Well      04/03/2019

Sign: a spider in the house is good or bad, why can't you kill spiders at home? Why do spiders appear in the house, a lot of spiders and cobwebs: folk signs and superstitions. Why does a spider crawl over a person: over the body, clothes, right, left arm, shoulder, leg? Folk

In nature, there are thousands of varieties of arachnids. Most of these animals live in the open air, but representatives of some species can be found in human dwellings. Spiders in an apartment in our latitudes are absolutely safe and even beneficial, as they destroy small insects: flies, mosquitoes, bivostok. But if there are too many arthropods and you are tired of sweeping cobwebs out of the corners every day, you can quickly get rid of such a neighborhood with the help of folk remedies or pesticides.

How do spiders get into an apartment?

Each hostess, stumbling upon a web during cleaning, once again wonders where the spiders come from in a seemingly completely closed room. The answer to the question is very simple - one way or another they get from the street. The body of the spider is small and usually has a gray color, so it is almost invisible on clothes. Returning from a walk, you can easily bring a couple of arthropods on your jacket into the apartment.

A small and light spider can be pushed into open door or a window. In addition, arthropods in search of food enter houses through ventilation shafts and chimneys, cracks in window frames, technical holes.

What spiders are found in a human dwelling

The family of arachnids has more than 40 thousand species, but only a few varieties coexist in apartments next to a person, namely a haymaker (aka a centipede), gray and black house spiders. Sometimes a stray spider can accidentally get into the house, which does not weave a web, but, having found its victim and dealt with it, leaves the person’s home.

What kind of “brownie” spider wound up in the apartment can be judged not only by the appearance of the individual, but also by the pattern of the web. Haymakers are the most frequent guests in a person's home. They got their name because of the thin bent legs, 20 times longer than the size of the body. Individuals of this species weave a chaotic web, the design of which can be sorted out, perhaps, only by themselves. They prefer to settle in warm and dry places, especially on window frames.

Often in a house or apartment you can find a gray and black domestic spider, whose body measures from 1.5 to 1.8 cm. Laces woven by representatives of these arachnid species have a clear structured pattern.

The question of what spiders eat can be answered unambiguously - small insects. With the exception of the jumping spider, all animals of this family are predators. Having caught their victim in the web, they inject poison and a digestive enzyme into the body of the poor fellow, and then drink the contents.

Those spiders that are found in middle latitudes do not cause any harm to humans. The bite of a spider is so weak that it may not even be noticed. more people they are frightened by the unaesthetic appearance of this animal with many shaggy paws. Although, according to popular belief, a spider that settled in a house promises wealth and good luck. Dangerous are tarantulas or karakurts, which are rare in our country and usually do not come close to housing.

Why are there spiders in the house?

Usually spiders in the apartment love damp, cool places where it is dark day and night. They settle wherever there is a secluded place - behind pipes and radiators, under the bathroom and bedside table, behind the closet and under the bed. To reduce the number of arthropods, it is necessary to fix the plumbing, make sure that nothing is leaking anywhere, and clean up these "evil" places more often. One has only to disturb the spiders, constantly destroying the web with a broom or a vacuum cleaner, as they immediately leave their homes and go looking for a quieter home.

A house with damp walls and a crumbling foundation is perfect for spiders to settle in. Especially representatives of this family will like dark damp cellars and attics, where the owners of the house rarely look and the sun's rays do not penetrate.

Attractive to arthropods are those apartments where small insects are found in abundance - that is, what spiders eat. If there are a lot of flies, mosquitoes and cockroaches in the apartment, spiders will appear without delay.

How to get rid of spiders in the apartment?

Before declaring chemical war on spiders, you can try more humane ways. After all, they do not bring any significant harm, and they do not multiply as quickly as bedbugs or cockroaches.

  • Destroy the food base, that is, clean the room from flies, mosquitoes and cockroaches using the means intended for this. If the spiders have nothing to eat, they will quickly leave their homes.
  • Collect the cobwebs with a vacuum cleaner, after which the contents of the dust container are shaken out into the street. Otherwise, the spiders will crawl out and take their former places.
  • If spiders have been living in an apartment for a long time and their number is constantly increasing, you need to look for a place to lay eggs. Usually, arthropods like to lay their eggs on the side of the cabinet or bedside table that faces the wall. Having found the masonry, it must be cleaned and taken out of the house.
  • To block the way for spiders, it is necessary to close up extra holes and crevices, glue wallpaper that has lagged behind the wall, and install mosquito nets on ventilation hatches and vents.
  • Regularly clean the premises.
  • Spiders are frightened by the sharp smell of varnish or paint. It is noticed that after repair they disappear somewhere, although after a while they reappear.

If all of the above measures have been taken, and the spiders in the house have not decreased, you will have to use poisonous agents, the action of which is aimed specifically at the destruction of this type of animal.

spider chemicals

Today on sale you can find a lot of sprays and aerosols for treating a room from spiders. The most effective are drugs that contain boric acid or chlorpyrifos. With the help of these insecticides, you can permanently get rid of arachnids in a matter of days. The main thing is to take precautions when applying a pesticide, since aerosols are toxic to humans.

The following means are suitable for the destruction of arthropods.

  • Jiker Bun - the composition is similar to ordinary dichlorvos, only without any smell. Destroys not only spiders, but also all flying insects.
  • "Dobrokhim FOS" - an acaricidal drug, copes well with ticks, spiders and various insects. It contains fenthion in the amount of 20%, so the drug starts working from the very first seconds.
  • "Butox 50" - the active ingredient in this drug is the pyrethroid deltamethrin. The aerosol is sprayed in places of accumulation of arthropods and the room is closed for half an hour, after which the room is ventilated and wet cleaning is carried out.

If it is not possible to treat an apartment or house with an aerosol insecticide, you can use special poison traps for spiders.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are no less effective in the fight against spiders, the deterrent effect of which is explained by the rejection of arthropods by pungent odors.

Here are some simple recipes that will help you get rid of spiders using odorous products.

  • chestnuts or hazelnuts need to be crushed into powder and sprinkled in places of accumulation of arachnids. The specific aroma exuded by the fruits will scare away the spiders, and they will leave the home for a long time.
  • Peppermint, tea tree or eucalyptus oil will scare away all spiders. It is only necessary to dilute a few drops of oil with water and sprinkle it in a house or apartment. This aromatic treatment should be carried out regularly for 5-7 days.
  • Vinegar is considered an indispensable tool in the fight against spiders. It is enough to dissolve a few drops of acid in half a glass of water and pour it into a saucer placed in the corner of the room, as uninvited guests rush out of the room.

Perhaps there is no person who has never met domestic spiders in his life. Before declaring merciless war on small, harmless animals, why not try to drive them from your living space in more humane ways? For example, with the help of folk remedies, and only in the most extreme cases use fast-acting insecticides.

Signs and beliefs are the experience of our ancestors, which they passed from mouth to mouth, thanks to which they have come down to us. Various predictions were formed on what happened to most people under certain circumstances. So, spilled salt has always been a sign of trouble and misfortune, and a met white dove is a herald of something good. Spiders in the house are also a sign that most often makes good sense, especially if you do not kill the insect. We will talk about what this sign means and why these insects should not be killed, in this article.

Appearance of an uninvited guest

If the appearance of a spider in a house in certain latitudes is considered the norm (we are now talking about Asia and South America), then in our climate zone explaining why these insects appear in the house is much more difficult. In a city apartment, it seems that these insects appear out of nowhere and also unusually disappear. Naturally, if the disappearance of a spider may not be noticed, then the moment when spiders appear in the house is noticeable to everyone. That is why many are wondering why and why this happens, what this insect means and will bring.

In fact, the appearance of such a "friend" in the apartment may carry its own meaning, which must be deciphered. Usually they look at whether it crawls up or down:

  • if the top is creeping, then this is for good and for profit,
  • if down - to problems and failures.

In addition, attention is paid to the time when you were able to see the spider: early in the morning - not for the best news, in the afternoon or evening - for good luck.

Common beliefs

Have you ever seen a spider in your house? For sure! And if these insects do not cause you strong fear, shock, then you should observe how he behaves.

It is believed that in no case should one kill him, so as not to incur troubles and misfortunes. It is best to take the insect outside and let it go.

If you wondered why and why the spiders settled in the house, then remember that for the most part the signs are very good, portending great news.

If an insect crawls up a web or a thin thread, then good news awaits you. If it crawls down, then you should be quite prudent in making decisions so as not to make a mistake.

Seeing a spider sitting motionless on a web, you can make a wish and see where it crawls. A wish will come true soon if the insect crawls up.

A spider descending sharply on the head of one of the household members will speak about cash receipts or unexpected guests. If it is black and rather large, then the news will be important for the whole family.

If the "guest" runs on the floor, then this sign promises change, movement in the right direction. If his direction is towards you, then the changes will affect you, if by, then someone else from the family.

A lot of spiders or cobwebs over the bed promise love adventures, new acquaintances and sexual relationships. Especially, it concerns free people. For a married couple, this may be a sign that something needs to be changed so that satisfaction with each other does not pass. In any case, do not hesitate to experiment and try something new, especially if the omen promises a good outcome.

Spiders live in houses. In some they are less common, in others they roam the rooms in whole flocks. Where do they come from and why do some houses attract and do not suit others? Necessity forces them to go to a person and hide under the roof of his house. They are searching comfortable conditions habitat and food. More free lodgers appear in winter, or after an early cold snap. They are in no hurry to leave human habitation, from warm and comfortable cracks, from places where there are a lot of crumbs and other small insects to the cold after hibernation.

The house spider Tegenaria domestica is becoming less and less common in human dwellings.

Where did spiders come from

Previously, there was a belief that “a happy house is where spiders live,” and killing them will bring misfortune. In Greek mythology, spiders are associated with beautiful girl- Arachnoy. She was considered a skilled weaver and competed in a weaving duel with the goddess Athena. Created a fabric equally beautiful with the goddess. The goddess, enraged by the success of the girl, forbade her to practice the craft. Desperate, Arachne committed suicide. But the goddess resurrected her in the form of a spider, and since that time Arachne has been weaving webs (the name in translation means spider).

Only a few species of arthropods like to live next to a person, but most often - a spider - haymaker, black house spider (attic) and gray (brownie). The web that is woven has a beautiful structured pattern.

Sometimes unusual individuals are noticed in houses, but they do not linger for a long time, getting into the house in winter, they examine the territory and leave, or they die from human hands. Where these vagabonds come from and why they leave, no one knows.

Arthropods appear at home with the onset of cold seasons, but may accidentally enter along with things, agricultural products and furniture. Living in the house is not dangerous to humans. They quietly and modestly weave a cobweb in the corner and do not climb into the eyes of a person, so you can not touch them. But only if they do not settle in colonies.

Arachne angered the goddess Athena with her skill

Spider and web in the house

Grandmothers believed that the cobweb woven in the house was a reliable amulet for the family. That spiders bring good luck to the house, and the cobweb repels everything hostile and attracts to the house positive energy makes life happy.

Ancestors attributed healing properties and the ability to cure diseases to the web. It has long been proven that the web does not have healing properties, but the superstitions that have existed for many centuries are still strong.

The belief that killing a spider is inviting misfortune has lost its meaning, and in modern houses a web can only be found with a negligent and lazy hostess. But associated interesting stories can still be heard today. It happened that the spiders living in the house brightened up loneliness for the elderly, helped them cope with illnesses and became almost family members.

Spider in the house: friend or foe?

These are one of the most common creatures living in houses with people. If the sight of a spider hanging from the ceiling above your heads, or running across your living room doesn't scare you, is it worth considering paying attention and sheltering a few spiders?

They settle and live in houses, sheds, summer cottages and skyscrapers - these are the most common insects that exist next to humans, especially in winter. They are the most common type of fear people have - arachnophobia (fear of spiders). People struggle with them and the most common way is with a vacuum cleaner or a shoe.

Some people suffer from arachnophobia and cannot bear the sight of a spider.

From legend

According to legend, the baby Jesus, along with his parents, hid from his pursuers in a cave where spiders lived. The dense web of the web hid and protected them from their pursuers. Since that time, arthropods have been revered throughout the Christian world. It is generally accepted that they are protected by higher powers and by killing a spider, you can expose yourself to suffering and trouble.

Among the people there are also large group courageous followers of St. Francis who respect arthropods and see them as good.

Just one warning: don't touch them. We have several species of spiders in our country, whose bite causes severe pain and even symptoms of mild poisoning. But don't worry - none of them are found in the home. In addition, most species are not even able to penetrate human skin. Free lodgers never seek human contact, but when frightened or threatened, they may bite. Spider venom causes various reactions, depending on the type and predisposition to allergic reactions of the bitten person. Symptoms:

  • redness;
  • local swelling around the wound;
  • condition requiring hospitalization.

In any case, if you are bitten by a spider, you should consult your doctor. Before you trample on an eight-legged creature that has entered your home, take a look and consider how it can improve the quality of your life.

A spider bite can become inflamed and provoke an allergic reaction.

House spider (Tegenaria domestica )

In our homes, this type of spider is becoming less and less common. It is brownish gray in color with a pattern on its belly. It grows to a size of 6-10 mm. He has rather thick and hairy legs.

Attic spider (Tenegaria atrica)

This "beast" has a size of about 18 cm, the length of the legs can reach up to 8 cm. The web resembles a thick sheet rolled up like a funnel. They sit in ambush, hidden by a funnel, waiting for the prey to fall into the flat part of the web, and then, climb out of the cracks and rush to the prey. Unlike other species, attic prefer slightly damp places. They love basements and attics, although they do not ignore nooks and crannies behind furniture. Unfortunately, they do not stay in their corner, and sometimes they go to wander around the house or apartment. Often their trips are connected with the search for a partner, and in such situations they can meet a person (a meeting for both parties is equally unpleasant).

There is no need to be afraid of him - let him go his own way, but if he is angry or he feels threatened by you, the bite can be quite painful.

The attic spider is large and rather scary in appearance.

Phalangoid folkus (Pholcus phalangoides)

Another species that likes to live in an apartment is the phalangeal folkus. Unlike the attic, their appearance does not cause fear. It looks much smaller and more pleasing to the eye. Such a spider grows up to about 7-9 mm, has an almost transparent body and long thin legs. Weaves networks irregularly and not very beautiful. The rickety insects look like they feed on nothing but air and miraculously didn't get tangled up in their own legs.

And here's the surprise! They are extremely ambitious predators. Many insects serve as their food, they often hunt prey that is several times larger than them.

They even attack lofts, and usually win battles with them. It's hard to imagine this, but where Pholcus phalangoides live, you won't find attic tenants. They do not touch a person, they get enough food from other sources.

Phalangeal folkus - a small spider with long legs

Amarobiid spider (Amaurobius ferox)

This species is not so common in residential buildings, but is still found in basements. Red amarobiid spider 8-14 mm in size. If you anger him, defending himself, he can bite painfully.

Large steatoda (Steatoda bipunctata)

Cellars and attics can also be inhabited (very rarely) by a spider with beautiful name large steatoda - a small spider (up to 8 mm in length) with a very plump belly. He is a close relative of the karakurt spider, weaves a three-dimensional web, and the males of this species create sounds with a frequency of 1000 Hz that are audible to humans. The bite causes tissue necrosis.

Harvest Spider (Opiliones)

Most often, houses and apartments are visited and arranged by haymakers spiders. Unlike others, they have only one pair of eyes and no venom glands. If they are frightened, they emit a smelly substance. They are completely harmless to humans. They are easily recognizable by their oval body and long, thin legs. They feed on other insects and spiders, and also suck juice from fruits and leaves, willingly feed on dead organic matter. The upper part of it has a dark gray color, the bottom is light.

This species weaves an oblique, uneven web that does not have a specific pattern. They prefer to live in dry and warm places. In the summer, they like to sit and weave their net in the corners of the window frames.

The haymaker spider is very often found in houses and apartments.

seasonal appearance

Common household spiders live for about two years. They reproduce throughout their lives. Most living outdoors breed in spring period, and their "youth" is slowly growing up over the summer. In many regions, late summer and early autumn see a significant increase in the spider population - it seems that they are everywhere both in and out of homes.

In fact, it is the spider youth that has matured. As they get bigger and older, it's noticeable. Adult males begin to search for a mate, and the associated mobility attracts attention.

Three reasons why spiders are useful

  1. They eat pests such as cockroaches, earwigs, mosquitoes, flies and moths. If you let them work, they will kill most insects in your home. This is an excellent safe weapon against insects.
  2. They eat other spiders. Encounters with rivals often end in "gladiator" fights, in which the winner eats the loser. If you have a lot of long-legged tenants in your basement, you may see that the population initially consists of numerous small individuals, and subsequently dwindles to a smaller number of large ones. In addition, there are significantly fewer other pests in the basement, which makes spiders great allies of humans.
  3. They limit the spread of diseases, as they eat a lot of domestic pests, carriers of infectious and other diseases: mosquitoes, flies, fleas, cockroaches and many others.

In addition, they live in places that are free of toxins and clean enough that they can be a factor in determining the situation in your home.

Amarobiid, like other spiders, rids the home of harmful insects

How to get rid of spiders

While many of us would rather see spiders dead than alive, don't forget that he was once an Arachne, albeit a mythological one, and that spiders are useful. Instead of poisoning yourself and them with chemistry, forcing them to die, beat them with shoes or a newspaper, it is better to catch them, which is easy enough (in a disposable cup or other container) and release them far from home, let them look for another place to live.

The appearance of spiders in the house is not their fault, and their behavior is not burdensome. And in order for arthropods not to live in your house all the time, you must take care of the hygiene of your home yourself.

Spider population control

  1. Caulk all cracks and holes through which spiders can enter the house.
  2. Make sure that the garbage does not lie directly near the house.
  3. Pack souvenirs, clothes, pleasant trifles in sealed plastic containers. Carton boxes attract insects that attract spiders.
  4. Store wood some distance from the house so you don't bring spiders into the house.
  5. Use insecticides in the areas where they spin their webs.
  6. Control insect food sources of spiders with insecticides and other methods.
  7. Consider creating a chemical barrier around your home with a suitable reagent.

Signs and superstitions associated with spiders

  1. If spiders appear in your carefully cleaned house, expect a change.
  2. A light spider, rising up - brings good news, falling down - brings unexpected and not very pleasant news.
  3. A spider sitting on clothes - for profit.
  4. In the rays of the morning sun weaves a web - expect pleasant surprises and gifts, at sunset - there will be a little work.
  5. To see a red spider - to big money.

Our ancestors had many beliefs associated with these arthropods, mostly positive. So is it worth it to be scared when you see a little guest in the apartment? Let's figure it out.

In the article:

Folk omen - a spider in the house

This belief means wealth and prosperity. Note that for different nationalities it has the same meaning and is positive.

Do not be alarmed when you meet this harmless arthropod on the wall, because the age-old wisdom of the ancestors says the opposite: spiders are harbingers of good events.

Having met a spider in an apartment, expect well-being and prosperity, as well. Negative energy, according to beliefs, is collected in the corners, and spiders most often settle there, hiding negativity in the web, so our ancestors considered these arthropods to be guardians hearth, especially light ones.

Spider in the bathroom, on the floor - signs

By the gray guests, imperceptibly appearing in our homes and also disappearing, you can find out the future. A sign about a spider in the bathroom means that some changes should be made in life.

Another belief says that if a spider has settled in the bathroom, expect stagnation in business or personal life, as well as a leak of money and even secret information. It's up to you to decide whether to believe it or not.
There are many signs that have been tested for centuries. If a spider appears in the apartment, its inhabitants will not know material difficulties. Unexpectedly - to profit. To be frightened at the same time - to unpleasant news.

A spider crawling on the floor means change. In this case, direction matters. So, if the arthropod moves away - you can lose something, it approaches - wait for the profit. A spider crawls over clothes - a more expensive new thing.

These creatures are good weather forecasters. They hide in the rain, and if it is sunny and clear, they tirelessly work on the web, eventually sitting down in the center of the finished “house”. To a person who finds a creature in this occupation, folk signs promise imminent wealth. And you can also make a wish and see where it crawls: up - the wish will come true, down - no luck.

About spiders on the wall

For each case of a collision with representatives of the animal world, our ancestors will find an explanation, such as, for example, a sign about a spider on the ceiling. If to you and, moreover, fell on his head - expect an unexpected big inheritance, a big win or just a good profit. The spider went down the cobweb in front of the face - a pleasant meeting or the arrival of dear guests awaits you.

The arthropods on the wall have the same meaning. Look at the direction of their movement. They crawl down, and then up - to pleasant meetings, good acquaintances or material profit. If they move only down, you will experience loss, loss or sad news.

Unpleasant omens concern spiders black color. It is believed that if such an arthropod weaves a web under or above the bed, then the person sleeping on it will get sick. Another belief says that a nest made by a "brunette" over a marital bed means a cooling of relations and even treason.

Most people treat spiders with disgust, girls are afraid of them, but there are those who have sympathy for them and keep them as pets. If you do not want to put up with such a “neighborhood”, in no case do not, because even though this promises the forgiveness of a certain number of sins (from seven to forty according to various sources), but only at the cost of loss or illness of the “spider killer”. It is better to carefully evict him out the door - the poor arthropod is not to blame for our troubles and fears.

There are many signs about spiders in the house, mostly they have a positive color. Do not expel such "neighbors" while they live in the house - the owners will have prosperity, peace and prosperity. Such a huge number of beliefs, both good and not so, is due to the fact that our ancestors considered spiders to be a link between two worlds - the real and the other world. Yes, and it is better to believe in good omens - it is more pleasant and they come true more often.

In contact with

Spiders in the house are a common occurrence in the warm season. The arthropod easily penetrates into private houses, apartments on the highest floors. Human housing attracts with their presence a large number corners, constant temperature, lack of natural enemies. They crawl into an apartment, a house on their own, or people themselves bring it, without suspecting it.

Why are there a lot of spiders in the house

The first conclusion immediately suggests itself - it has not been carried out for a long time spring-cleaning. Arthropods love peace, if they are not disturbed, they settle well in any suitable place. For normal life, you need a little - the presence of secluded places, suitable climatic conditions, peace, food. Animals are nocturnal, during the day they hide or sit motionless on the web.

Hence the second conclusion about why there are a lot of spiders in the apartment - a lot of all living creatures. All arachnids are carnivores and feed on insects. They attack from the shelter or wait for the victim to fall into the trapping nets from the web. The main house are flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, moths, caterpillars. Less often, an accidentally flown wasp, a bee.

On a note!

If flies fly freely in a house or apartment, cockroaches crawl, they will settle in such a room for a long time. It is worth getting rid of all living creatures, as the problem with arthropods will be solved by itself.

Where do spiders come from in the apartment

There are several ways to get in. Most often, spiders climb into the house through open windows, doors, cracks in the wall. The person himself can bring them into the room on clothes, along with plants, vegetables. Spiders start up only in those houses where they can live freely, there are living creatures. If the hostess constantly waves a broom in the corners of the apartment, there is no life for arthropods in such conditions, they quickly disappear.

On a note!

This year is a hot, protracted summer, the number of all living creatures is off scale. Therefore, arthropods start up in a person’s housing with windows constantly open.

In early September, a new generation of spiderlings appears, which begin a mass migration. , go down it, waiting for a gust of wind. With the first breath, they set off on a journey. How long it will be, it is impossible to predict in advance, because there are too many obstacles on the way. Some fall near a neighboring bush, others in the air for several kilometers, reaching private, high-rise buildings.

How and where to find a spider in the apartment

If a cobweb flaunts in the corners of the rooms, behind the furniture, on the ceiling, this means that a spider has settled. You can find it right in the center of your creation. The animal weaves trapping nets at night, during the day it calmly waits for the victim.

A spider often settles in the bathroom, because it is almost always dark there. In the bedroom, it is found on the ceiling, behind the furniture. In the kitchen, the web is placed in cabinets, in the corners of the room, on the chandeliers. Lots of spiders and cobwebs in storerooms. They like to live on the windows, if they do not open, they are not ventilated.

Should I be afraid

Of the 42 thousand species of arachnids, either a haymaker, gray, black spiders settle in a person's house. These representatives huge family not dangerous to humans, coexist peacefully in the same room.

On a note!

However, when accidentally or intentionally pressed, spiders can bite. There is pain, slight redness, swelling. The condition returns to normal in a few days. More serious consequences from a bite