Toilet      03.03.2020

Dangerous insects in summer. Child safety in summer. Dangerous insects. Mosquitoes and flies

"Attention! Dangerous insects!

Senior group

Educators: Golushko O.S.

Yatsenko D.A.


Target: To give children an idea about a variety of dangerous and beneficial insects.


  • Build an idea about different insects about their necessity for humans.
  • To consolidate children's knowledge about insects dangerous to life and health,

with which they are found in nature. To give knowledge about the rules of behavior when meeting with different insects.

  • To form the idea that one's life must be protected and not endangered.
  • Develop an interest in the knowledge of the surrounding nature, observing caution, prudence.

Vocabulary work:Replenish and activate children's vocabulary: wasp, bee, mosquito, ant, bumblebee, fly, midge, tick.

Material for the lesson: subject pictures of various insects and their habitats. Doll, insect toys.

Preliminary work:

  • Conversations about insects.
  • Acquaintance with literary works: G. Kh. Andersen “Thumbelina”, A. Bianchi “Like an ant hurried home”, “Spider-pilot”, G. Glushnev “Grasshopper and Grasshoppers”, S. Mikhalkov “Academy of Sciences”, G. Skrebitsky "Happy bug", V. Zotov from the book "Forest Mosaic" ("Ladybug", "Grasshopper", "Maybug"), K. Ushinsky "Bees on reconnaissance", K. Chukovsky "Fly-Tsokotuha";
  • Outdoor games.
  • Looking at illustrations of insects.

Methods and techniques:

  • Conversation with children, questions to children.
  • The teacher's story, riddles.
  • Examining illustrations.
  • Games.

Lesson progress:

Educator. Wherever we are - in the forest, in the meadow, near the river - we always meet with insects.

When in a fragrant draft

You sit down in the summer in a pine forest,

Take a good look around

You will notice a lot, friend.

The ant is dragging the larva,

Hastens somewhere between the roots

Big pine. On a fat bitch

The golden beetle perched.

A light moth flutters,

Drinks fragrant juice with a proboscis.

And the bee collects honey.

Everyone is busy, everyone has things to do.

My friend, take a good look

You will see the magic of life.

Children are invited to look at the illustrations on display.

Guys, which of the insects did you recognize? (Wasp, bee, mosquito, ant, bumblebee, fly, midge).

How are all insects similar to each other, what do they have in common?

The teacher summarizes the answers of the children:

Ant, ladybug, grasshopper, butterfly, mosquito, fly, bee, wasp - these are all insects. Insects are called animals that have six legs, and the body consists of three parts - the head, on which there are two ears, the middle part and the abdomen.

But insects are different. Tell me, by what signs could you recognize a mosquito? ( At the mosquito .......)

How did you determine it was a wasp? ( At the wasp…………).

How did you recognize the ant? (At the ant ... ..).

But all the insects are so small, it's hard to see them. Yes, and not everyone can be noticed. Try to hide a piece of colored paper on the table. Each child takes a small square of green, yellow or Brown (different shades). On the table are large sheets of the same colors and shades.

Why do insects hide easily? Because their coloration is the same as the places where they like to be.

Why are they so colored? For protection from enemies. (Show the children a picture of a grasshopper on green grass, a bark beetle on a tree trunk.).

Look who is it? The back is red, with black circles on it, with three legs on each side. This ladybug.

She went up to a blade of grass and began to eat small round creatures, which with appetite launched their proboscis into the leaves and sucked the juice from them. This aphid.

What do you think, which of them is useful to a person, and which is harmful? Ladybug destroys various pests of the garden and fields.

Why is the ladybug so bright? After all, it is clearly visible on a green leaf, any bird will notice it. It turns out that this little girl knows how to defend herself well. In a moment of danger, she releases liquid white color, similar to milk, which smells bad. She scares off enemies. Therefore, the ladybug is inedible for birds.

You will not find saws with us,

We did not cut the trunks,

Didn't hit with an ax

And under the spruce grew a house.

What house is the riddle talking about? (Anthill.)

Yes, this is an anthill, and ants live in it, they are friends of man, as they save the forest by destroying many harmful insects. But if you touch it, defending itself, it burns painfully, while releasing formic acid. At the very beginning of spring, an anthill looks more like a pile of litter and old needles than an anthill: not a single ant is visible nearby.

Displaying a picture of a bee:

Who is this? This bee flies to collect sweet juice from the first flowers. So that later we have delicious, very healthy honey. The bee is also brightly colored. Why do you think? The bee seems to be saying: “Don't come near! I'll sting!"

Show pictures of various butterflies:

Look at the wings of butterflies. They are always covered with small scales, which are very important for a butterfly. Even if some of the scales are erased, the butterfly will not be able to fly and will die, if you take the butterfly in your hands, you will see pollen that will remain on your fingers.

The butterfly has a long, thin, curved proboscis, which it lowers into the flower and drinks the sweet juice. Butterfly loves open flowers to sit on them and see what is happening around.

Where is the butterfly's house?

The ant has a house - ... ( anthill)

The bee - ... ( hive)

Didactic game "Who lives where?"

Children are divided into two groups. Some hold pictures depicting the habitat of insects, others - depicting insects. At the signal "In the house!" each insect must "fly" into its "home".

Dynamic pause "Caterpillar"

(coordination of speech with movement)

This strange house without windows (slowly turn around)

People call it "cocoon".

Twisting this house on a branch, (rotate hands)

A caterpillar slumbers in it. (palms under right cheek)

Sleeps without waking up all winter. (palms under left cheek)

But the winter is passing by - (wave your hands up)

March, April, drops, spring ... (clap hands for every word)

Wake up, sleepyhead! (stretch)

Under the bright spring sun (draw the sun with your hands)

The caterpillar is not up to sleep. (threaten finger)

She became a butterfly! (running in a circle, waving their arms like wings)

The caterpillar is malicious pest. She has many enemies. It is a special delicacy for birds, but with the help of various tricks they manage to escape from death. Time will pass, and the caterpillar will turn into a chrysalis, completely motionless in appearance. And a butterfly will emerge from the chrysalis. A motionless chrysalis suddenly stirs, the skin on its back bursts, wings appear first, and then the whole butterfly. Her wings hang like wet rags. But an hour or two will pass, and the wings will dry out. The butterfly will move them, straighten them and suddenly ... fly.

This insect has a striped abdomen and a pair of transparent wings. The wasp is a predatory insect. She feeds her larvae with protein food - flies, bees, reptiles and mammals. She herself feeds on the nectar of flowers and ripe juicy fruits. Not infrequently, we have to drive these obsessive insects away from jam, compotes, fruits, as well as melons, watermelons and berries.

Name insects that are predatory ( dragonfly, grasshopper, ladybug).

Why are they called predators? ( Because they prey on other insects.)

Name beneficial insects. ( butterfly, bee, ant.)

What are the benefits of bees, butterflies, ants? ( Bees pollinate flowers, give us honey and wax. Ants spread the seeds of many plants throughout the forest. Butterflies pollinate flowers.)

Name harmful insects. ( A fly - spreads microbes, a caterpillar - eats plant leaves, a coma R, tick is a dangerous insect for humans.)

Showing a picture of a tick

Dangerous insect - tick. Be sure to look at your body, as the tick digs under the skin and is a carrier of an infectious disease. Ticks are small arachnids. They are very small in size and are usually difficult to see until they suck on blood. But then it's already too late. Getting on the human body, the tick does not immediately dig into his skin, but crawls for a long time, looking for the most tender places (where the skin is thin). Most often, it digs into the groin, armpits, neck, collarbones, abdomen and back. Its bite is completely insensitive, because the saliva of the tick contains an anesthetic.

But we can protect ourselves from tick bites (teacher-memo story)

Unlike mosquitoes, which, after sucking blood, immediately fly away, ticks stick for three to four days. From drunk blood, ticks swell greatly, increasing in size by three to four times, and only then fall off.

Seeing insects in nature, observe them, their appearance, habits. Often children pick up insects, not knowing that they can kill them, but at the same time they themselves can suffer from their bites. Insects are beneficial, and therefore they must be treated with care. All insects are useful in their own way.

You saw these insects, identified them external differences. Now listen carefully to the riddles. Who are they about?

Flying, squeaking

Legs long drags,

The case will not miss:

Sit down and bite.

Flying all day

Everyone gets bored.

The night will come

Then it will stop.

winged fashionista,

The dress is striped.

Growth, though crumbs,

Bite - it will be bad.

Not a bird, but with wings.

Flying over flowers

Honey collects.

I work in an artel at the roots of a shaggy spruce.

I drag a log along the mounds - it is more than a carpenter.


She has four wings

The body is thin, like an arrow.

And big, big eyes

They call her...


She is bright, beautiful

Graceful, light-winged.

She looks like a flower

And he likes to drink flower juice.


She is sweeter than all the bugs,

The back is scarlet on it.

And circles on it

Black dots.


A story about the rules of conduct when meeting with insects.

Insects are of great benefit, but sometimes you can suffer from them, so you need to know how to protect yourself from insects.

Exposed parts of the body should be lubricated with insect repellents.

Going to the forest, you need to wear long trousers and a long-sleeved shirt, a hat.

If you see a wasp nest, watch its inhabitants from afar, in no case do not touch it, otherwise the wasps will fly out and sting.

If a bee flies near you, try to be calm, do not wave your arms, move to another place.

If a bee sting remains during a bite, then it must be removed, and the stung place should be wiped with soda solution.

Having met an ant on the way, do not touch it, watch what it drags along the path to the anthill, what is the size, color of this ant. Watching ants, you can understand what amazing creatures these little ants are. Don't bother them, they won't bite you.

You need to protect yourself from mosquitoes using ointments that repel insects. The largest number mosquitoes flies in the evening, after sunset, or in the morning, after sunrise. During the day, mosquitoes sit in dense vegetation, tree hollows, cracks and other shelters. But in the forest, mosquitoes attack throughout the day.

To get rid of flies, one should not leave rotting products and sewage that are suitable for the development of fly larvae. It is necessary to follow the rules of maintaining cleanliness at home and on the street.

A dangerous insect is a tick: it digs under the skin, and a person can get sick.

Be sure to inspect your body when you return from a walk in the forest or meadow.

When you see insects in nature, watch them, but do not pick them up: you can harm the insect and suffer from its bites yourself.

Summary of the lesson.

Tell me, please, what insects do you know?

Where do insects live?

How are insects different from birds?

What happens if there are no insects?

How to protect yourself from insects?

(Children's answers.)

- Everything in nature is interconnected. Every insect, even if it is dangerous for us, can be beneficial environment. Let's be careful and careful when meeting with the inhabitants of nature. And in order not to be mistaken, we will study the children's encyclopedia of the living inhabitants of the plant and animal world.

Summer is a great time when adults and children go on vacation. Many families traditionally go to the country in the summer. Fresh air, vegetables and fruits straight from the garden, well, what could be better. But rest is sometimes overshadowed by the bites of various insects, which are most susceptible to young children.

The bites swell and itch, and in some cases the condition of the victim deteriorates rapidly. You need to know what insects you should be wary of in the country.

Many people consider these insects to be harmless workers who tirelessly run to the anthill all day long. In fact, ants pose a danger to human health and life. Doctors are aware of the cross-reaction between wasp and ant venom.
Insects are carriers of pathogenic bacteria. can be the cause of dangerous diseases - dysentery, salmonellosis and cholera. Carry ants and helminth eggs;

When bitten by large forest ants, which often live in villages, a strong allergic reaction is observed. The bite site swells, becomes inflamed and itchy; Bites of large ants are painful, which is explained by the work of the jaws; When bitten by fire red ants, burns resembling thermal ones remain on the body. If a person is prone to allergies, then only 3-4 bites can provoke anaphylactic shock.

With ant bites, the victim should be given an antihistamine and treat the wounds with alcohol-containing solutions. To reduce pain, cold is applied to the blisters and lubricated with Golden Star balm.

They are removed with a thread or tweezers, gently twisting along with the head. The bite site is smeared with iodine, the tick is taken to the laboratory to determine whether it is a carrier of dangerous diseases.


These insects are often encountered by people who keep pets in the country. Horseflies bite very painfully. At the site of the bite, swelling and induration occur, the affected area becomes hot. In particularly sensitive people, body temperature may rise.
Horseflies are carriers of dangerous diseases, which include:

  • Tularemia;
  • Anthrax;
  • Filariasis.

In people prone to allergies, horsefly bites cause a strong reaction. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

To reduce pain, the wound is washed with vodka or hydrogen peroxide, and then ice is applied. The victim is given an antihistamine.


These beneficial insects can be very dangerous to humans. Bee venom is very allergenic, even in people who do not suffer from allergies, a large blister appears at the site of the bite. This may be accompanied by fever, convulsions and symptoms of intoxication. The greatest danger is insect bites to the head and the passage of large blood vessels. If a bee stings on the neck, there is a high risk of suffocation.

For an allergic person, even a single bee sting can lead to anaphylactic shock and death. For a person who is not prone to allergies, a bite of 100 or more insects at the same time can be fatal.

When a bee stings in the head area, the victim is immediately given an antiallergic drug and taken to the hospital. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor and with numerous bites.

The blister beetle is very poisonous insect, which has more than 70 varieties. The elongated body of this bug contains cantharidin, which, when it comes into contact with human skin, leaves deep abscesses and blisters. Such wounds are difficult to treat and often lead to complications. If cantharidin falls into the blood of a person, then a fatal outcome is possible. In the Middle Ages, many rulers were poisoned with the poison of this bug.

After contact with the blister, the affected areas are treated with an antiseptic. The victim is given adsorbents and antihistamines.

When resting in the country, contact with insects should be avoided whenever possible. Ants, bees, ticks, horseflies and bugs are of particular danger to humans. Upon contact with these insects, a severe allergic reaction and death are possible. Poisonous spiders are also dangerous, but in middle lane they are rare.

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Summer is a great time for outdoor recreation, but we must remember that some troubles may lie in wait in the forest, in the country house and in parks. An example of this are various blood-sucking insects - mosquitoes, horseflies, midges, midges, ticks.

There are more than 900 species of such insects in the world. They live in various climatic zones and are active at different times of the year. Their bites can cause itching and redness, and can cause allergic reactions or infectious diseases. In children, especially in early age, insect bites can cause a general deterioration in well-being.

In this article, we will look at the main types similar insects, their habitats, as well as methods of protection against bites and methods for preventing complications.

Mosquito- the most numerous and widespread bloodsucker. The skin of children is quite thin, so they are more prone to mosquito bites. Mosquitoes living in central Russia are not carriers of infectious diseases. But you should be aware that mosquitoes in the Moscow region and the Moscow region can transmit imported malaria in the summer season, although such cases are very rare. It has recently been found that mosquito saliva contains allergens that can cause both itching, redness, and various allergic reactions. With redness and itching that occurs at the site of the bite, it is necessary to wipe this place ammonia, vodka or soda solution, put a cold compress. In case of multiple bites, a tendency to allergic reactions, it is necessary to take an antihistamine. If the victim has swelling of the face, neck, hoarseness of voice, difficulty breathing, then it is necessary to urgently apply for medical care. To combat mosquitoes, there are now enough means with which you can protect yourself and your child. These are repellents (creams, gels and ointments), electric fumigators, smoking coils and candles. Can be used to control mosquitoes folk remedies. It is known that mosquitoes cannot tolerate the smells of tomato leaves, cloves, anise, eucalyptus, camphor, vinegar.

Mite- most dangerous view blood-sucking insect. The tick bite is painless, since together with saliva it injects an anesthetic into the wound. Attached tick, having drunk blood, increases in size by 20-25 times and takes the form of a wart. Usually sucked adult mites are detected by a person only after 2-3 days.

The tick can be a carrier of such serious and dangerous diseases for humans as tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme disease (tick-borne borreliosis). Zones where natural foci of tick-borne encephalitis are present cover a significant part of the territory of Russia: the North-West region (Leningrad region, Karelia, Arkhangelsk region), the Central region (Tver, Yaroslavl, Vologda and other regions), the Urals (Sverdlovsk, Perm regions) , Southern part of Siberia (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Omsk, Irkutsk regions), Far East(Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories).

According to epidemiologists, this summer the number of cases of tick-borne borreliosis may increase, and tick-borne encephalitis, which has not previously been encountered in this territory, may reach the Moscow Region.

Tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme disease begin with severe headache, photophobia, high temperature and vomit. In addition, the muscles are very sore. An important diagnostic sign is local skin inflammation at the site of a tick bite, about 10 cm in diameter. But there is also an erased course, when the above manifestations are slightly expressed, so you should definitely contact your doctor and say that there was a tick bite. The latent period averages 7-14 days. Therefore, one cannot be careless about the bites of this insect, and when the described signs appear, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

If you are going to go to areas endemic for tick-borne encephalitis, you need to get a prophylactic anti-encephalitis vaccination. There is no vaccine yet for Lyme disease. You should know that when using goat or cow's milk from an animal bitten encephalitis tick You can also get encephalitis.

While in the forest area, it is necessary to take safety measures in the form of protective clothing and repellents. To protect children, preparations with a reduced content of repellent have been developed - these are Ftalar and Efkalat creams, Pihtal and Evital colognes, Kamarant. For children from 3 years old, the use of Off-Children's and Biban-Gel creams is recommended.

Midge- These are blood-sucking dipteran insects, which do not carry much danger, but are very annoying. By appearance they resemble small (up to 2 - 5 mm in size) flies. Midges common in Russia are not carriers of infectious diseases.

However, this does not mean that they are so harmless. The fact is that when bitten, the midge injects saliva into the wound, containing an anesthetic substance and an enzyme that prevents blood clotting. In most cases, a person or animal does not feel pain at the time of the bite. Burning appears after the insect has drunk blood. By themselves, the substances of insect saliva are foreign proteins, that is, they cause an immune response in the body of the victim: swelling develops at the site of the bite within a few minutes, and itching appears. With multiple bites, body temperature may rise.

Bites should not be combed, as this can introduce an infection into the wound, which will further enhance the body's immune response. With midge bites, a hot compress or taking a shower relieves itching very well. The bite site can be lubricated with a solution of soda or any anti-allergic ointment.

horsefly- this insect is quite large in size, up to 3 cm, their habitat is quite extensive, but they are especially numerous in the swampy regions of Siberia. Causative agents of horseflies are relatively rare, but there are cases of transmission of pathogens of tularemia, anthrax and a number of other infections. The bite of a horsefly is dangerous with an infection that they can pick up by sitting, for example, on the "waste products" of animals.

On warm sunny days, large bull gadflies are more active, and on cloudy days - small dark-winged horseflies - raincoats. Favorite habitats are near water bodies. At the moment of a horsefly bite, a sharp burning sensation is felt. A white blister appears around the wound with redness, which itches. The bite site can be anointed with iodine or alcohol, apply ice. The soda solution will soothe the itching. Horseflies are attracted to dark clothing and the smell of sweat. To avoid a bite, it is necessary to treat the skin with a repellent.

biting midges- the smallest of the blood-sucking Diptera (their total body length is 1 - 3 mm) live in almost a quarter of the territory of Russia, numbering over 15 genera. In calm weather, with high humidity, biting midges swarm on all living things - from humans to amphibians. The favorite time of hunting for a man is the day. The bites of tiny bloodsuckers are usually numerous and cause very intense itching. Their saliva contains toxic substances. You can alleviate the condition by treating the bites with vodka, soda solution, cologne.

We hope that our article will help you protect yourself and your children from insects, and they will not be able to overshadow your rest and communication with nature.

Summer is the most awaited time of the year, but only one circumstance can spoil all the pleasure of the holiday: insect bites. The heat and humidity make this situation even more frustrating, as the bites take on negative consequences ranging from itching to severe allergies. Therefore, we understand which insects are especially annoying and dangerous to health in the summer.

According to Sobesednik, we highlight the top 5 most dangerous insects:

1st place is occupied by wasps. Wasps usually attack people when they feel threatened, but they can sting just for the sake of it - for example, if they don't like the way you smell. In order not to become a victim of a wasp, it is better not to use "sweet" perfumes and wear light-colored clothes. A wasp sting can be extremely unpleasant, especially if you are allergic. Wasps love to live in landfills, so they can carry various infections. Wasp stings can cause a severe allergic reaction. If you have been bitten by a wasp and feel very unwell, it is best to see a doctor.

Photo: Wikipedia

2nd place is occupied by midges. Midges bite differently than other summer aggressors. They gnaw out a piece of skin, which makes the bites itchy more, heal more slowly, and when scratched, it is easier to infect them. The midge does not have any special character and habits - it attacks with clouds everything that emits heat.

Photo: Wikipedia

3rd place is occupied by flies. It is believed that flies begin to bite only towards the end of summer, but this is not so: not all flies bite, but only bloodsucking ones. These insects carry about 60 different diseases, including conjunctivitis, so their bites must be disinfected. And even more so, do not catch flies with your hands!


4th place is given to fleas. Fleas bite because they cannot do otherwise. Usually fleas bite dogs and cats, but people do not disdain. Recognizing flea bites is very simple. The flea bites several times, so it leaves "paths" of bites. IN warm apartments they can live in mattresses, pet beds, in crevices and under baseboards.

Photo: Pixabay

5th place by right, goes to mosquitoes. mosquito bite Summer is a classic. At the same time, having bitten a person, they secrete an anticoagulant substance that prevents blood from clotting - this is necessary so that the insect can suck it in plenty. After the bite, an itchy reddened place will remain. Actually, itching is an allergy to the same anticoagulant substance. The bite site is best not to scratch, but to cool. Like all blood-sucking mosquitoes, it is a carrier of various infections.