Toilet      03/05/2020

A simple battery in nature in five minutes. AHI battery: salt water battery. Tools and equipment

One of the authors under the pseudonym “Oborotez” proposed an option on how to make a simple and powerful battery that can run on saline solution. From such a battery you can charge your mobile phone, turn on the radio, lighting and much more. Knowing how such a battery works will definitely never hurt those involved in tourism.

Materials and tools for creating a battery:
- metals for creating a galvanic couple (magnesium and copper);
- salt;
- water;
- housing from an old battery;
- soda;
- vice;
- hacksaw;
- multimeter;
- LEDs and other consumers for checking the battery.

Manufacturing process:

Step one. Preparing the body
The author used a plastic battery case from a scooter as a housing for the new battery. You can get old batteries for free from places that repair scooters. First of all, you need to carefully drain the acid from the battery. In this case, you need to be extremely careful, since the acid causes a burn if it comes into contact with the skin. Baking soda is used to neutralize acid. Also, at the end of the procedure, it is best to wash your hands with water and dissolved soda.

Step two. Preparation of galvanic couple
Two metals such as copper and magnesium are used as a galvanic couple, since it is in this case that it is possible to obtain a maximum current and voltage of 1.2-1.4 Volts. As for copper, it won’t be difficult to find; it’s perfect for these purposes. copper wire, you just need to remove the varnish coating from it, otherwise the battery will not work.

As for magnesium, things are a little more complicated. Steel, with high content Magnesium can be found in old German cars, and a lot of magnesium is also contained in the engine housing of the Zaporozhets car. If such elements are not available, then elements from Vodoheaters are perfect. They are also called Magnesium anodes.

You need to cut off the excess pins from the anodes, and cut the anodes themselves into pieces, in the end you will get six small ones from three anodes.

Step three. Battery assembly
Now you need to take the copper wire and crumple it as in the picture. The more wire there is, the larger the contact area will be, and as a result, the higher the current. Next, the copper wire is connected in series with the magnesium anodes and placed in the compartments of the battery case. In this case, copper will form a positive potential, and magnesium will form a negative one. On final stage The container is filled with salt water. If the water is warm, this is good, since the current strength will also increase.

Battery testing
That's all, the battery is assembled, you can proceed to testing. When connecting the multimeter, the author got a result of 7.7 Volts, which is quite good, and the short circuit current was 70 mA. The current can be adjusted by manipulating the plates. Experimentally, it was possible to achieve a current of 150 mA. The closer they are located and the larger their area, the more energy the battery will produce.
From such a battery, two 0.2 Watt diodes light up with bright light without any problems.

It is amazing! The copper-magnesium battery is easy to manufacture and provides a source of virtually free electricity. This is a simple water-powered battery that can always come in handy, especially where it is not possible to run to the store for a couple of store-bought batteries.

The cathode is copper tube, anode - a rod made of an alloy of magnesium (90%) and aluminum (10%). Aluminum can be used instead of this alloy. For the battery presented in this video tutorial, you will need 4 of these bars. Holes are drilled in the bars, threads are cut into them and bolts are screwed in for fastening the wires. Magnesium rods should be wrapped in a rag to prevent a short circuit between the anode and cathode.

Salt water is used as an electrolyte, to which you can add a pinch of soda. One battery outputs 1.2 volts. In total, four batteries - up to 5 volts. This simple 4-cell water battery can power two LEDs or a small radio. Gradually, the magnesium alloy wears out, but it is easy to clean, replace the electrolyte, and you can use free electricity for three more days in a row. Have you ever thought of making a 12 volt or 36 volt battery?

Another option for a copper-magnesium battery

There is another similar simple battery in the article. AND .

Battery runs on fresh water

How to make your own battery activated by ordinary water?
It's simple - watch the video about a small experiment that I conducted by making three different types dry batteries activated by water.
Water batteries or batteries running on ordinary water are not a myth but an everyday reality.
All elements of this battery are easily accessible and you can carry out this experiment yourself at home.

Consumer Ecology Science and Technology: The Lemelson Prize, a $500,000 award given annually to inventors, this year went to Jay Whitacre, a scientist and professor at Carnegie Mellon University's College of Engineering, for his aqueous hybrid ion battery.

The Lemelson Prize, a $500,000 award given annually to inventors, this year went to Jay Whitacre, a scientist and professor in the College of Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, for his Aqueous Hybrid Ion (AHI) battery, which was found to be reliable , an environmentally friendly and cost-effective energy storage system.

The first battery of its kind to be used in conjunction with solar and wind energy systems, it is able to store significant amounts of energy at a low cost per joule and is designed to operate around the clock.

The AHI battery, developed using abundantly available and inexpensive resources including water, sodium and carbon, can help reduce dependence on fossil fuels and make sustainable energy a viable alternative.

The company Whitacre founded, Aquion Energy, has fully scaled its production and commercialized batteries using global distribution channels and installations in many locations, including Australia, California, Germany, Hawaii, Malaysia and the Philippines.

“Our technology is based on a simple idea: to meet the challenges of the world's growing energy needs and increase the use of renewable energy, we need a large-scale energy storage system that has high performance, safe, sustainable and cost-effective.

Our founder, Professor Jay Whitacre, took on this challenge and discovered a simple and elegant solution that taps into 200-year-old technology: seawater batteries. The company has implemented this idea into a patented hybrid-ion process, a unique salt electrolyte technology battery. The use of abundant, non-toxic materials and modern, low-cost manufacturing technologies make our batteries capable of taking on the global challenge of energy storage."

As company representatives describe, “the unique aqueous hybrid-ion battery consists of an electrolyte - salt water, a manganese dioxide cathode, a carbon composite anode, and a synthetic cotton separator. The battery uses a non-corrosive reaction on the anode and cathode to prevent wear and tear on the materials. As a result, chemical reaction water-based has become the key to a non-toxic and non-flammable product that is safe to handle and to environment" published

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Do-it-yourself eternal battery 2.13 volts.

Today I’ll tell you how to make a battery that can last about half a year.

Today I’ll tell you how to make a battery that can last about half a year, or you can use an alternative, for example, a 12-volt solar battery produced by Chinaland Solar Energy.

We will need:

  • body, it will be glass jar, plastic will not work;

  • some piece of silver, in this case it is a spoon, it will serve as a core and will also participate in the chemical reaction;

  • copper wire, it could be an old winding from some old electrical appliances;

  • cling film, it will serve as insulation between the layers of the winding.

For the solution in which all this will happen:

  • apple cider vinegar 6%, teaspoon;

  • glycerin, it is sold in any pharmacy, costs ten rubles, four bottles;

  • regular table salt, fine, a teaspoon.

First, wrap the spoon in cling film so that there is no direct contact with the copper wire. I wrapped the spoon with film, as you can see, the upper and lower ends of the spoon are exposed, this is so that there is interaction with the solution, now let’s start wrapping it with wire. We leave a longer piece, this will be one of the contacts, and wind the first layer. I wound one layer, as you can see the turns are not close to each other, there should be space for insulation between them. Now you need to wind the cling film again, I wound the second layer, the film needs to be wound as freely as possible so as not to impede the flow of the solution between the wires and now you need to wind the second layer of wire and so on, the film, then the wire and so on until you get tired.

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If you are a scientist yourself or just an inquisitive person, and you often watch or read last news in the field of science or technology. It is for you that we have created such a section, which covers the latest world news in the field of new scientific discoveries, achievements, as well as in the field of technology. Only the latest events and only verified sources.

In our progressive times, science moves at a fast pace, so it is not always possible to keep up with them. Some old dogmas are crumbling, some new ones are being put forward. Humanity does not stand still and should not stand still, and the engine of humanity is scientists and scientific figures. And at any moment a discovery can occur that can not only amaze the minds of the entire population of the globe, but also radically change our lives.

Medicine plays a special role in science, since man, unfortunately, is not immortal, is fragile and very vulnerable to all kinds of diseases. Many people know that in the Middle Ages people lived on average 30 years, and now 60-80 years. That is, life expectancy has at least doubled. This was, of course, influenced by a combination of factors, but it was medicine that played a major role. And, for sure, 60-80 years is not the limit for a person average life. It is quite possible that someday people will step over the 100-year mark. Scientists from all over the world are fighting for this.

Developments are constantly underway in the field of other sciences. Every year, scientists from all over the world make small discoveries, little by little moving humanity forward and improving our lives. Places untouched by man are being explored, primarily, of course, on our home planet. However, work is constantly happening in space.

Among technology, robotics is especially rushing forward. The creation of an ideal intelligent robot is underway. Once upon a time, robots were an element of science fiction and nothing more. But already at this moment some corporations have real robots on their staff that perform various functions and help optimize labor, save resources and perform for a person dangerous species activities.

I still want Special attention to devote to electronic computers, which 50 years ago took up a huge amount of space, were slow and required a whole team of employees to maintain them. And now there is such a machine in almost every home, it is already called more simply and briefly - a computer. Now they are not only compact, but also many times faster than their predecessors, and anyone can understand it. With the advent of the computer, humanity opened a new era, which many call “technological” or “information”.

Remembering about the computer, we should not forget about the creation of the Internet. This also gave a huge result for humanity. This is an inexhaustible source of information, which is now available to almost every person. It connects people from different continents and transmits information at lightning speed, something that would have been impossible to even dream of 100 years ago.

In this section, you will certainly find something interesting, exciting and educational for yourself. Perhaps even someday you will be able to be one of the first to learn about a discovery that will not just change the world, but will change your consciousness.