Water pipes      04.03.2020

Major overhaul of the garbage chute. Comments of experts. Regulatory status of a garbage chute equipped with a device for washing, cleaning and disinfecting the inner surface of the garbage chute shaft


The use of a garbage chute has become one of the usual amenities of living in an urban apartment building. Thanks to the presence of a garbage chute, the removal of household waste from the apartment is a completely easy and not burdensome business. Any member of the family can go out lightly into the stair-lift hall or onto the landing and lower the bag of garbage into the loading valve of the garbage chute.

A properly made and properly operated garbage chute is a real helper in maintaining household and not a source of problems and unpleasant impressions. Simply, it must be kept in good condition and clean. How are plumbing fixtures inside the apartment kept in good condition and clean: sinks, bathtubs and other more delicate devices.

Unfortunately, the condition of residential garbage chutes apartment buildings often leaves much to be desired. This is caused by a violation of the rules for the operation of the garbage chute, but most often - the expiration of its service life. How not to grease the barrel and valve with paint, how not to weld the bucket hinges, if the equipment of the garbage chute has served its time, then its complete replacement is required.

Thus, the normative service life of the loading valve of the garbage chute is 15,000 cycles. It turns out that if tenants of four apartments use it once a day, then, in translation, this is a ten-year period. When placing the loading hatch of the garbage chute on interfloor landings through the floor, the number of apartments served by it increases to 8, and its service life, respectively, decreases to 5-6 years.

The rate of wear of the garbage chute equipment intended for the removal of municipal solid waste increases if its operation is carried out with violations.

One of the functions of the chute valve is to calibrate the waste that is dumped into the chute. The volume of the valve bucket is 12-18 liters. Attempts to shove larger bags, bulky packaging, etc. into the garbage chute. lead to damage to the garbage inlet valve and blockages in the trunk of the garbage chute.

Violations of the rules for the operation of the garbage chute also include the removal of liquid waste, which causes premature corrosion of the metal ladle.

If damage attachments If the garbage chute can be eliminated by repairing the garbage chute bucket, repairing the garbage chute valve, repairing the seals of the garbage chute hatch, and so on, then the barrel of the garbage chute that has become unusable can be restored only by completely replacing it with a new one. Moreover, the asbestos-cement pipes previously used for the construction of garbage chutes have not been used for these purposes for 15 years already and must be replaced during the repair of garbage chutes in Moscow and other cities.

The hygroscopic asbestos-cement pipes assembled with slots and rough joints were replaced by mass-produced pipes of the "sandwich" type garbage chute with an inner layer of of stainless steel. Such a garbage chute looks nice and will last a long time. In addition, now it can be regularly washed and disinfected with a liquid disinfectant solution using appropriate washing installations placed on the trunk of the refuse chute on the technical floor of the house (or, in its absence, on the residential floor, above the loading valve).

The faulty state of the garbage chute of an apartment building, caused by its damage and excessive operation without timely repair, really becomes a headache for all residents of the house.

The scale of the problem can be judged from the reports of a faulty garbage chute, received on the portal of Moscow Mayor Sobyanin S.S. Moscow Our City http://gorod.mos.ru/, which counts for hundreds.

An unpleasant smell, unsanitary conditions, an untidy appearance - all this will easily spoil the mood of even the most inveterate optimist and serve as "indications" for the immediate repair of the garbage chute in the entrance.

TO cosmetic repairs garbage chute in Moscow includes the restoration and repair of the garbage chute valve bucket by replacing it with hinges. Where this is not possible, a new garbage chute hatch is welded onto old building hinged valve through the overlay frame.

Replacing the valve bucket seals is also a cosmetic repair.

Of course, a complete replacement of the waste chute valve is more efficient, but it is not always possible due to the partial blocking of the old garbage chute at the location of the valve.

Under the program for the overhaul of the garbage chute, Moscow will carry out a complete replacement of garbage chutes in residential buildings Built in the 70s and 80s included in this program. The trunk of the garbage chute, loading valves, the garbage chute gate, the garbage container, the ventilation unit of the garbage chute are subject to dismantling and replacement. You can find out when the overhaul of a particular house will take place on the Internet resource https: /www.reformagkh.ru

From the point of view of organizing and performing work on the overhaul of the garbage chute at the entrance, the greatest difficulty is the re-equipment of the garbage collection chamber.

Concrete cabinets placed in them with an inclined surface, on which garbage falls out from the garbage chute, do not comply modern technology disposal of MSW directly into a container on wheels and serve as sources of unsanitary conditions. Even looking into these old designed and built garbage chambers of residential buildings is dangerous for especially sensitive passers-by. In accordance with the set of rules SP 31-108-2002 Garbage chutes of residential and public buildings and structures, "the presence of intermediate devices for manual reloading of solid waste from the shaft to the container is not allowed."

After the dismantling of such cabinets, a modern gate with an automatic smoke shut-off system in case of fire and a non-replaceable container are placed in the garbage chambers. apartment building will generally be effective if a replacement is used quality equipment well-known manufacturer and an experienced company will be involved in the repair.

OOO "M. ENGINEERING COMPANY, which is both a supplier of waste chute equipment and installation organization, for 20 years of work in this area has accumulated vast experience, which takes into account the whole variety of modifications of the execution of garbage chutes, their various placement inside a residential building and the practice of building and repairing garbage chutes in Moscow.

With the specialists of M (short for the word “Moscow”) of the ENGINEERING COMPANY, you can clarify in advance the design solution for the repair of the garbage chute, discuss the organizational aspects of the work in a residential building, request a commercial offer for the upcoming work and an estimate.

OOO "M. ENGINEERING COMPANY performs the entire range of works on the overhaul of the garbage chute: dismantling of the old garbage chute with the removal of construction waste and installation of a new garbage chute with its commissioning.

The new garbage chute must meet strict technical requirements otherwise repairing the garbage chute will be a waste of money. Who better than us to know everything technical subtleties waste chute facilities and requirements for it, a company that in 2002 took an active part in the development of a federal regulatory document in this area of ​​construction - the Code of Rules for the Design and Construction of SP 31-108-2002 Garbage chutes of residential and public buildings and structures.

Buying a garbage chute in Moscow is not difficult, but making a complete system out of the purchased equipment that will function correctly and remain easy to use is a task that only experienced specialists, such as those working at M. ENGINEERING COMPANY".

In addition, the involvement of M.ENGINEERING COMPANY LLC in the construction and repair of garbage chutes, which is both a supplier of equipment and an installation organization, saves the Customer's financial resources.

So, the repair of a garbage chute in an apartment building is an important and specific task, and in order to avoid unnecessary experiments with the contractor, it is better to entrust it to professionals.

A.S. Fedorov. 2017

Dear Roman!

Garbage chute belongs to common property apartment building. Accordingly, it is subject to paragraph 10 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building (approved by Government Decree Russian Federation dated August 13, 2006 No. 491), which states that common property must be maintained in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 "Sanitary rules for the maintenance of territories of populated areas" determines that the responsibility for the maintenance of the chamber, garbage chute, garbage bins and the territory adjacent to the place of unloading waste from the chamber lies with the organization in charge of the house (i.e. . managing organization).

According to clause 5.9.10 of the Rules and Regulations technical operation housing stock (approved by Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 No. 170), personnel servicing garbage chutes must ensure:
- cleaning, washing and disinfection of loading valves;
- cleaning, washing and disinfection of the internal surface of the trunks of garbage chutes;
- timely replacement of filled containers under the trunks of garbage chutes with empty ones;
- removal of containers with waste from the place of reloading to the garbage truck;
- cleaning and washing of waste collection chambers and the lower end of the waste chute shaft with a gate valve;
- preventive inspection of all elements of the garbage chute;
- elimination of blockages.

For your information:
When carrying out work on the sanitary maintenance of garbage chutes, it is prohibited to use dry bleach, chlorine-active substances, as well as their solutions. For disinfection of garbage chutes, solutions are used: lysol (5 - 8%), creolin (5 - 8%), naphthalizol (10 - 15%), phenol (3 - 5%), sodium metasilicate (1 - 3%). Contact time is at least half an hour.

In accordance with the Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock, approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation No. 170, The term for eliminating blockages and malfunctions of garbage chutes is 1 day.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the management of an apartment building must ensure favorable and safe conditions residence of citizens, proper maintenance of common property in an apartment building, resolving issues of using the said property, as well as providing utilities citizens living in such a house.

Thus, the managing organization is obliged to maintain the common property in proper condition, and has at its disposal all the necessary means and resources for this.

Garbage chute, garbage collection chamber must be in good condition. The covers of the loading valves of the garbage chutes on the stairwells must have a tight drive, equipped with rubber gaskets for sealing and sound attenuation. In residential buildings with garbage chutes, conditions must be provided for weekly cleaning, disinfection and disinfestation of the trunk of the garbage chute, for which the trunks are equipped with appropriate devices. The entrance to the waste collection chamber must be isolated from the entrance to the building and other premises. The floor of the chamber should be on the same level as the paved entrance. It is strictly forbidden to dump household waste from the garbage chute directly onto the floor of the waste bin (the waste bin must have a supply of containers or containers in containers for at least one day).

Residents of the capital often complain about the poor quality of the maintenance of garbage chutes in the entrances of residential buildings. Meanwhile, it is quite possible to call a negligent management company to account - and it is she who is responsible for these works ..

Garbage chute maintenance

Residents of houses that have garbage chutes sometimes complain about bad smell at the entrance. There is only one reason for this: the management company does not fulfill its obligations for the proper maintenance of the waste chute and receiving chamber. The resulting plaque becomes not only a source of stench, but also a breeding ground for dangerous bacteria. Residents may simply not know that the garbage chute and all elements of its construction must be cleaned, washed and disinfected, moreover, all these procedures must be carried out at regular intervals.

In accordance with the regulations, garbage bins (where we throw garbage) and removable garbage bins (these are containers) must be emptied of waste and washed every day. The loading valves (what we used to call simply the chute cover) are carefully cleaned once a week. Once a month, they are required to wash the trunk of the garbage chute and its lower part, which goes into a special room, and in addition, disinfect all parts of the structure. There is no schedule for clearing blockages - this is done as needed.

In general, the list of main works is as follows:

- removal of garbage from the garbage collection chambers;

— washing and disinfection of various waste collection containers.

Garbage should be collected in special containers with a capacity of 400 and 800 liters, in portable waste bins with a capacity of 80-100 liters, or in special bins.

Preventive inspection of the garbage chute should be done a couple of times a month.

How to solve a problem

All work on the maintenance and repair of common house property is carried out by the management company, regardless of its form of ownership: GBU (state state-financed organization) or LLC (limited liability company). In any case, you must first report the problem to your housing organization.

If you do not know who is responsible for your home, refer to the Doma Moskvy portal (http://dom.site/). Information about the managing organization (telephone, work schedule, location, hours of reception for residents, e-mail address and telephone number of your dispatch service) is published in the "Learn about the house" section. To get all the data, you just need to enter your address.

If your application to management company ignored, we need to move on. Violations can be reported to:

— to the Our City portal (https://gorod.site/);

- to the electronic reception of the Moscow Housing Inspection on the official website http://mgi.site/;

- to Moszhilinspeziya at the postal address: 129090, Moscow, Prospekt Mira, 19, building 1.

At your request, the emergency dispatch service will have to immediately eliminate blockages in the garbage chutes inside apartment buildings or, in a short time, ensure the proper quality of the garbage chutes.

About regulations

The standards for the maintenance of garbage chutes in multi-storey buildings are prescribed in the Decree of the Russian Government "On the minimum list of services and works necessary to ensure the proper maintenance of common property in an apartment building, and the procedure for their provision and implementation."

Usually, most of of detected violations is related to the untimely performance of work or the provision of services for the quality maintenance of the so-called common property in an apartment building.

The normal operation of waste disposal systems in high-rise buildings also depends on correct operation basements, electrical systems, entrances and stairwells.

The garbage chute is the panacea of ​​modernity, when houses reach the sky faster and faster. With such intensive growth, the good old methods of dumping garbage in the form of waiting for a garbage truck once a week seem not only archaic, but simply wild.
According to modern architectural standards, the waste chute is installed in high-rise buildings with more than 5 floors. It is a simple structure in the form of a vertical shaft with intake valves on each floor, the lower end is in the basement, and the upper one in the roof for ventilation. At the same time, the trunk of the garbage chute can be mounted directly into the wall, or it can be installed openly.

The trunk on the inside has smooth surface with single joints on the floors. It is important to pay attention to its water and gas impermeability already when mounting the garbage chute. This can be easily achieved by installing rubber gaskets at the joints. Installing them later can be quite a tedious process. Those places where the garbage chute intersects with landings are monolithic with a concrete solution.

Garbage chute installation rules

It is important to remember that the trunk of the garbage chute must be installed strictly vertically, with deviations of no more than 2 mm per 1 m of height and with a maximum deviation of 25 mm for the entire height. In this case, the distribution of the mass of the garbage chute must be carried out on the supporting structures. Usually, garbage chutes are put into operation simultaneously with the commissioning of the entire building.

Applications are accepted by email:

Major repairs in houses 2020

Dear residents of houses, as well as contractors!

On the basis of the regional program approved by the Capital Repair Fund for Moscow apartment buildings, Mikmont provides a range of services and manufactures high-quality equipment to replace the garbage chute. The equipment is supplied and installed in accordance with the project documentation.

Overhaul of the garbage chute system

As part of the common property of the in-house garbage chute system, the following are subject to replacement and installation:

  • Three-layer trunks Sandwich type galvanized or stainless steel

Attention: From the general flow of objects executed by us according to the program “ overhaul» it was revealed that along with standard solutions, about 30 percent of the objects are houses with a specific architecture (50-80 years). For such houses, Mikmont has developed special non-standard solutions for replacing the garbage chute.

For information on equipment, system replacement and complex technical solutions, you can contact our specialists:

  • 8-800-333-92-33
  • 8-495-902-77-91
  • info@site

You can get acquainted with our products in the catalog -

If the garbage chute has already been installed at your facility, you can read the operating instructions for the new garbage chute - Rules for using the garbage chute

Non-standard solutions for the replacement of waste chute systems in buildings built according to the rules and regulations of the 50-80s and having specific architectural features

Mikmont Company manufactures, supplies and replaces the waste chute under the Capital Repair program in residential multi-apartment buildings and for Lately has the following work experience:

  • Waste chute replacement has been successfully completed in more than 400 homes under the Major Renovation Program
  • More than 1,200 waste disposal systems have been professionally replaced under the Capital Repair program

Micmont is the only company on the market that has all existing types waste chute systems

The experience of replacing garbage chutes under the Capital Repair program at more than 400 sites has shown that in all apartment buildings built in the 50-80s, it is often IMPOSSIBLE to replace a garbage chute based on standard modern projects, due to the fact that these buildings were erected according to SNiPs of the 50-80s and their architecture differs from modern houses, for which, in general, the current SNiPs and joint ventures for the garbage chute are registered. In this connection, for almost every facility under the “Major Repair” program, it is necessary to develop special technical solutions, some of which are given below:

Non-standard solution No. 1 - Cradle

Previously, buildings were erected synchronously with the garbage chute floor by floor - the lower end of the shaft was built deep into the wall and was a walled metal box with a door. Often such boxes are located at a height of 20-50 cm from the floor, as well as at a depth of up to 1.2 m in the wall. In this regard, the installation of a modern gate with a fire protection system at a height of 1.20 - 1.40 m from the floor according to TSN 21-302-2000 is simply impossible. In such cases, service organizations make a request that the new chamber be of the same type as the previous one. After all, it is simply impossible to break the ceiling or operate a new gate at a height of 50 cm from the floor and below. According to such applications, the Mikmont company developed a metal box with a door (“cradle”), to which a new gate is welded for the construction of a modern refuse chute shaft.

Waste chute image 1

Waste chute image 2

Sketch of a garbage chute

TU 4859-001-40231442-2016

Non-standard solution No. 2 - Ceiling gate

Based on TSN 21-302-2000, it is customary to install a gate with a supporting guide pipe at a height of at least 1350 mm from the floor, while the height of the garbage chamber room must be at least 2.2 m, and the angle of inclination of the pipe must not exceed 20 degrees. However, in most of the houses participating in the Capital Repairs program, the garbage chambers have a height of 1800 mm or less. Under such conditions, the gate will be located at a height of 1000 mm and below, which does not comply with TSN 21-302-2000 and other norms and rules. Also this design will be inconvenient to use. For such cases, Mikmont has developed a special ceiling damper.

Picture of a ceiling damper

Ceiling damper sketch

TU 4859-001-40231442-2016

Non-standard solution No. 3 - Waste chute valve with "removal" (increased depth gauge)

This solution is used in houses where the waste chute shaft is located in the elevator shaft and / or passes at a distance of more than 15 cm from the floor area. To ensure safe and convenient operation of the SDW discharge, Mikmont recommends installing waste chute valves with "removal". This solution allows to reduce the distance from the overlap to the debris removal system, as well as to minimize further costs for contractors to perform additional shaft lining to eliminate the unsafe distance between the overlap and the standard valve.

Waste chute valve with remote

Waste chute valve with removal in a hard-to-reach place

Sketch of a garbage chute valve with a takeaway

TU 4859-001-40231442-2016

Non-standard solution #4— Waste chute shaft smaller than standard diameter

In some houses participating in the Capital Repairs program, asbestos waste chute trunks with a diameter of 300 - 320 mm or another diameter smaller than is customary to manufacture according to modern standards are installed in niches and shafts bordering on elevators and apartments. It is sometimes not possible to expand the niches in the walls and increase the openings in the ceilings, in such cases the Mikmont company manufactures sections of the garbage chute according to individual sketches.

The trunk of the garbage chute with a diameter smaller than the standard

Small diameter garbage chute sketch

TU 4859-001-40231442-2016

Non-standard solution #5— Waste chute shaft larger than standard diameter

In some houses participating in the Capital Repairs program, asbestos waste chute shafts with a diameter of 600 mm or another diameter larger than the standard are installed. In such cases, Mikmont manufactures sections of the garbage chute, valves and nozzles according to individual sketches.

The trunk of the garbage chute with a diameter larger than the standard

Sketch of the trunk of the garbage chute with a diameter larger than the standard

TU 4859-001-40231442-2016

Non-standard solution No. 6 - Waste chute shaft located in the elevator shaft

Not all consumers (residents) like spiral-wound garbage chutes, and due to the fact that the installation of a garbage chute section located in the elevator shaft has a niche of no more than 50 cm on the side of the elevator shaft, and the valve on straight-lined shafts is mounted by means of a clamp connection, further maintenance and scheduled repairs of garbage chute valves become difficult. The Mikmont company has developed a technology in which the straight-seam sections of the garbage chute are connected using a shell, and the connection of the garbage chute valve with the barrel at the production stage is carried out using self-tapping screws, which solves all the above problems.