Well      06/15/2019

Smoke magic: all about smoke machines. We make a smoke generator at home Homemade smoke generator for a car with an oil vaporizer

Finding the cause of a car malfunction means halfway fixing it. That is why in a good car service there will always be a lot of diagnostic tools - and not always electronic ones.
These devices include smoke generators. About what it is, why this device is needed and how you can make a smoke generator with your own hands for a car and will be discussed in this article.

Car smoke generator

This device is needed to identify places where the tightness is broken, which is required for the normal functioning of a particular system - the intake and exhaust tracts of a car, for example.

The smoke generator pumps thick white smoke, which is clearly visible when it leaks from the diagnosed path.

The principle of its use is simple, like everything ingenious - smoke is injected into the system or part that needs to be checked, which begins to come out in places where the tightness is broken. In a very similar way, tire shop workers check a wheel for air leaks by immersing it in a bath of water - the outgoing air manifests itself in the form of floating bubbles.
The smoke generator, on the other hand, injects thick white smoke, which is clearly visible when it leaks, you just need to connect its outlet hose to the part being diagnosed, having “plugged” all other holes in it before that.
The principle of operation of smoke generators manufactured by various manufacturers of automotive equipment is to heat liquid oil (like ATF), which, evaporating, creates the required smoke. The structure of the smoke generator includes a compressor - for injecting smoke.

How to make a smoke generator for a car with your own hands

The cost of the cheapest smoke generator for a car is at least 6,000 rubles, so many motorists make home-made devices, showing remarkable ingenuity.

Homemade smoke generator for cars with an oil vaporizer

Scheme of a smoke generator for a car

To make such a device you will need:

It takes two to make a smoke generator. necessary conditions are sources of compressed air and smoke.

  1. A container that will serve as the main module. It could be a grease gun, a metal can with a tight lid, or even an old fire extinguisher with a screw cap.
  2. Glow plug from a diesel engine.
  3. Time relay.
  4. Hoses, tubes for air supply.
  5. Source of compressed air.

In addition, you may need taps for threading, compounds for sealing the joints of fittings, clamps - you will select all this in accordance with the source materials from which the main module of the automobile smoke generator, which you will make yourself - the evaporator will be made.
An exact drawing for making a smoke generator for a car with your own hands is completely useless - after all, you yourself will select the materials, which means that the dimensions of the parts can be different (except for the glow plug).

As a time relay, a turn relay is used, connecting a candle instead of light bulbs. This is necessary so that it does not burn out - the glow plug is not intended for long work, and the relay will turn it on and off periodically. To connect the negative terminal of the battery to the candle, connect it with a wire to the body of the device.
Please note that the oil level in the container is small - otherwise the candle will not warm it up enough, and it will not evaporate. The air inlet tube must be immersed in oil - this will be a kind of check valve for air at low pressure.

If there is no compressor at hand, then as a source of compressed air fit inflated car camera or spare tire.

If you do not have a compressor, then you can use your own spare tire as an air receiver (accumulator) - or use a car chamber, having previously pumped it up.
As you can see, nothing complicated - such a simple smoke generator for a car will cost you much cheaper than a purchased one. You can simply ask for a glow plug from friends in a car service - craftsmen often leave such things “just in case”, and they lie idle in the workshop for years.
The air supply can be regulated by integrating a suitable valve into the hose. To begin with, during the testing process, it is enough to pinch the hose with your hand, bending it in half.

Do-it-yourself smoke generator for a car from a cigarette

Smoke generator from a cigarette and a pneumogun for blowing

This simplest “smoke generator” for a car does not need unnecessary comments - it is enough just to make an adapter for connecting a cigarette to a hose, that is, a banal mouthpiece.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated behind the frightening name of the device at first. Especially if in your childhood you practiced making various "smoke-outs" - from casein, newspaper soaked in ammonium nitrate solution, etc.

It is difficult to imagine a concert, disco or show program without colorful lighting design, in the rays of which puffs of smoke look especially impressive. This spectacular effect can be easily created with smoke generators, which have become a must-have for any nightclub or concert venue.

So, this is a device that produces smoke or fog and disperses it. The smoke machine is used mainly to reduce the transparency of the air, as a result of which light and laser beams becoming more effective. Thus, the smoke favorably emphasizes other visual effects, such as lasers, scanners, stroboscopes, and gives them new unique colors.

The principle of operation of most smoke machines is as follows: a special liquid is supplied by a pump to the thermoelement, heated, evaporated, and then exits through the atomizer nozzle. In contact with air particles, the liquid cools, turns into an aerosol and creates the effect of smoke or fog. Everything is quite simple, but there is a danger of underheating or overheating the liquid. If the fluid is not heated enough before leaving the machine, you will end up with so-called “wet smoke” that will condense on the surface of the stage and equipment, which can lead to damage. If, on the contrary, the liquid in the thermoelement is overheated, then the device may simply burn out. Therefore, the choice of a smoke machine and liquids should be taken seriously.

Most modern smoke generators have a remote control. remote control, allowing you to adjust the intensity of smoke generation at a distance. Also, many models have a built-in timer, thanks to which you can set the time interval after which the generator will release a new portion of smoke.

According to the properties of the smoke produced and the principle of operation, modern smoke machines are divided into three main types:

    Light smoke generators

    Heavy smoke generators

    Fog generators.

Each type has its own design and functional features, and also differs in the scope. Let's consider them in more detail.

Light smoke generators

Light smoke generators are the most common, due to the versatility of their application and low cost. Light smoke fills the entire volume of the room and does not settle for a long time, allowing you to keep the spectacular and unique color of the whole show longer, when the colored rays of the lighting effects appear very clearly. Smoke machines of this type are most often used in discos, clubs and even at home.

The principle of operation of light smoke generators: the pump supplies a special liquid to the thermocouple, which, by means of heating or chemical reaction turns into an aerosol and is ejected into the air through a nozzle.

Heavy smoke generators

Heavy smoke generators are usually used to decorate professional venues: at almost any concert you can see clouds of dense smoke creeping at the feet of the musicians. Heavy smoke got its name due to its ability to spread along the ground without rising up. To get a similar effect, smoke generators are equipped with refrigerators. Heavy smoke allows you to give new accents to familiar special effects, create a charming, magical atmosphere, and also helps to hide some interior defects.

The principle of operation of heavy smoke generators: after evaporation, the aerosol is cooled to a temperature below the air temperature in the room, so the smoke density is higher than the air density. Such machines cool the smoke to a temperature slightly above zero. Similar to a cloud, dense smoke usually does not rise above 10-15 cm from the floor. To move the smoke, special fans are installed that create the effect of wind. Such heavy smoke generators are the most convenient to use, as they use only a special liquid, but the smoke they produce is not always “heavy” enough and can rise to a height of more than a meter before dissipating. Sometimes the smoke can be too dense, which will reduce the expressiveness of the light and laser beams. Also, such generators can form condensate. Another disadvantage of these types of generators is that they can trigger fire alarms.

You can also get the effect of heavy smoke using frozen carbon dioxide (dry ice). Such generators are the most inexpensive and easy to use, as they are a "box" filled with dry ice. Smoke from a conventional smoke machine enters this “box”, cools down, passing through pieces of dry ice, and then enters the room. The temperature of dry ice is -78.5°C, which makes it possible to obtain dense and heavy smoke. The disadvantages of this type of machines include the need to purchase and store ice before the start of the performance.

Based on the foregoing, the most optimal can be called heavy smoke obtained by mixing smoke from a conventional smoke machine with carbon dioxide. The air temperature in the area of ​​operation of the cold smoke generator can drop to -5°C. Such a machine uses smoke-liquid and carbon dioxide cylinders, and the smoke it produces does not rise above the knees of a person. This device allows you to create very spectacular dynamic jets of white smoke that appear and disappear almost instantly.

Fog generators

Fog generators (hazers) keep the space of the room sufficiently transparent, but at the same time create a light haze in which light and laser beams are clearly read. Such generators are characterized by the absence of a heating element, as well as economy and efficiency.

The principle of operation of fog generators: a powerful compressor sprays a special liquid under high pressure.

According to the field of application, smoke generators can also be divided into three types:

    mini smoke machine , which differ in compact size and, accordingly, a small tank (no more than three liters). Such devices usually emit streams of smoke at distances not exceeding three meters. They are designed for small spaces and short events, as well as for house parties.

    Semi-professional smoke generators they have an enlarged reservoir, and can also “deliver” smoke to a distance of 4-6 m. they are designed for club events, discos, concerts in small halls.

    Professional smoke machines boast strong smoke generation with economical use of liquid, as well as rapid heating.

So, you have decided to purchase a smoke generator. What are the selection criteria? Let's figure it out.

1. Room area , which affects the power of the selected device. The table provides recommendations for choosing a smoke generator based on the area to be smoked.

Also, depending on the power, the smoke generator can throw smoke at different distances: for example, a 500 W generator is able to throw smoke up to a distance of 3 m, a 3000 W power up to 7 m.

2. Performance, that is, the number of cubic meters of smoke produced per minute. This parameter ranges from several cubic meters (for portable generators to rechargeable batteries) up to several hundred cubic meters (for powerful stationary smoke machines).

3. Floor standing or suspended generator . Here the choice depends solely on the design features and your preferences.

4. Control . Smoke machines can be equipped with their own remote control panels, including wireless ones, and / or a DMX-512 interface for control from a light console.

5. Timer and liquid level indicator , which makes the operation of ladies machines more convenient.

6. Consumed volume of liquid . From given parameter generator run time without refueling.

7. Compressor type , it is worth considering, for example, that devices with an air compressor are quite noisy.

8. Optional accessories or special devices , for example, producing effects with smoke in the form of ring swirls, jets, giving smoke specific color using your own strobe or light filter.

Let's say you have chosen a smoke machine that meets your requirements. What's next? And then you should choose the “correct” fluid in all respects for the operation of the machine, so that the pursuit of amazing effects does not turn into a bitter disappointment.

The choice of liquid for smoke machines

The choice of liquid determines the effect the smoke produced by the machine: whether it is a light dissipating haze or a dense dense smoke with slow dissipation. The composition of the liquid for creating smoke does not cause allergies, such smoke does not emit moisture and quickly disappears in the presence of active air movement (wind or a working ventilation hood).

Several types of liquids are used to produce smoke. Usually these are mixtures of distilled water and alcohols based on glycerin or atomized mineral oils (to create dense smoke). Sometimes dyes and flavors are added to the liquid. Depending on the desired effect, liquids are used for fast, medium and long dispersion smoke.

At the very beginning of its existence, smoke machines used liquids based on mineral oil, which was dangerous both for equipment and for human health. The modern composition of liquids is absolutely safe, but you should be very careful when choosing between one or another substance. The liquid used for the smoke machine must have a safety certificate, so the use of the generator is permissible in absolutely any room.

Puffs of smoke can turn any room into a fabulous space that has little to do with reality. This is what the main task generator - to allow people to escape from reality a little and create a special world filled with colors, illusions and magical effects. Choose trusted manufacturers and create your own unique show!

Smoke is not always a signal that a fire is nearby and a reason to call the fire department soon. For a long time, smoke has been used during concerts and parties as a decorative element which adds to the impact of the performance. For such cases, smoke generators have been created and are being created, which are sold in specialized stores and cost a lot of money. We suggest that you take a few minutes to review this material in order to save money that would be spent on buying a smoke generator.

As you may have guessed, we will be making a small smoke generator, but before moving on to the manufacturing process, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the author's video.

So, we need:
- gun for soap bubbles;
- Electronic Cigarette;
- screwdriver;
- drill;
- drill;
- stationery knife.

First of all, we need to disassemble the gun and remove from it a few unnecessary parts for our generator. We begin to unscrew the screws and remove the batteries.

Next, take an electronic cigarette and remove the sensor from it.

After that, we need to drill a hole on the sensor.

Insert the sensor back into the cap.

Now we need to make sure that the sensor fits into the “muzzle” of the toy gun. Most likely, without some modifications, this will not work, just as the author does not. To do this, you will have to remove all unnecessary with a clerical knife.

We drill a hole for the diameter of the electronic cigarette.

Now we insert the electronic cigarette into the air duct of the gun.

We collect the toy back.

Thus, we get a quite good and miniature smoke generator in the form of a pistol. The bubble gun itself will now “shoot” not with bubbles, but with smoke. We would like to add that especially for electronic cigarettes, if you wish, you can purchase liquid tobacco with different smells and aromas, which will doubly surprise your guests when they not only see your

The organizers of various performances, performances by artists and singers, as well as various themed parties (particularly Halloween) use decorations to create the appropriate atmosphere and the “right mood” of others. An integral part of such events is artificial fog.

There are several ways to get artificial fog:

  • Dry ice is carbon dioxide at a temperature -109.3°F or -78.5°C. Instantaneous cold burns may occur as a result of direct contact with it (insulating gloves must be worn). In addition, it can pose a choking hazard because the evaporating carbon dioxide gas displaces oxygen (symptoms: rapid breathing and coughing). Leave the affected area immediately as soon as you experience the symptoms described above;
  • Heated "sprayers" based on glycol or glycerin;
  • Ultrasonic atomization or ultrasonic humidification (separation of the whole into indivisible elements). The piezoelectric disk is under water (at a shallow depth) and vibrates in pulses at ultrasonic frequencies. The surface of the water breaks up into small droplets (fog).

Benefits of using this humidifier:

  • Large volume of fog;
  • No Supplies(only water and electricity);
  • Absence of carbon dioxide.

Step 1: Materials

  • 5 liter bucket with lid;
  • Corrugated pipe with a diameter of 10 cm;
  • Cooler and power supply to it;
  • Bolts and nuts;
  • Empty 2 liter bottle;
  • 2 mm steel wire (an untwisted wire hanger will do);
  • Ultrasonic humidifier and power supply to it;
  • Relay alternating current on remote control;
  • Heat shrink tubing or electrical tape;
  • Solder;
  • Water;
  • Cold accumulator or ice.


  • Drill and drills;
  • Knife or hacksaw;
  • Wire strippers;
  • soldering iron;
  • Hot glue gun.

Step 2: Cut holes in the lid

Take the lid from the bucket and mark the places where the cooler (the main hole), the air duct and the atomizer power connector are attached.

We cut a hole for the air duct a quarter less drawn so that the spirals on corrugated pipe tight to the hole.

Step 3. Prepare the cooler

We cut off the power supply plug and clean the wires. We connect the stripped wires to the cooler according to the polarities (+ to +, - to -). If the wires are not properly labeled, you will need a voltmeter to determine the polarity, or you can just go through trial and error (connect first in one order, and then in another).

Solder or just twist the wires. To isolate the connections, use heat shrink tubing or electrical tape.

Step 4: Install the cooler and air duct

We fix the fan on the bucket lid using bolts, nuts and washers. The air duct is simply screwed into the hole.

Step 5. Install the sprayer in the bucket

Place the atomizer in the bucket, passing the power cable through the hole in the lid. Fill the hole with foam rubber or seal with adhesive tape.

Let's pour water into a bucket. The level must comply with the instructions for use of the sprayer (depending on the model).

Step 6Autocomplete

In order for the smoke machine to work continuously, the bucket must be constantly filled with water. An inverted 2-liter bottle will help.

Let's make their hands supporting frame made of 2 mm wire. Make a U-shaped hook at the top of the wire. We choose a wire of such length that the neck of the bottle is at the water level that needs to be maintained.

Cut a slot in the lid and fasten the U-shaped hook. We fill the bottle with water and hang it in the right position.

Step 7: Launch

Turn on the sprayer. The fog doesn't overflow the bucket, it just sinks to the bottom. We turn on the fan. The mist will now come out of the duct.

If you like, you can connect the power of the atomizer and cooler to a remotely controlled switch.

The atomizer consumes about 300 watts. Most of energy is released into the water in the form of heat. Therefore, to prevent overheating, it is necessary either to run homemade for short periods of time, or add cold accumulators (ice) to the water.

Thank you for your attention

A smoke machine, or, as it is also called, a smoke generator, is a device that allows using artificial smoke to create a unique and mysterious atmosphere at concerts, in cafes, at parties and other entertainment events of various sizes, indoors and outdoors.

The principle of operation of the device

The smoke machine is used to reduce the transparency of the air. In it, not only laser beams, but also light beams are perfectly readable and become effective.

The device generates and disperses smoke in the desired direction.

Liquid is supplied to the heating element by means of a pump. There it heats up high temperature or evaporates during a chemical reaction and turns into an aerosol, which is released from the nozzle of the device.

In many ways, the effect produced by the device depends on the choice of liquid. It can be a light dissipating haze, and dense, thick, slowly leaving smoke.

Liquid for the device

The smoke that is created in a special device is not a product of combustion, and therefore it is harmless to health and does not have an unpleasant pungent odor. It is generated from a liquid consisting of distilled water and distilled glycerin in certain proportions.

To create dense smoke, mixtures of distilled water with atomized mineral oils are used. Dyes and flavors added to liquids create an additional effect.

Depending on what dispersion time is needed, liquids of long, medium and fast action are chosen.

Devices can generate smoke from a homemade liquid consisting of 85% distilled water, 5% alcohol and 10% glycerin, but the heat exchanger becomes clogged faster. Therefore, experienced users of such equipment argue that homemade products should work with homemade products, that is, homemade liquid and a smoke machine, created with their own hands.

Device types

Exist different kinds car smoke. Fog generators without heating elements create a light haze in which the rays are easy to read, and the room itself remains quite transparent.

The thick heavy smoke generator produces smoke spreading along the floor. In such equipment, the aerosol is cooled to a temperature a few degrees below the room temperature, and fans are used to move it. There are many disadvantages to this design.

A smoke machine using dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide) is the simplest and most inexpensive. Aerosol from a conventional device passes through a container with dry ice, the temperature of which is below -78 ° C, and enters the room very cooled. The disadvantage of such a device is the need to purchase and store dry ice.

The light smoke generator is the most common type. It is versatile and inexpensive. Such a device is used in small cafes and at home holidays.

Characteristics of smoke machines

One of the important characteristics of the device is the type of compressor. Air compressor It is very noisy which is often unacceptable.

The first thing that distinguishes smoke machines is the power, which determines the number of cubic meters of smoke that is produced per unit of time. This parameter (capacity) ranges from a few cubic meters to several hundred cubic meters per minute.

Based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room that is supposed to be smoked, the power of the device is selected. For a 15 sq. m, a generator power of 90 W is enough, and a generator with a power of more than 3000 W is suitable for an open area or a large stage. By the way, such a powerful device is capable of throwing smoke at a distance of 7 m, while the smallest one is no more than 3 m.

Smoke machines can be produced both in floor and in hanging options, with a timer, to be completed with control panels or an interface for control from a lighting console.

There are many manufacturers of smoke machines today. Each of them produces devices that differ in functional features, performance and, of course, price. The cost depends on the country of manufacture (European devices are of very high quality and reliability, while Asian devices are of low price).

Le Maitre Megatron MGT-2 - smoke and fog generator - the most powerful smoke machine. The price for it is more than 7.5 million rubles.

And a low-power device that throws out 140 m 3 / min, with a wired remote control, costs no more than 4.5 thousand rubles. Like, for example, the smoke machine Involight FM900.

Do-it-yourself smoke machine

Can be DIY homemade device for home discos. The easiest option is a heating element and a small container of glycerin. Some smoke effect will be created in a small room for a short time.

How to make a smoke machine, a slightly more complex device, you can think of, knowing the principle of its operation, the main structural elements and the composition of the liquid.

As a heating element, you can use a single-burner electric stove (some craftsmen take the heating element of a conventional iron).

A medical dropper can serve as a slow delivery system for the glycerin mixture. A typical home fan can move the smoke.

The electric stove heats up, glycerin drips from a dropper on it, evaporates, and the fan spreads the resulting smoke. That's all the wisdom - for home use enough.

If you want to please friends or unusually celebrate a significant day for the family, it is not difficult to create an unusual atmosphere of a romantic holiday. And it does not have to be an expensive smoke machine.

For crowded events, it is better to use the services of specialists and their professional equipment. So it will turn out more beautiful, and safer.