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Horoscope for the week from October 30 Pisces. Not all Zodiac Signs will succeed in the financial sector.

The main theme for Aries will be the fulfillment of duties, a win-win highly spiritual position (Saturn in Sagittarius in the 9th house).

The authorities, most likely, will not be able to influence you, they will be more busy with matters of a material nature. Much will depend on whether Aries manages to negotiate with customers and competitors who are stronger than ever. In this scenario, everyone can be a loser. Aries himself does not want to see what comes into his hands.

Reputation also depends on your actions. It will be difficult, something will have to be disappointed. Aries is not a leader this week, but rather collected and businesslike.

In the first half of the week, develop contacts with groups and organizations (Moon has passed the house of Aquarius). Watch your language, be careful on trips and crowds. You can earn with the help of a client base or partnership. In the second half of the week, you can not notice dangerous situations, avoid natural phenomena, especially in foreign countries. On weekends, do your duties, buy what you need.

The main driving force will be force majeure situations in partnerships at work. It is very likely that some Taurus will find it difficult to maintain good relationships (stellium in the 7th house). It may be worth keeping contact to a minimum.

The work may involve hazardous situations. Other people can let you down, although they give the impression of being solid. The subordinates of Taurus are generally admired by his work and by himself. With such people, you can solve work issues on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday.

Marriage is not easy either. In general, this week all the official authorities seem to have conspired to go against Taurus. Don't be stubborn, take a time out.

On Wednesday, you can lose property because of others who wanted the best. On Thursday, you can not notice an open enemy, so he will blind Taurus. On Saturday, the atmosphere of tension persists, mainly from communication. On Sunday clarifications can be continued. Taurus is generally right (Venus in Libra), and others should listen to him. Taurus, who, in principle, have no one to butt with, will have time to admire a healthy lifestyle at some resort with foreign equipment.

The main motive will be the problem of partnership. Foreigners or people from other cities will be important sometimes quite unexpectedly. Gemini will have to fight, and covert or covert actions are more successful, it may be worth hiding and taking a closer look at opponents and allies (Saturn in the 7th house). It is likely that your positions will not be evaluated, and competitors will get a chance that they may not take advantage of.

Pay attention to your health: all necessary preventive measures should be taken, but within reasonable limits, of course.

Monday is hard to find mutual language with colleagues.

Tuesday will pass under the influence of loved ones, if you allow yourself to be happy (Mars and Venus in the 5th house).

On Thursday you will find those who are at one with you, but so far overlooked.

Friday surprises from secret admirers, if you have any. Otherwise, just disagreements with the children.

On Saturday, before lunch, misunderstanding, after lunch, the secret will become clear. Take a closer look at the second half: perhaps you both want the same result in the end, but you mean different paths. On Sunday, trips on domestic issues and spending on entertainment and loved ones.

Under the sign of partnership, a week will pass at the Cancers. Someone's partner will get sick and need help, some of the Cancers themselves will get into force majeure situations because of others. Some Cancers will get caught by a regular partner finding out your secret connection, which began recently (stellium of planets in the 5th house). In fact, Cancer would like to quickly forget everything, or has already forgotten, and would like to restore relations. Cancers with a spotless reputation need financial assistance from the other half and may well receive a gift.

On Monday, you can already expect receipts, take out a loan for entertainment on Wednesday. Tuesday is good repair work at home, slightly diluted with a showdown.

On Wednesday, the kids will take the spotlight because of their schooling. You can spend on their needs. On Thursday, it is advisable to twist the novel at a home stop (Venus and Mars in the 4th house).

On Friday, make plans for a home nest, everything will work out. On Saturday, solve problems in partnership, get the results of your actions. On Sunday you can earn without leaving your home.

Situations can spin around healthy lifestyle life (stellium of planets in Scorpio). Someone overdoes it in a sport or an incendiary event, and will feel tired and sick. For some Leos, pets will become the main object of study. Someone will see in a long-time acquaintance the attractive features of a future lover, having met, for example, their classmate (Mars and Venus in the 3rd house).

Leo, along with loved ones and children, will be busy home life and thus change their relationship with a partner. Most of all, Leo is interested in his family and everything connected with it.

On Monday, partnership is important, take care of your neighbor.

On Tuesday - a showdown, trips, negotiations. On Wednesday, your business can bring a small income. On Thursday, the affairs of children will require attention. Friday is good for negotiations and communication, however, Leo does not like everything and not everything.

On Saturday, partnership will be important, you are not the only one who likes your partner. This week, especially on Sunday, in a homely atmosphere, you are a colossus with feet of clay. Your efforts will be weaker than those of your opponents.

The main issues of concern to Virgo will be the issues of children, their property, as well as issues of hiring labor (the Moon passed through the 6th house). Pets will also take up some of the time; for some, health issues will be relevant. If Virgo operates in the field of transportation or buys a car, then all sorts of minor problems of everyday life associated with home life will need to be solved. Those who begin their studies in the courses will definitely reach a diploma (stellium of planets in the 3rd house).

On Monday, you should not get involved in sports, pets and other household issues. On Tuesday - spending for the sake of an idea. Your car needs investments for a long time, or the motor is acting up.

On Wednesday it is good to communicate with kindred spirits (Mercury in Scorpio along with Jupiter and the Sun). On Thursday, the house is not visible, the trip. On Friday, expenses upset Virgo. Think carefully before buying. On Saturday, solve children's problems, on Sunday - trips and the results of family relationships. In most cases, Virgo will be fine with everything.

The main topics in the first half of the week will be related to property issues (stellium of planets in the 2nd house). You will need to make a lot of purchases: for treatment, travel, paying for consultations with specialists. But do not think that a piece of the pie will just break off for you, refrain from gambling activities.

In the second half of the week, the theme of loved ones or children is expected to develop, their desire to succeed and all changes in this regard will be picked up by Libra (the conjunction of Mars and Venus in the 1st house). The success of the children will be linked to your support.

Libra themselves will be delighted with the object of their love and affection. On Monday, Libra will achieve the goal only with hard work. On Tuesday, rely on yourself in the matter of income or buying the necessary clothes, they will be beautiful (Venus in Libra passes through 1 house).

On Wednesday, spending again. On Thursday - the same thing, you may be asked for a loan or alms. On Friday, you can be proud of yourself, luck is in your hands. A favorable time to study, learn new things, fall in love.

In the first half of the week, Scorpions will be interested in health, spending on it, children, career and force majeure about desires. In the second half of the week, there will be spending on household and family affairs. In general, the week will pass under the sign of the problems of relatives (the Moon passes through the family house).

On Monday, difficulties are expected in the family, because. you will need to spend money on maintaining the house or helping loved ones.

On Tuesday, all things will be under your control (the stellium of planets in Scorpio), but you yourself don’t really want to shovel everything, your instincts will be stronger, and the desire to be useful to someone will push all things aside.

On Wednesday, unexpected breakdowns in the body will lead to disability. On Thursday, the success of children and, again, spending is possible. On Friday, retire with your loved one and enjoy their company against the backdrop of wildlife. On Saturday, home and travel will require funds, but you will like the result. On Sunday, expect personal success, but the opponent may also strive for the same goal and become your secret enemy.

Sagittarius seeks to earn (Saturn in the 1st house). A lot of time and effort this week will have to be devoted to relatives and property matters. Be careful when using your property - a car or other large equipment. Closeness and remoteness from society do not have a solid foundation.

Some Sagittarius this week will begin to practice the restriction of activities in society (cluster of planets in the 12th house). Although Sagittarius himself is in demand and many people take away his time and energy, therefore he seeks to retire with his "I", his partner will also hide there.

Some people decide to go far abroad, but it will be extremely difficult to obtain permanent residence. Travel can be dangerous for Sagittarius, spending is unpredictable.

On Monday, trips are dangerous, negotiations are not in your favor. On Tuesday, children may be disobedient.

On Wednesday, colleagues want your help, if you do not help, they will hold a grudge (Mercury in Scorpio in the 12th house). In the second half of the week, everything will depend on you. Under your decision to start something new and unexpected. On Thursday, happiness is alone or far away. On Friday, subordinates are better than you. On Saturday, money can come suddenly, spend it on yourself and relatives. On Sunday, outdoor recreation is fraught with surprises of a social nature.

The main motive will be the themes of infringement of one's own personality (Saturn in the 12th house). Although it would be time for Capricorn to get used to this state of affairs in more than two years. Now you have to make activity in a friendly circle and in high society. The audience will be delighted with Capricorn, or some friend will openly express his admiration for him.

On Monday, there will be spending on some kind of event with friends. On Tuesday, Capricorn has a showdown at work or repair of a workroom.

On Wednesday, subordinates will fall ill. On Thursday, the importance of documentation, which suddenly disappeared from Capricorn's field of vision.

The second half of the week is more joyful and full of pleasant events. On Friday, Capricorn receives the enthusiasm of the authorities. Mothers of Capricorns are proud of their success in raising their growing offspring.

On Saturday, Capricorn is pleased with the communication with his superiors, but secret enemies hide behind friends and envy (Black Moon in Sagittarius). Capricorn is dependent in some way on these people who step on his heels. On Sunday, your efforts will not be in vain.

Friendships that could have recently been renewed or changed will have a value this week. This will change the life of Aquarius (the Moon has passed the sign of Aquarius).

This week, a lot will depend on you. Children can be careless, follow their cunning hobbies, avoiding traumatic situations.

In the first half of the week, Aquarius will fight to achieve plans and dreams, and not alone: ​​there is a friend who is at one with him. However, the basis of their project is extremely weak and rests on the moral principles and reputation of Aquarius as a professional. In the second half of the week, the mind will receive the support of intuition, believe in yourself.

Change your image on Monday, although not everyone will approve of it, but taking care of your own health is always useful, especially now, when there may be emergency situations at work. On Tuesday, the authorities will secretly admire you.

On Wednesday observe TB in the workplace, a conflict is possible. Work on a new project on Thursday. On Friday, travel, relax.

On Saturday and Sunday, combine work and home, but home is more important.

In the week of Pisces, questions about the documents of the organization where Pisces works (Saturn in Sagittarius in the 10th house) will worry. Much will become clear to Pisces, because. they will penetrate the holy of holies and the secrets of the firm. Although this is not safe.

Pisces desires to travel and will get their wishes fulfilled, although you need to be careful on vacation (stellium of planets in the 9th house). It will be difficult to study, information from other people is not good for Pisces, especially women.

Monday - the secret will become clear, difficulties may arise with children.

On Tuesday, traveling for a partner and family will turn into a surprise.

On Wednesday, Pisces is busy with a partner in property matters. Problems for those who are on business trips will be highlighted on Thursday. Finding a common language with superiors will be difficult. On Friday, Pisces will find themselves in force majeure, which they themselves organized, admiring their plans related to the property and documents of the company.

On Saturday, the public interest will be important, on Sunday - travel, if you get paid.

And Pisces. People of the Air - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - born at the beginning of the sign will be unusually active and active, and those born at the end of the sign will be able to relax and enjoy life.

The Earth signs will be greatly influenced by the Full Moon on Saturday. It can even cause dramatic changes in life. The Fire Signs will start a streak of luck from the weekend.

General horoscope for the week from October 30 to November 5, 2017 for all signs

Aries. Horoscope from October 30 to November 5, 2017

Aries, on weekdays you will be enraged by those around you: they will have too many claims, they will behave too touchy and secretive. This is especially felt in the first half of the week, and you will want to move away from everyone and close yourself at home or go somewhere in nature. On Thursday and Friday you will take care of yourself, take care of your appearance, put your nerves in order. On Friday, you can even radically change the style. On Saturday, use the energy of the Full Moon to put an end to some financial issue. And on the weekends, you begin a period of positive innovations and changes, a streak of success. It will last about a week.

Calf. Horoscope from October 30 to November 5, 2017

Taurus, other people will take a big place in your life. You will begin to react sharply even to how strangers treat you, to say nothing of your husband / wife, business partners, admirers and clients. Therefore, relationships with people you will pay Special attention. The full moon on Saturday will force you to give up some of your interests in favor of the general or someone else's benefits. Business and personal relationships can be tested in terms of how they affect your life and your personal interests. On Saturday, avoid impulsive acts and potentially dangerous situations, as you can harm yourself by careless actions or get injured.

Twins. Horoscope from October 30 to November 5, 2017


Gemini, if you were born in the first decade of the sign, you will need to get active and do something. If you were born in the last third of the sign, bet on agreement and compromise. You are waiting for situations related to love, beauty and pleasure. If you were born in the middle of the sign, the week will be good, but without bright events. On Saturday, all Gemini, without exception, need to take into account the existence of a hidden side of life: some secrets, yours or someone else's, will be revealed. On Sunday, the transition of your planetary ruler Mercury from Scorpio to Sagittarius will expand your social circle. You need to listen more and allow other people to speak, then contacts will benefit you.

Cancer. Horoscope from October 30 to November 5, 2017

Crayfish, on weekdays life will be in full swing. You will feel liberated and free. You will have enough free time to have fun, be interested in something, engage in hobbies, go on dates. In the first half of the week you will want to travel. Whoever can, will go abroad, and whoever can’t, will make virtual trips and communicate with people from afar. On Thursday and Friday, pay attention to business life, progress and positive changes are possible there. On Saturday, you can clean your social circle from unnecessary people or find out the relationship with one of your friends. Decide in advance who exactly you want to say goodbye to, and don't take it out on other friends.

A lion. Horoscope from October 30 to November 5, 2017

Lions, on weekdays you will be interested in household chores, relationships with parents, home improvement, home rest and all sorts of other things that do not concern outsiders. Maybe things will make you spend most time at home. On Saturday, something will change at work or in business. If you do not make impulsive decisions, the day can be very productive. But if you flog a fever, you can greatly spoil your business situation. But even in this case, you don’t need to be upset, because at the weekend you start a streak of good luck and positive changes. It will manifest itself in personal life, questions of popularity, in hobbies and hobbies, long-distance connections, and if you make an effort, then in other matters.

Virgo. Horoscope from October 30 to November 5, 2017

Virgo, on weekdays you personally will not have any special plans. You will do what other people want you to do and participate in events that they initiate. You will have a lot of communication, so stock up on patience and delicacy. On Saturday there will be a bright event related to foreign countries, foreigners, people who have come from afar. Or an event that is directly related to you will happen far from you. It will do you good, although it can be stressful in itself. On Sunday, your patron planet Mercury will move into the sign of Sagittarius and will give news, news, guests to the house, the departure or return of one of the family members, or a minor rearrangement of the house.

Scales. Horoscope from October 30 to November 5, 2017

Libra, if you were born in the first decade of the sign, you will vigorously implement your plans and generally take an active life position. Events will force you not to think, but to act. If you were born in the last decade, it's time to take care of your appearance and have pleasant experiences in life, such as falling in love or going to an art exhibition. For those born in the second decade, the week will go well, but without bright events. All Libras, without exception, have an increased risk of injury on Saturday. This is an energetically charged day when it is easy to do stupid things. You need to control yourself, and direct the excess energy to solving issues with other people's money and to psychological work on yourself.

Scorpion. Horoscope from October 30 to November 5, 2017


Scorpio, on Monday - Thursday you will be in the center of all events. This is the perfect week for you to express yourself with better side. To do this, use the innate qualities of your sign - willpower, insight and intense emotionality. On Friday, a romantic episode awaits you or sublime emotions from the contemplation of great works of art. On Saturday, relationships with people will become aggravated, especially with business and personal partners. Any cooperation, partnership may cease. On Sunday, relationship issues will come first. Keep in mind that on this day, the interlocutors will react too emotionally to your rational arguments.

Sagittarius. Horoscope from October 30 to November 5, 2017

Sagittarius, on Monday - Thursday you will do what circumstances force you to do. Personally, you will not have any special plans. But since you do not live in isolation from others, their actions will somehow affect your actions. On Friday, heed the woman's advice. It is also a good day to start a diet or hardening. You may also have a serious interest in some kind of art or collecting. On Saturday, take care of your body, do not overexert yourself. On Sunday, Mercury will enter your sign and from that moment on you will begin to be successful in negotiations, lectures and studies. And on the weekend, a streak of luck begins, which will last about a week.

Capricorn. Horoscope from October 30 to November 5, 2017

Capricorns, on weekdays you will be busy with the affairs of other people, especially friends. It is possible to participate in a group event, the work of a group of interests, communities, attend a seminar or public action. On Saturday, the issue of leisure, free time and creative self-realization will be acute. You can finally say goodbye to some hobby or complete work on creative project. Be careful in choosing leisure activities for the day - it will pull on risks and all sorts of nonsense. There may be a crisis in personal relationships. Sunday will be free from business, and you can relax, but keep in mind that energetic rest will not charge you with vigor, but will weaken you, so choose your leisure time more calmly.

Aquarius. Horoscope from October 30 to November 5, 2017

Aquarius, if you were born in the first decade of the sign, events that require activity and pressure await you. You will definitely have some business that needs to be dealt with quickly. If you were born in the last decade, you will be preoccupied with issues of appearance, beauty, art, fashion, personal relationships. You will actively make new social connections. If you were born in the second decade, everyday life will go well, but nothing special will be remembered. On Saturday, all Aquarius, regardless of the date of birth, need to do household and family affairs and solve some burning issue there. On Sunday, home rest is useful, but to overload yourself homework not worth it.

Fish. Horoscope from October 30 to November 5, 2017

Pisces, you will be at the center of things. Many things will happen on your initiative, and where events will develop according to the will of circumstances, you will play a major role. You will be especially interested in events related to foreign countries, foreigners, a person who came from afar, or an event that will happen far away, but will directly concern you. On Friday, you will show your creative imagination in full force. A powerful surge of intuition is possible. On Saturday, the issue of relationships with others will be aggravated. There may be a showdown or termination of communication with someone from acquaintances, relatives, neighbors. This is the right day to clean your social circle from unnecessary people. On Sunday, a quiet aimless walk and reading is recommended for relaxation.

Those born under this sign of the zodiac should be as careful as possible when handling cutting and piercing objects, there is a high probability of getting a domestic injury. Surrounded by Aries, there are people who know too much about them, try to minimize communication with such personalities. This week is favorable for learning, you can safely sign up for courses and attend additional classes. Do not forget about the personal front, if you really want to, you can even organize a date yourself.

The psychological and physical state of Taurus will be at least on Monday. You will feel empty, may escalate chronic diseases. Representatives of this zodiac sign will make an important conclusion for themselves, at this stage of life it is difficult for them to conduct a dialogue with people. You will begin to doubt the love of your partner, you will feel that something important is being hidden from you, but it is unlikely that you will be able to bring your lover to a frank conversation. Do not get hung up on emotions and feelings, everything will definitely become clear, but a little later. The second half of the week will delight you with new acquaintances, do not miss the opportunity to conduct the settlement process financial matters.

You rarely take care of your health, you should take care of the prevention of infectious viral diseases. The weakened body of Gemini can cause apathy, bad mood and even bouts of aggression and anger. Try to devote more time to rest and sleep, postponing parties and meetings with friends. It will not be possible to control the level of performance, it will rapidly fall. The second half of the week will please interesting events on the personal front, a romantic date is just what you need.

Cancerians began to closely monitor their partner, it constantly seems to them that he is hiding something. You need to learn how to keep your emotions under control, jealousy can destroy any relationship. This depressing feeling has not yet made anyone happy, which is why it is so important to think it over and put everything in its place. Favorable time for household chores, you can safely arrange repairs or general cleaning. At work, you will be able to clear the rubble, and the boss will definitely praise you for your enthusiasm.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are very fond of taking the initiative, even in those moments when it is completely inappropriate. It is necessary to learn to listen to the opinion of parents and other family members in resolving contentious issues. The second half of the week will delight you with romantic acquaintances, and there will be time to reflect on the topic of relationships. You should not immediately rush into the pool of love feelings with your head, take a closer look at the chosen one and only then draw your conclusions.

An incredible amount of information flies around you, only there is one “but”: most of it is false and it clearly distorts reality. Try not to make any important decisions this week, you should carefully check all the facts and this applies primarily to the people who surround you. In the middle of the week, you will want to yell at someone, express everything that has boiled in your soul, but you should behave as discreetly as possible and you will find a way out on your own.

In the second half of the week, you will feel that Fortune is on your side and you will want to test your Luck for strength. Try to be extremely careful with online casinos, the stars advise you to refrain from any gambling. Libra loves to spend hours talking with a loved one, telling him about all his emotions and experiences. Most importantly, do not discuss finances, and even more so large purchases. A partner may not appreciate your impulse and this will end in a scandal. The week is favorable for traveling out of town, you can get together with friends on the weekend and arrange an evening of meetings and memories.

Those born under this zodiac sign are used to making impulsive decisions, they are constantly ahead of the rest. Stop being rude to loved ones, this behavior has become a habit, but it characterizes you from a bad side. You constantly want to splash out your aggression, so you should find a way how to do it better. Sign up for boxing, drums or yoga - and you will feel much better. Scorpios cannot learn how to save in any way, it's time to start controlling your income and expenses.

Do you have so many desires and sorely lacking time to realize them? Sagittarians constantly experience discomfort if there is some external factor that does not allow them to act freely. Any limitation can make you turn back and give up on your dreams. Sagittarians need the very motivation that will lead them, but so far they still can’t find it. It is not necessary at such moments to withdraw into oneself and consciously isolate oneself from society, it is better to have a heart-to-heart talk with a friend and tell everything. It will definitely become easier for you, and you will be able to achieve what you want.

You will be disappointed in a friend you trusted. It is necessary to reassess the relationship that has developed, and decide for yourself how to proceed. Usually, because of financial issues, one has to make hasty conclusions and then it is hardly possible to establish contact. Remember that you can always fix everything and turn back time, just talk to a person. Refrain from far-sighted plans in the second half of the week, and even more so, there should not be any psychological analysis.

Don't make important decisions regarding promotion career ladder. You already have a strained relationship with your boss, and these days can be quite unpleasant conflict situations. It’s better not to fantasize and not invent anything for yourself, then you will definitely be able to succeed, albeit in small but confident steps. Friends and like-minded people are ready to provide all possible assistance in resolving any issues, do not refuse it. Trust your intuition, it definitely will not advise bad things and will not lead you into trouble.

This week it is better for you not to go to take exams and tests, it may be difficult to understand the material. It is better to postpone this important mission for a more favorable period. At work, a long-awaited promotion and bonus from the boss awaits you. On the other hand, if you have long dreamed of changing jobs, but still did not dare to do it, you should go in search of it. Pisces lack self-confidence and don't know where to get it. It's time to find a source of inspiration that will allow you to move mountains.

Almost the whole week will pass with the growing moon, and in the second, most fruitful phase. At this time, you can start any long-term projects - opening a company, marriage. But what you do not plan to stretch in time, for example, redecorating, it is better to postpone for a week.

The horoscope for the week was compiled by an astrologer from the Center for Forecasting and Psychology "AstruS" Mikhail Chistyakov.

At the beginning of the week, it makes little sense to rush to the front lines - now is clearly not your time. It is better to stay in the wings and save up strength for decisive action. The best period will begin on Wednesday - then take the reins into your own hands. The activity of the middle of the week will not leave you at the weekend. The best thing to do is exercise.

It cannot be said that the coming week will be marked by famous records and big victories. At its beginning, certain results can still be achieved, but only in teamwork. From Wednesday to Friday it is better to go into the shade and sit on the bench. Your time starts on the weekend - you will feel a surge of energy.


A good start to the week for the typical Gemini is that in the first days of the week, you can take the top prize in a production competition. The middle of the week will be less fruitful, but still, together with your comrades, you will be able to hold the palm. On weekends, it is not recommended to do anything active, just relax and unwind.

For whom this week will be successful, it is for typical Cancers. In its first days, new discoveries and accomplishments in the intellectual field await you. All middle weeks will pass under your dominance in the manufacturing sector. And the weekend can be spent quite actively - for example, in the company of true friends and like-minded people.

In the first two days of this week, it’s still not worth building a hero out of yourself - the danger of getting a domestic or industrial injury increases. Everything will change on Wednesday - you will be able to turn your shoulders and go to the forefront of any process. Do not slow down even on weekends - if you are offered to work, agree.

This week cannot be called very successful for the representatives of the Virgo sign. At its beginning, you can still count on something, but only in conditions of teamwork. From Wednesday to Friday, the chance of success is minimal, but you can earn some kind of injury at this time. But the weekend can be devoted to any adventure.

From the very beginning of the coming week, you can be loaded with responsible assignments, from which, however, you will not receive either moral or material satisfaction. Throughout the middle of the week, you will be able to engage in collective work so familiar to you. If you receive an offer to participate in some kind of extreme sports on the weekend, it is better to refuse.


The week starts for you on an optimistic note - with a creative approach to any business. Anything you take on will work. If, for some reason, you have a weekend at this time, they will also not be in vain. The middle of the week is less optimistic - this is the time of the usual routine. Spend the weekend with your significant other.

If you have urgent household chores, it is recommended to complete them in the first two days of the coming week - anyway, these days are not suitable for production records. But the whole middle of the week is certainly yours. You can fill it with creativity, you will succeed. Weekends are the best time to take care of your health.

On Monday and Tuesday, many calls, messages and meetings on business and personal matters are expected. Get ready to receive new information. True, it will not always be useful. The middle of the week will pass more calmly, there will be time to take care of family affairs. Weekends are a great time for celebrations.

The coming week will turn out quite well for you. Already on the very first day you will be able to improve your financial situation - maybe you will be awarded a prize for past merits. The whole middle of the week will be in motion, however, it is better not to count on long-distance business trips. Spend the weekend at home with your family.

Already on Monday, you will be able to take the reins in your hands and show everyone who is the boss both at home and at work. The charge of vivacity and optimism that accompanies this will not leave you until the end of the week. Do not shun any physical work, it will only benefit. Weekends can be spent in a cheerful company.

The weekly horoscope will help you become more successful in love, career and financial affairs. The advice of astrologers can be very helpful when a person comes face to face with an unpleasant situation.

It is important to know how to behave not only in a dangerous situation, but also in a favorable one, so as not to lose success. Energy protection is right choice this week for many Zodiac Signs, but don't get defensive and spoil your mood. Try to just throw negative thoughts out of your head - this way you will enter the right track. Good luck will be with you if you can see a thin stream of light at the end of the tunnel and walk towards it without stopping.


Strengthening the energy of Aries should occur evenly, without nervous tension. Do your favorite things and exercise more this week. Your luck will be with you for all seven days, because Pluto will become the most important planet for you. Under the influence of Capricorn, he will remain moderately active, so the main source of positive will come from your immediate environment.

People will give you a warm welcome, so life will be much easier for many of you. There is a small chance that you will not get help, but there will be even less chance that someone will interfere with you. You will be in perfect harmony with your soulmate. Those who are in search will have a better chance of success, so don't doubt yourself for a second.


It's time to think about your karma. Everything that you did in the past, in the next seven days, can find a way out in any business. Pay attention to what you did wrong once, so that now it does not bother you too much. Everyone has to pay the bills for their misdeeds and betrayals, for mistakes and so on. Negative Mars may require this from you. From Monday to Sunday he will be in Libra.

Of course, the planet will be completely devoid of its forces, but there is no guarantee that failure will bypass you. Every action has a reaction - this is one of the laws of the Universe. You need to remember that good deeds can generate even more positive. Do not be offended by loved ones and do not be selfish now. You need to learn to be more grateful for everything.


You're in luck because Mercury rules the show this week. This planet is capable of much for you, but you can only expect help from it in the first six days. On Sunday, Mercury will make the transition into the sign of Sagittarius, so it will completely lose its power. Until November 5, he will stay in Scorpio, maintaining moderate activity. This will help you find your purpose and resolve difficult dilemmas associated with finding your place in this life.

Good luck will be with you, so you can afford expensive purchases and small adventures, changing your image, flirting. New beginnings will also benefit Gemini, but all this turmoil and activity is best suspended on Sunday. On the last day of the week, it's best to just take a break from everything.


This will be a very positive week for you because the Moon will be strong most of the time. On October 30th and 31st she will be in Pisces. This means that her strength will be above average, so it is better to devote Monday and Tuesday to work and creativity. Even more powerful days in terms of energy will be Saturday and Sunday, November 4 and 5. On weekends, try not to lose the desire to work and become better. The human aura is a fragile mechanism, so do not forget about rest.

From November 1 to November 3, the Moon in Aries will be moderate, so these days will be very calm and measured. It is best to dedicate them to love or its search. Few people can change their mood in a short time, but this week you better alternate work, love, hobbies and financial affairs. Killing two birds with one stone at the same time will not work, but in turn - please.

a lion

Saturn is taking over the reins this week. This means that your business may fail. From October 30 to November 5, Saturn will be in Sagittarius, so it will keep its moderate activity. On October 31, he will be in square with the Moon, which will make the day really dangerous for you. A semi-square with the Sun on November 2 will make you more fortunate. On the 3rd, the sextile with Venus, on the contrary, will take all the luck from Lviv and make you nervous, impulsive.

All signs of the zodiac have vices and weaknesses. It is difficult for Lions to hide their shortcomings, so learn to ask for forgiveness for harsh words, for a commanding tone, for selfishness. Be sincere, then everyone around you will be able to understand and forgive you for every misconduct, big and small, offensive and not so much. If you can force yourself to be more attentive to others, then everything will be fine.


Often you are programming yourself for poverty. It will be this week if you don't force yourself to think positively about the future. Jupiter will become the main planet, so his stay in Scorpio will be negative for you. Perhaps the series of victories will stop, but self-confidence and hope for a brighter future will help to resume it. November 3 Jupiter and Pluto will be in a very negative aspect for you. So on this day you will also need to avoid people.

This week should be dedicated to business, work and finances. Postpone shopping for the time being and do not make too serious decisions in business. Caution will be your lucky ticket to financial paradise. There is a possibility that you will be overtaken by random spending and unforeseen monetary losses.


Neptune in Pisces will be strong and most relevant this week. You need to remember that thoughts are material. Neptune will make them even more important by transforming them into the surrounding reality. Even more importance must be attached to what you say. Don't make empty promises to people you love and respect. Live in harmony with yourself.

November 4th will be the most positive day for you because of the one and a half square of Venus and Neptune. This aspect will benefit your mood. Use this day to succeed in love and get closer to your loved ones. Astrologers note that on Saturday it is possible and even necessary to invite guests and arrange small holidays, gatherings of friends and relatives.


A happy person is a successful person. Venus will hinder your success in love and business this week. Her stable strong energy, provoked by being in Libra, will negatively affect you. Hatred, anger and jealousy can cloud your mind. To avoid a bloody war for love and money, you just need to let go of resentment and take control of your own emotions.

Venus will be in negative aspect with Saturn on November 3rd, so Friday will be even more dangerous. A double aspect with Uranus and Neptune on Saturday will help you take stock of the week and draw the right conclusions about yourself and your abilities. No one should poke their nose into your affairs, but you should also focus on yourself and not on other people.


You absolutely do not need to know the future in order to be one step ahead of all other people in these seven days. You just need to learn how to properly spend internal energy. Uranus in Aries will become the main planet for Sagittarians, so its neutral in strength and negative in quality energy will make you plunge into chaos. Troubles can be avoided by caution in everything and proper planning affairs. Do not waste your time on trifles, do not run ahead of the locomotive.

The most best job in such periods - it is work on oneself. All people have some aspects of life in which you always need to make efforts on yourself in order to maintain success. In these seven days, try to get closer to the ideal by becoming better. Eliminate the most annoying fears, self-doubt and everything that prevents you from revealing yourself fully. This good time to discover talents and find new hobbies.


The moon this week will be the main thing for you, according to astrologers. This is bad news, as the satellite of the Earth is activating its forces and will be strong all this time. Problems because of this will constantly overtake you at the most awkward moments. It is during this period that you are better off moving from offensive to defensive. Deaf defense and increased patience will be your best companions.

The weekend, November 4 and 5, will be the most dangerous days for you. Try not to focus on the future. Live for one day this week, because too much hope will only get in the way of common sense. Only in the middle of the week, the energy dissonance will weaken a little, so work tirelessly. Do not be demanding now, especially to yourself.


The sun takes the lead. All week it will be completely weakened in the constellation of Scorpio. This is very good news, because you can focus on all your problems in order to solve them as soon as possible. Even if there is a crisis in your life right now, this week can be very favorable time for you. The main thing is not to start doing anything if you are not sure of a positive outcome.

On the other hand, if everything points to a favorable result of a particular case, then it is better not to linger once again. Your fuse and wisdom will unite into a single whole, creating the most positive conditions for performing tasks in which you are masters. Listen to your intuition, but be very careful. When it comes to love, the sixth sense is unlikely to deceive you. In the financial sector, on the contrary, logic will be a priority.