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The strongest dog breeds are up to 14 kilograms. The strongest dog in the world. Fighting dogs: strong in a different way

People have been trying to breed the strongest breed of dogs in the world since ancient times. Throughout history, four-legged friends have helped people, protected homes and property from strangers and wild animals. Subsequently, there were more breeds, but about dogs whose strength was tested by time, as a rule, legends were made and they were immortalized in art.

Characteristics of a strong dog

Each person has his own idea of ​​a powerful and strong dog. Some people love huge and calm St. Bernards, while others prefer moderately aggressive Tosa Inu or energetic Cane Corso. But all these dogs are united by a strong physique, strength of spirit and the need for proper upbringing.

It is difficult to say objectively which breed is stronger than others, because each of them was bred for specific purposes.. Some dog breeders will say that fighting dogs hold the palm because they have no equal in terms of ferocity and stamina. The owners can rightly object, since the “fighters” will not be able to chase and drive game for hours. Therefore, the assessment of strength is subjective and each owner will say that his breed is superior to others.

10 Strongest Dogs Around the World

Saint Bernard

This is one of the large breeds of dogs that has a subtle natural sense, which is why it is used in search and rescue operations during avalanches. The dog is capable of finding people under 6-meter snow piles. Thanks to her fearlessness and outstanding track record, she received the title of “heroic breed”.

These dogs are characterized by extraordinary devotion and a desire to please their owner, which makes them excellent guards. Despite the outward calm and poise of St. Bernards, people around them experience a natural feeling of fear at the sight of such a majestic beast.

Saint Bernards are slow, but they are excellent at navigating in space and easily find their way home.

Despite its impressive size and physical strength The breed's character is soft and good-natured. It is important for such dogs to feel like they are part of the family and to be useful, otherwise they will develop depression.

St. Bernard Raittes Brandy Bear dragged the largest load weighing 2905 kg over a distance of about 5 meters.


Calm, flexible and huge dog. The weight of an adult individual sometimes reaches 75 kg, which corresponds to the parameters of an average person. Newfoundlands are alien to aggression; they constantly feel the need to protect their owner. Seeing a drowning man, the dog immediately rushes to save him, which is why they are nicknamed “divers.”

When choosing a guard, this breed is not the best option, due to his peacefulness and kindness. However, its powerful appearance alone already has an impact psychological impact on others.

Newfoundlands are more suitable as a family dog ​​because they become very attached to children and adults and are sad when one of the family members disappears. These dogs get along with cats and other animals. They are afraid of slush, dirt or rain and will only be happy to accompany their owner during an outing or while hunting. In reservoirs they feel like a “fish in water”.


A confident and courageous dog, he always strives to take a leadership position in relations with his owner. Due to his complex character, he is difficult to train, especially for novice dog breeders, but with proper upbringing he proves to be an impeccable guard and a loyal friend.

It’s difficult to say about Central Asian Shepherds that they are docile and affectionate. was formed in the harsh climatic conditions of Turkmenistan. The dog, the export of which was prohibited for a long time, has actively spread throughout the globe in recent decades.

Despite external calm and equanimity, Alabais are characterized by an internal distrust of strangers. They demand to be treated as equals. Innate intelligence and instinct help them behave differently in the service and in the family. The dog is ready to obey and unquestioningly obey the commands of the leader of the pack (whom he considers the owner), if he manages to prove his authority. How to choose a nickname Alabai.

Alabais need a large yard surrounded by a fence, as they tend to constantly “expand” their territory.

Staffordshire Terrier

This representative of North American breeds combines the features of a terrier and a bulldog. By nature this dog is a protector. Protects both the entrusted property and the owner’s family. When threatened, she becomes aggressive.

Among other things, the Staffordshire Terrier is a hardy fighter who will not rest until the enemy is defeated. This quality is worthy of a guard, but poses a real threat to others if the dog is not properly trained.

The Staffordshire Terrier respects strength and needs a confident owner who can demonstrate authority over him. If a person has achieved respect from him, then he will be happy to serve and obey in everything. These dogs get along well with all family members, but they should not be left alone with small children.

Tosa Inu

The dog was bred 150 years ago in Japan. It is considered one of the strongest breeds in the world due to its exceptional qualities, for which it even received the name “sumo wrestler among dogs.”

The Tosa Inu is characterized by ruthlessness, tenacity and strength, which is why the breed has become widespread among dog fighting enthusiasts. She has a healthy dose of aggression, which, coupled with her intimidating appearance, makes her an excellent guard. However, it is not easy to cope with the character of such an animal, which requires correct sequence action, help from an experienced dog handler.

Due to the natural scarcity of numbers, rarely does anyone manage to see such a dog. Most of animals still live on the islands of Japan, protecting the property of their owners.


The top 5 is opened by an unusual, but very interesting breed. It is assumed that the ancestors of these dogs came from the African deserts ancient egypt, from where they subsequently penetrated into Europe during the campaigns of Alexander the Great. External qualities have not changed since then, but confusion with European dogs contributed to the formation excellent health and endurance.

German dog

Large dogs with a patient disposition. They are attentive and loyal to their owner in any situation. Great Danes can be moderately willful and stubborn, and always need communication. They need to give vent to their strength as often as possible. They love physical activity and large spaces where they can run around to their heart's content. Suitable as a guard dog due to its majestic appearance and courage. Aggression and a tendency to dominate are not typical for such dogs, but proper training is necessary.

Dogue de Bordeaux

The ferocious appearance and enormous size of this breed of dog inspire fear in others, even if they have not done anything yet. But the appearance of this breed contradicts its character. This dog stands out for its equanimity, tenderness and sociability among other breeds of fighting dogs.

Dogue de Bordeaux () sentimental and can be sad for a long time when the owner leaves. Unlike other easily excitable dogs, he relies on natural instincts and external data. Remains unperturbed until the stranger shows bad intentions. If this happens, the attacker will experience the full ferocity of this breed.

Cane Corso

The Cane Corso's ancestors were used during the Roman Empire. They were highly valued by hunters and farmers because of their ability to work, enormous strength, exceptional speed and agility.

The dogs are well built, energetic and loyal. Thanks to their fearlessness and natural strength, they become excellent protectors and watchmen. They are easy to train, but require early socialization due to their sociability.

They can be an excellent companion both during morning runs and on long hikes. To maintain muscle tone, they need at least 1.5 hours of physical activity a day.

All breeds are unique in their own way, because the character and appearance animal was most often identified environment. The listed dogs have outstanding natural abilities and will be an excellent choice if you need a reliable and devoted guard. The main thing when choosing a dog is not to forget that even the strongest dog needs care and attention.

Each of us knows that a dog is a faithful friend, helper, and sometimes even a protector. There are more than 400 species in the international register, divided into different categories.

Animals are divided by height, weight, temperament, character and tactics in battle. In our article we have prepared material about the twenty most powerful dogs in the world. We will prove with facts their power and endurance, and also briefly describe the history of origin, the main features and skills that distinguish the breeds from each other.

The history of the development of this breed began in the distant 17th century, when the monarchs of the monastery of St. Bernard needed to save local residents during an earthquake. This is where the name of the famous breed came from. These “rescuers” had to dig people out from under piles of snow, and sometimes walk 3-4 kilometers to deliver the wounded to rescuers.

The dog's height reaches about 80 centimeters at the withers, and the weight category is also impressive - from 55 to 90 kg.

Pet appearance:

  • Brown, less often black, sometimes spotted;
  • The feet are usually white;
  • The body and limbs are massive.

Despite their menacing appearance, St. Bernards are affectionate and get along very well with children and small pets.


The island of the same name in Canada has been considered the historical homeland of this breed since the 17th century. Even then, the strength and endurance of this dog when fishing was highlighted. Often the dog helped catch drowning people and pull them to land, so it was awarded the nickname “diver.”

It is important for a Newfie to be needed by his owner and those around him who are in trouble. Often, “giants” serve in the police and work as guides. The pet needs affection and care, despite its impressive size, do not use rough tactics when raising it.

Weight characteristics are about 70 kilograms, height at the withers can be equal to 70 cm. It occupies an honorable place in the list of large breeds in the world.

Let's see what a Newfoundland looks like:

  • Black color, sometimes transitioning to a more bronze shade is possible.
  • Large body with lots of fur.
  • In appearance there are similar features to a bear.


Selected areas South Africa are considered the breeding ground for this breed. Distinctive feature Dogs stand out for their strength and endurance in hot climates. The Boerboel has a rebellious disposition, so they can only be tamed by a strong and powerful person, in whom they recognize authority.

The height of adult dogs of this breed can be 61-70 centimeters. It can weigh approximately 60-85 kilograms.


  • Massive skeletal frame and muscle layer.
  • Large and heavy figure.
  • Most often they have a brick-red color.
  • The coat is short and hard to the touch.

In the absence of proper education and training, they will become bloodthirsty cannibals that nothing and no one can stop.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

This relatively young breed appeared as a result of crossing domesticated and “tailed” hounds at the beginning of the 20th century. Like the previous representative, it has a unique character and ferocious disposition, as a result of which not every owner will be able to get along with such a “beast”.

In African countries, these hunting dogs are highly valued for their strong qualities, so they have become desirable participants in safari. On other continents, dogs help people look after their homes and maintain law and order.

The dog's height reaches about 62-70 centimeters at the withers, the weight category is average - from 32 to 69 kg.

Features of the appearance of an adult:

  • Powerful and muscular with a harmonious physique.
  • The fur running along the ridge line should grow in the opposite direction.

Reference! Cases have been recorded when this dog was not inferior in bloodthirstiness to a lion. Therefore, a number of countries, for safety reasons, have imposed a ban on the import of representatives of the breed. This fact contributed to the emergence of a second name for the Rhodesian Ridgeback - “lion dog”.

Cane Corso

This dog is a descendant of fighting dogs Ancient Rome, which were brought to gladiator fights for greater entertainment. Representatives of this breed are born bodyguards, helping in the service, hunting and in the field.

Cane Corsos have a very cool temperament, but are moderately obedient. The animal is absolutely selfish and cannot stand other dogs. If another dog appears at home, the Cane Corso will strive to defeat its opponent.

The standard weight of a pet is from 40 to 50 kg, and the height at the withers is equal to 60 cm. Quite large “tailed” animals, in size, are in the category with Akita Inu and Leonberger.

External data:

  • black, gray and red wool;
  • pronounced pectoral muscle;
  • The surface of the coat is smooth, almost glossy.

American Bulldog

This breed can be called the standard of power and dignity. The history of origin dates back to the 18th century. At that time, the settlers were engaged in farming in order to protect themselves, they tamed such dogs to protect their homes and nearby territory, and to help drive livestock.

They subsequently developed an instinct to distrust strangers, which has made them the most reliable and loyal defenders to date. The pet’s character is not the most flexible, but if trained from an early age, there will be no problems with obedience.

Amazing fact! In dog fighting, a representative of this breed has no equal and can even kill a bull with its fangs.

Bulldogs are medium in size, so height starts from 50 cm to 70 cm, and the weight category is 28-55 kilograms.

Main features of a dog's appearance:

  • Strongly developed jaw muscles.
  • Wide rib cage and large muscular paws.
  • The muzzle is square in shape.
  • The hard wool is white with small black and brown patches.


Regions Central Asia are the birthplace of this pet, where it acquired its second name - Central Asian Shepherd Dog. This dog has a rich history of origin, dating back 4000 years ago, when representatives of the breed protected nomadic shepherds and their herds.

The dog has a sharp mind and intelligence, and is calm in various situations. He approaches his duties in the service of a person very responsibly (in security activities at work and at home), if he is regularly trained. Can sometimes be stubborn. Be careful when raising your puppy, do not use force, otherwise this may lead to the development of aggressiveness. Adults like to warn their owner about the presence of a stranger by barking.

Height parameters are 65-79 cm, weight minimum 40 kg, maximum 80 kg.

Alabai's appearance:

  • Proportional physique and powerful muscles.
  • Well developed chest.
  • Hard and dense wool of black, brown, gray and brindle colors. Often, several basic shades of the palette are combined.

English Mastiff

The ancient English breed dates back several thousand years BC. In Ancient Babylon, they helped hunt wild animals, and even predators.

In practice, they regularly proved their loyalty and devotion. Almost all “tailed animals” of this category have a strong bodyguard instinct from birth. Over time, dogs have ceased to consider protection as the main purpose of their life, however, their low timbre of barking will definitely scare away a stranger.

Truly gigantic dimensions: weight - from 80 to 90 kilograms, height at the withers - approximately 75 cm.

What does a mastiff look like:

  • A large individual with a wrinkled muzzle.
  • Short, close-lying coat.
  • The color scheme can be varied:
  • The head is quite large compared to the body.

Akita Inu

Historically confirmed facts of the breeding of this breed appeared approximately 8000 years ago in Japan. At that time, people adhered to hunting traditions and found use for such a dog there. Akita was also able to protect the house and the surrounding farm in turbulent times: in conditions of constant raids.

She is the largest dog in the Spitz category. She doesn't bark for no reason, so you should listen to her protective instincts.

External data:

  • Red-fawn, white or brindle color.
  • The ears are raised up, with rounded tips.
  • Strong build, but light weight 30-40 kg and tall height - 65-71 cm.
  • Developed muscular frame.

Treats each family member with love, with the exception of other pets, in whom he sees a rival.


Rottweil, located in the southwestern part of Germany, is considered the city of origin of this breed. Dogs were used there as carriers and guards. After which, the four-legged guards received their “salary” - meat products.

Rottweilers are the best rescuers who are willing to risk their lives in order to save human life. They are distinguished by their intelligence, observation and lightning-fast reaction if a threat arises. They are often brought in as guide dogs.

At home, these animals change their behavior, becoming lazier and more affectionate.

The standard height is 59-70 centimeters, length at the withers is 117-137 cm.

Among the outstanding external features of the pet are:

  • The color is black with brown and brick markings.
  • Their body type is prone to obesity, so your pet needs to be fed properly and maintained an active lifestyle.
  • Has large dimensions and toned muscles,
  • Showing interest, small folds and wrinkles appear on the dog’s face.


At the end of the 19th century, in the German city of Leonberg, the head of the municipality wanted to create an unusual symbol of the city - a lion dog. As a result, we managed to cross several species (Sernbernar, Newfie and Large Pyrenean dog) to get the desired color.

The dog is an unsurpassed guard who, without grinning or excessive aggression, will scare away a person who has encroached on someone else's livestock or property. Thanks to their keen hearing, strength and endurance, they make excellent guide dogs, shepherds and companions.

Appearance features:

  • Like a lion dark color muzzles combined with bright red fur all over the body. White-gray color is also possible.
  • Large build with powerful paws.
  • Long ears hanging down to the cheeks.
  • This is a long-haired animal that requires special care.

Staffordshire Terrier

The history of the breeding of this individual began around 1700 when bulldogs were crossed with terriers. After fierce battles in England, aggressiveness and rabies began to be observed in this species, so people still have the impression that the Amstaff is a cruel and bloodthirsty killer, but this is far from the case.

Excessive aggression is associated with a vague pedigree. A “clean” fighting dog will be able to protect its owner without fear or reproach. She senses danger on a subconscious level.

Despite their massive size, terriers are active and agile to serve as watchdogs. A distinctive character trait of such a dog is the inability to make it angry. Dogs adore children, so they can act as a companion and loyal friend.

The height is quite small - 45-59 cm, weight is equal to 30 kg.

Appearance of this breed:

  • Stocky and strong body with a powerful head and neck.
  • Ears set high and sticking up.
  • The massive jaws have a death grip.
  • The color standard can be: black, brown, red, brindle. A combination of the listed shades is possible.

Siberian Huskies

These fluffy beauties will not be able to help a person on a hunt, they will not protect the house from burglary, however, they hard work worthy of admiration. There is an assumption that the breed was bred by nomadic tribes in the 20th century to overcome huge distances across the snow-covered expanses of Siberia.

Now dogs are used as a carrier of heavy loads in harsh northern conditions, but many owners get and try to domesticate such pets.

Their main feature is the need for physical activity and an active lifestyle (walking at least 7 hours a day). Therefore, if you are not ready to devote so much time and like to be lazy, then you should not purchase it.

The weight of adult individuals is about 20-27 kg, and the height is from 50 to 58 centimeters.

Let's describe modern husky standards:

  • Strong, proportional build, deep chest, straight limbs.
  • High-set ears that give a slight resemblance to wolves.
  • Thick coat that can withstand sub-zero temperatures.

Alaskan Malamute

Another sled dog that can withstand extreme arctic conditions. The animal has exorbitant strength and endurance, because only she transports heavy cargo in the north. Therefore, it is often called a heavy-duty dog.

Today, the Malamute can become a loyal and flexible four-legged friend at home.

Height and weight characteristics are 64 cm and 40 kg, respectively.

Let us highlight the following features of the appearance of these “tailed animals”:

  • The thick fur resembles a soft plush material.
  • Large build with well-developed muscles.
  • Triangular ears with a slight rounding.
  • Exceptionally dark eye color.
  • The color is preferably dark and light gray, white.

In 2010, the Malamute acquired the title of symbol of Alaska, as the personification of this harsh territory.

Tibetan mastiff

In our top list of strong dogs there is a real king of beasts. The origin of this breed is mysterious and enigmatic, since animals appeared long before the emergence of writing in the regions of Tibet.

The first recorded facts concerned the Chinese Emperor Wu, who received as a gift such a trained dog, which was intended for hunting and home guarding. Today, the Tibetan has retained his guard skills, barking loudly when danger arises, preparing for an attack.

Unsuitable for keeping in an apartment due to its huge dimensions. Gets along well with children and some small animals.

Standard height ranges from 55 to 67 cm, and weight is 67-78 kilograms.

The appearance of the mastiff is as follows:

  • Thick coat, which makes it difficult to feel the muscles.
  • Strong middle limbs and shoulder muscles.
  • Muscular neck, there is a slight advantage in the figure.
  • Large head and wide wrinkled muzzle.
  • Color: chestnut, bright red, brown, black. Possible combinations several shades on the paws and face.

Such a formidable and majestic breed, at first glance, knows how to show tenderness and awe towards family members, and is capable of sincerely becoming attached to the owner.


The first mention of this dog dates back to about 4000 BC. In the 16th century in Great Britain, dukes liked to organize horse races and similar dog competitions as fun.

The breed combines lightness and speed, which helps it to be an excellent runner and hunter of forest animals, thanks to the structure of its long, thin limbs. When hunting, he shows calmness and restraint, becoming a good companion.

It stands out among other individuals for its loyalty and devotion to its owners. The caudate requires a number of physical activities every day.

Height at withers reaches 68-75 cm, approximate weight is 27-40 kg.

External data of the greyhound:

  • A specific, thin figure with a sloping back.
  • Developed muscular frame.
  • Elongated triangular head.
  • Short-haired animals, which greatly simplifies care.
  • Color standards are black, red, white and fawn.

It is noteworthy that he ranks first in the list of the fastest individuals in the category - field game hunting and racing. After all, the dog simply needs to increase its speed in a professional environment.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

With its fearlessness and decisive character, this dog has won the hearts of many people. First documentary facts The origin of the shepherd dog was recorded in the 8th century AD. In the 70s, the animal was presented at a Paris exhibition. Today he shows himself brilliantly as a hunter, companion and just a good friend.

A strong and strong-willed character allows the Caucasian wolfhound to protect its owners who are in danger. It can show aggression towards strangers and can spend hours watching the yard and looking out for trespassers.

Let's note what an adult looks like:

  • Coarse, rather long coat.
  • Large elongated body, wide chest.
  • The color range is varied - white, gray, brown, piebald, with the exception of the black shade.

Irish Wolfhound

This “killer” was bred by the Irish to exterminate large game (wolves and boars) about 2000 years ago. There is a legend that they could deal with elk and deer.

Despite its dangerous past, the dog has an easy-going character and is not dangerous to humans. They make good watchdogs and companions.

The height at the withers is the highest in the world - 80 cm, weight starts from 41 to 55 kg.

External data:

  • A large, wire-haired dog with a thick, shaggy beard.
  • The standard colors are white, red, beige, brick and gray.
  • Muscular, proportional body with a long, developed neck.
  • Coat color is beige, black or brindle.

Today the wolfhound is the mascot of Irish military personnel.

German dog

The first mentions of this breed began back in the 14th century. The Great Dane was bred by crossing motley mastiff-like dogs, resulting in a hybrid that absorbed positive qualities.

Despite its formidable appearance, such a giant will undoubtedly protect its owner and overwhelm the enemy in the event of an attack. Its aggressiveness is very low, so when around the family the pet shows calmness and good nature.

The dog has huge parameters by its nature - the average height is 75-85 cm, the pet’s weight is about 85 cm.

Main features in appearance:

  • Long, upturned ears and an elongated chin.
  • Powerful fore and hind limbs.
  • Developed back and body muscles.

This breed became popular around the world thanks to the animated image of the dog in the cartoon Scooby-Doo.


The name of the breed speaks for itself; let’s take a closer look at the characteristics of its origin. This smooth-haired “handsome” comes from Germany. In the past, dogs were bred as participants in spectacular dog fights and for baiting animals.

Over time, breeders managed to get rid of excessive aggression. Behind the menacing appearance lies kindness and playfulness. These pets love babies very much.

Nowadays, boxers are bred to guard homes, as a reliable guide dog, and to accompany police officers. In more dangerous situations, dogs can cling to the enemy, stronger than him.

Height and weight standards are from 55 to 65 cm, 27-30 kg, respectively.

Let's define a series characteristic features this breed:

  • The most common colors are brindle, blue, and black. It can be colored like the “Dolmatian” or marbled.
  • Powerful fore and hind limbs. Developed back and body muscles.
  • Wrinkled muzzle, large canine teeth.
  • Red, brick or brindle color.

4.12.2015 at 17:11 · Pavlofox · 11 380

Top 10 strongest dogs in the world

Dogs are the most faithful and devoted friends who are always ready to defend their owner. Natural strength, combined with proper training, allows you to find an invincible fighter and protector in the person of an animal. After analyzing the existing breeds, we identified the most powerful and reliable of them.


opens top 10 the strongest dogs in the world. The character of the dog is quite complex. She is prone to quick and unexpected mood swings. He senses danger very well and is the most reliable defender of his owner. It has incredibly developed muscles, an anatomically wide chest and well-developed jaws for biting, thanks to which it has a death grip.

The breed was originally bred to hunt large animals and then to participate in battles. Besides everything, this is a very smart dog. The presence of intelligence and strength allows its owner to be calm and not be afraid of danger, since a faithful pet will provide one hundred percent protection. For a long time, the breed had the nickname “bloody killer”, as it left no chance of survival for its offender. On the other hand, this is a very balanced dog and is not easily angered. The breed responds well to training. With proper upbringing, the Staffordshire Terrier will become a devoted friend and reliable protector.


belongs to the breed of the most powerful and hardy dogs. A distant relative of the Rottweiler, he is very energetic and often works in law enforcement. It got its name from its method of fighting: with its front paws, like a boxer. The dog was originally used to hunt wild animals. The boxer has a well-developed jaw, with the help of which he grabs the victim, and there is not the slightest chance for her to escape from the tenacious jaws of the dog. The German is considered one of the strongest dog breeds.


refers to a South African breed that was bred to hunt lions. The breed was also called the African Lion Hound. She is able to easily and quickly dodge the enemy's attacks and does not give him the slightest chance to escape. The hunting dog has incredible endurance and strength. The Ridgeback has become popular all over the world and is often chosen for home security. This is not only a devoted and reliable friend, but also a protector with enormous power. He rightfully takes his place in the TOP the most powerful dogs in the world.


considered one of the strongest dogs in the world. The main purposes for which Canary Dogs were bred were protection, slaughtering and hunting animals. They were also used to participate in battles. The muscular body and large dimensions make the dog a real powerful fighter. This is one of the most fearless and aggressive breeds. In a fight, Perro de Pressa Canario does not give the victim the slightest chance of survival. The dog needs patient and long training in order to be kept at home.


quite capricious, which is not so easy to subjugate to your will and training. The dog, which does not have large dimensions, made it into the TOP 10 thanks to its amazing endurance. Huskies were designed for the heavy physical exertion associated with transportation. They are very stubborn and will only obey an owner with a strong character.


belongs to a Japanese breed that was bred specifically for fighting. The dog does not have the habit of rushing at the victim. He waits for the enemy to get as close as possible, crushes him with his body, while grabbing his neck. Dogs of this breed have a complex character and are very smart. Tosa Inu are very durable and capable of sustained attacks. The Japanese “samurai” is excellent for security purposes and will be a reliable defender. The anatomical massive build of the animal requires constant and maximum loads and extensive space for active activity. It should be noted that Tosa Inu is very difficult to train. Thanks to its powerful characteristics, the breed is among the top 10 strongest dogs.


– a fighting dog with high intelligence, hot temperament and a death grip. Despite their dry and taut appearance, Dobermans can be real killers. They are often used for service in law enforcement agencies. With proper training, they make the most loyal defenders.

A properly raised Doberman has a balanced character and does not show causeless aggression. He is very wary of strangers and, if necessary, reacts with lightning speed, showing his fighting abilities. Thanks to its athletic abilities and strong-willed character, it is considered not only the strongest, but also the most dangerous breed.


– one of the most resilient and strong dogs in the world. Large and powerful jaws are the most dangerous weapon of this species. In addition, she has a strong skeleton and well-developed muscles. The breed is used as a guard or for hunting game. They are easy to train and quite docile. Despite their external characteristics, animals are very lazy and do not show activity for no reason.
These are friendly, obedient pets who guard the safety of their owner. In moments of danger they can turn into real fighters and killers. With this dog the owner has nothing to fear.


is a breed that performs watchdog functions. A wide chest, a massive strong neck and large dimensions make it an ideal defender of a protected area. This breed is distinguished not only by its impressive size, but also by its intelligence. Pets are very smart and infinitely devoted to their owner.

The Shepherd is considered a friendly dog ​​and has a balanced temperament. On the other hand, she considers herself independent from her owner, so she is not always amenable to training. Due to its large size and capricious, strong-willed character, this breed is considered one of the strongest.


- This is an innate guard and protector. Often the dog takes part in battles. She is distinguished by extreme endurance and the ability to properly expend strength. Large dimensions, developed muscles, the ability to withstand heavy loads and reliably protect its owner put Alabai in first place among the dogs in the world. In addition, this breed is considered one of the most dangerous dogs. But with proper upbringing and training, the dog will not harm others.

They show their fighting skills only when necessary. There are hardly any more reliable guards and protectors than this breed. It should be noted that the dog loves space and is not suitable for keeping in apartments. Caring for a dog involves physical activity and an active lifestyle over a large area.

What else to see:

The strongest are representatives of 14 ancient dog breeds, whose genotype differs minimally from that of a wolf. Prominent among them are Molossians. Almost every Molossian breed is one of the largest and strongest individuals in the dog world.


Another born fighter is. A very large and massive dog often gets the upper hand over its rivals due to the fact that they have thick skin that is not so easy to bite through.

Traction force

Strength can also manifest itself in endurance, for example, sled dogs ( , , , ) can reach speeds of up to 40 kilometers, even harnessed to a team. But these are, rather, record speeds, and at average speed In 15 kilometers, dogs run 60 kilometers a day without any problems.

We must not forget about guard dogs; it is not in vain that they are bred to guard the house; massive, strong animals will easily protect the house from thieves.

The strongest dogs in the world

The Americans, known for their practicality and desire to systematize everything, did not rely on breed qualities unfoundedly. They organized International Association weight pulling for dogs to officially find out who is the strongest.

The point of the competition is for the dog to drag as much weight as possible 5 meters. Competitions are held in 4 disciplines:

  • a cart on wheels that moves along natural surfaces;
  • a trolley on wheels that can be moved on artificial turf;
  • sleds moving on natural snow;
  • sleigh moving on artificial snow.

Competitions are held annually, dogs compete in different weight categories.

But there are absolute record holders in each category.

In the first two categories the record weight was moved English Mastiff Sly. In 1997, he was able to drag a weighted cart across natural surfaces. 2,447 kilograms! And in 1995 he dragged on artificial turf 2,268 kg. Sly has long gone to the rainbow, but his record has never been broken. One can rightly give him the title of “the strongest dog in the world.”

In sled competitions, sled dogs take the lead and take almost all the prizes, which is not surprising. On natural snow the record holder is Alaskan Malamute Moses, its indicator is 680 kilograms. But on artificial snow won Mastiff Riddle, whose record, 1215 kilograms, remains unbeaten since 1998.

This breed of dog was bred in Spain. Dogs of this breed have a very strong and powerful bite. The Dogo Canario looks intimidating and very menacing, however, despite this, dogs of this breed are very kind and friendly. The Dogo Canary gets used to its owner very quickly, it easily remembers new commands and assimilates any information. Animals of this breed become excellent and loyal friends.

Ninth place – Doberman

As you know, the Doberman is a service dog. This dog breed is very fast and strong. The Doberman has an amazing appearance and amazing grace. Animals of this breed will become excellent guards, and thanks to their service history, also amazing bodyguards. Dobermans are very smart and reasonable; in case of danger, they transform in an instant, and from a cute pet they turn into an aggressive, angry beast. To ensure that dogs of this breed never have problems, they must be trained from puppyhood.

Eighth place – Siberian Husky

Siberian Huskies are very beautiful and strong, they have an amazing mind, but they have difficulty remembering commands. It is very easy to keep such a dog in the house. Husky will be an excellent bodyguard and loyal friend. Animals of this breed have a very strong and powerful body, so they need to exercise regularly.

Seventh place – Great Dane

This breed of dog was bred for service. That is why Great Danes are very strong and resilient. However, despite this, the Great Dane is absolutely not aggressive. Therefore, if you choose such a dog as a guard, then you need to raise it properly. The Great Dane is an excellent friend and reliable companion; he loves children very much and gets along well with other animals.

Sixth place – Rottweiler

The Rottweiler is an excellent guard and reliable bodyguard. Dogs of this breed are very strong, resilient and have a powerful bite. Rottweilers are fearless and brave animals, they will always be able to protect their family. Pets of this breed are good-natured and affectionate, they quickly get used to their new family and all household members.

Fifth place – Dogo Argentino

Dogs of this breed have a very powerful body and a terrifying appearance. They are very strong, resilient and resilient. Despite its menacing appearance, the Dogo Argentino has a calm and balanced character. With proper training, such a dog will become an amazing guard for the whole family.

Fourth place – Boerboel

This is a South African dog, it was bred specifically to guard plantations and escort slaves. The Boerboel is very aggressive, and in some countries, breeding dogs of this breed is prohibited. These pets are incredibly strong and have a very powerful bite. It is not recommended to keep such a dog in the house.

Third place – Boxer

This dog breed was bred in Germany and is one of the strongest in the world. The Boxer has a strong grip, a powerful bite and a capricious character. Such a dog must be raised well, and then it will become a faithful and devoted friend for both adults and children. Animals of this breed are very playful and playful; they enjoy running on the lawn and playing with a ball.

Second place – Staffordshire Terrier

Stafford is a devoted dog, for the sake of its owner, it is ready to do anything. Dogs of this breed practically do not feel pain and have absolutely no fear. This is one of the strongest and most strong-willed dogs in the world. Many people think that Staffordshire Terriers are very aggressive, but this is absolutely not the case. A dog will grow up the way its owner raises it.

First place – Bull Terrier

In first place, an amazing bull terrier dog. This breed of dog was bred for dog fighting. The Bull Terrier has an incredible grip and a very strong bite. However, despite this, the pet has a friendly character and calm disposition. The Bull Terrier is the strongest dog in the world, which will become an excellent friend and reliable bodyguard for its owner.

A person who owns a strong dog must be able to raise it properly. Otherwise, pet can turn into an aggressive and uncontrollable beast.