In a private house      04.03.2020

What form are stone wool heaters. Overview of stone wool. Cons of stone wool insulation

Stone wool is made from rocks and is a fibrous material consisting of many stone filaments. Basalt rock is heated and under the influence high pressure air, stretches into thin, stone hair strands. Without going into the complicated process of preparation, we are sure that we have enough knowledge to understand what stone wool is. Stone wool is often referred to as basalt.

Products based on basalt wool have excellent thermal insulation characteristics, long service life, and resistance to various negative influences.For the mountain component, basalt wool is often called as - stone.

Stone wool, or rather superfine fiber, has a chemically neutral composition, so it does not decompose over time, does not enter into chemical interaction with aggressive substances and does not emit toxic components. It is safe for humans and environment insulation.

Consumers have become more practical in their approach to the choice of insulation materials, one of the first requirements on the list is taking care of their health. Since stone wool has a natural basis, it is completely safe for human health. You can buy and use basalt fiber safely even in institutions with high sanitary standards. we will be told in the video review:

Stone wool, scope

Stone wool made of basalt fiber is widely used in various industries and construction. This material is not afraid of high temperatures, is refractory and is able to retain its shape during prolonged exposure to fire, protecting the building from the rapid spread of fire. Structures insulated with mineral wool acquire high class fire resistance.

Main Applications stone wool- this is the insulation of external walls, roofs, ceilings and partitions, thermal insulation industrial installations, pipes for water supply and heating. Durable, durable and fireproof sandwich panels are made from high-quality basalt wool.

In the production of boiler equipment, stone wool is used for furnaces in order to protect the consumer from burns and increase the efficiency of the units by saving thermal energy.

Most likely, stone wool, like any material, has its pros and cons. Nevertheless, The wide scope of application of mineral wool insulation is due to the unique properties of super-thin basalt fiber. Here are the main characteristics and advantages of the material as evidence.

Low thermal conductivity of basalt wool

Due to the fibrous structure, basalt wool contains a lot of air trapped between randomly intertwined threads. The thermal conductivity of the air itself is very low, and since it is enclosed in microvoids and is in a stationary state, there is no convection, which leads to good thermal insulation properties of the product.

fire safety

This is perhaps the main advantage of basalt mineral wool before other heaters. The stone base of cotton wool does not burn and does not melt at temperatures up to 1400 degrees. It should be noted that the composition of the mineral wool contains synthetic resins that glue the fibers together. When heated to 250 degrees, the resins evaporate, but the fibers retain their position in the absence of mechanical stress. Due to this, mineral wool rigid slabs and soft mats retain their geometry, preventing the spread of fire inside the building.

Such refractory insulation is used for thermal insulation of objects that require compliance with special fire safety rules. Stone wool does not burn and does not support combustion. Fiber is often used to create a fire barrier in the chemical industry.

Shape and dimensional stability

Mineral wool made of basalt fiber does not cake and does not shrink due to the elasticity of the fibers. Depending on the concentration of binder resins, mineral wool products of medium and high hardness (plates), as well as soft products (rolls, granules, mats) are distinguished. Rigid slabs do not deform under their own weight and can be installed on vertical structures.

Due to the ability of the plates to retain their original shape, the formation of cracks in the heat-insulating layer is prevented. Soft insulation, laid on horizontal surfaces, tightly adjoin the structures, without forming gaps at the joints between them. Under mechanical stress, such materials are compressed, and then straightened, returning the previous volume. This makes it possible to fill hard-to-reach and hollow sections of buildings with stone wool.

Good soundproof performance

Due to the chaotic arrangement of the threads inside the mineral wool, sound and shock vibrations are suppressed. One of the manufacturers manufacturing soundproof boards, where stone wool serves as the basis, is TechnoNIKOL company. Using such material for the insulation of external walls, it is possible to protect the premises from street noise.

If the material is laid on interfloor floors or internal partitions, this allows you to effectively soundproof neighboring rooms. The walls of the loggia, where stone wool has become a heater, absorb street noise more intensively, keeping the apartment calm.

Vapor permeability

Stone wool is treated with water repellents that prevent moisture droplets from sticking to microscopic fibers. Moisture vapor passes between the threads without condensing on their surface, therefore, under natural vapor pressure in the direction from the living quarters to the outside, removal excess moisture. Due to this process, structures insulated with mineral wool remain dry. In the premises of an insulated house, the likelihood of dampness and mold formation is reduced, the air becomes cleaner.

Since the gas molecules pass through the entire thickness of the mineral wool, their continuous circulation leads to a partial purification of the atmosphere in the house. Carbon dioxide goes outside and enters the building fresh air. Thanks to this, the microclimate improves, it becomes more comfortable in residential premises.

This is true if your house insulated with basalt wool does not have intensive use in winter. If your home is constantly heated, then in winter, when there are strong negative temperatures, vapor condensation is possible at the junction of a warm inner surface wall and its cold exterior. The so-called “dew point” is formed precisely in the insulation. Despite the fact that stone wool is subjected to destruction with great resistance, we strongly advise you not to skimp and use vapor barrier membranes.

Stone wool cons

  • Vapor barrier and wind protection required “Stone wool needs its own protection. A vapor barrier film protecting it from the side of the room will help save the insulation. The windscreen will keep the material from blowing out and getting moisture from rain or snow on it.
  • high thermal conductivity - By thermal insulation properties stone wool loses to material such as. The owner will have to increase the thickness of the basalt fiber insulation in order to equalize the performance. .
  • crumbles - during the installation process, the fiber is slightly destroyed, as a result of which small particles enter the room creating stone dust. A regular respirator will help protect employees, but it’s not pleasant to work in such conditions. In small quantities, the effect of the formation of dust particles can occur during operation. As a conclusion, isolation of the material itself and work with the use of protective equipment are required.

  • caking - stone wool has a significant weight and during long storage it compacts under its own weight. The caking results in a loss of thermal conductivity. Moreover, compacted basalt wool is more susceptible to destructive processes. Another negative point, caked stone wool will have to be strengthened by resorting to additional fasteners, which will lead to an increase in cost. installation work.

The economic benefit from the use of basalt thermal insulation is that during the operation of the building, heat loss and, as a result, heating costs are reduced. The main structures acquire good protection from freezing and temperature changes, so they do not require large repair costs and become more durable. Manufacturers claim a 50-year warranty on the material.

The rigidity of the material.

We are used to seeing hard slabs of stone fiber on the shelves. However, stone wool is often soft and packaged in rolls. Soft stone wool is used in places where there is no strong mechanical load. The soft version is perfect for well masonry. Often, builders insulate ventilated facades with soft basalt wool, not exceeding four floors.

The latest developments in modern construction make it possible to achieve best results and get a versatile material that can protect against adverse external environmental influences. One of these is stone basalt wool. More on this later.

General description of the specified product

It's pretty popular stuff. It is obtained by pressing stone basalt rocks and hydrophobic binders. This process is not that complicated. Stone, or basalt, wool is a durable, fire-resistant, wear-resistant material. It is used in the construction of residential and public buildings, as well as kindergartens. The material has the highest performance characteristics and is carried out according to the quality standard in accordance with GOST.

Technical description

Stone wool is a type of mineral wool. The main advantage of this insulation is that it is an environmentally friendly material, as it is made from molten rocks of gabbro-basalt. Even in ancient times, local residents noticed the fact of a volcanic eruption, in the remains of which strong and long fibers were found. Based on this, basalt wool was later invented. This is valid data.

The components that make up this insulation (stone wool) are various binders. They hold fibers together. These include synthetic, bituminous, composite binders and bentonite clay). These components give the product desired density and form.

Properties and characteristics of stone wool

In this regard, there are many interesting things. Namely:

  • This heater is easy to transport. This material is produced mainly in slabs. The product is delivered to the construction site packed in polyethylene. It also simplifies storage.


Stone wool is a fairly versatile insulation, and its use is possible in various areas of construction. This material is used in the following cases:

Installation of stone wool

This process is quite simple. There are soft, hard and semi-rigid slabs stone wool. This simplifies the installation of the specified material - no special skills, specialists, or application are required. complex tools or technology. Stone wool can be glued with special construction adhesive or attached with dowels. After that, a layer of vapor barrier is laid, then you can proceed to the finish.

When working with this material, it is best to use a cotton-gauze bandage or to prevent dust from entering the respiratory tract.

The main criteria for the acquisition of this material

Do not forget that when buying this product, you should carefully review the quality certificate and check that the formaldehyde content is minimal. Well-known manufacturers of basalt wool strive to ensure that the presence of harmful impurities in this material is at the lowest level. Therefore, it is better to buy the specified insulation from companies that have already proven themselves in the construction market.


Basalt, or stone, wool is a product obtained by melting rocks with the addition of binder mixtures. This insulation is an environmentally friendly material, safe for human health and the environment. However, it contains formaldehyde and phenol. During the melt process, these additives evaporate from the total composition of the insulation. Stone about which have a positive character, is an excellent material and is popular in the construction and repair industry.

Among all varieties of mineral wool, stone wool is especially popular. This heater not only provides high level protection against temperature losses, but also has unsurpassed soundproofing properties. All this determines the wide scope of its use.

High quality natural insulation

The very name of the insulation seems to contain some kind of contradiction, because the stone is associated with something solid, dense, heavy and high-strength, while cotton wool is something light, porous, airy. But this insulation really manages to combine a low mass with a high level of resistance to mechanical stress and external influences of a different nature.

Such characteristics are due to the specific origin of stone wool slabs. The insulation is based on volcanic rocks (mainly basalt, as well as diabase and porphyrite), which are melted by TechnoNIKOL specialists at a temperature of 1500 degrees. Further, this plastic mass of future stone wool is sent to a centrifuge, where, as a result of exposure to a strong air flow, it is converted into fine fibers. Then binders are added to them, providing a single structure of the insulation, and a water repellent. Thanks to the latter, stone wool acquires water-repellent properties, which are very important for thermal insulation of external walls.

Due to a special corrugator, the basalt fibers of the material are pressed into a web, sent to the polymerization chamber, where it hardens at a 200-degree temperature, acquiring the final form and the desired characteristics. At the final stage, with the help of cutting equipment, stone wool insulation is divided into blocks, the dimensions of which can vary over a wide range.

Key properties of insulation

One of the most important indicators characterizing the insulation is the acidity module. It reflects the ratio between acidic oxides (substances with a fairly high resistance) and basic oxides (substances with a higher activity) contained in stone wool. Accordingly, the higher this indicator, the less susceptible to external negative influences and the more durable the material will be.

Most of the TechnoNIKOL insulation products have a high acidity modulus, which determines the widespread use of this material in modern construction. In addition, stone wool has the following positive properties:

  • Effective thermal insulation. Practically a reference insulation is stone wool, the price of which allows it to be used both for the walls of private residential buildings and for industrial-scale buildings. High resistance to heat transfer can be achieved due to the fact that the closely intertwined fibers of the material hold a large volume of air in a stationary state;
  • Removal of moisture from the walls. Traditional heaters cannot stand the effects of water, and when wet, they lose a significant part of their thermal insulation qualities. A material such as stone wool behaves quite differently. This insulation has a high vapor permeability, however, it practically does not retain moisture coming from the room, remaining dry. This is due to the use of stone rocks in the manufacture of material slabs, as well as additional processing with water-repellent solutions carried out by TechnoNIKOL;
  • Quality sound absorption. The fibrous structure is the key to the excellent acoustic and sound insulation characteristics of the material. That is why stone wool insulation for walls, the price of which depends on the type of rock, the density of the material, the type of binder and other factors, is so in demand in housing construction.

This material has a lot of advantages, which determine its wide distribution and use. However, stone wool also has some disadvantages. True, most often they are associated either with the acquisition of low-quality insulation, or with improper installation of plates or violation of operating rules.

So, among the potential disadvantages of stone wool can be identified:

  • Negative impact on health. This can be avoided by using protective clothing and special equipment when working with insulation. And also obligatory is plastering or facing of stone wool;
  • Insulation tracking over time during operation on vertical structures. The solution lies in the careful and even fixing of the boards on the bearing surface;
  • The need for mandatory use of a vapor barrier layer to protect stone wool from the side of the room.

Safety is above all

One of critical issues that require a solution when insulating walls with stone-based slabs is to ensure a high level of fire safety. Measures taken in this regard sometimes lead to a significant increase in the price of work. However, the use of the TechnoNIKOL product makes it possible to eliminate such a problem.

Thermal insulation for the walls of this brand is made from basalt rocks, which makes it absolutely incombustible, the melting temperature of the fibers exceeds 1 thousand degrees. It is important to note that even when heated, the material does not emit any harmful substances and poisonous gases.

Attention! High-quality insulation not only does not ignite itself, but also prevents the spread of heat generated during a fire, protecting wall and roof structures from deformation and destruction. Due to this, it is possible to gain additional time for evacuation, the cost of which in emergency situations is extremely high.

The meaning of density indicators

When choosing a material from TechnoNIKOL, it is necessary to pay attention to a number of key indicators that affect the features of its further application. Be sure to take into account the density, which may be as follows:

  1. 30-50 kilograms per cubic meter - mineral wool, which looks like soft fluff, supplied in bags or in rolled rolls, but does not form the usual plates. Its use is mainly in the arrangement of thermal insulation of horizontally oriented planes located indoors, that is, reliably protected from negative external influences. Under load, the material is able to compress to half of its original volume;
  2. 75 kilograms per cubic meter - stone wool of a semi-rigid type with a higher density, designed to insulate the horizontal planes of buildings. Has the ability to decrease under pressure by 20 percent;
  3. 125 kilograms per cubic meter - a medium-hard insulation with suitable characteristics for its use on horizontal and vertical house structures. The level of its compressibility, laid down by the manufacturer TechnoNIKOL, does not exceed 12 percent;
  4. 150-175 kilograms per cubic meter - a material that has a very high rigidity and is supplied to the market in a slab format. Provides high-quality insulation of walls and roof structures. A distinctive feature is the minimum level of compressibility under load, which is approximately 2 percent;
  5. 200 kilograms per cubic meter - mineral wool slabs of the elite category, characterized by super strength, due to which it is able to withstand pressure up to 12 MPa.

The high level of strength and density contributes to the presence of the following significant qualities in the material:

  • Its shape persists over time;
  • Does not deform and practically does not shrink;
  • Can withstand quite significant loads.

Varieties and forms of production of TechnoNIKOL stone wool

This thermal insulation material Due to the high level of quality, it is used extremely widely. However, not in every situation it is convenient to use a heater made in the form of a traditional plate. For example, when thermal insulation of pipes or large surfaces is performed, the material in this form will not work. Therefore, TechnoNIKOL produces stone wool insulation, the price of which is quite affordable, in the following formats:

  • In the form of rolls and mats, which are used mainly for the insulation of walls, roofs, ceilings between floors, as well as structures that do not have significant loads. This is due to the fact that the material produced in this form does not have a high density;
  • In the form of basalt-based slabs with a density of up to 220 kilograms per cubic meter. Excellent performance and affordable price insulation provide a wider scope of its application. Such wool is suitable for laying under a screed of concrete mortar, on roofs where it is planned to arrange a parking lot for vehicles, as well as in other places that involve high loads;
  • In the form of cylinders with holes inside - perfect option for carrying out heat-insulating works with pipes.

The TechnoNIKOL company produces stone wool insulation, the characteristics, the price of which differ significantly, in a wide range:

  • Rocklight is one of the most popular types of insulation, characterized by almost complete versatility and focused on performing the most diverse thermal insulation work. It is made in the form of plates, the dimensions of which are 1 thousand or 1.2 thousand millimeters in length, 500 or 600 millimeters in width, and 50 or 60 millimeters in thickness. The material has fairly average density, vapor permeability, and thermal conductivity. The undoubted advantage of this type is very attractive prices, which allow you to equip high-quality thermal insulation without a significant increase in the budget.
  • Technolight is another type of material, which differs from the previous version primarily in lighter weight. The dimensions of the stone wool insulation of this model are generally similar to Rocklite, however, the thickness of the plates can vary from 40 to 200 millimeters. The material does not have a high density, so it is most rational to use it in places where it does not have to experience a significant load: between floor joists, when arranging attic ceilings, partitions, walls.
  • Technoblock - insulation boards with a density of 40-50 kilograms per cubic meter, which makes it possible to use them both in internal works, and when finishing facades, roofs. Excellent quality and low price makes this insulation option one of the most attractive offers on the market.
  • Technovent is a specific type of insulation boards with a high density (within 72-88 kilograms per cubic meter) and is mainly intended for use in the arrangement of the heat-insulating layer of ventilated facades.
  • Technoflor is the top of the TechnoNIKOL stone wool range. The material has an increased level of density (up to 185 kilograms per cubic meter) and a thickness in the range from 20 to 150 millimeters.


This heat-insulating material, due to its high performance, and also due to the fact that its price is quite low, is used for warming a wide variety of building structures ranging from partitions with walls and ending with ceilings and roofs. It is able to withstand prolonged use in conditions where it is simply irrational to use other types of heaters for the reason that their service life will be extremely short.

Attention! The indisputable advantage of stone wool is that it can be used without any problems in those rooms where there is always a high level of humidity, in particular, baths, saunas, swimming pools.

It is difficult to find a more suitable material for the thermal insulation of the facades of the most different types ranging from ventilated, hinged and ending with such a specific option as wet facades. Stone wool perfectly combines with sandwich panels and walls, the laying of which is made according to the layered principle.

The versatility of the insulation is also manifested in the fact that it is excellent for minimizing temperature losses in pipelines. This is primarily due to the fact that this material easily tolerates the effects of extreme temperatures in the range from -100 to +1 thousand degrees. Not the last role in the choice of stone wool is played by its low price, thanks to which it is possible to significantly reduce the cost of thermal insulation works large-scale projects.

High density and resistance to deformation makes it possible to use such plates in places where the influence of high mechanical loads is expected. Therefore, this insulation is perfect for use in private, multi-storey and industrial construction.

When carrying out works on thermal insulation of ventilated facades, it is advisable to use two-layer stone wool slabs. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that each layer has different density indicators: a softer and looser layer is directed towards the wall, and a denser one is directed outward. Thus, it is possible to achieve high-quality insulation and provide effective ventilation.

Now on Russian market there are many types of modern thermal insulation materials. One of them is stone wool, which has long been used as a heater and enjoys well-deserved popularity. It is this type that will be discussed in the proposed review.

Stone wool as a wall insulation is used when it is required to create thermal insulation in various building structures. It can effectively insulate the ceiling, wall, roof.

Stone wool as insulation

Features and characteristics of this material

The basis for the manufacture of this insulation is rock. It is exposed to high temperatures, which leads to the formation of fibers. If we talk about the characteristics of this material, then this implies many parameters on which the properties of the insulation depend. Among them are the following indicators:

  • The ability to conduct heat. In this regard, the material has a high efficiency. This is ensured by its structure, porosity and airiness. It has been scientifically proven that air is the best barrier to heat loss. The structure of the material is such that a large amount of air is surrounded by its fibers. The purchaser of stone wool as a bonus receives a high fire safety material and good environmental performance.
  • Hydrophobicity. In the characteristics of any material for thermal insulation, an important indicator is resistance to moisture. If it absorbs moisture, then its properties will deteriorate significantly, it simply will not be able to fully fulfill its purpose. Stone wool is characterized by high resistance to moisture. Its fibers are not able to get wet. In order to improve these properties, they arrange a "pie", which includes a layer to isolate the steam.

Insulation resistance to moisture
  • Density indicators of stone wool for insulation facade walls is essential and affects the properties of thermal insulation.
  • It is important to maintain the thickness structure during construction work.

This circumstance is dictated by the following requirements:

  • loss of the shape of the insulation leads to a deterioration in its qualities;
  • material settling under its own weight is not allowed;
  • the material over the entire surface must maintain its uniformity.

How to insulate stone wool fits well into the framework of all these requirements. This is achieved due to the following features:

  • Threads are located in different directions. As a result, the material cannot wrinkle and settle.
  • The fibrous structure has good rigidity and flexibility. It is characterized by the preservation of the form in "memory".
  • The fibers are bound by synthetic components. This prevents tearing and loss of shape. Usually, phenol-formaldehyde resins are used as such components. It promotes the connection of fibers, which results in obtaining a carpet. required thickness. To give the material water-repellent properties, it is treated with mineral oil.
  • High density does not allow even slight deformation of the material.
  • According to the thickness of the thermal insulation layer, stone wool is divided into soft, semi-rigid and hard types. They have letter designation which can be read on the packaging.
  • In addition, stone wool has good sound insulation performance.

The thermal conductivity of stone wool ranges from 0.032-0.048 W / mK. This best performance heat retention properties similar to Styrofoam and rubber foam.

Popular brands of stone wool

Currently, a large number of manufacturers are engaged in the production of stone wool. It is impossible to list all of them within the framework of this short review, but it is necessary to dwell on the top three in more detail without fail.

rockwoo. This manufacturer occupies a leading position in the popularity rating. With the help of this insulation, facades are finished to limit heat loss and combat noise. You can also insulate the floor, frame walls, roof. The release form is mats, plates and cylinders. The material is produced in various series. There is a cached insulation using aluminum foil and wire made of of stainless steel. There are over 10 episodes in total. The cost of the material is very different and depends on the thickness and on what it is intended for. The price qualification starts from about 1000 rubles.

Stone wool Rockwool

TechnoNIKOL . The basis for its manufacture is basalt rocks. They insulate the roof, facades, exterior and interior elements of the building. In addition, insulation of interfloor ceilings is carried out. The price is determined by the thickness, dimensions and purpose. It costs a little less than the previous version.

Stone wool produced by TechnoNIKOL

Paroc. This type of insulation is made in Finland. It has a very wide area of ​​application. The form of release are plates and mats. The cost of the material is different, depending on the size and purpose, but close to the previous version.

All such products are subject to mandatory certification. Therefore, in order to avoid fakes, it is necessary to purchase material only at trusted outlets, and it is imperative to require the seller to present a certificate for the products.

How to carry out external wall insulation with stone wool on your own?

To independently carry out the insulation of the facade with the help of this heater, you will need to perform a number of specific actions. First you need to prepare the necessary tools:

  • Scraper, metal brush, rubber brush. They will be required to prepare the surface of the walls.
  • Roulette, level, drill, fixing material for mounting the frame on the facade of the house.

Before insulation, everything superfluous is removed from the wall surface. We are talking about foreign objects, pieces of reinforcement, nails and other elements.

Preparation of walls and frame for insulation on the facade of the house

This is necessary to avoid damage to the insulation. If this happens, condensation will form. As a result, metal structural elements will be subject to corrosion processes. If there is mold on the surface, then it is removed.

Before sticking the insulation, the wall is primed. This will improve the adhesion. Sometimes a crate is made of metal. You can attach it with dowels. Insulation is placed between the crate and the surface. When gluing, use the adhesive that is intended for mineral wool or glass wool. Lubricate both sides of the surface of the insulation with glue. Inner side is glued to the wall, and a building reinforcing mesh is fixed from the outside.

  • It is necessary to provide protection against rodents. For this purpose, a metal cornice is laid down the wall. This achieves another positive point. The insulation will lie more evenly.
  • The back side of the insulation is lubricated with polymer glue. With it, the material is fixed to the wall. You can strengthen the fixation with plastic dowels. During installation, it is necessary to ensure that there are no gaps between the plates.
  • If there are irregularities on the surface after installation, they are eliminated with a sanding brush.
  • Then a windproof film is applied and several layers of primer are applied.

If the insulation is carried out in a similar way, in addition, you can get some nice bonuses:

  • The wall is strengthened, protected from excessive wind loads.
  • If thermal insulation is carried out from the outside, then you can save internal space.
  • Using stone wool for exterior walls, you can change the design of the facade, add a few unusual solutions in design.

Insulation with stone wool from the inside

In cases where it is impossible to carry out the insulation of the facade, the room is thermally insulated from the inside. In this case, a profile made of wood or metal is necessarily used. The insulation structure will also consist of stone wool, putty and drywall.

All work is carried out in several stages:

  • The crate is installed on the wall.
  • Insulation is laid in the space formed by the wall and the crate.
  • Performing finishing works.

Using wooden slats for stone wool partitions, they are pre-varnished. This will provide protection from adverse environmental factors.

Wooden crate for partition walls with insulation

If metal guides are used, then their installation is carried out in such a way that the recesses look to the left. This is necessary for greater reliability of fixing the insulation. To create an air gap between the material and the wall, a gap of 20 mm is left. This can be achieved if the adhesive is applied to the surface in a dotted manner.

Metal crate for insulation

It is easy to see that such work is not associated with any particular complexity. The main thing is that the implementation of all stages be accurate and consistent. In this case, you will not have to regret the expended forces and means. The home will be warm, cozy and comfortable.

After the installation of the insulation structure is completed, vapor barrier is performed. Double sided tape is used to fix it. At the final stage, finishing is performed. Most often, drywall is used for this purpose. Then it should be patched. In this case, a framing mesh is used. After grouting, eliminating irregularities, you can proceed to the decorative finish.


The use of stone wool as a heater allows you to solve many problems at once, the main of which is the preservation of heat in the house.

Stone wool insulation is one of the proven methods of performing work that reduces heat energy losses, both when laying insulation on the outside of the building and on the inside.

Stone wool is a fibrous heat-insulating material made from silicate melts of rocks and volcanic rocks, as well as basalt.

Stone wool has a number of advantages in comparison with other types of insulation, which determine the scope of its use and the variety of places of application.

Description, types and features of production

Stone wool is produced, as already mentioned above, from melts of various rocks. The most common type of stone wool is a material made on the basis of basalt, such insulation is also called "basalt wool".

Stone wool is made in special furnaces, in which natural rocks of mountain, volcanic origin or the same basalt are melted at high temperatures.

The rock in the liquid state is drawn into fibers, to which binding components are added, after which the threads (fibers) are treated with special solutions that improve specifications the resulting product.

After that, the threads are thermally processed again, as a result of which their polycondensation occurs and the insulation is formed in the specified geometric dimensions.

When forming stone wool slabs, resins based on phenol and formaldehyde are used.

Types of stone wool

Depending on the stiffness of the resulting insulation, basalt wool is classified as:

  • Soft.
  • Medium hardness.
  • Rigid.

The soft type of stone wool is made from fibers of the smallest thickness, which, when formed into a slab, create a large number of air cavities that determine the product's ability to retain heat.

This type of insulation is prone to destruction under the influence of external mechanical loads, therefore it is used in the construction of roofs, ceilings, floors and other building structures, which, when finishing sewn up with other materials.

The material of medium hardness is made of thicker and, accordingly, stiffer fibers, which allows it to be used for insulation of facades, engineering structures (ventilation and cable ducts, heating mains), as well as other types of work (sound and fire safety) at similar facilities.

Rigid type of stone wool, used in places where there are significant mechanical loads.
Products of this type are placed under concrete screed and plaster directly on their surface with a reinforcing layer device.

Stone wool is produced in the form of slabs (medium hardness and hard type) and rolls (soft type), as well as special cylinders used for thermal insulation of pipelines.

Main technical characteristics

The characteristics that define physical properties stone wool are:

  1. Thermal conductivity.
    The ability to transmit heat through its surface. The thermal conductivity coefficient for this type of insulation is from 0.032 to 0.048 W / (m * K), depending on the type and raw materials used.
  2. Hydrophobicity.
    The ability to absorb moisture. For this material, this figure is less than 2 percent of the volume of the product, which indicates that stone wool practically does not absorb water and can be used in rooms with a humid environment (bathrooms and showers, kitchens and bath rooms as well as basements and exterior finishes).
  3. Vapor permeability.
    The ability to pass substances in the vapor state. The vapor permeability coefficient for stone wool is 0.3 mg / (m * h * Pa). With the penetration of water vapor on the surface of the insulation, condensate does not form, moisture is not absorbed into the structure of the material.
  4. Fire resistance.
    The ability to resist the spread of flames. Stone wool is not combustible material, which does not support combustion. The material is able to withstand high temperature, above 1000 * C, while not melting and preventing the spread of fire.
  5. Soundproofing.
    Stone wool is a good sound insulator that can dampen sound waves.
  6. Strength.
    Due to the fact that the insulation is made of a large number threads, even soft-type products have a certain margin of safety, and medium-hard and hard ones can withstand significant external mechanical loads.
  7. Resistance to chemically active substances and biological organisms.
    This material is chemically passive. It does not enter into chemical reactions with materials (wood, metal, plastic, etc.) and is not susceptible to the formation of microorganisms and mold, and is also not affected by rodents.
  8. Environmental Safety.
    Although resins based on phenol and formaldehyde are used in the production of stone wool, their number is small, given material considered environmentally safe, moreover, in the production process, these substances are neutralized.
  9. Geometric dimensions.
    The thickness of the sheets (roll) is a multiple of 50.0 mm, while this value is the minimum possible, and the maximum produced size is 200.0 mm. When selling stone wool in rolls, its length can be 10.0 m (depending on the thickness), and its width can be 1.2 meters. When sold in slabs, the size is 1000x1200 mm.

Stone wool: application

This material is universal, due to its technical characteristics.

In construction, stone wool is used for:

  • installation of ventilated facades of buildings for various purposes;
  • insulation of building structures both inside and outside buildings;
  • warming engineering communications and elements of buildings made of various materials;
  • for isolation of fire-hazardous zones and objects that normally operate at high temperatures;
  • for soundproofing objects and buildings for various purposes.

Is there any harm to health during installation

The rules of work and safety measures, as well as possible negative impacts on the health of a person working with stone wool, are regulated by the Interstate Standard “GOST 9573-2012 Heat-insulating mineral wool slabs on a synthetic binder. Specifications».

The very basis of the insulation (natural breeds used) are safe substances, but resins containing phenol and formaldehyde in their composition are potential sources of danger to human health, while different researchers give completely contradictory conclusions on this matter.

It is believed that due to a special production technology that ensures the neutralization of harmful substances, as well as their low content per unit volume of insulation, stone wool is an environmentally friendly material.

Stone dust formed on the surface of the insulation has a negative impact on human health if it enters the respiratory tract. In this regard, when working with stone wool, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment - respirators, masks and protective gloves.

How to choose stone wool

When choosing stone wool, it is necessary to pay attention to the peculiarities of performing work with its use, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this insulating material.

Features of use

The criteria for choosing stone wool are:

  • Compliance of technical characteristics with the place of use and destination.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Price.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of using stone wool determine its technical characteristics, these are:

  • Excellent thermal insulation parameters.
  • Good soundproof characteristics.
  • Fire safety.
  • Versatility of use.
  • resistance to chemicals, microorganisms and rodents.
  • Small degree of water absorption.
  • Long terms of operation.
  • Environmental Safety.
  • Ease of installation work.

Disadvantages are also present, but they are much less than advantages, these are:

  • Relatively high cost.
  • During installation, dust is present, which adversely affects human health.
  • When performing installation work, it is necessary to seal the joints between individual sheets (strips) of insulation.

Installation work

When installing stone wool, a lot depends on right choice the type of material used (soft, medium hardness, hard) and its suitability for the place of application.

When mounting on various building elements and structures, it is necessary to follow general recommendations doing the work, somehow:

  • When insulating a roof with a significant slope, it is necessary to use stone wool with a thickness of at least 150 mm and a density of 40 kg/m3.
  • During construction interior partitions, the density of the insulation must be at least 50 kg / m3, which will ensure both thermal insulation and sound insulation in the required parameters.
  • When installing a ventilated facade or insulation outer wall, it is necessary to use plates with a thickness of at least 100 mm, with a density of at least 80 kg/m3.
  • When using stone wool when installing a ventilated facade, it is better to use two types of insulation stacked on top of each other. At the same time, loose, having a lower density, fits to the surface of the wall, and more dense - outside.

Installation of stone wool is carried out in the following sequence:

  • On the surface to be insulated (wall, interfloor overlap) a vapor barrier or waterproofing (floor) is installed.
  • A frame is mounted, in the internal space of which a heater will be laid.
  • The frame can be made of lumber (timber, edged board) or galvanized perforated profile.
  • To fasten the frame to the surface to be insulated, nails, expansion anchors or anchor bolts are used that correspond to the material of the surface to be insulated.
  • The elements of the frame are interconnected by self-tapping screws and connecting elements(perforated corners, plates, etc.).
  • The step of the frame guides corresponds to the width of the insulation.
  • Basalt wool is laid in the frame, using special adhesive compositions(liquid, dry mixtures or gas-filled) applied to the insulated surface or insulation.
  • When laying the insulation, it is pressed against the surface to be insulated.
  • With a vertical arrangement of sheets (strips), the insulation is fixed with special expansion dowels with a wide cap (fungi).
  • Joints of sheets and strips of insulation are sealed mounting foam and special adhesive tapes.
  • After the installation of the insulation is completed, the waterproofing is laid. Finishing coat is being installed.

When laying stone wool, you will need cutting tool(construction knife), by means of which sheets (strips) are cut to the required length and textured elements are cut out on the surface to be insulated.

The use of stone wool as an insulating material has become quite widespread due to its availability, good technical performance and the ability to perform work using it on its own, without the involvement of qualified personnel.