Toilet      06/15/2019

Decor idea for spring decoration of home and windows. Beautiful ideas for Easter and spring. When the rains are over

In spring, our consciousness seems to awaken in the same way as the nature around us does. There is a desire to create and transform the home environment into a lighter and more colorful one, using simple, not too expensive, but effective techniques, for example, using themed decor.

Take a critical look at the rooms and honestly admit to yourself what things you need to get rid of long ago. Clearing the space of accumulated “ballast” is a very important and desirable stage on the path to improving the interior, and breathing will become much easier in a spacious, clean room.

How to decorate rooms in spring

Making repairs with the onset of a new season is a tedious task and, for many, impossible for many reasons. However, it is quite possible to change the decorative environment without investing a lot of money, effort and time. All that needs to be done to fill the room with a spring mood is to use natural light fabrics, natural colors and thematic patterns. So, hide away heavy thick woolen bedspreads, fleecy carpets and paintings of winter landscapes.

When choosing light spring decor, remember that it should evoke associations with natural phenomena and be in appropriate colors:

Blue, azure, turquoise: spring sky, clear stream, first flowers.

White, yellow, lemon: spring flowering trees, dandelions, bright sun.

Pink, coral, peach: sunrise, tulips.

Soft green, cream, brown: young greenery, budding buds.

Grey, pearlescent, mint: first thunderstorms, clearings in the snow, melt water.

Spring in the living room

For changing dense tissues and rich colors should be complemented by lightweight cotton capes in pastel shades or natural colors of awakening nature.

For decorative spring decoration of the living room, we recommend choosing:

Cotton, linen or silk covers sofa cushions.

The bedspreads from the chairs can be completely removed or replaced with satin covers.

Instead of carpets, it is better to use light woven runners or sisal rugs.

Decorate tables, consoles, chests of drawers or a fireplace with vases of spring flowers and, if possible, change them more often to fill the room with the sweet aroma of tulips, lilies of the valley or flowering branches fruit trees.

Remove the lambrequins from the windows, blackout curtains with muslin and tiebacks, replace them with curtains made of taffeta or cotton, complement with translucent tulle.

Place candles with the invigorating scent of mint, lemon or jasmine on shelves and niches in the bathroom. Buy new accessories for soap and cream in delicate pastel shades. And near the sink or dressing table you can place small vases with flowering branches or a composition of artificial peonies and tulips (although they don’t smell, they will make the bathroom light and beautiful in spring).

Blooming bedroom

With the arrival of warmth and bright sunshine, changes should also occur in the bedroom to make waking up easy and going to bed pleasant.

  1. Open the window opening wider and hang the curtains lighter, choosing light fabric colors: blue, white, cream, soft green, light yellow, silver and green. They will look especially good if the bedroom is located on the north side of the house.
  2. Instead of a warm woolen blanket and a fur throw on the bed, it is now better to lay a cotton quilted bedspread. Patchwork-type options are perfect, and for more sophisticated bedrooms, you can choose a plain bedspread and complement it with bedding with a delicate floral pattern.
  3. It is not recommended to completely abandon rugs on the floor, since even in the warm season the covering can remain quite cool. We advise you to give preference to low-pile or woven rugs. natural materials(fine wool or cotton).
  4. The delicate aroma of blossoming apricot or plum blossoms will not be too intense for the bedroom, even if you have a keen sense of smell, it will not interfere with relaxation and sleep. You can safely decorate the room with vases with flowering branches.
  5. The bedside lamp shade can also be replaced with a similar one, only with a thematic pattern, and a set of sleeping pillows can be supplemented with a pair of decorative ones made of cotton or silk.

Cheerful children's room

It is much more fun for children to welcome spring by spending long time in the fresh air, but when returning home, they should feel a light atmosphere in their room. Therefore, the issue of thematic spring decoration needs to be given due attention.

For a nursery, order, light and colors are important, which means access should be provided sun rays and air, choosing a lightweight version of curtains. Breathable cotton or linen curtains, transparent tulle with a small gather factor, or just Roman blinds are suitable - functional option. All carpets must be removed, leaving only comfortable runners and rugs on the floor. small size that are easy to clean and wash.

One of several functional zones A children's room can be highlighted with the help of unusual wall painting. For example, in the play area, the selected area is decorated with horizontal stripes of different colors of the natural palette (blue, green, gray, yellow), and the wall behind the desktop can be decorated with a stencil pattern (the silhouette of a flower or bird, an openwork pattern or waves).


Don't be afraid to use bright, vibrant color combinations as long as they belong to your natural color palette. Thus, you can color the room with decorative pillows in bright blue, pistachio, red or orange flowers with an interesting applique or stylish stripes (in the boy’s room).

Can be applied to pre-painted smooth walls thematic drawing from oracal - an adhesive film on which the selected pattern will be applied in the printing house. This technique for decorating a nursery is very convenient, because it will allow you to quickly and easily change boring walls and, if necessary, the film can be removed without leaving marks.

Fresh atmosphere in the kitchen

Spring comes to every home and, of course, it cannot bypass the kitchen. As a thematic decorative design In this room, nothing limits the freedom of your imagination, except for the condition that the objects must be mobile so that they can be easily replaced.


Tablecloths - cotton or polyester - light, with a subtle floral pattern, potholders and towels, napkins in soft pastel colors. Hang bamboo roller blinds or light, functional polyester curtains on the windows (Roman tulle designs are also suitable). You can sew removable covers for chairs and stools.

Even if you are against using rugs on your kitchen floor, sometimes you can make an exception and temporarily lay down a woven table runner with patterns or flowers in the design.


The usual set of plates and cups can be put away in the closet for a while, and instead, bright ceramics and a set of fine porcelain with a spring pattern in green-yellow, pink-green, white-green tones can be displayed on open shelves.

The teapot is always visible and in constant use. Perhaps it's time to update it with a brighter specimen.

If you want cooking to be a non-routine process, visit the company's website, where you can find a large number of kitchen accessories and decor that will turn your kitchen into a real workshop!

Spring update from Westwing

Speaking about spring decor ideas, it’s worth mentioning a great video from the company. Using the example of a very ordinary room, you can see how with the help of small pieces of furniture, rearrangement and colorful accessories you can change the interior in a matter of minutes!

By bringing a little fresh color into each room, you thereby improve the mood of your household and your own, and the house becomes more comfortable and beautiful. Good spring and creative ideas to you!

Warm rays of the sun, cool breeze and the scent of flowers. Only in spring do you want to live, create, and change! So what's the deal? Right now, while waiting for the thaw, we have a great opportunity to transform our home!

In order for a spring mood to settle in your home, it is not at all necessary to undertake a grandiose renovation. A little fresh paint, original details and a lot of “air” - and now your interior has come to life, and there is no trace of hibernation left in the house.

Let's change the mood palette

Spring means freshness. This means that “refreshing” tones should play in the interior - green, blue, yellow and always white. It is better if these colors are blurry, not flashy. Pastel shades will convey that atmosphere of awakening, coolness that we strive for.

White color will help you create a feeling of spaciousness and lightness. You can use this color both in details and on a large scale, for example, in the design of windows or walls.

Also, feel free to paint your home in pale blue shades. They may appear in the curtains decorative pillows and furniture covers, carpet. But sunny yellow and rich green are best left for accents. Such bright details will make the interior interesting and original.

You can “revive” the atmosphere with the help of spring ornaments - flowers, plants and birds. Intricate patterns with their image will give the house a unique tenderness.

More softer interior will become if you add droplets of pale pink, peach and lilac shades. Do not overdo it! Let it be 1-2 not flashy details. We do not need flashy diversity, but the subtle charm of the youth of nature.

Let's breathe in the fresh wind

The feeling of a light breeze on your face gives you an indescribable feeling of lightness and happiness. Let's let this breeze into our home. And to do this, we free the windows from complex and “heavy” curtains. It is better to replace them with airy organza, veil or lace.

We get more “air” if we hide warm winter blankets and things we don’t use. It is better if there is little furniture in the room than it will be “littered” with objects that may be beautiful, but take up a lot of precious space.

This is especially true for a “spring” house. Place a bright object in the back of the room that will visually make the room larger. To create lightness, use more transparent glass - coffee table, simple-shaped vases, dishes.

And now, freed from everything dull and unnecessary, your home is ready for further changes.

Let's place the accents

Spring is lightness, naturalness and tenderness. We take any of these signs as a basis or combine them together and select decorative items, or better yet, create them with our own hands!

Fruits can become a bright detail of the spring interior. Lemons or green apples in wooden dishes or in glass vases- a great opportunity to fill your life with decorative “vitamins”. Use natural fruits or replace them with artificial compositions so that they please the eye for as long as possible.

Decorative items made in the shabby chic style simply “breathe” in spring. Airy, sophisticated, they will perfectly emphasize the mood of a home renewed after the winter cold. Aged wood in light colors as if warmed by the sun.

In general, spring decor involves moving away from shiny, fluffy, and heavy items. When decorating a room, we give preference only to natural, “natural” things.

What could be more natural than water? The sonorous murmur of spring streams will come in handy. Small decorative fountains They will decorate the interior, create a mood and help you relax, feel at one with nature.

An original decoration in the spring will be chicks and nests - symbols of new life and home comfort. Try making them yourself.

The contrasting combination of gentle and rough looks charming. For example, white lace and burlap, thin greenery and an old tree stump.

...and the house blooms!

What is spring without flowers! They should become the main accent in the interior. Of course, it is better to choose spring flowers - tulips, daffodils, snowdrops, in order to more accurately convey the mood.

Flowers can be present everywhere - in the ornament of sofa cushions, curtains and bed linen, on photo wallpapers and paintings, and always in flower arrangements - live and artificial.

Unfortunately, cut plants will not delight you with their beauty and aroma for long, so instead of them it is better to place fragrant pots or baskets with hyacinths, cyclamen or daffodils on the shelves.

Also, cut branches of cherries or other fruit trees and place them in elegant clear glass vases. This spectacular and delicate decor will soon bloom, delighting you with its beauty, which we can only see in spring.

Such flowering twigs also look great in wreaths on front door. Similar wreaths can be made from flowers and buds, ribbons, lace and beads.

A bright umbrella, a rusty watering can and even rubber boots - all this will become an original and unique decor for the spring interior, reminiscent of the “reviving” colors of nature.

And finally...

Spring is the time of early sunrises and long warm evenings. Don't miss the first chirping of birds, the light aroma of flowers and herbs, the “smell” of the sun. And for this, now think about transforming the balcony. Turn these few square meters to a piece of paradise where you can enjoy morning coffee or a family dinner, retire with your favorite book or take care of yourself.

A bunch of useful tips For information on arranging a balcony, read GretaHouse!

It's time to create spring decor for your home and garden with your own hands - the air, already warmed by the first warm rays, vibrates with the energy of nature's renewal. Our article presents ideas that will help you fill your home with freshness and rich colors. Everything is here: from simple projects from indoor flowers to more daring experiments with wall decor.

1. Repurpose old pots for indoor flowers

Give simple ceramic pots a second life by painting them in two colors. You need to stick the tape and cover half the pot with one of the two chosen paints, and then let it dry completely and do the same procedure with the other half. Several colored pots with indoor or garden plants, arranged in a harmonious composition, will become a nice addition to the porch design. Try using chalkboard paint and then, after it's dry, you can write plant names or house numbers on the planter.

DIY spring decor: design flower pot from blogger

2. Create an accent in the form of a pattern on the wall

You can decorate a wall in an unusual way using masking tape. After the primer has dried, you need to stick masking tape on the wall. The stripes can be arranged in any order, the way you like. Then paint the wall the color of your choice. After removing the tape, a nice geometric pattern will be revealed on the wall. If the drawing has spread a little, you should wait until the paint dries, mark the irregularities with a pencil and paint over them manually.

The kitchen interior was created by professional designers

3. Create your own art objects in the kitchen

You can simply cut out shapes of fruits and vegetables from colored paper to create a collage. For best result you should use special opaque paper or more thick paper for the background. To assemble a collage, you need to dilute PVA glue with a small amount of water and apply it in a thin layer on the background, and then stick on figures made of colored paper. The application is ready!

DIY collage. Idea from a blogger

4. “Grow” flowers in boxes

Vintage wooden containers make excellent flower pots, but they can deteriorate due to high soil moisture, so the wood may need to be treated or padded. The main thing is to have flowers or just green plants there were many. And then you can create the illusion of being in a real garden.

"Flower bed" in wooden flowerpot from blogger

5. Decorate the shelves

Paint the back wall of the shelf in any shade of the spring palette, or simply insert a sheet of colored paper of the appropriate size inside the shelf (scrapbooking paper or matte gift wrapping paper are great!). It can be attached to back wall using double-sided tape. If you choose the painting option, be sure to remove the shelf from the wall to avoid smudges.

Minimalist chic in a modern New York living room

6. Make a flower cone

Cut a circle out of thick craft paper and decorate with your own drawings (using paints or markers). Roll into a cone and secure with colored tape to make mini bouquets. They can be used as party decorations or as a stylish gift.

Advice: To protect the paper and help the flowers stay fresh, wrap the stems in a damp paper towel and place them in a small plastic bag, before inserting into the paper cone.

Craft: Eclectic Style Flower Cones

7. Grow a mini garden in a teacup

You can take old, even chipped cups and turn them into mini flowerpots. Before planting, you will need to drill a drainage hole in the bottom of each cup. It is also necessary to use a saucer to protect the table surface from water. Can be planted pansies or other low-growing flowers, and a composition of such cups will be a wonderful addition to the interior of the living room, kitchen or dining room.

DIY mini flower garden using old tea cups

8. Change table legs

Hairpin legs were first used in the furniture industry in the early 1940s to reduce material consumption due to the war, but they are still popular today. Replacing existing ones with them is a great way to update an old-fashioned and shabby (or just boring) table, or even highlight the texture of the tabletop. You can find stiletto legs - both vintage and modern - in online stores.

Advice: If you're planning on replacing regular table legs with pins, start by turning your table over and understanding the mounting type before ordering new ones. Many tables have screwed-on legs (which can be removed and replaced relatively easily), but other types of designs may not be suitable for this DIY project.

Coffee table with hairpin legs in the living room in the style of the 50s

9. Use cereal containers as planters for herbs

Try growing fresh herbs in tin containers for cereals and keeping them on the kitchen windowsill so that you can cut off a sprig at any time and add it to a dish. Look in stores for stickers with a “ blackboard", they are sold in hobby stores. You can write the names of spices on them.

Greens growing in cereal containers with stickers attached

10. Clear out the pantry

A neat, well-organized pantry makes meal prep easier and prevents you from buying ingredients again by mistake. It is necessary to remove all excess and expired food and spices from the shelves. It is worth taking baskets and drawers and using them to sort goods into categories (baked goods, breakfasts, snacks, spices). To make your storage system more efficient, it is better to choose drawers that allow you to easily see the contents.

Pantry organization idea from interior stylist Shira Gill

11. Paint old furniture a bright color

Give your kitchen stools, dining chairs or old desk the new kind using a little color. You should paint only in a well-ventilated area (or better yet, in a outdoors), and pre-prepare the surface for painting by sanding, degreasing and priming. It is better to use a quality brush (rather than a foam roller) and paint large flat surfaces using long strokes.

Bright accents in the form of a fuchsia kitchen island and multi-colored stools

12. Decorate the chandelier with flowers

The famous Polish chandeliers, decorated with flowers, fringes and crepe paper ruffles, are ideal for home decoration for holidays and parties. Make one yourself, and you won't want to part with it until the end of the season.

Attach artificial flowers to the chandelier body with wire. Make sure they do not come into contact with the lamps. To make your task easier, you can purchase a ready-made flower garland and cut it to the desired length.

Shabby chic dining room with bright accent in the form of a chandelier

13. Paint candlesticks in spring colors

You can revive the old one wooden candlestick, painting its lower part in a bright spring shade. Collected into a composition and placed in the center of your dining table or on a tray, they will add spring freshness to the interior of your home. Using the same technique, you can decorate other accessories: for example, a wicker basket, a vase, or even a photo frame (in this case, you must first remove the glass and photo).

Candlesticks with two-color decor

14. Convert a cart into a patio bar

Have a cart that you can't fully use? Fill it with fancy vintage glassware, a pitcher of water, a vase of fresh flowers, and a drink of your choice, and your patio bar is ready. Alcohol is optional: you can fill bottles with juice or lemonade, or just make do with a pitcher of iced tea and a platter of pie.

If you have to move the cart over an uneven porch, you should empty it of any fragile dishes or anything that could spill and take it out separately.

Christmas design created by Steve McKinzie

15. Hang a garland in the yard of the house

Garlands hung on your patio or porch will certainly create a festive atmosphere during a party and just make your home look festive. They need to be hung high so that a person of sufficient height does not touch their head. If your home is not equipped with outdoor outlets, it is worth hiring a qualified electrician to install one in a safe manner.

Illumination in the courtyard country house in Philadelphia, USA

In order to create a spring mood in your home, you don’t need to radically change the interior. It is enough to correctly place color accents and experiment a little with indoor plants. But the main thing is your imagination, patience and thirst for creativity.

How are you planning to decorate your home this spring? Share your ideas with us!

In spring, you want to change something: wear a skirt instead of trousers, lighten your hair, start eating right... It’s not surprising that at home you want something new, bright, fresh. Start with the interior! Bright juicy shades spring decor will change the usual interior of the apartment beyond recognition.

More color.

No need to buy new furniture to celebrate the coming of spring. Depending on your desires, you can arrange both a grandiose and a very modest transformation of your favorite home.

The first thing that matters is the colors.

Living room.

If the brown cover on the sofa, the dark blue bedspread on the bed and burgundy pillows are replaced with light terracotta, turquoise, pink

Or scarlet color - the effect will be impressive! Only here it is important that the new details are combined with wallpaper and other “large forms”, without violating the overall interior design.

Good decision- have a winter and summer set of bedspreads, covers, cushions, curtains.


If you are not ready to update the textiles in your home, put a warm marsh-colored blanket in the closet and cover the bed with a set of spring linen in the colors of juicy hot pink tulips and sunny yellow daffodils.

A set of bed linen made from huge green lily of the valley leaves looks attractive and original,

Tender and romantic - from bouquets of the first spring flowers.


Any housewife spends quite a lot of time in the kitchen, so let’s make your stay in it pleasant - change the napkins, tablecloth, and curtains in the kitchen.

Give your windows more sunlight- choose light fabrics for the kitchen: tulle, orgaza, lace, veil.

Looks like spring roller blinds with floral decoration

or curtains with a figured chess pattern.

Gently and cheerfully decorate kitchen windows with chintz curtains in a small floral pattern.

Red curtains decorated in American style will create a bright festive mood in the kitchen.

You can create a spring mood in your home in smaller, less expensive ways. In the living room, arrange bright green apples on a platter.

Good decorative effect give you candy with bright candy wrappers, take three glass vases different sizes and place them together, pouring the same type of candy into each - you will get a cheerful and sweet composition.

Signs of spring.

While walking in the forest, cut branches from bushes and trees - willows, birches. Place large bouquets in all rooms - the blossoming leaves will delight the eye and smell delicately.

Want to add color? Tie thin red ribbons on them and dashing fair fun will burst into your apartment! The effect will be enhanced if the aroma of your most spring perfume is in the room and frivolous music is playing.

Green pets.

For all rooms of the apartment, buy a pot of cyclamen or any other “seasonal” flowers. Usually they live longer than cut ones, but they are afraid of drafts and heat, and our apartments often suffer from this, so treat them more carefully and then they will live in your apartment for a long time. Pots can be decorated with ribbons or wrapped in colored paper.

Spring good time not only for buying new plants, but also for replanting old ones. Perhaps your green pets have grown and need to be planted. Others, on the contrary, did not survive the winter and now need an urgent replacement - go to the store! Choose beginners based on your experience: if you can’t get along with ferns, try ficuses. You won't be able to change the climate in your apartment to suit the flowers, but you can find flowers that are perfect for it. If you guess right, the new flowers will live in your house for many years.

Everyone goes to the balcony.

Soon it will become completely warm and you will be able to plant flowers on the balcony. If still temperature conditions do not allow this, then you can learn from the experience of Europeans - they use artificial flowers when it is obvious that living ones simply cannot withstand either the cold or, conversely, the burning sun.

Modern artificial flowers look very natural, and if you choose those that are usually kept on balconies, the illusion will be complete!

Creating spring decor in the interior is not at all difficult if you add a little bright colors into the environment, taking a few steps towards the summer. Lure it with bright colors and it will come sooner.