Well      03/07/2020

Residents of Kazakhstan are being frightened by a terrible killer beetle via WhatsApp. Kazakhstanis are being scared by a scary killer bug via WhatsApp New scary insect

Users of the popular WhatsApp messenger scare each other with a scary killer bug. A banal search on the Internet reveals dozens of justifications for deception, but the photo still wanders from one chat to another, writes Karavan.

“Be extremely careful and warn your children!”, “Death within two hours”... I, as a respectable mother, am a member of several parent WhatsApp chats, and every time someone sends a photo of a frightening-looking insect with threatening warnings. At this point you can’t help but think: maybe all sorts of karakurts, tsetse flies and ticks really have a serious competitor?

A search on the World Wide Web produced several dozen links to the required news. All of them are dated last fall. As the unnamed authors claim, the new insect appeared in India and is most likely the product of a scientific experiment that got out of control. And supposedly there are already victims.

“If you ever see this insect, do not try to kill it with your bare hands or even touch it. Upon contact, a person becomes infected with a virus that quickly affects the entire body. This horror was first noticed in India. Share this information with your family and friends. Let children be especially careful, because they love to pick up all sorts of bugs and insects,” warns one of the news aggregators.

But the search for a photo of an insect unknown to science refers to images of a water bug that has been fully studied by entomologists. As it turned out, the supposed capsules with poison on the back of an unknown animal are carried by the young animals of its giant water bug, which actually lives in India, for greater safety.

– A person believes in what he wants. Someone who has critical thinking and high level intelligence, usually such controversial news is easily verified, but, unfortunately, not all of them. Some people, it seems, generally enjoy frightening others with such fakes (fakes. - Ed.), - comments on the regular distribution of horror stories on social networks, the director of the Legal Media Center, Diana OKREMOVA.

She herself often organizes seminars for young journalists, where she explains in detail how to spot fake news. But it seems that with the development of the Internet, this kind of educational program must be carried out for the entire population.

– Any publication must give a specific answer to three questions: what, where, when? With newsletters on social networks, everything is a little more complicated, because the information is compressed into one or two sentences. But there still needs to be some specifics that can be verified, says the media expert.

Diana Okremova advises to be especially careful about publications that begin with the words: “Attention!”, “Very important!” and ending with the words: “Maximum repost.” Often such loud calls serve one purpose: to attract the user’s attention to something insignificant and distract from something important.

“Be extremely careful and warn children!”, “Death within two hours”... As a respectable mother, I am a member of several parent WhatsApp chats, and every time someone sends a photo of a scary-looking insect with dire warnings. At this point you can’t help but think: maybe all sorts of karakurts, tsetse flies and ticks really have a serious competitor?

A search on the World Wide Web produced several dozen links to the required news. All of them are dated last fall. As the unnamed authors claim, the new insect appeared in India and is most likely the product of a scientific experiment that got out of control. And supposedly there are already victims.

“If you ever see this insect, do not try to kill it with your bare hands or even touch it. Upon contact, a person becomes infected with a virus that quickly affects the entire body. This horror was first noticed in India. Share this information with your family and friends. Let children be especially attentive, because they love to pick up all sorts of bugs and insects,” fears one of the news aggregators.

But the search for a photo of an insect unknown to science refers to images of a water bug that has been fully studied by entomologists. As it turned out, the supposed capsules with poison on the back of an unknown animal are carried by young animals, its giant water bug, which actually lives in India, for greater safety.

A person believes in what he wants. Anyone who has critical thinking and a high level of intelligence usually checks such controversial news without difficulty, but, unfortunately, not all of them. Some people seem to actually enjoy scaring people with such fakes (fakes. - Ed.) others, - comments on the regular distribution of horror stories on social networks Director of the Legal Media Center PF Diana OKREMOVA.

She herself often organizes seminars for young journalists, where she explains in detail how to spot fake news. But it seems that with the development of the Internet, this kind of educational program must be carried out for the entire population.

Any publication must give a specific answer to three questions: what, where, when? With newsletters on social networks, everything is a little more complicated, because the information is compressed into one or two sentences. But there still needs to be some specifics that can be verified, says the media expert.

Diana Okremova advises to be especially careful about publications that begin with the words: “Attention!”, “Very important!” and ending with the words: “Maximum repost.” Often such loud calls serve one purpose: to attract the user’s attention to something insignificant and distract from something important.

APPEARANCE: autumn 2016 a, Mexico

Apparently, the citizens of our vast Motherland became bored and some, out of boredom, decided to scare the population and their loved ones and those far away with a new misfortune and dragged last year’s fake onto VKontakte, which somehow, apparently, did not gain much popularity (let’s give credit to the group admins - at the time of writing of this material this has already been deleted):

Let's look at where and when it came from:

In a standard manner "let everyone know, all the media are silent, almost everyone has died around the world and in our village" A message began to spread across Russian social networks " Attention! A particularly dangerous insect, unknown until recently, entered Russia from India! Don’t even think about killing it with your hands - as soon as you touch it, you will instantly be struck by a terrible virus for which there is no vaccine yet! Spread this message, take care of the children!"

Panic notes are accompanied by creepy, unbearable pictures:

We found it especially funny that in Mexico, in a number of cases, the RUSSIA TODAY channel was indicated as a source of information, and specifically its broadcast to South America:

As you can see from the picture above, the comment is clear - "Fake Deadly Insects in Mexico: Alarming news about deadly insects in Mexico is spreading across the web and on numerous sites.".

The photo on the right, which could easily pass for a scene from any horror movie or Photoshop user's imagination, has nothing to do with this article. This is the image that uses trypophobia, dislike for agglomerates of round objects, which we will talk about below.

The RT logo is also false; not a single material, article, or video with this name in the Spanish-language area of ​​​​work can be found on the RT website.

The “new insect” is not new at all, but is well known to everyone - a male bug of the family Belostomatidae. The water bug, which is one of the largest insects, reaches a length of up to 10 centimeters. In this family, eggs laid by females stick to the male's body for protection. These bugs do not suck blood as described in the article, however, they can sting when they feel threatened. That is, this photo has nothing to do with the scare article at all, and appears to have been used to reinforce fear caused by the similarity of the image of the holes in the arm and the accumulation of eggs on the back of the male. Of course, everyone brought up with the knowledge that aliens strive to get into a person and lay eggs there immediately triggered unconscious and conscious fears and disgust, which led in some cases to a nervously accidental click on the “repost” button.

How this and in whose head it “came to India” is no longer clear. It is strange that it has not yet spread in the spring from Kazakhstan, where for some reason they prefer to spread fakes via WansUp:

Apparently, a classic phenomenon occurred - a certain insect of MICROSCOPIC (do you see a “microscopic insect” in the picture? It seems like experts recognized it as a bug, which, as written above, can reach 10 centimeters) in size was actually discovered in India. Next, someone stuck an illustration on it that has nothing to do with the situation.

Let's compare two texts and once again learn how to identify manipulative emotional generalized phrases:

possible primary text of the message, in which there are no scientific contradictions

emotional text with distortions that should raise questions among critical thinkers (highlighted in red)

Scientists have discovered the new kind poisonous insects that can kill humans.

Researchers have discovered a new species of poisonous insects in India. A small beetle has unusual property, upon contact, it releases poison, which contains deadly components. The poison quickly penetrates human skin and can be fatal.

Scientists note that the insect is very small, so it can be accidentally touched or even crushed. The consequences of such contact can be sad. In case of poisoning, death occurs in just a few hours.

So far it's scary insect seen only in India, however no one knows where it suddenly came from here, and therefore it is possible that this is another creation of our “valiant scientists” in their terrible laboratories. And if so, then this “monster” can be found anywhere.

This little bug kills all living things, including humans, and much more insidious than all poisonous spiders, scorpions, and so on. It is enough for its “poison” to get on the skin, and it almost instantly seeps into the body and begins its destructive work there.

This not even really poison, but some kind of deadly virus that literally destroys the human body in a few minutes. In India they are already sounding the alarm, since the insect brings real horror to the inhabitants of this country: after all, it is small and almost invisible, it is easy to step on it barefoot, or slap it with your bare hand out of habit. And this is enough to soon... die in terrible agony.

So anyone who is used to crushing insects with their bare hands and who loves to walk barefoot can be advised (for now only in India, but who knows how it will turn out?) to reconsider their attitude towards poisonous insects: on our blue planet life is getting scarier and scarier. And Mother Nature herself is not to blame for this.

But what do we see in the scary pictures?

and here's what:

What is it?

If you feel disgust and fear at the sight of a honeycomb or a mushroom sponge, you have trypophobia. Although, in fact, not everything is so simple. Let's figure it out.

The term trypophobia, or fear of cluster holes, comes from the Greek trypa, or hole. Fear arises in people suffering from this condition the moment they see something covered with small holes arranged in an asymmetrical pattern.

It is characteristic that a person suffering from a phobia feels a number of unpleasant symptoms when he sees holes in cheese, a washcloth, enlarged pores on the face, honeycombs and even a bar of aerated chocolate!

All objects that have numerous cluster holes in their structure, represent a huge discomfort for trypophobes.

Trypophobes are afraid of:

  • holes on the human body
  • holes in plants and animals
  • holes and multiple holes on food products
  • holes on inanimate objects: fossils, household, hygienic.
  • cluster holes formed as a result of human and animal activity (earthworm tunnels)
  • graphic and digital images of multiple holes

It is noteworthy that trypophobes are not afraid of absolutely all objects that have cluster holes. Thus, a person suffering from a phobia may be afraid of a washcloth, but react completely calmly to holes in cheese or bread.

Experts say that this feature is due to the fact that trypophobes are only afraid of those things and objects from which danger is expected, which is directly related to certain causes of fear.

If, at the sight of multiple holes and openings, you you experience the following sensations, then you are one of the 10% of the world's inhabitants who suffer from trypophobia:

  • itchy skin
  • goosebump sensation
  • feeling of disgust
  • disgust
  • panic
  • fear that someone lives in the holes
  • increased sweating
  • allergic skin reactions
  • difficulty breathing
  • pallor
  • dizziness
  • nausea

    One of the psychologists named Jeff Cole He diagnosed himself with trypophobia and began intensive study of it. The scientist came to the conclusion that this fear is based on a variant of animal atavism and biological disgust - the fear that someone may live in the holes and pose a certain danger. After all, numerous holes and spots are certainly present on the body of the most poisonous creatures on the planet and in their habitats. Our ancestors, as the scientist explains, identified danger by these signs, and subconscious fear stopped them from taking the fatal step

    Many psychologists have suggested that, as such, the fear of multiple holes every person has. According to them, some people show this fear, while others may not even be aware of it.

    In addition, the stories of many people experiencing trypophobia lead researchers to believe that all fears come from childhood

    Thus, one of the respondents said that as a child he was stung by a bee and his skin was so swollen that he could see every pore, and another told how his parents were killed with a knife, the handle of which had cluster holes

Trypophobia on the skin: hello, photoshop

Many people, due to their ignorance, believe that trypophobia is a skin disease that involves the formation of various holes on the human body. In fact, this is a mental disorder is not a disease and formations on the body do not appear due to the phobia.

Really, “trypophobia in pictures” dates back to 2005 . The growth of the disease was facilitated by the rapid development digital photography when everyone had the opportunity to do large photo orange or coral peel. Plus, the rapid development of various 3D technologies added fuel to the fire, you can find out more about them on the website. Today you don’t have to be a professional photographer or artist to quickly and easily create an image that evokes in many people trypophobic horror.

Especially popular among those who want to be scared are colorful photos of human skin covered with trypophobic patterns. It might look something like this.

Such images evoke unpleasant emotions in 30% of people. But it would be incorrect to say that all these people suffer from trypophobia. After all, images are really dangerous. Imagine that you meet a person on the street who is actually covered with holes like this. Most likely he is very seriously ill and contagious. And it carries danger. And therefore, the fear caused by such hypothetical individuals in others is not of any morbid nature.

However, 16-18% of people are driven into trypophobic horror not by photoshopped pictures of people’s skin, but by normal macro images of objects of living and inanimate nature.

So what scares us so much about humanity's past? Here's what:

We also thought that “it would be better if we didn’t see something here.”

Well, citizens also comment:


Scientists have discovered a new species of insects that are deadly to humans

Newly found insects instantly kill all living things around with poison. How quickly a new species will spread across the globe, expert s They can’t say for sure yet.

Deadly dangerous insects were discovered in India. On this moment Scientists are figuring out where killer bugs came from. There is a version that they are the result of unsuccessful laboratory tests.

The new species of bugs are tiny in size. They are easy to miss, step on or smack with your hand. At the same time, the “kids” are able to kill any living organism, including humans. A fleeting contact is enough to cause death. The poison instantly penetrates the skin, after which a destructive irreversible process begins in the body.

Experts warn: the venom of the killer insect is several times more dangerous than the venom of a scorpion or the Brazilian running spider - the most poisonous in the world!

The people of India are in panic. Considering that many Indians like to run barefoot, tiny killers are three times dangerous for them. But it is unknown whether such small monsters appeared only in this country. Scientists do not deny the possibility of creepy insects spreading throughout the planet.

Three of the most dangerous

There are enough people in nature who should be feared and avoided. Contact with the creatures presented below can take a person’s life.

1. Spotted dart frog

Small frogs (their size is up to six centimeters) have bright colors - from yellow to acid blue. They live in tropical climates in Brazil. One dose of dart frog venom can kill a jaguar, an elephant, or ten people. Just touching a frog leads to paralysis of the upper respiratory tract, arrhythmia and cardiac arrest. Vaccines against poison dart frog have not yet been invented.

2. Sea wasp

This jellyfish weighs about two kilograms and has 24 eyes. Lives in Australia or Southeast Asia. The sea wasp's tentacles can extend up to three meters. Jellyfish venom dissolves prey. A couple of minutes after contact with the tentacles of a jellyfish, brain functions are disrupted and shock occurs. nervous system and the heart stops. It is curious that it is dangerous to touch a sea wasp even a week after its death - the poison still retains its deadly properties.

3. Taipan

Taipans' teeth reach 13 mm in length, and their body reaches two meters. The snake lives in the central part of Australia. Taipan poison - taipaksin - causes paralysis of the brain, muscles and suffocation in humans. Death from a snake bite occurs within 4-12 hours. Despite the invention of the serum, still every second resident of Queensland who is bitten by a taipan dies.