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Is a space needed? Single, double and other spaces. Using different spaces

To questions No. 291389 and No. 291406. In chess theory, there is an opening called the Caro-Kann Defence. As follows from the answers to these questions, the name of the opening should be with surnames in the nominative case, and a dash should be used. Clarify please, do i need to put a space s before and after dashes (Caro-Kann defense) or spaces are required (Caro-Kann defense). There is no single spelling in chess literature, hence the confusion.

Spaces are required before and after dashes.

Question #302681

Good afternoon Please help me write down the time period in the following sentence. Spatial patterns .... in the second half of the XX - beginning of the XXI century. The work was reviewed by two editors and each of them makes different edits. Do I need to put a space s before and after the dash? Should the word "century" be abbreviated to c.? Is it necessary to write the word "century" twice: after the XX and XXI? Thank you in advance

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Spaces are needed. Reduction is possible. "Vek" is written once.

Question #292739

Hello! Do I need to put a space between the initials of the given name and surname. How true: "Respectfully, A.P." (A.P. - Alexander Pushkin) or “Respectfully, A.P.”?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Spaces are needed. The first option is correct.

Question #290568

Hello! Tell me please, do i need to put a space s between an abbreviated word and a number in a reference to regulatory legal acts, for example: "clause 4.1 of article 48 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation"? Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Numbers are separated by spaces from abbreviated words. Right: clause 4.1 of Art. 48 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Question No. 290088

Hello, please explain do i need to put a space between initials and surname when addressing a letter? A.I. Ivanov or A.I. Ivanov

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Question #278809
Do I need to put a space after the dot in the initials - A.S. Pushkin or A. S. Pushkin?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Space required: A. S. Pushkin.

Good afternoon
Please tell me, do i need to put a space between the initials and the surname, when the initials are written before the surname? GOST R 6.30-2003 states that a space is not needed, that is, P.A. Ivanov is the correct spelling. But everywhere I meet spelling with a space, that is, P.A. Ivanov.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A space is needed for linguistic reasons (an initial is a graphic abbreviation of a word; spaces separate words), but in practice it is not set for extralinguistic (non-linguistic) reasons.

Question #266942
Please tell me whether it is correct to put a dot after the reduction of pcs (12 pcs) and do i need to put a space between number and contraction? Thank you

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The point is needed. A space is placed.

Question #265156
Please say, do i need to put a space after punctuation mark

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Yes, spaces are placed after punctuation marks (exceptions are the opening parenthesis and opening quotation marks).

Question #257895
Tell me, (I ask not for the first time), do i need to put a space s between the surname and initials and between the initials themselves? For example, "A.S. Pushkin" - correct option?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

In both cases, spaces are needed: A. S. Pushkin.

Question #243365
Good afternoon

Do I need to put a space between number and % sign?

Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A space is placed.

Question #243155
Hello! Do I need to put a space between number and number? Example: #123

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Yes, a space is put (in typographical practice - a short space, half-pin).

Question #239945
Just asked a question. (Good afternoon, tell me if the word "year" is abbreviated as "g.", do i need to put a space

Evgeny Bragin
The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A space is needed, right: 2008)
Please, tell me, is there any document that you are guided by? Thank you

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

An example of such registration is given in the Standard Instructions for Paperwork in Federal Executive Authorities (clause 2.6.9). But even without fixing this norm in any document, the use of a space has a purely linguistic justification: a space is a sign of a new word.

Question #239938
Good afternoon, tell me if the word "year" is abbreviated as "g.", do i need to put a space between, for example, 2008 and "g"? It seems to me that this is necessary, because two different words. But we had doubts in the department, maybe it was 2008? Please clarify.

Evgeny Bragin

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A space is needed, right: 2008



1. Rules for spacing

A space is placed:

    between initials and surname

(T.S. Baidak - Tatyana Stanislavovna Baidak)

    between numbers and units or counter words (20 sq. m; 2012)

    after geographic abbreviations ( Harkov city)

    before ° WITH (25°C)

Attention:°C - in itself a whole sign, a space is NOT put inside it,

    NOT also placed in front of the degree sign ° , minutes’, seconds” (25°, 6’ 10”)

    between number and paragraph signs and numbers ( № 1 ; § 104)

Attention: double signs of a number and a paragraph are written without a space: №№ - numbers, §§ - paragraphs - one word (that is, the spelling fits into our FORMULA)

    before percent sign (received 100% profit)Attention: when " I need 100% guarantees", of course, we don’t put a space - according to the FORMULA, this is one word: one hundred percent

    Single punctuation marks (period, comma, question and exclamation marks, ellipsis, etc.) are NOT preceded by a space. A space is required after a punctuation mark unless it is the end of a paragraph.

    In paired punctuation marks (quotation marks, brackets), a space is placed before the opening character and after the closing one. After the opening and before the closing characters, a space is NOT put.

    before, And after long dash.


    It is NOT allowed to have two or more spaces in a row (To fix: press the keyboard shortcut CTRL + F - « find"(2 spaces) - « replace""(1 space) - press « replace all)

Non-breaking space

In connection with the rules that do not allow breaking on different lines, a non-breaking space should be set:

    between surname and initials (N. Gal)

    in abbreviations (etc.)

    between numbers and related words (11 years)

    before the sign of the number (or paragraph) and the number (№ 15)

Use becomes relevant non-breaking space, which will not allow them to "scatter" along different lines. In Word, a non-breaking space is placed using hotkeys: CTRL + SHIFT + SPACE.

Spaces and forward slash (slash)

No space needed:

1) when writing abbreviations (km/h, railway)

2) if a slash is used in numbers instead of a dash (2011/2012)

3) if a slash separates single words (income/expenditure; and/or)

Attention: BUT! If a slash is between phrases (or a word and a sl / op), spaces must be put MANDATORY! Otherwise, we read what is written: The child hasmom/coming dad. It turned out nonsense: mom / coming.

RIGHT:The child has a mother / visiting father.

2. Rules for arranging illustrations and tables

in a text document


When designing a page with illustrations, remember:

1. If the text on the page is not divided into columns, do not place small illustrations in the middle of the page - this makes reading very difficult.

2. When placing illustrations, you need to ensure that their right (or left) border coincides with the corresponding text border, and the top and bottom coincide with the corresponding line border.

3. When using multi-column layout, illustrations can be placed between adjacent columns. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the text remaining next to the illustration does not turn out to be too narrow.

4. The illustration in the document should be as close as possible to the reference to it.


The heading of each column in the first row of the table should be as short as possible and boldfaced.

All tables (applications in the text), if there are several of them, are numbered with Arabic numerals within the entire text. The inscription "Table ..." is placed above the upper right corner of the table, indicating the serial number of the table (for example, "Table 4"). If there is only one table, then no number is assigned to it and the word "Table" is not written.

Tables are provided with thematic headings, which are located in the middle of the page and are written in capital letters without a dot at the end.

When transferring the table to the next page, the headings of the columns of the table should be repeated and the words "Continuation of table 5" should be placed above the table itself. In rare cases, the names of the table columns may not be repeated.

All the "gentlemen" listed in the heading often create a lot of problems, as well as a considerable number of errors in use. Under the cut there is a lot of interesting information about how to write “t. etc.", "AN-26", "house number 10 on the street im. Pupkin", "1938-1987" etc.

And whoever guesses why the Airbus-320, but the IL-86, is provided with a bun.

Headings and subheadings do not contain dots.

Always written with a space after a dot:

After the abbreviation "thousand." point is set.

After the reduction of gr. (graph; group; degree; citizen; Greek) a dot is also put.

Do not put a dot after the abbreviations m (meter), g (gram), kg (kilogram), million, billion, ha.

The general rule is: after carved words (million, billion) a dot is NOT put. Carved words are words in which letters and (or) syllables, except for initial and final letters, are carved, and the remaining ones are pulled together into an abbreviated word.

Abbreviations Sat, Mon, Thu - these are mixed abbreviations, abbreviations that combine several ways of forming an abbreviation: a carved word with a graphic abbreviation. Thus, the period is not placed after the carved words, but is placed after the mixed abbreviations.

gg. - with a dot at the end

The initials are separated from each other and from the surname with a non-breaking space.

V. V. Putin, J. R. R. Tolkien.

The abbreviated word is separated from the proper name by a non-breaking space.

st. Shchorsa


metro them. Lenin

Between the number (№) and the number (5) - always put a space:

№ 5, № 10, № 12.

BUT such spelling is NOT allowed: Nos. 5 and 8

A space is placed between the paragraph sign and the numbers. Section 22

5%, 25%, 100% - always with a space.

20 percent (between the number and the word - always a hyphen without spaces).

This spelling is also allowed: 20% (without spaces).

A short or long DASH is placed between the numbers without spaces:

1–2, 3–5, 25–80, 125–200, 15–20%, 7–8 cm, 15–18 cm, 29–35 km, these events took place in the 10th–12th centuries, etc.

in 1941–1945;

BUT! in the period 1917 - 1950s - an em dash with a space, because it is NOT between the numbers. At the end of the 11th - beginning of the 12th centuries (BUT not "centuries").

Always in Roman notation are given:

century (XIX century);

numbers in the name of kings, tsars and other rulers, including the numbers of popes (Peter I, Charles IX);

designations of quarters of the year (II quarter);

numbers of congresses, congresses, international associations;

numbers of the Olympic Games (XXII Olympic Games).

The digits of the number are separated from each other by a space

(except for dates, numbers, designations of machines and mechanisms).

Plus, minus and plus-minus do NOT beat off the number following it:

20°C, -42, ±0.1.

Binary signs of mathematical operations and ratios are beaten off on both sides.

Numbers up to and including 9 (nine) are written in words!

“This war lasted for five years…”, “They didn’t eat anything for almost four days”, etc.

BUT! Not always. Exceptions: dates, numbers, amounts, large number of digits, etc.

Increments after numbers

“3rd grade student” is an ordinal number (answers the question “which account, which account, which account, which account”). Therefore, "go" is put.

“1st place”, “They took 3rd place” is an ordinal number (answers the question “how many”, how many), so “e” (increment) is put!

“Teenager 14 years old”, “Boy 12 years old” is a cardinal number. Therefore, no extensions (14, 12) are NOT set.

BUT!!! In the marine theme, the “rank” is written only in numbers and without extension: “Captain 1st rank”, “Captain 3rd rank”, etc. - “go” is NOT written.

Extension is also NOT used:

with roman numerals

calendar numbers,

In the numbers of articles (in legislation), volumes, chapters, pages, illustrations, tables, applications, etc., if the generic word (volume, chapter) precedes the numeral: on p. 196, v. 5, in the table. 11, in app. 1 (but: on the 196th page, in the 5th volume, in the 11th table, in the 1st appendix).

“On the 1st, on Monday, we went ...” is an ordinal number. But there is no name of the month, so the increment “go” follows.

“2009” - if there is the word “year”, then the increment is NOT written (2009, 2009 is wrong!). "In 2009, the following events occurred..." is the correct spelling.

“2009” - if there is no word “year”, then the increment is written (2009, 2009 ...) - “2009 is marked by the following events ...”

In the 20-30s.

In 1920.

In the 20th year of the nineteenth century ...

In 1995-1996 (gg.)

From 1990 to 1995 (The letter “Y” after “year” is NOT written!)

At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century (dash + spaces are put).

CORRECT: 33.5 years. 33.5 years is wrong!

CORRECT: "150th anniversary" or "150th anniversary".

"150th anniversary" - this spelling is NOT allowed!

"One-two", "two-three", "three-four", "five-six", etc. - numbers (in verbal version) with a difference of one unit - are ALWAYS written with a HYPHEN and without spaces. BUT!

In other cases - ALWAYS DASH with spaces! "One - three", "one - four", "one - five", "one - six", "two - four", "five - seven", "three - eight".

A dash is placed if there is a value "from and to".

Train Moscow - St. Petersburg. Pipeline Syktyvkar - Uryupinsk. In July - August we had a rest on the sea.

A dash is placed between two or more proper names, the totality of which is called any doctrine, scientific institution, document, etc.

The physical law of Boyle - Mariotte, the Molotov - Ribbentrop pact.

A hyphen is not allowed if the connection includes a component that contains a space or already contains a hyphen. The hyphen in such compounds should be replaced by a dash:

company - the owner of the structures

female members of the board of directors

artillery lieutenant

senior lieutenant - artilleryman


house - a monument of architecture

aggressor states

NATO member states

University, universities - always in small letters.

The names of music albums, songs, discs, films, works, etc. - are written in quotation marks.

Latin in quotation marks is not taken.

Special correspondent, staff correspondent, photo correspondent, correspondent account, deputy head - we write in one word and without dots.

Dot the i - English i without quotes

Kalashnikov assault rifle.

BUT: “he picked up the “Kalashnikov” - meaning a weapon, + with a small letter.

Aircraft: Boeing-737, Ruslan, Airbus-320, but Il-86, An-26, A-320.

Hello! Please tell me how to format a letter fraction in an address, i.e. uppercase or lowercase must be a letter and do i need to put a space between the immediate house number and the letter fraction (for example, Gogol 3A, ZA, 3a or 3a). Thanks in advance for your reply

It is customary to write a letter in a lowercase letter and together with the last digit of the number. Right: Gogol, 3a

Question #236981
Hello! Please tell me when writing the last name and initials - do i need to put a space between the letters of the name and patronymic? Pushkin A.S. or Pushkin A.S.? Thank you!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A gap is needed.

Question #234143
Do I need to put a space after the number and before the degree symbol: +7 °C?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A space is required before the degree sign.
Question #233170
I'm still hoping for an answer to my question... Do I need to put a space s between numbers and multiplication sign when specifying dimensions: 25x25 cm or 25x25 cm? Thank you in advance.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

It is correct to write with spaces.
Question No. 230207
Do I need to put a space s before and after the slash in similar cases: "experimental/experimental" or "experimental/experimental";

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Spaces are not required.
Question No. 229201
Hello! Do I need to put a space s between initials and surname, for example: A.A. Ivanov or A.A. Ivanov or A. A. Ivanov? Maria.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Spaces are required: _A. A. Ivanov_.
Question #228529
Please tell me, do i need to put a space and a dot at the end in "sq.m." And also how the word "jackpot" is spelled; what kind of word "sushi"; and yet - the name of the metro is written in quotes or without?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

That's right: _kv. m_ (with a space without a dot), _jackpot_. The word _sushi_ is neuter. The names of metro stations are written in quotation marks.
Hello. Do I need to put a space when specifying a page with a number, for example C. 38 or would C.38 be more correct? Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

How to draw up a caption when there is a need to indicate the place of residence of the hero? Do I need to put a space between the abbreviation "city" and the name of the settlement? For example: "Ivan_Ivanov_resident_of_Moscow" or "Ivan_Ivanov_resident_of_Moscow"

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A gap is needed. Possible options: _Ivan Ivanov - a resident of Moscow_ and _Ivan Ivanov, a resident of Moscow_.
Hello! I have two questions related to the abbreviation of words in the singular and plural: 1. "Point 1" (for example, in a document). When abbreviated, "item 1" is written. Is there a space before the "1"? "item 1" or item 1"? 2. "Entrance 1" (in the house). When abbreviated - item 1. Similar to the previous question, do i need to put a space in front of the entrance? "item 1" or item 1"? Plural- entrances. Example: entrances 1-10. How to write with an abbreviation: p.1-p.10 or p.p.1-10? And how to correctly place spaces before the numbers of entrances? Best regards, Maria

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correct with a space: 1. _Point 1 - item 1._ 2. _Entrance_ is abbreviated as _under._, therefore: _under. 1_. 3. Plural: _under. 1-10_.
Question #213450
Do I need to put a space after the comma if followed by a dash? In the literature, it seems, there is no gap between these signs. That is, which option is correct? 1) And this, in fact, is correct. 2) And this, in fact, is correct.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The technical rules for typing do not provide for a space (breaks). See A. E. Milchin and L. K. Cheltsova's Handbook of the Publisher and Author.
Question #213381
do i need to put a space between the abbreviation "im." (name of something) and the next word? for example, im. N.A. Dobrolyubova?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A space is needed not only between the abbreviation _name._ and the next word, but also between the initials and the surname: _name. N. A. Dobrolyubova_.

The simplest rule is that spaces should be single. Anything more is a sign of technical incompetence. So in any incomprehensible situation, autocorrect clean the text from excess emptiness.

Exception. There is one incredibly elegant trick from English tradition- put two spaces between sentences. This is not a rule, not even a wish. But it looks great.


Spaces with abbreviations are used in the same way as with words after decoding abbreviations (spaces are inserted):

  • the city of Moscow (not the city of Moscow, because after deciphering the "city" the city of Moscow will be merged into one word);
  • st. Great Man, d. 1;
  • m. st. 1905;
  • A. Pushkin (not A. Pushkin - Alexander Pushkin);
  • because, i.e. (not because - since, not i.e. - i.e.);
  • 15, Art. 185 of the Civil Code (not clause 15 - clause 15, not article 185 of the Civil Code - article 185 of the Civil Code).

Number (No. and No.)

A space is placed after English abbreviation No. and after the "No" sign: Passport No. PE1234500 (not Passport No. PE1234500).

Percent (%)

Everything is muddy here. There was GOST, which required writing a percentage through a space.

But tradition is stronger. Base position - between a digit or number and a "%" sign no space is placed: 75% (not 75%).

Non-breaking spaces

Aerobatics are inseparable gaps. Non-breaking spaces are needed so that words (and other elements) that are separated by such spaces remain on the same line. For example, it is unacceptable for the initials to remain on one line and the surname to be on the next. To put a non-breaking space, you need to press Ctrl + Shift + Space.

Non-breaking spaces, in particular, are used in the following cases:

  • between initials and surname;
  • between digits of numbers;
  • between abbreviations of the city, street, house, point, part, article, etc. (by the way, “etc.” is also written through non-breaking spaces);
  • V English language after the designation of the currency and the abbreviations "Mr" and "Ms";
  • after No. and "No";
  • in a bunch of other cases.

The correct placement of non-breaking spaces can be checked by clicking the Show/Hide button ¶ on the standard Word toolbar. Non-breaking spaces will appear as circles.