In a private house      06/17/2019

Operating instructions for fire alarm systems doc. Actions in the event of a fire alarm. aups maintenance


device manual fire alarm BOLID systems

1. This manual is intended for the 24-hour duty watchman who is responsible for the operability of all serviceable beams of the station during his duty.

2. The watchman on duty makes an entry in the watch log in the appropriate form about all changes in the work of the station.

3. In standby mode, the "S 2000" remote control displays the current time.

1. ARMING (Individual)

· Enter password

· Use the and keys to select the “ARM” menu item and press the “ENTER” key.

· Use the and keys to select the menu item "ALARM ALARM" and press the "ENTER" key

Dial device address (001-015) Press the "ENTER" key.

Dial the number of the loop ( 1 – 4) Press the "ENTER" key. For example:

· If the loop is successfully armed, the display will show VZ ShS 012/003

Device No.

№ ШС



When the remote control switches from the current time mode to the “ATTENTION” (Attention) mode, indicating

device addresses (001-015 ) and indicating N of the triggered alarm loop (from 001 to 004)


· According to the table of fire alarm loops, determine the floor where the sensor was triggered.

· Inspect the premises immediately. Make an entry in the operational log indicating the address and time of operation.

· After 1-2 minutes, the "ATTENTION" (Attention) mode will either automatically reset to standby mode, or go into the "FIRE" (Fire) mode.

In the Fire (FIRE) mode, the address of the device is displayed on the remote control (001) and alarm loop address (001). According to the table, determine the floor where the sensor was triggered. Urgently inspect the premises. Make an entry in the operational log indicating the address and time of operation. When confirming a fire, act according to internal instructions.

If it turned out that the alarm is false, then to reset the alarm, you should:

by pressing the CLEAR key (several times) exit to the current time indication mode

· Use the keys to select the "ALARM RESET" menu and press the "ENTER" key.

Dial device address (001-015) Press the "ENTER" key.

· The alarm sound will be reset and the remote control will automatically try to re-arm the previously armed alarm loops.

· Resetting incorrect input is carried out by pressing the "CLEAR" key.

Check the cause of operation in accordance with the AL table.

2. DISARM (Individual)

· Enter password

· Use the keys to select the menu item “REMOVAL” and press the “ENTER” key.

· Use the keys to select the menu item "ALARM DISARM" and press the "ENTER" key.

Dial device address (001-015) Press the "ENTER" key.

Dial No. SHS (01-04) Press the "ENTER" key. For example:

· If the loop is successfully disarmed, the display will show SN ШС 011/001

Device No.

№ ШС

· Resetting incorrect input is carried out by pressing the "CLEAR" key


3. When alarm signals are received, the operator (duty officer) must record the response time and previous actions of third parties that could have triggered the device.

Below is detailed instructions for the maintenance of automatic fire alarm installations. Why you need to regularly maintain a fire alarm, read this article.

1. General instructions

1.1 The purpose of maintenance is to carry out activities aimed at maintaining constituent parts installations AUPS (automatic settings fire alarm) in a ready state, warning of malfunction and premature failure.

1.2 Maintenance installation is carried out by persons with experience in working with electronic equipment and who have studied the entire package of documentation for installed equipment AUPS.

1.3 Frequency of preventive examinations AUPS is set depending on the production conditions, but at least twice a year.

1.4 Information on routine maintenance is recorded in the register of routine maintenance and control of the technical condition of fire alarms.

1.5 Compliance with the periodicity, technological sequence and methods for performing routine maintenance are mandatory.

1.6 When carrying out maintenance work, you should be guided by the "Safety measures" section of this manual, as well as the "Procedure for maintenance of the AUPS".

2. Security measures

2.1 To maintenance of installations AUPS persons who have studied the documentation package are allowed AUPS, as well as those who have undergone safety training. During operation and maintenance, it is necessary to follow the "Rules technical operation electrical installations of consumers and the "Safety Rules" for electrical installations of consumers with voltage up to 1000 V "(power supply project)

2.4 The design of the products of the installation ensures fire safety, subject to compliance correct installation, installation and maintenance.

3. Maintenance procedure for AUPS.

3.1 During operation AUPS must be subject to maintenance with periodic control in the scope of work TO-1, TO-2, TO-3, TO-4 and PPR.

3.2 TO-1 is carried out daily and includes work on monitoring the technical condition by external inspection and checking the integrity AUPS.

3.3 TO-2 is carried out at least once a month and includes the work of TO-1, as well as checking the parameters AUPS using the health monitoring tools available in the installations AUPS.

3.4 TO-3 is carried out quarterly and includes work: TO-2, as well as verification (testing) of installations AUPS, by means of forced action (according to the principle of operation of the tested detector) on fire detectors, until the fire alarm loops (alarm loops) are triggered.

Before carrying out routine maintenance of TO-2, it is required to turn off the light and sound warning system (if required) and, of course, the system of automatic fire extinguishing installations.

3.5 TO-4 includes work on measuring insulation resistance electrical circuits- once a year, metrological verification of instrumentation - once a year, measurements of the resistance of grounding devices - once every three years.

3.6 PPR - preventive and preventive work that is carried out as necessary, and includes measures and work to maintain fire alarm automation in working condition. Works - cleaning the equipment from dust, dirt and other foreign objects of the AUPS equipment. Measures - control over the expiration date for operation of fire automatics ( rechargeable batteries, detectors, etc.).

Performance of routine maintenance on TO-1 and PPR can be performed on their own operating organization.

Performance of routine maintenance on TO-2, TO-3, TO-4 and repair of automatic fire alarm equipment should be carried out on a contractual basis by specialized organizations licensed for the types of work performed and trained personnel

4. Functional check AUPS

4.1 During the external inspection of products, it is necessary to check:

  1. safety of seals on the covers of UAPS devices;
  2. the presence of light signaling: "network", "work", "norm", "voltage output", "security", etc.;
  3. no breaks and damage to the insulation of the AUPS connecting lines;
  4. reliability of connection of input wires to AUPS devices;
  5. absence of breaks in ground wires to AUPS devices;
  6. strength of fastening of devices and screws of grounding devices.

4.2 During preventive inspections to ensure the intrinsic safety of installations AUPS(see the manual for each device), the following measures must be taken:

  1. cleaning the contacts of the terminal blocks of devices and blocks;
  2. cleaning internal installation;
  3. checking the integrity of the soldering of the fastening and insulation of the volumetric installation;
  4. Special attention must be given to wires of intrinsically safe circuits connected to the contacts of the terminal block;
  5. checking the insulation resistance of the electrical circuits of the blocks is carried out between the combined groups of circuits of the block and its case;
  6. check of the spark protection barrier (Uxx and Ikz).

4.3 Checking the insulation resistance of the electrical circuits of the blocks is carried out with a megohmmeter with a rated voltage of 500 V. The insulation resistance at a temperature of (25 + 2.5) ° C and relative humidity 80% must be at least 10 MΩ.
The insulation test for intrinsically safe circuits is not performed.

Before testing, disconnect external fire control circuits from this unit.

Fire safety systems are designed to protect the health of people and property stored in the premises from possible fire. The safety of a person and property depends not only on the fire alarm, but also on how correct the user's actions will be when the fire alarm system is triggered. Only in the case of clear and correct actions of the people in the room, it will be possible to guarantee their high safety, as well as to ensure the possibility of quickly extinguishing a fire with the help of autonomous fire extinguishing equipment and the fire service. So that everyone knows what he should do in the event of an alarm and a warning signal, there is an instruction when a fire alarm is triggered, which regulates actions in such an extreme situation.

Reasons for triggering a fire alarm

The fire alarm system installed at a particular facility can work for several reasons:

  • in a certain area or room, the temperature has risen sharply;
  • there was an ignition with the formation of foci of an open flame;
  • there was smoke in the room;
  • a false alarm occurred due to a breakdown of one of the alarm devices, clogging or breakdown of the sensor.

Instructions to personnel when an alarm is triggered

To know what should be the actions of personnel when a fire alarm is triggered, the instruction must be mandatory in every organization. It regulates the procedure for the actions of security guards, employees responsible for security, as well as personnel working and staying at the facility.

The actions of those responsible for fire safety and security guards:

  • promptly identify the place where the fire alarm went off and examine it for the presence of fires;
  • if a fire is detected, immediately call the service and call for help;
  • inform management that a fire has occurred at the facility;
  • ensure the safe evacuation of staff and visitors from the building;
  • if possible, try to remove securities and information storage media from the premises;
  • turn off the ventilation in the room and lighting.

The correct actions of personnel when a fire alarm is triggered will prevent serious consequences, accidents and deaths in the event of a fire at the facility. It is important that the actions of all personnel are organized in such a way that there is no panic and disorderly fuss.

Algorithm for eliminating fire alarms

All operating personnel must be instructed and trained in their behavior in the event of a fire at the facility.


Each of the employees should know the procedure for triggering a fire alarm - this will help ensure that all people can be quickly evacuated and the fire is localized in a timely manner.

Warning signals, with which personnel are notified of a possible fire, are sound and light signals generated by the corresponding devices. Having heard or seen such a signal, each of the employees must act in accordance with the prescribed rules.

Algorithm to eliminate alarm triggering fire system security includes the following:

  • immediate cessation of all activities at the facility;
  • notification to the service about the fact of detection of a fire;
  • ensuring the evacuation of personnel along the evacuation routes designated for this (go down from the upper floors only by stairs, it is strictly forbidden to use elevators);

  • during the evacuation process, try to take out important documentation and elements of computer equipment that can store information in electronic form;
  • when you are near the source of fire, you should try to neutralize it with the help of improvised means of extinguishing a fire (fire extinguishers);
  • close windows and vents, as well as turn off ventilation systems to prevent air from entering the room, which will contribute to combustion;
  • de-energize the facility using local and central circuit breakers;
  • activate autonomous systems fire extinguishing with the help of special buttons for their manual control;
  • ensure unimpeded access to the building of fire services, as well as their access to the premises.

If a false alarm was detected at the facility, then the actions in the event of a fire alarm should be as follows:

  • reset or disable the alarm;
  • alert management and staff about the fact of a false alarm;
  • contact the organization that maintains the fire alarm, about the need for its inspection and possible repairs.


If the actions of the duty personnel when a fire alarm is triggered are correct, balanced, then even in the event of a complex fire, it will be possible to prevent injuries to people and serious damage to the material assets of the facility. This can be ensured when management organizes periodic training of its personnel on how to behave in situations where a fire breaks out. It is important that an instruction be developed when an automatic fire alarm is triggered, which should be studied by each employee and be in an accessible place for other people who may be on the site to familiarize themselves with its contents.

1. General requirements.

On the cover of the control panel (keyboard) protected zones should be written - the number of the zone and the name of the premises protected by this zone, and next to the control panel there should be a list of protected zones in the form of a table, the name of the premises protected by this zone and the types of detectors that are installed in this zone (smoke, heat, manual).

2. Actions of personnel in case of operation of the installation.

2.1. When false positive APS without damaging the equipment and lines of the APS, to turn off the siren, you must enter the code - press the keys "1-2-3-4" on the keyboard ( code may be different- it must be specified in the instructions for a specific APS installation). After that, the red “Armed” indicator turns off and the green “Ready” indicator lights up, but the red indicator of the triggered zone remains on. Urgently call the fire control panel (the phone must be indicated in the instructions) and report that the alarm is false, otherwise fire departments will be sent to the facility, and the manager will pay a fine of 1200 UAH.

2.2. After that, to restore the operability of the APS system, you must do the following:

2.2.1. To restore zones with smoke detectors, press the "*-7-2" keys on the keyboard - after a few seconds, the red indicator of the triggered zone should go out. But if smoke (or dust) really got into the detector, then it will take several minutes to restore its performance (until it is ventilated). 10 seconds after that, you can enter the code for arming the system - press the "1-2-3-4" keys on the keyboard (the green indicator "Ready" turns off and the red indicator "Armed" lights up. In this case, the yellow indicator "Trouble" should not light "-" chores ").

2.2.2. To restore zones with thermal and manual fire detectors, press the keys "1-2-3-4" on the keyboard.

2.3. If false alarm occurred from damage to the APS equipment (break in the wires of the APS lines, damage or knocking down automatic or manual fire detectors or the APS control panel, intentional or careless actuation of manual fire detectors, etc.), it is necessary to find out the reasons for the false alarm (if possible by simple inspection) , And immediately notify the service organization for troubleshooting.

2.4. After the malfunction is eliminated, the APS unit is put into operation by pressing the “1-2-3-4” keys (the green “Ready” indicator turns off and the red “Armed” indicator lights up. At the same time, the yellow “Trouble” indicator and red zone indicators should not light up ).

2.5. If the reason for the operation of the installation is unknown, it is necessary immediately take measures to check the premises protected by the triggered zone.

If the check does not reveal signs of a fire, proceed in accordance with clause 2.1. of this manual, and if signs of fire are detected - immediately call "0-1" to call the fire brigade and then act according to the instructions on the actions of personnel in case of fire.


Any modern APS installation constantly monitors itself. When the system is in trouble, the yellow “Trouble” indicator lights up, and the keypad buzzer emits two short beeps every 10 seconds. To turn off the buzzer, press any key on the keyboard, but after that call a service provider , to troubleshoot.

Good afternoon

Paragraph 64 of the Rules of the fire regime in the Russian Federation states: “The head of the organization ensures that there is an instruction in the control room (fire post) on the procedure for the on-duty personnel when receiving fire signals and malfunctions of installations (systems) fire protection object." This means that at the watch (checkpoint) of any organization there should be an instruction that explains to the staff (watchman, watchman, security guard) what to do when a fire alarm goes off.

However, nowhere is a sample of such an instruction or a sequence of actions for such an event given. At least, I have not found such official information.

The question is basically, should the fire brigade be notified immediately, or should the fire be checked first? And this is where everyone's opinions differ. Some people think that for any alarm, you should call the fire department, and it doesn't matter if it's a false alarm. Someone says that first you need to send a person to check for a fire in the zone where the sensor is triggered.

And it would be fine if the building is small, but it can be huge, or, even, we can talk about several separate buildings.

Having turned on common sense, I nevertheless thought that calling the firefighters for any reason was a stupid idea. And the following instruction was born:


on the procedure for the duty personnel when receiving fire signals

and malfunctions of fire protection installations

IPB - 004 - 2014

When a signal is received at the fire control panel, the duty officer (watchman, janitor, security guard) MUST:

1.1. Define the location of the triggered detector according to the ray tracing scheme and reset the signal;

1.2. Proceed as quickly as possible (or send a nearby assistant) to the room where the fire alarm went off and visually inspect make sure there is a fire(false or true positive).

1.3. When a fire is detected (true trip):

1.3.1. Report a fire by phone "01" ("112" from a mobile phone), indicating the address of the object that is lit, your last name and the phone number from which the message is transmitted;

1.3.2. Report the fire to one of the leaders at the following numbers:

  • director - ___________________;
  • Chief Engineer - ___________________;
  • Deputy Director for General Affairs - ___________________;

1.3.3. Follow instructions in case of fire.

1.4. In the absence of fire (false alarm):

1.4.1. Reset the signal;

1.4.2. Report about false positive one of the managers by phone numbers from clause 1.3.2 of this Instruction;

1.4.3. Notify the organization that carries out the maintenance of the alarm system by calling _____________.

About the received signals and the measures taken on them, make a record in a special journal.

Here I provided 2 possible options. It is understood that the worker must know HOW TO DETECT WHERE THE SENSOR WORKED. It is especially easier to do this if the signals from all fire automation are stacked on one screen.
I repeat that there can be no unequivocal exact answer on this matter, but such a scenario of the development of events has a right to exist.

Download instructions in WORD format

P.S. Naturally, such an instruction loses its meaning if all signals from fire automatics are automatically transmitted to the fire department.