Well      06/29/2020

The biggest and smallest fish. The smallest aquarium fish. Interesting video about unpretentious and small aquarium fish

Over the past two years, two groups of ichthyologists - Australian-American and British - independently announced that they had found the world's smallest fish. Both times the media, as if nothing had happened, disseminated this information

Over the past two years, two groups of ichthyologists - Australian-American and British - independently announced that they had found the world's smallest fish. Both times, the media, as if nothing had happened, disseminated this information.

The irony of fate, however, is that the real record holder was discovered back in 1925, but in the pursuit of sensation, everyone simply forgot about it. In 2004, Australian ichthyologists announced the discovery of the world's smallest fish, stout infantfish, living in the coral lagoons of the Great Barrier Reef. The length of adult individuals of this species is 7-8 mm. But only a year passed, and everyone conveniently forgot about this discovery.

The other day, British experts announced a new record. The "world's smallest fish" they discovered lives in the peat bogs of Sumatra. The length of an adult female Paedocypris progenetica is 7.9 mm, that is, about the same, if not longer, than that of the Australian record holder. Males are somewhat larger - their dimensions reach 10.3 mm. Since it is hardly possible to confidently decide which of the contenders is smaller, it would be logical to recognize one of them as the champion among marine fish, and the other among freshwater fish.

They probably would have done so if a new record holder had not unexpectedly appeared. It turns out that information about him was published back in March last year. A major review by Professor Ted Pietsch of the University of Washington analyzed sex differences in deep-sea fish. In many species, males and females are strikingly different in shape, and in size they can differ tens of times.

The review contains many amazing drawings and photographs. So they have no competitors in the fight for the title of the smallest fish in the world. The males of Photocorynus spiniceps are also the smallest vertebrates on Earth.

It only remains to add that this species was first described 80 years ago by British ichthyologist Charles Tate Regan.

It turns out that its modern researchers, who recently announced a sensational discovery, were rather inattentive in checking their claims, missing information about both Photocorynus spiniceps and the stout infantfish found by the Australians.

By the way, the Australians claimed that they found their fish back in 1979 and did not announce it for 25 years (!), trying to make sure that their find was unique. At this point one cannot dare to reproach scientists for dishonesty. It would probably be more correct to say that this whole situation speaks of the unenviable state of information support in zoology, even if it is not easy for specialists to find the necessary information. published

Everyone knows that a whale is a very large animal, but whales are not fish, but mammals. They cannot be called the largest fish.

But among the fish, there are also large views, that even in the name there is a comparison with a whale.

This is a whale shark - the biggest fish. The body length of a whale shark can be up to fifteen meters, its weight can reach 10-12 tons. They are indeed comparable in size to some species of whales - for example, an adult gray whale is approximately the same size. The whale shark, despite its terrifying appearance, is quite harmless and feeds (also like many whales) on small marine organisms -.

Giant fish are not only found among sharks. Let's say, the beluga, an inhabitant of the Caspian Sea, which comes to spawn in fresh waters rivers, can reach nine meters in length and weigh one and a half tons. And the largest freshwater fish is the arapaima, which lives in the Amazon. This “fish” weighs up to 4 centners with a body length of 4.5 meters.

The largest of the bony fishes is the sunfish. The length of her body is about 3 meters. But thanks to its round shape, it weighs up to 2 tons. And here the smallest fish- This is at the same time the smallest of all vertebrates living on Earth. It is called the pandaka goby and lives in lakes in the Philippine Islands. The body length of this tiny creature is only 1 centimeter.

We cannot ignore another record holder among vertebrate animals. Threadfish have an amazing body length to width ratio. A sort of “worm”, up to one and a half meters long, only 2 cm thick. Thus, the length of her body exceeds the width by 75 times!

A few more words about whales. Not all representatives of the group of whales are large in size. Say, a piebald dolphin, Russian name Commerson's dolphin (dolphins are also representatives of the cetacean order) is not at all large, its body length is 120-150 centimeters, and its weight is 20-30 kilograms. Piebald dolphins live in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of South America. And the largest dolphin, the killer whale, is also not impressive in size compared to whales. The length of its body does not exceed 8-9 meters.

Whales and dolphins - and this is also a kind of record - are the only mammals that never go onto land. Walruses, seals and other pinnipeds (mammals that live in the aquatic environment almost constantly), although for a short time, come ashore when the time comes to start procreation.

But whales - unless, having played out, they jump out of the water noisily, and then immediately return to their native element. But once upon a time their ancestors walked on land. What happened, what events forced them to go to sea forever, one can only guess about it.

In the photo, the largest fish in the world is a whale shark, and the smallest fish in the world is a pandaka goby.

Small aquarium fish or nano fish are no less beautiful creatures than their larger counterparts, and they are not just fish for small aquariums, sometimes they are not. But below you will find the names and photos of the smallest aquarium fish, the most famous, commercially available and popular. These are not all representatives of such a group; this is only a small sample.

First, let's figure out what small aquarium fish are. Even in the last century, fish measuring 4-7 cm in length were considered small. However, time has made its own adjustments, and very small, so-called nano aquariums, have become especially popular. Currently, a nano aquarium is usually called an aquarium with a volume of 5 to 50 liters. Of course, it is difficult to keep fish in such quantities, especially a group of fish.

On the other hand, natural aquariums are now very popular, with many live plants, bright and green. In such a landscape, any fish, even the palest one, will look wonderful. Professionals say that an ordinary silver fish will look even more attractive. If previously the most common fish for a small aquarium were guppies and blue neon, now you can find much smaller fish on sale. We will focus our attention on them.

This small aquarium fish burst into the world of aquarium hobby only in 2006, and immediately captivated professionals and amateurs. In just 10 years it has become incredibly popular, thanks to small size and stunning beauty. Scientific name These fish are translated as “heavenly fish decorated with pearls.” They are only 2 cm in size! This is an ideal candidate for a nano aquarium.

Although these are not schooling fish, it is better to keep them in a group, and better in a species aquarium. An aquarium with a volume of 40 liters is suitable for the Microassembly Galaxy group. Water parameters are not particularly important, the water just needs to be clean.

Of course, representatives of this species are among the smallest and hardiest aquarium fish. Males are usually no more than 3.5 cm in length, while females can grow up to 6 cm. The variety of varieties of guppies is sometimes simply amazing, and you can always choose to suit your taste. Endler guppies, for example, are very popular and are always on sale.

It is better to keep only males in a small aquarium, since with females the population will constantly increase. A 20 liter aquarium can accommodate 3 males. For males and females, it is better to take a larger container - 30-50 liters.

Small aquarium fish are not very popular, but Lately Thanks in large part to the Internet, dwarf tetradons are in great demand. The fact is that they have amazingly interesting behavior, and watching tetradons is a pleasure. Their maximum size is only 2.5 cm, they are perfect for keeping in a nano aquarium. However, dwarf tetradons can exhibit territorial and very aggressive behavior.

A small, bright, beautiful fish, no more than 2 cm in length. Since this is a tetra, the fish must be kept in a school of 6 or more individuals. For a small group, a 30-40 liter aquarium is sufficient. It is better to choose a panoramic, elongated aquarium, rather than a cube. Amanda tetras are ideal peaceful fish for a natural aquarium and are easy to keep as long as you keep the water clean.

It is also advisable to supplement nano aquariums with bottom inhabitants, which will help clear the bottom of food debris and create movement in the lower part of the aquarium. Dwarf corydoras are ideal for this, because the largest size they can grow to is 2-3 cm. These are the smallest known aquarium catfish. Please note, however, that these species love oxygenated water, good current and room for swimming, so it is still recommended to take a larger aquarium for them.

The name of these little ones speaks for itself - their size is no more than 2 cm. Microrasbora erythromicron is almost as popular as microrasbora galaxy, and almost as attractive. It is better to keep this species in a school; for 15-20 fish, an aquarium with a volume of 35-60 liters is enough. It is recommended to keep fish in a group and in a large aquarium due to the warlike dominant behavior of males. It is not recommended for beginners to keep these fish, since the water in the aquarium with them must be crystal clear.

This species has long been known in the aquarium hobby and is often used in natural panoramic aquariums. Espeys grow up to 3 cm and are best kept in a group of 7 or more individuals. An aquarium of 35-75 liters is suitable for a group.

Very beautiful yellowish fish with dark horizontal stripes, 2.5 - 3.5 cm. Outwardly they resemble zebrafish. A little known, not very popular species. But a group of 10 fish needs an aquarium of 30-40 liters. Nannostomus adore driftwood and living plants.

Outwardly not very bright, but quite attractive viviparous aquarium fish, it appeared on sale quite recently. Maximum size 2.5 cm, and 10 liters is enough for a couple of fish. For 7-8 fish, a 30-40 liter aquarium is ideal. Quite hardy, undemanding fish.

The babies are 2 - 2.5 cm long with an unusual body shape, reminiscent of a tree leaf. Like all similar fish, they live in the upper part of the aquarium, closer to the surface of the water, so they need to be provided with a fairly long aquarium, at least 50 cm in length and 30 cm in width.

This is another little tetra, 2cm long, quite rare and would be difficult to acquire. The amazingly slender silver body looks great against the backdrop of driftwood and plants. Keep in a group of 6-10 fish; for a group it is recommended to take an aquarium of 45 liters or more.

This dwarf viviparous fish is gaining popularity and becoming more and more available for sale, and is also quite inexpensive. Males are 2 cm, females are 3 cm. The minimum aquarium required for the life of these fish is 12 liters. Formosa is not picky about water parameters and can live even in slightly salted water.

An amazingly beautiful, bright fish only 1.5 - 2 cm long. Despite, however, their small size, microrasboras need enough space for swimming and for the territories of spawning pairs with aggressive males. It is better to use an aquarium 45 cm long and 30 cm wide, approximately 40 liters in volume. The housing for these fish is set up like for the fish of the Amazon basin, with dense growing and floating vegetation.

The largest officially recorded size of this fish is 16.7 mm. This is probably the smallest aquarium fish; in appearance, Danionella looks more like a fry. Despite its small size, an aquarium of 40-50 liters is recommended for keeping a group of fish (ideally 15-20). The fish received a strange name because of two huge “fangs” - bone growths located on the upper jaw (in males). However, you are unlikely to find this fish on sale - it is still a very rare species.

In the last few decades, such a direction as a nanoaquarium has begun to develop in the aquarium business. The name speaks for itself - these are small aquariums with a capacity of up to 30 liters, as a rule. Of course, the inhabitants of nanoaquariums are special fish - the smallest ones.

Pisces Lilliputians

Wildlife is diverse, there is a lot of unusual things in it. Who would have thought that the smallest fish in the world lives in water whose acidity is about 100 times higher than neutral rainwater! But it is so.

The midget fish, only 8 millimeters long, is found in some Indonesian swamps on the island of Sumatra. Scientists, initially mistaking it for a juvenile, gave it the Latin name Paedocypris Progenetica, classified it as the closest relative of the known zebrafish from the cyprinid family, and recognized it as the smallest vertebrate animal on the planet.

To survive in extreme conditions, evolution has spared Paedocypris Progenetica many of the functional traits of the vast majority of fish:

  • the body is almost transparent,
  • the bony skeleton consists of several tiny vertebrae,
  • there is no sign of a skull, which makes the miniature brain completely unprotected.

The female of this fish lays only a few eggs, almost invisible to the human eye. It is not known for sure whether such a fish is kept at home.

In the Philippines there is another Lilliputian - mystichthys. The tiny 13mm gobies are well known to locals, who make delicious jerky cakes from them. Because of this, the fish is now becoming less common and is on the verge of complete extinction.

The smallest fish in Europe is the Gillette dwarf goby. This small animal was discovered in the sea near the Shetland Islands. The fish has a color that allows it to easily blend into the bottom covered with shells, which makes it difficult to study its structure and habits well.

Rasboras are tiny inhabitants of aquariums

Rasboras, or microrasboras as they are sometimes called, are the smallest known inhabitants of miniature aquariums. This does not apply to all varieties of these domestic fish.

Of course, there are rasboras about 2.5 centimeters long. Giants among pygmies! But Boraras micros (rasbora micro, or crumb), as well as Boraras naevus (rasbora nevi) in adulthood do not exceed 13 mm.

Under natural conditions, these representatives of the carp family live in fresh water bodies of Southeast Asia with weak currents. It was thanks to the development of nanoaquariums that rasboras became quite popular.

The fish are considered unpretentious, but the water parameters for keeping them are very important. The fact is that in nature they are accustomed to soft water with high acidity (pH level is only 4 units), so at first you need to create similar conditions for them.

Gradually, through water changes, the acid-base balance level is brought to 6-6.5 units, and the water hardness is brought to normal for the area. Such acclimatization at home takes about two months, and then the fish get used to the new water parameters. Its temperature must be maintained in the range from +24 to +28 degrees.

Rasboras are insectivorous animals. In a home aquarium, they can be fed frozen foods such as daphnia or brine shrimp.

But, according to authoritative aquarists, it is better to give rasboras live food - nematodes (microworms, as they are also called). This is especially important if you plan to breed these aquarium babies. Of course, the food should be small.

In order for the fish to feel in conditions close to natural, the bottom of the aquarium is covered with tree leaves and small driftwood is installed. Gradually, the leaves decompose in the water and become a habitat for various microorganisms.

Tannins released during decomposition help reduce water hardness and change its color to darker.

Fish are usually kept in schools of 6 to 15 individuals in aquariums with a capacity of no more than 30 liters.

Breeding Boraras micros

The likelihood of reproduction increases if rasboras are fed live food. During the period of pair creation, the yellow color of the males becomes very bright, and the bodies of the females, on the contrary, turn pale, their abdomen swells.

The spawning of fish is so fast that you may not even notice it.

The eggs are usually laid on the leaves of aquarium plants. The total number of eggs that the male takes care of at the first stage is very small - from 12 to 18.

Immediately upon completion incubation period The male completely stops paying attention to the offspring. But this is not scary, since rasboras do not eat fry.

In principle, it is possible to keep a couple of rasboras - the smallest aquarium fish - in a liter nanoaquarium. But an aquarium of 15 liters or more will look most impressive, where there is enough space for a flock of these frisky little ones. True, Boraras micros are quite rare in domestic pet stores.

The most unpretentious and small aquarium fish with photos

The most unpretentious aquarium fish, the smallest aquarium fish. TOP 10 NOT DIFFICULT FISH
Keeping fish is not as difficult as it seems. However, aquarium fish, like any living creature, require care and time, which many people, due to their busy lives, simply do not have!!! This topic was created based on the following requirements for aquarium fish: unpretentious fish, small fish, easy-to-keep fish, the hardiest aquarium fish, tenacious fish, easy fish. 1 place Guppy

I think many aquarium fish experts will agree that the first place is given to guppies.

Everyone probably knows these fish... even those who have never seen aquariums. We can say that these fish are the fish of all the children of the former USSR (they were in all Soviet aquariums))). The fish is very beautiful and unpretentious. The caudal fin is its beauty. The unpretentiousness of the fish lies in the fact that it can withstand “difficult conditions of detention.” I happened to see an aquarium with guppy without aeration, no filtering, no plants, no proper feeding and so on. – horror, an aquarist’s worst nightmare. However, the guppies not only managed to survive in such an aquarium, but even tried to reproduce. Of course, it’s not worth making fun of fish like that!!! But their endurance and vitality are sometimes amazing.


2nd place

A very famous fish, as a result of persistent selection, a large number of swordtails of various colors and shapes were bred. Males differ from females by the presence of a “sword” on the lower edge of the caudal fin.

Swordtails are kept in a flock in a densely planted aquarium. Minimum size aquarium from 10 liters(but more is better). A good aquarium volume for a small group of swordtails is 50 liters.

An interesting fact about these fish is that the female swordtail can “at some” moment become a male, i.e. change gender This is explained by the struggle for the survival of the species.

3rd place Catfish Corydoras

It’s worth starting with the fact that all aquarium catfish are a priori unpretentious. Moreover, they are the “orderlies of the aquarium world”: they clean the soil and eat the remains of vital activity. Corydoratus were selected from all catfish, because In addition to gills, they also have intestinal respiration, i.e. If the aeration is turned off, they will live for a long time.

Pisces are very peaceful and calm. They slowly swim along the bottom in search of food. In an aquarium they are usually kept in a flock. The fish do not pose any threat to other inhabitants of the aquarium.

4th place

Moths, like guppies, are viviparous fish. Unpretentious and tolerant bad conditions content. Nevertheless, they are more capricious than the “three winners”.

The fish is suitable for beginners and young aquarists. The fish are the most difficult to keep of all representatives of the petiform family - they are demanding in terms of keeping conditions, they do not tolerate low temperatures, some like “salty” water, like bright light, etc.

5th place Tetras - characinki

All tetras are small, nimble, unpretentious fish. However, they will not be able to survive in “Spartan conditions” like guppies. They need aeration and filtration. They can be kept in an aquarium in a group (from 5 individuals) with a volume of at least 35 liters of water.

6th place

A very famous little fish. The fish are energetic and active. The fish gets along well with other types of fish. Somehow my ternets lived even with small cichlids. An aquarium with a volume of at least 30 liters of water and densely planted is recommended. Aeration, filtration - yes!

7th place Danio (rerio, pink)

Starting from the 5th place in the TOP, all fish require unpretentious attention. Danki are different from them - agility and speed of movement. They can get along with many types of fish, even with fish of medium and high aggression: angelfish, gourami and even small cichlids.

8th place

One of the famous large catfishes of the aquarium world and an excellent aquarium orderly. Peaceful and unpretentious in maintenance. They can be kept in a community aquarium with thickets of plants and plenty of hiding places. The fish do not pose any threat to other inhabitants of the aquarium. Compatible with all types of fish. Only 100% aggressors and predators are not recommended as neighbors.

9th place Gourami

Gourami are medium-sized fish. Entered this TOP due to gill labyrinth - fish do not need aeration, they breathe atmospheric air. A really peaceful fish, but sometimes it gets aggressive. Some individual individuals can even be very aggressive, as they say, it depends on your luck. You can read more about GURAMI here...

10th place

Barbs are schooling, small fish that can fend for themselves! If you decide to get barbs, I recommend setting aside a separate “barb” aquarium for this. A “pirate” disposition and the ability to stand up for oneself deserve 10th place. You can read more about BARBUS here...

Of course, the TOP above is conditional - always remember the words

Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger de Saint-Exupéry

“We are responsible for those we have tamed”

We also recommend that you look at the colorful brochure “Popular Types of Aquarium Fish.” This brochure contains all the popular types of fish, with a description of their keeping conditions, compatibility, feeding + photos.

(to view or download, click on the picture)

Interesting video about unpretentious and small aquarium fish

Additionally, we invite you to look at a large photo selection of small and unpretentious aquarium fish

Name of aquarium fish photo catalog video species.


Goldfish appeared almost more than a thousand years ago, the first color varieties of the Chinese silverfish. It is from them that the goldfish with all its many species traces its ancestry. The aquarium for goldfish should be large, with a substrate of large pebbles or gravel.


The beautiful fish “at heart” remain crucian carp and, just like crucian carp, they dig in the ground, stir up water and dig up plants. You have to have powerful filters in the aquarium and plant plants with a strong root system or in pots.
Body length up to 22 cm. The body is rounded, with long veil fins. The color is orange, red, black or spotted. Through many years of selection by aquarists of the Ancient East, it was possible to breed a huge number of beautiful varieties goldfish. Among them: telescopes, veil-tails, celestial eye, or astrologer, shubunkin and others. They differ from each other in body shape, fins, color and have long lost their external resemblance to crucian carp



A rather small fish that can live in aquariums from 30 liters. The classic color is brown. Often these small catfish are confused with their larger counterparts - pterygoplichts. In general, it is a very hard-working fish and is good at cleaning build-up.


SWORD-BEARER- one of the most popular aquarium fish. It is found naturally in the waters of Honduras, Central America, Guatemala and Mexico.
The fish is viviparous. Males are distinguished from females by the presence of a sword-shaped process, hence the name. Possesses interesting feature, in the absence of males, the female can change sex and grow a “sword”. They are also known to eat algae and snails.


Very cute and nimble catfish Corydoras. We would compare them to the Pomeranian of the dog world. A bottom-dwelling small fish that does not require special conditions, feeds on what it can find at the bottom. As a rule, they are 2-10 centimeters long. If you don’t know who to put in the aquarium, buy Corydoras.

Botia clown

This type of bot is the most popular among aquarists. Most likely due to the fact that clowns look very impressive, as can be seen in the photo. The peculiarity of the fish is the spikes that are located under the eyes. These spines can extend when the fish is in danger. They can live up to 20 years.

Sumatran barb

Perhaps one of the most spectacular types of barbs - for this reason it is considered one of the most popular of its kind. They must be kept in a school, which makes the fish even more spectacular. The size in an aquarium is up to 4-5 centimeters.

SIAMESE ALGAE EATER- a peaceful and very active fish. The best assistant in the fight against algae.
Inhabits the waters of Thailand and the Malaysian Peninsula.
In nature it grows up to 16 cm, in captivity much less. Life expectancy in an aquarium can be 10 years. Eats algae of almost all types and even flip flops.
Content: 24 - 26 °C; dH 4 - 20°; pH 6.5 - 7

The most interesting and beautiful fish, a representative of the Cichlid family. The homeland of this fish is South America.
Discus fish are calm, peaceful and a little shy. They live in the middle layers of water and do not get along well with angelfish and highly active fish. Should be kept in a group of 6 or more individuals. Very picky about water temperature. If the temperature is below 27 °C, then the discus get sick, refuse to eat and die.
Content: 27 - 33 °C; dH up to 12°; pH 5 - 6

The most unpretentious fish, ideal for beginner aquarists. Habitat: Northern part of South America and the islands of Barbados and Trinidad.
The male has a luxurious tail with a bright and beautiful pattern. The female is twice as large as the male and not as bright. This fish is viviparous. The aquarium must be closed. It is better to keep them in a species aquarium, since active neighbors can damage their veiled tails. Guppies are omnivores.
Content: 20 - 26 °C; dH up to 25°; pH 6.5 - 8.5

Shark barb (bala)

Shark bala or barb is a fish that was so named as a result of its resemblance to sharks (this can be seen from the photo of the aquarium fish next to the description). These fish are large, they can grow up to 30-40 centimeters, so it is better to keep them together with other large barbs in a volume of 150 liters or more.

Betta fish. Found naturally in Southeast Asia.
The only drawback is that males are very aggressive towards each other. They can grow up to 5 cm in length. Surprisingly, this fish breathes atmospheric air due to a special labyrinth organ. Keeping this fish does not require special knowledge. It is advisable to have an aquarium of at least 3 liters. Diversity in food is encouraged.
Content: 25 - 28 °C; dH 5 - 15°; pH 6 - 8

A peaceful and beautiful fish. Belongs to the Labyrinth family. They are found in the waters of the large islands of Indonesia, the Malay Peninsula, and southern Vietnam. They get along with any neighbors and grow up to 10 cm. They live mainly in the upper and middle layers of water. They are most active during the daytime. Recommended for beginner aquarists. It is necessary to keep an aquarium of at least 100 liters with live plants and bright lighting.
Content: 24 - 26 °C; dH 8 - 10°; pH 6.5 - 7

Danio rerio

A small fish up to 5 centimeters long. It is not difficult to recognize due to its coloring - a black body with longitudinal white stripes. Like all zebrafish, it is a nimble fish that never sits still.


Telescopes come in gold and black. As a rule, they are not very large in size, up to 10-12 cm, so they can live in aquariums from 60 liters. The fish is spectacular and unusual, suitable for those who love everything original.

Black mollies

There are black, orange, yellow, and also mixed breeds. In shape they are a cross between guppies and swordtails. The fish is larger than its relatives described above, so it requires aquariums of 40 liters or more.


Pecilia are the personification of a whole genus - the Poeciliidae. They can come in a variety of colors, from bright orange to variegated with black splashes. Fish can grow up to 5-6 centimeters.


A good fish that does not like encroachment on its territory. Although she is beautiful, she requires proper treatment. It is better not to plant them with their own kind; there are enough females and males of this species in the aquarium; they can get along with neons, guppies and other small species.

An active, schooling, peace-loving and very shy fish. It comes from the Rio Negro River basin.
In an aquarium it grows up to 3.5 cm, life expectancy is up to 5 years. Should be kept in a flock of at least 10 individuals. You should not add them to large fish, as neon can easily become their prey. Maintains in the lower and upper layers. The size of the aquarium is selected at the rate of 15 - 20 liters per couple of individuals. Food: small bloodworms, dry flakes.
Content: 22 - 26 °C; dH up to 8°; pH 5 - 6.5

SCALARIA- angel fish. Found in South America in the Amazon and Orinoco rivers.
This fish has been known to aquarists for many years. She is able to decorate absolutely any aquarium with her presence. This is a calm and schooling fish with a lifespan of 10 years. It should be kept in a group of 4 - 6 individuals. A large and hungry angelfish can eat small fish, such as neon. And a fish like a barb can easily pluck its fins and antennae. Prefers live food.
Content: 24 - 27 °C; dH 6 - 15°; pH 6.5 - 7.5


Tetra fish love when there are a lot of living plants in the aquarium, and therefore oxygen. The body of the fish is slightly flattened, the predominant colors are red, black and silver.



Ternetia is also called the black tetra. The classic color is black and silver, with black vertical stripes. The fish is quite popular, so finding it in your city will not be difficult.


The size of the fish varies, but in general they do not grow more than 8-10 centimeters. There are also smaller species. All fish are beautiful, silver in color, with different shades. The fish are schooling and live calmer in a group.

ASTRONOTHUS- a large, calm and slightly timid fish. Found in the Amazon River basin.
In an aquarium it can grow up to 25 cm, life expectancy can be more than 10 years. Can eat little neighbors. The aquarium is selected at the rate of 100 liters per individual. There should be no sharp decorations, as astronotuses can injure themselves in a panic. The aquarium must be closed. Should be fed with live food.
Content: 23 - 26 °C; dH up to 35°; pH 6.5 - 8.5

BLACK KNIFE- bottom and night fish. Lives in overgrown parts of the Amazon River.
Has an interesting body structure. Can move in any direction. In an aquarium it grows up to 40 cm. During the daytime it mainly hides. It is better to keep them alone, as clashes may occur between large individuals. An aquarium of 200 liters or more with driftwood, live plants and a large number of shelters made of stones is suitable for keeping.
Feeds on live food.
Content: 20 - 25 °C; dH 4 - 18°; pH 6 - 7.5

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Beautiful aquarium for 4 thousand liters HD video

For a long time, man has been attracted by the fascinating underwater world, and he learned to create a mini-model of it in his home. We are, of course, talking about a home pond - an aquarium, in which quite unusual inhabitants often live. Aquarium pets can stand out from other representatives of their kind not only by the shape of their fins and body or the color of their scales, but also by their non-standard behavior, as well as the functions they perform in the reservoir. We will tell you further about unusual aquarium fish that add exotic charm, uniqueness and beauty to a pond.

The most expensive pets for an aquarium


The most expensive aquarium fish, according to many experts, is considered to be the elite representative of the underwater world, the Arowana - also known as the dragon fish, which can reach a length of 80 cm.

The cost of each individual depends on its size and expressiveness of color. The average price of this pet is $5,000, but there are rare specimens for which aquarists pay up to $400,000.

The most expensive variety of fish is considered Platinum Arowana - a white dragon with a platinum tint.

The popularity of the arowana is not least due to the antiquity of its origin - representatives of this species have lived on Earth for more than 200 million years.

Today, through the efforts of breeders, many varieties of this rare fish have been developed. Dragons vary in the shape of their fins, the shade of their scales, and their size.

Elite species include Arowana in rare shades: platinum, red, gold, purple.

Perhaps because of its exclusivity and high cost, the arowana in China is a symbol of wealth.

Pearl stingray

Potamotrygon Sp. Pearl Ray is another expensive freshwater representative of the aquarium world, native to Brazil.

It is quite rare in the natural environment, and in captivity it reproduces reluctantly. That is, in fact, this species is very rare, which determines the willingness of aquarists to shell out several thousand dollars for a specimen of the pearl stingray.

And the cost of fish with especially expressive colors reaches tens of thousands of dollars for lovers of aquarium exotics.

The pearl pet is truly beautiful - rounded golden spots on the dark background of the fish’s body make it stand out among other inhabitants of the reservoir.

Japanese koi carp

It also belongs to the aquarium elite, although not as expensive as the above-mentioned species.

This representative of the underwater world has many varieties, the cost of which varies from $100 to $1500. For the most valuable specimens of Japanese carp, fans are willing to pay up to $5,000.

In comfortable conditions, a koi can reach a length of 50 cm and live 100 years. But providing him with such conditions can be difficult, since Japanese carp are very whimsical.

In addition, through the efforts of the same breeders, when breeding this type of fish, its immunity was sacrificed for external attractiveness. Therefore, the health of koi is very poor, and additional care is required for this pet in the home pond.

However, this does not stop lovers of exotic interiors; they install huge tanks and populate them, often with bright Japanese koi.

Top aquarium beauties

Mandarin ducks

Otherwise, Synchiropus splendidus, a bright exotic fish measuring only 6 cm, amazes with its beauty and harmonious combination of color.

The natural habitat of these charming babies is the Western Pacific Ocean - from the Japanese islands in the north to the Australian latitudes in the south.

The favorite habitats of mandarin ducks are coastal reefs and quiet, cozy lagoons. They live in numerous colonies, but meeting them in the natural environment is a rare success.

Synchiropus splendidus sink to the bottom and spend all the time there in search of food: small crustaceans, hay eaters, amphipods.

The appearance of the mandarin duck is truly extraordinary: an elongated body with a rounded, slightly flattened head is covered with smooth, scaleless skin of variegated color. The fish's eyes and lips are attractive due to their size; they are too large, but noticeably add expressiveness to the appearance of the pet.

Mandarins got their name due to the unusual colorfulness of their skin, reminiscent in appearance of the clothes of imperial mandarins in China.


It is a true decoration of aquariums. There are only two species of this exotic fish found in nature:

  • Symphysodon discus;
  • Symphysodon aequifasciatus.

They are supplied to the aquarium market from the South American continent.

But today they are no longer limited to this - breeders got down to business some time ago. As a result of their activities, the emergence of new varieties of fish:

  • the Dragon;
  • pigeon blood;
  • Schilingmann's red;
  • uniformly red and others.

Each of these varieties is characterized by its own unique color. The body shape of the discus resembles a colored disk (from sand to reddish hue) with a variety of wavy multi-colored lines located in different directions.

The rather large fin on the back is also decorated with wavy lines, and the graceful elongated pectoral and anal fins complete the attractive image of the discus.


Speaking about underwater beauties, one cannot fail to mention the betta fish (also known as Cockerel). The natural habitat of this aquarium pet is ponds with stagnant water in Southeast Asia, Vietnamese and Thai slow-flowing rivers with lush flowering vegetation and a marshy bottom.

Outwardly attractive cockerels with beautiful plumage of fins of various shades have truly fighting qualities, for which they received one of their names. This is especially true for males, who are specially bred by some gambling enthusiasts to participate in combat fights. These kinds of matches attract a lot of spectators, where there are winners and losers.

If speak about appearance Betta fish, the natural most common color of its body is dark brown with many green spots. The veiled variety of cockerel of the most varied colors - green, blue, yellow, white-pink, red, less often black - appeared thanks to the efforts of breeders.

To a greater extent, aquarists value specimens with lush, single-colored fins. Such cockerels are very rare.

In captivity, the life expectancy of Betta fighting fish is no more than three years.

The aquarium world fascinates with its unusual beauty, prompting many people to become involved in aquarium hobby. The innumerability and variability of species in the underwater world is amazing, and choosing the best from this diversity can sometimes be very difficult, if at all possible.

What is the biggest fish in the world? And which is the smallest?

Kot Kotova

The largest fish
The world's largest fish is the plankton-eating whale shark (Rhincodon typus), common in the southern parts of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. The largest specimen, according to precise measurements carried out by scientists, was 12.65 m in length, 7 m in girth of the thickest part of the body and weighed 15-21 tons. This shark was caught near about. Baba, near Karachi, Pakistan, November 11, 1949
The smallest fish
Goby Of all marine fish, the shortest body is the dwarf goby (Trimmatom nanus), which lives in the Indo-Pacific region. According to the results of measurements carried out in 1978-79, the average body length of males was 8.9 mm, and that of females was 9 mm.

The smallest fish in nature?

Valera peace Yao

From fish:
The smallest individual (male) is the deep-sea anglerfish Photocorynus spiniceps.

The smallest "entire" species is the species Paedocypris progenetica (also the smallest freshwater species). British ichthyologist Dr. Ralph Britz (Natural History Muse-um, London), Singaporean zoologist Maurice Kottelat (National University of Singapore) and their co-authors announced a new record discovery: in the April 22, 2006 issue of the English magazine The Royal Society (Proceedings of the Royal Society) describes a new genus and species of fish, Paedocypris progenetica. This fish, belonging to the quite prosaic family of carp (Cyprinidae), lives in the acidic dark waters of the peat bogs of the island of Sumatra. The length of adult females of Paedocypris progenetica is 7.9 mm, males - 10.3 mm.
The second smallest species in this genus is Paedocypris micromegethes. It is also found in peat bogs (but the islands of Borneo) and its females are about 8.8 mm long.
Schindleria brevipinguis has the smallest mass.

The world's smallest fish turns out to be a gigolo


Paedocypris progenetica. The smallest fish on Earth
Fish in a container, sample from the Raffles Museum, photograph by Maurice Kottelat:

Paedocypris progenetica is a distant relative of the carp, say scientists whose discovery is being published this week by the British scientific journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
The transparent fish lives in highly acidic peat swamps on the Indonesian island of Sumatra and in the Malaysian part of Borneo. These so-called “black swamps” are a unique ecosystem: here trees grow on a marshy, soft peat cover that can be several meters thick. The water in them looks like very dark tea and the environment here is extremely acidic. The pH is 3, the same as a sour apple. These wetlands are endangered due to human activity.
The smallest specimen of the species that scientists have discovered is an adult female Paedocypris progenetica, found in Sumatra. From nose to tail, its dimensions were only 7.9 mm.
This is smaller than the size of the previous record holder, the dwarf goby Trimmatom nanus (sea fish), which reaches 8 mm in length at sexual maturity.
Open in new windowThe discovery was made by Maurice Kottelat and Tan Heok Hui from National University Singapore, as well as the Briton Ralph Britz and the German Kai-Erik Witte.
Scientists say Paedocypris progenetica has an undeveloped skull that offers little protection to the brain. In addition, to survive in their special environment, they developed special modified fins.
"The discovery of such a tiny and unusual fish shows how little we know about the biodiversity of Southeast Asia," says Kottelat.
What amazes me personally is the acidity of the water in which it is able to live. Until now, red neons were considered the record holders, capable of tolerating a pH of up to 4; if this fish really lives at pH = 3, then this is absolutely phenomenal! Natural wine vinegar has approximately the same pH value (less, of course, but the water from these swamps should taste specifically sour).
Paedocypris progenetica. The smallest fish on Earth
Adults of Paedocypris progenetica (enlarged): (a, b) male, about 9 mm; (c) female, about 8.8mm.

Previously, the dwarf pandaka (Pandaka pygmaea) was considered the smallest and lightest freshwater fish. This colorless and almost transparent fish lives in the lakes of Luzon Island in the Philippines. The name Pandaka pygmaea means dwarf pygmy. The body length of males is 7.5-9.9 mm, and the weight is only 4-5 mg. Along with this fish, the smallest are also the other species of gobi living in the lakes of the Philippines - Mistichthys luzonensis, Pandaka pusilla, Microgobius lacustris, reaching a length of 10-12 mm. Despite their size, all these fish are widely used in fried form, mixed with spices, etc. The fish are often kept in an aquarium. Pandaka pygmaea is listed as an endangered species.
Of all marine fish, the shortest body is that of the dwarf goby (Trimmatom nanus), which lives in in coral reefs of the western Pacific. Indo-Pacific region. Based on the results of measurements carried out in 1978-79. , the average body length of males was 8.9 mm, and that of females was 9 mm. Some types of gobies do not have a stomach at all: the intestines begin immediately behind the esophagus.


And the smallest fish is the Philippine pandaka goby. It is literally one tooth away from you: seven millimeters. At one time fashionistas wore these fish in... their ears. In crystal aquarium earrings!

Many people mistakenly believe that tiny fish breeds were bred specifically to be kept in aquariums. In fact, the smallest fish in the world are large quantities inhabit the wild reservoirs of the planet and even serve as an object of hunting for the aborigines. Recent studies by ichthyologists have shown that man still knows too little about the diversity of underwater creatures that live with him on Earth.

The smallest fish in the world populate the planet's wild waters in large numbers

Tiny freshwater fish

One of the smallest fish that lives in freshwater bodies of water and is distinguished not only by its minimum length, but also by its insignificant body weight, is the mystichthys goby, which inhabits the wild reservoirs of the Philippines. Despite the fact that the length of this fish does not exceed 13 millimeters, it is actively consumed by local residents as food. The natives bake cakes from these bulls, which are subsequently dried and can be stored for a very long time.

In the reservoirs of Russia there is also a fish that claims to be one of the smallest fish on Earth. We are talking about a nine-spined stickleback, the maximum length of which is five centimeters. This species has a fairly large population in the waters of the Baltic states and Finland. Stickleback is a commercial object and is used for the manufacture of several types of products:

  • dry animal food;
  • fish oil;
  • for the preparation of medicines.

In addition, stickleback serves as the basis for food supply for more valuable commercial fish species. Some amateur fishermen catch stickleback with a fishing rod and prepare minced fish for cutlets from it. Recently, due to large-scale commercial fishing, the population of this species has decreased significantly.

Babies living in sea waters

The smallest fish in the world that lives in salt water is the dwarf goby. This species is found in the border zone of the Indian and Pacific oceans. The body length of a female bull reaches 9 millimeters. Unlike most other species, the male pygmy goby is slightly smaller than the female.

The pygmy goby is the smallest fish in the world that lives in salt water.

Relatively recently, ichthyologists discovered the presence of this species in the waters surrounding the Shetland Islands, which was a great discovery for scientists. However, this subspecies turned out to be much larger than its Indo-Pacific counterpart. The largest of the studied individuals had a length of 24 millimeters. This small fish is called Gillette's goby and is one of the smallest fish in Europe. Gillett's goby is still quite poorly studied because:

  • has a very small size;
  • has excellent mimicry abilities;
  • found in places with a lot of underwater shelters.

These factors do not make it possible to thoroughly study the behavior of the bull in natural conditions. So far, all that is known for certain is that these creatures live exclusively in those parts of the reservoir where the bottom is abundantly covered with shell rock.

Speaking about miniature sea fish, we cannot ignore the species of goby that lives near the island of Luzon. The name of this species, which does not exceed 13 millimeters in length, is Sinarapan. This fish is of great commercial importance for the islanders, so its numbers are rapidly declining.

The smallest fish in Russian sea waters is the Caspian goby Berg, which is about 2 centimeters long and lives in the Caspian Sea. This species, like the vast majority of other gobies, leads a bottom-dwelling lifestyle. Individual individuals can be found not only in the sea, but also in the lower reaches of rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea:

  • in Volga;
  • in Terek;
  • in Kura;
  • in the Urals.

Oceanic and depths of the sea have not yet been fully studied by humans and can contain a lot of secrets and mysteries, so the question of which fish is the smallest in the world still remains open.

Paedocypris progenetica is the smallest fish in the world

The smallest fish on the planet

In the waters of the peat swamps of the island of Sumatra, scientists recently discovered the smallest fish on earth, which was named Paedocypris progenetica. A little later, the same species was found on the island of Borneo. Paedocypris progenetica belongs to one of the distant relatives of the well-known carp. This is a thin transparent creature, at sexual maturity - no larger than an ordinary mosquito. The body of an adult fish reaches a length of 7.9 millimeters, making Paedocypris progenetica one of the smallest invertebrates on the planet.

The skull of Paedocypris progenetica is not fully formed, which makes the fish's brain very vulnerable. The main feature of these fish is the presence of a hard lining in the males in the pelvic girdle. This overlay allows the male to more reliably adhere to the females during the mating period.

The swamps in which this species lives have a unique landscape. Trees that grow directly from the water take root in the soft, peaty soil of the swamp. The depth in some places can reach 5 meters, which is completely unusual for other swamps, where the maximum depths do not exceed one and a half meters. However, the main hallmark- the value of the water acidity level, which can reach 3.

To date Paedocypris progenetica - the smallest fish, known to man. The main threat to the existence of this species is changes in climatic conditions on the planet. Since these fish are very poorly protected from external influences, even a slight change in water temperature can lead to their complete disappearance.