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Do-it-yourself shoe rack drawings and diagrams. Do-it-yourself shoe rack - a wide field of design possibilities

   Floor: -    Walls: -    Ceiling: -    Closet: -

13-11-2016, 14:16

Summer is replaced by autumn, autumn - by winter, winter - by spring - and so on, according to a circle set by nature. And we try to adapt to the whims of each season, acquiring a bunch of clothes and shoes for all occasions. The question of placing the latter in an often incapable of boasting superfluous square meters the city hallway remains open. What to do? completely rational and economical option- make a shelf for shoes in the hallway with your own hands. Not enough imagination to make the end result pleasing to the eye? We offer 20 photos of self-made shoe shelves - you will certainly find something for yourself according to your criteria.



The best option is to cut the existing plywood into small pieces of equal size, then thoroughly sand and assemble into the structure of the shape you need. U-shaped structures are usually preferred. As a result, we have a strong and pretty shelf that perfectly copes with its immediate function.


The traditional material for homemade shoe racks is good old wood. Never fails, absolutely non-toxic and perfect for processing. All you need is a planer, hammer, pencil, slate, as well as a tape measure and a saw.


Compared to untreated wood, it has a greater visual appeal, however, according to the main characteristics, they outright lose only natural material. For manufacturing you will need Sander. Irregularities and other shortcomings of the workpiece are leveled sandpaper, and your shelf will acquire its final "marketable" appearance when you stick a special tape on the polished surface.


Rarely enough, metal is used to make a do-it-yourself shoe rack, but such options often flash on the net. As a rule, they are a modification of accessories that have already served their purpose.

Perhaps the easiest option. It is made quickly and easily, roomy enough and will perfectly fit into any interior.

Even something as insignificant at first glance as a shoe rack can look like a real design revelation.

An example of a huge chipboard shoe rack. The simplest design guarantees increased stability. As you can see in the photo, absolutely all the shoes will fit in such a shelf. There will also be room for your guests. And the cat :)

An excellent rack, which has a solid capacity with a fairly modest size. Such self-made shelves can often be found in small Khrushchev hallways.

In the photo - forged homemade shelf. It will fit well into the format of both a city apartment and the design of the hallway of a private house. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to fit all the shoes on it. The shelf is small and perfect for a small family of 2-3 people.

A prime example of how skillful hands can give a second life even to scrapped furniture.

A common option, especially in demand in small hallways. The shelf is attached to the wall and allows you to do without a bulky dresser or cabinet, thereby saving precious meters of living space. It will not be difficult for any person to make such an option: the main thing is to collect all necessary details and tools. Note: wet shoes in such a suspended state dries much faster!

budget shelves

The need for invention is cunning: sometimes in order to conveniently place shoes in an apartment, you don’t need to do anything. Just a pallet is enough, and now your sneakers, sneakers, shoes, boots are in their place. True, before using such a shelf directly, it should be carefully treated with sandpaper - in order to exclude damage to the shoes.

What a small and modest shoe rack in the hallway - and how much it contains! You really can make anything with your own hands - the main thing is that your hands from right place grew.

An interesting handmade shoe rack. As you can see, both wood and materials from already deceased furniture were used. As a result, we observe an extremely practical option with a rather specific look.

Did you know that a shoe rack can be made from ordinary cardboard? A minimum of time and effort spent, but what an original and practical accessory painted in the hallway!

It seems to us that such an impromptu metal shoe rack will fit perfectly into the format of a large private house. However, in the conditions of the good old Khrushchev and panel apartments She, too, will find a place. You can make it in half an hour - there would be a desire, material and tools.

This is what happens when a person with progressive design thinking slowly but surely brings his crazy projects to life.

Above, we have already considered an example of a homemade shoe rack from an ordinary pallet. Here, the source for the furniture accessory is the same, with the only difference being that it was noticeably "ennobled", generously adding rich colors.

Creative shelf for shoes in the hallway. It will probably find its place in an apartment or house of a person prone to design thinking.

You can make a shelf for shoes from pipes. The "recipe" is simply outrageous: take several long pipes, cut them into pieces of equal length, fasten them with a neat bundle to the wall - and, voila, your shoes are stored in comfortable place and appropriate conditions.

We decided to update computer desk? Do not rush to throw away the details of the old. The photo shows a vivid example of how to put into action even seemingly completely unnecessary things.

Aged wood motif - good idea to make a shoe rack with your own hands. The main thing is not to overdo it with style, otherwise your design risks losing its designer charm and gaining a purely nominal value.

An option for a shoe rack in the hallway, which you can easily and quickly make with your own hands. The steel sheets that are used in this example are durable and will not allow your shoes to end up on the floor. One can argue, of course, about the spaciousness of this type of shelf, but we won’t: both the idea and its direct implementation are painfully good.

An example of a do-it-yourself shoe rack, for the manufacture of which you may need the ability to forge. In fact, a practical accessory in the hallway. If someone fears that shoes can be damaged in this way, we hasten to dispel your doubts: the product is carefully varnished at the very end and will not leave a trace on your shoes, boots, ballet flats and other types of shoes.

Look at this cute girl: her dad just made a shoe rack in the hallway with his own hands - and now the first shoes have taken their rightful place. Classic variant popular homemade product, to which it will not work to find fault, even if you really want to.

Summary: We hope that you are convinced that the shoe rack in the hallway is easy to do with your own hands, and the end result can leave even standard store items far behind. The main rule is not to be afraid of your own imagination. A certain supply of creative courage in one direction or another and direct hands will allow you to seriously surprise your household and once and for all solve the problem of placing shoes in a small hallway.

Photo: moreidei.ru, ok.ru, uhouse.ru, vk.com, forumhouse.ru

Wars for order in the hallway are most often caused by fallen shoes. Each of the family members usually has more than one pair, which leads to problems. A shoe rack in the hallway can solve the problem. They are different types and types, so there are plenty to choose from.

Types of furniture for storing shoes

Shoe storage is a perennial problem. The hallways are usually not as spacious as we would like, so everything should be placed compactly, but so that access is free. Shoes help to cope with the task different types and types. If you try to give a definition, then we can say that a shoe rack is an open or closed shelf for shoes. Closed ones are called a shoe chest or cabinet, open ones are called a “shelf” or “stand”. If the design is not specified, the generalizing concept of "shoe rack" is used.

Shoe storage system closed type can be done in different ways. All models can be divided into several groups:

Such furniture for storing shoes is called a chest of drawers or (locker) for shoes. There is no clear division. Everyone uses the name that he likes best.

closed models

Closed models of shoe racks are called a closet or chest of drawers for shoes. They vary in size. Height - from 50 cm to 220 cm, width - from 30 to 120 cm, depth - from 17 to 55 cm. Next, consider how high a shoe rack can be in the hallway. It is this factor that is considered in the first place.

Closets or chests of drawers for shoes - this is the name of closed-type galoshes


Low galoshes are made up to 50-55 cm high. They usually have only one shelf, on which one person's seasonal shoes can be placed. And then, if he is not very fond of buying new shoes / sandals / boots. Occasionally, two low shelves are made in a low shoe rack. Normally, you can only arrange summer or autumn shoes without heels. Boots and even shoes on such shelves will no longer stand. Unless you put them sideways.

Deep down they can be small

The advantage of a low chest of drawers for shoes can be a seat. That is, in your hallway there is not just a bench / bench for shoes, but furniture for shoes with a seat. Rational use of all available space - that's what this option gives.

medium height

With a height of 60 to 120 cm, the shelves are already enough to accommodate the shoes of a family of 3-4 people. In this segment, there are chests of drawers for shoes with open shelves, which are placed on the sides of the shoe shelves. Most often, there is a long and narrow section - for storing an umbrella. Ladies can adapt this section for high boots.

There are different styles, you can choose for any interior

There are models of chests of drawers for shoes in the upper part of which there is a shelf for small things, there are also drawers for storing gloves, keys, etc. For rational use space, above the shoe cabinet, you can or.

Tall shoe cabinets

Perhaps the most interesting category. It makes sense to take these shoe racks in the hallway the same height as the closet (if there is one in your hallway). Although not all shelves can be easily reached, but on the top you can remove off-season or weekend shoes. In addition to traditional shoe cabinets with hinged doors, there is a narrow shoe cabinet with retractable shelves. This option is good if you have a small distance - 30-40 cm - between, say, a closet and a wall. It is in such niches that you can put such narrow and deep shoe cabinets. They are also called "shoe cases".

A shoe cabinet of small width is called a "pencil case"

A closed shoe rack in the hallway is good because the doors reliably hide order or mess. The second positive point is aesthetic. Many people like these models more than open shelves. There are closed models and cons. The first is that shoes dry longer in them, the second is that their price is higher, since more material is required.

Shoe cabinets in the hallway open type

The design of the shoe in the corridor open type simple: two sidewalls to which shelves are attached. In height, they are usually either low - up to 50 cm high, or medium in height - up to a meter. High ones are extremely rare. In this category, there are also several typical models:

  • Standard shoe rack. Height - up to 80 cm, width - from 50 cm, depth - from 35 cm, otherwise men's shoes of large size do not fit into it. A simple shoe rack has two to five shelves, depending on the height. Some models have closed shelves on the side. They can be used both for storing shoes and for other things.

    Shelves for shoes - one of the most practical options. The downside is that dust settles on shoes ... well, that you have to maintain order

  • Shelf for shoes with a seat. The height of this furniture for storing shoes is small - in the region of 50-60 cm. Otherwise, it is uncomfortable to sit. Their width starts from 60 cm, depth - from 40 cm. When buying such a model, pay attention to the strength of the frame: it can withstand the weight of a seated person.

    If the shoe rack is divided into cells, make sure that they are rectangular - square ones are inconvenient ... The cheapest are plastic shelves for shoes

They can be made of wood, metal, or a combination of these materials. If we talk about the choice of material, then it makes sense to select the furniture that is already in your hallway. If you cannot find the same material or color, look for a close one. Simple look neutral metal models. Such a shoe rack will fit into the hallway of any style.

Shelves for shoes made of wood, or MDF, look more interesting. Even simple wooden shelf might look good. She wins due to the texture of wood. It doesn't have to be hidden behind a door.

There are also open shoe racks, which are called racks or shoe stands. They do not have shelves - blades are made of wire or plastic, on which shoes are put on. A very convenient and compact way to store summer and autumn shoes. Such shoes fit up to 36 pairs in a small space. There is a special model for "installing" boots. The number of pairs is less, but the problem with creases in the tops has been solved. Decent decision.

It is difficult to somehow name such structures. The most appropriate name is a rack or hanger))

They look good and are divided from chipboard and MDF. They are usually laminated with wood-like films, which gives them solidity. There may be a couple of closed ones next to an open shelf. This option is not bad: you can store in the open those pairs that are now in the sock, in the closed ones, those that are rarely worn or until the time has come for them.

What materials are they made from

Shoes in the hallway are made from the following materials:

All these varieties can have different shelves. The usual solid ones - plastic, chipboard, MDF - are not very convenient. Dust and dirt accumulate on them, they impede the movement of air, which makes the shoes dry worse. The best option- from a metal wire or several pipes / pins on which shoes are placed.

It is convenient if the distance between the shelves and / or their number can be changed. For the summer, you can put it more often, for the winter - remove a couple of shelves - you need long distances under boots and boots.

Pull-out shelves are a great idea ... the main thing is to implement it

Shelves can also be not only stationary, but also retractable, which is also very convenient. Especially if the shoe rack for the hallway has a great depth. It is necessary to get to the last row of shoes - they put forward a shelf. And do not bend down, look while standing in an uncomfortable position.

Unusual and non-standard models

For the most part, a shoe rack for the hallway is furniture that is placed on the floor. But there are several varieties that are hung on vertical surfaces: walls, doors. For example, the PitStop wall-mounted shoe rack. The shelves in it are folding, each is divided into three cells. One shelf, two drawers. If desired, they can be hung one above the other or placed horizontally.

There is a wire shoe rack that can be hung on any vertical surface. It can be the same wall, closet door, pantry, dressing room, etc. They make a great shoe organizer. They are, of course, more expensive, but it is more convenient to use them, the shoes do not wrinkle so much and keep their shape better. A couple of these options can be seen in the photo below.

Hanging shelves for shoes can be placed in a narrow space, between the wall and the cabinet, on the side of the cabinet. This will help organize the space of a small hallway.

Rotating models

From non-standard models, one can still recall racks and rotating shelves. If there are a lot of shoes, there is not much space for placing them, but there is a free corner, you can install a rack with rotating shelves. The corners are hard to fully exploit, and the rotating shelf will fit perfectly there. And it fits a lot of shoes.

A rotating shoe rack is a good idea for optimal use of floor space.

For small hallways in small apartments there is even more interesting option: combined entrance hall with a shelf for shoes. This piece of furniture is double sided. On the one hand - hangers for clothes, on the other - shelves for shoes. The whole structure rotates around its own axis. You need to hang up your coat - turn it to the side with the hooks. you need to put your shoes on - they turned the shelves towards you.

Such furniture can probably be placed in the corner. Takes up little space. At all, interesting idea. Although, you can also find a shoe rack with a hanger or a mirror. But they are stationary and do not use space as efficiently.

Shoe rack in the hallway: photos of interesting models

There are several models that are difficult to attribute to any class. Interesting idea, shape, material. We will post them in this section. Maybe this is where your shoebox is waiting for you in the hallway.

An easy way to turn an open model into a closed one

If there are too many shoes...

Glass and wood - why not ...

In this version, it looks more like a couch ...

For quick access ... you can, by the way, put in a closet

Shoe racks are the solution to the problem of how to store shoes in the house in aesthetic and economic terms for small-sized housing.
A shoe rack in the hallway as one of the options can also become an element of the interior.
Heavy wood, fiberboard, lightweight plywood or metal are used as the material for manufacturing.

Equip steps with a pair drawers- and they can fit a lot of things

Everyone makes an individual decision on how to store shoes, depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and personal capabilities, however, using some tips, you can extend the life of not only your favorite shoes, but also slippers. Shoe rack in the hallway structural element should be simple and reliable, and as a piece of furniture - fit into the overall design of the room. Modern manufacturers have provided all the options and diversified the assortment so much that the consumer has the opportunity to decide on a purchase even based on a photo. In addition, you can show your imagination and make a shoe rack with your own hands. IN Lately Shelves and stands deservedly enjoy great popularity, which make storing shoes as comfortable as possible.

Stands for shoes in the hallway made of metal. Advantages and disadvantages

Depending on the overall design hallway, an individual decision is made on what material to make or buy a shoe rack from, but it is worth considering a number of advantages when using a shoe rack in a metal hallway:

  • possibility of natural ventilation open version;
  • durability, since the metal does not get wet and, accordingly, does not rust;
  • does not absorb odors from wet shoes;
  • if you decorate it with forged elements, then it will not leave indifferent any of the household members.

The following shortcomings do not detract from the advantages of a metal stand for storing shoes:

  • large weight of the product, especially if the locker is of considerable size;
  • dust collects in open areas.

The easiest option for storing shoes in the hallway is the so-called galoshes

Types of products for open shoes

The variety of modern racks and shelves for open shoes is quite large. The easiest option for a large number shoes and owners who are prone to minimalism are a few light shelves or a small closet.

Shoes are an important element of our wardrobe, which many people store at random, thereby reducing the life of their favorite pair.

A good idea for DIY craftsmen is to make a multifunctional shoe rack in the hallway, i.e. fit under a bench or ottoman. Upholster the upper part with any material available in the house: pieces of leather, leatherette, fabric, etc. It will turn out a very comfortable and original piece of furniture.

Buying ready product, you can choose a visually heavy shelf for shoes or elegant with thin carved elements.

When the area of ​​​​the hallway allows, a set will look harmonious, which will include shelves for shoes or a wardrobe, a clothes hanger and a stand for accessories.

Shoe stands in the hallway are practical, convenient and do not take up much space, and a large assortment allows you to purchase a model that matches the taste of any consumer.

For storing sandals, a kind of staircase will look original, which will be in a vertical position and will solve the issue of saving space and having room for a large number of shoes.

Advice! It is recommended to choose a wardrobe for storage or make it yourself, depending on the type of shoes for which it is intended to be stored. For summer shoes, the classic version is enough, and to fit boots, the distance between the shelves should be greater.

Slim wardrobe

A more perfect version of the galoshes - a shoe cabinet-slim

The most popular piece of furniture for the hallway is a galoshnitsa - slim. The classic version is equipped with several compartments and the corresponding number of doors - such a shoe cabinet. Its depth is about 20 cm, which is just perfect for fitting into the environment if there is little free space left after installing the main furniture. The idea of ​​the designers is simple: if you close the locker door, the shoes take a vertical position, due to which the slim is so narrow. Inner part The door has a compartment where the shoes fit directly. When opened, it tilts. Nothing superfluous, roomy enough and at the same time compact. After studying the relevant photos, you can make an individual order by increasing the size of individual storage cabinets or the entire cabinet as a whole. If the area allows, at the request of the client, they can make a slim cabinet with hinged doors, but then more space will be required for its installation.

Other types of closed footwear products

Closed shoeboxes made in the form of a box are common. There are shelves for shoes inside. The decoration of the interior will be a product painted or pasted over to match the main upholstery of the room. This method of storing shoes is convenient for those who have uncontrollable animals. In addition, in this case, the shoes will not be exposed to dust.

The issue of storing shoes is especially relevant with the onset of cold weather - shoes are becoming more and more and it can take up all the free space

If the hallway area allows, it is better to make an individual order in accordance with the size of the room. The master, after listening to the idea of ​​the customer, will make a rack with as many shelves for shoes that will meet the requirements. It can be shelving for the entire height of the wall or covering only the empty spaces of the room. But first you need to think about which shoes are more often used, since heels require a deeper locker.

The same space can be arranged with a simpler design if you want to visually lighten the space. Spacious shelving provides enough space for boots and sneakers. Shelves for shoes at the request of the customer are arranged strictly horizontally or obliquely, which will ensure the storage of shoes at a certain angle. The second option is convenient for boots, and shelves are better visible, which can be made retractable. After viewing the photo, you should make a better decision for yourself.

DIY shelf

For a home craftsman, making a shelf with your own hands is not difficult, and having original ideas and desires will help with this. Every home has a waste of usable items.

Option 1

For example, a shelf for shoes can be made from the remnants of plastic water pipes. The process will not take much time, and the result will save on the family budget:

  • make an approximate drawing with the dimensions of the future product;
  • buy, if not in the home workshop, material for future crossbars and fittings;
  • assemble the finished structure with the help of fasteners, paint it with the desired paint colors;
  • If you have an old wooden staircase, then it can be turned into a shelf for storing shoes

    Another homemade shoe rack, a photo of which can be found on the Internet. The method of its manufacture is so simple that even a beginner House master will be able to create this item with their own hands in the shortest possible time. And the process is primitive:

    • from an old stepladder that has fallen into disrepair, cut out a piece the right sizes(the number of steps is optional);
    • Paint it to match your decor and arrange the shoes neatly on the stairs.

      The last option is suitable for a small hallway and a small amount of shoes.

      So, having decided to update the design of the hallway, take the advice and purchase a rack for storing shoes from the photo you like, or turn the idea into reality with your own hands.

Even a small amount of untidy shoes in the hallway creates a feeling of untidiness and disorder. But what if the family is large and there are a lot of shoes? What if the corridor is too narrow? In such a situation, capacious and light-weight shelves for shoes will save. With their help, you can compactly place all sandals, shoes, boots and boots, saving space in the lobby. We offer to organize free space in the hallway and make a roomy shoe rack. Moreover, a do-it-yourself shoe rack is a great opportunity to show off your knowledge and carpentry skills, because its design is extremely simple.

Another positive point in favor of making your own shoe stand is the availability of materials from which you can make it. In addition, if you use the available tools and materials for its manufacture, you can significantly save the family budget.

Wooden shoe rack in the hallway - no one canceled the tradition

The tree is the most common and available material to create any homemade furniture, this also applies to shelves for shoes. There are options for making shelves from chipboard or MDF, from boards or furniture panels. You can get a budget shelf if you make it out of plywood with your own hands. Stop your choice on quality plywood from birch.

Except suitable material you need a standard set for carpentry tools:

  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • sandpaper or grinder;
  • drill;
  • screws and metal corners for fastening the structure or furniture ties;
  • special protective equipment for the processing of wooden products.

The first thing you need to think about is the drawings and diagrams of the shelf or rack you like. You can draw them yourself or find suitable ones on the Internet and fit them to your size.

So, to create a shelf for shoes made of wood, everything is prepared, you can get to work.

In a small apartment, every centimeter counts! There is always a catastrophic lack of storage space. The owners are in constant search for solutions, looking for original ideas, which will help make the house more spacious, cozy and comfortable.

The most difficult thing is for families with children, fashionistas, as well as young people who always want to look perfect. All these categories of people need a huge amount of shoes, for any weather, combined with all sets of clothes. And, in the end, the question: “Where to store all this ?!” - becomes very acute.

Still, the shoes seasonal item. Sandals in winter, most likely, you will not need. Remove unnecessary this moment hallway shoes. Leave here only what you are actively wearing at the moment.

It is most convenient to store shoes in transparent boxes. So you will always see what is where, and you do not have to spend a lot of time looking for the right pair. If there is a goal to do without financial costs for the purchase of special boxes, then you can print an image of each pair and stick it on the desired cardboard box.

Throw away without regret all unnecessary shoes that are worn out, tight, not comfortable to wear, disappointed you - in general, everything that you “did not walk” for a year or two. You will be amazed at how much space will be freed up!

Many are very annoyed by the huge number of different boxes and boxes. You can buy several large boxes on wheels: put winter shoes in one, summer shoes in another, and demi-season shoes in the third. Arrange inside each different sizes partitions. Now it is enough to pull out only one box and dig into it already.

Shoes can be stored on a balcony glazed with plastic, subject to low humidity and positive temperature.

We solve a difficult problem

In our case, the customer is an unmarried (yet) young man who has some weakness for shoes, that is, he has a lot of them, and, as is usually the case, there is a shortage of storage space. You can also turn to a professional furniture assembler, but a DIY shoe rack is not at all difficult.

As a result, it was decided to make two narrow shoe racks. One is two compartments wider, the other is three narrower.

It is obvious that for a small corridor it is better to make (order) shoe racks that are narrow, but at the same time quite high. So a small hallway will not seem cluttered and all the shoes will fit.

In each of the compartments you can store low shoes in two rows. This is both a plus and a minus. The plus is that the depth of such a pedestal is minimal, and the minus is the impossibility of placing high-top shoes, boots, etc.

To visually make the corridor larger, usually this is the darkest room in the apartment, choose light colors for decoration.

The dimensions of the cabinets were dictated by the available space. The color was chosen based on general design apartments - in unison. Hulls in Wenge color, fronts in Milky Oak.

Shoe making

1. Tool

  • drill (driver)
  • drills with a diameter of 5 mm and 8 mm or "confirmed" drill;
  • pencil, ruler (square, tape measure), awl, 4 mm hexagon wrench or screwdriver bit, hammer;
  • corner clampsif you assemble alone;
  • drilling template
  • Forstner drill 20 mm.

2. Project

We create a model in the PRO100 program (free download). You can download the shoe model.

3. Details from chipboard

Table with the dimensions of shoe rack parts for two facades:

Length Edge 0.4 mm Width Edge 0.4 mm Quantity Note
1 379 2 483 2 2 facade
2 520 2 300 2 1 edge 2 mm, cover
3 778 1 290 - 2 side walls
3 488 1 60 - 2 screeds
3 520 1 290 2 1 bottom

Table with the dimensions of shoe rack parts for three facades:

Length Edge 0.4 mm Width Edge 0.4 mm Quantity Note
1 379 2 353 2 3 facade
2 390 2 300 2 1 edge 2 mm, cover
3 1165 1 290 - 2 side walls
3 358 1 60 - 2 screeds
3 390 1 290 2 1 bottom

Table with dimensions of DVPO parts:

4. Fittings

To assemble the shoe you will need:

Name Quantity
1 Eurovint (confirmed) 16 pcs
2 Pens 5 pieces
3 Screws 3.5x16 50 pcs
4 Shoe mechanism 5 pieces
5 Decorative supports, H-60 ​​mm 8 pcs

5. Assembly

We mark the sidewalls of the pedestal body

We mark and drill the bottom of the pedestal body

With help corner clamps we fix the body parts, drill and twist to confirm

Installing pedestal supports

Installing the cabinet cover

Screws 3.5x16 fix the back wall

Similarly, we assemble the body of the shoe rack on three facades

According to the markings made earlier, we drill holes in the shoe rack mechanism

For Assembly rotary mechanisms under shoe shelves you will need a Forstner drill with a diameter of 20 mm.