In a private house      06/16/2019

Better Makita or Hitachi. Which company jigsaw is better Bosch, Makita or Hitachi. Scope of application. Bulgarians professional and household

Hello dear readers! Since you are reading this material, it means that you are almost certainly planning, or are already doing repairs at home. Perhaps you want to assemble a drywall ceiling, or maybe you decide to build a cat house on your own or a gazebo in the yard ...

In order to work effectively and get good result you will need a good tool. Particularly the screwdriver. In this article, we will understand what it is, what it is for, and, most importantly, how to choose a screwdriver.

Of course, we will consider a cordless tool, since it is 100,500 times more convenient, and not simple screwdrivers that can only tighten screws, but drill drivers. If only because the simple ones are not for sale anymore. D-Sh, as you understand, can also drill, but where in the repair without it?

A screwdriver is a special hand-held power tool, which is important, with adjustable torque. It is designed for tightening (and, of course, loosening) screws, self-tapping screws, screws and all such fasteners + for drilling holes. Outwardly, it looks like a fat pistol.

Criterias of choice

Since this is not another useless female “rag”, but a modern complex mechanism, as a rule, people take its choice seriously. What criteria are important when choosing it?

  1. Brand
  2. Dimensions, shape, ergonomics
  3. Battery capacity and type
  4. Torque, impact function
  5. Drilling diameter of various materials
  6. Supply voltage
  7. Contents of delivery

Let's go through each of these points in more detail.

Screwdriver manufacturers worldwide

Most construction stores You can find products from companies such as:

  • Bosch (Germany)
  • Makita (Japan)
  • AEG (Germany)
  • Hitachi (Japan)
  • Hilti (Liechtenstein)
  • DeWalt (Germany)
  • Black & Decker (USA)
  • Metabo (Germany)
  • Interskol (Russia)
  • Bison (Russia)
  • Sparky (Germany)
  • Skil (Netherlands)

As you can see, the choice is mega-large, but I want to warn you right away that most of All of the above are still made in China. But from my own experience, I can say that it is certainly not bad. Disputes do not subside, which is better: Bosch or Makita, Hitachi or AEG ... I will express my personal opinion. Bosch makes mediocre things at a pretty high price. But, in general, the tool of this company lasts a long time. And this is from the experience of my colleagues. Metabo is about the same. Although, it seems like, in the new models they have a lot of smart electronics crammed in, like an electronic torque limiter.

Makita is a recognized middle ground, and it is believed that their tool is the best in terms of price / quality ratio. They are especially good with screwdrivers. I hold the same point of view this moment and I. I have a puncher and a Makita Shurik - there are no problems. Moreover, I am not distinguished by any care for technology in this regard. Makita is rumored to be making screwdrivers for NASA astronauts. Hitachi has about the same image, perhaps a little simpler.

Until recently, I almost never saw the AEG tool in people, only once worked with their grinder. But quite recently, my father bought their D-Sh for himself, and I can say that the unit is more than worthy, for its price. For 5500 rubles he has 2 Li-ion battery 1.5 Ah, power supply 14 V, torque 36 Nm and even a LED charge indicator built into the batteries! I like it. So I do not rule out buying an instrument from AEG in the future.

American brands are not very popular with us. I think it's because of the prices. Or maybe it's the service.

Hilti in my understanding is a show-off scam. Space price, average characteristics. Their trick is in some special conditions of warranty and service, but on the other hand, again, I heard that their tool breaks not so rarely. For example, what Hilty gives:

  • No costs for the first two years of tool life. Even if something breaks, a representative of the company will personally come to you, take the tool from you, fix it for free and deliver it back to you
  • Lifetime manufacturer's warranty
  • After two years of use of the tool, the owner pays a maximum of 33% of its price for repairs.

Of course, all this is very cool, but for the money that they ask for their instrument, you can buy 2-3 Makitas of similar characteristics. And buy Hilti for home use- in general nonsense. Where it will be in place is at construction sites, where everyone takes the tool in a row, where it is dropped, knocked, etc. There he will live longer than the rest, and the guarantee will come in handy.

For the house, just the thing is Interskol. Inexpensive and good quality equipment. Yes, it looks dumb, yes, relatively bulky, but it works. Nothing good has been written about Skil for a long time)) Sparky is also less and less common on sale.

As for the prices of screwdrivers, if you need a high-quality, but at the same time simple installation tool, for example, plastic panels in the bathroom at home, expect a price of 3000 - 4500 rubles. At this price, almost all Interskols, several Makit and Hitachi go. Anything that costs more is for the most part useful to professionals.

Dimensions, ergonomics

This point is not important for everyone. home master, but very relevant for pros who work with screwdrivers for hours. Let me tell you, size matters. But the meaning is twofold. On the one hand, a small screwdriver is better, the hand does not get tired of it so much, it crawls into hard-to-reach places. But, at the same time, it is more difficult for them to tighten the self-tapping screw!

I don’t know what exactly is the matter here, but a heavy tool easily sticks self-tapping screws into profiles. And this is not just my observation.

And anyway, I personally am a supporter of compact models. My "shurik" is one of the smallest in model range Makita. And working with larger models is no longer so comfortable for me. But I use them mainly on the installation of GKL. For those who work with wood or often drill, large and powerful models are more suitable.

Sharp corner at Bosch

Now about ergonomics. The first step before buying is to take the tool in the palm of your hand and pay attention to the handle. The main scourge of many models - sharp corner between the "barrel" and the handle. The consequences of such a seemingly trifle is a stable callus between the thumb and forefinger.

Obtuse angle on a Makita screwdriver

My “sidekick” has this angle obtuse (almost straight), and I don’t have any calluses.

This is perhaps the main potential jamb allowed by the developers of the tool. The speed switches for the vast majority of screwdrivers are located the same way - from above. There are only inconvenient buttons for switching the direction of rotation. On my Makita, for example, you can’t just press the right button - it’s too close to the palm of your hand, and the button itself is too small.

By the way, you can see one of the shortcomings of Makita in the photo above. He is only a year old there, I look like he is 40 years old)) If you clean it, then 30. It infuriates that this is a completely Japanese instrument, and the “Makita” inscription is all peeled off, as are the inscriptions of the torque limiter divisions on the body.


An extremely important criterion for choosing a screwdriver. Modern cars use 3 types of batteries: Nickel Cadmium (NiCd), Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) and Lithium Ion (Li-Ion).

Advantages of nickel-cadmium batteries:

  • This is the only type of battery that can be stored in a fully discharged state.
  • Low price
  • Frost resistance
  • Recovery after long-term storage


  • Relatively short life time - about 1000 charge / discharge cycles
  • Relatively low specific capacity (up to 2 Ah)
  • "Memory effect" - the battery can only be charged after it is completely discharged, otherwise its capacity in the next cycle will decrease by the amount of underdischarge
  • High self-discharge - they charged it, put it in a suitcase for a week, took it out - but the battery is low
  • Harm to environment- a controversial, of course, disadvantage

First of all, these batteries are still in demand only because of their low price.

Advantages of nickel-metal hydride batteries:

  • Environmentally friendly
  • Smaller dimensions compared to NiCd
  • Mild "memory effect"
  • High specific capacitance


  • Even shorter life than NiCd - 500 cycles
  • Higher price compared to NiCd
  • High self-discharge (up to 10% in the first 24 hours after charging)
  • Cannot be stored fully discharged
  • Sensitivity to negative temperatures

Nickel-metal hydride batteries are now quite weak, because lithium-ion batteries are much cooler.

Advantages of lithium-ion batteries for screwdrivers:

  • Very high specific capacity
  • Virtually no "memory effect"
  • Minimum self-discharge (20% per year for a fully charged battery at room temperature)
  • Minimum charge time (my batteries charge in half an hour)
  • 3-4 times longer life than NiCd batteries


  • High price (not only batteries, but also a charger)
  • Inability to start charging when fully discharged (modern batteries have built-in various systems control, so that this disadvantage is eliminated)
  • High sensitivity to negative temperatures

Compact Li-Ion battery

Of course, for the home, it makes no sense to purchase a tool with expensive Li-Ion batteries. NiCd will fit just fine. But for the pros, there is only one option - to take Li-Ion. I have something to compare with, and if I have to buy a screwdriver again, I will take it only with lithium-ion batteries.

Another important parameter of batteries is capacity.

Most budget models of screwdrivers are equipped with 1.3 Ah batteries. If we take as an example the work of assembling a plasterboard ceiling at an average pace, then the charge of one (new) battery will last for 3-4 hours, no less. Considering that modern batteries get infected in a maximum of an hour, you will never be idle. Even if you drill wood or metal without interruption (and this is best done conventional drill, agree), then discharge such a battery in just about an hour.

Who needs 2 or even 3 Ah batteries is the happy owners of "Thor's hammers" - mega-powerful impact screwdrivers. They are so cool that they come with a handle, like perforators! There is also another special caste of "shurikov" - a special tool mainly for drilling wood and metal. They have a cartridge rotation speed of up to 4000 rpm, while conventional machines, on average, up to 1300 rpm.

I present to your attention a video that tells about the criteria for choosing a screwdriver, it will be useful to see:

Impact, torque, drill diameters

As for the impact function, the overpayment for it is relatively small (500 - 1000 rubles), so the purchase of such a tool for the home seems to me quite justified. Of course, if you have a new building, and you need to make several hundred holes in concrete, a screwdriver will not help you, you will have to take a hammer drill.

The maximum torque allows you to judge for what types of work the Shurik is generally suitable. Roughly speaking, KM reflects how powerfully the tool turns. Normal specimens have a KM of at least 24 Nm (Newton meters), which is quite suitable for installing drywall and building a hut. 30 or 36 Nm - generally beauty, they drill tiles with crowns without any problems. Anything above is already more for drilling metal and wood.

For example, a screwdriver with a torque of 36 Nm can drill wood with a drill bit up to 25 mm in diameter. And a tool with a KM of 80 Nm is already 65 mm. There is a difference. The specifications always indicate the maximum drill diameter for wood, metal and concrete, if it is impact. So figure out what you are going to drill and choose the right tool for you.

Supply voltage, delivery set

Screwdriver plastic case

Usually, the supply voltage directly determines the power of the tool. Here, the higher the voltage, the higher the maximum torque. I see no reason to explain in more detail.

As a rule, the delivery set of screwdrivers includes a plastic case (or bag) for carrying, the tool itself, two batteries, a charger, at least 1 bit and instructions. Some manufacturers can supplement the kit with a flashlight, some with a set of bits. In this, manufacturers do not differ much from each other. But this kind pleasant trifles can play decisive role in your choice. For example, if you choose from two similar models.

Chucks in the vast majority of models of screwdrivers are quick-clamping, convenient. For the spindle, forced braking is already used everywhere - when you release the trigger - the tool stops turning instantly, without any inertia. If there is no such brake in some model, do not buy it, this is the last century.

In conclusion, I can also tell you about one useful feature used in the coolest instrument models - pulse mode. The torsion in it occurs in measured jerks, which greatly facilitates drilling (the drill leads less to the side) and tightening / unscrewing self-tapping screws with a “killed” slot. For pros, this feature is very relevant.

Perhaps that's all, we have learned a lot about how to choose a screwdriver. I also recommend scanning YouTube, there are a lot of different videos with specific models tool. I found my model

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Both experienced and novice craftsmen regularly face the problem of choosing a tool. You can, of course, ask around colleagues, but how many people - so many opinions. In this review, we will try to be as objective as possible and compare two world famous brands. In single combat, two Japanese will meet - and. These are companies with a hundred-year history and vast experience in the field of equipment production.


Power tools are just one branch of the giant Hitachi Corporation. The company is also known for its electronics, climate control equipment and heavy construction equipment: excavators, cranes, etc. The power tool line covers all popular categories. Less represented hand tool, machine tools and pneumatics.

Now the manufacturer is updating the range with battery technology: screwdrivers, planers, angle grinders, as well as garden trimmers, blowers and brush cutters. A series of tools with advanced brushless motors has been launched - you can recognize it by white color corps. Separately, Hitachi should highlight the line of generators. This is first class reliable equipment.

Unlike its competitor, Makita deals exclusively with tools and equipment (both electric and gasoline). But its range is very diverse. For example, in the line of heavy rotary hammers alone, there are more than 20 models. Not forgotten and specialized tools: diamond and band saws, concrete compactors, etc. More attention is paid to the introduction of technological innovations and the development of fundamentally new designs.


The products of both manufacturers are addressed to professionals. Therefore, there is no doubt about its reliability and wear resistance. Whether it's Hitachi or Makita, this tool is designed for heavy use and demanding tasks.

Popular Models

Hitachi or Makita, like any other manufacturer, can have their ups and downs. This is most evident in specific products. Take, for example, one of the most popular cordless screwdrivers"Hitachi" - DS12DFV3. The model is completed with 2 batteries, well lies in a hand and is exceptionally reliable.

The Hitachi DH24PB3 rotary hammer, a lightweight two-mode model, was also in great demand. The only disadvantage of the tool can be called an inconvenient location and tight travel of the switch. In the new models, this defect has been eliminated.

One of the most successful models Makita has a three-mode rotary hammer HR 2450. Its power, ergonomics and functionality deserve the highest praise. From the Bulgarians can be distinguished light model Makita GA 5030 with 125mm disc. The tool differs in convenience, maneuverability and low vibration.


So, we compared the two brands according to several criteria. Both companies come from Japan, have been on the market for many years and produce tools for professionals. Quite a lot in common - but at the same time on Russian market Makita is among the leaders, while Hitachi is noticeably behind. In favor of Makita, we can say that the company provides a generally more consistent quality, affordable spare parts and best service. However, some models of Hitachi power tools are an enviable success, so this manufacturer should not be discounted.

When asked which is better for the price - Makita or Hitachi, it is also not easy to answer. Products belong to approximately the same price segment, although Hitachi is slightly cheaper on average. We recommend choosing not a brand, but comparing similar models from 2 brands - this will allow you to make a more informed decision.

By purchasing new jigsaw, we must choose one of the many models presented. Models differ in power, weight, technical characteristics and of course - the same price. But besides this, they are produced by various manufacturers.

Of course, those who already use a trusted manufacturer will choose such a manufacturer, but if you are buying such a tool for the first time, then having thrown away cheap and not durable disposable models of little-known companies, we suggest stopping your look at three more practical manufacturers - Bosch, Makita or Hitachi .

It is worth mentioning that there are professional tools that are more expensive, from manufacturers such as FESTOOL, Mafel, Protoo, but they are very expensive and only professionals need them, so we will focus on more affordable models at a price. It should also be said that in terms of the quality of work, these models quite compete with the above-mentioned ones in many tests.

Looking at the price, it is worth noting that the blue Bosch is perhaps in the lead if it is not assembled in China or Russia. In principle, the price is the first and more correct indicator of the quality and reliability of the tool. Added to this is a well-established brand.

Bosch jigsaws are more balanced and considered the best tool among all jigsaw companies in this category, as they have achieved the highest level and comfort when making a cut. In addition, models such as the GST 135 CE and GST 135 BCE are equipped with the “Precision Control” system, where, at the simple touch of a button, the guides automatically adjust to different saw blade thicknesses for precise guidance and accurate corner cuts.

Now let's talk about the Makita jigsaws, despite the simple, not outstanding design, all models are designed quite well and the strictly horizontal handle is securely in the hand. These jigsaws have great reliability and do an excellent job with any task just as well. Bosch jigsaws. The indicators are about the same, but the price is lower, so not everyone wants to pay money for a more promoted brand.

Makita, like its predecessor, has a minimum level of vibration, it does not jump on the surface, does not strain the hand. When cutting, it moves easily and clearly. If you read the reviews, they say about the reliability and durability of the tool. Despite the fact that Makita appeared on the market later, it has long established itself as a best manufacturer professional tool.

We are less familiar with Hitachi, but I would like to note the excellent design, even too ultra, a modern case, which is covered mainly, on most models, with rubber, which is pleasant to the touch, but unfortunately not very good to clean after cuts. When studying the reviews, you will find out that in it, the protection of the engine from small sawdust is not very well thought out and when sawing materials from small particles, for example, the chipboard gearbox becomes clogged with chips and dust.

I must say that many are shocked by the new design solution plastic holder for files, however, it is made with high quality and no one notes breakdowns, at the same time this jigsaw weighs less than its predecessors. Otherwise, the Hitachi jigsaw with similar technical data is cheaper and this is also important.
Author RBT

When choosing a tool, especially such as a screwdriver, the question immediately arises of which manufacturer to choose, because there are a great many of them on the market now.

Of course, this question cannot be answered unambiguously, and here it is worth analyzing technical specifications tools. But this article will short review the most popular brands of screwdrivers, and also, it is worth deciding for what purposes a screwdriver can be used, and from this we can already conclude which model is more suitable.

Before determining which company to choose a screwdriver, you must first think about which model will be purchased professional or household. Many tool manufacturers produce household models, which do not have too high power and will not be able to work for a long time without additional recharging. If the work will be carried out at home and not too often, then this model may well be suitable for living conditions. In this case, you will not need to overpay for a screwdriver that will have too much power.

The most popular models on the market in Lately were screwdrivers from Makita and Hitachi. And it was they who took the strongest positions in the markets, and showed their models to be of high quality and reliable. The cost of such models ranges from 2500 rubles. But here you should not throw other models of screwdrivers, and do not think that they are of too low quality. Yes, many companies can offer their models of screwdrivers from 700 rubles and very good performance.

Of course, you need to approach the choice of a professional screwdriver more responsibly, because labor productivity will immediately depend on it. Also here the question immediately arises of which company to choose a screwdriver, and even here you can answer Makita and Hitachi. Such professional tools will have high power as well as battery capacity. And in these models, the main difference is additional functions, this is backlight, engine cooling, reverse and much more. Any professional equipment and the tools will be too expensive. But not always such costs can justify their quality, that is, it is better to purchase a cheap tool that can last more than one year.

Unambiguously answer the question, which screwdriver is better, the answer is not found. But if you pay attention to manufacturers, then you can also get confused here, because now manufacturers present many models that can be both the cheapest and very expensive. But still, it’s worth taking a closer look at Hitachi and Makita screwdrivers, here you can choose how household tool, and professional which will not fail in work.