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Types of glass and options for replacing it, tips on how to disassemble and install in an interior door. Glass replacement in the interior door Glass in the interior door is broken what to do

Glass fragments - traditional decoration interior door. True, if the glass cracks, then instead of a sophisticated style, the room takes on an untidy look. Therefore, it is desirable to change a fragile element in the door leaf quickly. The task does not require the involvement of a specialist.

When is glass replacement possible?

A man without special skills in replacing glass in an interior door will not be afraid if he deals with such products as:

  • domestic veneered economy class door;
  • door with a glass insert fixed with glazing beads;
  • collapsible business class door.

Damaged glass is easily removed from the domestic veneered economy class door. The empty opening in the domestic door model is measured with a tape measure, and a new piece of glass ordered from the workshop is carefully inserted from above. After these manipulations, silicone gel is distributed around the perimeter of the glass, the excess of which is removed with a rag.

Glass is inserted into the domestic veneered door through the top

Unfortunately, even when repairing a domestic veneered model, you can do stupid things. One day my father, a builder by profession, in a hurry forgot to lower the ruler inside the cell where the glass used to be. The result is quite predictable: without taking into account the depth of immersion in the door leaf, the glass turned out to be small. And it was only necessary to add 2 cm to the dimensions of the glass insert.

When broken glass in the door is held by glazing beads with decorative nails, they take a screwdriver or a spatula with a hammer. The last two tools are used as levers: the spatula is inserted into the gap between the door leaf and the glazing bead, and the handle of the blade is hit with a hammer, forcing the nails to rise from their holes.

Door glazing beads hold the decorative insert in place

After removing the glass particles, the recess for the new decorative element smear silicone sealant. Glass is inserted into the prepared opening and fixed again with glazing beads.

Working with a spatula and a hammer, you risk scratching the door leaf. Trouble can be avoided if a piece of rag is placed under the glazing bead in the area where the nail holds it.

Glass from the doors of this model is removed after dismantling the glazing beads

The business class door will need to be taken apart to replace the glass. This means removing all bolts under the rivets. At first glance, it may seem that everything is simple. However, those who cope with the dismantling of fasteners and old glass will definitely meet with difficulty - the troublesome process of assembling a business class door. There is a high chance that it will turn out skewed.

It will definitely not be possible to independently master the science of replacing glass in an interior door if the trouble happened with the following types of products:

  • a door with a glass insert of a non-standard shape, the dimensions of which are difficult for a non-professional to determine;
  • a door with a triplex, sold at an exorbitant price, prompting you to buy a new product rather than repair the old one;
  • a door with glass fixed with hidden wedges that can only be removed from the recesses and opened to secure a new element.

However, my father, who is more of a “break and build” than a professional, found a way to easily change glass oval, zigzag or other irregular shape. He finds out the exact dimensions of the glass insert by tracing the contours of the broken element on cardboard. Having received the template, the father calmly orders glass in the workshop or cuts it himself.

Irregular glass shape is not always an obstacle to self repair doors

Video: simple glass insertion on top of the door

How to replace glass in an interior door

A good substitute for a cracked glass insert in an interior door can be:

  • organic glass that does not break, but is easily scratched;

    Organic glass - a competitor to a simple glass insert

  • decorative glass, whose advantage is original style, and the downside is the difficulty in finding a pattern that matches the patterns on the rest of the glass door inserts;

    Decorative glass is used to give the door a "zest"

  • plain glass both traditional and a budget option(it is simply ordered to the glazier, having learned the dimensions of the old glass insert);

    A door with ordinary glass inserts is in demand, despite its simple appearance.

  • double-folded fiberboard, pasted over with a decorative film for furniture, but at the same time unable to give the door a special aesthetic and last for many years;

    In place of glass, a piece of fiberboard, pasted over with a film, looks great

  • plywood, which will give the same benefits as fiberboard when pasted over, and is most often used as a temporary option.

Required Tools

To replace damaged old glass with new one, you need to find the following tools and fixtures:

Stages and procedure for replacing glass in an interior door

Replacing the glass insert in the interior door is performed step by step:

  1. The door leaf is lifted and removed from the hinges, and then placed on the floor or a large table.

    The door is placed on a flat surface

  2. Using pliers, a chisel and a hammer, glass retainers are removed from the door.
  3. All pieces are removed from the opening decorative insert down to glass chips. In order not to cut themselves with fragments, they work only after they put on thick gloves.
  4. The recess under the glass insert is freed from the gasket and scraped sandpaper by removing the sealant layer.
  5. The opening where the glass insert was previously located is measured with a tape measure. At the same time, it is taken into account that the parameters of the new product should be 3-4 cm smaller than the dimensions of the bed, because, in addition to glass, sealant will need to be placed in the opening. The measurement data is provided to the glazier.

    The section of the door with broken glass is measured with a tape measure

  6. As soon as the master hands over the finished glass, the recess under it is smeared with silicone sealant. A gasket is put on the edges of the glass insert.
  7. The product is inserted into the opening. Sealant is carefully applied around the perimeter of the bed again.
  8. Glass is fixed in the opening using glazing beads with decorative nails or other elements.

    Decorative nails are used in combination with glazing beads

  9. After 2 hours, which are needed for the sealant to dry, the door is put into place.

By the way, having noticed that the glass does not enter the opening freely, you cannot put pressure on it, trying at all costs to squeeze it into the box. The most reasonable way to solve the problem is to cut the cushioning material.

Video: an easy way to replace glass fixed with glazing beads

Dismantling the interior door before replacing the glass

When glass and wood in an interior door are connected into a single whole without glazing beads or other devices, the glass is changed only after the door leaf is completely disassembled. This operation is carried out in stages:

Video: an example of disassembling a door to replace a glass insert

It is possible that it will not be possible for a beginner to replace the glass in an interior door the first time. In this case, it is important for a man not to lose his composure - and everything will work out. Of course, provided that he does not violate any instructions instructions.

The most fragile element in the entire interior of the house is glass, especially if it is an integral part of the interior. modern doors. The repair associated with its replacement is not particularly difficult, but requires some knowledge. Change such a broken element with your own with my own hands everyone can, given the recommendations of experts.

Interior modern have a beautiful appearance. But in case glass element their decor will be broken, you should know how to properly replace it without involving specialists. So, how to change it with your own hands and what you need to consider in this case, we will consider further.

In general, replacing glass on doors is not particularly difficult, but only if some nuances and tips from experienced craftsmen. After all, one wrong move, and your work will be reduced to nothing.

Modern production provides the market with a wide variety of glass doors

Types of glass used for doors

Before embarking on such a crucial issue as replacing broken glass, it is worth exploring the most profitable options that modern industry provides us with today in the manufacture of interior doors:

  • Decorative glass. This type of glass not only fits beautifully into any interior, but also makes it richer and more luxurious. But when replacing a broken element, you may encounter one problem - to choose the right glass inserts with a similar pattern, similar to those on other doors in the apartment. That is why, broken glass in one case may entail the replacement of all paintings in the apartment. And this is a rather expensive option, because the cost of 1 sq.m. decorative glass - from a thousand rubles.
  • Ordinary glass. An ideal alternative to decorative glass, but requires additional processing. Ordinary glass is treated with special decorative films that give it an expensive look. Replacing such glass is several times cheaper than the first option.

Ordinary glass: the cheapest replacement option

  • Plexiglas. Unlike the two previous options, this type of interior door glazing is not fragile, but is subject to scratches, as a result of which it begins to become cloudy and takes on an ugly appearance. It can also be pasted over with a decorative film, which will not only give the material a more beautiful appearance, but also protect it from scratches.

Attention! The most expensive option is decorative glass. Its replacement is a rather expensive option, because the cost of 1 sq.m. decorative glass - from a thousand rubles.

A simple option for replacing glass on interior doors

Regardless of what type of glass is installed in the interior doors, if necessary, it will need to be replaced with a new one. The simplest option is to install using glazing beads or, as the people say, quarters, although this is not entirely correct. If you have just such an option in front of you, then it will be quite simple to cope with the replacement of glass:

  1. Using a chisel, pull off the glazing beads.
  2. When the nails show, use pliers to remove the elements one by one, while supporting the broken glass.
  3. Measure the parameters and go to the glass workshop.
  4. Install the purchased decor and secure it with glazing beads.
  5. If we are talking about ordinary glass, then before installation in place, it should be pasted over with a decorative film.

Fastening glass in the door with glazing beads

The solution to the problem is simple and everyone can cope with this, with their own on their own without involving specialists.

Advice. Beads must be removed very carefully so as not to damage the door leaf with nails.

Difficult option to replace broken glass on doors

There is an option for making doors that visually look like one complete canvas, which consists of wood and glass. Beads, in this case, are absent. Therefore, the replacement of glass takes place according to a different scheme - here you will have to disassemble the door into “boards”. How to properly replace glass on such structures:

  1. Carefully inspect the design of the doors. Under the plugs there should be fasteners - confirmants or self-tapping screws.
  2. Remove the canvas and place it on the floor.
  3. Remove the plugs and unscrew the fasteners on one side.
  4. Remove the sidewall of the canvas and remove the broken glass.
  5. Install new glass and assemble door in reverse order.

Advice. To avoid glass rattling after installation, experts recommend lubricating its edges with soapy water before installation.

Replacing glass, which is not fastened with glazing beads, but is part of a solid door leaf, is a much more laborious process

Regardless of the method of installing glass in interior doors and the type of glass, the procedure for replacing it must be approached with responsibility. The slightest wrong movement can lead not only to incorrect installation, but also to damage the door leaf itself.

Video: Replacing broken glass on an interior door

The use of glass in interior doors is a popular technique in interior design. Glasses add airiness and lightness to the room, increase natural light, and just look good. But since glass is a very fragile building material, it is not uncommon for one part or all of the glass to be replaced. Broken glass cannot be left in the door, in addition to reduced aesthetics, it can be dangerous if the glass falls out completely or partially. Replacing glass in an interior door with your own hands is not difficult, you will need care, accuracy and a minimum set of tools.

Types of glass for interior doors

In many ways, working with glass depends on the type of glass that you have chosen for installation in the interior door. The most common are 3 types, the features of each must be taken into account while working with it.

  • Ordinary glass. The advantages of the material include affordable price, work with glass does not require special knowledge and skills. But after fixing ordinary glass, additional finishing will be required, which entails an increase in costs. Buy either impact-resistant glass or cover it with a special film that prevents the glass from falling apart in the event of an impact - these secrets are also associated with an increase in the price of glass.

  • Decorative glass. In installation, decorative glass is as simple as the previous version. The choice of various patterns and types of decor will not leave indifferent the most whimsical buyer, everyone will find glass that will fit into his ideas about the future piece of furniture. Among the shortcomings, one can single out a rather high cost per unit of material, as well as difficulties in selecting new glass if replacement is necessary.
  • Organic glass. Plexiglas is not quite a derivative state of glass, the material is close to plastic in terms of characteristic qualities and operation. And this is both a plus and a minus of the material. The advantage of organic glass is its strength; it is not easy to break such an insert. The disadvantage of organic glass is the gradual change in appearance, over time it becomes cloudy. To avoid this, it is necessary to cover the plexiglass with a special composition in a timely manner.

Glass replacement tools

So that nothing distracts you during work, prepare in advance the materials and tools that you may need in the process.

  • Selected replacement glass, right size, processed along the edges, safe to work with.
  • Gloves to protect hands from cuts. Thin garden gloves will not work, they will not save you from sharp glass in case the material falls and breaks, pick up strong special clothes.
  • Of the tools you will need a chisel and a furniture hammer
  • Sealing paper will be needed to fit the glass to the size of the desired groove.
  • Prepare silicone to firmly fix the glass in the doorway.
  • Do not remove the broom and dustpan far away, sweep regularly during work to prevent cuts and splinters.

Glass replacement step by step

Replacing glass in an interior door in stages consists of several sequential procedures.

  • Remove the door from its hinges, put it on the floor, on flat surface. Place a thick material under the door so as not to damage the canvas and the flooring. Make sure the door is firmly in place, it should not wobble or ride under you on the floor.
  • Using a chisel and hammer, loosen and carefully remove the glazing beads holding the glass in place. Carefully, using gloves, remove the glass fragments from the opening, check that there is no glass left in the door. Sweep the work surface.
  • Remove the lining, sealant residues from the opening. When replacing glass, these compounds will have to be replaced with new ones. Take advantage of the fine fraction.

  • Apply silicone around the perimeter of the opening. Use a spray gun for even distribution. Pull the protective gasket over the glass, install the glass in the opening. Apply a second layer of silicone, only on the other side of the glass.
  • Install the fixing glazing beads in their places, nail them with thin carnations. Let the silicone dry for a few hours, then hang the door on its hinges. Job completed!

Replacing the glass yourself is easy, this step-by-step instruction will help you get things right. The main thing is to responsibly approach safety and the choice of new glass so that the result pleases you for a long time.

Inexpensive veneered interior doors remain good option for use at home, in offices and commercial premises. Economy class is a low price and acceptable quality.


The current trend towards cheaper production often leads to the emergence of entire styles, fashion trends. But there is whole line products designed for interior design, which successfully combines low price and fairly good consumer properties, long service life, even aristocratic appearance. We are talking about inexpensive interior doors, popular products, the offer segment of which, if not increasing, then retains good positions in the ratings.
When a person buys inexpensive veneered doors, it doesn’t matter if they are just interior doors or, for example, for an office or as entrance doors to different zones home or office, he is guided by a position of low price. But such economy-class products have other advantages.


If you evaluate the existing designs on the market, you can find anything. From the classic look of paneled doors, which is the most common, to the modern look, with glass inserts, and decoration with metal. In addition, you can choose veneered door surfaces, for finishing which will be used natural wood expensive varieties. Such products look really luxurious, as they are almost indistinguishable from a product created from a solid array.
Among other things, methods of changing the surface are widely used. This is done with the help of varnish coatings that allow you to change the color of the coating. Sometimes veneered doors can be transformed beyond recognition, making the shade close to a more expensive type of wood.
The coatings fit perfectly, since the wood is generally well varnished, and modern compositions and processing methods allow the use of very thin layers. They almost do not attract attention, successfully masking the original color of the surface. And in the case of using a translucent varnish, wood can focus on the texture or its softened patterns.

Engineering specifications

There are developed methods by which inexpensive economy-class interior veneered doors are created. The canvas can be of any thickness. At the same time, it is often light due to the frame model of manufacture. This allows for additional savings.
Lower class hinges are used - this is acceptable, since there is no need to operate a large leaf mass. Lower requirements apply to door frame. It does not require high strength, which is also associated with a reduced web weight.
Additional accessories are also inexpensive. For example, powerful closers are not needed; reduced requirements are imposed on fenders and limiters. Various additional compensation equipment, seals, areas of retractable elements that take on the impact are also cheaper. At the same time, everything works perfectly, providing the necessary durability and reliability.

User specifications

The most important thing that economy class veneered interior doors can boast of is versatility. They can be installed and used in any environment. This gives some freedom to manufacturers.
For example, a product created from a solid array tends to change geometry. Very quality wood will not give dimensional fluctuations that will lead to jamming or some kind of operational problems. However, there are cases of minor changes that cause the appearance of external defects. For example, parts at the joints diverge slightly, forming small gaps in the surface coating. This is especially true for complex products.
Inexpensive veneered doors practically do not suffer from this. In the case of a frame structure, it can be used in conditions of large drops. relative humidity. It is also worth noting that even in the case of a glued board construction, when the base of the economy class product is made of solid pine furniture (the cheapest option), the inner zone is very strongly protected. A layer of veneer, varnish coating is used.
Therefore, humidity is minimal. Thanks to this feature, inexpensive economy-class interior doors can always be used, even if the apartment does not have stable heating and the climate regime is not supported.
Described impact resistance properties external factorspositive factor and for the seller. Products can be stored without particular attention to the climate characteristics of the warehouse.
Inexpensive economy-class interior doors can simply be stacked, shifting with a film. There is little risk that they will be led, coating defects will appear and so on. Boxes and canvas - complete doors, with all fittings installed - can be placed along the walls and wait until they are needed. You will only have to take care that the coating of the fittings does not deteriorate.

Screen - why it is still relevant

Manufacturing technologies

The low price is due to the simple manufacturing technique. There are three main approaches:

  • Frame construction with overlays;
  • Production of glued pine board;
  • Formation from dissimilar boards.
  • In the first case, everything is as easy, inexpensive and effective as possible. The door is a frame assembled from timber or wide slats. Overlays are glued on it from both sides, between which (the most frequent case) is a void. After that, veneer is rolled on the surface, varnishing and other processing is carried out to improve the surface. The result is a rather tolerable product. Lightweight canvas, quite stable in terms of maintaining geometric dimensions, handles and loops reliably cut into wooden beam.
    Due to the high uniformity of the lining surface, the veneer is glued perfectly and does not experience strong loads even when the canvas is deformed. More expensive models from the segment frame structures may have additional stiffeners. Manufacturers also take care of greater durability and level of noise protection by filling the space between the tabs. This is done using pressed cardboard, located in the form of a honeycomb. Simply cut tubes are also used.
    The second method of creation uses a glued shield. As a raw material, pine is used - a record holder for low cost. The convenience of this method is that it is possible to design a nest and create a shield of such a size that it will reduce the level of residues to almost zero. When assembling the door leaf from parts, you do not need to follow the direction of the fibers and the joining of their texture - everything will be hidden by the veneer. The same applies to knots.
    These advantages are also inherent in the method of collecting the base of the canvas from parts made from dissimilar boards. The same type of wood, a stable level of humidity provide good engineering performance, the absence of mechanical stress and the stability of the geometry when the humidity changes.

    Residue reduction is achieved through the use of different blanks. The perimeter and stiffness are made from a bar with the same dimensional indicators, the internal parts and curly elements are made from other boards, often of a smaller thickness. Then assembled door veneered, which hides all the flaws - knots, darkening, different textures.
    If you are looking for economy-class interior doors, you want to buy an inexpensive, worthy product, everything is available today. In addition, on the market you can find doors whose frame is made of MDF - they are the lightest. It will not be "very inexpensive", but this option is the most resistant to moisture changes.
    In a word, economy-class doors with veneer coating are worthy of being installed in apartments and offices. They possess good performance, they can be washed with any cleaning agents, and the lightness of the canvas and unpretentiousness sometimes add to the merits of the application, especially if these are interior doors.

    Today on the market there are a lot of different models of door panels. Designs supplemented with glass inserts are especially popular and in demand. However, there are times when the glass in the door needs to be replaced. Most often this is due to poor product quality or careless handling of the sash.


    Nowadays, consumers are completely unlimited in choice. finishing materials, decor, furniture and door panels for your home. A door suitable in style and shade can be purchased for any interior, whether it is a popular timeless classic or artsy baroque.

    Currently, in many dwellings you can meet beautiful and elegant doors with a glass insert. She may have the most different sizes. So, in stores you can find designs in which glass occupies almost the entire door leaf or specimens with glass inserts made in the form of narrow stripes. Both of these options look attractive and stylish in their respective environments.

    Often beautiful, but fragile inserts in them are broken, even with fairly careful handling. This can lead to very backfire. For example, someone from the household may be seriously injured by fragments of a glass insert.

    Of course, the destruction of glass in the door leaf can occur not only because of low-quality raw materials. With careless handling of such structures, fragile inserts in them can also break. So, it is not recommended to slam such doors sharply, as this most often leads to disastrous consequences.

    You should be especially careful with canvases with glass inserts if small children and pets live in a house or apartment.

    Often they, having played too much, slam doors sharply or throw something that can fall directly into the glass. This can lead to a very unpleasant outcome in the form of serious wounds.

    Often the glass in the door still breaks or cracks and needs to be replaced. You can do this job on your own. The main thing is to competently and seriously approach this issue and stock up on all necessary tools and materials.

    Glass types

    There are several types of glass that are installed in door leafs.

    • stained glass. These glasses are the most expensive. Replacing such inserts is more difficult, since without it the interior may seem completely different and faded.
    • Normal. Classic glass surfaces can be supplemented with a special sticker in the form of decorative film. Ordinary glasses are transparent and frosted.
    • Plexiglas. This material is not afraid of impacts and is more wear-resistant. It looks more like plastic, which is also often finished with a decorative film.

    How to change?

    Before the direct replacement of the damaged part, it is necessary to free the door from it.

    First you need to remove the door from the hinges (for more convenient operation) and get some accessories.

    • Tough gloves for cut protection.
    • Slotted wide screwdriver. With this tool you can pry wooden architraves holding the glass in the door. If your canvas is paneled (collapsible), then a screwdriver may not be useful at all.
    • Chisel. You can’t do without this tool when working with such material as wood.

    • Small hammer. A hammer will be needed in the work of fixing the glazing beads with small finishing nails. If you are working with a paneled model, it is better to buy a special rubber mallet to lightly drive in the panels during assembly.
    • Stationery knife. Such a knife will be needed to remove the old sealant at the installation site of the new glass.
    • Rubberized insert or sealant. Special seals not only ensure high-quality shrinkage of the fragile insert, but also prevent rattling during operation of the door leaf. A loose design can also rattle during use.
    • Construction paper bag, cardboard box or segment thick paper. Paper will be needed in order to carefully and safely wrap and remove the fragments left from the previous glass insert.

    To install glazed interior doors, the following designs are used.

    • Shield. These are products where glass is attached using special glazing beads by lining.
    • With slots for insertion on one side (they are royal). These are models in which the glass is installed in the cavity of the door leaf.
    • Paneled. In these models, the glass is inserted into the grooves.


    In order to repair paneled canvases, they must be almost completely disassembled into different parts. Many people are scared a large number of parts that make up such a door, but do not panic.

    The design can not be disassembled, but just open access to the glass.

    To do this, you need to know the design of such a door.

    • Support in a vertical position - side pillars of the door;
    • Cross support - holds the longitudinal parts and glass;
    • Panels - thin components of the inserts located between the transverse elements;
    • The framing part is the same transverse support, but it performs the function of a decorative insert.

    Many paneled doors are made according to the tenon-groove principle. They are very easy and simple to understand. Faced with such options, you do not have to clean the necessary areas from the old sealant. After removing the damaged insert, new glass is installed in the same place, and the door is assembled in the reverse order, after which it can be installed in its original place in the apartment.

    After removing old and damaged glass, it is necessary to immediately remove the fragments and any little things left from them. This is necessary in order to protect yourself and other household members from serious injury.


    To replace the glass in the tsargovy door, it is also removed from the hinges and laid on a flat surface. After that, using a ruler and a chisel, you need to remove all the plugs located along the edges of the base. Using a screwdriver, remove all fasteners. Now you need to take a small hammer and a bar and use them to separate the drawer over the entire surface of the canvas. You need to do this from the bottom up.

    After removing the drawer, it is necessary to remove the old glass from the grooves along with silicone (of course, wearing gloves). At the end, you can safely install a new glass sheet of a suitable size in the grooves, place the drawer back in its original place, assemble the structure and install it on the hinges in the opening.


    As a rule, glass in such traditional canvases is installed on the sash using glazing beads (wood fasteners). For work on replacing the insert, it is better to purchase new parts, since the old ones can easily be damaged at the time of installation or dismantling of the glass.

    First you need to lightly knock out the glazing beads with a screwdriver and a small hammer. It is necessary to loosen the insert a little, but do not remove the fasteners. Then you should remove the glazing beads located at the top (only if the canvas is removed from the hinges).

    After that, the remnants of the old glass are removed. Do not forget about removing the old sealing compound from the door leaf.

    A new glass insert in such products is installed in the gap, pre-treated with a sealant. If necessary, a glass seal can be used. Beads are installed on top.

    You can fix the parts that hold the glass in the shield base using small nails or smearing with a silicone compound.

    What can be glued?

    If the glass in the door did not break or crack, but began to stagger, making unpleasant noises, then you can act in different ways.

    • Purchase a specialized "sanitary sealant" and apply it thin strip in the cracks between the glass and the wooden sheet;
    • Insert regular matches into the corners of the glass piece. Acrylic putty is also suitable for this, which must be applied to the edges of the glass;
    • Small pieces of cork can be well smeared with universal glue and inserted into the slots along the perimeter of the glass insert;
    • Remove the glazing beads, apply sealant to the glass and install them again, but closer to the panel.

    These simple works will solve the problem when the glass in the door leaf staggers and dangles. The main thing is to carry out all actions as carefully as possible.

    How to hide a small crack?

    If the glass in the interior door is cracked, then its repair and restoration of decorative functions can be done in the following way.

    • Paste a special adhesive composition for glass furniture;
    • Glue the affected part with epoxy glue;
    • Apply moldings to cracks if they are located along the edges of the insert;
    • Decorate with various films that will cover the damage;
    • Hide stained glass films.

    You should consider in more detail one of the most common options for restoring cracked glass in an interior door with your own hands.

    • First you need to stock up on silicone glue, a brush, a syringe and acetone, as well as detergent and clear varnish
    • Next, you need to carefully prepare the glass insert and wash it thoroughly with a glass cleaner and warm water. Inserts need to be washed on both sides;

    • After they are completely dry, you need to degrease the area where the crack is located. To do this, take a cotton swab and soak it well in acetone. Glue will be applied to a degreased surface much better, and the service life of glass restored in this way will be much longer;
    • It is also permissible to treat cracks with cotton swabs. However, when using such a device, you should pay attention to whether it leaves behind fibers on the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe glass;
    • After careful and accurate processing of the damage, it is necessary to start sealing the crack.

    • To do this, you need to draw silicone glue into a syringe (of course, without a needle) and fill the crack with it as carefully as possible. Don't rush into doing this. It should be done slowly and confidently so that the composition is evenly distributed over the damaged area.
    • Today in stores building materials you can find tubes of glue equipped with very convenient nozzles with tips that help squeeze out larger portions.

    • If the damage on the glass is large enough, then after applying the glue it is worth sealing it on both sides with ordinary transparent tape. The completed work should be left for 12 hours until completely dry.
    • At the end of this work, you need to cover the surface of the crack with a colorless varnish. To do this, take a thin brush, dip it in the composition and draw over the gluing area. After that, you must wait for the complete drying of the applied varnish, and the work will be completed.

    Successful examples and options

    Doors with glass look organically in many interiors, and it does not matter at all whether stained glass or ordinary inserts are present in them. The main thing is to choose a design suitable style and colors.

    Several organic and stylish ensembles should be considered, in which there are elegant doors with glass inserts.

    • A fashionable black tsargovaya door with transparent glass inserts will effectively stand out against the background of snow-white walls and a glossy milky floor. Next to such a detail, you can put a small light chair and a metal floor lamp with a bell shade.
    • The design of a dense chocolate shade with a thin glass line in the middle can be installed in a white room with accent wall close in hue to door leaf. The floor in such an environment should also be finished with white materials and furniture in snow-white and coffee tones should be placed in it.
    • A luxurious dark chocolate colored door with a long black glass insert will look perfect in a white room with a gray floor finished with glossy tiles. Reinforce the dark canvas wall shelves similar color and wooden table, simulating weak processing.