In a private house      06/15/2019

The most terrible dangerous animals are insects. Rating of the most dangerous insects for humans. Let's look at the ten most dangerous insects for our lives

The world of insects is so diverse and huge that entomologists still discover new species of these miniature creatures every year on the planet.
Most of them are completely harmless to humans, but there are also very dangerous species, meeting which does not bode well. In this rating, we will tell you about the 10 most dangerous insects, some of which can easily kill a person.

10. The African beetle is a killer

The word “killer” in the name of this deadly beetle fully justifies its title as a dangerous and poisonous predator. Despite its attractive coloration with bright yellow spots on its chitinous carapace, the venom of this “baby” is 10 times stronger than the venom of the African cobra and its bite can very quickly cause a slow and painful death.

9. Japanese hornet

If suddenly, while walking through a Japanese forest, you come across a brown hive, try to walk around it as far as possible. After all, it is home to the most scary killers on the Japanese islands, whose bites kill more people every year than bears and Poisonous snakes, taken together . Japanese hornet bites kill 40 Japanese people every year; their nerve-paralytic poison is extremely strong and sometimes one bite is enough to kill an adult man.

Unlike other striped pests, the Japanese hornet can bite repeatedly and if it decides to pursue its victim, it will be very difficult to escape from this evil insect; hornets can reach speeds of up to 40 km/h and chase a person for a distance of up to 5 km.

8. Siafu Ants

These are very dangerous insects They cause real horror among local aborigines because, in the literal sense of the word, they are lovers of human flesh and tear meat with their powerful jaws, having first bitten the victim and immobilized him with a nerve-paralytic poison.

Their strength lies in their numbers, there are many documented cases of Siafu ants attacking sleeping drunk people or tourists and killing them.

Most of the deaths were not caused by the action of the poison; most victims died from suffocation when hordes of ants crawled into people's lungs and respiratory organs.

Scientists say that even large wild animals such as elephants try to avoid Siafu ants, for obvious reasons.

7. Black Widow Spider

One of the most dangerous and poisonous spiders in the world is the black widow spider, whose venom is 15 times stronger than that of a rattlesnake. The females of these spiders are more poisonous than the males and have the bad feature of killing and eating their partners after mating, from which this spider got its name.

A black widow never attacks a person without reason, but if a bite does occur, the consequences can be very sad. At first, the bite site is almost invisible, but soon the tissue near the wound begins to become inflamed and the first signs of necrosis appear. If no action is taken, death can occur within a few days.

First aid: immediately after a bite, cauterize the wound with an open flame and immediately consult a doctor.

6. Coquette caterpillar (Megalopyge opercularis)

Don't be fooled by the attractive appearance of this furry caterpillar, which looks more like a plush toy. Many people, at the sight of this fluffy but dangerous insect, have a desire to stroke it and then the coquette reveals all its disgusting essence.

The caterpillar hides poisonous needles under its fur, which, when touched, can cause a severe allergic reaction in the victim and severe pain radiating to the armpit. Changes in blood pressure, rash all over the body, vomiting, fever and other equally unpleasant symptoms are also possible.

This caterpillar is the most poisonous in the United States; it lives on trees in the forest and a person can be harmed if the caterpillar simply falls on top of him. Therefore, be very careful when walking through the American wilderness.

5. Brazilian wandering spider

Officially recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the most dangerous spider on the planet, the Brazilian wandering spider well deserves this terrible title. This insect is extremely aggressive and constantly wanders in search of prey, from which it gets its name. It does not weave a web, but migrates all the time in search of food, is absolutely not afraid of a person and can attack him for no reason.

These huge eight-legged insects, reaching a length of 13 centimeters, are found in the forests of Latin America and Brazil. Their bite is very dangerous and if a person is attacked, one must immediately seek medical help and administer an antidote, otherwise death will be inevitable.

4. Giant Asian Hornet

The giant Asian hornet is a real giant in the world of insects, with a body size of 5 cm and a wingspan of 6 - 7 cm, it attracts attention, and for its size, in Asian countries this hornet has received the name “bee-sparrow”. But this amazing insect not only big, but also deadly.

In the fall of 2013, news headlines spread around the world about a massive attack by giant hornets in China. That year, 41 people died from their bites and more than 1,600 victims required medical attention. In the fall, during the mating season, these insects become extremely aggressive and dangerous.

If several of these hornets attack a person, they can easily bite him to death or make him disabled for life.

3. Ants are bullets

The South American tropical forests are home to very dangerous insects - bullet ants. They got their name because their bites are painfully comparable to the pain from a gunshot wound. There are no other insects on the planet whose bite would be more painful.

The famous scientist and entomologist Justin Schmidt described his sensations after being bitten by just one ant: “Indescribable, fantastic pain of the highest order. It feels like it can probably be compared to walking on hot coals, with a 20-centimeter rusty nail in your heel.”

But the most amazing thing is that this region is home to a tribe of aborigines who have a sadistic ritual of initiation of young men into men. The boy is given a cape to wear, the sleeves of which are swarming with ants - bullets. The poor fellow needs to hold out for 10 minutes until this barbaric test is over.

After this, the victim is usually taken to a hut, where for several days he cannot even get out of bed, suffering and shuddering in spasms from severe pain. But this is not the end, to become a real man, he will have to go through this ritual 20 times!

2. Tsetse fly

The microorganism ultimately causes the disease trypanosomiasis in the victim. Infected people experience slurred speech, trouble sleeping, sudden changes in behavior, fever, sudden seizures, and trouble walking. Most patients eventually die because effective medicine there is no anti-trypanosomiasis drug.

1. Sydney spider

This very dangerous spider is native to Australia and only lives in the Sydney area. It is unique in that its anthracotoxin poison only affects primates and is absolutely harmless to other animals. The effect of the poison is also unusual. After a bite, the alveolar sacs in the lungs begin to burst due to overexertion nervous system and the person simply drowns on land.

Fortunately, a fairly effective antidote against this spider has long been created, and the last death from its bite occurred more than 30 years ago. But you should know that the antidote must be administered no later than 15 minutes after the insect attack, otherwise death will be inevitable.

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Oddly enough, in the ranking of insects that can be deadly to humans, ants occupy quite a lot of positions, posing real competition to spiders. Let's take a look at who occupies the top 10 positions on this terrible list.

This amazing insect has many names, such as salpuga or phalanx. It belongs to the arachnids, although it is not a spider in the full sense of the word. They are distinguished by indiscriminate eating and terrifying gluttony.

There are known cases of eating termites, destroying bee nests, lizards and even birds. It’s fortunate that they are not poisonous, but bites can lead to quite serious consequences for humans, for example, to inflammatory processes or blood poisoning.

2. The giant hornet, nicknamed Japanese. It is distinguished by its impressive size (for this genus of insects), with a wingspan of up to 6 centimeters. Does not attack first; if there is a clear threat, it releases a sting more than 6 mm long. The danger is the poison that the hornet produces.

The venom has a nerve-paralytic effect on the victim; a bite can lead to anaphylactic shock.

3. Red ant. One of the most dangerous insects, the main threat to people at risk of allergic reactions. The toxic poison (solenopsin) causes swelling, blisters, nausea and dizziness.

One of the most terrible reactions is anaphylactic shock, which leads to death. Another unpleasant point is that imported red fire ants (full name) can displace ordinary ants, harmless inhabitants of certain territories.

Title with Greek language translated as “killing men.” It lives in desert regions located in the Middle East and Africa, reaching a length of 10 cm.

A strong neurotoxin contained in scorpion venom, when entering the human body, causes death. Today, pharmaceutical companies have found an antidote, but it can only help if administered within a short period of time after the bite.

The common name in everyday life is the kissing bug, due to the fact that the bite is in the area of ​​the lips or eyes, where it is most heat body, leads to serious consequences.

The main danger is that many representatives of this genus of insects are carriers various diseases, including Chagas disease.

The name reflects the lifestyle of one of the most dangerous arthropods - it does not weave webs, but travels in search of food. He loves bananas, hence the name “banana spider,” and loves to feast on other spiders, insects, lizards and birds.

The bite is dangerous for people with allergies, sick or weakened people. There is an antidote, it is important to administer it as quickly as possible after the bite.

One of the most dangerous representatives of the insect world in Australia. This insect is the main “killer” of people, ahead of deaths where the cause is the bites of all other insects and reptiles combined.

The main consequences are allergies, angioedema and anaphylactic shock.

The insect has a cute name - “Lazy Clown”, and its poison is recognized as one of the most powerful on planet earth. When it enters the human body, it causes serious damage to the brain, manifested in the form of hemorrhages.

Bleeding can also occur in other organs of the human body. This terrible insect lives in the tropics, preferring forests and gardens of Bolivia, Argentina and its neighbors. A person may simply not notice it, since the caterpillar is perfectly camouflaged under the bark.

Its name alone, “black widow,” speaks volumes, as do the thirteen (unlucky number) dots on its abdomen. Its habitat is quite wide; it can be found in Asia, Europe, and even in the Moscow region.

Usually does not attack if left undisturbed. The bite causes serious changes in all human organs and also affects the mental sphere. Exist various ways, including cauterization, the use of special serums.

10. Bullet Ant. The effect of the poison on humans exceeds the effect of toxins ingested by the bite of any other insect. Distributed in South America, in tropical forests.

The length of the ant's sting reaches 3.5 mm, the poison contains over 17 components, including a neurotoxin that has a paralyzing effect.

Fortunately, you can only meet them in special regions of the planet where not many people live, and tourists come already prepared.

Size doesn't always matter. There are a huge number of insects in the world that are much more dangerous than animals. Some insect bites can cause death if not treated properly.

We bring to your attention the top 10 most dangerous insects in the world, as well as their photographs.

The most dangerous insects in the world

Bullet Ant

The bullet ant is the largest of all ants in the world. They mainly live in the tropical forests of Nicaragua and Paraguay. This type of ant got its name due to their strong bites, which in pain resemble a bullet shot. Scientists have discovered that a bullet ant bite is 30 times more painful than a wasp sting.

Each colony of these ants has several hundred inhabitants. Usually, they build their nests at the bases big trees. When a predator is detected, these ants release bad smell. If this trick does not drive away the uninvited guest, they attack him with almost the entire colony.

Botflies are mainly found in Central and South America. Young females of these insects lay larvae in the skin of mammals. The larvae take root under the skin and remain there for 60 days, affecting the subcutaneous area.

Patients who have consulted doctors claim that they can feel the movement of the larvae. After the rim larva matures, it leaves the body.

There are about 2,000 known species of these insects. Young fleas can consume up to 15 times more blood than their total body weight. Favorite places for flea bites are the waist and elbows of a person. A flea bite causes severe itching and can lead to infection.

Fire Ant

About 285 different species of fire ants are now known to exist. They are very aggressive and, in cases of danger, leave painful stings in the victim’s body. A white pimple caused by a sting entering a person's body will give off painful sensations within a few weeks.

Also, fire ant venom can lead to some skin problems. Typically, fire ants attack their victims in groups of 10 to 100 insects.

Triatomine bug

Every year, about 12,000 people worldwide die from the “kisses” of triatomine bugs. Even the weakest bite of these insects instantly causes changes in the human and animal body, which cannot be eliminated without the help of doctors.

Giant Japanese hornet

The Japanese giant hornet is the largest species of hornet in the world. They grow to a size of 2 inches. Every year, about 40 deaths from bites of these insects are recorded worldwide.

The venom of the Japanese hornet causes an allergic reaction and burns the human skin at the site of the bite. With multiple bites from these insects, a person can die in just a few minutes.

Japanese hornets are very aggressive and fearless. Each colony of these insects contains 700 members. They feed on honey bee larvae and can kill about 40 large bees in just a minute.

Tsetse fly

Tsetse flies are one of the most dangerous insects in Africa. They mainly feed on the blood of vertebrates, into whose bodies they inject a powerful toxin after severely biting their victims. For some people and animals, the bites of these insects can even be fatal.

According to unofficial data from scientists, about half a million people are attacked by tsetse flies every year, about 20% of them with fatal consequences.

Initially, the poison of these insects induces drowsiness and severe weakness in its victim, and if the patient is not treated in time medical care- he may die.

Africanized bee

These insects are also called "killer bees". They are among the most aggressive and dominant insects in the world. A group of Africanized bees can chase their prey over a distance of more than one mile. They usually attack in groups of several hundred individuals.

The toxin of Africanized bees is not as dangerous as it might seem at first glance, but they amaze their victims with their numerical superiority. They mainly attack the human face, especially the eyes.

These insects live in large colonies, the number of which reaches 30 thousand individuals. Once someone or something disturbs these bees, it is dangerous to stay near their colony for 24 hours, as they will immediately begin to attack.

Stray Ant

Stray ants have the largest colony of any other insect in the world. Each colony of these ants can number about 22 million individuals. Even elephants are forced to run away when attacked by such a huge number of insects.

They are capable of destroying any animal that gets in their way. Typically, stray ants kill thousands of different animals during a single raid. Using their strong jaws, they leave wounds on animals and people.


Mosquitoes are the most dangerous insects in the world. Every year, millions of people all over the planet die from their stings. Mosquitoes carry malaria, which is transmitted to humans through germs carried by these insects throughout the world.

A person becomes infected with this particular dangerous disease through mosquito bites. WHO estimates that every 30 seconds, one child dies from malaria around the world. In just a year, about 500 million patients who are diagnosed with this terrible disease turn to doctors.

In addition to malaria, mosquitoes also transmit dengue fever, yellow fever, encephalitis and West Nile virus.

As we all know, insects are represented on Earth by more than 2 million species. They are all different, both in size and in lifestyle. But in all this diversity there are also those that pose a danger to human life and health.

Anopheles mosquito

A person becomes infected through a bite, but note that only females bite, and mainly at night. If medical assistance is not provided in time, the person dies.

And drug intervention is not always effective, as evidenced by sad statistics - every year out of 500 million people infected, 3 million die.

This seemingly cute, but rather dangerous caterpillar also has a beautiful species name: Coquette Moth. Hidden in the fur of the fluffy caterpillar are multiple spines containing poison.

Upon contact with the human body, the fragile thorns break and get stuck in the body, but the most dangerous thing is that at this moment poison is released.

The venom of this exotic-looking insect is toxic and causes burning and painful sensations. Symptoms also include vomiting and dizziness. The most dangerous thing is that the lymph nodes are affected, which can lead to respiratory arrest.

People often call this animal the “Danald Trump caterpillar” because of its resemblance to its hairstyle.


More commonly known as the "kissing bug", it is best to avoid kissing it as it is deadly and can be fatal.

This native of Latin America settled throughout the Western Hemisphere. They feed on the blood of mammals, but with a bite-kiss they can transmit Chagas disease.

According to the species classification, they belong to the suborder of bedbugs, and it is not a fact that they cannot be found in Europe and Asia. These insects inspired Alfred Hitchcock to create the horror film Enchanted.

In addition, like most flies, they are carriers of many types of diseases, including fatal ones.

Interestingly, wasps do not have a specific scientific name in zoology, but these stinging insects are quite dangerous.

The fact is that they contain poison to protect themselves from external threats. But when bitten by a person, this substance can cause allergies, swelling, and sometimes a rise in temperature. In addition to releasing a sting, wasps can also bite with their jaws in defense.

A single bite may not be dangerous, but an attack by a whole swarm can lead to unpleasant health consequences.

Black-legged tick

A tiny insect can infect hundreds of thousands of people with dangerous Lyme disease. After a bite, a rash begins in its place. Early symptoms also include dizziness, weakness, and a rise in temperature, which causes fever.

Then the cardiovascular system is damaged. They learned to treat the disease long ago, but its consequences appear for many years after meeting these insects.

The habitat of the black-legged tick is some areas in the north and east of the United States, but it is also found in Finland, as well as in the forest-steppe zone between the Dnieper and Don rivers.

In fact, this animal should not be on our list. Contrary to popular belief, according to science, ticks are not insects. They belong to the class of arachnids. Although for many people, everything small with legs and antennae are insects, and they can also be understood.

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This poisonous caterpillar grows up to 7 centimeters in length, and the body itself is covered with numerous hairs that contain the most toxic natural poison known today.

Poisoning occurs through direct contact with Lonomia, and the poison released into the human body begins to destroy the protein of blood cells. At the same time, the kidneys are also affected, which leads to renal failure. The first symptoms appear within an hour after contact with the insect.

Note that from the caterpillar emerges a harmless and rather beautiful butterfly, and she flutters at night in the forests of Brazil. Uruguay and in some regions of Argentina.

They are popularly called nomadic or wandering ants, and they are common in the forests of Central and South America. Unlike their brothers, they do not build their own anthills, but migrate across the ground in large colonies.

These predators, attacking the prey, do not leave it a single chance. They paralyze her with the poison they release and then eat her. The species was first described in 1826, from individuals collected in the forests of Brazil.

Bullet Ant

Let's name another representative of the large ant family. Paraponera clavata, or more commonly, the bullet ant, is one of the largest and also quite dangerous.

The bite of such an ant is very painful, and the pain can be felt for several days. In addition, the released substance can cause allergies and headaches.

But the bite is not fatal and does not leave unpleasant consequences for human health, but other insects die when they encounter these ants.

Giant Asian hornet

In nature, there is also this species of the largest hornets in the world. its appearance is quite menacing, and besides, when it bites an animal or person, it releases a sufficient amount of poison through the stings to cause numbness and pain.

The poison can cause death if it enters deep into the body, and for people with allegorical reactions, a small dose is sufficient. Statistics show that from the bite of such a hornet, 60 to 70 people die every year.

When attacking insects, they do not release the poison, but kill the victim with the help of powerful jaws.

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Apis mellifera scutellata

Perhaps one of the most dangerous of the insects presented is the Africanized shoulder, which appeared as a result of crossing an African species with European bees.

When attacking its victim, it bites several times, and the poison released as a result of this can cause severe allergies. Deaths have also been reported after stinging, which is why they are often called killer bees.

This dangerous species was created when in 1956 in Brazil, zoologists conducted an experiment to obtain a new species.

Tsetse fly

They attack everything that moves, but interestingly, the only animal that this poisonous fly does not bite is zebras. Scientists say that Tsetse's eye perceives this animal only as a series of moving black and white stripes, without perceiving zebras as prey.

Despite the struggle, in the arid African climate, Tsetse is rapidly recovering its population.

This completes the top most poisonous insects on planet Earth from the site. Science is developing, and it is possible that in the future entomologists will present new the most dangerous species flying, crawling, jumping insects.

But in any case, a careful attitude towards nature and compliance with basic safety standards will save you from many problems associated with communicating with wild nature.

There are about one million species of insects in the world, making them the largest class of animals on the planet. Interestingly, there are about 300 million individuals per person. Today we want to present you a list with photos of the ten most dangerous insects in the world.

Triatomine bugs or kissing bugs are a subfamily of bedbugs with 130 species. Widely distributed in tropical areas of Central and South America, some species live in Asia, Africa and Australia. Most triatomine bugs feed on plants, but there are also species that feed on the blood of large animals, including humans. People are usually bitten on the lip area (hence the name). These insects are dangerous because most of them are carriers of the causative agent Chagas disease, which kills about 12,500 people every year.

Giant Asian hornet (Vespa mandarinia)

The Asian giant hornet is also known as the murder hornet - the most... close-up view hornets in the world. It lives mainly in wooded areas in eastern Russia (Primorsky Krai), South Asia and South-Eastern Europe. Their body length ranges from 2.5 to 4.5 cm, the wingspan can exceed 7.5 cm, and the sting length is 6 mm. The Asian giant hornet is a predator and feeds primarily on other large insects. Very aggressive. Every year in Japan alone, about 40 people die from its bite, mainly as a result of allergic reactions to the insect's venom.

Dorylus is a genus of nomadic ants native to central and eastern Africa and tropical Asia. The body length of worker ants ranges from 3 mm to 13 mm. The number of one colony can reach 20 million individuals. These unusual ants are constantly moving, from one temporary nest to another, while hunting all the animals they encounter along the way. In Africa they are considered one of the most widespread and dangerous predators.


Seventh place in the ranking of the most dangerous insects is occupied by wasps - all stinging insects from the order Hymenoptera, not related to bees and ants. Currently, there are many different species, but they are all divided into solitary and social. They were included on this list because of their ability to sting. After the wasp inserts its stinger into a person's skin, it injects venom that can cause an allergic reaction and lead to death.

Locusts are a type of insect common on all continents except Antarctica. They grow from 2 to 10 centimeters in length. Every day, one individual locust eats an amount of plant food equal to its own weight. They are capable of gathering in flocks of several billion individuals and destroying crops over large areas, thereby indirectly contributing to the occurrence of famine. Africa especially suffers from locust infestations. The noise emitted from the formed “flying cloud”, the area of ​​which can reach up to 1 thousand km. sq. can be mistaken for thunder.

The red fire ant is an aggressive species of stinging insect native to South America. Their body length is 2–4 mm. They have a strong sting and venom containing the alkaloid solenopsin. Their venom can be deadly to a person suffering from allergies. People who are stung often experience skin redness, swelling, blisters, nausea, vomiting and dizziness. The bite of a red fire ant feels comparable to being exposed to fire, hence their name. The damage they cause to the United States is about $5 billion annually, taking into account the costs of medical care for those stung, destruction of anthills and chemical treatment of areas.

Tsetse fly

The Tsetse fly is a genus of dipteran insects with 23 species. Almost all live in tropical and subtropical Africa. Their body length is 9–14 mm. They feed on the blood of large animals, including humans. The bite of the Tsetse fly leaves a deep and painful wound that is both painful and itchy. A small swelling appears at the site of the bite. The Tsetse fly also carries trypanosomes, which cause fatal diseases such as sleeping sickness and Chagas disease. Today, sleeping sickness affects about 25,000 people every year.

Africanized bees

Africanized bees or “killer bees” are a hybrid of an African bee with various types bees It was introduced into Brazil in the 1950s and mistakenly released into the wild in 1957. It spread quite quickly throughout South and Central America. Killer bees are extremely aggressive. According to statistics, more than two hundred people died from the stings of these bees, and several thousand were seriously injured. They attack any animal that appears within a radius of 5 meters from their hive. They are also capable of chasing offenders for half a kilometer, and sometimes further.


Malaria mosquito

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