In a private house      04/03/2019

How to break a small pantry in a cup. Pantry design in the apartment: the most convenient place to store things

Whatever design of the pantry is chosen, it is important to remember that the rationalization of its space is impossible without getting rid of unnecessary things.


Typical layout apartment buildings irrationally uses the already small living space. This is especially felt in Khrushchev. narrow corridor connects small living spaces and rests on 1 sq. m. pantry. The bathrooms are too small even for a modern installation. washing machine, and miniature kitchens rarely allow you to put a "bigger" refrigerator and just miss each other for two adults.

In such an acute insufficiency of space, non-essential items are rapidly filling the formal pantry in Khrushchev. After that, the balcony and basement are already filled with things. This reduces the illumination of the rooms, interferes with the exit to the balcony or the storage of potato stocks if things accumulate in the basement. To distribute things and free up space, a well-chosen pantry design will help. To create it, you need to determine what in the apartment requires more space.

Location and efficiency

The location of the pantry in the apartment also affects its efficiency. If the pantry is close to the kitchen, then you can put dishes there even for everyday cooking, and if it’s close to the bathroom, it’s easier to wash in the machine, although in the opposite case, water can be supplied and drained simply with the help of hoses. You can give such a useful space for an office if you are a very neat person who can refuse a place where you can put such a large number of different items. These ideas will be discussed in more detail below.

Laundry from pantry

small bathroom - this is the reason to organize a laundry right in the pantry, if it is located not too far from the water drain. Also, there are small baskets for storing clean linen and containers for storing dirty clothes. The doors of the pantry can be equipped with a towel rack, and powders and conditioners will fit perfectly on additional shelves. This design option will save additional meters in the apartment.

Where to store the vacuum cleaner and the squeegee?

Putting a vacuum cleaner or a mop in the corner of the room after cleaning the apartment is definitely not better solution for Khrushchev and in terms of aesthetics. The closet is great for storage detergents, dusty brushes and bulky vacuum cleaners. Hang a couple of hooks on the wall to secure the mop, and on the door of the restroom there are fabric pockets for storing gloves, brushes and cleaners. So, for 2 sq. m. in Khrushchev you can place all household tools.

Office and utility room

If there is no place to work in Khrushchev, create it in the pantry. Light color scheme and minimalistic design will become great solution when creating an office in the back room. Lighting is essential for work. He needs to be brought up. It is more convenient with it to equip a pantry of 2 sq. M. Hang a couple of shelves for documents, plastic board for graphs and a cork stand to stick stickers with a deadline and justify the high title of the office in Khrushchev.

Wardrobe not needed

Bedroomperfect place for sleeping, and not for a closet with a fur coat and boots. The pantry, even 2 sq m, is more spacious than most wardrobes, which makes it an excellent dressing room. The design of the pantry must be formed based on the number of clothes. The best solution would be two or three rods (pipes) laid from wall to wall, with some hangers on them. For hats, you need a special shelf, otherwise they can wrinkle, or even just fall to the floor. Useful racks on which you can put bed linen. Lighting will also be useful. What would the dressing room itself occupy less space, its doors can be made sliding, and the door itself can be made in the form of a solid mirror panel. The result is a built-in wardrobe in the apartment.

Where to store toys?

If children appear in the apartment, then their toys appear everywhere. How older child, the more toys he has to store somewhere. The best place for this, there will be a converted pantry.

Toy boxes, shelves, wallpaper that the child chooses, and rods for children's clothes rationalize 1-2 sq m of a pantry in Khrushchev.

How to make room for the kitchen?

Kitchen is an action-packed environment. And a place to hang out. To make the atmosphere even more informal, and more space for cooking, you need to remove some constraining factors in the pantry. release extra space in the kitchen, you can by moving bulky kitchen cabinets to the pantry. Bulk cereals that are stored in them need to be poured into signed containers, but it is better to place conservation at the bottom of the pantry - the closer to the floor, the colder. It can also go there food processor. Shelves with utensils like pots and pans can also be moved to the pantry in the apartment.

Universal Solutions

Some solutions for different types pantries are actually good for everyone. For example, sliding sliding doors, or accordion doors, will be equally reasonable for any pantry design in Khrushchev, because they free up a lot of space and are more functional than ordinary doors. Think 2 sq. m. pantry, as part of the living space and make it roomy stylish room and not a technical room. An apartment in an ordinary Khrushchev will become spacious if you are not afraid to use a couple of square meters. meters to store most things.

How not to do

It is better not to make any decisions. Vacuum cleaners will be superfluous in the office or Building tools, A food products do not place with powders and fur coats with children's toys. Sometimes restrictions are the most faithful assistant.

Do not look for ready-made solutions

Shelves can be different sizes, it makes no sense to hang exclusively large ones, as this will take up a lot of space. If the corridor is too small, then a storage room of 1-1.5 square meters. m. in the apartment can be corner to save space. The restroom can be expanded with a niche in the wall by placing built-in shelves there. If you intend to store heavy outerwear, then it is better to take care of the reliability of the rod fastenings. Sometimes solutions for different pantries in an apartment can be combined if a place and a shelf are determined in advance for each item. Yes, you can store outerwear with mops.

visual style

Since the pantry is a room with an area of ​​​​1-2 square meters. m. in the apartment, it is better to use light color schemes in interior design, without overloading with heavy visual elements. And besides mirror coating, doors can be made of painted fabric or translucent glass. If the room still turns out to be small, then functionality can be achieved with folding shelves or hooks. They can hang tools or small repair kits.

Due to the peculiarities of the layout, some pantries in the apartment are very deep. This complicates their use. In such niches, you can mount voluminous drawers, each for a different type of thing. They will fit almost any household utensils, which is convenient.

Non-standard layouts

In some homes, storage spaces are made very deep, which significantly reduces their functionality. You can correct this situation by dividing the pantry into several mobile pull-out modules and filling each with things of a certain theme.

Creating a design for a small closet in Khrushchev is much more difficult than a large and spacious one. Here it is better to draw up a pantry plan, a list of things that will be placed in it. But no matter how huge the pantry is, it should not be filled with broken ones, unnecessary things. Sometimes, they just need to be thrown away, and for everything else there is a pantry.

How to equip a pantry and all about dressing rooms (2 videos)

Variety of pantry design (40 photos)

A huge number of people living in the apartment are trying to expand the living space at the expense of the pantry. But before you decide to take this step, you need to think many times. After all, this room is not as useless as it might seem at first glance. You can put various things, dishes and much more in it, and if you approach the matter correctly, then the pantry can generally become a saving option for you. But in order not to turn the pantry into a collection place for various rubbish, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of its interior and design. Only in this way will this room become your pride, which you will be happy to show off to neighbors and friends.
But sometimes there is such a situation that there is no pantry in the apartment at all. Then, in order to build it, you will not need to make a lot of effort, unless of course you approach the matter with full responsibility.

Where to make a pantry in the apartment

If it turned out that there is no pantry in your cozy nest, then it can be made absolutely in any corner of the apartment. Carefully study your apartment and choose the most suitable option storage facilities.

  1. In the event that your apartment is equipped with a long corridor, then its dead end is suitable for building a pantry. So you can avoid the demolition of the walls. After all, to equip the pantry, you just need to fence off the space using drywall sheets and install the door. In order for the pantry to look stylish, the door should be selected so that it blends harmoniously with the entire interior. In the event that the pantry has a very modest size, then the most the best option will install sliding doors in it. This will help save space.
  2. Another option for placing a pantry is the free space above the door. It is quite practical and convenient. But this option is best used if you have no other choice.
  3. A niche can also be equipped in a pantry. This option also does not require a global redevelopment. You need to build shelves in a niche and simply close them with a stylish and attractive door.
  4. Also a fairly common option for building a pantry is a closet. In this case, you don't even need to do anything. You just need to purchase a closet and place all the necessary things and items there.
  5. If you are willing to donate a few square meters rooms for arranging a pantry, then this will probably be the most aesthetic and unique option. You can choose the size, shape and capacity of the pantry yourself. Only in this case it will turn out beautiful and unique.

Pantry renovation

After the closet is built or you already have it ready, you can start repairing it. This issue should be approached very responsibly. First of all, you need to make a detailed plan of what you want. If there is such a need, then first proceed with redevelopment. In order to implement all this, first think over to the smallest detail what and where you want to place. It is also worth weighing and deciding how to organize ventilation and lighting. If you do not want to make repairs in your pantry every year, then you should use only durable and quality materials. One of the most best options decor are considered plastic panels. They can be applied, both for finishing the ceiling and walls. In addition, you can also use drywall sheets, which can later be painted in any color you like. But giving preference to such material as drywall, you need to be prepared for the fact that the corners will break off and go astray over time.

After you decide on the option of finishing the walls, you can proceed to the choice of flooring. Almost any material is perfect for this, the only thing worth considering is that it should be less slippery. Therefore, it is best to give preference to the laminate. But, despite this, many owners prefer to use the same in the pantry. flooring, as well as in the room to which it adjoins.
As for the ceiling, in no case should it be made hinged, because it occupies free space. For lighting, the best option is the placement of spotlights.

Arrangement of a small pantry

If you want your pantry to be not only functional, but also comfortable, you need to carefully consider how the sections will be placed. This is especially important if you have a small pantry. In this case, everything should be placed so that every centimeter of this room is involved.

Among other things, do not forget to allocate space in the shoe closet. The best placement option would be the bottom of the pantry, where the shoes will wait for their owner. Of course, if space allows, you can replace the shelves with a specialized shoe cabinet. It is in most cases placed at an angle, which increases the level of comfort.

Items that are used most often are placed on the middle shelves. This will help ensure free access to them at any time. Most often, tools, boxes for clothes and many other items that a person uses systematically are placed here. The main goal of the storage room is to place things in such a way that it is most convenient for the owners of the apartment. Therefore, shelves deeper than forty centimeters should not be done, as this will cause discomfort.

Those items that you rarely use are best placed on the top shelves. It will be problematic to get access to them, so all sorts of things that you have not used for a long time should be stored there. In the event that the pantry has non-standard dimensions, then trying to build shelves on your own will be very problematic, so it is best to trust the professionals and order them in a specialized store. Only in this way can you use the space rationally.

Despite the fact that the pantry is small in size, you can always organize a dressing room in it. After all, with the right approach to do this is quite simple. To do this, you need to take one of the walls, then fix the bar with hooks there. This will make your life much easier. Before leaving, you will not need to get wrinkled things and iron them in a hurry. Everything you need will hang neatly on a hanger. Undoubtedly, in even the smallest pantry there is a little space for placing several hangers, thanks to which things will hang neatly and keep their beautiful appearance.

Making a small pantry

Depending on where your pantry is located, you can make it not only practical, but also a cozy room. If the pantry is located in the kitchen, use half the room for storage household chemicals, mops, buckets, and fill the other with napkins and towels. You can also place different categories of things there. To do this, you just need to divide them into zones, which in turn can be separated from each other by sliding doors.

One of the main problems of many housewives is the question of where to place a rather bulky ironing board. Of course, it is best to do this in the pantry. The best option would be if the ironing board in the pantry is folding. It is very convenient and practical, and also allows you to save quite a decent amount of free space.

For book lovers, the pantry will be just a godsend. Indeed, with the right approach, books can be placed in it a huge amount. In this case, put a chair or a small armchair in the pantry and you can always retire to read in a calm and quiet environment.

Another option for a pantry is to place a laundry in it. Indeed, in many cases, a washing machine located in the kitchen or bathroom takes up a lot of free space. To unload the room, move the washing machine to the pantry. The existing shelves can be used to store powders and rinses. The only thing that will need to be done is that the size and shape of the shelves and cabinets should be chosen after installing the washing machine. This will help to avoid irrational use of the already small amount of square meters.

Of course, the pantry is very useful room, and it makes absolutely no sense to refuse it. But also do not forget that piling up various items in the pantry will not bring you convenience. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to properly organize the space. This will create an attractive aesthetic look. For storing items and things, it is best to use the same boxes or containers. If there is a desire, then the boxes can be pasted over with the same wallpaper.

Some owners build and equip the pantry in order to make it an office. Even though it turns out to be small, you have the opportunity to retire and calmly go about your business.

A pantry is also used to organize the storage of children's things and toys. In this case, try to make its interior colorful and bright. For wall decoration, it is best to use paint in bright colors. You can even paint each of the walls in different colors. This will help divide the pantry into zones. Soft toys can be placed on one side, cars or dolls on the other, and the third side will be completely occupied by children's things and shoes.

The design of a small pantry is a way to create a functional space in your apartment that will serve as a storage room. Do not forget that when ennobling this room, and picking up shelves and cabinets there, you should do it in such a way that they are not only practical, but also serve you for a long time. In this case, take care of their quality first of all and do not litter the pantry with unnecessary things that will not be useful to you. After all, in their place you can place something really necessary. Many of us put in the closet, for example, old issues of newspapers or magazines, which is a good time to throw in the trash. Similar to no one necessary items will only turn your pantry into a garbage collection room.

To create something interesting and unique design the pantry is required to take the initiative and clearly aim at the result. There is now a plethora of information and software available to help you create a custom pantry design to your liking. If something doesn’t work out for you, then there is always the opportunity to turn to specialists who will be happy to perform all the work based on your preferences.

The current developers, unlike their colleagues of the past generation, do not seek to equip the living area with storage rooms. This increases the living space, but does not allow you to optimize the space and have the storage area that is sometimes necessary.

The presence of a pantry in the apartment becomes a gift for the hostess and sometimes a luxury that is inaccessible to others.

Unfortunately, the storage room is not always equipped shelves and racks for placement and storage of things , so install shelves in the pantry have to do it yourself.

Making shelves in the pantry with your own hands is a simple task.

Before you start creating shelving, necessary decide how it will look shelves in pantry and the design itself, as well as what fasteners shelves connect to the wall.

There are only two options for how to make a rack, namely to make a free-standing shelf, or simply fix the boards directly to the wall.

The first step is to get your idea on paper. This will visualize the desired rack , take measurements and most successfully place it, taking into account the wishes and intended storage items.

In order for the pantry to be equipped with shelving, it must have enough space.

It must be taken into account that shelves should be arranged in width from bottom to top, that is, the bottom shelf will be the widest, and the top, respectively, the narrowest. This is due to the fact that the lower shelves the most dimensional items that are inconvenient and impractical to lift up will be stored.

It is necessary to carefully consider the distance between the shelves and correlate it with the items that are planned to be stored.

Depending on the wishes of the owners racks can have any shape that will allow you to realize the place chosen for fastening the structure.

You need to take into account the amount of free space - if the racks take up too much space, then it will be inconvenient for you to walk in the pantry.

More often, a U-shaped and L shape, this type of shelves is the most practical. For installation, it is better to prefer metal brackets and fasteners, they are the most durable, they can withstand any weight on the shelves.

Choose any option that suits you.

Necessary materials

Deciding how to make shelves in the pantry, you need to decide on the material from which the structure will be made. There are several options.

Except wooden materials, you can choose others, the main thing is strength and the ability to self-assembly. Apart from shelves you should stock up on fasteners on which they will be installed shelves , consumables required for work.

In order to make wooden shelving for the pantry, you will need not a lot of materials and serious tools.

Tools for the job

To understand which instrument needed to work, you need to clarify what exactly needs to be done. If the material for the shelves is not prepared and needs to be cut and sharpened to the desired dimensions, then it is imperative to have a jigsaw or a hacksaw for wood and a planer. They will help make shelves the right size. And also need sandpaper to process the edges of the cuts and give the shelves a finished look.

Tools needed for the job.

Requires a puncher to create holes in wall under the dowel-nails to fasten the brackets, a screwdriver to connect the parts to each other, if necessary.

This is enough to have good and reliable shelves in the pantry, on which you can store anything.

Without fail you will need:

Choice of shelf space

Thinking how to make shelves in the pantry, it is important to determine the place. The place where they will be attached shelves, should be chosen based on many factors.

The wall on which it is planned to mount must be load-bearing.

This is a guarantee of strength and durability of the structure. Thin interior partition may not be able to withstand the load shelves , forced by heavy objects, will collapse.

In addition to boards, particle boards, plywood and other suitable materials can be used.

If fastening is not carried out directly to wall, then you can dream up in accordance with the desired form of arrangement.

Consider the dimensions of the items to be stored.

It is important to prepare the storage room itself, align and tidy the walls in advance in order to shelves stood up straight and there was no need to adjust them to the terrain walls.

It is worth taking care of the lighting before the rack is installed.

Manufacturing and assembly process

So, a place under the rack selected, all tools and materials prepared, layout shelves on paper, and all dimensions are verified and calculated? You can proceed to the main process of manufacturing shelves and assembling the structure.

  1. The first thing you need to do - with a tape measure and building level apply markings on the wall, which will act as the basis for fastening.

    Using a tape measure, mark the height of the shelves in the center of the room and use laser level horizontal lines are drawn.

    Use a puncher to make holes in wall in the places where the brackets will be attached.

    With the help of dowel-nails, guide profiles are attached to the walls.

    Fasten the bases for the brackets and install them.

    Their number depends on the desired number of shelves, and the distance between them determines the height of the shelves.

  2. The next step is the manufacture of shelves. Need a jigsaw or saw to cut out of wood shelves according to the required dimensions.

    It is better to clarify the dimensions again and, for greater accuracy, cut out a template from cardboard.

    After checking them with the installed brackets, you can start trimming. After shelves the right sizes will be cut out, it is worth treating the cuts with sandpaper to remove the roughness.

    This will give the shelves a decent look.

  3. Fixing the brackets and cutting to the desired size shelves, it is necessary to install the latter in the place of the planned location and secure with fasteners and a screwdriver.

It is better to have shelves with a higher height at the bottom.

Rack with shelves in the pantry ready! You can safely use it for storage of things and optimization of the environment.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly difficult in this, and after installing racks and shelves, you will be able to store items in the pantry in the most rational and convenient way.

VIDEO: Do-it-yourself pantry rack.

Some newly minted owners of an apartment with a pantry are in a hurry to expand their living space by demolishing it. But is it right? Even if your family has only two members, every year the number of things will increase, and with the birth of a child, they will grow exponentially. Where to store all used household items, how to place them in order to save living space? In the closet, on the balcony, or on the open shelves in the bedroom? Of course, the pantry is the best option of all. It is about the design and design of the pantry in the apartment that we will talk today, and also see photos of the pantries along with the Dream House website.

In fact, the importance of the storage room can hardly be overestimated - seasonal items are stored here (umbrellas, scooters, sleds, skis and even a bicycle), household appliances (vacuum cleaner), construction tools, cans with blanks and even clothes. But in order to streamline the placement of all items and not turn the pantry into a source of trash, you need to work a little on its design, which we will do now. But first, let's see where you can organize a storage room if it is not provided by the builders?

Where can I make a pantry in the apartment

Even those who are not lucky enough to have such a functional room should not be upset, it can always be built using some unnecessary or secluded corner even small apartment. So, where and how to make a pantry in the apartment:

  1. In a niche - in this case, redevelopment is not even needed, we make shelves in a niche and close it beautiful door. That's all, the storage room in the apartment is ready!
  2. At the dead end of the corridor - perfect option if your apartment has a long corridor. A few square meters in its dead end is fenced off (it is possible with the help of drywall) and a door is placed.
  3. Above the door - not a very good option, but suitable for the most last resort if there is no other place in the apartment. As a rule, such structures are built in the kitchen and used to store conservation.
  4. In the closet - in principle, the built-in wardrobe itself plays the role of a small pantry, its spacious shelves allow you to store often and little-used household items.
  5. In one of the rooms - in this case, you will have to reduce the room by several square meters. If you are ready to make such sacrifices - go for it!

Making repairs in the closet

Before you start renovating your storage room, you need to think in advance what you will store there. Will it be a dressing room, a tool cabinet, or a place to store household appliances? Or maybe all at once? In any case, in order to correctly think over lighting and ventilation, as well as to make the design of the pantry room the most functional, it is advisable to draw a plan for this little room.

It is better to decorate the walls and ceiling with durable materials, so that due to peeling wallpaper or falling plaster, repairs are not made here every year. Perhaps the best option for walls and ceilings can be considered plastic panels. Drywall for painting can also be considered, but experience shows that it fails earlier (worn and chipped corners are confirmation of this).

It is better to put non-slip material on the floor, as a rule, the floor in the closet is made the same as in the adjacent room. Laminate and linoleum are ideal for these purposes.

As for the door, it should not be knocked out of overall design premises. From the point of view of practicality and space saving, it is better to make it sliding. Sometimes the door to the pantry is made mirrored, but most often the same doors are ordered for the entire apartment (including the pantry).

How to equip a pantry in an apartment

Now comes the turn of the most interesting lesson - dividing the pantry into sections. Let's see how to equip the pantry in the apartment in terms of functionality. To rationally use a small area, it is better to use every centimeter and every corner. Below, as a rule, they make open shelves for seasonal shoes - in boxes or without them, shoes and boots will wait in the wings safe and sound. Here it is necessary to clarify that ordinary shelves can be used to store shoes, or special ones can be installed, which are installed at an angle for ease of use and space saving. Also, at the bottom of the pantry, do not forget to take a separate section for a vacuum cleaner.

The middle shelves are reserved for frequently used items. Drawers for clothes, laundry baskets, shelves with tools can be placed here - in general, all the things that are needed in everyday life are located at arm's length. The recommended depth of the shelves is about 40 cm, but this value can be adjusted depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pantry. Make sure that you are comfortable and, at the same time, all things are laid out in their places, because there is no place for clutter in the pantry.

One of the walls can be taken under the wardrobe by installing rods and hooks for hanging clothes. Agree, taking a clean and ironed dress off the hanger is much more pleasant than pulling it off the shelf, and then wasting time ironing it. Even in the smallest pantry, you can allocate space for installing a hanger bar.

And finally, we got to the upper shelves, on which little-used items are placed. To get to them, you have to stand on a stool, but you don’t need to do this every day, because there are suitcases, various boxes, children’s things that are already small for a child, and all unnecessary rubbish that is waiting to be thrown away.

Even a small area comparable in size to a refrigerator can be turned into a pantry. For example, in the kitchen, such a closet is used to store household chemicals, mops, buckets and a vacuum cleaner. At the same time, in order to save space, mops and brooms are stored vertically on the door, and a roll of napkins is hung on a special holder (also on the pantry door).

If the pantry area allows, then do not forget to provide a folding ironing board. And here you can equip shelves for storing conservation. An interesting option is the “pantry in the pantry” design - one of the walls is taken under the shelves for conservation and closed sliding door. The rest of the space is arranged as you like. Thus, it becomes possible to combine the storage of preservation and clothing without fear of spoiling it.

From others original ideas the design of the pantry, you can note the equipment in it of the office. Let it turn out not too big, but within the limits of a small-sized apartment you get a separate, closed by a door, personal space. And for bookworms, the pantry with its capacious shelves and lockable drawers will be an excellent opportunity to store hundreds of books and magazines.

actually do interesting design pantry in the apartment is not difficult, the main thing is to clearly understand what will be stored there and for what purposes this modest, but very functional room will serve.

Jun 18, 2017 Sergey

In the conditions of small apartments, I really want to get the treasured cm in order to make the most of them. A bunch of clothes, household items, spins and more usually can't fit in a small kitchen and 2 cabinets. And you can remake it into a pantry, filling it with shelves, hangers and niches as much as possible.

The presence of pantries in apartments is an invaluable treasure for those people who are always sorely lacking space. From the pantry to make a cozy dressing room in several ways. For example, in panel house the pantry needs to be replaced with a closet.

To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Dismantle doors.
  2. Remove the partition in the corridor.
  3. Make a measurement of the resulting niche.
  4. Order a suitable wardrobe model, but it is better to choose a wardrobe.
  5. Install.

If the doors go into the wall or move on rollers, this will save space as much as possible, it will be possible to connect the canvas with a mirror.

The dressing room will turn out to be no less attractive if it is done according to a different plan. To create a new functional area all items must be removed from the room and updated interior design wall surfaces. It will be useful to repair the ceiling. After that, the master can purchase large mirror, which he will install on the door. Now it remains only to fill the dressing room with various compartments.

A large space must be allocated for long things, we must not forget about the hanger bar. In addition, you need to pick up special shoe stands, upper shelves on which hats will be stored. When everything is done by hand, the design can be changed according to personal preferences.

Important! It is worth worrying about women's comfort by making boxes for small items. For example, they can store brushes, threads, corners and other devices.

Dressing room do it yourself from the pantry

You can make your own dressing room with minimal effort. To do this, you need to look at the technology of creating furniture. We are talking about wardrobe pipes, which are equipped with fasteners.

Special systems consist of many elements:

  • pipes;
  • holders;
  • shelves;
  • doors.

Thanks to this, the owner of the apartment himself will be able to easily design a ready-made dressing room. Therefore, you can order a design in the furniture salon, after specifying the required dimensions. Then it remains only to assemble such a large constructor. In this way, not only dressing rooms are assembled, but also exhibition stands, racks for office space etc.

Important! The advantage of the structures is the ability to change the location of shelves and ceilings at any time.

Variants of dressing rooms from pantries for every taste

Options for refurbishing the premises can be unique and exclusive. From the pantry, the dressing room is made using drywall. Drawings are required at all stages of work. Before assembling and ordering elements, it is necessary to accurately calculate the dimensions of all parts and enter the data into the drawing scheme.

Following actions:

  1. Markings must be applied to the walls.
  2. Coming from wooden beams assemble the frame.
  3. To equip a room, you need to start with a beam, which is located horizontally near the ceiling. This is the guiding element.
  4. Lower the supports vertically. Their number is determined based on the distance between them. It should not be more than 70 cm.
  5. Application cross beams needed to secure the shelves.
  6. Sheathe the frame with drywall.

It is very convenient to make sheathing on both sides, not forgetting about insulation. Wiring inside to ensure quality lighting. At the final stage, it is necessary to finish the drywall from the outside and inside, fix the shelves.

Important! When the rooms are small, shelving can be done with your own hands. You can cover the structure self-adhesive film, varnish, paint, veneer.

Small dressing rooms from the pantry

In every home there are elements that are not actively used or not used at all. For example, corners or niches. If they are used wisely, it will be possible to increase the ergonomics of the living space.

IN small room An excellent choice would be a corner dressing room. Rectangular rack will be obtained subject to niche closure. It remains only to fill it with shelves. So, you can use any space in a too small apartment.

Ideas for using a small pantry:

  • a place for ironing;
  • fitting room with lots of mirrors;
  • workplace with several built-in seats;
  • convenient organizer for socks, ties, belts, jewelry.

This piece of the apartment will become a favorite place for every housewife, so she can not only choose the necessary outfit and stroke it there, but also stay there alone with her thoughts. Enough to place in the dressing room comfortable armchair and a lamp.

Important! When the pantry is completely small area, during the repair, its complete or partial modification is performed (U-shaped or linear view).

How to equip a pantry for a dressing room cozy and functional

The wardrobe of all family members should be kept in order. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure not only beauty in any room, but also the maximum degree of convenience and functionality of the available space.

Lightness and a high degree of strength are distinguished by ready-to-use structures that are sold in furniture supermarkets. Their only negative side is the presence of faceless doors. Design Ideas the finishes of such elements are unusual and unique. The standard surface can be painted with any paint colors. At the same time, it is important to keep general style interior.

The best decor options:

  • varnish coating;
  • enamel painting;
  • use of decoupage technique;
  • aging effect;
  • sticking a sticker.

When arranging, one should not forget about the doors, they are necessary if the pantry was a separate room. With its help, it is very easy and convenient to delimit the space and make the interior complete. If a dressing room is received instead, the presence of a door is optional.

Important! Separate shelves can be taken out of the main dressing room, they will become an organic part of another room. Storing things on these shelves is optional.

How to make a dressing room from the pantry with your own hands (video)

If you connect imagination, a creative approach to business, you will be able to enjoy the result. It is quite possible to cope without masters in a short time. And in small apartments, every corner should be used as functionally as possible.

Examples of wardrobes from the pantry in a panel house (photo of rooms)