Toilet      06/23/2020

Doors with honeycomb filling in section. Honeycomb filler - what is it? According to the design of the product there are

Interior doors complement the design of our home. They delight the eye with their variety of laminated, veneered and painted surfaces. We don't ask ourselves what is in the middle of the product. It’s a pity, because the internal component – ​​the filling – largely determines the sound and thermal conductivity of the canvas, and also affects its strength, ability to maintain geometry and service life. There are several types of filling: honeycomb, lumber, chipboard, tubular chipboard, etc.

Honeycomb filling of the door leaf

The era of aircraft construction (40-50s) began with the appearance of honeycomb fillers. They were used to lighten and give permanent shape to aircraft structures. The composition began to be actively used for interior doors in the middle of the last century, making them more durable, lighter, and cheaper. This type of filling of internal space is still one of the most common today.

Honeycomb filler It is a cell (honeycomb) made of pressed cardboard - corrugated cardboard, compressed with material enclosed in a frame. With the help of bars, the space near the lock is strengthened, and due to the air spaces in the cells, the filler makes the doors light (maximum 17 kg), facilitates installation and reduces the load on the hinges. All the advantages of honeycomb filling include moisture repellency and constant shape support. Such doors made of chipboard and MDF are given a marketable appearance: laminated, veneered or simply painted. Modern filler (impact-proof alloys, opaque materials) is used in leaves with a profile made of anodized aluminum (Al) - these are modern German doors made of aluminum (Al) and steel, in combination with glass.

Bar filling of the door leaf

Bar filler can be partial. The bars inside the door are located at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other, which lightens the door leaf and the load on the hinges.

Solid filler, when the bars fit tightly to each other - high sound insulation and the ability to withstand heavy loads.

Filling the door leaf with chipboard

Chipboard filler is obtained by hot, flat pressing of wood particles plus binder. This method is used to fill low-traffic economy class products.

Extrusion board - this filler is obtained by vertical pressing, the wood particles are perpendicular to the board, which increases strength. This filler is located between panels made of MDF, chipboard, HDF. To give it a marketable appearance, it is covered with veneer or enamel.

Extrusion - tubular filler is the use of slabs with voids (holes in the form of tubes) as an alternative to honeycomb. These are much easier, from here easier installation, less wear on loops, more economical, since little material is spent on the canvas. They are not afraid of large passages of people and can withstand pressure of 20 kg/cm. sq., shockproof, heat and noise resistant. This material best meets quality requirements.

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The honeycomb filler in interior doors is corrugated cardboard pressed into a honeycomb shape. If you look at a cross-section of a door with such a filler, the filler will remind you of a honeycomb. As a rule, the design of a door with such a filler looks like this:

    door frame (MDF or solid wood)

    cladding (from plastic to solid wood)

    block for installing a lock

    corrugated cardboard filler

What are honeycomb doors made of?

Let's start with the door frame. It is no different from other types of doors - several beams. As for the filler, corrugated cardboard is just that: corrugated cardboard. Doors with such filling are suitable for low-rise buildings. This is due to the fact that they can withstand weights of up to eighty kilograms.

The functions of honeycombs in doors are as follows: 1) to fill empty space; 2) give interior door rigidity; 3) eliminate possible deformation of the door. Honeycombs can differ in hardness. There are more tough ones, and there are less tough ones.

In Russia, the most common type of honeycomb is honeycomb with a cell size of 45 millimeters and a compressive strength of 500 grams/cm2. This is the state standard. You should also remember that the size of the cells in the doors may vary depending on the manufacturer - not everyone follows state standards. Remember the main thing - the smaller the cell size, the better, the higher the density and rigidity of the honeycomb filler.

Advantages of doors with honeycomb filling

    the main advantage is the price. Doors with such filling are inexpensive, but again we must not forget about the cladding. If you buy a veneer door with a honeycomb core, it will be more expensive than a PVC door with the same honeycomb core. For example, our Marco DG door in natural walnut color costs around 10 -11 thousand rubles.

    environmental friendliness of the door. Unlike PVC and other synthetic materials, corrugated cardboard is environmentally friendly and safe.

    resistance to changes in temperature and humidity conditions, resistance to light impacts.

    a door with such a filler will be light. Within seventeen kilograms.

Disadvantages of doors with honeycomb core

    The main disadvantage of honeycomb core is its soundproofing properties. If we try to evaluate on a five-point scale, we would give 2-3 points.

    Another disadvantage of filler is that it is used to reduce the cost of door production. Hence the relative cheapness.

Thick cardboard is used with a laying method based on the honeycomb principle, which is why it got its name. Honeycomb filler comes in different qualities; fine mesh honeycomb and coarse mesh honeycomb. Sometimes it’s just crumpled cardboard, which is used to fill the voids by unscrupulous manufacturers in order to reduce the cost of their products as much as possible.

Honeycomb filler good quality, especially if it is fine-mesh, it provides the door with good rigidity and low heat and sound insulation. Doors with honeycomb filling are resistant to external influences and withstand changes in humidity and temperature. Such doors are lighter than conventional ones and are more suitable as decorative element rather than restraining.

2. Rack (bar filling).

This type of door filling refers to solid or (DU) reinforced doors. And they can also serve as entrance doors to premises (DN), external doors.

Advantages: Good resistance to mechanical damage, good sound insulation properties.

Disadvantages: high cost and significant weight of the door, inability to use in rooms with variable or constantly high humidity, good flammability.

There is a full bar filling and a small-hollow bar filling (partial bar filling), it is also called (rack filling every other time), inside the canvas the bars are located at a distance of 5-7 cm relative to each other. With partial filling, the door has sufficient strength, acquires lighter weight and lower cost. But at the same time it loses its heat and sound insulation qualities.

3. Extrusion filling (Tubular chipboard).

The most progressive and most commonly used today, filling. There are solid and tubular chipboards. Such filling, even tubular, retains the strength, heat and sound insulation properties of the bar filling. At the same time, it is deprived of their shortcomings, high cost, large weight of the door, sensitivity to humidity and flammability.

Many apartment owners today install external armored and steel doors. It is necessary to choose the right external door, evaluating not only the thickness of the metal in the door leaf, but also the characteristics of the filler. The good performance of the door depends on this. They need to be carefully examined in order to decide which door filler is suitable for your family.

Sectional door elements.

Why is it necessary internal filling door designs? The purpose of these structural elements consists in thermal and noise insulation of residential premises from the influence of the outside world. As a result of the use of filler materials, the degree of rigidity increases door leaf. The quality of the internal filler and the design possibilities are directly dependent. external door carry out its main functions. To understand which filler is better to use for the purpose of insulating an external door, you need to find out what their characteristics are. Which door filler is best to choose? This question is asked by all people who have to solve the problem of acquiring a metal door.

What criteria should you use to choose these materials: what door filler to buy

Section of a door with honeycomb filling.

  1. They must be safe for environment and family members living in this apartment.
  2. Maximum insulation from external noise in a public corridor is necessary.
  3. The door must reliably retain heat in the apartment.
  4. The door leaf must be waterproof.
  5. The door should last a long time during its operation.
  6. What matters is the price that the apartment owner expects.

Each apartment owner has his own priorities when arranging his home. For some, the price does not matter, for others, silence in the house is important, and so on. But it is extremely important that living in the house is safe for all family members. Therefore, this criterion must be taken into account first of all when choosing Construction Materials to solve the problem of insulating the external entrance opening.

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Mineral wool from rocks

Characteristics of the main brands of mineral wool.

Previously, the uses of this fibrous material were limited to the defense industry. And only now they began to use it in construction.

  1. This innovative filler is a universal material for thermal insulation and sound absorption.
  2. Its price is relatively low and accessible to everyone.
  3. This substance has a fibrous composition and is made from molten rocks or blast furnace slag.
  4. Mineral wool, which was obtained using the first method ( stone wool), is a high-quality filler with excellent properties.
  5. This insulation is resistant to influence high temperature, dampness and aggressive environment, has low shrinkage.
  6. 6. Therefore, this substance is undemanding to operating conditions and can last for more than half a century.
  7. 7. This material allows for environmentally friendly filling of the door leaf, providing reliable protection premises.
  8. 8. The excellent quality of fire resistance of mineral wool is taken advantage of during installation. fire protection structures and doors.

Builders consider this superior fire-resistant filler to be one of the most effective materials for filling door leaf structures. But all this applies to mineral wool made from rocks.

Slag wool: features

Scheme steel door with rubber seal.

Mineral wool, which is obtained from blast furnace slag (slag wool), under unfavorable conditions of dampness, high or low temperature and various types deformations does not have the property of reliable durability.

Such mineral wool has a big drawback. Over time, this substance settles. This leads to the formation of voids in the cavity of the door structure. To avoid this, manufacturers install additional frame ribs that prevent the filler from sliding down.

Typically its scope of application is country house construction, construction of temporary structures and structures that can be easily subjected to repairs.

Corrugated cardboard: advantages and disadvantages

Main characteristics of corrugated box.

This is an inexpensive door insulation that has excellent property. It absorbs noise. Special design This filler is similar to a “honeycomb”. It is a corrugated cardboard frame inside a metal door.

  1. This material is characterized by rigidity, horizontal and vertical resistance. Corrugated cardboard is given rigidity by corrugated paper located between the cardboard layers.
  2. Its special composition does not allow moisture to pass through.
  3. Also, the advantages of corrugated cardboard include light weight, which does not burden the door structure, and relatively low prices.
  4. Low price, good heat and sound insulation are the undoubted advantages of this filler.

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But this insulation also has disadvantages. Since he is thick paper, high humidity has a detrimental effect on him. For this reason, the service life of such external door designs contract if their tightness is broken.

Foam: effective, but can be dangerous

Characteristics of foam plastic.

  1. This is a good heat-insulating material with excellent noise-absorbing qualities.
  2. Its porous structure gives the filler excellent sound-absorbing qualities, frost resistance and non-hygroscopicity.
  3. Polystyrene foam is a harmless, environmentally friendly material that is durable and retains its performance qualities for a long time.
  4. Being one of the most effective heat-insulating materials, it has a very affordable price.

But a serious drawback is its extreme flammability. It melts and burns very quickly. When burned, it releases very a large number of toxic combustion products and toxic smoke. Such parameters do not allow us to count foam plastic the best option for filling the outer door.

Foamed polyurethane

Basic layout of dispersed fillers.

This is a material that contains many bubbles. Therefore, it is lightweight and durable. The voids in the door space are filled tightly with this filler. The modern construction market offers two types of polyurethane: elastic and rigid. The latter has the greatest application.

  1. It is highly wear-resistant, moisture-proof, durable, environmentally friendly, and effectively protects against extraneous sounds. This is a good insulator.
  2. Typically, this substance is used to install high-quality external doors, since it has a higher cost than mineral wool and polystyrene foam.

In addition, being a synthetic material, polyurethane filler is highly flammable and emits toxic substances. This can be an argument against such material when deciding what filler to find for doors.

Penopropylene: pros and cons

  1. Foampropylene combines very valuable features of synthetic materials - fillers for metal doors. This material is different good characteristics heat, hydro and sound insulation for a long time.
  2. Its service life is calculated up to 70 years, it is resistant to various loads.
  3. Its advantages are low weight, ease of installation, resistance to impact chemical substances. It is pumped under pressure and does not shrink, unlike mineral wool.
  4. The fire safety characteristics of this substance are much better than those of polyurethane filler and foam.

They are extremely atypical. metal doors, with cavities inside the door leaf, shaped like a honeycomb. They serve as a rigid frame, filling the empty space inside the canvas. What do you need to know about these products? The main raw material for making doors with honeycomb filling is pine wood. The honeycombs of such a door are made either from pressed cardboard or from hardboard. Such a door can withstand weight up to 80 kg, and due to its internal cavities (honeycombs), the weight of the structure is reduced by 10-15 kg. This reduces the load on the hinges and eliminates the possibility of the door getting stuck over time. This is a kind of lightweight model that is in no way inferior in its functionality. That is why such products were previously used in the space and military industries. Now they are widely represented in the furniture industry.

Honeycomb doors in comparison

There are many such doors on the market: they can be either glazed or finished with laminate film, or solid; both smooth and paneled. The color range of iron doors is very diverse, which allows you to choose a model that suits any room design. Most often, doors with honeycomb filling are used as interior doors, and it is highly not recommended to install them at the entrance. This is due to the fact that they are inferior in strength metal doors, but indoors these doors are extremely reliable in operation. They are resistant to moisture and do not swell upon contact with water, do not dry out or warp over time. In addition, they have good heat and sound insulation properties.

Cheap doors with honeycomb filling

Another clear advantage of doors with honeycomb filling is that it costs slightly less than a door made of solid wood. Order doors with honeycomb filling from the Garant Service company and you will receive professional service and a quality product. We provide a quality guarantee for all types of doors.