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Mechanical water purification in the apartment. The best water purification system in an apartment: description, types, features, reviews and prices. Manufacturer reviews

In centralized water supply systems, cleaning is performed by chlorinating the liquid. As a result, disinfection is performed - the removal of pathogenic microflora. But chlorinated water is dangerous to drink, it also damages the hair and causes the skin to dry out. Healthy cleaning is provided by individual filters. Their choice depends on the purpose and operating conditions.

Types of filters for water purification

Pitchers are inexpensive, compact, easy-to-use models. Used at home and in offices. Cartridges need to be changed every 2-4 months. The equipment eliminates rust, chlorine and other impurities.

Drinking water filters that are installed under sinks are massive, bulky systems. They are distinguished by rather complicated installation and high cost, however, they remove not only chlorine and rust, but also dangerous bacteria, and prevent scale formation. The equipment is only suitable for buildings with a centralized water supply system.

Desktop - filters for water treatment in small apartments. They have a capacity of about two liters per minute. Membrane-type products remove the greatest number of impurities.

Nozzles for taps - small flow filters for water in an apartment that do not cause difficulties in operation. They remove chlorine, rust, hardness salts. They have a low cost, but require frequent replacement of cartridges.

How to choose a water filter?

The quality of cleaning largely depends on the chemical composition of the liquid that is supplied to a particular object.

You should also take into account design features devices:

  • efficiency;
  • principle of operation;
  • purpose - for industrial or residential facilities;
  • frequency of cartridge replacement.

Practically in all water pipes there is an increased content of chlorine, excesses of the permissible concentrations of salts of iron, manganese, oil products, industrial pollutants and others are also fixed. harmful substances. The indicators of impurities in the liquid depend on the quality of the pipes, the features of the nearest cleaning station, and other factors.

The simplest solution is to buy a universal water filter, but it only removes basic contaminants. Fine cleaning requires specialized solutions. The Equols group of companies selects, installs and maintains cleaning systems in apartments, taking into account individual characteristics water.

We perform:

  • analysis of impurities contained in the liquid;
  • selection of filters for water purification;
  • installation;
  • service.

On preliminary stage specialists take fluid and analyze it in the laboratory. Depending on the obtained indicators, the optimal filtration layers are selected. As a result, the equipment effectively eliminates existing pollution.

Some types of water purifiers are built into the pipeline - installation is carried out only by specialists. Table models and jugs do not require installation work, in which case only delivery will take place.

Water filters need regular cartridge replacement. Its frequency is affected design features models, intensity of use and other individual parameters. In most devices household cleaning water cartridges are easy to replace and can be done by the user. If necessary, employees go to the site and carry out preventive maintenance of filtration equipment.

Our company practices a comprehensive professional approach and offers individual solutions for water treatment, which are based on modern technologies. To place an order or obtain additional information about the service, please contact by phone, e-mail or use the online contact form.

Everyone wants to drink clean water. For example, you probably want to forget about the smell of chlorine, a brownish tint, rust ... Our rating includes the best (according to customer and expert reviews) popular water filters. You can choose exactly the product that you need, whether you live in a densely populated metropolis or in a country house. We read - and become owners for real clean water!

Types of household water filters


  • Filter jugs. One of the most popular varieties due to its mobility, accessibility and ease of maintenance. The design consists, in fact, of a jug and an upper funnel with a lid and a cleaning cartridge installed inside. Water flows through several filter layers, is purified and ends up in the storage tank. Cartridges can be of several types - universal or with certain properties (for example, reducing water hardness, removing iron, etc.);
  • Dispensers-cleaners. The principle of operation is also simple and unpretentious - water is poured from above and passes under its own weight through the filter system into the lower tank. The main difference from jugs is a noticeably larger volume and the presence of a drain tap.


  • Faucet nozzles. Inexpensive and easy-to-install filters with a one- or two-stage cleaning system, usually reduced to the neutralization of chlorine and rust. Cassettes do not last long, but they are available and inexpensive;
  • Desktop systems "next to the sink". Representatives of this category have an average performance, differ in the method and degree of water filtration, and, accordingly, in price. The disadvantage is that they take up a lot of space in the kitchen;
  • Under sink systems. The most efficient devices with multi-stage filtration, including disinfection and water softening. The most advanced varieties are reverse osmosis models, key component which is a semi-permeable membrane that allows only water molecules to pass through. But bacteria, viruses, heavy metals and other harmful impurities are not given a chance to “leak out”. The degree of purification is so great that additional mineralization is used to make the water drinkable.
  • Main or pre-filters. They are installed directly into the water supply system and can be used both for individual taps and for the entire apartment or house. A special cartridge acts as a filter element, and in the simplest instances, an ordinary metal mesh.

Depending on where your home is located, the quality of the water supplied can vary greatly. This is what precludes general recommendations concerning the choice of one or another model of filters for the purification of incoming water.

Having decided on the equipment of your apartment, you need to start the selection procedure from the zero stage. It lies in the fact that it is determined what exactly the filter is required for. This can be done on the basis of an analysis (homemade, or better - laboratory), the results of which will show which impurities it is necessary to purify water from.

Drinking water filter

Depending on the results of the analysis, you can choose a filter from three main groups.

Filter jugs

In terms of price, this solution is the most attractive. But only when the water has a minimum degree of pollution. These filters allow you to:

  • reduce the amount of chlorine in the water;
  • partially reduce its rigidity;
  • significantly reduce the total number of iron and copper ions;
  • qualitatively filter out the existing mechanical impurities.

When deciding to purchase a pitcher-type filter, buy only a well-known manufacturer.

The advantages of these models: ease of use, low price, no installation difficulties. Cons - cartridges have a small resource, insufficient degree of cleaning, the impossibility of regenerating cartridges.

Filters made as a nozzle on a faucet

In terms of cleaning quality, they are approximately comparable to pitcher filters. Many models are specialized. For example, filters using ion-exchange resins allow the removal of heavy metals, aluminum, iron, and hardness salts. Models with activated carbon qualitatively remove organic compounds, microorganisms and bacteria, phenol.

The advantages of such filters can be considered ease of use, compactness, relatively high-quality degree of purification, as well as ease of installation. As disadvantages, an insignificant resource of the filter element, a narrow specialization of filters are noted.

Multistage cleaning systems

This solution allows you to get guaranteed quality water. The vast majority of such systems incorporate membranes that work using the reverse osmosis method. There are systems without it that are also very effective and outperform faucet nozzles and pitcher-type filters.

The advantage of such systems is complete solution cleaning quality issues. Cons: low productivity, significant dimensions, high cost, installation complexity, expensive consumables.

When is the installation of industrial water filters required?

A coarse filter is almost always needed. Its installation at the entrance to the apartment is the most correct solution. The presence of such a filter allows you to protect household appliances and plumbing, as well as extend the life of cartridges used in drinking water purification systems.

Individual models household appliances require additional filtration of the water entering them ( geyser, washing machine, dishwasher, etc.). Additional filtration is required when the water hardness index exceeds that recommended by the manufacturers of this equipment. Depending on the specific situation, sometimes it is enough to install a conventional filter at the inlet to such devices.

Most often, the use of a complex filtration unit is required. And even in those cases when drinking water no longer causes complaints in terms of its quality, one should not forget about the negative impact of hard water on human hair and skin. And this requires, at a minimum, the installation of a filter nozzle on the shower.

In cases where large volumes of water are to be softened, the best solution would be to use filters based on ion exchange. They have large dimensions, so they are not always suitable for an apartment, and the use of softeners with replaceable cartridges does not achieve the required quality.

As an option, you can consider the use of magnetic softeners. But, it should be noted that most of these devices can only work on highways. cold water.

Variants of schemes for the complete purification of water entering the apartment

Consider typical scheme, the implementation of which will ensure the most complete purification of the water entering the apartment.

Positions 1A and 1B are valves (gearboxes) for reducing pressure on the cold and hot water respectively. Used to protect hose connections, sanitary fittings, dishwashers and washing machines, shower cabins, other equipment from possible pressure surges in hot and cold water supply systems.

These elements can maintain a given pressure in the inlet lines. The installation of these valves minimizes the negative consequences that may arise in the event of failure of the above-mentioned equipment, or emergency ruptures of pipelines at the junctions. Typical gearboxes include models D06F - for cold water ½ "A" and D06F - for hot water ½" B.

The first stage of purification involves the release of water from particles suspended in it (rust, sand, calcium salts, scale, etc.). For this, filters are used that provide mechanical cleaning (cartridge or mesh).

Position 2A and 2B - filters mechanical cleaning(mesh). These filters are strongly recommended by almost all manufacturers of household appliances. For such filters, grids are made of of stainless steel high quality and have a resource of several decades.

The flasks of such filters are usually designed for pressures up to 25 atmospheres, but the experimental pressure during checks exceeds the indicated one by 10 or more times. Such filters are not afraid of water hammer of any force. A number of filters are supplied with systems internal flushing grids.

Typical models are Honeywell F 76S - ½” AA, (½” AAM), Honeywell FF06 - ½” AA, (½” AAM).

Position 3A and 3B - cartridge filters. These are metal or plastic flasks that contain filter elements that can be replaced as needed. Cartridges that perform mechanical cleaning remove impurities from it with sizes of 0.5 - 100 microns. When using carbon cartridges, you can purify water from chlorine and unpleasant aftertaste. Typical models: main filter FHPR-2 Standart AQUA 10, geyser 1P - ½", KVF10 - ½".

Position 3 - low capacity filter softener. It is put exclusively on cold water. Frees incoming water from hardness salts. Be sure to connect to drainage system, because needs regular regeneration of filter media. Installation of such a system prevents the appearance of scale in existing instantaneous water heaters(tens of washing machines, boilers, etc.). Representatives: Canature CS6 H 1017, Atoll Ecoline R - 14.

Position 4 - mixing thermostatic valve with protection against burns. Provides the desired outlet temperature. It is used in hot water supply systems for centralized temperature control, as well as for delimiting the temperature value in the boiler return pipe. Stopping the cold water supply automatically cuts off the hot water supply. And vice versa - the cold supply is turned off when the hot one disappears. A typical device is Honeywell TM200.

Position 5 - filter for drinking water. Mounted under kitchen sink and is supplied with its own faucet for purified water. Typical device - household system reverse osmosis Hidrotek or Atoll.

Water purification systems currently in use are extremely diverse in terms of models and purpose. Only specialized organizations can correctly calculate the scheme for cleaning the water entering the apartment. Most of them offer turnkey installation of such a system in one of the four options offered today:

  • economical;
  • budgetary;
  • universal;
  • premium class.

Pay due attention to the purification of water that is used in everyday life - this will preserve the health of your loved ones.

Apartment owners do not have to choose a water supply system. Only water from the centralized water supply can flow from the taps, and, unfortunately, it often does not meet the SANPin standards. The only solution is a water purification system in the apartment, which allows you to get rid of all contaminants, harmful substances and pathogens. Now modern system water purification in an apartment is a necessity, because without it, water often carries a true danger.

Water purifiers for an apartment are now presented in a huge assortment, but without specific knowledge it is almost impossible to choose the best one. At the same time, water purification in the apartment is carried out using several filters that have a variety of modifications. They must also take into account the peculiarities of the composition of water, otherwise the installation may be ineffective, and water purification for apartments will not bring the expected effect.

How to buy a water purifier for an apartment

Our company offers water treatment systems for apartments from the best manufacturers. At the same time, we have prepared comprehensive package solutions that allow us to take into account every little thing, and achieve maximum effect from installation.

This approach provides many advantages:

  • Such a water purification system for an apartment provides a full-fledged high-quality water supply to the entire apartment around the clock.
  • The owner does not need to think about the need to periodically change the filters.
  • Provides high resistance to pressure drops.

We offer to buy a water purifier for an apartment at the best prices. At the same time, our specialists develop a lot of ready-made package solutions, taking into account a huge number of parameters, so there is a system for water purification in an apartment for a room with water of any composition. The water purification system in an apartment with a well-planned project will not attract attention for a long time, and clean and healthy water will flow from your taps.

What is included in the package

Integrated water treatment in an apartment includes a set of specific devices:

  • Devices for providing reverse osmosis.
  • A set of filters for cleaning from mechanical impurities.
  • Filtration system to eliminate chemicals.
  • Various accessories for the drinking water treatment system for the apartment.

Buy water purification systems for an apartment at the most favorable prices in Moscow it is possible in our company. And you will save not only on the cost of devices, but also on further maintenance. If you want to buy a water purification system for an apartment from leading manufacturers, then you should definitely become our client.

Household five-stage water treatment plant of accumulative action, model AP 600 is designed to produce deeply purified drinking water. Used in water supply systems with stable high pressure

from 2.5 -6 atm.

12500 rub

10500 rub.

Household five-stage storage water treatment plant with a pressure boosting pump, model AP 600 R is designed to produce highly purified drinking water. Used in low pressure water supply systems

from 0.2 atm.

14600 rub

12500 rub.

Removal efficiency of some contaminants

CATIONS Removal in % ANIONS Removal in %
Sodium Na+ 95-97 Chlorides Cl - 95-97
Calcium Ca 2+ 96-98 Bicarbonates HCO 3 — 95-96
Magnesium Mg 2+ 96-98 Sulphates SO 4 2- 99+
Potassium K+ 95-97 Nitrates NO3- 93-96
Iron Fe 2+ 98-99 Chromoxides CrO 4 2- 90-98
Manganese Mn 2+ 98-99 Phosphates PO 4 3- 99+
Hardness Ca and Mg 96-98 Cyanides CN — 90-95
Mercury Hg 2+ 96-98 Sulphites SO 3 2- 98-99
Ammonium NH4+ 88-95 Sulfides S2O 3 2- 99+
Strontium Sr 2+ 96-99 Silicates SiO 2 2- 95-97

You can always look the same

Tap water almost never meets the requirements for purity - impurities appear in it one way or another, as a result of which taste characteristics, smell and even transparency change. It is clear that drinking water straight from the tap is not worth it. You can solve the problem by installing a main filter for water purification in the apartment. This device is mounted directly into the pipeline and allows you to clean the entire volume of passing water.

Main filters for cold or hot water are used for such needs:

  1. Water purification. This is very important, because not everyone can live above a deep well, and drinking water comes to houses, most likely from the nearest reservoir, river or lake. At the same time, urban treatment plants often do not remove carcinogens and heavy metals from the water, but only chlorinate, while a number of chlorine-resistant bacteria can remain in the liquid.
  2. Improvement palatability water. Chlorine, rusty metal, hydrogen sulfide - water with completely unexpected tastes can flow from a tap. Naturally, it also changes the quality of the food. And purified water allows you to cook really delicious dishes.
  3. Water softening to reduce exposure to skin and hair. After all, polluted water spoils hair and skin, leads to the appearance of wrinkles, rashes, and destruction of the hair structure. And purified water will not allow all these manifestations to form.
  4. Maintaining the performance of appliances and plumbing fixtures. If you do not remove solid particles and dirt, then on boilers, dishwashers and washing machines, electric kettles scale.

Different types of devices and how they work

Main filters for water purification in the apartment and in Vacation home classified into:

The main filter for water purification most often works in combination with accessories. So, a softener is installed complete with a coarse filter, which allows you to normalize chemical composition liquids and prevent scale formation in appliances. Chemical-free filters can act as softeners. permanent magnets, the action of which causes the salts dissolved in water to precipitate without causing harm to plumbing and other appliances.

AND only after the coarse cleaning system, fine cleaning devices are installed- in this case, they will be less susceptible to contamination and cartridges will have to be changed less often.

Information about that is in a separate article on the site. In it you will find a video example.

Read about the room in another article. Troubleshooting is described.

Also can be purchased grain loading equipment. It is a main filter for complex cleaning, which eliminates both chemical and biological contaminants. Outwardly, this is a large cylinder, the performance of which is in the range of 16-400 liters per minute. Such main water filters in an apartment or in a private house are water softeners and filters at the same time deep cleaning. Of the minuses, it is worth noting their large size.

Rules for choosing a suitable filter model

So, the main water filter - how to choose for cleaning? Keep in mind that in ordinary apartments, as a rule, passes two lines - with cold and with hot water . If we are talking about individual heating systems, then they need devices for purifying cold water.

Important: The main filter for hot water is made of materials that are resistant to prolonged exposure. high temperatures. It can also be used on highways with cold water, but not vice versa.

To choose main filters for cold or hot water, you must consider:

The strainers used are multi-layered and fixed in metal pipe. With its help, water is purified from all large particles (sand or scale), the size of which exceeds 50 microns. It is better to choose a main water filter with flushing - it is able to catch more contaminants. When choosing a mesh filter, you must check pipe diameter, on which the mount will be made, and in accordance with this value, purchase the device.

As for cartridge devices, the main mechanical water filter is a design of a flask, a cap and a replaceable cartridge. They are able to catch any small particles - accordingly, the thinner the degree of filtration, the more transparent and tastier the water at the outlet.

Cartridge for main filters for water treatment should be regularly change and purchase depending on the needs:

  1. BA - to normalize the amount of iron.
  2. BS - for water softening.
  3. With activated carbon - for cleaning from chlorine.
  4. With polyphosphate loading - eliminates lime deposits, protects appliances from scale.

The main filter is mounted directly into the water main. It is also expedient to install cut-off Ball Valves and bypass. The installation site of the cartridge filter must be freely accessible, since the cartridges will have to be replaced regularly.. We eliminate the most common malfunctions.

Brief overview of filter manufacturers

Among the popular companies producing high-quality main filters, it is worth noting Honeywell and Aquaphor, New Water and Geyser.

Thus, the Aquaphor company produces a wide range of cartridge main filters - for drinking water, for household appliances (for washing or dishwashers), For shower. You can choose devices designed for operation with cold and hot water, eliminating chemical compounds or only insoluble impurities such as sand or rust.

The German brand Honeywell offers devices of unique quality, designed for ten times the operating pressure in the network. Here you can choose elements for coarse or fine cleaning, and the filter element is a metal mesh enclosed in an ultra-reliable flask.

Production of the company New Water characterized by availability and high quality. The range offers main filters with a separate tap, and the degree of purification can be adjusted by installing certain cartridges.

And Geyser filters are high-tech scientific developments, thanks to which filter elements based on an ion-exchange polymer were created.