify Christ.

Theotokos: Now I am running to You, Most Pure One, save me with Your prayers and keep me: as much as you will, you can, as the Mother of the Almighty.

Kontakion, tone 2


Song 7

Irmos: The angel made the venerable cave into a venerable youth, and the Chaldeans exhorted the scorching command of God to the tormentor to cry out: Blessed art thou, O God of our fathers.

Your life has appeared wonderfully, reverend, filled with the grace of the Divine Spirit, you have truly accepted the blessed death of the saints, rejoicing in Christ. We cry to the one who glorified you: our father, God, blessed are you.

Many people who have come to the holy monastery today, Venerable Seraphim, venerate your honorable relics, from whom we draw all healings, constantly calling: our father, God, blessed art thou.

This broadcast went out throughout the whole earth, as if in Sarov the miracle worker appeared glorified, pouring out multitudes of healings to all who came with faith and cried out: Our father, God, blessed art thou.

Theotokos: The Virgin Mary, who gave birth to the Word above the word, Thy Creator, pray to Him with the Venerable Seraphim to have mercy on our souls.

Song 8

Irmos: You poured out dew from the flames of the saints and burned the righteous sacrifice with water: you did everything, O Christ, only as you wished. We extol You forever.

Having tamed the passions of the flesh and mortified the world, you have received the words of eternal life in your heart, O blessed one, teaching all who come to you to cry out: Sing to the Lord, O deeds, and exalt Him forever.

In the glorification of your holy relics, reverend, the Sarov monastery was filled with joy. All the people cried out to God, marvelous in their saints: Sing to the Lord, O works, and exalt Him unto the ages.

Filled with the grace of the Divine Spirit, Reverend Seraphim, faithful people, creating your holy memory, with your prayers ask for forgiveness of sins, crying: children, bless, priests, sing, people, exalt the Lord forever.

Theotokos: You have appeared to us as an Intercessor of salvation, O Mother of God, who gave birth to the Savior and Lord of all; we also pray to Thee: grant salvation to all who sing hymns to Thee faithfully throughout all ages.

Song 9

Irmos: It is impossible for man to see God, the Angels do not dare to look upon the Worthless One, but with You, All-Pure One, having appeared as a man, the Word incarnate, Who is magnified, with the Heavenly howls we please You.

Our little praise sung to you by unworthy lips, reverend, do not despise, but accept and sanctify all who glorify you, troubles and misfortunes, and deliver from eternal torment, so that we may sing to you forever.

Having valiantly endured the scum of the night and the plague of the day in the solitude of the desert, you were the house of the Wisdom of God and you rose to the uneven radiance. Pray for us to be saved.

The monastery is famous today, in which you deigned to receive the yoke of Christ: there, in the desert, you spent your days and, having enlightened many who came to you with your teachings, you taught to be children of the Church of Christ.

Theotokos: You are our strength, You are praise and joy, Our Guardian, intercession, refuge and invincible Representative, Most Pure Mother of God, save Your servants.


Song 1

Irmos: Having traversed the water like dry land, and having escaped the evil of Egypt, the Israelite cried out: Let us drink to our Deliverer and our God.

According to the commandment of the Lord Christ, you entered the Kingdom of Heaven along a narrow and narrow path, O Reverend, having hated the wide and spacious path, and now pray for us, who create your blessed memory.

From your youth, you ascended a dispassionate mountain and took up your cross, you irrevocably followed Christ and, having acquired spiritual wisdom, you reached the Mountain of Jerusalem, O Reverend, pray for us to the One Lover of Mankind.

Now, Reverend, standing before the Throne of God, praying for our country to get rid of the invasion of foreigners, and seek salvation for the Christ-loving people of the Russian land through your prayers, Reverend.

Theotokos: With faith and love of those who flow to You and sing with fear, Hear Your prayerful voice, Lady.

Song 3

Irmos: The Supreme Creator of the heavenly circle, O Lord, and the Creator of the Church, Thou strengthen me in Thy love, the desires of the land, the true affirmation, the One Lover of Mankind.

Pray, blessed one, to Christ God to deliver us from hunger and destruction, from vain death, from secret sins and evil thoughts, so that with a pure heart we cry out to Christ: through the prayers of the saint, save us, Lord.

Following the Lord Christ with meekness and humility, you were truly all to everyone, teaching the rich and the poor relentlessly in piety, you foresaw the future as well as the present. Pray to Christ God, reverend, to grant forgiveness of our sins.

Deliver your monastery, reverend, from every slander of the enemy and fill it with love and grace, not to think about the things of life, but to achieve soul-saving kindness through your prayers.

Theotokos: You are our hope and hope, O Most Pure Lady, save the country and Your people who pray and call on Your name.

Sedalen, voice 4

Having overcome the worldly sea of ​​passions through abstinence and flowed into the haven of dispassion, a vessel of abstinence appeared, Reverend Seraphim, pray to Christ God to grant us great mercy.

Song 4

Irmos: I heard, O Lord, Thy sacrament, I understood Thy works and glorified Thy Divinity.

Not only the holy monastery of Sarov, but the entire Russian land has you, blessed one, a warm prayer book and a quick helper, a strong and invincible intercessor and intercessor for our souls.

Be a prayer book for us and an intercessor to the Most Holy Trinity and move to prayer with you the faces of the saints, whose lives you were jealous of, reverend, with them pray together for peace and the order of the whole world, so that we may live a quiet and silent life in this world and in the future, eternal life we inherit.

You were great in fasting, venerable monk, and you lived a close monastic life in the desert, and you ended this in tender prayer. Pray for us to be saved.

Theotokos: Thou art, Most Pure Mother of God, our refuge and affirmation; pray to Thy Son and our God to grant us salvation and remission of sins.

Song 5

Irmos: Enlighten us with Your commandments, O Lord, and with Your high arm grant us Your peace, O Lover of Mankind.

By fasting and unceasing prayer, O Reverend, you glorified the monastery of Sarov, anointing the sick with oil from the icon of the Lady and thus generously giving healing, and now pray for our souls to be saved.

Saints and priests, rejoice with the monk of Sarov, and forgiven people, sing together to the blessed father, a quiet refuge for those overwhelmed by sorrows, a quick doctor for mental and physical illness.

Bring your prayers, reverend, as an auspicious and blameless sacrifice, to the Most Holy Trinity, and do not forget us, who are now creating your memory, ask for mercy to those who hate, offend and are at enmity with us and deliver everyone from all sorrow.

Theotokos: Guide my mind, O Lady, overwhelmed by many passions, save, O Mother of God, those who resort to You, for we don’t know any other help, Pure One.

Song 6

Irmos: I will pour out a prayer to the Lord and to Him I will proclaim my sorrows, for my soul is filled with evil and my stomach is approaching hell, and I pray like Jonah: from aphids, O God, lift me up.

We have all been filled with sins, but your prayers, Reverend Seraphim, ascend like fragrant incense to the Lord. Now we pray to you: dry up the sea of ​​evil of unbelief that is roiling in our land, and ask the Lord for salvation for our souls.

Blessed indeed were you, Reverend Seraphim, through poverty you gained wealth and through weeping you gained joy; you gave abundantly to those who came, and now you radiate rays of miracles and heal all who flow to you with faith.

Having dug a treasure trove in the desert with your hands, O Reverend, you gave water to the thirsty people who came, and now you have healed many sick people with the water of this treasure trove; truly a wondrous prayer book and wonderworker to all, Reverend, the Lord has shown you.

Theotokos: Truly, we confess Thee, Mother of God, the true Mother of God: By Your Nativity we have been delivered from corruptible condemnation, through mercy for the sake of the Lover of God, and have been called to a more imperishable life.

Kontakion, tone 2

Having left the beauty of the world and the corruption in it, reverend, you moved into the Sarov monastery and, having lived there like an angel, you were the path to salvation for many, for this sake, and Christ to you, Father Seraphim, glorified and enriched with the gift of healings and miracles. In the same way we cry to you: Rejoice, Seraphim, our reverend father.


Having left your family and friends, your wealth, like dust, having been imputed, you settled in the desert of Sarovstey and, in passion, as if you were incorporeal, having labored, you were made worthy of the rank of the Angels. In the same way, receive spiritual understanding, grant us, reverend, to sing wisely in songs to you, who say: Rejoice, blessed Seraphim, heavenly man and earthly angel; Rejoice, imitator of Christ in love; Rejoice, abode of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, great joy to the discouraged; Rejoice, source of healings; Rejoice, sweet consolation for sorrowing souls; Rejoice, quiet refuge for monks and wise teacher; Rejoice, praise to the Russian land; Rejoice, Seraphim, reverend our father.

Song 7

Irmos: Having come from Judea, the youths in Babylon sometimes quenched the flames of the cave with the Trinity faith, singing: God of the fathers, blessed art thou.

Have mercy on us, Lord, and save us from all soul-destroying evil through the prayers of Your saint, the Venerable Seraphim, and let us all cry out to You touchingly: Our father, God, blessed art thou.

Who does not wonder, who does not glorify the unfathomable depth of Thy mercy, Lord, as if Thou hast revealed to the whole world Thy saint, the Venerable Seraphim, a warm prayer book for us who cry out to Thee: our father, God, blessed art thou.

Accept this grateful singing, brought from us to you, Venerable Seraphim, and grant healing to all of us who celebrate your holy memory and worship your power, crying out: our father, God, blessed art thou.

Theotokos: You are, Most Holy Theotokos, our refuge and affirmation, pray to Your Son and our God to grant us salvation and remission of sins.

Song 8

Irmos: Praise and exalt the Heavenly King, Whom all the Angels sing, to all ages.

Having seen your virtuous life, reverend, the all-evil enemy wanted to create a comma for you, but you, by the grace of God and the prayers of the Lady, having disgraced him, you glorified God, singing songs: Sing to the Lord, do your deeds, and exalt Him forever.

Like lightning, shining, shining in the heavens, so the broadcasts about your miracles, reverend, went out into the whole earth. We, marveling at your glory, cry out: children, bless, priests, praise, people, exalt the Lord forever.

Heal our restless mind with vain and passionate thoughts, venerable one, tame the waves of evil and wickedness, strengthen our hearts, weakened by everyday cares, so that we glorify Christ the Creator for all ages.

Theotokos: Rejoice, fiery throne of the Lord; Rejoice, dawn of immaterial radiance; Rejoice, in the cloud of the glorious Sun that has risen, Christ our Savior, Whom we extol to all ages.

Song 9

Irmos: Truly the Mother of God, we confess Thee, saved by Thee, Pure Virgin, with the Bodiless faces magnifying Thee.

As a great father, who shone forth in fasting and asceticism of old, having been jealous, reverend, through all the days of your life you remained in prayer, tears and labor, until you reached the heavenly abode, with the same we honor you worthily.

With strong strength, Christ God girded you and strengthened you to defeat the snares of the demons, reverend. In the same way, we now pray to you: pray to God, the Lover of Mankind, to deliver us all from the enemy’s presences and temptations and save our souls.

In our illnesses and sorrows, we resort to you, reverend, and from the depths of our souls we cry: be a calm refuge for us and a quick healer of illness and deliver us from every illness and need, so that we may continually magnify you.

Theotokos: You have given birth to the only one from the Holy Trinity, the Word and the Son, O Most Pure Virgin, Who together with the venerable and righteous pray for Your servants, who by faith ask for forgiveness of sins.


Come, all faithful ones, let us praise with sacred songs the wondrous Venerable Seraphim in miracles, the new lamp of the Russian land, an angel of interlocutor and a warm prayer book to God for those who honor his holy memory.

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Quote of the Day

Love for God and love for neighbor enter our souls only through prayer!

Elder Cleopas (Elijah)

Photo of the day

Photo: Yandex

On January 15, the Russian Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. Seraphim of Sarov- one of the most revered saints.

In Krasnodar today is a patronal feast day at the church of St. Seraphim of Sarov, located in the village of Lazurny. The Metropolitan of Ekaterinodar and Kuban celebrated the Divine Liturgy here Isidore.

Seraphim of Sarov born in 1754 in Kursk, into the merchant family of the Moshnins. Since childhood, he dreamed of a monastic life and at the age of 24 he went to the Sarov Hermitage in the territory of what is now the Nizhny Novgorod region. Having lived for a considerable time in the monastery, the monk Seraphim With the blessing of the abbot of the monastery, he built himself a cell in a deep forest a few kilometers from the monastery. He lived there for more than 15 years, coming to the monastery only on Sundays and holidays.

During his retreat, the monk was attacked by robbers who brutally beat him, as a result of which he remained hunched over for the rest of his life - this is how he is depicted on icons. However, their offenders Seraphim forgave and asked not to punish them.

The monk's time of solitude was associated with special prayer works. The saint fought against strong spiritual temptation with the feat of stylite life.

A thousand days and nights with raised hands, Reverend Seraphim He prayed on a stone: during the day - in his cell, and at night - in the forest. Later, he took upon himself the feat of silence for three years, at which time he stopped even visiting the monastery. For his labors, the ascetic acquired the gifts of clairvoyance and miracles, and after a long retreat he began to accept everyone who came to him for advice and consolation.

Contemporaries Seraphim of Sarov They especially noted that the saint healed not so much with a gentle word, but with the love and joy that emanated from him. The monk addressed any person with tenderness, “my joy.”

Already during his lifetime Seraphim of Sarov revered. People from all over Russia flocked to the monastery to hear his instructions on spiritual life and to receive advice. After the peaceful death of the saint in 1833, veneration became special. According to eyewitnesses, miracles were often performed at his grave.

In 1903, the monk was canonized. Now the relics Seraphim of Sarov rest in the Seraphim-Diveevo Convent, which thanks to this is one of the most famous monasteries in Russia, attracting a huge flow of pilgrims. Every year, on the days of the saint’s memory, especially solemn divine services are held here with the participation of the Patriarch.

Previously "Living Kuban"

Seraphim of Sarov is one of the most revered saints in Rus'. Many legends and traditions were written about his exploits and help to those in need. Let us remember them on August 1, the day of remembrance of his holy relics.

Venerable Seraphim of Sarov

This saint is revered by Russians Orthodox Church like a god-obedient elder. We know a lot about his life: and how he fasted, observing the vow of fasting (that is, without leaving his place, he offered prayers day and night). And how he fed the bear from his hands, and how he ate only herbs during his strict fast. And one day the robbers who sneaked into his cell beat him severely - and were forgiven, since only God can judge, and only he has the right to reward these sinful souls.

The holy relics of Seraphim of Sarov are located in the Diveevo Convent. The holiday of the discovery of the relics of Seraphim of Sarov is celebrated annually on August 1. In 2016, it is especially important this important date remember the well-being of the soul, remembering all the turbulent events of the world. The relics of the saint are believed to have amazing powers and are capable of healing people. Every year, faithful Orthodox Christians fall to these relics, making a pilgrimage to Diveevo.

Sayings of Seraphim of Sarov

Seraphim of Sarov is known not only for his asceticism, but also for his wise words.

Take away sin, and illnesses will go away, for they are given to us for sins.

It is important to remember this saying for everyone who asks the saint for help in illness and bodily infirmity. Purity of soul and deeds helps cleanse the body of diseases.

True faith cannot be without works: whoever truly believes certainly has works.

These words of Seraphim of Sarov are true and have been proven many times both by saints and simply sympathetic, generous people to whom their kindness returns. Psychologists call this the boomerang law, and it has been in effect in the world for hundreds of years. For good deeds, sooner or later a person receives good in return.

There is nothing worse than sin, and nothing more terrible and destructive than the spirit of despondency.

And this is also the truth written in the tablets. Do not give in to this sin, because there is no truth, no help, no peace in it.

Prayers to Seraphim of Sarov

Many miracles are associated with prayers to Seraphim of Sarov. They heal, give hope in difficult life situation, help in business and bestow blessings when the worshiper experiences languor or is tormented by doubts. The church prayer text for this holy elder is as follows:

O Reverend Father Seraphim! Offer up for us, servants of God (names), your powerful prayer to the Lord of hosts, may He grant us all that is useful in this life and all that is useful for spiritual salvation, may He protect us from the falls of sins and may He teach us true repentance, so that He can heed us without stumbling. to the eternal Heavenly Kingdom, where you now shine in eternal glory, and there sing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity forever and ever.

But you can pray to Seraphim of Sarov in your own words. Such a prayer will be no worse than a church prayer, especially if you begin to speak from a pure heart. Try not only to ask for help, but also to sincerely thank for future support, and also not to hold evil and bad thoughts in your heart.

Father Saint Seraphim of Sarov, help me in my trouble, support me in my trials, grant me fortitude and mental strength- so you can start your prayer.

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01.08.2016 05:00

Seraphim of Sarov is revered by believers as one of the most beloved saints, who never refuses help. Find out what...