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Where the arctic fox lives is a natural zone. Arctic fox (Polar fox). Lifestyle and nutrition

Origin of the species and description

Arctic foxes belong to the canine family, but the actual genus of arctic foxes is represented by only one single species. These animals are often referred to as foxes, or more specifically, polar, arctic, or white foxes. Arctic foxes are divided into two types based on the color of their fur.

Video: Arctic fox

White foxes change the density and color of their fur throughout the year. In winter, they wear the snow-white most magnificent and thick fur coat - it is this that is most appreciated in the fur markets. After a long molt in spring, they become more brown and not so fluffy.

But blue foxes generally have a far from white coat color. All year round they wear a brownish, brownish or gray fur coat. From the season it changes its density.

Nature rewarded them with very thick fur and undercoat. The climate in which they live is so harsh that the only way to survive is a year-round warm coat and fat reserve. Moreover, animal hair is even on the paws, right on the fingertips. It is for this that the Arctic foxes got their name, because in translation it means "hare's paw."

Appearance and features

At first glance, Arctic foxes are most similar to foxes, only they white color. Also, these animals are shorter in stature: their legs are shorter than those of ordinary foxes, and therefore they look slightly mundane or underestimated. Arctic foxes are small animals, the largest individuals reach 9 kg, but this is rare. Mostly arctic foxes are three- or four-kilogram small animals. Outwardly, the fur makes them a little more voluminous.

The length of the body is on average about fifty to seventy centimeters, and the height of the animals is about thirty centimeters. This disproportionate ratio is a bit like the shape of the body of a dachshund. Such a body structure allows the animal to spend heat more economically, and it is located lower to the ground, where there are less winds.

The fox tail is very beautiful. It grows up to thirty centimeters in length, and the fur is covered with the same lush and thick fur as the body.

The muzzle of the animal is different from the fox, it is short and wide, while very compact, and the ears are also short and rounded. Such a difference is necessary in living conditions, this excludes the possibility of frostbite of too long a part of the body. So in foxes everything is compact and covered with a fur coat, and they also have well-developed sense organs: good hearing and excellent sense of smell.

Arctic fox eyes have an interesting device: they are covered with a protective layer from too bright light, which can be reflected from snowy surfaces on clear days. However, polar foxes are not endowed with sharp eyesight.

Where does the fox live?

Arctic foxes inhabit the north pole and the latitudes of the tundra and forest-tundra around it. Moreover, they live on all northern islands, continents and even drifting ice floes. White foxes mainly inhabit the territories of contingents: North America, northern Europe and Asia. But blue foxes prefer the adjacent islands, and on the mainland they can be found quite rarely.

Arctic foxes are adapted to such a harsh northern climate, polar nights and frosts. However, they are dependent on food. And, in case of a shortage of prey, they can change their place of residence, making huge distances. The arctic fox is able to run almost a hundred kilometers in a day with its shortened paws on permafrost and snow. So animals are not tied to a specific habitat and are always ready to change their place to a more satisfying one.

According to the habitat, it is customary to highlight several subspecies of the arctic fox:

  • Arctic foxes living on the island of Iceland, besides them there are no more mammals, they are given the name Alopex lagopus fuliginosus.
  • Arctic foxes of Bering Island. This subspecies stands out among relatives with its dark fur. Not everyone knows such foxes, because they are not white at all, but closer to black. In addition, the largest individuals belong to this subspecies. Their name is Alopex lagopus beringensis.
  • One of the rarest subspecies is the Mednovsky foxes, from the name of the habitat, Medny Island. Of these, only about a hundred individuals remained.

What does the fox eat?

It is hard for such northern inhabitants to live. But they are not picky about food and are ready to get enough of what they have, so as not to die. Arctic foxes prey on small rodents, mainly lemmings. They are also attracted to bird eggs and the chicks themselves. Baby marine animals also often become their prey. They are able to bite a small seal or walrus.

Common food for arctic foxes in the summer are some types of fish, mollusks, crustaceans, and even sea ​​urchins. From plant food, the arctic fox also consumes almost everything. There is little vegetation in the tundra, so there is no choice. The diet includes berries, scarce plants, soft branches of shrubs, algae.

They will not cope with large animals, however, if the animal died a natural death or was killed by another, larger animal, then the foxes will not disdain to eat the remains. It happens that arctic foxes specially attach themselves to or in order to finish their prey after them.

In general, the winter diet of arctic foxes for the most part consists of carrion, so carrion is more accessible. Polar foxes eat the dead marine mammals: whales, walruses, fur seals, sea otters, seals and some others. They can even satisfy their strong hunger with the droppings of ungulates. The dead individuals of the foxes themselves also serve as food for their closest brethren. In this sense, these animals have developed cannibalism.

Features of character and lifestyle

In summer, the polar fox is active for a long time - almost around the clock, which is associated with a long daylight hours. At this time of the year, he is constantly looking for food necessary to feed his family. During the summer, the Arctic fox must accumulate fat and nutrients in his body, otherwise he will not survive the cold winter. In autumn and winter, the polar fox prefers to go out in search of food at night.

In summer, animals rest mainly in their burrows, but sometimes they can relax in the open. But in winter time the arctic fox prefers to dig a new lair right in the snowdrift and hide already there. He can hide for several days in a row from a snowstorm or during severe frosts.

In general, arctic foxes are very well adapted to tundra conditions. But even despite the adaptability to harsh conditions, every autumn animals roam along the sea coasts or rivers towards the south? to the most conformal regions, which may be several hundred kilometers away. In the spring they gradually return back.

The family structure is very reminiscent of foxes. They can also stay alone in winter, although very often they gather in several pieces around large prey. And in the spring they already form pairs, and then bring up the offspring by joint efforts.

By nature, arctic foxes are cautious and unnecessarily prefer not to take risks. At the same time, they are characterized by perseverance and even arrogance. When meeting with larger predators, they do not run away, but simply move away for some distance, and if possible, they try to snatch a piece from its prey. In general, arctic foxes combine both strategies for finding food - both active hunting and freeloading.

You can often see how polar bear eats, and at this time he is surrounded by several arctic foxes, waiting for their turn. In those places where arctic foxes are not hunted, animals are not afraid of humans and calmly approach their homes. They are quite resourceful. For example, hungry foxes can enter human homes or barns, where food is often stolen. They can also steal food from dogs.

Social structure and reproduction

Arctic foxes are monogamous animals. Almost always they form strong couples and live in families. Each family usually includes two adults - a male and a female, their cubs of the current litter in the amount of three to ten puppies, and sometimes a few more young females from the past litter. Some animals can live in colonies of several families. Very often, females bring up adopted children. Sometimes two or three families can join in neighboring burrows connected by a passage.

Typically, the area of ​​​​the habitat of a family of arctic foxes is from 2 to 30 square kilometers. However, in famine years, polar foxes can run far beyond their territory, up to tens of kilometers.

Before having offspring, adult arctic foxes dig minks for themselves. A place for a hole is always chosen on elevated places, since on the plain there is a risk of flooding with melt water. Usually burrows dig in soft soil, among stones, which are needed for protection. A well-placed burrow suitable for breeding offspring can be passed down by foxes from generation to generation. But more often the old mink is abandoned by the new generation, and a new depression is built next to it. It is often associated with parental home tunnel. Sometimes you can find whole labyrinths, reaching 50-60 entrances.

These animals reach sexual maturity by nine or eleven months. In March or early April, female foxes begin estrus, which usually lasts no more than two weeks. At this time, a period called the hunt passes. During the period when the female can become pregnant, there are fights between male rivals. By fighting, they draw the attention of the female to themselves. The male's flirting can also occur in another way: he runs in front of the chosen one with a stick, with a bone, or with another object in his teeth.

Pregnancy usually lasts 52 days, but this value can range from 49 to 56 days. Toward the end, when the pregnant female feels that she will soon give birth, usually this happens in 2 weeks, she begins to prepare a dwelling - digs a new hole, clears the old one of the leaves. If for some reason there is no hole, then it can give birth in the bushes. From the moment the female brings out the cubs, the male polar fox becomes the only earner for the whole family.

The female takes full care of the offspring. For about 10 weeks, little puppies are fed milk. Then, having already reached three or four weeks of age, they gradually begin to leave the hole. Mom not only feeds them, but also teaches them to hunt, teaches them to survive frosts, digging holes in snowdrifts.

Natural enemies of arctic foxes

Despite the fact that the arctic fox itself is a predator, this animal also has enemies. Cubs are especially at risk. Arctic foxes can be preyed upon by wolverines, raccoon dogs, foxes, and wolves. Occasionally, a polar bear can also attack, although more often the arctic fox is of no interest to him because of his small size.

But young foxes can become prey for birds of prey, such as:

  • White Owl;
  • golden eagle;
  • skua;
  • white-tailed eagle;
  • crow;
  • owl;
  • large types of seagulls.

But more often, polar foxes die not as victims of predators, but from starvation due to lack of food resources. Therefore, under natural conditions, the magnitude of animal mortality (as well as reproduction) varies greatly from year to year. Also limiting factors are diseases, mainly scabies, distemper, arctic encephalitis and helminthiases.

For the polar fox, direct competitors in food are animals such as ermine or weasel. But these species are few in number and therefore do not cause significant damage to the fox. Also, over the past decades, a shift of the southern border of the polar fox habitat to the north has been noted. A number of scientists consider this to be a consequence of the settlement of the forest-tundra strip by the fox. But there is also an opinion that the shift is due to the effect of heat on the ground and soil, on its moisture content, which changes the duration of the snow cover, the microclimate of the burrows, and the change in the distribution of the food supply.

Population and species status

The number of arctic foxes is subject to strong fluctuations depending on the availability of food resources, especially lemmings. Animal migrations also have a great influence on the number of populations. Just as every autumn the animals inhabiting the tundra begin to roam along the sea coasts, as well as river valleys towards the south, and return back in the spring, not all animals withstand migration, and some of them die, especially in famine years.

In the tundra zone, in different years, the number can range from several tens of thousands of individuals to several hundred thousand animals. Arctic foxes are most numerous in the Bolshezemelsky, Yenisei, Ustyansky, Yamal, Lena tundras.

In the past, people hunted Arctic foxes a lot because of their beautiful coats. This led to a significant decline in numbers. Therefore, today the hunting season is strictly regulated - it is limited autumn period, and only adults can be harvested. And the smallest, and endangered, with a very small number, the Commander subspecies of the blue fox (aka the Mednovsky fox) has the status of an endangered species and is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

fox protection

Currently, active work is underway to increase the number of polar foxes. Feeding animals during the hungry period is organized. Due to the easy domestication of arctic foxes, they began to be bred in captivity. The leaders in selection and captive breeding of arctic foxes are Finland and Norway.

The honey fox listed in the Red Book of Russia is protected in the Commander Biosphere Reserve. The fishing of the Mednovsky Arctic fox was completely stopped in the 60s. Sometimes attempts are made to treat sick fox puppies for infections, which leads to an increase in their survival rate.

In order to prevent and reduce the death of animals in the winter, as well as during the breakup of broods, attempts were made to limit the importation of dogs to Medny Island, as well as attempts to create a nursery for breeding polar foxes of this species in captivity.

- home for polar foxes. Frosts, snow, cold rocks, arctic beaches of the Arctic Ocean for snow-white beauties - a familiar habitat, where it is not always satisfying, but free. This smallest representative of the canine family lives in all the polar regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Almost a third of the life of an arctic fox passes at temperatures below zero. But they perfectly adapted to the harsh conditions of the Arctic. The fox is very similar to the fox. The main difference is a more overweight body, a shortened muzzle and short paws.

The thermal insulation properties of animal fur are unique and protect against cold even in 50 ° frost. Arctic foxes change color depending on the season. In summer, they have a dark brown color on the back and sides, turning into off-white on the belly. For the winter, these cunning hunters dress in a luxurious fluffy snow-white fur coat with a black nose button. By the way, among the northern peoples, the most skillful and vigilant hunter is considered to be the one who can track down the Arctic fox precisely by this black spot. On some islands (Kildin, Kuriles) so-called "blue" arctic foxes with a light coffee, brown or gray-blue tint are often found. The name "blues" is not associated with a specific coloration, but rather with the fact that they are quite rare. For the withdrawal of offspring, females are looking for a place for a lair. Most often it is a sandy hill.

In permafrost conditions, it is easiest to dig a hole in it, dry and reliable. But such hills are rare in the tundra, so many arctic foxes are looking for comfortable spot in crevices of rocks or among stones. Most puppies are born in May - June. Their number in the offspring directly depends on the age of the mother and her weight. In mature females, the number of born puppies is greater than in young ones (8-9 puppies on average). At the age of six months, the offspring reaches the size of adults and become capable of reproduction by spring. In summer, arctic foxes lead a settled way of life with a hunting area from 2 to 30 km 2, hunting rodents or enriching their diet with eggs, chicks and fish. In winter, they live alone, gathering only at the found carcass of a frozen deer. At this time of the year, carrion is the main food of the arctic fox. In search of food, they migrate over long distances, overcoming several thousand kilometers.

Video: Polar foxes in the face of global warming. 2009

The fox comes out of the fog! This and subsequent photos were taken by British photographer Anna Henley on the Seal River in Manitoba, Canada. She arrived in such a remote corner of the earth in the hope of photographing polar bears, but ended up spending 10 amazing days in the company of a group of inquisitive Arctic foxes.

Anna, who lives in Edinburgh, noted that the foxes were remarkably tame, given that they had little human contact. Most likely, just not a large number of contacts with a person can explain their friendliness.

The common fox, or polar fox (lat. Alopex lagopus) is a predatory mammal of the canine family, the only representative of the genus of foxes (Alopex).

Commercial fur-bearing animals, sometimes called polar foxes. In size, they are slightly smaller than real foxes. Arctic foxes are distributed throughout the tundra: to the north - to the coast of the ocean and to the south - to the northern border of the forest.

Arctic foxes are probably one of the most amazing and interesting animals of the Russian Arctic. They are also called the polar fox, since there is much in common between the arctic fox and the fox. Firstly, their muzzles are similar, with the only difference being that in the fox it is noticeably shorter; secondly, they are just as beautiful and fluffy, but their coat color is different. If the fox is fiery red with a red tint, then the fox fur can be of a wide variety of colors.


Body length 50-75 cm, tail - 25-30 cm, height at the withers - 20-30 cm. The average body weight of a male is 3.5 kg, maximum - up to 9 kg, females - 3 kg. Unlike the fox, the fox's body is squat, the muzzle is shortened; the ears are rounded, slightly protruding from the winter coat (this protects them from frostbite). The name of the species - lagopus - translated from Greek. "hare's foot": the soles of the paws of arctic foxes are covered with coarse hair. This is a protective device against freezing of the paws when moving on dense snow and ice. Rounded short ears are almost hidden in wool, which also protects them from cooling during severe frosts.

The only representative of the canine family, which is characterized by pronounced seasonal color dimorphism. By color, they distinguish between ordinary white (pure white in winter, dirty brown in summer) and blue fox. The latter has a dark winter outfit: from sandy and light coffee to dark gray with a bluish sheen and even brown with silver. The summer coat of the white polar fox is coarse and hard, the winter skin is superior in quality to the summer one - it is soft, silky and fluffy. The most valuable qualities of the fox skin acquire at the beginning of winter. Therefore, you need to hunt fox in January-February.

Blue foxes are found in all populations, but on the mainland they are rare, and on some islands, on the contrary, they prevail.

The blue fox is completely dark in both winter and summer. White hair inside contains air and creates good insulation in winter, keeping warm, just as the air between the two frames in the houses does not allow the living room to cool. The blue fox's dark hair does not have this advantage, but it does have a thicker undercoat. That is why blue foxes are valued higher in the fur trade, not only because of the beauty of the fur, but also because of its density. This is especially true for blue foxes from the Commander Islands.

Arctic fox distribution and subspecies

The Arctic fox lives in conditions of extremely low temperatures, in the Arctic. In Russia, he lives both on the mainland and on the islands of the Arctic Ocean. Also, the polar fox lives in all countries whose territories are located beyond the Arctic Circle - in Scandinavia, the USA (Alaska), the islands of the Canadian archipelago, and also in Greenland.

The Arctic fox is distributed beyond the Arctic Circle, on the coast and islands of the Arctic Ocean, in the tundra and forest-tundra zones. In Russia, it is a typical representative of the fauna of the continental tundra and forest tundra. During winter migrations, the polar fox comes to the south of Finland, the southern part of the Baikal region, and the lower reaches of the Amur.

Forms 10 subspecies. Such a weakly expressed geographic variability is due to the high mobility of the arctic fox and the constant mixing of populations.

Lifestyle and nutrition

Typical habitats for Arctic foxes are open tundras with hilly terrain. On sandy hills and coastal terraces, he digs holes, complex underground labyrinths with many (up to 60-80) entrances. The Arctic fox digs its burrow in soft soil surrounded by stones (they protect the entrance from being dug up by large predators) to the level of permafrost, deepening it as the soil thaws. Burrows are never further than half a kilometer from water. Suitable places there is not enough for the construction of holes in the tundra, therefore arctic foxes use them for years, sometimes for 15-20 years in a row, and intermittently for hundreds and even thousands of years, so that some hills are completely pitted. Less often, arctic foxes settle among placers of stones or in piles of driftwood on the coast. In winter, the arctic fox is often content with a simple den in the snow.

The fox burrow serves both as a home for the couple to raise a family and as a shelter from large predators and the cold polar climate. New burrows are usually shallow and have several exits. It has only one nest chamber. And the old burrows, in which several generations of Arctic foxes have been living, have several floors, about 50 burrows and several chambers. The size of the nesting chamber is half a meter in diameter and 0.4 meters in height. Arctic foxes do not keep their homes clean, unlike, for example, badgers. In the burrows of the polar fox, you can find droppings and leftover food. The depth of the hole depends on the level of soil freezing and permafrost.

The arctic fox is omnivorous; its diet includes about 125 animal species and 25 plant species.

It feeds on both washed ashore and caught fish, as well as plant foods: berries (blueberries, cloudberries), herbs, algae (seaweed). Does not refuse to fall. On the coast, the arctic fox often accompanies polar bears, and he gets some of the meat of the killed seals. Finally, he eats animals caught in traps, making no exception even for other arctic foxes. In summer, it stores excess food in the den for the winter.

There are cases when one polar fox ate another. This happens when one individual falls into a trap, and the other finds it by smell. Fishers quite often note cases of cannibalism in arctic foxes.

Arctic fox can wait for prey for a very long time hiding in a shelter. In this way, he hunts for lemmings, waiting for these rodents near their hole. In winter, the arctic fox, like the red fox, hunts them in the snow. Arctic foxes can smell lemmings under a layer of snow half a meter or even more. Hearing the squeak or rustle of small rodents in a snowdrift, the polar fox instantly dives and takes out prey.

Arctic foxes are most active on windless cloudy days. And on days when the cold north wind blows from the Ocean, and even with heavy rains, the beast hides in its hole.

If the amount of food in the Arctic fox habitat is sufficient, then it can stay there for a long time. A well-fed polar fox always stocks up for the winter. He buries small rodents, fish and birds in secluded places so as not to die of hunger in the cold winter. The arctic fox hides part of the reserves in its hole.

By winter, Arctic foxes grow fat, which in conditions of a cold and long winter is useful tool, since in winter there is less food, it is difficult to get rodents from under the snow compacted by winds, and hunger makes arctic foxes devour literally everything more or less edible - algae, carrion, excrement of people and animals. The lack of food is replenished during this period with a supply of subcutaneous fat.

The arctic fox has well-developed hearing and sense of smell; somewhat weaker - vision. The voice is a yapping bark. It can also growl to scare the enemy.

Social structure and reproduction

As a rule, these animals are monogamous, although sometimes (on the Commander Islands) cases of polygamy are observed. A typical fox family consists of a male, a female, young females from a previous litter, and cubs from the current year. Usually families live separately, but they can also settle in colonies of 2-3 families. The habitat area of ​​the fox family ranges from 2 to 30 km2. The polar fox spends a significant part of the year roaming in search of food. By the time of breeding, Arctic foxes return to those places from which they migrated in autumn and winter, and either occupy ready-made holes or dig new ones.

The arctic fox begins its mating games in March, less often in April. Estrus occurs in March-April and is accompanied by fights between males. Pregnancy 49-57 days; in a litter of 7-12 or more cubs (the largest number among predators). Their eyes open after 2-3 weeks. Both parents take an active part in raising the brood. Both the male and the female bring them food, play with them, take them out of the hole. Small foxes develop at a rapid pace, and after six months they catch up with their parents in size.

Parents guard holes near which their puppies play. In case of danger, they warn the babies with a deaf bark, who hastily hide and sit quietly until they hear the mother's calm voice. In addition to food (partridges, waders, lemmings), parents bring toys to the burrow for the kids: dry bones, deer antlers shed, and even wooden balls stolen from the children in the nearest tents, with which the puppies amuse themselves for hours. If the male dies, the mother drags all the cubs to the hole of another family, well provided with food, and here, together with her, feeds her offspring.

As soon as the puppies grow up, the parents leave the nest. The first to leave the family is the male, and after a while the female. And the cubs, in order not to die of hunger, begin an independent life.

White foxes are born covered with dark, smoky-brown fur, blue foxes are almost brown. Eyes open on days 9-18; at the age of six months they reach the size of their parents. They can breed as early as the next year, although they reach full development only in the second year (very rarely in the first).

Around November, massive migrations of arctic foxes to places more favorable in terms of food begin. Some of them go south into the taiga zone, where they move along freezing rivers or on ice, and sometimes they cross wide rivers that lie on their way. At the same time, some arctic foxes drown, while others are carried away with ice into the sea. In the taiga, it is easier for arctic foxes to get their own food, since there are more rodents in the forests than in the tundra, the snow is looser, it does not prevent them from attacking hares and taiga birds. Another part of the arctic foxes, living in the summer in the northern regions of the tundra, goes further north to the sea for the winter, moves to drifting ice floes and turns into freeloaders of polar bears, devouring the remains of their prey. For several winter months, nomadic arctic foxes find themselves far from their native places. They penetrate into the taiga at a distance of up to 2000 km, and along the ice of the Arctic Ocean they move more than 1000 km from the coast. Many arctic foxes become the prey of hunters or die from predators, and the survivors return to the tundra by spring, dig new holes for themselves or repair old ones, and then start breeding.

During snowstorms, Arctic foxes hide in burrows or burrow under the snow, waiting out the bad weather. They do not come out during severe frosts. They hunt on moonlit nights, at sunrise and sunset. But besides this, the polar fox can be seen jogging in search of prey and during the most beautiful phenomenon of the Arctic - the northern lights.

If the weather does not improve for a long time, snowstorms and a strong north wind rage, the arctic fox makes a hole in the snow, digs in the entrance and waits for warm days. In general, in winter, these furry animals of the Arctic almost never use underground burrows, they have enough temporary shelter in the snow.

If you see an image of a white fox, you can be sure that this is a fox, only this is a polar fox, or an arctic fox. And its more correct name is the common fox.

arctic fox

Like the fox, the arctic fox belongs to the canine family. It is really difficult for a non-specialist to distinguish a small predatory animal from a fox at first glance. All body outlines are similar, body length ranges from 50 to 75 cm, tail is half as short. The mass of male and female is approximately the same - up to 3 kg. Foxes are larger than foxes.

They also differ in the structure of the muzzle. In the polar fox, it is shorter, the ears are small, rounded and hidden in winter wool. So they are protected from frostbite.

Polar fox white form in winter fur. Snow-white wool - the perfect disguise against the background of snow.

But the main difference is the color. Foxes, like all dogs, do not have a seasonal change in coat color.
Our animals wear dirty brown fur coats in the summer, and the color changes in autumn. In white polar foxes, it becomes pure white. Blue has all shades Brown with a silvery or blue tint. That's where their name came from.

They hear very well, they also have a well-developed sense of smell. Like foxes, they make sounds in the form of yapping barks.

Where do polar foxes live

The main habitat is the zone of forest-tundra and tundra with areas of hilly terrain. During migrations in autumn, in search of food, they go far to the south into the zone of forests and taiga.

They live in earthen burrows. Burrows are dug themselves in soft sandy soils near water bodies. They get to the permafrost, the next year they dig again. Burrows are a labyrinth with many exits. They settle in the same one for years, a new couple can occupy someone else's free space. Thus, polar foxes use old dwellings for not only tens, but also hundreds of years. Often the hills in the tundra are completely covered with a network of arctic fox burrows.

In winter, sometimes they sleep, just buried in the snow.

Animals create a couple for life. In the spring, during the mating season, the males fight fiercely. After 2 months, the female gives birth to 6-12 cubs. These are the most prolific of predators.

A whole family lives in a hole: a male, a female, cubs of the last year and newborns. Both parents take care of the offspring. Six months later, young people catch up with adults in size, but they will be able to breed only next year.

Basically, their whole life is in movement from place to place in search of food.

What does the fox eat

Although the polar fox belongs to predatory animals, it is omnivorous. It has been established that in addition to 125 species of animals it eats, it also prefers 25 species of plants.

Of the animals, the main food is small rodents such as lemmings. Attacks gaping birds. It can fish itself or eat washed ashore. Does not disdain any carrion. Often arctic foxes follow in the footsteps of polar bears and eat up the remains of their feast - hunted seals. Excess food can be stored in burrows. Of the plants, they eat a lot of seaweed, other algae, and various herbs. Closer to autumn in the tundra, they feast on ripe berries - cloudberries, blueberries, blueberries.

The polar fox is a fairly common animal. Their main enemies are fox relatives, wolves, wolverines, white owls and eagles attack from birds of prey.

They live in nature for 6-10 years, but many of them die from infection with helminthic invasions and during migrations. In famine years, when there are few lemmings in the tundra, arctic foxes have to travel long distances. Here they become the prey of large predators and humans.

The common fox animal has several names. Quite often it is called the polar, arctic or "hare-footed" fox. Sometimes you can find a romantic and poetic name - "snow fox". This is a mammalian predator belonging to the Canine family. It is believed that this animal is better than others adapted to the cold and can withstand extremely low temperatures (down to -60 ° C).


Animal fox has relatively small size. It is very similar to a fox, but has a stockier body, a shorter muzzle, and wider, rounded ears. The body of the fox is elongated, its length is from 50 to 80 cm. The tail of the animal is fluffy, its length is about 30 cm. Measurements at the withers do not always reach 30 cm.

On average, males weigh about 4 kg. Weight Limit, which managed to fix, was 9 kg. Females are slightly lighter: their average weight varies within 3 kg.

The Arctic fox differs from foxes and other canids in its pronounced seasonal dimorphism of color. This means that one species, depending on the season, has a different color. By color, two subspecies of these animals are distinguished:

  1. White fox. In summer, the fur of the beast is dirty brown, by winter it becomes denser and pure white.
  2. Blue fox. In summer, the fur is grayish-brown, and by winter it acquires a smoky gray color with a bluish tint or becomes similar in color to coffee with milk.

Seasonal color changes provide perfect camouflage while hunting. In fact, the "blue" fox is not exactly a designation for the color of the fur. This suggests that the animal is rare, and meeting it in nature is a great success.

cold tolerance

The Arctic fox animal has managed to adapt to the cold through several natural improvements. First, it is the structure of the fur. The winter coat of the animal is dense and multi-layered, it perfectly retains heat. Secondly, short rounded ears protrude little above the coat, this protects them from severe frosts. Thirdly, the shortened muzzle and legs reduce heat loss. Fourthly, even the soles of the paws are covered with fur: here it is thick and hard, which prevents the animal from frostbite. Thus, nature took care of the fur-bearing animal, and the arctic fox is guaranteed not to freeze in winter in any cold.

By the way, it was the presence of hair on the soles of the paws that gave scientific name mind (lagopus). WITH Greek it is translated as "hare's paw". Therefore, the Arctic fox is sometimes called the hare-footed fox.


Since you already know that the animal easily tolerates severe frosts, it will not be difficult to guess where the arctic fox lives. Fluffy animals feel great above the Arctic Circle, inhabit the coast and islands in the Arctic Ocean, are common in the tundra and forest tundra.

In winter, the arctic fox constantly moves in search of food. It can enter the south of Finland, the Baikal region and the lower reaches of the Amur. On the territory of Russia, the arctic fox in the tundra and forest tundra is considered a typical representative of the fauna.


Arctic foxes make their homes in burrows. They dig real labyrinths with many moves and exits. Burrows are located in sandy hills or coastal terraces, but the entrance is always surrounded by stones so that larger predators cannot dig it out. Since the place where the arctic fox lives is the tundra and forest-tundra, the animal is adapted to life on an open hilly terrain.

Do you think it's easy to choose a place and dig a hole in permafrost? Arrangement in the frozen ground takes a long time. As the ground thaws, the burrow deepens. Both the blue and the white fox choose places for holes near the water (within half a kilometer). There are not so many suitable places, so the animal family uses one hole for 15-20 years. True, in winter, in search of food, one often has to move around and equip a lair in the snow. If the snow is deep and dense enough, then the polar fox digs a temporary hole in it. In such a shelter, an animal can wait out bad weather or live for several days during a protracted search for food.

If there is no way to dig a normal earthen hole, arctic foxes can settle among the stones or dig small depressions in the bushes. But such cases occur infrequently.


Despite the fact that the arctic fox is a predator, it can be safely called an omnivore. Its diet includes more than 120 animal species and about 30 plant species. Most often, small rodents and birds are on the menu. The most common prey are vole lemmings and lemmings. On the ocean shore, arctic foxes willingly pick up discarded fish and various algae, especially sea kale. They love blueberries and cloudberries very much, if there is no animal food, they can have a snack with herbs.

Arctic foxes can often be seen at the hunting grounds of polar bears. They pick up the remains of fish and seal meat. In the absence of fresh meat, they are content with carrion. They often find hunting traps and eat any living creatures in them (even if there is another arctic fox in the trap). Often, fur-bearing animals watch wolves hunting from afar, and then pick up the remains of their prey. Occasionally, they themselves can attack the cubs of larger animals.

In summer, animals carry excess food into burrows, where it is stored until winter. The blue and white arctic fox, the animal we are describing, subsists on a well-developed hearing and sense of smell, since his eyesight is not very good.

social structure

Arctic foxes are monogamous species, but cases of polygamy were observed in the area of ​​the Commander Islands (Bering Sea). Often in the family 1 male, 4-5 females and puppies. Families often pick up orphaned adoptees. In huge burrow labyrinths, sometimes several families unite, then arctic foxes live in a small colony. The hunting grounds of the family can be from 5 to 30 km².


In early spring, females begin estrus. During this period, males often fight, asserting their right to a family. The gestation period ranges from 49 to 57 days. Females are quite prolific: each litter is 7-12, and sometimes more babies. The male participates in the care of offspring along with the female. But even in feeding years, despite the care of parents, not all puppies survive.

The adult polar fox has white fur, but is born with a smoky brown color. The fur of blue fox cubs is almost brown. Babies in the hole open their eyes only on the 10-18th day, and after 6 months they already reach the size of their parents. For the first time, puppies emerge from the burrow at 3-4 weeks. The female can feed the cubs with milk for 8-10 weeks. Starting next year, the young are capable of breeding, but full maturation usually occurs by the age of two.

What does the quantity depend on?

The availability of feed has the greatest influence on the number of animals. Despite the fact that the Arctic fox is an omnivore, with a small amount of food, especially lemmings and voles, fewer cubs are born and more of them die.

The local population may decrease as a result of mass migration. The outflow begins in the fall, and in the spring many return to their usual places. But in famine years, many nomadic arctic foxes perish.

In addition, disease and large predators affect the population. And the arctic fox is a valuable hunting trophy, which also reduces the livestock.

natural enemies

Many predators prey on these animals. From the air, the main danger is snowy owls and eagles, and even crows can drag off their cubs. On land, the main danger comes from polar bears, wolverines, foxes and large dogs.

When families break up, adult males can kill young competitors in neighboring areas.

Under natural conditions, Arctic foxes can live up to 9 years. With artificial breeding, the life span of animals is slightly higher - 11-16 years.

Economic importance

Due to the high quality of the fur, the arctic fox is an important game animal. In addition to production in the natural environment, cell reproduction is carried out. On island farms, semi-free breeding of animals is carried out. They are not limited in movement, but are accustomed to special signals that they emit before feeding. For a person, this is a more convenient way to get warm fur than free hunting for an animal.