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How much does the slate weigh. Slate weight - dimensions for accurate calculations How much does a slate sheet weigh and what affects this parameter

Slate 8 wave - the material used for the arrangement of the roof, so its weight plays a very important role. Not everyone knows how much does a slate sheet weigh 8 wave while grasping the roof covering. But it is so important to take into account the weight of the material, especially when developing the design of the future roof.

What is this material?

Slate is roofing material, which has excellent performance and relatively low cost. It is quite easy to recognize it among other roofing materials. It is made from a mixture of cement and asbestos, supplied in corrugated sheets. If earlier slate was a rather difficult material to install and operate due to its fragility, then modern manufacturers offer us its improved version, mainly intended for covering the roofs of private houses.

Weight is an important aspect

Most often, 8 wave slate is used for work, since it is quite practical, inexpensive, and easy to install. The most important thing is to know. Single weight square meter roofing is approximately 9.5-17.5 kilograms, where everything directly depends on the thickness of the sheet. So, if you take the average sheet, then it can weigh 23 kilograms.

Modern slate can have an ordinary, reinforced or unified profile, where, accordingly, the weight of the sheet also changes. So, slate with a regular profile has the smallest weight, and the highest one - with a reinforced one. As for such an indicator as, it is slightly smaller, and its width is 980 millimeters compared to its “brother”. The weight of this and so popular roofing material is ~ 20 kg and it consists of:

  • the amount of asbestos;
  • how evenly it is placed in the cement;
  • grinding fineness.

Traditional cement and asbestos slate is not the only option on the construction market. For example, plastic material is commercially available, which has a much lower weight and ease of installation. But it is unlikely that he is a full-fledged slate.

When equipping your roof, it is worth remembering not only the availability of improvised tools and the material itself, but also taking into account the weight of the slate chosen for work. Otherwise, incorrectly selected material may adversely affect general condition truss system.

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One of the oldest roofing materials is slate. Despite the fact that today the market is oversaturated with modern roofing materials, slate continues to be used to cover garages and other technical structures, not least due to its low price.

Characteristics of slate

Roofing slate is asbestos-cement sheets. Their main advantages, besides the price, are variety. overall dimensions, allowing you to perform a roof with a minimum of waste, incombustibility, water resistance. Service life - 40 years, with good care longer.

Today's technologies make it possible to produce not only nondescript gray sheets, but also colored ones: blue, green, brown, red. The main disadvantage is a lot of weight. The technology of laying the roof is simple, but the severity of the sheets complicates the process.

There is flat and profile slate. The profile is subdivided according to the number of waves. The GOST standards describe the range of standard sizes of asbestos-cement sheets:

Dimensions flat slate: length from two and a half to three and a half meters, width 1.2 or 1.5 with a thickness of 8-20 millimeters;

Five-wave. Slate dimensions: 5.8 mm thick, 1.98 meters long, wave pitch 26.3 cm. With such dimensions, the sheet covers only 1.6 squares, so the material has not found wide application;

Six-wave. Width 112 centimeters, size 54/200 with a thickness of 0.6 and 0.75. The heaviest type, used mainly to cover the roofs of industrial facilities;

Seven-wave is popular in private development. Standard sizes slate 1.78 meters by 98 cm, slate thickness 5.8 mm;

Eight waves. 5.2 and 5.8, 1.75 by 1.13 meters.

How much does a slate sheet of popular brands weigh:

Seven-wave, depending on the size and thickness, the weight of a slate sheet is 18.5-23 kilograms, 9.5-12 - a square meter;

Eight-wave - 21-35 kg, weight of 1 m2 of slate 10.5-18 square.


The cost of a slate sheet depends on the brand of material, thickness, color. The least popular color is gray, it costs less: about 400 rubles for an eight-wave sheet, from 350 - seven waves.
Colored (green, red, etc.) sheets cost from 500 rubles for both seven and eight waves.

Slate is an inexpensive and affordable roofing material that we inherited from the Soviet era. It's wavy gray color became a symbol of the flourishing of country and garden construction. In a fiercely competitive construction market, slate has survived among more modern, attractive materials due to improved appearance as well as performance by manufacturers. A feature of working with this roofing is the large weight of the slate, which must be taken into account when designing the roof and erecting the truss frame. In this article we will talk about the technical parameters of the main types of asbestos cement materials.

Slate is a material made from a mixture of asbestos, Portland cement and purified water, which is used for arranging roofs and wall cladding. During the production process, all the ingredients are mixed in the right proportion, laid out in a mold, and then left there until completely hardened. It has high resistance to moisture and ultraviolet rays, does not burn, is not afraid of temperature changes. Depending on the form and purpose, 2 types of slate are distinguished:

Note! The weight of slate, depending on the size and type of sheet, is 23-39 kg. This means that for 1 m2 of area there is a load of 9-17 kg, excluding weight thermal insulation material. To make a coating of this material, you should take into account the possible mass of the roofing cake when calculating the foundation and truss frame of the house. Without the necessary margin of safety, the structure will collapse or warp.

Number of combs

Nevertheless, wave slate is more often used for the construction of roofs. Manufacturers produce products in various sizes so that they are suitable for private construction, which is dominated by small-sized buildings, as well as for the construction of industrial buildings of a large area.

According to GOST, slate with a standard, unified and reinforced profile is distinguished for this type of product. But it is easier for the buyer to navigate according to another classification based on the number of waves in the sheet:

Important! Slate is considered a reliable and durable coating; it lasts at least 20-30 years. This inexpensive roofing material can withstand temperatures in the range from -50 to +80 degrees, does not burn. The weakness of the cipher is point strikes, which can easily lead to splitting of the sheet. This feature must be taken into account during transportation, storage, installation of asbestos-cement coating.


Knowing how much a slate sheet weighs, it is easy to imagine how strong and bulky the roof truss system that they plan to cover with this material should be. Significant weight is the main feature of working with asbestos cement roofing. Professional roofers give 3 important advice to avoid problems in operation:

  • Make a project and perform calculations. Slate roofing puts a tremendous strain on truss frame, as well as the foundation of the house, so you need to calculate everything before you start installation.
  • Calculate options. Slate is considered one of the cheapest roofing materials, however, the significant weight of the coating makes it necessary to strengthen the foundation and the roof frame. Large volume of concrete and quality wood are expensive, so sometimes it will be cheaper to purchase lighter and more expensive material (ondulin, corrugated board, shingles).
  • Don't forget the overlap. Inexperienced craftsmen at counting required amount material and the total weight of the roofing cake, they forget to take into account the overlap of the sheets. Because of this, an error creeps into the calculation of the bearing capacity of the frame, the result of which can be a complete collapse of the roof.

Remember! Slate is a construction product, which does not require mandatory certification for admission to sale. Most manufacturers regulate the quality of their products not by GOST, but by their own technical regulations. So look carefully appearance material upon purchase to roofing Lasted longer than stated by the manufacturer.

Video instruction

The parameters of the roof and its quality are determined by the properties of the components: the system of rafters or trusses, the base, thermal and waterproofing and roofing material.

And in order for the structure to function properly, all its components must have not absolute, but corresponding characteristics.

This applies even to such a utilitarian parameter as mass.

Why "weigh" the roof

From a mechanical point of view, the mass of a structure is determined by the weight of its parts.

However, in most cases, it is also an indication of strength.

Slate with a larger sheet thickness really has higher strength characteristics and seems to be a more profitable solution.

  1. The large weight of the roofing material will require strengthening the structure of the rafters: the choice of a thicker timber, structures additional elements, installation of more frequent crates from more massive slats.

    As a result, the total weight of the roof increases significantly, which, in turn, will increase the load on the walls of the structure and the foundation.

  2. The mass of the roof depends not only on the weight of the slate sheet itself, but also on the method of installation. Slate is laid with vertical and horizontal overlap.

    This value varies depending on the angle of inclination and wind load.

  3. Another aspect is economy. Slate is one of the most affordable roofing materials.

    However, with a general strengthening of the structure, the cost of the roof can be so high that the use of more expensive and reliable, but lightweight roofing materials will be more profitable.

All about asbestos-cement wave slate

Slate material is made from a mixture of asbestos, water and Portland cement in a ratio of 85:11:4.

Instead of ordinary asbestos, chrysotile can be used, as it is supposed to be safer.

WHO does not confirm this information.

Release form

Slate is produced in two main modifications - wavy and flat.

The first is used for roofing roofs with a slope above 12 degrees, the second option is allowed to be laid on a roof with an angle of at least 25.

Wavy slate has the following subspecies:
  • IN - standard material, the sheet is characterized by a regular rectangular shape;
  • VU - reinforced profile, used in the construction of industrial facilities;
  • UV is a material of a unified profile, the sheets are of medium size, therefore they are most popular in private construction.

Wavy slate has a characteristic wavy surface and is produced in the form of sheets with a different number of ridges.

From a consumer point of view, this classification is more convenient, as it allows you to quickly calculate material consumption:

  • 5-wave - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product is equal to 8-wave, but the sheet differs in profile parameters;
  • 6-wave - characterized by a large sheet thickness, used in conditions of high wind load;
  • sheet with 7 waves - the most popular due to its good size;
  • 8-wave - has the largest dimensions.

In addition, the crest height and wave pitch can also differ:

  • profile 40/150 - wave height is 4 cm, and the distance between them is 15 cm;
  • profile 54/200 - the height and step between the ridges, respectively, will be 5.4 cm and 20 cm. The product is produced with a thickness of 6 mm and 7.5 mm.

Technical specifications

In practice, the quality characteristics of all types of products are very close.

The difference is the mechanical strength of the product, since in most cases it is determined by the mass: the greater the thickness of the slate, the higher the strength.

The most important indicators include:

  • bending strength - or resistance to the applied load. For 7- and 8-wave slate is 16 MPa;
  • density - determines the mechanical strength of the product and is equal to 1.6 g / cu. cm;
  • impact strength - indicates the ability of the material to absorb the energy released upon impact, thereby compensating for its own deformation, equal to 1.5 kJ / kV. m;
  • frost resistance - wave slate withstands from 25 cycles of complete freezing and thawing.

Consumer characteristics

  1. Cost - the most available in the market of roofing materials.
  2. Fire safety - the material is non-combustible, does not support combustion and does not deform under the influence of temperature.
  3. Wide user temperature range - from -50 to +80 C. Slate is used in any climatic zone.
  4. Low thermal conductivity - the roof in the sun practically does not heat up.
  5. Good sound insulation performance - the coating absorbs the sound of rain.
  6. Maintainability - damaged sheets are replaced with new ones individually and do not require disassembly of the entire roof.
  7. Durability - up to 20-30 years, but is largely determined by operating conditions.
  8. Wave slate is little affected by moisture, but is able to accumulate and retain some of it, especially if the site is in the shade. As a result, mosses and lichens may appear on the surface.
  9. Sheets are not resistant to point impacts; slate can be easily split with a hammer blow.
  10. With an increase in the service life, the product loses its strength characteristics. Therefore, if an adult can walk on a newly laid roof without fear, then after 10 years of coating service, the risk increases much.

Seven-wave: features


  • length (mm) - 1750;
  • product width (mm) - 980;
  • thickness (mm) - 5.8 mm;
  • the total area of ​​the sheet is calculated as the product of the parameters - 1.72 sq. m, of which useful is calculated taking into account the overlap - 1.34 sq. m. The recommended overlap is 16 mm, but in practice the value may fluctuate.

The weight of a 7-wave with a thickness of 5.2 mm is 18.5 kg, with a thickness of 5.8 mm - 23.2 kg.

Eight-wave: features

The product differs from the 7-wave sheet in width:

  • length (mm) - 1750;
  • width (mm) - 1130;
  • sheet thickness (mm) - 5.8 at a ratio of 40/150 and 6, 0 and 7.5 at 54/200;
  • total sheet area - 1.9775, useful (at 16 cm overlap) - 1.5717.

The minimum weight of the product will be 26.1 kg, with a thickness of 7.5 mm - 35.2 kg.

Wave slate parameters and possible deviations are standardized by GOST 30340-95.

How much does a square meter weigh

During installation, the weight of one sheet matters, since it is precisely

it is a unit of coverage.

However, when calculating the load that the roof produces, it is more convenient to use another indicator - a mass of 1 square. m. products.

The value is indicated based on the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product, and not useful.

When calculating the mass, this should be taken into account.

Qualities of flat slate

The material is made from a mixture of the same substances, but using a different technology, which gives it slightly different properties: higher strength, moisture and frost resistance.


Flat slate is produced in two ways - under pressure and without it.

Specifications of pressed sheets above:

  • bending strength - not less than 23 MPa for a pressed product, and 18 - for an unpressed one;
  • density - 1.8 g / cu. cm, and 1.6 g / cc, respectively;
  • impact strength - for the pressed version reaches 2.5 kJ / sq. m,
    unpressed - 2.0 kJ / sq. m, which is noticeably higher than that of wavy slate;
  • frost resistance - products obtained under pressure are able to withstand 50 freeze / thaw cycles without damage. The non-pressed index is the same as that of a corrugated sheet - 25.

Custom qualities

All the attractive properties of wavy slate are present in the flat modification.

However, there are also differences:

  • higher mechanical strength, due to which the product is used in the construction of fences, and for wall cladding;
  • higher moisture resistance and resistance to chemically aggressive substances - flat slate contacts soil without consequences and does not overgrow with moss.

How much does a flat slate sheet weigh

The mass of the product, in addition to dimensions, is determined by the method of manufacture: a pressed sheet (PL-P) weighs much more than an unpressed sheet (PL-NP).

BrandSize, mm*mmThickness, mmWeight, kg
LP-NP 3000*1500 12 105
10 87
8 73,5
3000*1200 10 93,6
8 70
2000*1500 10 58
8 49
1750*970 10 31,5
8 24
1500*1000 10 29
8 24,5
LP-P (monolith) 3000*1200 40 348,1
30 252
25 210
20 168
16 126
3000*1500 20 180
3000*1500 16 144
LP-P 3000*1500 12 106
10 96
8 80
3000*1200 12 94
10 84
8 63
6 47
2000*1500 10 63
8 51
1500*1000 10 32
8 24,5
6 20

The choice of material is determined by the degree of reliability and functionality that is required to provide.

  1. The most reliable option is to lay flat slate with a half-sheet shift. However, especially when using pressed material, the weight of the roof is very significant.
  2. Slate is one of the most affordable materials, but with an increase in the mass of the roof, it will be necessary to strengthen the rafter system, which increases costs.
  3. Overlapping reduces the waterproofing properties. From this point of view corrugated slate is a more profitable option, since its surface allows you to form a tight joint between sheets.
Video about installation, laying and painting slate.

Despite the ever-expanding range of roofing materials, slate is still very popular among Russian developers. This is explained not only by affordability, but also by the rather high technical characteristics of the material.

The classification of slate sheets is made not only by size and technical parameters, such as useful leaf area and weight, but also by composition. Today, the concept of "slate" includes asbestos-cement products that contain chrysolite, as well as asbestos-cement, bituminous sheets and other types of roofing, which are popularly called "slate" for the presence of waves and a rectangular shape.

The most popular among other types of roofing is asbestos-cement products of a wavy and flat shape. In frequent housing construction, seven- and eight-wave sheets are used, non-residential industrial premises are covered with six-wave slate. The low demand for five-wave sheets is explained by the high overspending of material (up to 20%).

When installing a slate roof, one should take into account the size and weight of the sheets, the method of fastening and installation, and also the possibility of maintenance and repair of the coating.

Slate benefits:

  • Long service life.
  • Low cost.
  • Fire safety.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Frost resistance.

Rafter system and slate weight

The choice of roofing for the roof must meet the characteristics of the truss system. Given the fact that the minimum weight of 7-wave slate is 18.5 kg, then after recalculation for 1 m 2, the load exerted on bearing walls and rafters, will be 9.5 kg. Similarly, we calculate shown for eight-wave sheets. Knowing how much a wave slate sheet weighs, we recalculate the load per 1 m 2 and get 14.1 kg.

In addition to the severity of the roofing, one should take into account the wind, snow load, the mass of the battens, the counter battens and the heat-insulating layer.

If you decide to use slate roofing, it is not at all necessary to strengthen the supporting structures of the house: walls and foundations. It is enough to take into account the weight of the slate during the construction of the truss system.

How much does a slate sheet weigh and what affects this parameter?

Weight this material largely depends on its composition and structure, as well as the size and thickness of the sheet. The final weight of the roof is influenced by the presence of asbestos, chrysolite in the composition, as well as the quality of grinding raw materials in the process of forming sheets.
Some increase in the mass of the material occurs as a result of priming and painting the slate with phosphate or silicate paints. Many homeowners opt for a painted roofing material that is not only practical and weather resistant, but also capable of making a home stand out.

In GOST 30340-95, you can find out how much 8 wave slate weighs. The weight of a 40/150 sheet with an area of ​​1.6 m 2 is 26.1 kg, a seven-wave sheet is 23.2 kg. Asbestos cement sheets depending on the thickness can weigh:

  • 54/200 - 35 kg (with a thickness of 7.5 mm);
  • 54/200 - 26 kg (with a thickness of 6.0 mm)

The weight of slate 1 m 2 also depends on humidity. According to GOST 30340-95, the mass of sheets of material and components is given taking into account a moisture content of 12%. These data can be used as normative.