Well      09/21/2020

People with reduced social responsibility. Why girls become prostitutes

This expression has still not lost its relevance, although it can be heard less and less in everyday life. Much more often it is replaced with the word “prostitute.” But this is not entirely correct, since a fallen woman is not only a priestess of love. Today you will find out to whom this appeal applies and what it means.

There is a difference

In Europe, a fallen woman is a drug addict, an emigrant, a victim of violence. But if we look at Russian history, this epithet was “awarded” mainly to ladies who were not particularly picky in their choice of sexual partners. Moreover, this could be a woman who had several official marriages. In Soviet times, this was condemned by both the party and the people. A real communist had to marry once and bear this cross all her life, even if the marriage was not very successful. The exception was artists: they could be forgiven for some frivolity in this matter, since creative people differ from the common population.


The first mention of female harlots in the Old Testament is of an interesting nature. Jacob's daughter traveled through foreign lands and attracted the attention of the son of the prince of Shechem. He dishonored Dina, but later asked the girl’s hand from her father. The brothers of the unfortunate woman reacted sharply and declared that their sister was not a harlot to do this to her. Consent to the marriage was received, but the prince had to make a deal: all men in the city were circumcised.

Jesus Christ said that harlots go ahead of everyone else into the Kingdom of God. Another fallen woman is Tamar. A girl who sold her services for a kid. Rembrandt even captured this scene in a painting. It is known that ancient Israelite society even protected harlots, but church ministers were forbidden to take them as wives.

Walking woman

As a rule, this is a lady who is not married and regularly changes men. She is free from obligations and not burdened with moral values. Can we call her a fallen woman? It depends on the society in which the person moves. If she is at the bottom of the social strata, then such an expression may be applicable. But no one would dare call a pop star or a famous actress that way. Although there is no particular difference in behavior between them, the colossal gap in terms of social status changes everything. A walking woman can be either a legal spouse or the mother of a large family. It all depends on the character and upbringing of the woman.

You don't have to be a prostitute to get such an offensive nickname. Girls who grew up in dysfunctional families often have a weak concept of morality. Such scenes took place before their eyes that by the time they mature, they do not consider it necessary to look for a permanent partner. They don’t take money for their services; they simply give their bodies to anyone who shows interest.

The result of such a life is a harmful addiction to alcohol or drug addiction. Then from a simple frivolous person the girl turns into a full-fledged prostitute. She is ready to trade her body for a dose or a bottle, but now this is considered work, and not a means of obtaining pleasure. There are plenty of such people among the marginalized: in any den there will be such a fallen woman, providing her intimate services in exchange for the necessary drug.


These ladies can also be called fallen, but they stand on the very high level. They also sell their bodies, but not to dealers or the working class, but to the wealthiest men. Moreover, there are known cases when such elite prostitutes became the wives of their clients. But still, in most cases, they remain only girls who can accompany you to any event and provide intimate services. Their work is paid very highly, but money cannot wash away the stigma of a fallen woman, which they will carry for the rest of their lives. They are also considered girls with low social responsibility, although they can drive premium class cars.


Prostitution is the biggest niche in which every woman is considered fallen. Although this is one of the oldest professions, it is still considered the most shameful. Prostitutes are not respected, they have no rights. For their hard and thankless work, they can get a prison sentence. This profession has no age. Both girls 14 years old and women over 60 can be prostitutes.

Why do girls become prostitutes?

It would seem that there are no advantages at all from this method of earning money, and there are more and more fallen women! Selling your body on the street is driven by both need and lack of demand. Often, after graduating from university, girls cannot find work. This is especially true for those who come from small towns and villages. There is no desire to return to the wilderness, and it is very difficult to settle in a metropolis. The girl decides to earn extra money with her own body until she gets a chance to find a real Good work. However, few succeed in breaking out of the vicious circle.

For those unlucky enough to fail their exams, the road to prostitution becomes even shorter. They remain in a strange city in the hope of trying their luck in a year. Without a profession or means of livelihood, girls are forced to go to the panel.

Need and more

An ordinary average mother of several children can also become a fallen woman. An unemployed husband, lack of help from relatives and many other factors can push one to take this desperate step. Sometimes such ladies have official jobs, and at night they work as prostitutes. Relatives and friends may not even know about her additional income.

Some people are attracted to this type of income. Girls think this is the easiest way to get rich. But the real picture is far from being as colorful as inexperienced debutantes paint it. A pimp and the police, problems with the law and health, lack of personal life - this is not the whole list of what awaits a fallen woman.

We have already explained why girls with addictions become prostitutes. But very often ladies acquire addictions already in the process of work, in order to look at life easier and more easily endure moral torment. Then the life of a prostitute becomes like a carousel: searching for a dose, a client, searching for a dose again. The existence of a fallen woman cannot be envied, no matter what level she is at.

Slat shaming is not the most familiar word in the Russian language. This is not surprising, since it is a direct copy of English. Slut shaming is judging girls for appearance and behavior that is considered too “loose.” The scope of what is permissible and excessive, of course, is not established in any way and is determined only by those who are the subject of condemnation.

How slut shaming manifests itself

Many of you may be thinking, “It’s enough not to sleep with everyone and no one will consider you a girl of easy virtue.” And here lies the first problem with slut shaming: it is rarely based on objective facts. Who among us has not encountered the incredibly valuable and necessary opinion of other people that the skirt could be longer and the neckline smaller? Also, the makeup might not be so bright, and red lipstick is generally the first sign of a prostitute. In addition, everything is not limited to physical criteria: a “slut” can simply be a popular girl or even someone who has refused sex (yes, there is little logic in this phenomenon at all).

Nobody cares that, on the one hand, a stereotype about obligatory sexuality is imposed on girls, and on the other hand, they are condemned for this same sexuality. Moreover, even if someone practices sex without obligations and is happy with it, one can only be happy for such a person, because provided that the partners mutually agree, this does not harm anyone. But for some reason only men win - for them this is considered a sign of masculinity. But a girl who treats her sexuality “like a man” will sooner or later receive an offensive stigma.

Such double standards form the very culture of slut shaming. In a patriarchal society, it is men who are given the opportunity to determine the boundaries and norms for female sexuality, and as soon as someone goes beyond these boundaries, they immediately try to push her back, using public condemnation as an instrument of punishment. Sex comrades often join in on this: unconsciously obeying the restrictions of society, they demand the same from all girls, regardless of their personal desires.

How slut shaming harms each of us and why we need to fight it

Now you may be thinking, “You should just not pay attention to what other people say.” In part, this is true - as long as such an opportunity exists.

Slut shaming surrounds women from a very young age. Girls who are simply interested in their mother's makeup bag are forbidden to wear makeup - because it will make them look “like a whore.” Older girls prefer not the clothes that they really like, but those dictated by society - and continue to live day after day in an image that is uncomfortable for them, which affects self-esteem.

The situation doesn't end there psychological pressure. It is not uncommon for women to be denied jobs or simply respect based solely on how they look. By the way, you don’t even need revealing clothes for this: the opinion “she’s beautiful, that means she’s stupid” is also a manifestation of slut shaming.

One of the most serious and traumatic consequences of this attitude is victim blaming or “victim blaming.” Most often, victims of rape or harassment encounter it: in Russia, police often consider it completely normal to ask what the victim was wearing and what kind of lifestyle she leads. Given that the only one to blame for this can only be the attacker, part of his guilt is transferred to the victim. Neither clothing, nor makeup, nor the number of sexual partners can be considered a justification for rape.

How to live with it

First, stop judging other girls. It is difficult and requires effort, but it is still possible. Two thoughts that would be worth teaching in elementary school help with this:

  1. You never know what motivates another person.
  2. No one is obligated to follow the moral standards you set for yourself.

Face it: Judgment is rarely associated with real concern for the other person. More often it is caused by misunderstanding or envy: “why can she, but I can’t?” Freeing yourself from the idea that everyone must comply with the same norms and standards not only frees up a lot of time and nerves, but also provides an opportunity to explore and understand your own desires and aspirations.

The behavior of these ladies shocked their contemporaries, and now it will surprise you too!
1. Valeria Messalina

Valeria lived a short but very colorful life. She was the wife of the Roman Emperor Claudius, but this did not stop her from leaving her home at night for the sake of prostitution. Money was absolutely not important to her, it was all just because of the love of art! She could even please the crew of an entire ship overnight. One day she decided to arrange a competition with another famous prostitute in terms of the number of people served per night. And Valeria won! The husband did not pay attention to his wife’s adventures for a long time, but when she decided to marry one of her lovers, she was killed.
2. Elizabeth I

Elizabeth had rare beauty and was a liberated and freedom-loving woman. By the age of 20, she had a dozen young lovers, whom the queen generously bestowed with titles and ranks.
3. Gala Dali

Gala Dali (whose real name is Elena Dyakonova) was the wife of Salvador Dali and adhered to the principle of free love. She was not afraid to embody fantasies, among which, for example, there was a threesome. When Gala got older, she began to buy the attention of men with money. And if there were not enough funds, the woman paid with the works of her husband, Salvador Dali.
4. Giovanna of Naples

She was the queen of Italian Naples and loved to share her bed with several men at the same time. Already at the age of 17, she turned her palace into a brothel! At the same time, the queen was very fond of art. She was the main admirer of Boccaccio's erotic short stories, who personally read them to Giovanna at night.
5. Countess DuBarry

Until the age of 15, she lived in a monastery, where she constantly prayed. Then she decided to leave this place and began to learn the barber's trade. But the salon owners didn’t like her habit of constantly flirting with their sons, so they drove the girl away. She took the pseudonym Manon Lanson and became famous throughout Paris as a voluptuous courtesan. Many marquises and dukes were in her arms, one of whom introduced the future countess to the dissolute Louis XV.
6. Princess Saltykova

Marya Alekseevna was not only beautiful, but also a very intelligent lady. She was popular with men and loved to spend nights in the soldiers' barracks. According to some historians, Saltykova had more than 300 lovers.
7. Cleopatra

The Queen of Egypt always knew what a man wanted from her and could please anyone. At the same time, a night with the queen cost many people their lives.
8. Marquise de Pompadour

At the age of 9, she was predicted to have a relationship with King Louis XV himself. And so it happened - thanks to her beauty and perseverance, she became the king’s favorite and had enormous power to influence state affairs. According to some reports, she could have sex more than 10 times a night, satisfying different men.
9. Marie Antoinette

The Queen of France and King Louis XVI was a famous libertine. The king suffered from phimosis and could not satisfy his wife, and Maria, without hesitation, went to seek solace on the side. She disappeared at balls and masquerades in search of men who could surprise her. They say that the queen did not disdain incest and even seduced her own son.

Vladimir Putin's recent press conference was remembered for a new catchphrase. Commenting on rumors about Donald Trump's meetings with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel, the Russian President called moths. Several workers of the oldest profession from the Urals told Life what they think about this wording.

Lisa, 34 years old

The main thing is that the president did not insult us. It's good that there is support. It's good that it doesn't oppress us. But I don't agree with these words. We are people with increased social responsibility. Our profession is more psychological than immoral. We constantly save people from depression. I’ll even think about changing the name in the profile from “prostitute” to “girl of increased social responsibility.” But again, I’m afraid of those who are against the president, I’m afraid of the opposition, so I’m still thinking. I don't want to attract the attention of the authorities. If the president begins real actions in support of our profession, then I will take actions in his support.

Milana, 24 years old

We are like forest nurses. We save society from pedophiles - they come to us, and not to rape the people. But in some ways he is right. Everyone thinks only about themselves. Recently we collected money from Orphanage, however, everyone abandoned us, and we helped with art therapy for children - it was interesting. We help like everyone else. But what the fuck is our responsibility? And why does he generalize? This generalization is inappropriate. You can’t generalize like that in our profession either. Some of us have increased, some have decreased social responsibility. And yet, I am more inclined to believe that he is right: such people have no responsibilities, they don’t need anything. And other people help too. And in general, the wording does not change anything in life.

Mrs. Natalya, 25 years old

This is a fundamentally incorrect formulation. We are girls with increased social responsibility! Because we are all responsible for someone here - for relatives, for children. There are certain responsibilities. We provide psychological assistance. We do not corrupt men: a man must understand that he must come and pay, only then receive something. We educate them and they have responsibility. In addition, a woman in this profession monitors her health more carefully, unlike her neighbor of the same age. We also give part of the money to the children. This year we sent part of the money to the Chelyabinsk orphanage. Not every manager goes to do this, but we do it. We do not fall apart, we have our own clear task, people come to us to relax, they come with their problems, we help, we explain, we listen, we talk. I will even consider renaming myself to “a girl with increased social responsibility” on websites.

Erica, 30 years old

I do not agree that our responsibility has been reduced. We are girls with increased social responsibility! This will be more correct. Now I can’t talk - I’m at the checkout, people are standing next to me.

Mila, 20 years old

I believe that we have increased social responsibility, not decreased. We help children, we look after their health, we look after our family, we help them.

Baby Yulia, 26 years old

This is wrong, because girls are many times more responsible compared to whores who give right and left and don’t take care of their health. And the president said correctly: people start to engage in prostitution not because they have a good life, and those girls who come here are those who have nothing to feed their children or who have sick parents. These are girls with increased social responsibility, definitely! They help men cope with their problems, relieve emotional and psychological stress - conflicts smaller house. People come to us with gratitude that there are fewer conflicts in the family. Thanks to us, there is less violence in the city, less crime. Fewer murders, fewer maniacs who commit sex crimes. We reduce the risk of crime. In general, there should be a certain number of girls per city in order to reduce crime in the metropolis. I can’t comment on this to you on video - I’m a very significant person in the city, they can recognize me by my voice. I would even really change my name in the profile, I’ll think about it and change my name to the topic of the day.

Otherwise it’s wrong to call us that.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Ladies and gentlemen! I am glad to present you your favorite section about women with reduced social responsibility!

Japan is generally an amazing country. There is a professional for every task here. Need to clean your apartment? Here's a robot vacuum cleaner. Need to make sushi? Here is a sushi master who has been making sushi all his life. Need a woman? Here we need to clarify, because Japanese women have three, so to speak, directions: for the body, for the soul and for procreation. The last thing is the wife. She is a professional housewife. For the soul geisha. I will tell you more about this later. Well, for the body - ordinary prostitutes. Now, of course, traditions are being broken. And geishas sell themselves, and prostitutes try to lure clients with intimate conversations, and the wives have become such that no geishas are needed.

Prostitution in Japan has been generally prohibited for about 50 years. BUT! Traditions are stronger than laws, and some cities still have red light districts. The largest is in Osaka. This is not just a block, this is a huge area with prostitutes!

See what it looks like.

01. So... we are in a den of depravity!

02. There are prostitutes working in every house!

03. Here she sits, beauty! By the way, no joke, Japan has the most beautiful prostitutes in the world! Usually there are some crooked and slanted grymz working on the street, but here every second one is straight from the cover of a fashion magazine.

04. Girls do not sit behind glass! That is, you can stop by each one and talk.

05. Very rarely they cover their faces.

06. Look carefully at the surroundings.

07. The girl is always illuminated by several spotlights. Since they are hot, the fans work.

08. Client leaves) Many girls use a childish image. There are toys around, they themselves sit like dolls. The Japanese love it.

09. Oh, did you notice that a grandmother sits next to every girl?

10. This is a pimp! She is selling a doll. ONLY women work. All negotiations with grandma.

11. You make an agreement with your grandmother, then you go up the red stairs, where you PLAY with the girl. Nobody says what is included in the game. Of course, everyone understands that that kind of money includes sex.

12. Sometimes several girls work in one house. There is already a client here, judging by the shoes, but the new girl is sitting and waiting in the wings. And also, do you see two mirrors? A girl looks like one. In the second, the pimp looks to see if the client is coming. If a client appears on the horizon, she orders the girl to smile! So when you approach the establishment, the girl breaks into a smile and waves at you.

13. What about the prices?

15 min - 110$
20 min - 160$
30 min - 210$
60 min - 410$

14. Prices are the same for everyone! Bargaining is inappropriate. But you need to understand that the girl will start to scam you, demanding additional money for any movements.

15. As they say regular customers these places, the real price for full sex is 600 dollars. It won't be cheaper.

16. By the way, in front of each girl there are plastic flowers, like in a cemetery.

17. How do you like it?

19. The girl is always smiling, the pimp is always sad.

21. In terms of work, this is really a conveyor belt. Clients come one after another.