Shower      06/15/2019

How to make a transparent slime. How to make a slime: video and photo instructions. How to make a slime with PVA glue and toothpaste

In the late 90s of the twentieth century, the cartoon "Ghostbusters" was released. The most interesting hero was Lizun - a pretty green ghost. It was small, but very gluttonous.

The viewer liked Lizun so much that he became the prototype of an interesting toy, which both children and adults are delighted with. The toy has become very popular, and many craftsmen already know how to make a slime at home.

During fun with a slime, the vestibular apparatus, fine motor skills and motor activity develop well. This will help small toy owners in development, and adults in warming up.

Playing with a slime is fun, but you need to remember to throw it on a surface that is painted water-based paint, or on any other non-washable surface. It leaves a greasy trail.

You can not only play with a toy, but also grow it, and even multiply it. Slimes can get pregnant. Their "pregnancy" looks like a bubble a few millimeters inside. In order for reproduction to be successful, the slime must be removed to a dark place until a descendant appears.

Easy Slime Making Recipe

One of the simplest and easiest recipes is to make toys from water and starch. To do this, you need to take the ingredients in the same amount and mix. Color can be given with brilliant green, food coloring or gouache. Before you make a slime from water and starch, you should think again - the ease of manufacture affects its appearance and jumping ability.

temporary toy

Before you make a soda slime, you need to pay attention to the fact that it loses its plasticity after 3 days, but it can be made very quickly. Such a toy is good if the child quickly gets bored with everything. Lizun from soda will not have time to get bored, but if the children do not have time to play enough of them, it can be quickly rebuilt.

How to make slime from soda? Prepare first necessary materials and utensils. For manufacturing you will need:

  • capacity (you can use the bottom of a plastic bottle);
  • stirring stick;
  • cup;
  • soda - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 100 g;
  • glue (preferably PVA) - 50 g;
  • dye.

The glue is mixed with half the water. The mixture should be homogeneous and thick. The color resembles milk or cream. In order for the toy to turn out to be colored, a dye is added. It is better to take food coloring - so the slime will turn out to be translucent. Separately, in a glass, dilute soda in the rest of the water. Pour the soda solution into the colored glue mixture and mix well. After the substance begins to thicken, it is removed from the container and checked how soft it is. The toy is ready, and now it can be used for its intended purpose.

Toy made of water and borax

Many people ask the question “How to create a dense toy, what components will be needed?” So how do you make a slime? Sodium tetraborate for its manufacture will need a little, and you can find it in almost any pharmacy. Making a toy at home with your own hands is not difficult if you have the following components:

  • sodium tetraborate or, as it is also called, borax (you can buy it at a pharmacy without a prescription, you will need a powder or solution of 4%);
  • PVA glue - it is important that it is not dried;
  • room temperature water - a little more than a glass;
  • dye - food coloring, brilliant green or gouache;
  • mixing bowl and stick.

The same amount of PVA glue is poured into a quarter cup of water at room temperature. Then you need to add dye. Gently stirring, introduce sodium tetraborate. The solution will need half a cup. If powder is used for preparation, then first 1 tablespoon of the component is dissolved in water.

Slime without dye

You can make a toy without using dye. How? Make slime out of shampoo. The color will be the same as the shampoo.

For cooking you will need:

  1. Glue "Titan" (300 g) - you can buy it in hardware stores.
  2. Shampoo (200 g) - you can use cheap shampoo, it is not necessary to take an expensive one.

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed until the substance reaches the desired consistency.

Making a toy in this way is very simple and fast, besides, it has good view and comfortable while playing. Before making a slime from shampoo, select its color. Get creative - add glitter!

alcohol slime

A beautiful and interesting toy is obtained from alcohol and borax. To create it you will need:

  • polyvinyl alcohol (sold in powder form);
  • borax or borax;
  • dye;
  • water.

To begin with, alcohol powder is mixed with water and put on fire. Boil a solution of polyvinyl alcohol for 45 minutes over low heat. While the alcohol is brewing, it should be constantly stirred so that it does not burn.

When the alcohol is ready, you need to put it to cool to room temperature. In the meantime, you can work on the rest of the components. Borax is dissolved in water. For a glass of water, you need 1-2 tablespoons of the powder. The crystals should dissolve well in water.

Now you can mix polyvinyl alcohol and borax solution. They are combined in a ratio of 3 to 1 - 1 part of the borax solution is taken for 3 parts of alcohol.

Lizun from plasticine

How to make a slime without glue? One of the solutions will be this way. You will need edible gelatin, plasticine and water. You need to mix 1 tablespoon of gelatin with a glass of water. Bring gelatin and water to a boil and set aside.

The disadvantage of such a slime is that it is not very elastic and has a specific smell of plasticine.

A simple starch option

Before making a slime from water, starch and glue, prepare all the ingredients and fixtures. You will need:

  • water;
  • liquid starch (not food, but the one with which things are bleached);
  • glue;
  • dye;
  • sachet.

First, water and glue are mixed. Liquid starch and dye for color are added to them. Everything is mixed well and sent in a plastic bag. In the bag, the whole mixture mixes well. Water may remain during cooking. It's not scary. A well-mixed slime must be removed from the package, after which it will flow around and be ready for games. By the way, this recipe is good for someone who is looking for how to make slime without sodium.

edible slime

For those with a sweet tooth, there is an edible slime recipe. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • condensed milk - 1 can of 400 grams;
  • corn starch - 1 tablespoon;
  • food coloring.

The cooking process begins with the fact that the condensed milk is poured into a saucepan. Corn starch is added to it. A saucepan with condensed milk and starch is put on fire. The mixture is boiled, stirring constantly.

When the milk with starch thickens, it is removed from the fire. Food coloring is added to the mixture. The amount of dye depends on how saturated the color is to be obtained (about 10-15 drops).

After this, the slime must be cooled. Now you can play with it or eat it. If the slime was prepared for food, it is not worth decorating it with sparkles or other inedible materials.

How to decorate slime

Making a slime with your own hands is a great pleasure, and if it is beautiful and not like everyone else, the child will also be proud of his abilities.

You can decorate it by adding spangles of various sizes, shapes and colors, small beads and various figures to the mass during cooking. Give personality and the use of several colors.

Before making a slime from water and other materials, think over its appearance and start cooking. Decoration ideas may come to mind during its creation, embody them!

In addition to appearance, the toy may also smell differently. To do this, add a few drops of perfume to it or essential oils. Fantasize and embody these fantasies by making a toy. Making a slime at home is not just about using template recipes. This is the embodiment of their creative ideas.

How to prolong the life of a toy

  1. It is better to store the "ghost" in a box or jar, you can use a regular plastic bag if there is no suitable place.
  2. Keep slime away sun rays and warmth. It is better to store it in a dark and cool place.
  3. Lizun does not like to lie idle. The more they play with him, the longer he will live.
  4. You can not wash a homemade slime. It can lose its properties and deteriorate.

Liquid slime and its recovery

Liquid slime, or chewing gum for hands, easily stretches over the entire hand, like a glove. In addition, such a slime can be poured. If you know how to make a slime out of water and baking soda or starch, it won't be difficult. You just need to experiment with consistency.

An already hardened toy is also renewed with water. To do this, water is introduced gently drop by drop and knead the slime well. Only the one that contains water can be restored in this way.

Before you make a homemade slime, you need to consider that the toy may not work the first time. But this is not at all a reason to be upset.

Experiment with the components and their quantity and you will surely succeed! Of course, you can buy a ready-made toy, but playing with your own work is much more interesting.

Lizun is one of the favorite children's toys. It has the consistency of soft chewing gum, but does not stick to hands.

Due to the fact that a variety of ingredients can be included in such a mixture, you will spend only a few minutes to "grow" a slime at home on your own. This is done very simply, and even the children themselves will be happy to participate in the work.

Let's find out some of the most simple ways and life hacks on how to make slime at home.

Glue Slime Recipes

The most common option is the use of glue. Thanks to this component, the slime does not break and retains its shape. What kind of glue can you make a slime with?
Here are the three most popular options:

  • you can see how to make a slime with clear PVA glue or white glue;
  • in the work you can use a glue stick;
  • super-strong glue-moment is also suitable, but it should be handled with extreme care.

The first simple way that we will talk about is a slime made from sodium tetraborate, PVA glue and water.

You will need one hundred grams of fresh glue, a 4% sodium solution, and a coloring ingredient like gouache or brilliant green.

Pour ¼ cup plain water into a special cooking bowl. It is better to hold it in advance room conditions to get a warm temperature.

Next, pour in the glue until a thick consistency is formed. After the glue, tetraborate (the whole vial) and the coloring component are added. All that remains after adding the ingredients is to wrap the mixture in cellophane and mash. Slime is ready!

Now let's find out how to make Velcro from stationery and silicate glue. This method is not so popular, but it allows you to get an equally high-quality toy.

In addition to glue, use alcohol and a coloring ingredient.

Mix alcohol and glue in equal parts (you can take vodka, but then it should be one and a half times more).

Color the mixture in the desired color, stir, remove from the container - and wash under cold water. After hardening with a slime, you can play.

Do you know how to make a licker out of glue and shampoo? If you decide to use this recipe, choose Titanium glue, as it will allow the slime to retain its strength for a long time.

Add shampoo to the bag - and immediately fill it with glue (it should be one and a half times more). Tie up the bag and shake. This will give you an even mixture that will thicken in just a few minutes.

A detailed video on how to make slime from titanium glue:

Many are interested in how to make a transparent slime without sodium tetraborate. This component at home can be replaced with soda. And if you add dyes, our slime will be colored.

What we need: half a glass of soda, one hundred ml of glue, half as much water, dyes, a couple of containers and a wooden stick for kneading.

Let's make it from PVA glue and soda:

  • make the glue more liquid with water (for example, by mixing 100 and 15 ml);
  • color the mixture (food coloring will not stain your hands);
  • stir your workpiece until the paint dissolves;
  • Mix water and baking soda separately. Pour the finished porridge to the rest of the ingredients;
  • mix the mass thoroughly, wrap in a film or cellophane - and shake;
  • if you want the slime to thicken more, keep shaking or stirring. You can try adding more baking soda and glue.

Remember! It is better to store such a slime in a closed container, as it has a short service life, and without proper conditions it will deteriorate even faster.

Don't have PVA glue on hand? Not scary! There is another very simple way to make a lick stick from a glue stick. Watch the video recipe - we can do without PVA glue:

Of course, glue is far from the only component that allows you to get the right consistency for a slime toy. Below you will find many more interesting ways and a video on how to make a slime without sodium tetraborate and PVA glue with your own hands.

On shampoo and gel

Let's talk about a few popular ideas on how to make a lick from shampoo at home.

The first way - the recipe consists of shampoo, water and soda. Mix the components in equal proportions, add paint or brilliant green, traditionally wrap this mixture - and knead in cellophane.

After that, it will be possible to try the slime for quality.

A similar method involves the use of not soda, but salt. Watch the video on how to make a toy from shampoo, water and salt:

As you understand, in such recipes important role plays a component that allows the shampoo to thicken a little.

What to use for such an effect depends only on your imagination. For example, it is easy to guess that you can mix shampoo with flour.

What is needed for such a toy: fifteen gr. shampoo, one hundred gr. flour of any kind, as well as one hundred gr. slightly warm water. We start by mixing the dye and shampoo in a warm liquid.

Later, add the sifted flour - and knead the doughy mass. The desired consistency will be obtained fairly quickly.

Attention! Slime made from shampoo and flour is greasy and can leave stubborn marks on light-colored materials.

Instead of flour, you can use starch. How to make slime from starch and shampoo - see the following video:

Since shampoo and others household products for personal care have a similar consistency, you can easily replace it with something else or even mix several different preparations at once.

Here is one way to make a real slime from shower gel and shampoo: these ingredients will be kneaded in equal proportions.

Advice: do not use a gel with small granular particles that has a scrub effect.

Knead the future anti-stress toy from these products and put it in the cold for about an hour. After that, you can use the mass for its intended purpose. But keep in mind that with increasing temperature, its viscosity will decrease.

After playing, the slime should be sent to the refrigerator.

How to make slime out of washing gel? To make it last longer, use glue. Mix these ingredients, color the mass if necessary and mix thoroughly. That's all.

It remains only to hold it in the refrigerator for a while.

By the way, it’s easy to make a slime from foam or shaving gel with your own hands. Here is one of those ways:

How to make toothpaste

One of the easiest ways involves using toothpaste.

Take a not very liquid paste (white is better not to take) and pour into a container. Add glue in the same amount there. Knead this mass, adding glue if necessary.

Stir as long as possible: this will affect the density and viscosity. After kneading, the slime will be ready.

Below you can watch a video recipe on how to make a slime from toothpaste with your own hands:

Soap and detergent recipes

Let's start with a description of an anti-stress toy made from detergent and soda. Most often, soda is taken for him, as well as water and Fairy. Use gouache to get the desired color.

In a pre-prepared container, add dishwashing detergent - and begin to thicken it, gradually adding soda.

If you find that the slime is too thick, add water to get the opposite effect. When adding ingredients, do not stop stirring the mass.

The licker will be ready even when room temperature, it is not necessary to send it to the cold.

And here's how to make it from liquid soap and salt:

For an even thicker consistency, you can also use as the main ingredient toothpaste. See for yourself how you can make a cool licker out of soap, paste and water:

On washing powder

Powder is an ingredient that can be found in every apartment. The peculiarity of this recipe is that not any kind of powder is suitable for us.

It is better to use liquid products: dry powder will have to be pre-kneaded with water until the desired consistency is obtained.

It’s easy to figure out how to make a lick yourself out of Persil, Tide and any other laundry powder: in addition, we will use glue and dye.

Remember! This procedure must be carried out with gloves so that the powder does not damage the delicate skin of the hands.

Where to begin? Choose a mixing bowl and add a quarter cup of glue to it. Immediately drop a little coloring ingredient and mix it with PVA.

After that, add two large spoons of liquid powder and begin to knead the product until it is sticky and thick. To slightly reduce the density, add more powder.

Now, with gloves, start kneading the finished mass like dough. Remove the formed liquid. You will get a slime that looks like rubber. It must be stored in a closed container in the cold.

Flour method

When we make a toy at home, together with children, it is very important to think about safety. A simple and safe option is a recipe with flour.

Attention! To color such a slime, you should choose only high-quality natural ingredients.

Before you make a craft from flour and water, prepare everything you need: about 0.4 kg of flour, as well as separately cold and warm water. Pour the flour into a container, after sifting. Add to it 0.25 cups of low temperature water.

Immediately add the same amount of warm liquid. Let's start mixing.

We add a little dye: a couple of droplets is enough.

Our slime will become sticky, so put it in the cold for four hours before playing. After that, the mass will be viscous, dense enough and pleasant to the touch.

plasticine slime

A fairly simple instruction on how to make a slime yourself from plasticine, gelatin and water will help you quickly prepare a new one. interesting toy for your child.

Take about one hundred and twenty grams of plasticine, one small package of gelatin and half a glass of water. First, make the gelatine into jelly according to package directions. When the jelly is still warm, pour the hot liquid into another container.

At the same time, boil water, reduce the gas - and start dipping crushed plasticine there. Stir the water during the process.

After the plasticine fragments have melted, add gelatin. Stir the prepared anti-stress mass again. After a couple of days, you can play with it.

Attention! Plasticine slime paints hands, so be careful.

If desired, a fluorescent-type paint can be added to the mixture at the mixing stage. Then the slime will be bright in the dark.

Another way is on the video: from it you will learn how to make a slime from plasticine:

Other recipes

There are many more ways to create such bright toys: you can learn how to make a liquid slime from water and paint, hand cream, eye drops, glycerin, dough, lipstick.

From some ingredients, you can get edible slimes: for example, from watermelons, nutella, mashmellow, chewing gum. And here are some more ideas on how to make slimes at home.

Video on how to make an edible slime at home:

How to make a nail polish slime: Mix fresh glue with a few drops of nail polish. After mixing, add a few drops of tetraborate from a pipette.

Stir again. After the mixture begins to acquire a thick consistency, put it out of the container on the polyethylene. Roll up and start kneading from side to side by hand.

In the future, if you lose shape, you can leave the slime in the refrigerator.

And here's how easy it is to make slime from boric acid:

There is a way in which you can easily and simply make your own glass slime without color. It will be obtained from one hundred grams of polyvinyl alcohol and twenty-five grams of 4% tetraborate.

Add borax to the alcohol and start stirring quickly until the mass thickens completely. You don’t have to add additional ingredients: the transparent toy will be ready.

By the way, the slime prepared according to this recipe is non-toxic and is much more suitable for children than similar purchased toys of an incomprehensible composition.

How to care

How to care for a slime at home so that it lasts for a long time? Periodically you can wipe them with alcohol. Do not dip them in water or wash them under a tap.

To maintain the desired consistency, you can use a syringe to add alcohol, water and other components inside.

Children really like this toy, and there is nothing surprising in it: pleasant to the touch, bright slimes coolly creep along the wall, separate and gather.

Such a toy not only charges with positive, but also develops dexterity, motor skills and other skills. And it even relieves nervous tension, so you can join the kids and play together!

Watch a video on how to make an anti-stress slime yourself - three more ways:

Let's talk about the favorite toy of all children - the slime! A toy with such an unattractive name is a sticky-wet, jelly-like mass of bright color and odorless. Lizun does not mold like plasticine, although it has a certain plasticity, but it adheres well to surfaces, slowly sliding off them. This ability and pleasant to the touch texture have made this seemingly unremarkable mass one of the most famous inventions in the gaming industry.

The history of handgam

The ancestor of the substance, known in the countries of the former USSR under the name "lizun", was an acid-green slime toy, which was produced by the Slime company.

The name "lizun" stuck to the slime after the release of the film "Ghostbusters" on television. The ghost, after whom this jelly-like toy was named, had a shape similar to it.

The beneficial effect of handgam on the development of the child

Another of the names of this sensational sticky plasticine is hendgam, which means "hand" and "chewing gum" in translation.

Scientists who have studied the handgam claim that playing with it has a beneficial effect on development fine motor skills hands and can serve as a relaxing massage.

So, how to please a child with such a wonderful toy that develops imagination and motor skills? Of course, you can go and buy it in almost any store, but it's safer and more interesting to make it yourself.

About how to make a slime at home without or with it with your own hands, and will be discussed in our article.

Safety rules for the manufacture of handgam

Before you learn from sodium tetraborate, let's get acquainted with the basic safety rules, as their failure to comply can be fraught with serious health problems:

Wear an apron (or clothing that you don't mind) and gloves, as you will be using dyes when working.

If you are making "smart" plasticine together with your child, make sure that glue and borax do not get into his stomach. If these ingredients are ingested, rinse and consult a doctor.

For the mixture of ingredients, use dishes from which, after the completion of the process, you will not eat.

The shelf life of a homemade slime can be from a week to two weeks, depending on the ingredients that make up its composition.

Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after playing.

How to make such a toy with your own hands at home? Slime without sodium tetraborate or with it is made in approximately the same way, as will be described later in the article. The safety precautions are the same for all methods.

We make "smart" plasticine from sodium tetraborate

There are many ways to make handgam yourself, today we will analyze the most common of them.

Lizun from sodium tetraborate is considered the most durable. To increase its shelf life, strictly follow the manufacturing technology and choose the highest quality materials.

By the way, tetraborate itself is an antiseptic, so if a child drops a slime, which includes this substance, you don’t have to worry.

You can buy a solution of borax in a pharmacy, in hardware stores, in stores for creativity, and even in the construction market.

There are two ways to create a handgam from sodium tetraborate - with water and without water. In the first case, your slime will turn out a little transparent, in the second - more matte.

Method without using water

Materials and ingredients you will need:

PVA glue - 1 bottle.

Wooden stick.

Cooking method:

Pour the glue into the container (all or only part, depending on how many and what size slimes you want to get).

Constantly stirring the glue wooden stick, add 1 drop of borax solution to it until the mixture reaches the desired consistency.

Add a couple of drops of gouache or and mix thoroughly with rubber-gloved hands.

Slime from sodium tetraborate, made according to this recipe, if necessary, can be washed with water.

Water method

The materials you will need to make a toy like a slime from sodium tetraborate:

A glass of cold water.

PVA glue - 1 bottle.

Sodium tetraborate (aka borax solution), it is better that it be its solution in glycerin, - a few drops.

Food coloring or gouache.

A container in which you will mix everything.

Wooden stick.

Cooking method:

Mix glue and water in a container at the rate of 1:1.

Pour in a lot of dye.

Mix everything thoroughly.

Add two drops of borax solution and stir until smooth.

If the mass is too liquid, then add a little more sodium tetraborate.

Slime from sodium tetraborate is stored in the refrigerator, in an air-tight package. When your homemade "smart" plasticine hardens, add some water to it.

If you want a clear slime, replace the PVA glue in this recipe with stationery clear glue.

Slime, which includes glue and starch

If you think a toy that includes sodium tetraborate is unsafe and unsuitable for playing with a child, or if you couldn’t buy a solution of borax, then your option is a slime at home without sodium tetraborate.

Materials required to make handgam:

Liquid starch for washing clothes (if you do not find starch in liquid form, dilute it yourself in a ratio of 1: 3).

Food coloring or gouache.

Tight file.

Cooking method:

Pour 85 ml of liquid starch into a clean, dry file.

Send a little gouache or a couple of drops of food coloring to the starch.

Pour 30 ml of PVA glue into the resulting mixture.

Knead the mixture in the file with your hands, stirring it carefully.

After most of composition will turn into a thick slippery clot and a little liquid will remain at the bottom of the bag, remove the slime from the bag and remove excess moisture from it with paper or a cloth.

Slime is ready.

If you see that the slime is too sticky or completely non-plastic, then you have calculated the proportions incorrectly (in the first case there is an excess of glue in it, in the second - starch).

Remember that in addition to harmless starch, such a toy contains glue, so make sure that the child does not put it in his mouth.

It is important to know not only how to make slime without sodium tetraborate, but also how and how much to store it in the future: store it in a closed container at room temperature for no more than a week.

Lizun from soda and detergent

There are a huge number of ways to create "smart" plasticine, similar in its properties to the world famous slime toy.

If your goal is a slime without sodium tetraborate and glue, then we have a couple more options, here is one of them.

Materials and tools you need:

Dishwashing liquid (like Fairy).

Baking soda.

Food coloring or gouache.

Wooden stick (a sushi stick works great).

Cooking method:

Pour 150 ml of detergent into the container.

Add 1 tbsp. l. soda.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

In the resulting mixture, add as much water as needed so that the resulting consistency suits you.

Add a few drops of dye (this item is optional, because often the dishwashing detergent already has a fairly bright color, which is transferred to the slime).

Lizun without PVA glue and sodium tetraborate is ready. Keep it in the refrigerator.

Slime with the longest shelf life

As you probably already noticed, all the homemade slimes described above have a rather short shelf life (no more than 2 weeks), this is due to the fact that they contain almost no preservatives and substances that will protect them from drying out.

If you want to make a handgam with a longer shelf life, then we have such a recipe. The duration of the existence of "smart" plasticine, the manufacturing method of which we will now describe, is from 1 to 2 months.

By the way, for this recipe you will need very few ingredients, and you almost certainly have them at home:

Transparent bright color without granules.

Transparent shampoo of bright color.

Mixing container.

Wooden stick.

Cooking method:

Pour 150 ml of shampoo into a container.

Add 150 ml of shower gel to the shampoo.

Stir the ingredients thoroughly and gently, making sure that foam does not form.

Put the container with the future slime in the refrigerator for a day.

Such a slime must be stored in the refrigerator, otherwise it will simply melt. As in all other cases, make sure that your child does not taste hendgam and thoroughly wash his hands after playing with him.

The safest slime

If all the above methods do not seem safe to you and do not inspire confidence in you, but you want to please the child, then we suggest you make a beautiful and interesting toy (lizun) without sodium tetraborate and starch, without shampoo and dishwashing detergent, without glue and washing powder .

The shelf life of such a toy is not very long, and it differs markedly from the original in terms of appearance, but it is safe, and you can be sure that nothing will happen to your child, even if he takes handgams in his mouth.

So, here are the ingredients that you need to make safe "smart" clay:

Wheat flour.

Hot water.

Boiling water.

Container for mixing ingredients.

Fork or whisk.

Food coloring (you can even use beet juice or, for example, spinach).

Cooking method:

Pour 4 cups of flour into the container prepared in advance, sifting it through a sieve.

Add half a glass of ice water to the flour.

Pour half a glass of boiling water there.

Mix everything as thoroughly as possible, the mixture should be smooth and without lumps.

Now it's the turn of the dye: add a few drops to the mixture and mix everything again.

Put your future safe slime in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Lizun is ready, now you can be calm for your child.

other methods

There are many more ways to make slimes. Here are some of them: from washing powder, from a solution of borax and dry (but such a handgam needs to be boiled), from plasticine and gelatin, magnetic, etc.

In this article, we tried to describe in as much detail and clearly as possible several completely different, but at the same time very simple ways to make slimes. We hope we were able to answer all your questions.

Lizun is an unusual children's toy that develops hand motor skills and imagination. However, purchased foreign ones are very toxic, so creating such a toy at home from safe components will not only save money, but also an interesting pastime with a child.

The simplest slime recipe consists of 100 gr. plasticine, packaging of edible gelatin and 100 ml of water.

Soak in cold water metal utensils gelatin, leaving an hour to stand. Then heat to a boil, then remove from heat. Soften the plasticine with your hands and mix it in a plastic bowl with 50 ml of water. Pour gelatin here and stir until you get a viscous mass, which is desirable to put in the refrigerator or any other cool place.

As soon as it hardens, the toy is ready.

Recipe with sodium tetraborate

This method is the fastest and cheapest, but starch slime is fragile and will only last a day or two.

From soda

Mix in plastic utensils 50 gr. , a quarter of a glass warm water and dye, mix the substance well. Separately mix water and baking soda(tablespoon), then add this solution to the adhesive mixture.

Mix, make a ball and enjoy playing with the finished treasure.

Soap or detergent

Take detergent or liquid soap, titanium glue and . Mix soap and glue in a ratio of 2:3, then add food coloring and mix thoroughly again. Place it in a plastic bag and carefully knead it with your hands to remove glue lumps.

You can play with the slime right away.

How to make a liquid and transparent slime?

A transparent liquid slime is made a little more difficult than a thicker and more colored counterpart.

To create it you will need:

  • polyvinyl alcohol - 100 gr.;
  • plastic utensils;
  • - 25 gr.;
  • stirring stick.

All you need to do is pour alcohol into a bowl, stir, add sodium tetraborate and stir quickly so that the mixture looks like the desired slime. Cooking takes about 10 minutes (you need to stir for a long time and painstakingly), you can immediately.

Step by step recipe - YouTube video:

  1. You can decorate the slime by additionally adding sparkles and mother-of-pearl or fluorescent paints to make it glow in the dark. And to have a pleasant smell, add your favorite essential oil during cooking.
  2. The child will be interested in touching the toy if you use foam balls, which can be found in any market for creativity or a hardware store.
  3. Haven't found a handy mixing stick? You can do this by hand, but be sure to wear latex gloves.
  4. remember, that

Lizun, or "Smart Plasticine", or Handgum is a multi-colored semi-liquid mass that quickly changes its shape from touch, twisting or movement. For the first time, such a hand toy was created in 1976 in the USA, and gained particular popularity in 1984, after the release of the film "Ghostbusters", where the main character was a ghost named Lizun. "Smart Plasticine" because of its unusual structure attracts the attention of children to create unusual fantasy compositions, and can also be used as a hand massager and is useful for the development of fine motor skills of the baby. You can find on store shelves a large number of Lizunov from various companies, but it is much more interesting to create this unusual liquid-thick mucus on your own.

How to make slime at home

From English Hendgam - ("hand" - hand, "gum" - chewing gum) - chewing gum for hands. Before you start creating this unusual toy, you need to understand what kind of structure should be obtained. So, Lizun should be semi-liquid, fluid, but keep its shape perfectly with all kinds of movements. You can compare it to a plastic bag filled with water and tightly closed. The slime is runny but does a great job of following your instructions. Don't believe? Check it out yourself!

In order to create a slime at home, you will need:

  • PVA glue (white)
  • Borax (sodium tetraborate) or Borax powder
  • Food coloring
  • Plastic or glass container
  • Stirring stick
Let's start with the ingredients. Glue is the main component of the slime, so a lot will depend on its quality. Before buying glue, carefully consider the expiration date - the earlier the release date, the better your slime will be. Borax or Borax can be purchased at a pharmacy, and no prescriptions are needed, but they cost only between 10-30 rubles. You will definitely have enough money from your own piggy bank! As a dye, you can use not only food coloring, gouache, brilliant green, carrot juice are also suitable - everything that gives paint and retains for some time. Any utensils for cooking are suitable, since you will not cook anything dangerous and toxic. And finally, a stirring stick. You can take a popsicle stick, an ordinary pencil - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is your diligence and desire to create and create! If all the ingredients are ready, let's get down to business!

Before you start mixing the components, it will be useful to know the ratio of Borax and glue in advance, so that later you don’t suffer and add different amounts. For 100 grams of glue, 1 jar of Borax is required. Remember this. Accordingly, if you want to make the Slime big, then you will need not only more glue, but also more sodium tetraborate.

  1. Pour into a bowl required amount glue. Add a few drops of brilliant green or food coloring (your choice), you can even combine both. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise not only Lizun will be colored, but also your hands while playing with it.
  2. Mix thoroughly. Next, add Bura to the solution. DO NOT think that a whole bottle of 100 grams of glue will be unreasonably large. If this ingredient is not enough, the Slime will stick to any surface, leaving unpleasant marks.
  3. Mix very well again. The result should be a jelly-like mass.
  4. In order to remove all the water from the surface of the Hendgum, it is necessary to put it on paper (clean) and roll on it for some time.
  5. Put the almost finished mass in a plastic bag and again, knead well. The longer the better, but the approximate time is 5 minutes.

Such an unusual Lizun will be interesting not only because of its structure, but also due to the fact that a seemingly liquid structure is attracted by a magnet. To create a magnetic Handgam, you will need, in addition to the ingredients already listed above (PVA glue, borax, dye), iron oxide. But if you want the toy to also glow in the dark, buy phosphor paint.

  1. In one container, mix a glass of water and 0.5 teaspoon of Bora. The whole mixture must be thoroughly mixed so that the powder is completely dissolved in water. These are minor ingredients that will be needed to activate the main composition.
  2. In the second bowl, mix one glass of water and 30 grams of glue. It is worth noting that this recipe will also require a special measuring spoon, it is better not to work by eye, otherwise the result may not meet your expectations. If the whole solution is well mixed, add phosphor paint or another dye (you can use both, of course, in moderation).
  3. Carefully pour the first prepared solution into the second, while constantly stirring the second composition. Immediately after you notice that the Slime becomes thick and acquires the desired consistency, stop pouring in the first solution and mix the whole mass again thoroughly. If the diluted borax with water remains, it can be safely poured into the sink or trash can.
  4. Spread the finished mass on the table and pour a pinch of iron oxide right into the middle. Mix well until the mixture has a uniform color. If everything worked out, play to your health! When you bring a magnet to Handgum, he reaches for it, like a real ghost from the movie "Ghostbusters"! An unreal spectacle that will pleasantly surprise both young children and even adults!

Useful tips that will come in handy when creating Handgum

If you are going to create a useful and interesting toy for yourself, you may need some tips to get you on the right track. So:

What to do if the Lizun turned out to be too watery and spreads over the arm?
If you notice this, then you poured water or added a little Borax. Do not worry, re-read the first method and do it again.

When stretched, Slime is divided into threads and cannot be formed
So you added a lot of Borax. Dilute the solution with glue or just a little water.

Hendgam hardened. What to do?
This question is one of the most popular, as many do not follow the rules for storing toys, in joy that they have such an interesting and unusual composition. Once again it is worth noting: Lizun must be stored in a tightly closed jar or plastic bag. If you notice that the slime has become hard, just put it in a jar with a few drops of water overnight, it will be like new in the morning!

Unlike store-bought Handgams, a self-made toy contains the most minimal amount harmful substances. For example, there is no silica, titanium dioxide and many other chemical obscure words. Such a Lizun is not poisonous and non-toxic, and the result is superior even to a store-bought counterpart! Play for your health, experiment and create your Handgams!

Video: how to make a slime with your own hands