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Marina Devyatova biography, marital status, children. Vladimir Devyatov: personal life. Studying at a music school

Marina Devyatova born in Moscow on December 13, 1983.
From early childhood, a love for good music was instilled in her by her father, People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Devyatov. Marina grew up not only on folk songs, but also on the classics, as well as on bands such as The Beatles and Deep Purple.
Already at the age of three, the girl sang well and felt rhythm, so the decision to send her daughter to a music school in the family was made unanimously. And then - the Schnittke Music School (1999–2003), the Gnessin Academy (2003–2008), performances at vocal competitions and festivals, including the Slavic Bazaar, and, finally, a television project that made her a star.
In 2006, Marina went to the casting of “People’s Artist - 3” to prove that the Russian song was interesting to the public and had the right to be performed on air. On the television project, the young singer reached the final, losing just a little to the winner Amarkhuu Borkhuu, and after the end of the show she signed a contract with producer Evgeniy Fridland.
Even during her studies, Marina and her friends went on student expeditions to collect Russian folk songs from villages and villages. Now the singer continues to travel around the cities of Russia, where she not only gives concerts, but also studies local traditions, because she is interested in everything related to folk art.
Marina often represents Russia in countries near and far: repeated performances at the German-Russian Festival in Berlin, trips with concerts to Italy, Estonia, the USA, China, Laos, Vietnam - these are not all the achievements of the young singer. And at the Slavic Bazaar festival in Vitebsk, the artist has long become a regular guest: there Devyatova has been coming every time since 2002.
In 2007, as part of the Russian delegation, Marina was present at the selection of the capital of the Winter Olympic Games in Guatemala, where she communicated with representatives of the IOC and Vladimir Putin.
In 2009, Evgeniy Fridlyand's production center took a risky step - Marina Devyatova's first solo concert took place at the Moscow Variety Theater. The risk paid off; for such a young artist, a sold-out concert was a bid for success. Some time later, the singer presented the Russian song to Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and the entire royal family at a social reception in London, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation together with the Russian Orthodox Church.
During her artistic career, the singer managed to perform a duet not only with her father, Vladimir Devyatov, but also with such stars as Nikolai Baskov, Pyotr Dranga and the Bayan-Mix duet, and also repeatedly appeared on the same stage with her beloved choir. Pyatnitsky. Lyudmila Zykina was going to do a joint number with her, but the duet was never destined to take place due to the sudden death of the great Russian singer.
In addition, Marina showed talent as a presenter - with Yuri Stoyanov and Anastasia Chernobrovina she conducted several supershow programs “ Best years our life" on the Russia TV channel, on the Culture TV channel he is currently working on a series of programs about folk crafts and traditions. Together with Sergei Zhigunov and Alexander Oleshko Marina Devyatova held the festival of Slavic culture “Slavyansk-2011”, and a little earlier - the opening of the “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk 2011”.
The singer is truly in love with folklore, and you can't help but notice it when she takes the stage. Few young performers sing people’s favorite songs with such enthusiasm, with such a twinkle in their eyes, for which Devyatova and earned the sympathy of the audience even at the time when she participated in the popular TV show “People’s Artist - 3”.
“The Russian song has always been, is and will be,” says Marina. “As long as there is a Russian person, the Russian song will live - it is this feeling that I want to convey to the public through my work.”
In her free time from concerts, Marina is actively involved in fitness, which explains her excellent physical shape. She leads healthy image life, is a convinced vegetarian, loves and knows how to cook healthy dishes. “The profession of an artist obliges you to always look good,” the singer is sure. - The public doesn’t want to see tired faces and sad eyes. The audience needs a holiday, and the artist is obliged to give him this holiday.”
The secret of success for Marina is to do what she loves and be moderately ambitious: “What secrets could there be? You need to be honest, decent, work hard and have a goal. We need to believe in God, because he has his own plans for us. Only with him can you find refuge when you feel bad and feel like you can’t cope.”
In the frantic rhythm of megacities, Marina believes, it is important to be able to stop to think about spirituality and eternal values. Such a “stop” will be a large-scale musical project, which the singer thought about several months ago together with her producer Evgeny Fridlyand. “I think for the audience it will be a real journey back into centuries. We will talk about the main pagan and Christian traditions and try to convey the atmosphere Orthodox holidays“, - Marina reveals the essence of the upcoming project.
One of Marina's favorite pastimes is driving. She spends a lot of time behind the wheel, preferring to go to concerts and filming by car. The artist has about eight years of driving experience.

Failed husband of Marina Devyatova, was so afraid of responsibility, and so desperately fighting for his never-developing singing career, that he was giving out interviews left and right about the couple’s life together. He claims that he did not intend to marry Marina, that he is not ripe for a serious relationship and is still at the stage of establishing himself as an individual. Therefore, it would be stupid, in his opinion, to burden himself with a family, and even more so with children. But he admits that he saw the artist as a springboard and was extremely disappointed when, instead of crazy career growth, she invited him to go to the registry office.

Devyatova answers this harshly: “What, Kolya is now in the process of becoming a man? And this at 25 years old?.. Seriously, I thought that Nikolai would still turn out to be a man in absolutely everything and would not advertise our relationship in the press. I hoped that Kolya would have enough brains to leave everything between us, because this is a private matter between two people. It seems to me that he did this because he was unable to realize himself as a singer. Only he doesn’t understand one thing: no work and no show business will ever replace normal, human relationships for him... I sincerely want to wish Nikolai creative success and hope that his concept of a lonely prince will bring him good luck!”

According to friends of the couple, this is the only way this relationship could end. After all, Demidov is not a serious person and, in fact, still a child. And Marina behaved with him like a caring mother. Therefore, not getting what he wanted, the guy simply gave up, accusing the singer of being too active and domineering.

The girl, in turn, considered Nikolai to be a romantic person, capable of action. She did not believe that he could betray her and calculated their life together for years to come.

Today, according to the singer, future husband Marina Devyatova must be brave, strong, reasonable and responsible. Of course, with all this, remain a creative person and be sure to build family relationships on friendship and mutual respect.

Unfortunately, Marina has not yet met such a person, and if she has, she keeps it in the strictest confidence. Perhaps it is correct. U famous people You should always have your own territory. A place where they can be themselves without expecting trickery from the outside.

And, by her own admission, she began her creative path in a village near Kashira, where she visited her grandfather. She hung an advertisement on the well about her own performance and organized a real concert right on the street. And today, outside the city, the young singer prefers to relax and increasingly dreams of her own dacha.

The countryside is for the soul

Marina, you are a native Muscovite, you live and work in the city. Where do you relax?

Moscow is more suitable for work. And I find it more comfortable to relax outside the city, where after work I can find solitude, enjoy the silence and the singing of birds. It’s as if two personalities are combined in me: on the one hand, I can fly business class and enjoy expensive restaurants, and on the other hand, I really love when on the table there are products from my garden, everything that’s my own, natural, when everything is cooked in a real Russian stove or in a pot on a fire. I also love being able to eat with my hands—it’s so delicious!

Of course, life outside the city is more relaxed, so sometimes when you arrive there with your “disheveled” head, the calmness is annoying at first: you think, why is no one in a hurry, where are the phones, where is the Internet? But people live by different values. And you gradually get used to it, calm down and understand that this is a real thrill.

Steam room, broom and felt hat

What do you like to do away from civilization?

I adore the sauna, although there is an opinion that it is harmful for vocalists - the ligaments are steamed along with the body. Of course, because of the tour, I don’t have time to visit the bathhouse often, and I miss it, for a real one... with a steam room, a broom, felt hat, I really want to relax both body and soul. I also like to just wander through the forest, there is a special energy there.

Can I see you in the garden?

Of course, I’m not an avid gardener, but I can help: weed something, for example. Although, at the same time, I immediately warn everyone that I am a responsible lady and I will field efficiently: in the heat of the moment, I may not be able to distinguish a weed from something that is not worth pulling out. (Laughs.) I like to plant flowers myself; even fans give me garden flowers at concerts. And as a child, I loved hauling hay with my grandfather.

Fun village life

Does your family have a dacha?

At the moment I don’t have a dacha, but before I often went to a small village near Kashira, where there were only ten houses. My creative journey began there: I organized concerts, gathered local residents, and posted an announcement on the well that I would have a performance. And like a real artist, she always took a lot of things there, my grandfather even joked with me: “Why are you in one dress in the morning, in another at lunchtime, and in a third in the evening?” This was such a fun village life.

I would really like to have a dacha. I have a desire not only to be closer to nature, but also to unite the family, because where else can children come? Of course, to my parents' dacha! I have been nurturing this idea for a long time, and someday it will come true.

Since childhood, my mother taught me to be independent

Marina, your latest album is called “I’m Happy,” can you call yourself happy?

I cannot call myself a 100% happy person. We women are always missing something. How can I call myself happy if I have not yet realized myself as a mother and wife? But I'm happy from a creative point of view. There is an opportunity to travel around the country, see smiling faces in the hall, hear words of gratitude when after the concert people come for an autograph and just talk.

In one of your interviews you called yourself a careerist, but at the same time you want a family, how do these two things coexist in you?

By my qualities, I am a leader and a careerist, but this does not mean that I have no desire to become a mother. Of course, I am aware that I will not be an ordinary mother, a kind of “mother hen,” but I will try as much as possible to raise my child with love, in a full-fledged family where there is a mother and father, and I will devote all my free time to him.

My desire to make a career is explained simply: when my parents divorced, my mother often told me: Marina, you must be independent, you must be strong.

It is not right?

In my opinion, not really. A woman must be dependent, this is why she gets married, that is, she follows her husband. But with us everything is upside down.

Children should be happy and loved

Then what do you want to instill in your future children?

I understand that it will not be easy for me, but I will try to raise my children so that they are guided by true values, are happy and loved, and know how to give their feelings to people. I don’t want them to think only about how much money they have in their pocket. It seems to me that many parents develop big complexes in their children, arguing that they must study in the UK or, at worst, at Moscow State University, have an academic degree and, as a lifelong goal, create their own business. All children are different, each has their own talents, their own path.

Marina Vladimirovna Devyatova is a Russian folk singer, finalist of the television competition “People’s Artist-3”.

Childhood and youth

Devyatova Marina was born on December 13, 1983 in Moscow, in the family of an artist of the choreographic ensemble named after. Semyon Dunaevsky Natalya Nikolaevna and People's Artist of the Russian Federation, performer of folk songs Vladimir Sergeevich Devyatov. Her parents separated when Marina was five years old. Subsequently, Natalya married a second time. Marina had an excellent relationship with her stepfather.

The future artist’s grandparents (on her mother’s side) came from Ryazan and settled in Moscow at one time. Grandmother worked as a cutter, and grandfather was a trolleybus driver. As Marina recalled, it was at her grandfather’s work that her vocal career: a man took his granddaughter with him, and she announced stops and sang while the trolleybus was traveling along the route from Ivanovsky to Vykhino.

Like her older sister Katerina, Marina was an artistic child, so she was sent to music school (piano class) early. In 1999, 16-year-old Devyatova entered the music school named after. Alfred Schnittke, and in 2003, after graduation, she became a student at the Academy. Gnesins.

During her studies, Marina worked as a teacher at the vocal school at the Center for Russian Culture and Art under the direction of Vladimir Devyatov and actively traveled with classmates on musicological expeditions - in the Russian outback, students studied folklore songs.

Marina Devyatova's graduation performance in Gensink (2005)

As for sister Marina Devyatova, she was unable to connect her life with art. She works as a groomer and helps homeless animals find new homes.


Since the early 2000s, Devyatova has often performed at music festivals competitions, and in 2003 she became a laureate of the “Slavic Bazaar” competition for young pop singers.

In her senior years at the Academy, the girl was invited to join the musical group “Indrik-Beast”, whose main repertoire consisted of ancient Russian and Slavic songs in modern processing. In 2005, the band successfully performed at the “Wings” rock festival in Tushino.

In 2006, Devyatova passed the casting for the TV project “People’s Artist”. The permanent judges of the competition were actor Gennady Khazanov, singer Alena Sviridova, composer Maxim Dunaevsky and producer Evgeny Fridlyand. The winner of the project was the singer of Mongolian origin Amarkhuu Borkhuu (until 2013, the lead singer of the group “Prime Minister”). Marina took second place, but there was no reason to be upset: the girl gained thousands of fans from different countries.

“People’s Artist”: Marina Devyatova, first performance

After the end of the project, Fridlyand invited Devyatova to enter into a contract with the production company FBI MUSIC. From that moment on, Marina began the life of a sought-after artist, filled with filming, touring and recording songs.

In 2007, as part of a delegation from Russia, Marina went to Guatemala for the ceremony for choosing the capital of the upcoming 2014 Winter Olympic Games - during the event, the singer sang “Katyusha” several times as an encore.

Marina Devyatova - “Katyusha”, 2007

In 2009, Devyatova released her first album, “I Didn’t Think, I Didn’t Guess,” after which her first solo concert took place on the stage of the Moscow Variety Theater. Next is a performance in London in front of Elizabeth II and other members of the royal family. She also had the opportunity to speak to Russian leaders Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin, the head of Libya Muammar Gaddafi, and the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

In 2011, Marina released the album “I’m Happy.” Two years later, the girl left FBI MUSIC and set off on a free voyage - six months later, in November 2013, the singer’s third acoustic album, In the Moonlight, was released.

Marina Devyatova and Pierre Narcisse – “Cossack” (2011)

Devyatova has hundreds of concerts, including joint performances with famous artists: Alexey Goman, Nadezhda Kadysheva, Moldovan opera singer Methodie Bujor, Nikolai Baskov, Italian singer Al Bano, Varvara and other international pop stars.

Personal life of Marina Devyatova

In her youth, Marina Devyatova was in love with a man much older than herself. He died of cancer. After a long relationship that ended so tragically, as well as an unsuccessful romance with actor Nikolai Demidov, Marina found happiness with Alexey Pigurenko, founder of the YogaBoga brand.

The difficult relationship between the young people lasted about five years. The young people either diverged or lived separately from each other, but in the end, at the end of October 2016, they signed at the Moscow registry office.

The girl’s father said that Marina is a Hare Krishna devotee - the practices help the girl to know herself and find inner peace.

Marina Devyatova now

In parallel with raising her daughter, the singer continues to lead an active creative life. Less than a month after the birth of her child, Devyatova returned to filming the program “You Are Allowed to Laugh” on the Russia 1 channel, of which the girl has been a regular participant for several years now.

“You are allowed to laugh”: Marina Devyatova – “Quadrille”

The girl also took part in a concert at the Kremlin Palace dedicated to the 75th anniversary of maestro Valery Obodzinsky, starred in the “Mood” program on the TV Center channel, and then went with a series of solo concerts around Russia.

In the future, Marina plans to work on choral projects and build a country cottage in the style of a Swiss chalet.

Marina Devyatova’s repertoire includes Russian folk songs, but this does not mean that her fans are only listeners of the older generation: you can often see many young people at her concerts. The public first learned about the talented singer after her participation in the TV competition “People’s Artist-3”, where she was able to make it to the finals.

The path to success was thorny and difficult, however, now in Devyatova’s creative biography there are many victories on stage, as well as bright, memorable events, such as a performance in front of the British royal family. She was always impatient and built her career under the motto: “don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today.”

Over the years, the 35-year-old artist has learned not only to rejoice simple things, but also say words of gratitude to the people around you. Her personal life brings her only joy and happiness, because her beloved husband and little daughter are next to her. Having become a mother, Marina tries not to leave home for a long time in order to spend as much time as possible with her family.

Little songbird

The future folk singer was born in 1983 in Moscow. Her parents are creative people: her father is a singer and performer of folk songs, Vladimir Devyatov; Mom taught future dancers. Her older sister Ekaterina also grew up in the family. Her father was already a famous artist who sang in the Kremlin, the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall and at other major concert venues. As a 3-year-old girl, Marina first appeared on stage. Then her older sister played the piano, and the presenter held a huge microphone, since the little girl was afraid to take it herself.

Marina Devyatova in childhood. Photo

Already at a young age, she accompanied her father on tour, and when she grew up, she was enrolled in the Shostakovich music school, where the future singer received knowledge in choral conducting.

Thanks to the efforts of her mother, Devyatova had an excellent sense of rhythm and acquired vocal singing skills. During her school years, she devoted herself entirely to her studies and rarely went out for a walk with her friends.

In 1988, her parents divorced, and her mother had to work three jobs at once to support the children, so her grandparents raised the girls. After graduating from school, Marina began studying at the Schnittke College of Music, where she chose the department of solo folk singing. Even then she had to perform in front of the audience, but the future artist easily coped with her anxiety.

Successful performances and tours

As a student, Devyatova performed in various competitions and even won more than once. After meeting Artem Vorobyov, she joined his ensemble “Indrik-Beast”, performing folk songs on stage in a modern way. At that time, she managed not only to perform, but also to study and collaborate with her father, working as a teacher at a vocal school.

Often the singer heard criticism addressed to her, which really hurt her. Soon Marina decided to prove that her work could be interesting and in demand among listeners; she went to the TV project “People’s Artist” and sang her songs there. Not only the audience, but also the jury members were delighted with her performance, thanks to which she reached the finals of the competition.

Having received recognition and fame, the artist began developing her career. She recorded new songs, performed with the Yar-Dance show ballet and children's musical groups, and toured extensively in Russian cities and foreign countries.

Listeners received her singing with such stars as Nikolai Baskov, Alexander Buinov, Varvara, Nikolai Baskov, Albano with a bang, and also noted her appearance on stage with her father, Vladimir Devyatov, and musician Peter Dranga. Devyatova began her solo career in 2013, and during this time her repertoire was replenished with such songs as:

  • "Ah, it is not yet evening";
  • “Across the wild steppes of Transbaikalia”;
  • "Don't wake me up young";
  • "Blue scarf";
  • “I didn’t think, I didn’t guess”;
  • "In the Upper Room";
  • “The nightingale sang in the grove” (with Peter Dranga);
  • “Unharness the boys”, and “Oh, snow, snowball” (with “Bayan Mix”) and others.

2019 will be a very important year for her, since in April the owner of a wonderful voice celebrates her 20th anniversary on stage. Her concert will take place in the Kremlin Palace, where she will perform accompanied by the show ballet “YAR-dance”. The creative profession brings Marina pleasure and a lot of joyful emotions, thanks to which she conveys her positive feelings to the audience.

The role of a beloved wife and happy mother

Even before her marriage, the artist’s personal life had relationships with men, but her first lover died of cancer, and the romance with another quickly fizzled out. She had known her future husband, Alexey Pigurenko, for a long time. Having met for the first time in the company of mutual friends, the young people did not continue communication, since at that time both were not free.

Only three years later they met again, and then decided to live as one family, bypassing the candy-bouquet period that usually happens to many lovers. But after three years they were tired of everyday problems Moreover, the dream of becoming parents did not want to come true. The lovers could not cope with the emerging crisis, so they decided to separate. Alexei’s mother was very upset about this, but she was sure that there was not an end to their relationship, but only a bold comma.

A year and a half later, her prophetic words came true. After breaking up with her lover, the artist continued to communicate with him, but as a close friend. Soon, a misfortune happened in the Devyatov family: the singer’s stepfather suddenly died. At that time, she had to support her mother and resolve burial issues. After the funeral, Marina felt bad, and it was during this difficult time that Alexey supported her.

In the photo Marina Devyatova with her husband and daughter

Since then, the lovers have never parted, and in 2016 they learned that they were having a child. They did not get married, but simply signed at the registry office. Despite her pregnancy, the singer continued to perform and even toured the country with a concert program. In February 2017, their daughter Ulyana was born; the birth happened a little ahead of schedule, but the baby was born healthy. For Pigurenko, this is the second child, since this is his second marriage, but Devyatova became a mother for the first time. She did not linger on maternity leave and after three months she again performed on stage with a solo concert, however, she was calm for her daughter, since her mother remained with her.

The artist’s husband works in advertising and also has his own clothing business. Sometimes there are disagreements in the family: she is a perfectionist by nature, and Alexey is endowed with considerable stubbornness. Despite the fact that spouses do not always manage to come to a common opinion, they are both easy-going people. If the quarrel drags on, they always use their catchphrase: “I love you, but you piss me off,” which means that it’s time to go to peace.

Marina and her husband are city residents, but after the birth of their daughter they decided to get a dacha. At first they only rested there, but soon life in nature captured them so much that the couple decided to settle outside the city. In their spacious two-story house there is a living room, bedrooms, dressing room, kitchen, husband's office and even a guest room. On summer days you can receive friends on the large veranda. Due to the move to a suburban area, the artist has to leave for work early, but she has already adapted to this regime.

family photo..

Devyatova continues to communicate closely with her father, despite the fact that he has had a different family for a long time and his children are growing up. She shares many interests with her father, and both cannot imagine their life without music and the stage. He also often goes on tour, so their communication continues on social networks.

Interesting facts from the life of Marina Devyatova
  1. Her first solo performances took place in early childhood, when the girl and her sister went to the village. In order for local residents to come to the performance, they hung a notice on the well, which indicated when and in which house the concert would take place. The sisters included folk songs in their repertoire, as well as hits by Natalya Gulkina, and also read poetry.
  2. Despite the fact that folk songs were present in Marina’s life from early childhood, she did not think of becoming a folk singer and wanted to become a lawyer. Her grandfather was a military prosecutor, so she intended to become a law student. One fine day, the father showed the girl the stage of a large concert hall, with which she instantly fell in love and changed her destiny.
  3. As a student at the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, Marina decided to take her final exams very in an unusual way. She rented a hall in the House of Culture and turned to her colleague Prokhor Chaliapin for help, and then invited teachers there, who soon saw a brilliant performance.
  4. Devyatova leads a healthy lifestyle; she does not drink alcohol or smoke, and devotes a lot of time to training, practicing yoga and meditation. At one time, she discovered Krishnaism, thanks to which she found inner peace and revealed her creative spirit. For many years now, the artist has not eaten meat or fish, becoming a vegetarian. Her husband shares these views and also prefers plant-based foods.
  5. The singer's stage costumes are always chosen in accordance with the repertoire, and every time they delight the audience with their sophistication. When going on stage, she adheres to a slight superstition and never wears jewelry.
  6. Spectators go to her concerts to listen to their favorite songs, and also to share pressing problems with their favorite. Often they give her simple gifts from the bottom of their hearts: some bring dried mushrooms, others bring their jam and twists. Among the gifts that Marina brings are scarves and knitted socks. And when her fans found out that she was going to become a mother, they began to give her baby vests and booties.
  7. The artist often comes to Far East, where she is very warmly received by the locals. It was for them that she wrote the song “Far Eastern,” which became a kind of anthem. She does not perform this song anywhere else, except for the Far Eastern public.