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Trumpet types of wind instruments. Trumpet (brass musical instrument). Standing waves in closed pipes

Alto-soprano register, the highest sounding among the brass.

The natural trumpet has been used as a signaling instrument since ancient times, and from about the 17th century it became part of the orchestra. With the invention of the valve mechanism, the trumpet received a full chromatic scale and from the middle of the 19th century became a full-fledged instrument of classical music.

The instrument has a bright, brilliant timbre and is used as a solo instrument, in symphony and brass bands, as well as in jazz and other genres.

History, origin

The trumpet is one of the oldest musical instruments. Mentions of the oldest instruments of this type date back to about 3600 BC. e. Pipes existed in many civilizations - in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient China, etc., and were used as signal instruments. The trumpet played this role for many centuries until the 17th century.

In the Middle Ages, trumpeters were obligatory members of the army, only they could quickly convey the order of the commander to other parts of the army that were at a distance with the help of a signal. The art of playing the trumpet was considered "elite", it was taught only to specially selected people. In peacetime, trumpets sounded at festive processions, knightly tournaments, in large cities there was a position of "tower" trumpeters who announced the arrival of a high-ranking person, a change in the time of day (thus acting as a kind of clock), the approach of enemy troops to the city and other events .

At the turn of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, thanks to the improvement of pipe manufacturing technology, interest in these tools increased significantly. During the Baroque era, composers begin to incorporate trumpet parts into the orchestra. There are virtuoso performers who possessed the art of "clarino" (performing a diatonic scale in the upper register of the pipe with the help of blowing). The Baroque period can rightfully be called the "golden age of the natural pipe". With the advent of classicism and romanticism, the fundamental principle of which was melody, natural pipes, unable to perform melodic lines, fade into the background and are used in orchestras only in tutti to perform the main steps of the scale.

The valve mechanism, invented in the 1830s and giving the trumpet a chromatic scale, was not widely used at first, since not all chromatic sounds were pure intonation and identical in timbre. Since that time, the top voice in the brass group has increasingly become entrusted to an instrument related to the pipe with a softer timbre and more advanced technical capabilities. (along with trumpets) were the permanent instruments of the orchestra until the beginning of the 20th century, when the improvement in the design of instruments and the improvement of the skill of trumpeters practically eliminated the problem of fluency and timbre, and cornets disappeared from the orchestra. In our time, the orchestral parts of the cornets are usually performed on the pipes, although the original instrument is sometimes used.

Nowadays, the trumpet is widely used as a solo instrument, in symphony and brass bands, as well as in jazz, funk, ska and other genres.

Among the outstanding solo trumpeters of various genres are Maurice Andre, Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie, Timofey Dokshitzer, Miles Davis, Wynton Marsalis, Sergey Nakaryakov, Georgy Orvid, Eddie Calvert.

Pipe device

Pipes are made of brass or copper, less often - of silver and other metals. Already in antiquity, there was a technology for making tools from one solid sheet of metal.

At its core, a tube is a long tube that bends solely for compactness. It narrows slightly at the mouthpiece, widens at the bell, and has a cylindrical shape in other areas. It is this shape of the tube that gives the trumpet its bright timbre. In the manufacture of pipes, it is extremely important exact calculation both the length of the tube itself and the degree of expansion of the bell - this drastically affects the structure of the instrument.

The basic principle of playing the trumpet is to obtain harmonic consonances by changing the position of the lips and changing the length of the air column in the instrument, achieved using the valve mechanism. Three valves are used on the trumpet, lowering the sound by a tone, a half tone and a tone and a half. Simultaneous pressing of two or three valves makes it possible to lower general formation instrument up to three tones. Thus, the trumpet receives a chromatic scale.

On some varieties of trumpet (for example, on the piccolo trumpet), there is also a fourth valve (quartile valve), which lowers the system by a perfect fourth (five semitones).

The pipe is a right-handed instrument: when playing, the valves are pressed with the right hand, left hand supports the tool.

Pipe varieties

The most common type of trumpet is the B-flat (in B) trumpet, which sounds a tone lower than its written notes. American orchestras often also use the trumpet in C (in C), which does not transpose and has a slightly brighter, more open sound than the in B trumpet. , in modern music and jazz it is possible to extract even higher sounds.

Notes are written in the treble clef, as a rule, without key marks, one tone higher than the actual sound for the trumpet in B, and in accordance with the actual sound for the trumpet in C. Before the advent of the valve mechanism and for some time after that, there were pipes in literally every possible tunings: in D, in Es, in E, in F, in G and in A, each of which was intended to facilitate the performance of music in a certain key. With the improvement in the skill of trumpeters and the improvement in the design of the trumpet itself, the need for so many instruments disappeared. Nowadays, music in all keys is played either on the trumpet in B or on the trumpet in C.

Among other varieties of pipe:

viola trumpet in G or in F, sounding a pure quart or fifth below the written notes and intended to perform sounds in a low register (Rakhmaninov - Third Symphony). Currently, it is used extremely rarely, and in compositions where its party is provided, it is used.

bass trumpet in B, which sounds an octave below the usual trumpet and a major non below the written notes. It fell out of use by the second half of the 20th century, at present its part is performed on an instrument similar to it in register, timbre and structure.

Piccolo trumpet (small trumpet). The variety, constructed at the end of the 19th century, is currently experiencing a new upsurge due to the renewed interest in early music. Used in B-flat (in B) tuning and can be tuned to A (in A) tuning for sharp keys. Unlike a conventional pipe, it has four valves. Many trumpeters use a smaller mouthpiece for the small trumpet, which, however, affects the timbre of the instrument and its technical mobility. Among the outstanding performers on the small trumpet are Wynton Marsalis, Maurice André, Hocken Hardenberger.

Trumpet technique

Distinguished by great technical mobility, the trumpet brilliantly performs diatonic and chromatic passages, simple and broken arpeggios, etc. The breath consumption on the trumpet is relatively small, so it is possible to play a wide, bright timbre and a long length of melodic phrases in legato.

The staccato technique on the trumpet is brilliant and swift (with the exception of the most extreme registers). Single, double and triple staccato are obtained with the utmost distinctness.

Most valve trills work well on modern trumpets.

Mute on the pipe is used quite often, if necessary, change the strength of the sound or timbre. A mute for a classic pipe is a pear-shaped blank made of wood, cardboard or plastic, inserted into the socket. Piano with such a mute gives the effect of sounding in the distance, and forte sounds harsh and grotesque. Jazz trumpeters use a wide variety of types of mutes to create all sorts of sound effects - growls, croaks, etc.

Notable trumpet players

Andre, Maurice
Arban, Jean-Baptiste
Brandt, Vasily Georgievich
Dokshitser, Timofey Alexandrovich
Orvid, Georgy Antonovich
Tabakov, Mikhail Innokent'evich
Louis Armstrong
Dizzy Gillespie
Miles Davis
Håkan Hardenberger

Video: Trumpet on video + sound

Thanks to these videos, you can get acquainted with the instrument, watch the real game on it, listen to its sound, feel the specifics of the technique:

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The musical wind instrument trumpet is a representative of devices for the formation of the sound of the alto-soprano register. Among similar instruments, this one has the highest sound. The pipe has been used since ancient times, when it was used as a signal. She entered the orchestra already around the 17th century. After the valve mechanism was invented, the trumpet plays the role of a full-fledged instrument for playing classical music. The tone is bright and brilliant. The instrument can be used as a solo performer in brass and symphony orchestras, in jazz and similar genres.


This instrument is one of the most ancient. The first mention of such devices arose in the period of about 3600 years. Many civilizations used pipes - and Ancient Egypt, And Ancient China, And Ancient Greece, and other cultures used trumpets as signaling instruments. For many centuries this was the main role of this invention.

In the Middle Ages, the army necessarily had trumpeters who were able to transmit a sound order to other units located at a considerable distance from each other. In those days, the trumpet (musical instrument), although it did not fully fulfill its functions, was still an elite art to play it. Only specially selected people were trained in this skill. In calm, non-war times, trumpeters were obligatory participants in holidays and knightly tournaments. In large cities, there were special tower trumpeters, signaling the arrival of significant people, the change of seasons, the advance of enemy troops, or other important events.

Shortly before the advent of the Renaissance, new technologies made it possible to produce a more perfect musical instrument. The trumpet began to participate in the performances of the orchestra. In addition, trumpet players have become much more virtuoso by learning the art of the clarino. This word denoted the transmission of diatonic sounds with the help of blowing. can be safely considered the "golden age of the natural pipe". Since the advent of the classical and romantic age, which puts melody as the basis of everything, the natural trumpet has receded into the background as incapable of reproducing melodic lines. And only for the performance of the main steps of the scale in orchestras was the trumpet used.

modern trumpet

The musical instrument, which received a valve mechanism in the middle of the 19th century, at first did not have a well-deserved fame. The reason is that most of sounds were not yet pure intonation and did not have the same timbre. Increasingly, the transmission of the upper voice began to be entrusted to the cornet, since its timbre was much softer, and specifications more perfect. But at the beginning of the century, when the design of the trumpet was improved, the cornets had to leave the orchestra. Finally, the trumpet was able to show all the sounds that are required in an orchestra from wind instruments. Currently, parts previously created for cornets are performed by the trumpet. The musical instrument, the photo of which is attached to the article, was able to fully reproduce the scale, thanks to the most advanced mechanism.

Today, the instrument is used in orchestras when performing ska music, as well as as a solo artist.

Pipe structure

Copper and brass are the materials from which the pipe is most often made. A musical instrument made of silver or other metals is much rarer. Even in ancient times, a method of manufacturing from a single sheet of metal was invented.

This musical instrument has an interesting form. The pipe, as it is called due to its shape, the curves of which are really only made for compactness, is just a long tube. The mouthpiece has a slight constriction, while the bell has an expansion. Main pipe length cylindrical shape. It is this form that contributes to the brightness of the timbre. In the manufacturing process, it is extremely important to accurately calculate not only the length, but also the correct expansion of the bell - this determines the structure of the instrument. However, the essence remains the same: this musical instrument is a long pipe and nothing more.

A game

The principle of the game is to obtain harmonic consonances by changing the position of the lips and the length of the air column, which is achieved using the valve mechanism. Three gates are used, making it possible to lower the sound by a tone, one and a half or half a tone. Pressing several valves at the same time allows you to lower the instrument's tuning to three tones. It is in this way that the chromatic scale is achieved.

There are varieties that have a fourth valve, which makes it possible to lower the system by five semitones.

Game technique

Having high technical mobility, the trumpet perfectly performs diatonic passages, arpeggios and so on. Breathing is used very economically, so it is quite possible to play phrases of great length and bright timbre.

Valve trills work great on modern instruments.


The most popular type is the B-flat trumpet, which sounds a tone lower than the notes written for it indicate. At present, notes are written from mi of a small octave to the third octave, but it is still possible to extract higher sounds from the instrument. Modern design trumpet allows her to play all the necessary keys, very rarely switching to the trumpet beloved by the Americans in the C system.

In addition, today there are three more very common earlier.

The alto trumpet is a musical instrument designed to sound almost a fourth below the written notes. This instrument is necessary for the transmission of low-register sounds (for example, Rachmaninov's Third Symphony). However, now this pipe is rarely used, most often it is replaced by a flugelhorn.

The bass trumpet is a musical instrument, the photo of which is easy to find in any music school, sounds an octave lower than a regular trumpet. At the same time, a large nonu is lower than the proposed notes. Used until the second half of the 20th century. Now it is successfully replaced by a trombone - similar in structure, register and timbre.

Piccolo trumpet. Constructed at the end of the 19th century, but today it is experiencing a new wave of popularity due to the interest in early music. They are used in the B-flat style, while for sharp keys it can also be rebuilt into the A system. It has four valves, not three, like a large pipe. The musical instrument is used with a smaller mouthpiece, but this affects the technical mobility and timbre.


Although modern pipes, which can perform melodic lines without restrictions, arose relatively recently, a huge number of solo works have been written that were created even for real instruments. Today they are performed on a small (piccolo) trumpet. Many wrote for the trumpet Haydn, Weinberg, Blacher, Shchedrin, Bach, Molter, Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Mahler, Mussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov and many others, no less

To create different musical tones on wind instruments, such as the clarinet shown in the figure, the musician begins to blow into the mouthpiece and at the same time press the valve levers to open certain holes in the side wall of the instrument. By opening the holes, the musician changes the length of the standing wave, determined by the length of the air column inside the instrument, and thereby increases or decreases the pitch.

When playing wind instruments such as trumpet or tuba, the musician partially blocks the passage section of the bell and adjusts the position of the valves, thereby changing the length of the air column.

In a trombone, the air column is adjusted by moving a sliding curved knee. The holes in the walls of the simplest wind instruments, such as the flute and the piccolo, are covered with fingers to obtain a similar effect.

One of the oldest creations

The delicate construction of the clarinet shown in the figure above owes its origin to the crude bamboo pipes and primitive flutes, which are considered the first instruments created by man at the dawn of civilization. The oldest wind instruments ahead of the strings by several millennia. The bell at the open end of the clarinet makes allowance for the dynamic interaction of sound waves with the surrounding air.

The thin tongue in the clarinet mouthpiece (picture above) oscillates as air flows across it. The vibrations propagate as compression waves along the instrument tube.

Telescopic tubes

In a trombone, a sliding curved tubular knee (train) fits snugly against the main tube. Moving the telescopic train in and out changes the length of the air column and, accordingly, the tone of the sound.

Changing the tone with your fingers

When the holes are closed, the oscillating column of air occupies the entire length of the tube, producing the lowest tone.

Opening the two holes shortens the air column and creates a higher tone.

Opening more holes further shortens the air column and provides a further rise in tone.

Standing waves in open pipes

In a pipe that is open at both ends, standing waves are formed in such a way that at each end of the pipe there is an antinode (the area with the maximum oscillation amplitude).

Standing waves in closed pipes

In a pipe with one closed end, standing waves are formed in such a way that a node (a section with zero oscillation amplitude) is located at the closed end, and an antinode is located at the open end.

Musical instruments are designed to produce various sounds. If the musician plays well, then these sounds can be called music, if not, then cacophony. There are so many tools that learning them is like exciting game worse than Nancy Drew! In modern musical practice, instruments are divided into various classes and families according to the source of the sound, the material of manufacture, the method of sound production, and other features.

Wind (aerophones): a group of musical instruments, the sound source of which is the vibrations of a column of air in the barrel (tube). They are classified according to many criteria (by material, design, methods of sound extraction, etc.). In a symphony orchestra, the group of wind musical instruments is divided into wood (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon) and brass (trumpet, horn, trombone, tuba).

1. Flute - a woodwind musical instrument. The modern type of transverse flute (with valves) was invented by the German master T. Bem in 1832 and has varieties: small (or piccolo flute), alto and bass flute.

2. Oboe - woodwind reed musical instrument. Known since the 17th century. Varieties: small oboe, oboe d "cupid, English horn, haeckelphone.

3. Clarinet - woodwind reed musical instrument. Designed at the beginning 18th century In modern practice, soprano clarinets, piccolo clarinet (Italian piccolo), alto (so-called basset horn), bass clarinet are commonly used.

4. Bassoon - a woodwind musical instrument (mainly orchestral). Arose in the 1st floor. 16th century The bass variety is the contrabassoon.

5. Trumpet - a wind brass mouthpiece musical instrument, known since ancient times. The modern type of valve pipe has developed to ser. 19th century

6. Horn - a wind musical instrument. Appeared at the end of the 17th century as a result of the improvement of the hunting horn. The modern type of horn with valves was created in the first quarter of the 19th century.

7. Trombone - a wind brass musical instrument (mainly orchestral), in which the pitch is regulated by a special device - a backstage (the so-called sliding trombone or zugtrombone). There are also valve trombones.

8. Tuba is the lowest sounding brass musical instrument. Designed in 1835 in Germany.

Metallophones are a kind of musical instruments, the main element of which are plates-keys, which are beaten with a hammer.

1. Self-sounding musical instruments(bells, gongs, vibraphones, etc.), the sound source of which is their elastic metal body. The sound is extracted with hammers, sticks, special drummers (tongues).

2. Instruments such as xylophone, in contrast to which metallophone plates are made of metal.

String musical instruments (chordophones): according to the method of sound production, they are divided into bowed (for example, violin, cello, gidzhak, kemancha), plucked (harp, harp, guitar, balalaika), percussion (cymbals), percussion keyboards (piano), schipkovo - keyboards (harpsichord).

1. Violin - a 4-string bowed musical instrument. The highest in the register in the violin family, which formed the basis of the classical symphony orchestra and string quartet.

2. Cello - a musical instrument of the violin family of the bass-tenor register. Appeared in the 15-16 centuries. Classical samples were created by Italian masters of the 17th-18th centuries: A. and N. Amati, J. Guarneri, A. Stradivari.

3. Gidzhak - stringed bowed musical instrument (Tajik, Uzbek, Turkmen, Uighur).

4. Kemancha (kamancha) - 3-4-string bowed musical instrument. Distributed in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Dagestan, as well as the countries of the Middle and Near East.

5. Harp (from German Harfe) - a multi-stringed plucked musical instrument. Early images - in the third millennium BC. In its simplest form, it is found in almost all peoples. The modern pedal harp was invented in 1801 by S. Erard in France.

6. Gusli - Russian stringed musical instrument. Pterygoid gusli ("voiced") have 4-14 or more strings, helmet-shaped - 11-36, rectangular (table-shaped) - 55-66 strings.

7. Guitar (Spanish guitarra, from Greek cithara) - a lute-type stringed plucked instrument. It has been known in Spain since the 13th century, and in the 17th and 18th centuries it spread to the countries of Europe and America, including as a folk instrument. Since the 18th century, the 6-string guitar has become common, the 7-string has become widespread mainly in Russia. Varieties include the so-called ukulele; in modern pop music, the electric guitar is used.

8. Balalaika - Russian folk 3-string plucked musical instrument. Known from the beginning 18th century Improved in the 1880s. (under the direction of V.V. Andreev) V.V. Ivanov and F.S. Paserbsky, who designed the family of balalaikas, later - S.I. Nalimov.

9. Cymbals (Polish cymbaly) - a multi-stringed percussion musical instrument of ancient origin. They are part of the folk orchestras of Hungary, Poland, Romania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, etc.

10. Piano (Italian fortepiano, from forte - loud and piano - quiet) - the general name of keyboard musical instruments with hammer action (piano, piano). The pianoforte was invented in the beginning. 18th century Appearance modern type piano - with the so-called. double rehearsal - refers to the 1820s. The heyday of piano performance - 19-20 centuries.

11. Harpsichord (French clavecin) - a stringed keyboard-plucked musical instrument, the forerunner of the piano. Known since the 16th century. There were harpsichords various forms, types and varieties, including chembalo, virginel, spinet, claviciterium.

Keyboard musical instruments: a group of musical instruments united by a common feature - the presence of keyboard mechanics and a keyboard. They are divided into different classes and types. Keyboard musical instruments are combined with other categories.

1. Strings (percussion and plucked keyboards): piano, celesta, harpsichord and its varieties.

2. Wind (wind and reed keyboards): organ and its varieties, harmonium, button accordion, accordion, melody.

3. Electromechanical: electric piano, clavinet

4. Electronic: electronic piano

pianoforte (Italian fortepiano, from forte - loud and piano - quiet) - the general name of keyboard musical instruments with hammer action (piano, piano). It was invented in the early 18th century. The appearance of the modern type of piano - with the so-called. double rehearsal - refers to the 1820s. The heyday of piano performance - 19-20 centuries.

Percussion musical instruments: a group of instruments combined according to the method of sound production - impact. The sound source is a solid body, a membrane, a string. There are instruments with a definite (timpani, bells, xylophones) and indefinite (drums, tambourines, castanets) pitch.

1. Timpani (timpani) (from the Greek polytaurea) - a percussion musical instrument of a cauldron shape with a membrane, often paired (nagara, etc.). Widespread since ancient times.

2. Bells - orchestral percussion self-sounding musical instrument: a set of metal records.

3. Xylophone (from xylo... and Greek phone - sound, voice) - percussion self-sounding musical instrument. Consists of a number of wooden blocks of various lengths.

4. Drum - percussion membrane musical instrument. Varieties are found in many peoples.

5. Tambourine - a percussion membrane musical instrument, sometimes with metal pendants.

6. Castanetvas (Spanish: castanetas) - a percussion musical instrument; wooden (or plastic) plates in the form of shells, fixed on the fingers.

Electric musical instruments: musical instruments in which sound is created by generating, amplifying and converting electrical signals (using electronic equipment). They have a peculiar timbre, they can imitate various tools. Electric musical instruments include theremin, emiriton, electric guitar, electric organs, etc.

1. Theremin - the first domestic electric musical instrument. Designed by L. S. Theremin. The pitch of the theremin changes with distance. right hand performer to one of the antennas, the volume - from the distance of the left hand to the other antenna.

2. Emiriton - an electric musical instrument equipped with a piano-type keyboard. Designed in the USSR by the inventors A. A. Ivanov, A. V. Rimsky-Korsakov, V. A. Kreutser and V. P. Dzerzhkovich (1st model in 1935).

3. Electric guitar - a guitar, usually made of wood, with electric pickups that convert the vibrations of metal strings into vibrations electric current. The first magnetic pickup was built by Gibson engineer Lloyd Loer in 1924. The most common are six-string electric guitars.

Let's get into the world of music, and by the word music I'm not talking about dubstep and other offshoots of shamanic ritual melodies, but about real sensitive music, jazz, blues. There are fewer and fewer admirers of orchestral classics; But we do appreciate real art, and playing real instruments and not singing to the accompaniment of veneer. Therefore, this lesson will show you how to draw a pipe with a pencil. Background. Blowing into something is always interesting, and when it also makes sounds - bliss. It all started quite harmlessly - animal horns, pieces of wood. Yes, and there was only one sense from this - to let the enemies know about yourself. Since the time nothing has changed, only massively spread. On the battlefield, with a screech from a pipe, the troops were not prepared for an attack as much as they warned the enemy that they would soon be beaten, their pants would be taken off and they would be morally humiliated. And only when the greatest generals came up with the concept of the effect of surprise, the pipes were lowered in rank and sent to serve in the orchestra. And so it is to this day, without career growth.

Application of the concept of a pipe in life:

  • I shook your house pipe. An extremely convenient way to let the interlocutor know that you really do not like his position in the conversation. The hidden meaning comes up in about 2 seconds, and you still get the cabbage soup.
  • The case is a pipe. A situation in which you fail in an important position or lose control of the situation due to personal incompetence. Another dark and deep area is symbolically replaced by a pipe.
  • Pass fire, water and copper pipes. Reaffirm the expediency of their moral principles and show extreme physical resilience to all types of failures and failures. It is used extremely rarely, as it sounds longer than it makes sense.

Let's go back to our spiritual tool and draw it.

How to draw a pipe with a pencil step by step

Step one. We create a floor form on paper from rectangles.
Step two. Draw a twisted pipe shape, expand it on the right. We do everything within the drawn rectangles.
Step three. Detailing the tool. We draw lines a little thicker, add three valves and a mouthpiece at the other end, and the rest of the elements.
Step four. Outline the contours with a thicker line.
Step five. We clear the sheet of auxiliary lines.
Step six. We correct the structure of the lines, align them, and take up the sketch. With a soft pencil, draw the shadows and make more contrast.
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