Well      04/18/2019

Thermostat for heating boiler (temperature controller). Room thermostat for gas boiler (thermostat)

A thermostat for a heating boiler is a device that allows the boiler to operate based on the air temperature in the room, and not in accordance with the temperature of the coolant. Data transmission accuracy up to 0.1°C.

Modern gas boilers are equipped with temperature sensors that ensure the safety of their operation. However, even automation that regulates water heating, in most cases, is guided by data from the coolant or the internal state of the boiler. Considering only these indicators, the boiler warms up the system to the set temperature, without reacting to the state environment. In fact, it works in the same way at room temperatures of +12°C and +30°C.

At the same time, for a boiler equipped with a water temperature sensor, an important parameter is the moment when the water cools down or reaches maximum temperature heating and, quite often, a situation develops: it is warm in the house, but the coolant has already cooled down - the boiler is temporarily turned on, which is at least uneconomical. We are not talking about wiring errors, which often cause the burner to turn on / off frequently. In the end, the result is not encouraging - all this leads either to a lack of thermal comfort in the house, or to the wear of boiler equipment.

The way out of the situation described above is quite simple and suggests itself - you need to make the boiler work not only with an orientation towards internal parameters, but also external ones. This is how the heating system, equipped with a thermostat for a gas boiler, is controlled. By the way, many manufacturers offer this option when buying a boiler. This perfect option hardware selection, as this does not raise the problem of hardware incompatibility.

Benefits of Using Thermostats

Buying a room thermostat for a gas boiler increases the cost of the heating system by initial stage, however, their use provides:

  • reduction of fuel consumption (15-20% per year);
  • additional protection against emergencies, because the risk of overheating is reduced;
  • uninterrupted operating mode of turning on / off the heating equipment, the risk of a rapid change in these states (clocking) is reduced;
  • increase the service life of boiler equipment;
  • positive user emotions from the convenience of remote control;
  • if you add ease of installation, these devices can become a reliable assistant, controlling not only a gas boiler, but also creating a microclimate in the room.

Currently, thermostats for heating boilers are produced under different brands, however, it is desirable that the boiler and thermostat are made by the same manufacturer.

When buying equipment, we pay attention to the company, choose well-known, proven brands. These include: Oventrop, Monolith, Danfoss, Valtec, Vitek, Corado, Rifar, Global, RTD, Kermi.

Types of thermostats

There are several classifications of thermostats. Depending on the method of signal transmission, thermostats for boilers are divided into:

  • Mechanical;
  • Electronic.

Depending on the number of tasks performed, devices are usually divided into single-function and multi-function.

Single function thermostats- devices that perform the main, but the only task: they determine the air temperature in the room and stop or resume the operation of the boiler, depending on the specified parameters.

Multifunctional thermostats for gas boilers they have another name - programmers. These devices allow you to set a schedule for the operation of the boiler and program it for a day, a week. Using an electronic device, you can set a different mode of operation of the heating system during the day (for example, at night you can lower the temperature, and in the evening, when the whole family gathers in the house, you should set the most comfortable indicators).

According to the method of control, thermostats are divided into:

  • Wired thermostats with manual temperature controller. The simplest, most often solving one problem, inexpensive devices;
  • Wired regulators with programmable display settings. Give the opportunity to schedule the operation of the boiler;
  • Remote controlled thermostats with . This type of thermostat allows you to constantly have up-to-date information about the operation of the equipment, set the desired parameters of the coolant at a distance and adjust temperature regime premises. Management can be carried out from a mobile device (phone, smartphone), tablet or desktop computer.

Device and principle of operation

The composition of the thermostat for the heating boiler includes a temperature sensor and a system that transmits signals.

The principle of operation is simple. The user sets the desired air temperature. The boiler works until it receives a signal from the thermostat sensors. As soon as the room temperature drops to the minimum or rises to the set maximum, the thermostat will stop or restart the boiler.

Additional devices to the thermostat can be thermostatic adjustable valves. These devices do not regulate the operation of the boiler, they are able to change the volume of coolant entering the radiator. For example, if the room temperature is too high, the thermostatic valve partially blocks the channel section and less coolant enters the radiator, as a result, the heat transfer of the device decreases and the room becomes cooler. And vice versa, if there is not enough heat in the room, the valve completely opens the channel section, more coolant enters the radiator, its heat transfer increases and the temperature in the room rises.

Operating rules

  • The thermostat for a gas boiler should be protected from mechanical damage.
  • It is recommended to install sensors in the most actively used and frequently visited rooms.

    In my Aogv, the heating temperature controller, consisting of a thin copper tube, needle-shaped sensor and corrugated mechanism. All this is filled, it seems, with a kerosene mixture.
    Can you suggest me:
    1. What is the name of this regulator
    2. Where to buy.
    3. Can a craftsman repair it.
    Thank you.

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In addition to the water heater, the heating system is also recommended to be equipped with various useful automation with sensors. One of these devices is room thermostat for a gas boiler, greatly simplifying the management of equipment for heating the coolant. This thermostat helps to significantly reduce fuel costs and ensures that the air temperature in the house is as comfortable as possible for people.

Why is a thermostat needed?

Without a room thermostat, a conventional gas boiler turns on and off by monitoring the temperature in the water heating pipes. When initially turned on, it heats the coolant to the set parameters, and then extinguishes the torch in the furnace. Then, as the water cools, it restarts and starts the heating cycle to the desired values ​​again.

However, not only heating radiators affect the air temperature in the room. With equally heated batteries on a sunny day, it is slightly higher in the room, and on the contrary, on a cold night, it is slightly lower. The flow of heat from the sun and heat loss through windows with walls do not disappear anywhere.

As a result, the burner of the gas boiler constantly lights up and goes out, and there is no need to talk about thermal comfort in the rooms - sometimes it's cold, sometimes it's hot. You have to regularly open / close the taps on the radiators. However, not every heating scheme for a private house provides for this, which forces you to manually adjust the operation of the boiler itself. And this is inconvenient and requires constant walking to the water heater.

Installation of room thermostats for gas boilers allows you to:

    Simplify maintaining the desired temperature in a heated cottage;

    Save on gas, its consumption in the presence of an air thermostat is reduced by 20–30%;

    Get rid of the need to control the boiler settings all the time;

    Extend the life of boiler equipment.

Temperature control - saving you money

The water in the batteries cools down faster than room air. To keep the coolant hot, the gas boiler has to turn on for a couple of minutes four to five times an hour. And together with it usually works and circulation pump. Such a hard regime inevitably leads to their rapid wear. But if the system has a room thermostat, then the number of “on / off” cycles of the water heater and pumping equipment is reduced by one and a half to two times.

As a result, with an air thermostat, the equipment lasts longer than without it. Moreover, they are recommended to equip both gas and electric boilers for heating a private house or apartment. But with a solid fuel analogue, such a device should not be installed. It will be possible to regulate the process of burning wood or coal with it only if the stove has a fan for forced oxygen supply.

The principle of operation of a room thermostat

The air thermostat for a gas boiler has a temperature sensitive element inside. This temperature sensor contains a gas that expands when heated and contracts when cooled. As a result of these processes, the contacts of the gas equipment power circuit are closed / opened.

Depending on the model, the thermostat may have:

    One or more temperature sensors;

    Digital timer for programming the operating modes of the boiler;

    Mechanical regulator for setting the required temperature;

    Display with software control unit.

The simplest is a device with a mechanical switch, with the help of which the parameters of the modes for turning on and off the boiler equipment are set. The most advanced are thermostats with a programmable control unit that allows you to set the operation settings separately for day and night. It's like a pumping station and a simple pump for a well - in general, they perform the same functions, but their capabilities differ.

The main types and features of thermostats

According to the technology of signal transmission from the sensor room temperature on the control unit, the temperature controllers in question are wired and wireless. In the first case, the thermostat with a gas boiler is connected by wires laid throughout the cottage. The second option is a separate module next to the water heater and temperature sensors in the rooms of the house, transmitting information to the control device via a radio channel.

According to the functionality of the thermostat can be:

    Simple (mechanical) - designed only to maintain a given room temperature.

    Programmable - allows you to set modes for different times of the day and every day of the week.

    With optional humidity sensor.

Choice specific model depends on configuration heating system and the wishes of the owner of the house in terms of the level of microclimate control in the home. But the more functions and capabilities the device has, the more expensive it is. Often it is best to choose the simplest, most reliable and inexpensive option.

When choosing a model of a room thermostat for a gas boiler, one should be guided by the temperature limits available for the device, the size of the room and the characteristics of the heating water heater.

If the repair in the rooms has already been done, then it is worth picking up a wireless device. You don't have to run wires for it. If the desire to optimize the functioning of the entire heating system as much as possible is at the forefront, then there is no better option than a programmable thermostat. It allows you to more carefully control the temperature parameters of the air and the operating modes of the boiler.

When installing the regulator in question, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature sensors:

    They were located at a height of about 1.5 meters and on the inner walls;

    They were not closed with curtains, curtains and furniture;

    They were at least a meter away from windows, doors and heating radiators.

The air around the temperature sensors must circulate freely. Putting them in a closet or behind the decor is unacceptable. Also, these sensors should not be mounted on walls facing the street and near doors. This will result in incorrect readings due to drafts and greater cooling of the outer building envelope compared to the inner partitions.

Ideally, room thermostats should be purchased from the same manufacturer that made the existing boiler. So they are easier to connect and configure, and they will work together with fewer failures and last longer.

To install such a regulator, you do not need to have special skills in electrical engineering and thermal power engineering. Remote sensors are mounted on the walls. And the connection of wires is carried out by means of terminals on the case. You just have to not mix up the strands. In the instructions for the boilers and these devices, the connection diagrams are described in as much detail as possible. Such a device in a programmable version is not cheap, but it pays off in just a couple of heating seasons.

So that the microclimate does not depend on the weather, and the rooms have a stable temperature, you need to install a room thermostat for the gas boiler. What types of devices that regulate the operation of boiler equipment do manufacturers offer, how do such thermostats work and how do they communicate with gas heat generators? You will learn about everything by reading the article.

The practical use of a remote regulator - is it possible to do without it

Many private homeowners and people living in apartments with individual heating, the situation is familiar when you have to adjust the intensity of the boiler to constantly changing weather conditions. It is easier to maintain a heat-generating gas appliance in an apartment, at least in terms of the compactness of living quarters. The owners of private houses, who part-time have to be operators of boiler equipment, sometimes have to run short distances if the boiler house is not in the main building.

All modern gas units equipped with automatic control of the intensity of work gas burner or the frequency of its on/off. Automatic system control clearly responds to changes in the temperature of the circulating fluid, maintaining the thermal regime in a certain corridor set by the owner. But the temperature sensor that sends signals to the electronic "brains" is installed in the boiler's heat exchanger, so it cannot respond to weather changes. As a result, we have the following situation:

  • it has become sharply cold outside, and the household is beginning to freeze slightly;
  • there is a sudden thaw outside the window, and the windows are wide open, because in rooms with temperature pluses there is a clear bust.

It is useful to ventilate the premises intensively, but along with kilojoules, savings fly away through the window, which will have to be paid on bills for the consumed energy carrier. Shaking with unusual coolness is also good for the body, but still a constant comfortable air temperature is more pleasant and natural for housing that claims to be called modern.

To maintain the temperature regime within comfortable limits, it is not necessary to hire a stoker or run to the boiler every hour. It is enough to install a thermostat for the boiler, which would read information about the actual temperature within the living space and transfer the data to the control system that regulates the operational activity of the heating equipment. Such a move will allow you to "kill several birds with one stone":

  • maintaining a constant comfortable temperature within the housing;
  • significant energy savings (gas);
  • reduced load on the boiler and circulation pump (they work optimally, without overloads), which prolongs their service life.

And these are not miracles, but the result of the work of a room temperature sensor - an inexpensive, but very useful device, which in European houses and apartments (and they know how to save on a "communal apartment") is a must-have addition to heating equipment. Even the most expensive remote thermostat with a liquid crystal touch display and many functionalities easily pays for itself within heating season.

How a room thermostat works - a simple system

The remote thermostat is a compact device containing a temperature sensor integrated with a system of contacts that open/close when the temperature changes. On the outside of the device there are devices for controlling the operation of the device. It can be a rotary knob with graduation (in the most simple models), keypad or LCD display that responds to touch (touch).

Using the thermostat control system, the homeowner sets the desired temperature regime, which is maintained automatically, regardless of the weather situation outside the window. Temperature corridor at various devices- from 0.3 to 1.0 degrees. This means that if the mode is set to 20 degrees, then the temperature fluctuations will be approximately in the range of 19.7-20.7 degrees.. Such changes in temperature regimes are not noticeable to our body, so the temperature in the rooms can be considered stable. A remote thermostat for a gas boiler is installed in one of living rooms with the most constant temperature on the wall.

How does the “brains” of the boiler, which regulate the intensity of heat production, learn about the mode in which the gas burner should operate? For this, the regulator is interconnected with the boiler controller. It is carried out by wire using electrical signals or by means of the ether (radio signal). When the temperature in the control room (where the temperature sensor is installed) drops to the lower limit (according to the set mode and temperature corridor), the burner turns on and increases the coolant degrees in heating circuit. When the upper temperature threshold is reached, the room thermostat sends a signal to turn off the gas supply to the burner.

This is how it is easy to understand the analysis of the temperature regime by the sensor in the living room, the signal is transmitted to the boiler control system and the gas boiler burner is turned off / on if necessary. Often, a circulation pump is integrated into the operation of the remote temperature sensor / boiler complex, which works only if it is necessary to "drive" a portion of the heated coolant. All this makes the heating system as economical as possible, increases the durability of the equipment and provides thermal comfort within the living space.

Types of thermostatic devices - which one to choose

Remote temperature controllers, despite their simplicity and compactness, have several varieties, so that the consumer will have something to choose from. Manufacturers endow the devices they have developed and manufactured with sensors of various sensitivities, which affects the size of the temperature gap. But these differences are of least interest to consumers, in the top of their attention are the following device parameters:

  • method of interconnection between the thermostat and the boiler (wired or wireless);
  • functionality of the temperature control device (basic and additional features, ease of control of the device);
  • device cost.

The method of connecting the thermostat to the heat generator control unit using a cable is less convenient, but more reliable. The downside is that you need to figure out how to hide the wires. Ideally, if a complex repair is carried out along with additional devices that optimize its operation. In such a situation, it will not be difficult to hide the wiring (in a strobe or at), including the cable connecting the room regulator to the boiler control unit. Plus - in a more reliable contact of the interacting devices and the power supply received by the temperature controller through the same wires.

Remote temperature sensors with wireless communication with a heat generator are convenient for their portability (they are not tied to a cable, so the installation location can be easily changed if desired). Minus - in the possible presence of interference in the path of radio waves and powered by batteries that need to be changed periodically. So that the consumer does not forget to replace current sources in time, such devices are endowed with the ability to give sound signals when the battery life is coming to an end.

The main task of a room thermostat is to maintain a stable temperature regime in a given corridor. The simplest devices are only capable of this. They are simple in appearance - a plastic case and a rotary thermostat knob. More advanced models make it possible to program the temperature regime for a day or even a week. They are equipped with a functional button or touch external control and look much more presentable. The cost of room thermostats directly depends on the functional complexity of the model and a little on the brand name.

The most inexpensive will be some simple device compatible with all models of boilers, made in the countries of Southeast Asia. Much more will have to be paid for a multifunctional model of an advanced European brand that is compatible with their own boilers. Although there are many universal models of thermostats on the market, experts recommend choosing devices from the same manufacturers that produced the boiler you installed. In such a combination, the boiler control unit and the remote thermostat will interact as efficiently as possible.

Installation and connection - do it yourself or hire a master

Now manufacturers of gas boilers offer consumers equipment in three configurations:

  • minimum, when it is possible to connect an interaction unit with a remote temperature sensor to the heat generator;
  • intermediate, which provides for a built-in block for connecting a room thermostat;
  • full, if the unit is installed, and the thermostat is included in the kit.

The first option allows the consumer to purchase a gas boiler at an affordable cost and complete the equipment during operation. A complete set is rare, only in cases where the boiler control unit is designed to "cooperate" only with temperature sensors produced by the same manufacturer. The second option is most common, when the connection unit is mounted, but the manufacturer allows the consumer to choose the model of the remote temperature controller that he likes.

To connect a temperature-regulating device, if it comes with the boiler, you can do without the help of a specialist. It is enough to install the heating equipment and connect it (including to the power supply), after which, according to the recommendations in the operating instructions, deal with the thermostat.

It will not be difficult with the built-in adaptive block. The purchased device must also have detailed instructions with connection and configuration rules. If the instruction did not help, or for some reason it does not exist, necessary information you will always find in the world wide web. A specialist will be needed only in the case of a minimum staffing of equipment or a desire to equip remote thermostat old-style gas boiler. First you will need to purchase all the necessary components, after which the master will install them and prepare them for work.

At the end, a few words about the rules for installing the thermostat itself. It is advisable to mount the device in spacious rooms with good air exchange (entrance hall, living room, hall), but not in the kitchen or bathroom. The thermostat is installed at about half the distance between the floor and the ceiling (1.25 m with a wall height of 2.50). The thermostat should not be placed near or other sources of kilojoules, blocked by bulky furniture. Avoid exposing the device to direct sunlight.

Efficient heating control is a vital part of the efficient operation of the boiler and home heating system. Competent use control elements will reduce the energy consumption of the unit, while creating a comfortable temperature in every room of the house, avoiding overheating of the premises. And the thermostat (or programmer) controls the operation of the boiler, depending on the temperature in the room.

Up to 20% of the volume of consumed energy carriers can be saved using this kind of automation. And energy prices are quite high and the desire of every normal person to reduce their costs.

We consider the situation when the boiler is calculated correctly, necessary insulation rooms are completed, and the heating system is functioning normally.

Main types of boilers and temperature control

There are several types of boilers: solid fuel, gas, electric and liquid fuel.

Boilers are widely used all over the world. There are domestic samples, there are boilers and imported ones. The material of manufacture is steel or cast iron. Easy to operate, economical, with the function of adjusting the temperature of the coolant. In cheaper models, this function is implemented using special device– thermoelement.

Structurally, the thermoelement is metal product, the geometric dimensions of which under the influence of temperatures decreases or increases (depending on the degree of heating). And this, in turn, changes the position of a special lever that closes and opens the draft damper. The photo shows an example of such a regulator:

Photo: sample thermostat

The more the damper is open, the stronger the combustion process, and vice versa. Thus, the volume of air that enters the combustion chamber closed type, is fully controlled by a thermostat, and if necessary, its supply stops and the combustion process dies out. In more modern models controllers are installed, which, depending on the specified thermal conditions, control the air flow, turning on (or turning off) a special fan (see photo below):

gas boilers- the most common and cheapest to operate units. Boilers are single-circuit and double-circuit. Single-circuit boilers have one heat exchanger and are intended only for heating. The switching circuit is shown in the figure below:

Scheme of switching on a single-circuit boiler

Double-circuit boilers have two heat exchangers and are designed for heating and receiving hot water. The boiler connection diagram is shown below:

Some boilers have separate controls for heating and hot water temperature.

Electric boilers

A fairly common alternative to gas and solid fuel boilers. A lot of advantages, high efficiency, but long term payback. The connection is simple, like for gas boilers, but without a supply cold water. Temperature control and overheating protection are provided.

Boiler mechanical timer

With a simple mechanical timer electric boiler There are three options for starting the central heating system:

  1. The boiler is off;
  2. The boiler supplies hot water;
  3. The boiler turns on and off at the set time.

Mechanical timers usually have a large round dial with a 24-hour scale in the center. By turning the dial, you can set right time and then leave it in that position. The boiler will turn on at the right time. The outer part consists of a set of tabs with a 15-minute period, which are inserted for the convenience of adjusting the operation and setting modes. An emergency reconfiguration is possible, which is performed when the boiler is connected to the network.

Mechanical timers are easy to set, but the boiler always turns on and off at the same time every day, and this may not satisfy the owners if the family is large and bath procedures are performed several times a day at different times.

Types of thermostats

According to the type of functions, they can be divided into several groups:

– with one function (temperature maintenance);

– with a large number of functions (programmable).

By design, thermostats are divided into types: wireless and with wires for communication with the boiler. Install thermostats in comfortable spot, connect the temperature sensor, connect it to the boiler control system and use it.

For room thermostats constant inflow air for normal and correct operation, so they should not be covered by curtains or blocked by furniture. Appliances adjacent to the electric thermostat may interfere with the correct operation of the device: lamps, televisions, heaters located nearby.

The programmable electronic room thermostat allows you to select the desired and comfortable temperature at any time, it is easy to reconfigure and change the operating mode. The timer allows you to set a different heating pattern for weekdays and weekends. Some timers allow you to set different settings for each day of the week, which can be useful for people who work part-time or in shifts. Many Terneo and KChM models are equipped with such thermostats.

A programmable room thermostat allows you to set individual heating standards for each day in accordance with your lifestyle and maintain the temperature at home all the time, regardless of the presence or departure of the owners.
Video: Connecting a room thermostat to a gas boiler

If a boiler with a radiator is responsible for the heating system, as a rule, only one programmable room thermostat is needed to control the entire house. Some patterns need to be adjusted in the spring and fall when the clocks have gone back and forth or there has been a certain change in climatic conditions. We also recommend changing the temperature settings when changing day and night.

Such a climate controller has several options that expand its capabilities:

  • "Party", which stops heating for several hours, then resumes;
  • "Override" allows you to temporarily change the programmed temperatures during one of the configured periods;
  • "Holiday", increases the intensity of heating or reduces it for a certain number of days.

Central thermostat

Such a thermostat is located far from your boiler and usually allows you to turn the heating on or off throughout the house. Older versions are wired to the boiler, newer systems tend to send signals to the device's command post. It is with devices of a new type that quite expensive, but effective devices are equipped: double-circuit boilers Ferroli, Beretta and domestic AOGV.

The most famous room thermostats for a double-circuit boiler trademark GSM and Protherm. They have a built-in dilatometric thermostat for the boiler, which, depending on the model, can work remotely, often this technology is used for an electric boiler or solid fuel units.

The room thermostat turns off the heating of the system as needed. It works by measuring the air temperature and turning the heating on when the air temperature drops below the thermostat setting and turning it off when the set temperature is reached.


  1. It is recommended to set the thermostat at 20°C;
  2. At night, the set temperature should be between 19-21 ° C.
  3. It is desirable that in the children's room it was about 22 ° C.
  4. The temperature should not fall below 22°C in a room for the elderly and people with disabilities.

As a rule, the temperature of the whole house or individual rooms is based on only one climate microcontroller in the heating system. The best option its location in the living room or bedroom, which should probably be the most visited place in the house.

Room thermostats need a free flow of air to sense the temperature, so they should not be covered by curtains or blocked by furniture. Appliances adjacent to the electric thermostat may interfere with the correct operation of the device. These include lamps, televisions, neighbor's boilers through the wall, touch switches.

Thermostatic control valves

A thermostatic valve is a simple solution to the problem of obtaining a coolant of a given temperature by mixing colder water with warmer water. The view of the three-way valve is shown below:

The thermostatic radiator valve allows you to control the temperature in the room by changing the flow of hot water through the radiator. They regulate the flow of hot water through the radiator, but do not control the boiler. Such devices must be installed in order to adjust the temperature that is needed in each individual room.

This idea should be considered as an addition to a thermal control plant. Also similar devices need periodic readjustment and regular performance checks (every six months during the change of operating modes).

Homemade external thermostat for the boiler: instructions

Below is a diagram of a home-made thermostat for a boiler, which is assembled on Atmega-8 and 566 series microcircuits, a liquid crystal display, a photocell and several temperature sensors. The programmable Atmega-8 chip is responsible for compliance with the set parameters of the thermostat settings.

In fact, this circuit turns the boiler on or off when the outdoor temperature drops (rises) (sensor U2), and also performs these actions when the temperature in the room changes (sensor U1). Adjustment of the work of two timers is provided, which allow you to adjust the time of these processes. A piece of circuit with a photoresistor affects the process of turning on the boiler according to the time of day.

Sensor U1 is located directly in the room, and sensor U2 is outside. It is connected to the boiler and installed next to it. If necessary, you can add the electrical part of the circuit, which allows you to turn on the units high power:

Another thermostat circuit with one control parameter based on the K561LA7 chip:

The assembled thermostat based on the K651LA7 chip is simple and easy to adjust. Our thermostat is a special thermistor that significantly reduces resistance when heated. This resistor is connected to the electricity voltage divider network. This circuit also has a resistor R2, with which we can set the required temperature. Based on such a scheme, you can make a thermostat for any boiler: Baksi, Ariston, Evp, Don.

Another circuit for a thermostat based on a microcontroller:

The device is assembled on the basis of the PIC16F84A microcontroller. The role of the sensor is performed by a digital thermometer DS18B20. A small relay controls the load. Microswitches set the temperature that is displayed on the indicators. Before assembly, you will need to program the microcontroller. First, erase everything from the chip and then reprogram, and then assemble and use it to your health. The device is not capricious and works fine.

The cost of parts is 300-400 rubles. A similar regulator model costs five times more.

A few last tips:

  • even though most models fit different variants thermostats, it is still desirable that the thermostat for the boiler and the boiler itself be produced by the same manufacturer, this will greatly simplify the installation and the operation process itself;
  • before buying such equipment, you need to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the required temperature in order to avoid “downtime” of equipment, and changing wiring due to the connection of devices of higher power;
  • before installing the equipment, you need to take care of the thermal insulation of the room, otherwise high heat losses will be inevitable, and this is an additional expense item;
  • if you are unsure that you need to purchase expensive equipment, then you can conduct a consumer experiment. Buy cheaper mechanical thermostat, adjust it and see the result.

A device that regulates the operation of a gas boiler, focusing not on the temperature of the coolant in the boiler, but on the air temperature in the room - this is the temperature controller for the heating boiler. That is, this is an apparatus that provides not only control of the process of heating water with a gas boiler, but control of the process of heating it based on the final result.

Why buy a thermostat

When the operation of the gas boiler is adjusted manually, the equipment is forced to operate in a mode that involves constant short-term switching on and off. In this case, the start of water heating is performed for a short time - no more than 10 minutes. The constant circulation of water in the system is provided by pumping equipment that operates regardless of the state of the heating elements.

Such an organization of the work of the climate system is fraught with significant costs. electrical energy. In addition, this mode leads to rapid wear of all boiler systems. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that room thermostats have gained such popularity all over the world. In some Western countries, their installation is even considered mandatory. Since if the house is heated with a gas boiler, the presence of a “home controller” significantly reduces the cost of gas and electricity, and also helps to use expensive equipment more carefully.

The thermostat for the boiler has a certain response threshold (on average, about 0.2 ° C), when the air temperature drops or rises relative to the specified parameters, it either turns on or off the boiler and the pump. Such a system guarantees the owner of the thermostat whole line advantages:

  • fully provides control over maintaining the required temperature in the home, which means that even on days of sharp temperature fluctuations outside the window, in a house where the thermostat works, coziness and comfort will always reign;
  • with the advent of this equipment, the owners of a house or apartment immediately have at least one less problem: not only the “weather in the house”, but also the level of operation and health of the boiler will now be monitored by this small device;
  • due to significant savings in fuel and electricity, the cost of purchasing the device pays off within a few months.

What are thermostats

Currently, the choice of thermostats is large, while they may vary depending on:

  1. Type of boiler operation modes control:
    • wireless;
    • wired.
  2. Functionality level:
    • simple;
    • provided with hydrostat function;
    • programmable.

The wireless room thermostat for a gas boiler is able to regulate the level of operation of the boiler and the heating of the air in the premises using a radio signal. For wired, only the method of connecting to the controller via wired connections is relevant.

The scope of possibilities of thermostats can be different. Less expensive - simple, reliable and durable wired thermostats do an excellent job with the list of basic functions, steadily maintaining the level of set temperatures in the room (usually in the range of 10-30 ° C), but only in one mode. In addition, the operation of the device does not affect the level of fuel consumption by the boiler.

A completely different matter is a wireless programmable room thermostat for a gas boiler.

By purchasing such a device, you can use the features:

  • remotely monitor and control the operation of the boiler;
  • installation and configuration of various operating modes of heating equipment depending on the day of the week or time of day;
  • control over fuel consumption and serviceability of gas heating boiler systems.

The list of possibilities for thermostats equipped with a gyrostat function is even wider. Such a room thermostat for a gas boiler is able to provide control not only over the temperature regime in the room, but also over the level of air humidity.

Connecting wireless option

The principle of operation of a room thermostat for a gas boiler is quite simple, but wireless thermostats remain the most convenient in terms of connection. Such a model, as a rule, consists of a couple of blocks:

  • block for installation near a gas boiler (by connecting to a controller or gas valve);
  • block with a set of control buttons and a display - designed for installation in a room from where it is planned to control the air temperature in a house or apartment.

Moreover, the connection of the thermostat to the boiler is carried out using the terminals, and the transfer of information from one unit to another is due to the use of a radio channel. Perhaps the only disadvantage of wireless models is their dependence on batteries that often need to be recharged or replaced. At the same time, the device itself informs the owner about the battery level, which, of course, is a plus.

Where to put the wires

The situation is much more serious when installing wired models. And although Experts recommend combining this procedure with the implementation repair work, since the wiring, most likely, will either have to be masked or laid in the body of the wall into the channel formed after it has been shredded.

Another disadvantage of wired thermostats is the need to allocate a separate room or a significant space in the house for placing the device. Since, according to the instructions, the correctness of their work may depend on the presence of sufficient free space.

It is also highly undesirable to install it near household, third-party climate control equipment and heating appliances, as well as in places where direct sunlight will fall on the device.

The process of connecting the thermostat, in principle, is not difficult. It is enough to follow the instructions drawn up by the manufacturer of the boiler and the thermostatic device.

About the mechanical thermostat

An important point, those who have chosen a more durable and reliable mechanical thermostat for their home, should remember that this device does not need to be connected to the mains and batteries. However, in the course of work on its connection, it will also not be possible to avoid fiddling with wires. But in this case, we are talking about wires that provide communication between the device and controlled climate technology.

The mechanical thermostat is connected to the boiler with a 2-wire connection.

The video shows how to connect the Ballu BMT-1 thermostat.

About the specifics of the setting

After you have successfully connected new equipment, you need to configure it, during which you can set the desired parameters, including the ability to:

  • Heating, and in some cases, air conditioning in the room;
  • Determination of the optimal delay period for the operation of the thermostat sensors (a window open for a short time or, conversely, the heat flow from the switched on hair dryer can “mislead” the device’s sensors, but turning on the response delay function will avoid errors;
  • Setting the temperature fluctuation step. That is, choosing a step of 1 degree means that the thermostat will turn the boiler on or off when the air temperature changes by 1 o C.
  • Definition of maximum comfortable temperatures. Some devices allow you to program the temperature regime depending on the time of day or day of the week (for example, on weekdays, when there is no one at home, you can lower the air temperature by several degrees, providing fuel savings, a couple of hours before the inhabitants of the house return, the device will turn itself on , will adjust the temperature until it rises to a comfortable level).

About compatibility issues

The method of connecting the thermostat to the boiler is largely determined by the choice of the thermostat model and can be performed both from the controller, from the battery, and from the network.

You can often meet the recommendations of boiler manufacturers when purchasing a simple or programmable thermostat for a gas boiler, focus on the boiler manufacturer and its recommendations. In principle, this advice is worth heeding, although, having looked through the pages of numerous forums where the issues of connecting climate equipment are discussed, one can often find the opinion that, for the most part, products from different brands “get along” perfectly without conflict.

But the parameter that is really worth considering when deciding to buy a temperature sensor for a heating boiler in a regular climate or household appliances or an online store is the area of ​​​​the room heated by the boiler and the most preferred temperature regime.

TOP thermostats 2017–2018

Having studied the opinions of consumers and analyzed the information of several reputable online publications that annually compile rating lists of the most discussed models of climate equipment, it is easy to conclude that thermostats of such brands as are popular:


At the same time, the company believes that the best thermostat for a Bosch gas boiler is, of course, Bosch. And, although there is so much information on the network about the successful symbiosis of the climate equipment of this manufacturer with thermostats from other companies. However, for example, the Bosch software digital thermostat definitely deserves attention. The model is equipped with a digital display, has a temperature sensor calibration, has backup power options. The appliance can adjust the room temperature according to the time of day and the days of the week.

The video details the Bosch EMS series regulators.


Also, when choosing a room thermostat for an Ariston gas boiler, you should pay attention to the thermostats offered by this Italian company. Among them, you can also find models that can program the required temperature regime not only for the week ahead, but also for any hour of the upcoming week. There are also less complex, but cheaper options that “know how” to set the desired temperature regime for the next 24 hours. However, the availability of hourly programming helps homeowners solve a lot of problems, including saving gas and electricity.

We offer owners of Ariston boilers to take a closer look at the Sensys control panel.


  • full system control via bridgenet® protocol;
  • easy setup/management of system parameters;
  • temperature control;
  • display of parameters of the solar system (if connected);
  • display of energy audit report (kW), solar system performance, reduction of CO2 emissions, hot water storage;
  • electronic room temperature sensor;
  • easy-to-manage daily and weekly programming of the heating mode;
  • easy-to-manage daily and weekly programming of the DHW mode (in case of connecting an external boiler to a single-circuit boiler).


This company also recommends connecting the thermostat to the Proterm gas boiler only when using "native" models. There are a number of reasons for this. For example, thanks to a special eBus switching bus, the temperature controller can control the modulation of a gas burner. Thermostats from other manufacturers cannot be connected in this way to the Proterm boiler. In addition, on the display of some models from Protherm, you can see not only the set operating modes of the boiler, but also the error codes that occur. In addition, the system, if necessary, is able to restart the boiler itself. In this way, the temperature of the boiler is regulated.


Connecting a room thermostat to a Buderus gas boiler will also create fewer problems when it comes to a device manufactured by the same company. Moreover, the developers have provided a simple and intuitive interface for the device.

Programmable room thermostat Simple MMI 7 Days – with communication via OpenTherm™ protocol. Designed for complete boiler control and comfortable room temperature control


If you managed to purchase a room thermostat rq10, connecting to a boiler of the same brand is not difficult. Moreover, the quality of this technique is rarely satisfactory.


Room thermostat for gas boiler Ferroli very successful development Italian company.


The thermostat for the Baxi gas boiler has also become a trend, it is easy to install and manage, also featuring an intuitive adjustment system and providing significant savings to home owners.

The BAXI mechanical room thermostat is used to determine the room temperature and transmit data to the boiler, providing feedback. Regulates room temperature from 8°С to 30°С


The thermostats of listed companies successfully help to solve problems such as:

  • the problem of clocking the gas boiler and pump (unreasonably frequent switching on and off of devices);
  • setting the optimal thermal regime by day and hour;
  • simplification of the maintenance process of the heating device;
  • setting fine adjustments.

All these features will provide comfort in any home and a good mood for its inhabitants.