Water pipes      06/15/2019

DIY mechanical arm manipulator. Industrial robot manipulator: I can do everything and I can do everything. Manufacturers of industrial robot manipulators

Will be affected first general issues, Then specifications the result, the details, and finally the assembly process itself.

In general and in general

Creation of this device In general, it should not cause any difficulties. It will be necessary to thoroughly think through the possibilities that will be quite difficult to implement from a physical point of view, so that the manipulating arm performs the tasks assigned to it.

Technical characteristics of the result

A sample with length/height/width parameters of 228/380/160 millimeters, respectively, will be considered. The weight of the finished product will be approximately 1 kilogram. A wired remote control is used for control. Estimated assembly time if you have experience is about 6-8 hours. If it is not there, then it may take days, weeks, and with connivance even months for the manipulator arm to be assembled. In such cases, you should do it with your own hands only for your own interest. To move the components, commutator motors are used. With enough effort, you can make a device that will rotate 360 ​​degrees. Also, for ease of work, in addition to standard tools like a soldering iron and solder, you need to stock up on:

  1. Long nose pliers.
  2. Side cutters.
  3. Phillips screwdriver.
  4. 4 D type batteries.

Remote controller remote control can be implemented using buttons and a microcontroller. If you want to make remote wireless control, you will also need an action control element in the manipulator hand. As additions, only devices (capacitors, resistors, transistors) will be needed that will allow the circuit to be stabilized and a current of the required magnitude to be transmitted through it at the right times.

Small parts

To regulate the number of revolutions, you can use adapter wheels. They will make the movement of the manipulator hand smooth.

It is also necessary to ensure that the wires do not complicate its movements. It would be optimal to lay them inside the structure. You can do everything from the outside; this approach will save time, but can potentially lead to difficulties in moving individual components or the entire device. And now: how to make a manipulator?

Assembly in general

Now let's proceed directly to creating the manipulator arm. Let's start from the foundation. It is necessary to ensure that the device can be rotated in all directions. Good decision it will be placed on a disk platform, which is driven into rotation by a single motor. So that it can rotate in both directions, there are two options:

  1. Installation of two engines. Each of them will be responsible for turning in a specific direction. When one is working, the other is at rest.
  2. Installing one motor with a circuit that can make it spin in both directions.

Which of the proposed options to choose depends entirely on you. Next, the main structure is made. For comfortable work, two “joints” are needed. Attached to the platform, it must be able to tilt in different directions, which is achieved with the help of motors located at its base. Another one or a pair should be placed at the elbow bend so that part of the grip can be moved along the horizontal and vertical lines of the coordinate system. Further, if you want to get maximum capabilities, you can install another motor at the wrist. Next is the most necessary, without which a manipulating hand is impossible. You will have to make the capture device itself with your own hands. There are many implementation options here. You can give a tip on the two most popular:

  1. Only two fingers are used, which simultaneously compress and unclench the object to be grasped. It is the simplest implementation, which, however, usually cannot boast of significant load-carrying capacity.
  2. A prototype of a human hand is created. Here, one motor can be used for all fingers, with the help of which bending/extension will be carried out. But the design can be made more complex. So, you can connect a motor to each finger and control them separately.

Next, it remains to make a remote control, with the help of which the individual engines and the pace of their operation will be influenced. And you can start experimenting using a robotic manipulator you made yourself.

Possible schematic representations of the result

Provides ample opportunities for creative ideas. Therefore, we present to your attention several implementations that you can take as a basis for creating your own device for a similar purpose.

Any presented manipulator circuit can be improved.


The important thing about robotics is that there is virtually no limit to functional improvement. Therefore, if you wish, creating a real work of art will not be difficult. Speaking about possible ways of further improvement, it is worth mentioning the crane. Making such a device with your own hands will not be difficult; at the same time, it will teach children to creative work, science and design. And this, in turn, can have a positive impact on their future life. Will it be difficult to make a crane with your own hands? This is not as problematic as it might seem at first glance. Is it worth taking care of the availability of additional small parts like a cable and wheels on which it will spin.

Among the features of this robot on the Arduino platform, one can note the complexity of its design. The robotic arm consists of many levers that allow it to move along all axes, grab and move various things using only 4 servo motors. Having collected with my own hands With such a robot, you will definitely be able to surprise your friends and loved ones with the capabilities and pleasant appearance of this device! Remember that for programming you can always use our graphical environment RobotON Studio!

If you have any questions or comments, we are always in touch! Create and post your results!


To assemble a robotic arm with your own hands, you will need quite a few components. The main part is occupied by 3D printed parts, there are about 18 of them (it is not necessary to print the slide). If you downloaded and printed everything you need, then you will need bolts, nuts and electronics:

  • 5 M4 20mm bolts, 1 x 40mm and matching nuts with anti-twist protection
  • 6 M3 10mm bolts, 1 x 20mm and corresponding nuts
  • Breadboard with connecting wires or shield
  • Arduino Nano
  • 4 servo motors SG 90

After assembling the housing, it is IMPORTANT to ensure that it can move freely. If the Roboarm's key components move with difficulty, the servo motors may not be able to cope with the load. When assembling electronics, you must remember that it is better to connect the circuit to power after thoroughly checking the connections. To avoid damage to the SG 90 servo drives, you do not need to turn the motor itself by hand unless necessary. If you need to develop SG 90, you need to smoothly move the motor shaft in different directions.

  • Simple programming due to the presence of a small number of motors, and of the same type
  • Presence of dead zones for some servos
  • Wide applicability of the robot in everyday life
  • Interesting engineering work
  • The need to use a 3D printer

First, general issues will be discussed, then the technical characteristics of the result, details, and finally the assembly process itself.

In general and in general

Creating this device as a whole should not cause any difficulties. It will be necessary to carefully consider only the possibilities of mechanical movements, which will be quite difficult to implement from a physical point of view, so that the manipulating arm performs the tasks assigned to it.

Technical characteristics of the result

A sample with length/height/width parameters of 228/380/160 millimeters, respectively, will be considered. The weight of a manipulator hand made with your own hands will be approximately 1 kilogram. A wired remote control is used for control. Estimated assembly time if you have experience is about 6-8 hours. If it is not there, then it may take days, weeks, and with connivance even months for the manipulator arm to be assembled. In such cases, you should do it with your own hands only for your own interest. To move the components, commutator motors are used. With enough effort, you can make a device that will rotate 360 ​​degrees. Also, for ease of work, in addition to standard tools like a soldering iron and solder, you need to stock up on:

  1. Long nose pliers.
  2. Side cutters.
  3. Phillips screwdriver.
  4. 4 D type batteries.

The remote control can be implemented using buttons and a microcontroller. If you want to make remote wireless control, you will also need an action control element in the manipulator hand. As additions, only devices (capacitors, resistors, transistors) will be needed that will allow the circuit to be stabilized and a current of the required magnitude to be transmitted through it at the right times.

Small parts

To regulate the number of revolutions, you can use adapter wheels. They will make the movement of the manipulator hand smooth.

It is also necessary to ensure that the wires do not complicate its movements. It would be optimal to lay them inside the structure. You can do everything from the outside; this approach will save time, but can potentially lead to difficulties in moving individual components or the entire device. And now: how to make a manipulator?

Assembly in general

Now let's proceed directly to creating the manipulator arm. Let's start from the foundation. It is necessary to ensure that the device can be rotated in all directions. A good solution would be to place it on a disk platform, which is driven by a single motor. So that it can rotate in both directions, there are two options:

  1. Installation of two engines. Each of them will be responsible for turning in a specific direction. When one is working, the other is at rest.
  2. Installing one motor with a circuit that can make it spin in both directions.

Which of the proposed options to choose depends entirely on you. Next, the main structure is made. For comfortable work, two “joints” are needed. Attached to the platform, it must be able to tilt in different directions, which is achieved with the help of motors located at its base. Another one or a pair should be placed at the elbow bend so that part of the grip can be moved along the horizontal and vertical lines of the coordinate system. Further, if you want to get maximum capabilities, you can install another motor at the wrist. Next is the most necessary, without which a manipulating hand is impossible. You will have to make the capture device itself with your own hands. There are many implementation options here. You can give a tip on the two most popular:

  1. Only two fingers are used, which simultaneously compress and unclench the object to be grasped. It is the simplest implementation, which, however, usually cannot boast of significant load-carrying capacity.
  2. A prototype of a human hand is created. Here, one motor can be used for all fingers, with the help of which bending/extension will be carried out. But the design can be made more complex. So, you can connect a motor to each finger and control them separately.

Next, it remains to make a remote control, with the help of which the individual engines and the pace of their operation will be influenced. And you can start experimenting using a robotic manipulator you made yourself.

Possible schematic representations of the result

A DIY manipulative hand provides ample opportunities for creativity. Therefore, we present to your attention several implementations that you can take as a basis for creating your own device for a similar purpose.

Any presented manipulator circuit can be improved.


The important thing about robotics is that there is virtually no limit to functional improvement. Therefore, if you wish, creating a real work of art will not be difficult. Speaking about possible ways of further improvement, it is worth mentioning the crane. Making such a device with your own hands will not be difficult; at the same time, it will teach children to creative work, science and design. And this, in turn, can have a positive impact on their future life. Will it be difficult to make a crane with your own hands? This is not as problematic as it might seem at first glance. Unless it is worth taking care of the presence of additional small parts such as a cable and wheels on which it will spin.


If you have assembled the parts of the manipulator in accordance with the instructions, you can begin assembling the electronic circuit. We suggest connecting the manipulator servos to the Arduino UNO via Trerma-Power Shield, and controlling the servos using Trema potentiometers.

  • Turning the knob of the first Trema potentiometer will rotate the base.
  • Turning the knob of the second Trema potentiometer will rotate the left arm.
  • Turning the third Trema potentiometer knob will rotate the right arm.
  • Turning the fourth Trema potentiometer knob will move the gripper.

The program code (sketch) provides protection for servos, which consists in the fact that the range of their rotation is limited by the interval (two angles) of free play. The minimum and maximum rotation angles are specified as the last two arguments to the map() function for each servo. And the value of these angles is determined during the calibration process, which must be performed before starting to work with the manipulator.

Program code:

If you apply power before calibration, the manipulator may begin to move inappropriately! Complete all calibration steps first.

#include // Connect the Servo library to work with servos Servo servo1; //Declare a servo1 object to work with the base servo drive Servo servo2; //Declare a servo2 object to work with the left shoulder servo Servo servo3; //Declare a servo3 object to work with the right arm servo Servo servo4; //Declare a servo4 object to work with the capture servo int valR1, valR2, valR3, valR4; // Declare variables to store potentiometer values ​​// Assign pins: const uint8_t pinR1 = A2; // Determine the constant from the output number of the control potentiometer. base const uint8_t pinR2 = A3; // Determine the constant from the output number of the control potentiometer. left shoulder const uint8_t pinR3 = A4; // Determine the constant from the output number of the control potentiometer. right shoulder const uint8_t pinR4 = A5; // Determine the constant from the output number of the control potentiometer. capture const uint8_t pinS1 = 10; // Define the constant with the pin number of the base servo drive const uint8_t pinS2 = 9; // Define the constant with the pin number of the left arm servo drive const uint8_t pinS3 = 8; // Define the constant with the pin number of the servo drive of the right arm const uint8_t pinS4 = 7; // Define a constant with the pin number of the capture servo drive void setup())( // The setup function code is executed once: Serial.begin(9600); // Initiate data transfer to the serial port monitor servo1.attach(pinS1); // Assign servo1 to the object control of servo drive 1 servo2.attach(pinS2); // Assign to object servo2 control of servo drive 2 servo3.attach(pinS3); // Assign to object servo3 control of servo drive 3 servo4.attach(pinS4); // Assign to object servo4 control of servo drive 4 ) void loop())( // The loop function code is executed continuously: valR1=map(analogRead(pinR1), 0, 1024, 10, 170); servo1.write(valR1); // Rotate with the base The angles indicated in this line: 10 and 170 may need to be changed (calibrated) valR2=map(analogRead(pinR2), 0, 1024, 80, 170); servo2.write(valR2); // Control the left shoulder The angles indicated in this line: 80 and 170 may need to be changed (calibrated ) valR3=map(analogRead(pinR3), 0, 1024, 60, 170); servo3.write(valR3); // Control the right shoulder The angles indicated in this line: 60 and 170 may need to be changed (calibrated) valR4=map(analogRead(pinR4), 0, 1024, 40, 70); servo4.write(valR4); // Control the capture The angles indicated in this line: 40 and 70 may need to be changed (calibrated) Serial.println((String) "A1 = "+valR1+",\t A2 = "+valR2+",\t A3 = "+valR3+ ", \t A4 = "+valR4); // Display the corners on the monitor)


Before you start working with the manipulator, you need to calibrate it!

    Calibration consists of specifying the extreme values ​​of the rotation angle for each servo, so that the parts do not interfere with their movements.
  • Disconnect all servos from the Trema-Power Shield, upload the sketch and connect power.
  • Open the serial port monitor.
  • The monitor will display the rotation angles of each servo (in degrees).
  • Connect the first servo (which controls the rotation of the base) to pin D10.
  • Turning the knob of the first Trema potentiometer (pin A2) will rotate the first servo (pin D10), and the monitor will change the current angle of this servo (value: A1 = ...). The extreme positions of the first servo will be in the range from 10 to 170 degrees (as written in the first line of the loop code). This range can be changed by replacing the values ​​of the last two arguments to the map() function in the first line of loop code with new ones. For example, replacing 170 with 180 will increase the extreme position of the servo in a given direction. And by replacing 10 with 20, you will reduce the other extreme position of the same servo.
  • If you replaced the values, you need to re-upload the sketch. Now the servo will rotate within the new limits specified by you.
  • Connect the second servo (which controls the rotation of the left arm) to pin D9.
  • Turning the knob of the second Trema potentiometer (pin A3) will lead to the rotation of the second servo (pin D9), and the monitor will change the value of the current angle of this servo (value: A2 = ...). The extreme positions of the second servo will be in the range from 80 to 170 degrees (as written in the second line of the loop sketch). This range changes in the same way as for the first servo.
  • If you replaced the values, you need to re-upload the sketch.
  • Connect the third servo (which controls the rotation of the right arm) to pin D8. and calibrate it in the same way.
  • Connect the fourth servo (controlling the gripper) to pin D7. and calibrate it in the same way.

It is enough to perform calibration once, after assembling the manipulator. The changes you make (values ​​of limit angles) will be saved in the sketch file.

Hi all!
A couple of years ago, a very interesting project from uFactory appeared on kickstarter - the uArm desktop robotic hand. They promised to make the project open source over time, but I couldn’t wait and started doing reverse engineering from photographs.
Over the years, I made four versions of my vision of this manipulator and eventually developed this design:
This is a robotic arm with an integrated controller, driven by five servos. Its main advantage is that all the parts can either be purchased or cheaply and quickly cut out of plexiglass using a laser.
Since I took an open source project as a source of inspiration, I share all my results in full. You can download all the sources from the links at the end of the article and, if desired, assemble the same one (all links are at the end of the article).

But it’s easier to show it in action once than to tell for a long time what it is:

So, let's move on to the description.

  1. Height: 300mm.
  2. Working area (with arm fully extended): from 140mm to 300mm around the base
  3. Maximum load capacity at arm's length, not less than: 200g
  4. Current consumption, no more: 6A
I would also like to note some design features:
  1. Bearings in all moving parts of the manipulator. There are eleven of them in total: 10 pieces for a 3mm shaft and one for a 30mm shaft.
  2. Easy to assemble. I paid a lot of attention to ensuring that there was such a sequence of assembling the manipulator in which it would be extremely convenient to screw all the parts. This was especially difficult for the powerful servo drive units in the base.
  3. All powerful servos are located in the base. That is, the “lower” servos do not drag the “upper” ones.
  4. Thanks to parallel hinges, the tool always remains parallel or perpendicular to the ground.
  5. The position of the manipulator can be changed by 90 degrees.
  6. Ready Arduino-compatible software. Right collected hand can be controlled by the mouse, and using code examples you can create your own movement algorithms
Description of design
All parts of the manipulator are cut from plexiglass with a thickness of 3 and 5 mm:

Pay attention to how the rotary base is assembled:
The most difficult one is the node at the bottom of the manipulator. In the first versions it took me a lot of effort to assemble it. It connects three servos and transmits forces to the grip. The parts rotate around a 6mm diameter pin. The grip is held parallel (or perpendicular) work surface due to additional traction:

The manipulator with the shoulder and elbow installed is shown in the photo below. We still have to add a claw and rods for it:

The claw is also mounted on bearings. It can shrink and rotate around its axis:
The claw can be installed both vertically and horizontally:

Everything is controlled by an Arduino-compatible board and a shield for it:

It will take about two hours and a bunch of fasteners to assemble the manipulator. I documented the assembly process itself in the form of instructions in photographs (be careful, traffic!) with detailed comments on each operation. I also made a detailed 3D model in simple and free program SketchUp. So you can always turn it around before your eyes and look at strange places:

Electronics and programming
I made a whole shield on which I installed, in addition to the servo and power connectors, variable resistors. For ease of debugging. In fact, it is enough to connect signals to the motors using a breadboard. But in the end I ended up with this shield, which (it just so happens) I ordered from the factory:

In general, I made three different programs for Arduino. One for control from a computer, one for working in demo mode and one for controlling buttons and variable resistors. The most interesting of them, of course, is the first. I will not provide the entire code here - it is available online.
To control, you need to download a program for your computer. After launching it, the mouse goes into hand control mode. Movement is responsible for moving along XY, the wheel changes the height, LMB/RMB - capture, RMB+wheel - rotate the manipulator. And it's actually convenient. It was in the video at the beginning of the article.
Project sources