Water pipes      06/15/2019

Toy rocket launcher from syringes with remote control. Syringe Container Syringe Crafts

I took the same bushing as a basis. I wound three types of threads on it so that everything freely entered the syringe. Then he cut out some kind of garbage, such as foam rubber, an insert into the sleeve. I stuck three different-sized needles in there and stuffed the bushings inside. Not in the photo, but a couple of pins still easily fit in there.
I shortened the nose of the syringe by half. He melted it with a lighter and flattened it against the blade of a knife. From the other end of the syringe, I cut off the extra “ears” and also carefully trimmed it with a lighter. Piston shortened. I melted a hole in it with a wire and pulled a nylon thread through it. It turned out to be a cork on a string. So that it would not get lost, I taped the thread with tape to the syringe. I wound a nylon thread on the syringe itself so that it was. At the bottom of the syringe he put three small buttons, then a sleeve with threads and needles, and plugged the whole thing with a cork. Beauty!

Now I don’t remember exactly how many meters of thread I wound. Thin about 20 meters, kapron 6-10 meters. In any case, enough for the eyes, and there is almost no weight.
In my opinion, it turned out not bad. Everything is quite compact and tight. Since small scissors are in the first aid kit, I also attached this sewing kit there.

Syringes are different sizes(even 150 ml.), and you can choose a container for your needs without any problems. It is possible to lay down all sorts of NAZs and fishing hooks and spices, but you never know what else? It seems to me that this is a little more convenient than pouring sugar and coffee into a cocktail straw. The containers are light, airtight, compact, reusable, cheap and do not take long.
As an example, a couple more of my containers.

Salt was poured into a small (10 ml) syringe. I do not need much with me yet, but just in case this is enough.
In a twenty cubic syringe fit 7 hunting matches and chirkash glued to a piece of wooden ruler.

When I buy a 50 ml syringe. I'll make a container for sugar. My wife and I just have enough tea to drink and a bit remains. Everything will be easier than carrying a full jar with you and the place in the bowler will be freed up.
I hope the note is helpful. Advice, suggestions, additions and criticism are welcome.

This is a very interesting and simple toy rocket launcher. Any teenager will be delighted to play with her. I personally am already quite an adult, and then I am happy to launch rockets from this amazing design.
The fuel for the rocket launcher is ethyl alcohol vapor. Rockets soar into the air with a perky pop, which looks very impressive.

Needed to craft a rocket launcher

I will make a rocket launcher of four rockets, so it is fashionable to multiply it by four times listed below. You can make one rocket.
  • Disposable syringe. I took 60 ml.
  • Used piezo lighter.
  • Two-core wire 1-2 meters long.
  • Small planks for the stand.
  • Hot glue gun.
  • Soldering iron, stationery knife, ruler and other available tools.

Making a toy rocket launcher

We take a lighter and disassemble it in order to pull out the piezoelectric element, which generates a spark - a discharge of ignition gas.

We take out the piezoelectric element. Here is the high voltage generator itself. Posting is one contact, and the second is a shiny cap from below.

We take a two-wire wire. It is advisable to choose with thicker insulation.

We connect to the piezoelectric element.

Then we isolate everything with electrical tape or, better like me, with heat shrink.
We take two needles from syringes. Here I want to warn you and suggest that you either grind off the tip of the needles with a needle file or just bite off half a centimeter with wire cutters. This must be done without fail, as during the game you can get hurt.
We connect the wires to the needles. These will be the electrodes that will be inside the rocket launcher.

Solder for reliability. But this is optional.

We take the syringe and take out the piston.

Remove the rubber seal from the piston.

We make holes in the piston with a soldering iron.

We insert our needle-electrodes into these holes.

Fill with hot glue to seal.

Get a rubber seal.

Cut off the top with a utility knife.

We put on a modified piston with electrodes.

Fill the cylinder hole with hot glue. We won't need it anymore.

Cut off the skirt of the syringe barrel.

We take hard cardboard or plastic. And we cut out such rocket flight stabilizers from it.

We bend back a little.

You need four pieces for one rocket.

Attached to the cylinder.

Assembling a rocket launcher.

I made four of these rocket launchers.

I'm making a stand for this whole thing. I took a rectangular plank and drilled two small holes in the middle of the second half. A little later you will understand why.

Next, we take the second plank, but already smaller. Drill a hole in the center for wires. Attach with hot glue. See photo.

We glue all rocket launchers.

At the back we fix the wires with a nylon tie for all four wires.

The remote control is also a board with piezoelectric elements glued to it with hot glue.

Fill eclairs with cream. If there is no such product, then you can create it yourself. How to make a confectionery syringe with your own hands? You can do this work with various improvised materials.

Terms of use

In the set with a culinary syringe there are various nozzles:

  • Straight cut.
  • Oblique cut.
  • With teeth.
  • With stars.

Nozzles allow you to create wonderful culinary masterpieces. Syringes are needed to decorate cakes with various patterns - flowers, leaves, inscriptions, mesh, border. To create a rose, you need to take a piece of biscuit, align the edges, put it on a fork and coat with cream. Then you can make petals. It is necessary to take a plug in left hand, gradually turn over, and with the right - create petals. In the center you need to make small petals, and at the edges - larger and higher. With another fork, the rosette is removed and placed in the right place on the cake.

A cone-shaped nozzle is used to create leaflets. A device with a flattened end allows you to get bows, ruffles, lambrequins. There are nozzles for creating smooth and corrugated strips. They allow you to create a wicker basket. A narrow nozzle with an even cut is used to create an inscription and obtain a lace pattern, even, wavy lines. Other decorations can also be made. The cake will be more beautiful if you use different colors.


Do-it-yourself confectionery syringe can be made from polyethylene. The material should be dense and transparent, with a zip fastener. You will need scissors for the job. The procedure is carried out based on the following steps:

  • You need to open the package, fill it with cream.
  • Then you need to fasten the clasp or fix the bag with a knot.
  • Then cut off the corner of the package.

Such a product is not considered multifunctional. For example, it is unlikely that it will be possible to perform the same thickness with it. This also applies to figurative jewelry. But if there is no other way out, then such a bag is suitable for decorating a cake.


A do-it-yourself confectionery syringe made of paper provides more opportunities. The basis can serve as a confectionery parchment. For thick paper a curly corner can serve as a nozzle. To get the product, you need to cut a triangle and roll it into a cone.

There should be no gaps between the layers of paper, as cream can pass through them. Then from above it is necessary to fix the edges, bending them to the center. The bag should be filled to the top. Be sure to cut off the corner: the hole will serve to squeeze out the cream. The fixture can be used to decorate cakes.

Plastic bottle

Do-it-yourself confectionery syringe from plastic bottle will allow you to create beautiful roses and other decorations. You will need a figured nozzle from a plastic bottle. To create a product, you will need a knife, a marker, a pastry bag.

The procedure involves the following steps:

  • Cut off the neck of a plastic bottle.
  • On the cover, draw the necessary pattern, and then cut it out.
  • It is necessary to screw the lid on the neck, fix the curly nozzle on the made bag.

This completes the do-it-yourself confectionery syringe. With this method, it will be possible to create several nozzles so that you can perform various decorations cakes. In addition to the cap, the nozzles can be nasal spray caps.

Fabric use

You can make another confectionery syringe with your own hands. With a photo, this work will be much easier. The device can be sewn from fabric. The material should be easy to wash. It is advisable to purchase White color, since colored ones can shed. Dense teak is perfect, as it is durable, natural, and easy to disinfect at elevated temperatures..

From the material you need to cut a triangle, sew 2 sides. The size of the product can be any, the main thing is that the necessary portion of the cream is placed in it. The top should be cut to the size of the nozzles to be used. For this, both purchased nozzles and homemade ones are suitable.

The seams must be folded over and sewn. It is advisable to work on sewing machine, so the product will be reliable. The device is ready to decorate the cake. It can be reused if washed and dried after each use.

Using a mayonnaise bag

A bag of mayonnaise will help replace the confectionery syringe. It is necessary to cut off the bottom of the package, and then wash the product inside and out. In the other part there is a hole for squeezing out the cream. This option will allow you to perform, albeit simple, but beautiful jewelry. For this, packages from other products are also suitable, for example, from condensed milk, jam, mustard. Only the product must be absolutely clean.

File application

To get a confectionery tool, you can use a clerical file. This product is more suitable for single use. Its corner part must be filled with cream, and the corner cut off. By pressing on the contents, you can decorate the cake.


To create such a product, you will need a triangle of oilcloth used on the farm. It is connected with a wide adhesive tape to make a cone. The corner must be cut off so that the nozzle is fixed in the hole. Such a simple device will serve to decorate cakes. Its only drawback is that such a bag is disposable.

Using any of these methods, you get a practical do-it-yourself confectionery syringe. At home, you can create beautiful cakes and pastries. To facilitate the work of decorating confectionery, you must use the following tips:

  • Using the bag, the patterns should be done with the left hand, and with the right hand you need to hold and squeeze it a little.
  • You don't need to start doing complex landscapes right away, you first need to learn how to create something simple.
  • Dots should be applied with a round nozzle.
  • Asterisks are obtained with a curly nozzle.
  • So that when working in the hand there is no tremor from tension, under the right left hand should be used as a support.
  • When creating small patterns or inscriptions, the nozzle should be kept close to the baked goods.

Cake making is a fun activity. In it, it is important to adhere to accuracy and caution. The modern confectionery industry is rich in a variety of decoration products. Store products contain dyes, preservatives, additives. If you learn how to make cakes yourself, then you can enjoy delicious and healthy homemade cakes. And a handmade bag will help decorate your masterpieces, making them even more appetizing.

For quite a long time, baits such as popper have been present in the arsenals of anglers. This tackle shows excellent results when catching pike, therefore it has become widespread among anglers in our country.

In specialized stores you can buy a variety of options for poppers, for any color and "taste". However, for anglers who like to put their hands on I want to offer an example of a popper from a pharmacy disposable syringe.

At minimal cost you can get a homemade, pretty decent catchy popper.

To make a popper from a syringe, you will need the following materials:

  • syringe five cubes;
  • cork from a wine bottle;
  • two wires;
  • two tees with winding rings;
  • steel balls that can be removed from the bearing.

The process of making a homemade popper from a syringe with your own hands:

We proceed to the task - to make a popper. We disassemble the pharmacy syringe and cut off unnecessary parts (spout, stem cut into pieces and use only the middle). Actions can be seen in the photos.

Cylinders are cut from the cork from the wine, which fit the syringe in size and will be tightly inserted inside. To do this, using a knife, excess pieces are cut in a circle until the required size is obtained. In order not to be mistaken, you can draw the place of the cut with a ballpoint pen.

Then we push a small cylinder of cork into the syringe to the very end, carefully pierce a hole for the wire in it. We send next the middle part from the cut rod. In the remaining cylinder, we also make holes for the wires, as shown in the photo.

We fall asleep inside the syringe steel balls and push the cork. We twist the free ends of the two wires and make a ring for attaching the fishing line. We also bend the remaining free ends of the wires and create rings for attaching hooks.

It remains to attach tees with clockwork rings and a homemade popper - a rattle from a syringe is ready. You can go to the river and try to catch a predatory pike, which loves to attack such baits.

Homemade popper from a syringe is ready

It remains only to add that in the manufacture homemade popper from a syringe with your own hands, you can add something of your own and refine the homemade product, which will certainly lead to an improvement in its qualities and catchability. You can add red hairs to the tees, you can also put chopped multi-colored foil inside or come up with your own original equipment for this bait, or the original color.

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⇒ "A terrible tragedy has occurred, and I am ashamed of those people who saw something funny in such a tragedy. Although, people do not dare to call them people. I wonder if their relatives, or at least acquaintances, were flying on this plane, would their reaction be the same? If so, then these are not just not people, these are NON-PEOPLE. I hope that they will be punished, although, in my opinion, there is no criminal article in our legislation for such mockery. They didn't air this crap directly. I think that those responsible for the tragedy will be found and punished, but these "jokers" should also be punished."
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⇒ "How I love to watch various jokes on the Internet. It's class, there are so many funny moments, and how do people manage to capture them? We also have a dog, and when my daughter was little, we filmed so much interesting videos. I want to upload them to YouTube soon. I wonder how many views they get. Dogs are so smart. My husband used to be against us getting a dog because we were planning a child. At the time of Olesya's birth, the dog was 5 months old. Now the daughter is three years old, and they are the best friends."
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⇒ "I also do not understand how air traffic controllers could mock the burning Super Jet 100 at Sheremetyevo. These are not just people, these are air traffic controllers! That is, those people whose duties include taking care of the safety of flights and passengers. They should be in the special unit, not in the control room. Further, it is not clear why no one meets a burning plane in distress. And after the plane stops, no one is in a hurry to help. No firemen, no ambulance?"
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