Well      01/25/2024

Consumption of fruits by patients with gastritis. Fruit consumption by patients with gastritis Apples, pears and bananas

For successful treatment of gastritis, it is necessary to take a serious approach to the choice of food products - the prognosis of the disease directly depends on this.

An incorrect diet can neutralize the positive effects of drug therapy and aggravate the course of the pathology. Everyone who suffers from gastritis should know which fruits and vegetables can be eaten with this disease, and which are strictly prohibited.

Vegetables contain vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body and should be present in the diet every day.

In case of exacerbations of gastritis, vegetables are subject to mandatory heat and mechanical processing: steamed, boiled and chopped.

As the inflammatory process with gastritis subsides, it is allowed to supplement the diet with raw fresh vegetables and freshly squeezed vegetable juices.

  • Potato

The root vegetable has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, improves gastrointestinal motility, eliminates pain, accelerates regeneration processes - this makes it an indispensable dietary ingredient for stomach diseases.

In conditions that are accompanied by an increase in secretory activity, the vegetable is consumed boiled. Potatoes are used to make mashed potatoes, casseroles, and add to soups and main courses.

It copes well with low stomach acidity. To improve the taste of the drink, it is supplemented with a small amount of honey, lemon or cranberry juice.

  • Pumpkin

Pumpkin is a dietary low-calorie product. The vegetable is easily digested and does not burden the stomach, which is of great importance for inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, when the most gentle diet is required.

Pumpkin normalizes gastric acidity, so dishes made from this fruit are an essential part of the diet. The vegetable is used to make juices, cereals, puree soups, and added to vegetable stews and salads.

  • Carrot

The root vegetable stimulates the production of gastric juice, so in its raw form it is contraindicated for gastritis with high acidity.

With increased gastric secretion, casseroles are prepared from the vegetable and added to various dishes.

So that carrots do not lose their beneficial properties during heat treatment, they are boiled in a closed container.

  • Beet

The vegetable saturates the body with vitamins and microelements, improves health, promotes the elimination of toxins and neutralizes pathogenic bacteria.

If the secretion of gastric juice is increased, beets are consumed boiled as part of dishes, since the raw vegetable stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid and irritates the gastric mucosa.

With normal and reduced secretory activity, the vegetable is included in vegetable smoothies, salads and juices.

When gastritis worsens, beets can cause pain and heartburn.

  • cucumbers

If you have stomach diseases in the active phase, you should avoid eating cucumbers. The fact is that they provoke the production of gastric juice and damage the cells of the mucous membrane of the organ, exacerbating the inflammatory process.

Outside the acute stage, cucumbers are allowed, but in small quantities. It is recommended to consume them mashed, stewed or steamed. The peel must be peeled off - it contains toxic chemicals.

Canned, pickled and pickled cucumbers are strictly contraindicated for any form of gastritis. Neglecting this rule can lead to an exacerbation of the disease and the need to follow a long-term strict diet.

  • Tomatoes

They have a lot of useful properties, the most valuable of which is their anti-cancer effect.

During exacerbation of hyperacid gastritis, tomatoes are temporarily excluded from the diet due to the content of large amounts of organic acids in them. In the future, it is allowed to consume tomatoes in quantities of no more than 100 grams per day.

For hypoacid and anacid gastritis, tomatoes are added to soups, salads, and main courses. Juice is squeezed out of ripe fruits. You are allowed to consume up to 350 grams of tomatoes per day.

Buy only seasonal vegetables, this will reduce the risk of purchasing chemically processed products.

  • Zucchini

Zucchini helps cleanse the body, stimulate intestinal motility and secretory activity.

Zucchini goes well with various foods, so they are added to vegetable stews, omelettes, and casseroles. Puree soups, steamed cutlets, and caviar are prepared from the vegetable.

In case of increased secretion, the consumption of zucchini should be limited to 1 time per week.

Choose young zucchini no longer than 25 cm.

  • Onion

Onions improve appetite, stimulate the digestion process and have an antimicrobial effect.

For gastritis, onions are used only after heat treatment: in soups and main courses. Frying vegetables is strictly prohibited.

  • Cauliflower

The vegetable culture promotes the healing of damaged areas of the mucous membrane and is easily digested without overloading the inflamed stomach.

Cauliflower is stewed, boiled, baked and steamed. In heat-treated form, the vegetable is useful for any form of disease.

Vegetables prohibited for gastritis with high acidity:

  • Fresh onions and green onions
  • Garlic
  • Radish, radish, horseradish root
  • Raw white cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • bell pepper
  • Spinach, sorrel

Canned vegetables, various kinds of pickles, fried vegetables, and freshly squeezed vegetable juices are also excluded. In a hypoacid state, all vegetables are allowed, with the exception of raw onions and green onions, garlic, radishes, and horseradish.

Vegetable stew for gastritis

Peeled potatoes and young zucchini are cut into cubes. Grate the carrots on a medium grater, finely chop the onions.

Prepared vegetables are placed in layers in a pan and filled with water. Simmer covered for 30 minutes. At the end of cooking, add a little salt to the dish and add chopped herbs to taste (dill, parsley). Seasonings are not used.

During the remission phase, you can add eggplant and green beans to the dish.

Vegetable soup for gastritis

During the active stage of the disease, pureed soups made from pureed vegetables are useful. For hypoacid gastritis, vegetable soups with meat broth are allowed in the remission phase. With high acidity, meat broths are prohibited.

Pumpkin soup

Pumpkin (500 g), potatoes (2 pcs.) and onions (2 pcs.) are cut and poured with boiling water. Add vegetable oil, salt and simmer covered for 15-20 minutes.

Then grind the stewed vegetables in a blender until pureed. If desired, add warmed low-fat cream to the finished soup. Homemade croutons go well with creamy soup.

Fruits for gastritis

With an active inflammatory process in the stomach, fruits are excluded from the diet. Only fruit jelly and jelly made from non-acidic fruits are allowed.

  • Apples

Sour apples are useful for hyposecretory gastritis and fermentation in the intestines. Applesauce, juices and baked fruits are also recommended.

If acidity is increased, apples are included in the diet only during exacerbation and exclusively sweet, soft varieties.

The fruit is consumed half an hour before meals or in between meals.

Apples must be peeled in case of any form of the disease.

Bananas are useful for any form of gastritis. They can be eaten between main meals, as a small snack, as they are very nutritious and quickly satisfy hunger.

  • Watermelon

Ripe, natural watermelon does not affect the acidity of gastric juice and does not have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. But excessive consumption of berries should be avoided to prevent the stomach from becoming full and the pain returning.

Buy watermelons only at the end of the summer season.

  • Avocado

The fruit has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating pathogenic bacteria and promoting natural cleansing of the body. The fruit does not have a stimulating effect on the production of hydrochloric acid, therefore it is allowed for any acidity.

  • Pears

Pear juice and baked fruits are useful for stomach inflammation. Compotes and jelly are made from pears. The fruit can be eaten raw, but only with the peel peeled.

What dried fruits can you eat for gastritis?

Dried fruits without preliminary heat treatment load the stomach and irritate the walls of the organ.

To avoid mechanical damage, dried fruits are used to prepare compotes and jelly, which are useful in subsiding acute manifestations of gastritis.

For high acidity, it is preferable to choose dried apples, pears and quinces.

Dried grapes are rich in vitamins and minerals. With increased acidity, raisins are not recommended, but as an exception, you can add a small amount of dried fruit to porridges and compotes.

  • Dried apricots

Dried apricots are indispensable for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, but in case of gastric pathology, dried fruits should be treated with caution, since dried apricots can increase gastric secretion.

Before use, all dried fruits are thoroughly washed and soaked for at least two hours, periodically changing the water.

Fruits prohibited for increased secretory activity:

  • Grape
  • Peaches
  • Citrus
  • Pomegranate
  • A pineapple

With reduced secretion, the listed fruits are allowed, but in limited quantities and outside the acute phase.

Fruit salad

Peel apples, pears, bananas and chop finely. Pour natural yoghurt or low-fat cream over the fruit. Let soak for 15-20 minutes.

Dried fruit compote for gastritis

Pour 1.5 cups of prepared dried fruits into 3 liters of water, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes. Sugar is added to taste at the end of cooking. If desired, sugar can be replaced with honey.

With gastritis of the stomach, as the exacerbation subsides, fruits and vegetables can be eaten and introduced into the diet gradually, in small portions and in consultation with the attending physician.

If, after eating a vegetable or fruit, nausea, heaviness or discomfort in the stomach appears, this fruit is excluded from the diet.

For gastritis, diet therapy and drug treatment are prescribed. Patients must have a balanced diet to prevent the development of the disease. The main task is not to irritate the gastric mucosa.

Stomach help

Symptoms of gastritis - heaviness, dizziness, vomiting. To diagnose the disease, doctors do a gastroscopy: through a biopsy, morphologists determine the disease. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient is prescribed medications and prescribed a diet.

Below is information about eating vegetables for gastritis.

Human stomach

Vegetables during acute periods

In acute forms of gastritis, vegetables should not be consumed raw. Vegetables undergo heat treatment and are used in the form of purees and decoctions. The menu includes potatoes, carrots, and zucchini.

Vegetables during remission

During remission, the diet expands. It is useful to keep a diary where the reaction of the stomach to the foods consumed is noted. The recordings will help you create an individual menu.

Vegetables. pros and cons

We present a list of healthy vegetables for patients with gastritis.

Vegetables increase the secretion of gastric juice. Asparagus, artichoke, Brussels sprouts, green peppers, green onions, and beans are contraindicated without heat treatment. It is undesirable to eat red cabbage and radishes, which cause gas formation.

It is better to avoid white vegetables (cauliflower, turnips, white onions), which cause discomfort and pain in the gastrointestinal tract.

Fruits: pros and cons

  • persimmon;
  • apples;
  • watermelons;
  • bananas;
  • pears;
  • peach.


  1. citruses;
  2. grape;
  3. pomegranate;
  4. dates;
  5. melon.

Read more about eating fruits for gastritis here.

Diet for gastritis with low acidity

The diet should increase acidity. A healthy set of fruits consists of sour varieties of berries and fruits, citrus fruits, and ripe tomatoes. Coarse fiber contained in beets, turnips, radishes, white cabbage, mushrooms, onions, garlic, sorrel and rhubarb is contraindicated.

Dishes of fruits and vegetables for gastritis

Jelly, mousse, and jelly are prepared from fruits.

Vegetable and fruit juices are useful for illness. The main thing is not to overdo it with consumption. Healthy people can dilute drinks with a little water. For patients with gastritis, it is recommended to dilute juices half and half with water.

For gastritis, baked, boiled and stewed vegetables are suitable for consumption.

Vegetable stew includes all acceptable ingredients: zucchini, potatoes, carrots, onions.

In the lecho recipe, the main component is pepper, which is allowed for gastritis. The dish can be prepared with yellow tomatoes and carrots. Store-bought marinade is not suitable for consumption as it contains harmful preservatives.

It is also allowed to eat caviar from eggplant or zucchini (not pickled). When cooking, do not use garlic, hot pepper and seasonings that irritate the gastric mucosa.

Eating raw vegetables, fruits and berries is permissible during remission.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract cause a lot of discomfort, so vegetables for gastritis must be consumed selectively.

Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, so the diet must include foods that weakly stimulate the secretion of this organ. The choice of vegetables depends on the acidic environment of the stomach.

Allowed vegetables for gastritis with low acidity

The main method of treating the gastric tract is diet. High fiber content in the diet will help cope with the disease. All vegetables must undergo heat and mechanical processing. You can boil, stew, bake and steam. Avoid frying vegetables. Dishes should be seasoned with vegetable oil or butter.

The choice of fruit depends on the acidity of the organ; a diet is developed for the patient, focusing on specific test indicators. With low acidity, the goal of the diet is to increase its level. Cabbage juice is a necessary part of the treatment. Freshly squeezed cabbage juice is rich in vitamin U, which helps restore the walls of the gastric mucosa. You need to take the drink 3 times a day, 250 ml before meals. Cabbage juice is used immediately after squeezing, otherwise it loses some of its healing substances. The vegetable is useful for gastritis only in stewed or boiled form. Fresh cabbage injures the walls of the stomach.

  • cauliflower;
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • asparagus;
  • celery;
  • in rare cases, orange tomato.

People with low acidity levels can sometimes eat these crops raw. To reduce the load on the organ, it is necessary to grind food. Salads converted into puree are the best way to enrich the body with vitamins.

Increased stomach acidity

With increased acidity, the goal of prevention is to reduce or normalize the secretion of acid in the stomach. An indispensable remedy in the treatment of gastritis is potato juice. The product contains starch, which envelops the mucous membrane, protects against irritation, and relieves pain and heartburn. Fresh potatoes are wiped, the juice is squeezed out and immediately used as medicine. Take 150 ml 3 times a day for a course of 10 days. For stomach illnesses, potatoes are useful in any form (baked, boiled, steamed), but the dish is better digested in the form of puree.

For people with high acidity, the following foods should be excluded:

  • red tomatoes;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • white cabbage;
  • spinach;
  • cucumbers

With increased secretion of the organ, all vegetables are eaten after heat treatment. The best choice for preparing the dish is boiling, stewing and baking. Roasting of fruits is not allowed.

Onions are prohibited for consumption if you have a stomach illness, but you can still eat them boiled.

Pumpkin is called a universal vegetable. It can be eaten for gastritis with any level of acidity. It is easily absorbed and digested without irritating the walls of the stomach. The vegetable is rich in carotene and contains potassium, copper and zinc. Pumpkin juice is indispensable for increased secretion of the organ. It strengthens the immune system, increases bile secretion, and improves the functioning of the intestinal tract. A steamed dish does not lose its valuable substances.

Selecting vegetables by color

The color scheme of the plants will help you decide which vegetables are good for gastritis. The color of the fruit characterizes the presence of certain vitamins in it.

Yellow and orange crops contain beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant that can reduce inflammation in the stomach lining.

Red vegetables are highly acidic and have an irritating effect on the walls of the organ.

Green fruits provoke the production of gastric juice, which is not desirable for acute gastritis. Such vitamins should be consumed only after heat treatment.

Purple vegetables can neutralize hydrochloric acid, so they are necessary for people with high stomach acidity.

White fruits should be the basis for your diet. However, fresh cabbage and turnips are an exception and are not recommended for use with gastritis.

For all types of gastritis it is necessary to exclude the following foods:

  • garlic;
  • radish;
  • sorrel;
  • spinach.

These vegetables stimulate the gastric glands in the mucous membrane. If you really want to add a product to food, you need to heat it.

If you have gastritis, you need to eat often and avoid fasting. You should definitely avoid fried, spicy and smoked foods. You should not consume products containing alcohol and acidic concentrates. It is necessary to often be in the fresh air, lead a healthy lifestyle and avoid stressful situations.

In the 21st century, in a hurry to do a lot, people forget about health. Snacking on the run, poor-quality food, eating food harmful to the body, stress, bad habits - this is not a complete list, which is among the factors affecting the gastrointestinal tract in particular and the general condition in general.

This happens due to a superficial perception of the state of health. People justify their own inattention by the lack of free time. The justification is not always fair.

The effect of the above factors on the gastrointestinal tract results in a simultaneous exacerbation of gastritis and pancreatitis. Only a properly formulated and selected diet for a specific case for pancreatitis and gastritis will help normalize the digestion process.

General tips for organizing nutrition for pancreatitis and gastritis

Advice for illnesses is similar. When considering the anatomical location of the internal organs, it is noticeable that the pancreas is located directly above the stomach. Poor functioning of the pancreas causes inflammation of the stomach, the balance of alkali and acids is disturbed - the result is a deterioration in the functioning of the pancreas.

With such a cycle of processes in the digestive system, we will highlight the main recommendations for exacerbation of gastritis and pancreatitis:

Nowadays it is much easier to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, kitchen appliances come to the rescue - a blender and a steamer, it’s just a matter of the desire to eat right.

Diet therapy implies a specific list of permitted and prohibited foods. Limited consumption of certain foods will be beneficial for any disease of the digestive system.

What foods are allowed to be consumed?

Acceptable products for exacerbation of pancreatitis and gastritis:

Honey for gastritis, enveloping the walls of the stomach, has a beneficial effect in any form of exacerbation. It has antibacterial, healing, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Honey components improve the digestive process and reduce acidity. Honey is a permitted product; you can only consume it one spoon a day on an empty stomach.

What foods are prohibited to eat?

The diet for gastritis and pancreatitis is more than strict; in justification, we note that compliance will show a fruitful result after a short period of time.

Prohibited products:

  • fatty fish and meat;
  • mushrooms;
  • cabbage, sorrel, spinach, radish, radishes, beans;
  • corn;
  • seeds and nuts;
  • sausages, smoked, canned, pickled products;
  • spices;
  • black bread;
  • butter and confectionery products, baked goods;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • coffee;
  • ice cream;
  • milk.

The menu seems varied, when eating monotonous food, nutritional deficiencies occur, and a deterioration in overall health is observed. There is no need to stop following the diet when the first improvements appear.

After the necessary examinations, the doctor will establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment, including proper nutrition. It is acceptable to eat a product from the permitted list, but you should not choose your own diet.

When preparing a diet, gastroenterologists initially rely on the level of acidity in the stomach. If it is elevated, you should limit the consumption of foods that provoke an increase; if the level is reduced, you should give preference to what will increase acid production.

Sample menu for the week

It is more convenient to create a sample menu for the week, making it easier to track the amount of ingredients consumed and compare the balance.

  • 1 meal: semolina porridge with water, tea, bread and butter;
  • snack: vegetable salad, still water;
  • Meal 2: vermicelli soup, baked rabbit meat with vegetable side dish, berry juice;
  • Meal 3: cottage cheese casserole, plantain broth;
  • before bed: a glass of kefir.
  • 1 meal: steam omelette, still mineral water;
  • snack: baked apple with honey, compote;
  • Meal 2: carrot soup with croutons, chicken pudding, green pea puree, cocoa drink;
  • Meal 3: meatballs, pumpkin puree, St. John's wort decoction;
  • before bed: a glass of cream.
  • 1 meal: cheesecakes, pear compote;
  • snack: a glass of kefir with dry cookies;
  • Meal 2: squash puree soup, steamed beef zrazy, side dish of pasta, unsweetened tea;
  • Meal 3: fish casserole, rosehip broth;
  • before bed: a glass of cream.
  • 1 meal: 2 soft-boiled eggs, cocoa drink;
  • snack: berry jelly with crackers;
  • Meal 2: semolina soup, boiled rabbit meat, carrot puree, tea;
  • Meal 3: chicken pudding, side dish of buckwheat porridge, fruit drink;
  • before bed: a glass of kefir.

  • 1 meal: rice porridge with water, tea;
  • snack: baked apple with honey;
  • Meal 2: chicken puree soup with croutons, steamed fish cutlets, side dish of buckwheat porridge, compote;
  • Meal 3: vegetable stew, plantain decoction;
  • before bed: a glass of cream.
  • 1 meal: cottage cheese, unsweetened tea, bread and butter;
  • snack: cottage cheese with sour cream;
  • Meal 2: soup with meatballs, boiled fish with a side dish of carrots, cocoa drink;
  • Meal 3: baked fish, side dish of pasta, oatmeal jelly;
  • before bed: a glass of kefir.
  • 1 meal: buckwheat porridge with water, jelly;
  • snack: a glass of kefir, crackers;
  • Meal 2: creamy rice soup, chicken stew with vegetables, tea;
  • Meal 3: baked zucchini, boiled beef, rosehip infusion;
  • before bed: a glass of cream.

The menu can be supplemented with products; it is not necessary to strictly follow the proposed diet.

Herbal decoctions for pancreatitis and gastritis

Since ancient times, grandmothers treated their relatives using herbal decoctions. For gastritis and pancreatitis, herbal decoctions excellently relieve inflammation and have healing properties.

It is acceptable to take in decoctions and tea form. You should be careful with ready-made teas sold in pharmacies. For example, chamomile tea contains cinnamon; this seasoning should not be used during inflammatory processes.

There are many recipes for preparing decoctions, but decoctions made with alcohol are extremely contraindicated. When choosing herbs, preference should be given to the following - plantain, rose hips, St. John's wort, yarrow. It is better to use diluted rather than concentrated.

Remember about the body’s intolerance to selected plants; at the first appearance of nausea, heartburn, vomiting, stop taking the decoction.


To normalize the digestive process, you need to follow a diet and help the digestive organs cope with their functions with the help of enzymes. Digestive disorders directly depend on the lack of essential substances. The consequence of enzyme deficiency is pancreatitis and gastritis.

Modern pharmaceutical medications prescribed by a doctor fully compensate for the necessary enzyme deficiency. The list of drugs on the market is wide.

Pancreatin is recognized as a popular medicinal enzyme. It restores the functioning of the pancreas, improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalizing the digestive process. An appointment is most often prescribed for errors in nutrition, before an ultrasound or x-ray examination, to normalize metabolism.

Pancreatin is part of well-known drugs - Mezim, Creon, Festal.

Do not self-medicate! If any symptoms appear, it is better to seek medical help; only the doctor will prescribe the medications necessary for a particular case. Even if it seems that the body is getting better, the digestive process is normalizing, but the symptoms do not go away completely - you will need to consult a doctor.

Why do you need a diet?

The diet for gastritis and pancreatitis is aimed at reducing inflammatory processes, sparing the digestive organs as much as possible, blocking painful attacks and preventing diseases from developing to the chronic stage.

The diet helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, does not allow harmful substances to enter the body, and restores the acid-base balance in the gastric mucosa.

Complications possible if the diet is not followed

Nutrition for gastritis and pancreatitis can normalize digestive processes in a short period of time. If you make mistakes during diet therapy, allowing you to indulge in foods from the prohibited list, gastritis and pancreatitis will go into the chronic stage or even into oncology.

Despite the massive spread of diseases among the population, people rarely monitor their diet, leaving things to chance. From the outside it seems that gastritis and pancreatitis are harmless. Remember, the appearance of symptoms of illness signals that you need to seek medical help and adjust the menu based on recommendations.

It is much easier to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right than to try to cure advanced diseases.

People suffering from gastritis and disorders of the gastric mucosa are common in the modern world. But usually they also have other side gastrointestinal diseases. Dietary nutrition for each patient is selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the body. Let's figure out which fruits and berries can be consumed and which are contraindicated for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.

Many people suffering from gastritis are interested in the question of whether they eat fruit when they are sick. An unhealthy stomach reacts to spicy, sour, salty, cold, hot. But dessert sweet fruits are included in the diet of patients. After all, nutrition should be balanced, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Fruits contain pectin, a polysaccharide component of plant materials. It contains gelling agents. Pectin is not digested in the stomach, but cleanses it of toxins.

Vitamin-mineral complexes purchased at the pharmacy do not provide the same benefits as natural products. In addition, it is difficult to give up your favorite apples, which the patient has become accustomed to since childhood. And you shouldn’t force your body. All fruits are beneficial in minimal doses. For hyperecidal gastritis, put a small piece of lemon in your tea. A slice of exotic fruit will add a unique taste and aroma to the drink. Delicious food causes a person's appetite.

You can and should eat fruits for gastritis, but just choose the right types and varieties.

Fruits from the area in which a person lives are healthier to eat.

Overseas exotic fruits can be eaten if they are absorbed by the body. Various delicious dietary dishes are prepared from the fruits.

What fruits do you eat for any form of gastritis?

  1. Bananas− this is a universal product. Many dietary dishes are prepared from them. Monkey food is rich in vitamins C, B, U. They also contain minerals: potassium, magnesium. Due to the high content of vitamin E in the pulp, stomach cells are renewed. Bananas are eaten raw even during exacerbations of gastritis. Various purees are prepared from them in combination with other sour fruits. Bananas are also added to cottage cheese casseroles, oatmeal, and kefir. The pulp of the fruit sweetens the taste of dishes.
  1. and cherries− used for any form of gastritis. The berries are rich in iron, which is useful for the form of the disease accompanied by anemia. The fruits are eaten fresh or added to compotes.
  2. Watermelons- eat in limited quantities. The pulp of the huge berry removes toxins from the diseased organ. But a large portion of watermelon causes heaviness in the stomach.

For hypoacid gastritis

With reduced acidity of gastric juice, stimulation of hydrochloric acid is activated. The products are ground in a blender or on a grater. Fruit puree is made from several types of fruits, but it can also be made from one. The thick skin of the fruit is peeled off.

Fragrant exotic fruits are consumed for hypoacid gastritis.

  1. A pineapple– drink juice from it little by little after meals. It activates the production of hydrochloric acid.
  2. Pomegranate, its freshly squeezed juice will also be beneficial. The drink restores the gastric mucosa.
  3. Citrus− very useful for hypoacid gastritis. They have antioxidant properties, prevent diseased cells from degenerating into malignant ones, and restore the gastric mucosa.
  4. Persimmon− has antibacterial properties. During remission of the disease, eat one or two ripe fruits per day.
  5. Feijoa− the iodine content is not inferior to seafood. Pureed fruits are added to various dishes and drinks.
  6. Dried fruits(, dried apricots) - well steamed, added to porridge. It is better to cook compote from apples and pears. The drink retains vitamins: C and B2.
  7. − rich in vitamins and tannins. But the fruit is consumed in minimal quantities, several small pieces per day. Tannin contained in pear causes irritation of the mucous membrane.
  8. Sweet and sour apples− saturate the body with vitamins and increase the content of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
  9. You should also eat with caution: they stimulate the production of gastric juice, but are a strong allergen.
  10. Apricots− eat in limited quantities. The tender, orange pulp of apricot is rich in carotenoids, but also contains hydrocyanic acid.

Again, the individual characteristics of the patient’s body are taken into account. For example, persimmons and apricots have a laxative effect on the intestines. The fruits are suitable for people suffering from constipation.

  1. , currants (black and white)− contain vitamin C and pectin. But they cannot be used in their pure form. They have many seeds and rough skin. But the juice is squeezed out of the berries and sweet jelly is prepared. Jam is added to various drinks, puree soups, and sauces.
  2. Strawberry Raspberry− have an anti-inflammatory effect. But they are also not recommended fresh, due to the abundance of seeds in them. They are added to compotes and jelly.
  3. Blueberry contains a substance called secretin, which helps digest food in the stomach. Medicinal teas are prepared from forest gifts.

During exacerbations of gastritis, fruits are eaten only boiled or steamed.

With increased acidity of gastric juice

In case of increased acidity of gastric juice, the temperature regime of food is strictly observed. Eat sweet fruits, grated and at a neutral temperature. Sour apples and citrus fruits are allowed, outside the acute phase.

Fruits are best added to other dishes: jellies, puddings, compotes, desserts.

  1. Sweet apples, like . They normalize the body's metabolic processes and remove excess cholesterol. They are good baked, with honey and cinnamon; puree.
  2. Pineapples− the pulp of the exotic fruit has an alkaline reaction, which helps reduce the acidity of gastric juice. The pulp of a ripe pineapple is eaten before meals.
  3. Pumpkin. The huge berry is very healing. Its pulp contains little roughly digestible fiber. Vitamin T promotes better absorption of food and reduces stomach acidity. Many dishes are prepared from pumpkin pulp: puree soups, desserts, and added to porridge. Freshly squeezed juice from the pulp of the berry cleanses the entire body. Pumpkin keeps well frozen. Fresh whole fruits are stored until spring, even in an apartment.
  4. Plum− the viscous pulp of the fruit removes toxic substances from the stomach. Pairs with many dishes, including meat ones.
  5. Juicy and soft pears, like . These gifts of nature have an anti-inflammatory effect and are rich in tannins. Tannin has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa, removes inflammatory processes, and reduces acidity.
  6. Avocado contains vitamin E and vegetable oils. Recommended even for stomach ulcers.

For chronic gastritis

The chronic stage of gastritis is characterized by constant manifestation of the disease. With such a pathology of the stomach, sour fruits are excluded. The fruits are consumed exclusively in pureed form, without peel. They are eaten in small portions, in several sittings.

  1. Banana eat fifteen minutes before meals. Thanks to the starch found in its pulp, the gastric mucosa is carefully coated. Banana is rich in magnesium and vitamin B6. These ingredients improve mood and relieve depression, which often accompanies patients.
  2. Apples− fresh sweet seasonal varieties of apples, pureed. Overseas fruits treated with a special compound are not suitable for long-term storage. They often cause allergic reactions.
  3. Pears− tone and strengthen the walls of the stomach, have astringent properties. The fruits contain a shock dose of vitamins and pectin.
  4. Persimmon− in mature form, soft varieties. Due to its viscous consistency, the pulp envelops the gastric mucosa. The fruit is rich in iodine and has a general strengthening effect on the body.

  1. Melon− this melon culture should be used with caution for gastritis. The fruit contains many difficult-to-digest acids.
  2. Grape− causes fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract. Fresh grapes are strictly contraindicated for gastritis.
  3. Kiwi− contains many small seeds and coarse fiber.

Unripe fruits of any kind should not be consumed. Rotten fruits cause fermentation in the intestines, so they are also prohibited.

Keep a diary monitor how your body reacts to a particular type of food. Gradually, you will choose an individual menu for yourself.

Diet and nutrition play a significant role in the prevention or treatment of gastritis. Therefore, changes in diet may help manage some of the discomfort associated with this condition.

Fruits for gastritis may cause additional stomach discomfort, bloating or heartburn, and worsen any pre-existing gastritis symptoms.

It may take time to determine which foods (berries, fruits or vegetables, for example) are aggravating your symptoms. The practice of keeping a food and symptom diary can help with this.

In other words, if a person is able to tolerate a food without any discomfort or worsening of symptoms, then this food can be included in his diet.

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What fruits and vegetables can you eat if you have gastritis? Most fruits and vegetables are nutrient-dense, relatively low in calories, and can be an excellent source of fiber.

If a person has gastritis, he can eat a wide variety of fruits. In fact, he may find that he can eat any fruit or vegetable without flare-ups.

Even citrus fruits for gastritis will not have too negative an effect on the stomach if consumed in limited quantities.

While most common fruits and vegetables that people eat tend not to aggravate their stomach during gastritis, some sufferers may still find that spicy, acidic or gas-forming foods cause a certain feeling of discomfort in the upper abdomen.

So, if a person finds that they have a stomach ache or discomfort after eating spicy tomato sauce, acidic fruits such as citrus fruits, or common gas-producing foods (such as broccoli or beans), they may need to eliminate any foods (berries, fruits, vegetables, etc.) that have a negative effect on the stomach wall.

Breads and cereals are usually well tolerated and often do not worsen gastritis symptoms.

Dietary fiber and unprocessed grains such as brown rice, barley, quinoa and oatmeal are healthy and can help improve bowel movements.

Other useful products of this type are:

  • whole wheat bread;
  • flat rice cakes and crackers;
  • pasta;
  • corn flour.

Because fatty foods stay in the stomach longer, some people notice frequent indigestion or heartburn symptoms when eating high-fat foods, such as a variety of sauces, mayonnaise, or fried toast and croutons.

Dairy products, including milk, yogurt and cheese, are often well tolerated by the body and generally do not worsen gastritis symptoms. However, it is recommended to choose low-fat dairy products whenever possible.

Water is an essential nutrient, and the recommended amount of fluid is essential for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as it helps the body rid itself of waste and toxins.

Pure water is an optimal drink that fills the body, contains no sweeteners and does not cause stomach irritation.

Most other drinks are also easily tolerated by people with gastritis, including non-acidic fruit juices and herbal teas.

Gastritis can be quite a serious condition and can sometimes cause ulcers or bleeding.

In this case, you should immediately seek medical help (especially if shortness of breath, dizziness, weakness, pallor, vomiting or blood in the stool occurs).

If a person has problems with intolerance to many foods and finds it difficult to choose a diet on his own, his doctor may refer him to a nutritionist for professional advice and help.

People who suffer from high levels of gastric acidity should consume berries, fruits, vegetables and other foods with extreme caution.

This especially applies to sour cherries, sour apples, currants, and gooseberries. Various citrus fruits (tangerines, grapefruits, oranges, etc.), cauliflower and asparagus are also included in this list.

On the eve of some holidays, many people are interested, in particular, is it possible to eat tangerines for gastritis?

If you really want to eat the listed fruits, you can eat a small amount of them, but only half an hour after eating, otherwise the effect of fruit acid will lead to an increase in the already high acidity of the stomach.

This can become an impetus for the development and exacerbation of the inflammatory process in the wall of the stomach, or the formation of ulcerative pathology.

What fruits can you have for gastritis?

Sweet varieties of fruits or berry mixtures made from them, fruit marmalade, marshmallows, pectin-based marshmallows, homemade jam and fruit jam are allowed for consumption.

The beneficial properties of permitted fruits and vegetables are described below.

Pears are one of the many fruits consumed by the average person. However, when a person is sick, what then? Is it possible to eat pears if gastritis is detected?

Pear can be consumed, however, only not during the peak of the disease. When the exacerbation passes, you can think about prevention and the consolidation stage. This is where the pear is needed.

It is important to note that pears are rich in vitamins and nutrients that can consolidate the results of therapy and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

For gastritis with a low level of acidity, there are more strict limits, that is, it is necessary to reduce pear consumption to a minimum.

When acidity in the stomach increases, it is preferable to eat not only pears, but also ripe and sweet varieties of apples.

During acute gastritis, apples can also be consumed after cutting off the peel. In this form they can be baked or pureed.

What vegetables can you eat if you have gastritis with high acidity? Many orange vegetables contain beta-carotene, which helps protect the lining of the esophagus and stomach from various irritants.

High-fiber vegetables include zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, yellow peppers, yellow tomatoes, sweet potatoes and sweet corn.

While most of these vegetables are digestible without causing too much gas or stomach irritation, a person should be careful when consuming tomatoes, corn and peppers, which do increase gas levels in some people.

Red vegetables, which contain a lot of fiber, help a sick person with gastritis and can even protect him from certain types of cancer.

Safe red vegetables for a diet with gastritis or pancreatitis include beets and red potatoes.

Many other red vegetables, such as red cabbage, red peppers and radishes, can promote flatulence and slightly irritate the stomach lining.

A food diary can help a person determine which vegetables he can normally digest and which ones he will leave in his diet if he has gastritis.

It is advisable to boil vegetables before eating them to ease the work of the stomach and make foods (fruits and vegetables) easier to digest.

Prohibited Products

Fruits such as lemons, oranges, limes and tangerines for gastritis are prohibited for patients with gastritis. They should also not be mixed with tea or other drinks.

When using them, heartburn and pain in the stomach area will be constant companions for patients. Also, many people are interested in whether grapefruit can be consumed for gastritis? The answer is clear - no.

Is it possible to eat tangerines with gastritis? Although tangerines are quite healthy, in many cases their consumption is contraindicated, in particular in the presence of gastritis with high acidity and peptic ulcers.

This fruit irritates the stomach wall. At the same time, if you have gastritis with low acidity, you can eat tangerines in small quantities.

If a person has even minor problems with the gastrointestinal tract, he should not eat grapes.

Everyone believes that grapes are a non-sour product that contains extremely useful elements and vitamins.

In a word, it is generally accepted that grapes are allowed to be eaten during gastritis, but only in small quantities.

However, even when some people say that grapes can be eaten with gastritis and high acidity and that grapes have no effect on the stomach wall, in any case, eating them will cause discomfort.

The fact is that grapes take quite a long time to digest, then begin to ferment, and after that they provoke a feeling of discomfort, colic, heartburn, nausea, bloating, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms.

That is, grapes tend to “ferment,” thereby causing many unpleasant manifestations. It should not be used during exacerbation of gastritis.

Thus, although for gastritis with a low level of acidity, acid-containing fruits are allowed, only grapes and melon are prohibited foods.

Like tangerines and grapes, melon is extremely undesirable for gastritis; the latter is another very difficult product. It takes a lot of energy to digest even a small piece of it.

Because of this, food in the stomach area begins to ferment. In this regard, for gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is not recommended to eat fruit such as melon.

There is no need to risk your health for one short-term pleasure.

Melons also have a fairly strong laxative effect and also cause increased production of gastric juice.

But even those who have low acidity are also not recommended to eat them. Among other things, this fruit can cause severe allergic reactions.

It is known that one way to reduce the pain of hyperacid gastritis is to avoid foods and drinks that can increase stomach acidity.

Some fruits promote the secretion of stomach acid, so a person should avoid them when treating gastritis.

Citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines, limes and lemons are good examples of such fruits. The patient should also avoid tomatoes and grapefruits.

These sour fruits can worsen gastritis symptoms and also cause acid reflux and heartburn.

Stomach irritation from foods, including acidic citrus fruits, can cause stomach pain.

However, pain can also be associated with more serious conditions and illnesses, such as stomach ulcers.

For this reason, if citrus fruits aggravate the condition of the gastric mucosa, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Since grapefruit has an approximate pH of 3.375, it is considered a very acidic fruit. A person needs to think twice before eating grapefruit if they have gastritis or reflux.

Green vegetables that are high in fiber include Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, artichokes, asparagus, green peppers, green beans and onions.

Unfortunately, these vegetables can cause bloating because they increase the amount of acid produced in the stomach, which leads to irritation of the stomach wall.

Therefore, you should not eat them when the first signs of gastritis are detected. In addition, you should avoid purple asparagus and cabbage because all such foods can increase the production of digestive gases.

If you have gastritis and pancreatitis, you should also not eat white vegetables, which can increase the release of gas during digestion (turnips, cauliflower and onions).

It is important to stop adding spices to dishes, as this increases the likelihood of irritation of the stomach lining.

At the same time, it is important to remember that each person’s body is individual.

Some people may experience a violent reaction even after eating healthy fruits such as bananas and strawberries, while others will feel better after eating these fruits.

In this case, it is important to know which foods (fruits and vegetables, first of all) can cause discomfort and discomfort in the stomach (especially during exacerbation of gastritis or pancreatitis).

It is also worth asking which fruits and vegetables are categorically unacceptable when gastritis with low or high acidity appears.

It is always necessary to first consult with a specialist if any suspicious symptoms associated with gastrointestinal problems occur.

Under no circumstances should you practice self-medication, practice a questionable diet, or eat berries, fruits and vegetables at random.

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Dietary nutrition and drug therapy are the main components of the treatment regimen for inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

Vegetables and fruits should be present in the diet for gastritis, since they have the ability to enhance the activity of digestive juices. The main thing is to know which of them are allowed, and which ones should be excluded or limited.


  • , zucchini, carrots.
  • Onions can only be eaten boiled or baked. Raw vegetables can cause severe burns to the stomach walls.
  • Cucumbers can only be consumed without peel and grated.


  • Bell pepper. Contains substances that irritate the gastric mucosa and can cause exacerbation of gastritis.
  • , rutabaga, turnip, radish.
  • Spinach, sorrel, radish, lettuce, horseradish.

Fruits for gastritis


  • Plums. Very useful for gastritis if you eat fruits with soft skin. You should not eat unripe or overripe plums - they can interfere with acidity. Before eating, the fruits must be thoroughly washed and the peel removed so as not to damage the mucous membrane; the daily amount of plums should not exceed 3-4 pieces. Jelly, juices and compotes from plums also have a good effect on the stomach.
  • Watermelon with gastritis. Watermelon fiber stimulates intestinal function, removes toxins and excess fluid, and provides the body with a sufficient amount of easily digestible sugar. It is advisable to avoid excessive filling of the stomach, which causes stretching of the walls of the diseased organ; it is better to limit yourself to 2-3 lobules per day.
  • . For gastritis, the fruit is extremely useful. In case of increased secretion, you need to eat sweet and ripe varieties, in the acute period - without peel, baked or grated. In case of insufficient secretion, sour varieties should be consumed, also baked.
  • . Allowed in the absence of severe dyspepsia (diarrhea, bloating, flatulence). Bananas are rich in beneficial microelements and vitamins, they improve intestinal function and mineral metabolism, and contribute to the improvement of intestinal microflora.
  • . You can eat while in remission. Pears contain a lot of tanning and astringent elements that have an anti-inflammatory and strengthening effect. Ripe pears stimulate metabolism and prevent diarrhea.
  • Black currant. Promotes metabolic processes, improves the body's immune response, and has a positive effect on the mucous membranes with low acidity.
  • Strawberry, cherry. They have a beneficial effect on the stomach, normalize metabolism, and prevent constipation.


  • . Both the grapes themselves and grape juice are prohibited. Thick skins and the fermentation process inherent in grapes increase acidity and irritate the gastric mucosa.
  • Melon. A plant product that is difficult to digest. In addition, it causes fermentation and negatively affects the gallbladder and pancreas;
  • Pomegranates, pineapple, avocado, oranges, grapefruits, peaches.
  • Lemons, apricots, kiwi, gooseberries, raspberries.