Well      03.03.2020

Odor air purifier. Cleaning the air from the smell in cooking. Biofilters for sewer wells. Cleaning the air from dust in the apartment - electrostatic filters

Right choice and service tobacco smoke air purifiers significantly reduces the concentration of smoke in casinos, restaurants, bars, smoking rooms and other public areas. To clean the atmosphere of the room from the smell of tobacco, carbon filters are installed in the devices that absorb volatile gases. Electrostatic filters installed in apparatus for removing soot from atmospheric gas.

Modern household design smoke air cleaner provides for the installation of an effective photocatalytic filter. The principle of operation of the filter is to oxidize odors, organic compounds, toxic impurities and decompose them under the action of ultraviolet radiation into neutral components of clean air.

Given that the size of the destroyed particles is negligible (up to 0.001 µm), the device with a photocatalytic filter does not pollute the device itself. Ultraviolet radiation in such devices removes up to 90% of the smell of tobacco combustion products in 1-2 minutes.

Design smoke air cleaner provides for the intake of raw gas from one side of the device, and fresh air issued into the room from the other side. Thus, there is no mixing of streams of different concentrations of tobacco smoke, which achieves a high quality of cleaning.

Tobacco smoke purifiers effectively remove the smell of tobacco, but do not remove the smoke itself from the breathing gas in the room. This means that in order to remove the smoke, an exhaust ventilation is necessary.

The chemical industry is moving forward by leaps and bounds, and today in technological processes thousands of anthropogenic compounds are involved, many of which have, to put it mildly, an unpleasant, and often disgusting "flavor".

In this regard, the interest of industry representatives in equipment that can effectively carry out such a process as cleaning or odor filtering.

Moreover, in the context of considering the topic of air pollution with foul-smelling compounds, both aesthetic and toxicological aspects should be noted. In addition to simple discomfort caused, for example, by a small concentration of skatols, mercaptans or amines in the workshop, the smell can indicate the presence in the industrial atmosphere of much more hazardous substances.

The origin of the word "mercaptan" is interesting. It is formed by cutting English expression Mer cury Capt ure (mercury capture) due to its ability to effectively bind mercury-containing compounds.

Olfactometric map of the distribution of the smell of oil after the collision of two oil barges, USA, Texas, May 11, 2019, source - Houston Weather Service

In addition, one should take into account the fact that many of the dangerous, carcinogenic and mutagenic gases and liquids are odorless (and some - for example - smell pleasant), being invisible, but ruthless killers.

Therefore, if there is the slightest suspicion of a leak of hazardous substances, you should immediately consider upgrading or upgrading your current filtering infrastructure.

For more than three decades, PZGO LLC has been a leader in Russian market gas cleaning equipment, industrial aspiration and ventilation systems, the average efficiency of which in terms of cleaning (filtration, separation and disposal) of unwanted gases, aerosols, mists, fumes and vapors tends to 100% .

Odorous substances as clear markers of pollution, some MPCs

In general, the presence of an unpleasant "spirit" in an industrial atmosphere indicates that the substance already dissipated, left the place of its deployment, and in this case it is possible to clear the air of smell only through centralized ventilation. Moreover, sticky and oily aerosols that have coated work surfaces often cannot be removed with an air extractor.

In order to prevent odorous / unwanted components from entering the aeroclimate of a workshop or site, it is required to install filters and ventilation ducts exactly in those places where the concentration of the pollutant is maximum: above the digesters of a food plant, heating / frying lines, above mixing tanks, at the exit of the spray booth , above the laser machine.

Table: MACs for some hazardous and malodorous chemicals

Compound / chemical element The maximum permissible concentration of pollutant in working area mg/m3
Ammonia 15
Hydrogen arsenide 0,3
Acetone (dimethyl ketone) 180
Bromoform (tirbromomethane) 5
Butanoic (butyric) acid 10
Whitespirit 300
Vinyl acetate 20
DDT 0,1
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) 10
chlorine dioxide 0,1
Nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) 5
dichlorobenzene 20
Dichloroethane (ethylene chloride) 10
yellow phosphorus 0,03
Iodine 1
Camphor (C 10 H 16 O) 3
Xylene (dimethylbenzene) 40
Methyl alcohol 50
Naphthalene 20
Ozone (O 3) 0,1
Mercury vapor 0,01
hydrogen sulfide 10
carbon sulfide 10
Turpentine (turpentine oil) 250
Tetraethyl lead (TES) 0,05
Tetrachloromethane (freon-10) 20
Titanium tetrachloride 1
Toluene (tolu balsam) 50
Acetic acid 5
Formaldehyde 5
Phosgene (carbonic acid dichloride) 0,5
Hydrogen fluoride (HF) 0,5
Hydrogen chloride (HCl) 5
Chlorophos (ricifon) 0,5
Hydrogen cyanide 0,2
Ethanol 1000

Many of the above compounds are familiar to everyone: vinegar, ethyl alcohol, camphor oil, naphthalene, acetone. But it is better not to get acquainted with such substances as phosgene (which, by the way, smells like rotten mowed grass).

Although phosgene was developed as a weapon mass destruction for the fronts of the First World War, it is still used today at organic synthesis enterprises. Phosgene is one of key components in the production of polycarbonate. There is NO antidote for phosgene poisoning.

Filters and equipment for the neutralization of industrial odors

Considering odor filters for air, it should be noted that the capture of industrial odorants is carried out by the same types of equipment that are designed to provide "traditional" air purification from harmful or unwanted impurities. The logic here is straightforward: no substance - nothing to smell. The better the pollutant is removed from the air, the more favorable (and safe) it will be for breathing.

Thioketones - Probably the strongest-smelling compounds. You can smell thioacetone, for example, when it is in the air in a volume ratio of 1/10 * 12. To make it clearer, compare a piece of paper with the area of ​​the Moscow region

One of the most extensive and important areas in gas cleaning are wet (absorption) and dry (adsorption) approaches. Let's evaluate both methods using the example of removing some common foul-smelling contaminants.

Hydrogen Sulfide Odor Removal Methods

Hydrogen sulfide is clearly felt already at a concentration of 1.5 mg / m3 (and the lethal concentration is only 0.1% of the inhaled air). The danger of H 2 S lies not only in its toxicological effects, but also in its ability to create explosive mixtures with air.

Hydrogen sulfide odor filters are especially in demand due to the fact that at a certain concentration, hydrogen sulfide paralyzes the olfactory nerve, and the smell of rotten eggs ceases to be felt by a person. At the same time, the negative effect of gas on the body continues.

Chemical odor removal can be carried out using both wet absorbers and dry adsorption towers. Each deodorization technique has its own advantages, which are fully revealed in specific production conditions.

Please note that the functionality of the devices described below also correlates with the retention any other foul-smelling, toxic or technologically undesirable components of the air stream.

Wet sorption in scrubbers and absorption plants

Absorption is the process of retaining a gas component in the volume of a liquid reagent. In the case of hydrogen sulfide, alkaline solutions demonstrate the maximum reagent efficiency.

Private example:H2S+NaOH (caustic soda solution) →NaHS (sodium hydrosulfide) +H2O

Sodium hydrosulfide obtained as a result of air purification measures can be economically disposed of. As for the physical aspects of the interaction of the pollutant with the absorbent, the following versions of the devices are possible (the choice of which depends on the conditions of the site and the wishes of the Customer).

Video presentation of an absorption plant for the absorption of hydrogen fluoride and chloride from sludge

For detailed information on devices, their characteristics and principles of operation, please follow the blue links (they will open in a new window).

  1. Gas capture in . The working chamber is filled with motionless bodies with a large specific surface, over which an alkaline solution is sprayed. Deodorization takes place in the interfacial boundary of the liquid microfilm;
  2. Hydrogen sulfide capture, (especially in combination with other pollutants), in (APID). The working chamber is filled with polypropylene balls that randomly move (boil) in an alkaline solution;
  3. An air purifier for smoke and odors can be made in the form. The main factor in the retention (deblocker) of the pollutant is a self-supporting layer of unstable foam, which is formed on the surface of the supporting perforated plates due to the passage of air flow through the holes.

Each of the units, when choosing the right absorbent, is able to show the efficiency of odor cleaning in the range of 96-99.9%.

The advantages of wet cleaning performed by scrubbers of the ShV series are:

  • Ability to process wet environments without prior drying - aerosol mists, vapors, fumes, emulsions, suspensions;
  • Possibility of parallel operation as a dust collector, including for the retention of sticky, viscous, sticky dusts of high concentrations, as well as ash, soot (combination of mechanical and chemical flow deactivation);
  • Processing of high-temperature media, including those with high chemical activity (sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, HCl, H 2 SO 4 , carbon disulfide, H 2 S);
  • Sorbent filters with rational selection of the reagent can generate valuable sludge;
  • Self-cleaning, no need to replace any functional elements;
  • Flexibility, simplicity, quick changeover, full automation performance, affordability, durability and reliability.

Deodorization of gases in adsorption units

Another type of chemical odor neutralization is dry adsorption. has its own important features:

  • The method is regenerative. This means that the trapped components can subsequently be recovered from the adsorbent (for example, high purity elemental sulfur can be recovered from activated carbon after hydrogen sulfide treatment);
  • Wide choose sorbents allows you to effectively retain the widest range of odorants;
  • Adsorbers are not designed to handle wet streams (in the case of wet media processing, to preserve nominal efficiency device before the column requires the installation of a dryer);
  • There is a need for regeneration (purging) of the absorbent, as well as - periodically - for a complete reset of the dezoblocker (activated carbon, silica gel, zeolite) due to overgrowth of active pores;
  • Among other things, it is desirable to install two or more adsorbers at once: one operates in the deodorizer mode, the second in the filler regeneration mode.

Adsorbent granules - activated carbon

At the same time, adsorption columns show ≈ 100% efficiency in relation to a variety of gaseous pollutants, which makes it extremely rational to use them as final, sanitary links in multistage systems and complexes of industrial air and gas purification.

Deodorization of spray booths

Cleaning the air from paint odors in the spray booth can be effectively carried out using wet scrubbers. model range"SHV".

Powder coating process

We will quickly deliver gas cleaning, ventilation and aspiration equipment throughout Russia, the CIS, Europe and Asia and, if necessary, we will carry out quick and professional installation, commissioning and commissioning.

LLC "PZGO" - breathe easy!

Everyone has heard about the new trend - odor filters in 3D printers, to completely or partially remove smelly by-products of printing. They are also incorrectly called HEPA filters - this is more than wrong. HEPA filters are used to remove dust.

I suspect that every handyman has a spare cooler for his computer lying around, or even two. Standard 120mm and 12 volt fans.

Alright, let's move on to the filtering part. The smell is filtered by only one component - activated carbon. Apply different kind carbon filters made of fabric or plastic in a small case 120x120 - low efficiency. Therefore, we need activated carbon in granules or lumps (there are small pieces). Sold in pet stores for aquariums and Lately actively sold as a filter element for ..... moonshine. Lump for moonshine is what we need - cheaper and more efficient.

To prevent coal dust from being carried around the entire body of the printer, a breathable bag is needed. Non-woven synthetic wipes from the department household chemicals or auto products are perfect. The bag can be both sewn and glued at the seams. After the final assembly of the filter, vacuum to remove the carbon micro-dust.

And lastly, the body.

Open the picture with the dimensions of the cooler.

True, all we need from it is the points for attaching the cooler to the filter housing. And the body will look something like this:

Just don't forget to finish the top cover. Or, at worst, seal it with tape after complete assembly.

You are big boys. We read about Compass3D, Solidworks, T-Flex and other CAD. Forward - even a child piles this building.

The only reminder of nutrition is that our cooler is 12 volts. You can only connect it to a 12 volt power supply. If you have 24 volts - either through DC-DC step down, or two coolers in series. Yes, and the case can be developed immediately for two.

I bow for sim. The model is ready already, but untested. There are not enough hours in the day.

Happy printing everyone.

I purchased this air purifier in 2014 for 7 thousand rubles. There was a need for an air purifier in the apartment, as pieces of furniture and old parquet began to give bad smell. According to reviews on the Internet, we chose this model - AIC 20B06.

The purifier works as follows: it has holes for air intake on its sides, the purified air exits from the top of the device itself, very thoughtfully, since the device provides high air circulation in the room. In general, all holes are made correctly, thereby processing a large amount of air.

As for whether the air purifier copes with its task, otherwise the device may be working and it is not even known whether the air becomes cleaner, because it is not visible to the eye. But it does clean the air of odors and dust! Since I have some problems with the smell in my apartment, it also tickles my throat, this cleaner solved this problem. When it is turned on, there is no smell, when you turn off the device at night, the smell accumulates and in the morning you can already feel it again (ventilating the rooms does not save you from this).

Also good example great work AIC 20B06. Once in our entrance there was a fire in one of the apartments, the smell of burning naturally penetrated through the cracks in the door, the entire corridor was wrapped in clouds of smoke. The air purifier was turned on immediately. And while he worked for several days, there was no smell of burning in the apartment at all, but as soon as the device was turned off, after 30-40 minutes the smell appeared again, and the smell of burning remained in the entrance for about a month. This is how we were convinced of the effectiveness of the air purifier.

Externally, the air purifier is cute, suitable for any interior of the room. The size is small. The kit includes a remote control that works over a long distance. The air purifier does not work very noisily, a night mode is provided, but this actually means that the display itself becomes dimmer and only, the noise of the device in this case does not change, it is exactly the same as the operation of the device at the minimum speed (total speed 3 ). The purifier also has an ionization function and a UV lamp, they are turned on / off with only one button, the effectiveness of this function has not yet been verified.


Dear Leader!

In a modern, dynamic and information overloaded world, it is very important that each person has a corner where he can relax, unwind and escape from the hardships and workdays. Increasingly, it is the hotel that becomes such a place, a kind of Paradise in the stone desert of the metropolis.

It has been proven that smells play a dominant role in human life, although we do not realize it - a subtle aroma evokes pleasant associations, and the unpleasant smell of tobacco or sweat, on the contrary, causes a feeling of disgust. In the hotel business, unpleasant odors cause a lot of problems, and with increasing competition in this niche, the issue of their elimination or control is becoming more relevant.

Zhivoi Vozdukh LLC has a unique experience of victories in the fight against unpleasant odors accumulated since the beginning of 2007.

We offer you to use effective technologies without filter air purification public places, and in hotel rooms, from the manufacturer ActivTek, of which we are the official distributor.

Ozone Blaster has the following characteristics:

Destroys all odors (tobacco, rot, perfume, household chemicals, the smell of fumes, etc.) in 5-15 minutes;

- kills mold quickly ;

Power consumption 220 V. 40 W/h;

Service life 12-15 years (depends on the quality of maintenance);

Does not have filters (replacement of ozone plates 1 time in 3 years);

- Ozone Blaster cost an order of magnitude lower than similar air purifiers, and reliability surpasses analogues;

Warranty 1 year. In the case of a contract for monthly maintenance, the warranty is extended to 5 years;

Price Maintenance depends on the number and frequency of work;

The Eco Zone air purifier has the following features:

Effective against odors of tobacco, rot, perfumes, household chemicals, etc.) around the clock;

Effectively copes with mold;

Power consumption 220 V. 7 W/h;

Service life 8-10 years (depends on the quality of maintenance);

Does not have filters and replaceable elements;

Warranty 1 year, in case of signing a contract for monthly maintenance, the warranty is extended by 5 years;

The cost of maintenance is calculated separately and depends on the complexity and frequency of work;

The calculation of the number of air cleaners to eliminate odors in the hotel is carried out according to the terms of reference, by the specialists of Zhivoy Vozdukh LLC.

Let's calculate theoretically required amount and the type of equipment required for an average hotel per floor. So dFor guaranteed air purification from the smells of tobacco, chemicals, etc., several Eco Zone air purifiers will be required in a corridor with a volume of 230 m 3. To quickly clean the rooms from odors after the client, you will need an Ozone Blaster air purifier (at the rate of 1 air purifier for 10-12 rooms). To clean the air from the smell of tobacco in the landings, you will need to install an Eco Zone air cleaner on the landing. To eliminate the smells of food, tobacco and other odors that occur in the lobby of the first floor (if there is a cafe nearby) and to form a positive attitude of customersto the hotel at the very beginning, at the entrance, you need to install one air purifier fresh air .

The total cost of equipment for cleaning and protecting air from odors on one floor with an area of ​​up to 1000 m 2 will be approximately 210 - 230 thousand rubles. The cost of installation and commissioning corridor air purifiers will be 15% of the cost of the ordered equipment. Installation and configuration of the Fresh Air air purifier as a gift.

Training of personnel in the rules of working with equipment, information support during the period of use for free!

Application air purifiers ActivTek, allows you to quickly remove air impurities that pollute the indoor air and, completely eliminating the human factor, increases the customer loyalty and satisfaction rate.

For eight years of work, many organizations of various fields of activity have become our clients. Among them are the National Hotel, the Marriott Grant Hotel chain, the Europe Hotel, the Cosmos Hotel, the presidential hotel complex Primorskaya Hotel in Makhachkala, the Republic of Dagestan, and the Rixos hotel chain in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Poultry farms and large food production, confectionery enterprises and bakeries, the presidential complex in the city of Makhachkala, the Institute. Nazarbayev in Astana (Republic of Kazakhstan) and many, many others.

LLC "Zhivoi Vozdukh" guarantees trouble-free operation hotel air purifiers , for a long time, as well as its reliability as a partner in the struggle for the purity and freshness of the indoor air of your hotel, and therefore your client.

We'll be glad to be of service.

Sincerely, experts of Zhivoi Vozdukh LLC