Mixer      06/12/2019

Scientific name for dandelion. Dandelion - medicinal properties and contraindications

Dandelion - perennial, a member of the Compositae family. Nowadays, dandelion is one of the most common crops, it can be found in parks, on the side of roads, on summer cottages. Appearance dandelion is familiar to everyone: the plant has a long stem, openwork leaves and a large yellow flower (see photo).

In Western Europe, dandelion is grown as garden plant to beautify private property. This perennial plant does not require care and in just a few years will cover the area with yellow flowers. Such unpretentiousness of the dandelion allows it to be grown almost anywhere, often summer residents cannot even get rid of the plant, perceiving it as an ordinary weed. People have heard about useful properties dandelion, but they are in no hurry to use it in food or instead of medicines.

It is better to collect dandelions on a sunny morning, when the flowers have already opened. If you plan to cook dishes from unopened buds, then they should be collected early in the morning, since at 6 o'clock the plant is already beginning to open. Dandelions, like many other plants, accumulate heavy metals, so flowers picked by the roadside can be harmful to health. For salads, young dandelion leaves are harvested: such leaves have not had time to accumulate even excessive bitterness, and also contain more vitamins than a flowering plant.

Medicinal properties

The medicinal properties of dandelion are so valuable that the plant is consumed in almost any form. Dandelion flowering time just falls on spring period when the human body is depleted and needs vitamins. The leaves of the plant contain beneficial bitterness, trace elements, choline and other active substances.

Dandelion infusion is recommended for suffering diabetes because it effectively lowers blood sugar levels. Dandelion has mild laxative properties and helps with constipation. plant use for the treatment of arthritic joints. Dandelion normalizes impaired metabolism, which allows the body to regenerate cartilage tissue. With regular use of dandelion, the process of joint deformation stops, pain disappears. Scientists conducted research, as a result of which the restoring properties of dandelion, which acts as a chondroprotector, were established. The plant not only removes pain but also restores cartilage tissue.

Dried dandelion is included in herbal mixtures for weight loss. The plant normalizes the metabolism in the body. Dandelion has only 45 calories per 100 grams. Low calorie content, as well as high nutritional value, allows you to include the plant in the diet menu.

Application in cooking

In cooking, dandelion is used to make vitamin salads, mashed potatoes, even soups and cabbage soup are cooked from it. Yellow dandelion flowers are pickled and then added to various salads as a decoration and as a flavoring. For gastronomic purposes, it is customary to use all parts of this amazing plant. Roasted dandelion roots make for a flavorful coffee substitute. You can add a little chicory, cinnamon or ginger to the drink. From dandelion buds, amazingly delicious nectars and candied fruits are prepared, and honey from dandelion inflorescences will not leave anyone indifferent at all.

In England, it is customary to make a traditional plant from a plant. Wine can be made at home, for this you need to collect a jar of dandelion flowers. In order to remove bitterness, the flowers must first be prepared, cut off all unnecessary, leaving only the petals. Petals, filled with cold boiled water, must be placed for a day in a dark place. A day later, dandelions are boiled, in parallel, a syrup is prepared from 1.5 kg of sugar. Lemon juice, a little mint and raisins are added to the syrup. The resulting mass is left to ferment for 2 days. The herbs and zest are then removed, leaving only the raisins in the dandelion wine. The resulting liquid is poured into a bottle, on the neck of which a rubber glove with a small hole is put on. After the glove ceases to inflate (which means that the wine has fertilized), the liquid must be separated from the sediment and bottled. Corked bottles are placed for 3 months in a cool place, after which the wine is completely ready to drink. This recipe may seem unnecessarily troublesome to someone, but believe me, after you try dandelion wine once, you will not feel sorry for the time and effort spent on its preparation.

Americans, on the other hand, make tasty and low-calorie salads from dandelion. Young green plants or flowers are suitable for salads, dandelion gives the food a subtle bitterness, which stimulates the appetite and adds originality to the dish.

Dandelion flowers can be pickled or cooked from them fragrant jam. For jam, you will have to prepare a lot of sunny flowers of the plant, for one serving you need to collect as many as 400 inflorescences (!). Flowers, after washing, pour 500 ml of water and put on fire. After the water boils, the flowers are left in the water for another 2 minutes, and then strained through a colander. In the broth that remains after the dandelions, pour 7 cups of sugar and boil for another 7 minutes. Then the finished jam is rolled into jars.

The sweetest part of the plant is the unopened bud. If you add a certain amount of sugar to dandelion flowers, you get the so-called dandelion honey. Dandelion petals must be put in a small jar, pour the inflorescences with cold boiled water and leave overnight. After the dandelion flowers are infused, the infusion must be filtered and the flowers squeezed out. Then you should add the juice of two lemons and 2.5 kg of sugar and cook the mixture until the "honey" becomes thick.

Simple and delicious recipe harvesting dandelion for the winter is its preparation in bee honey. About 100 inflorescences of the plant must be carefully crushed with a blender. Then the resulting mass should be poured with bee honey, mixed and poured into a jar. Such dishes will be very useful in winter, when the body does not receive enough nutrients. Dandelion honey can be taken during colds for a speedy recovery.

Dandelion benefits and treatment

The benefits of dandelion are due to its chemical composition. Just half a glass of dandelion juice will help the liver to restore cells and normalize its work. Such a drink will give the body strength and help overcome chronic fatigue.

Dandelion is an excellent prevention of the development of atherosclerosis, helps with hypertension, regulates metabolism. It is used to treat obesity, skin diseases. ethnoscience even attributes anti-cancer effects to this flower.

Dandelion helps a lot. with liver disease. Thanks to bitter substances, the use of dandelion cleanses the liver, normalizes its functions. Dandelion decoctions relieve gallbladder from the sand, remove the stones.

The most effective is concentrated dandelion juice. For treatment, it is often mixed with carrot juice or turnip leaf juice. This mixture helps to strengthen the teeth, it is also indicated for diseases of the spine and bones.

Chinese doctors used dandelion as a powerful natural antioxidant. A decoction of the plant effectively cleanses the circulatory system. The modern pharmaceutical industry uses dandelion, as well as its extracts, to create medicines.

Dandelion harm and contraindications

The plant can cause harm to the body with gastritis, ulcers, as well as in violation of the functions of the biliary tract. Uncontrolled consumption of dandelion can cause vomiting or diarrhea.

Other names: field dandelion, or pharmacy dandelion, or common dandelion (lat. Taraxacum officinale) - species of the genus Dandelion; family Asteraceae ( Asteraceae).

Dandelion officinalis description

Dandelion officinalis is one of the most common plants, prefers forest-steppe zones. Absolutely not whimsical plant, resistant to trampling. Dandelion is malicious weed, has a high competitive ability in relation to cultivated and weed plants. Dandelion clogs meadows, gardens, vegetable gardens, pastures, fields, perennial grasses. You can meet dandelion in the European part of Russia, in Ukraine, Belarus, in the Caucasus, in Siberia, Moldova, Transnistria, on Far East and in Central Asia.

Dandelion officinalis has a lot of popular names, the most common are kulbaba, bald patch, tooth root, canna, Russian chicory.

Dandelion officinalis - perennial herbaceous plant. The root is short-thickened, about 2 cm in diameter, penetrates into the soil by 50 cm. It is impossible to completely extract the root from the soil without the help of a shovel. The stem is presented in the form of a hollow, slightly pubescent arrows that end in a large basket. The maximum height of the plant is 50 cm. Dandelion leaves are lanceolate, whole, serrated, 10-25 cm long, 2-5 cm wide, form a basal rosette. Flower-bearing arrows emerge vertically from the very base of the plant; several peduncles can be on one plant. Arrows do not have leaves. At the tops of the arrows there are bright yellow, reed flowers, they are collected in single inflorescences - baskets. Dandelion fruits are a spindle-shaped achene with a tuft, grayish-brown in color. Seeds after ripening are separated from the head and are easily carried by the wind, and fly until they fall on the soil. One plant can produce about 12 thousand seeds.

Seeds germinate immediately after hitting the surface, minimum temperature germination +4 °C, achenes can sprout from a depth not exceeding 5 cm. Fruits appear from May, seed viability lasts up to two years.

Dandelion officinalis is not sensitive to most herbicides. efficient way the fight against these weeds should be attributed to the pruning of the root system to a depth of 15 cm. The sooner this manipulation is carried out, the better the result will be. For example, when cutting the root in May, the death of the weed will be 94%, in July -44%, and already in August, cutting will be useless.

Dandelion officinalis - useful properties

Dandelion officinalis has been used medicinally for a long time. Like the ground part of the plant, the root can also be used in medicinal purposes. Leaves, grass, juice are harvested in June, roots - in early spring or late autumn when the plant wilts. You can dry the leaves both in the shade in the fresh air and in a dryer at a temperature of 40-50 ° C. Roots dry out at high temperature- 60 ° C, they must be washed before drying. Dried blanks should be stored in paper bags or cardboard boxes. Leaves and flowers can be stored for about two years, roots - up to five years.

Dandelion is rich useful substances: vitamins C, A, B2, PP, salts of potassium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, contains up to 5% protein.

Action spectrum medicines of dandelion is very wide. Dandelion officinalis is used as a choleretic, antipyretic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, blood purifier, improves the functioning of the stomach. It has a tonic, sedative effect, with disorders nervous system can be used as a sedative. Dandelion decoctions and juice improves metabolic processes, restores strength, removes toxins, and increases insulin production.

Dandelion is a hematopoietic agent, activates the formation of leukocytes. For a long time, this plant has been used as a means of cleansing "bad blood".

Dandelion juice, obtained from fresh leaves, will help with anemia. The same juice can be used for beriberi, fatigue. Popularly, dandelion juice is called the "elixir of life." The composition of the plant includes bitterness, which stimulates appetite, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

I use dandelion externally in the treatment of joint diseases in the form of compresses and lotions. An oil extract extracted from the roots is an excellent remedy for burns and radiation damage to the skin.

With a stomach ulcer, with a duodenal ulcer, hyperacid gastritis, the use of drugs based on dandelion is contraindicated. While taking dandelion preparations, allergic reactions are possible. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Dandelion officinalis photo

Dandelion officinalis - Taraxacum officinale Dandelion officinalis - Taraxacum officinale Dandelion Root System - Taraxacum officinale Dandelion seeds - Taraxacum officinale

Program content:

Continue to acquaint children with representatives of the plant world of their native land.
Expand and clarify knowledge about dandelion.
Learn to choose figurative words.
To acquaint children with the concept of "medicinal plant".
Develop auditory perception.
Cultivate an emotional response to the beauty of a flower, describing it in poetic form.
To promote the development of respect for wildlife.


Pictures with the image of a dandelion.
Yellow cardboard circles depicting the sun (3 pcs).
Ball-shaped pieces of cotton wool and a model of a dandelion made of green paper and yellow napkins.
Yellow gouache, tinted in green sheets of paper, drawing equipment.

Preliminary work:

1. Observation of dandelions.
2. Learning the poem by E. Serova "Dandelion".

wears a dandelion
Yellow sundress.
Grow up - dress up
In a white dress
light, airy,
Obedient to the wind.


Dandelion structure


Lesson progress:

Spring has finally come into its own, and no matter how angry the winter is, its time is over. Spring is often called the blooming season. Why do you think?

Guess the riddle:

Dandelion Riddle

Burned in the dewy grass
The flower is golden.
Then faded, faded
And turned into fluff.

This is a dandelion. What words in the riddle gave you the correct answer?
Dandelion is one of the first to appear in spring, like a yellow sun in young green grass.

Didactic exercise "Listen carefully"

Children are encouraged to listen carefully and clap their hands if they hear the word "dandelion".
Dandelion, sofa, trailer, dandelion, drum, dandelion, boy, dandelion.

Dandelion is a wild flower, because no one takes care of it.

Dandelion grows almost everywhere:
On your high leg
Rising to the top
It grows on the path
Both in the hollow and in the grass.

Psychogymnastics "Dandelions"

(conducted to music)

Imagine that you are little dandelions. Warm Sun rays warmed the earth. You are small sprouts, very weak, fragile, defenseless. But now the spring sun has warmed, and small sprouts begin to grow rapidly. Your leaves have grown, the stem has become strong, you are drawn to the light, to the sun. How good! Here appeared on the stem small bud. It grows, swells, and finally unfurls its petals. At first, the petals seem a little wrinkled, but then they straightened up, and everyone around saw a fluffy yellow flower that looked like the sun. We have seen dandelions with you many times, and now consider this flower in the picture. On it, the dandelion is depicted large, large, so we can better examine it. (Show picture).

What is the name of this flower? What are the parts of this plant? Show where he has leaves, stem, flower, roots. What color are its leaves and stem? Flower? Where does the flower grow? So what is it called?

In the morning on a sunny meadow without a clock, you can find out the time. At 5-6 o'clock the sun rises and the dandelions open. By evening, the yellow lights go out and close. The dandelion loves the sun so much that it does not take its eyes off it - it turns its flower head after it.

Gymnastics for the eyes "Sun and dandelion"

The sun will rise in the east in the morning - the dandelion looks to the east.
(Children look at the yellow circles - the "sun" in accordance with the text).

At noon, the sun will rise high, high - the dandelion will raise its head up.
By evening, the sun will begin to decline towards sunset - and the dandelion lowers its gaze after it and closes its flower.

What can a dandelion be compared to?

Didactic exercise "Choose a word"

Yellow like the sun.
Round like...
Soft like...
White like...
Fluffy like...
Fragile as...
What an amazing flower!

But dandelions are not always yellow, like the sun. Time passes, and yellow petals are replaced by white fluffs.

golden and young
Became gray within a week.
And two days later
Bald head.

White fluffs are seeds. The wind blows, the seeds scatter far, far in different directions. They fall to the ground and grow. New flowers appear.

Breathing exercise "Blow on a dandelion"

On a bright sunny day
Golden blossomed flower.
Light breeze blowing -
Our flower swayed.
A strong wind is blowing -
Petals care.

Children blow on dandelion petals with different strengths and observe the intensity of the movement of the petals.

Fluffy white ball
Showed off in a clean field.
Blow on it a little
There was a flower - and there is no flower.

Then they blow on the “dandelion” cotton wool, without puffing out the cheeks.

Dandelion is a medicinal plant. A medicinal plant is a plant that is used in medicine for treatment. Dandelion leaves and roots are used to treat coughs and improve appetite.

And people make delicious jam from dandelion flowers.
And not only people use dandelions. Bees, bumblebees and butterflies love to fly to dandelions. They eat dandelion sweet nectar. And the bees then make dandelion honey out of it - thick and fragrant.

Fizminutka "Dandelion"

Dandelion, dandelion!
(squat, then slowly rise)

The stem is thin, like a finger.
If the wind is fast, fast
(They run in different directions)

Will fly into the meadow,
Everything around will rustle.
(They say "shhhhhhhhhhh")

dandelion stamens
Scatter in a round dance
(Hold hands and walk in a circle)

And merge with the sky.

On green grass, yellow dandelions are very beautiful. Although there are a lot of them, you should not pluck them. Dandelions will not stand in a vase, they will immediately wilt. A wreath of dandelions will quickly lose its beauty. This is described in the poem "Flower". Listen:


flower in the meadow
I broke on the run.
Tore off,
What for -
I can't explain.
In glass
He stood for a day and wilted.
And how long would he stand in the meadow.
(V. Viktorov)

Let's not pick dandelions and keep the beauty. And the bees will thank us for saving flowers for them.

And now I suggest you draw dandelions on these green lawns (tinted sheets of paper). But before we start drawing, let's prepare our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Flower"

Dandelion grew in the meadow
(Join hands, depicting a "bud")

Opened the petals on a spring morning.
(Open hands, unclench fingers)

All petals beauty and nutrition
(To the rhythm of the words, spread and connect fingers)

Together they give roots underground!
(Connect hands with back sides, move fingers - “roots”)

Evening. Yellow flowers cover the petals.
(tightly squeeze intertwined fingers)

They fall asleep quietly, lower their heads.
(put hands on knees)

Drawing "Dandelions in the meadow"

Children draw with yellow gouache on tinted (green) sheets of paper.
After finishing work, the drawings are laid out next to each other on the floor - “dandelion meadow”.

The colors suddenly became flowers,
Light up all around!
In a new yellow sundress
Dandelion meadow.

DANDELION, a, husband. Herbaceous plant. Compositae with yellow flowers and seeds on fluffy hairs carried by the wind. God's dandelion (colloquial joke; ironic) about a quiet and weak, usually old person. Old lady dandelion. | adj… … Dictionary Ozhegov

Modern Encyclopedia

Genus perennial herbs yamous plants of the Compositae family. St. 1000 species, in cold and temperate zones, mainly in the mountainous regions of Eurasia. Dandelion officinalis is widespread (grows along roads, near housing, clogs lawns, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Taraxacum), a genus of perennial plants of the family. Compositae. All vegetative parts of the plant contain milky sap. O. is characterized by the presence of a large number of apomictic. species that often differ only slightly in features. It is believed that in the genus ca. 70... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

Kok saghyz, milkman Dictionary of Russian synonyms. dandelion n., number of synonyms: 16 blond (7) ... Synonym dictionary

- (Paraxacum Hall.) a genus of plants from the family. Compositae (Compositae), division Cichoriaceae. Up to six species of this genus are known, growing in northern temperate climates. These are herbaceous plants, with basal leaves and with a leafless flower arrow; ... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

Dandelion- DANDELION, a genus of perennial herbs (Asteraceae family). Over 1000 species, in cold and temperate zones. Dandelion officinalis grows along roads, near housing, clogs lawns, gardens, kitchen gardens, etc. A decoction of its roots stimulates the appetite, ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

DANDELION, dandelion, husband. Compositae plant with yellow flowers, milky stems and fluffy seeds that are dispersed by the wind. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

dandelion- white (Balmont); fluffy (Pozharova); yellow (Ertel); reverently through (Pozharova); bright yellow (Ertel) Epithets of literary Russian speech. M: The supplier of the court of His Majesty, the partnership of the printing press A. A. Levenson. A. L. Zelenetsky. 1913 ... Dictionary of epithets

DANDELION- DANDELION, Taraxacum officmale Wigg. (l other ^ varieties), perennial herbaceous plant of the family. Compositae, growing throughout the northern hemisphere. Mentioned by Theophrastus and Arabic medical literature. In medicine… … Big Medical Encyclopedia


  • Dandelion, Olga Alekseeva. Tyomka is a city boy who, at the behest of his very kind, cheerful, but demanding parents, ends up in the countryside. He is an ordinary boy with typical for his age ...

Dandelion - description of the plant.

Dandelion officinalis is a herbaceous perennial plant 10-30 cm high. It belongs to the Compositae family. Dandelion root is powerful, vertical, brown, white in section. Its leaves form a basal rosette, deeply dissected. Dandelion flowers are collected in inflorescences-baskets, yellow. The fruit of the plant is an achene with a tuft. It blooms in April - May, and its seeds ripen in June - July.

where the plant is found.

Weed plant medicinal dandelion is common throughout Russia. Grows in meadows, gardens, wastelands, lawns, along roads. This is one of the most common plants in agriculture -.

Dandelion - harvesting for the future.

For medicinal purposes, the roots and aerial part of the dandelion are collected.
Roots are stored in early spring or autumn. They dig them with shovels, shake them off the ground, cut off the aerial part, wash cold water. Air-dry for several days, and then dried in dryers at a temperature of 40 to 50 ° C or in ventilated rooms. The shelf life of dandelion blanks is 5 years. Plants store grass during flowering. It is dried in the shade in the air or in ventilated rooms, spread out in one layer and often mixed.

Chemical composition medicinal plant.

Dandelion leaves contain choline, carotenoids, vitamins B2, C, P, iron, asparagine, phosphorus, calcium.

pharmacological properties.

Dandelion roots are used to improve digestion, as a choleretic agent, and to stimulate appetite. Dandelion also has laxative, antispasmodic and diuretic properties.

Dandelion - use in folk medicine.

Dandelion medicinal plant preparations are used for anacid gastritis, chronic constipation and cholecystitis.

Dandelion roots are used to stimulate appetite, improve the secretory and motor activity of the stomach and intestines, increase bile secretion and secretion of the digestive glands. Dandelion roots are a powerful diuretic.

A decoction of the roots relieves spasms and renal colic, convulsive contractions of smooth muscles. A decoction and tincture of dandelion flowers is used to relieve intestinal and hepatic colic.

Externally, an infusion of dandelion roots is advised for various skin diseases: dermatitis, boils, acne.

Preparations from the leaves of dandelion officinalis stimulate the removal of stones from the gallbladder and kidneys. They are advised for cellulite, obesity and kidney failure, as well as with beriberi, anemia and skin diseases.

An infusion of dandelion flowers is used to remove freckles and age spots. A decoction of flowers is drunk for insomnia and high blood pressure.

The fresh juice of the plant is used as cosmetic product to remove age spots, freckles and blackheads and to remove calluses. The milky juice of dandelion with trachoma is instilled one drop into the eyes.

Dandelion - folk recipes for treatment.

Infusion for diseases biliary tract, gallbladder.

Brew 2 teaspoons of medicinal dandelion roots with a glass of boiled water and leave for 8 hours, filter. Drink 3-4 times a day for a quarter cup half an hour before meals.

Infusion for diabetes.

Brew 1 teaspoon of medicinal dandelion roots with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for a third of an hour, filter. Drink 3-4 times a day for a quarter cup half an hour before meals.

Infusion with exudative diathesis.

Brew 1 teaspoon of dandelion roots with a glass of boiling water, wrap, leave for 1-2 hours, filter. Drink half an hour before meals three times a day for a quarter cup.

A decoction for pulmonary tuberculosis.

3 art. spoons of the roots of the medicinal dandelion plant pour 1/2 l. boiling water, boil for 1/4 hour, cool, filter. Drink 0.5 hours before meals for a glass 2 times a day.

A decoction for furunculosis and skin rashes.

1 st. pour a spoonful of dandelion roots with a glass of boiled hot water, boil for 1/4 hour over low heat. Cool the decoction of the plant for 45 minutes, filter through gauze. Drink 1/4 hour before meals three times a day for 1/3 cup.

Decoction for arthritis.

Pour 6 g of herbs and medicinal dandelion roots with a glass of water, boil for 10 minutes on low heat, insist for 1/2 hour, filter, squeeze out the raw materials. Drink three times a day before meals for 1 tbsp. spoon.

A decoction for cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.

2 tbsp. spoons of dandelion roots pour 1/2 liter of boiling water, then simmer for 10 minutes over low heat, leave for 2 hours, filter. Drink 0.5 hours before meals, 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day.

Infusion for external use.

Pour a handful of medicinal dandelion flowers into 250 ml of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 1-2 hours, then filter, and squeeze out the raw materials. Wipe the skin from age spots and freckles.

Pharmaceutical preparations from a medicinal plant.

Dandelion roots - use for making decoctions and infusions.

Dandelion extract is thick.

Dandelion - contraindications for use.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach, hyperacid gastritis, predisposition to diarrhea, peptic ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer with increased acidity of the juice in the stomach.

Think and guess!

No wonder the dandelion has such a bright yellow color. At all times, people have found a connection between this plant and the Sun. Therefore, it is believed that this flower has a light energy. From ancient times, shamans and witches used dandelion flowers for their magical rites, added them to potions and made herbal talismans from them. It was believed that they help to achieve success in business, fulfill wishes and contribute to overcoming obstacles. Dandelion is especially in demand among lovers. There is a belief that if you put the root of this plant under the bed, then the marriage union will be successful, and the offspring will not take long to wait. Lovely jam is also made from the flowers, and the leaves have an exciting property. Girls love to tell fortunes on wreaths woven from dandelions and floated down the river. Whose wreath does not sink, the wedding awaits in the near future. Children also love to blow on a fluffy dandelion, making a wish and letting white parachutes into the wind. But with what elements is this plant associated?

Did you guess? The first option is correct, because the element of Air is yellow, and for the same reason, dandelion is closely associated with the planets Sun and Jupiter.