Well      06/14/2019

Glowing table. Homemade glowing table Table with fluorescent paint

Anyone who wants to make the interior of the apartment original or add a "zest" to the equipment suburban area, just such an option is suitable - a table with a "backlight". The product is created using epoxy resin and two types of resistant paints. All work - from grinding to cladding - is quite accessible to a beginner in carpentry.

All work - from grinding to cladding - is quite accessible to a beginner in carpentry.

Furniture with a luminescent effect looks unusual and especially interesting.

Making a luminous table with your own hands does not require special material and labor costs. Handle wooden tabletop with the help of a special resin, anyone who knows how to hold a tool in their hands is capable.

When decorating a table, you can come up with your own design based on the quality and texture of the material.

Furniture with a luminescent effect looks unusual and especially interesting.

You are unlikely to see such products in free sale, they are usually made to order and they are quite expensive, as handmade. Thick boards or ready-made are suitable for manufacturing. wooden table with an interesting texture. Applying epoxy is a matter of half an hour. After some time, if all processing steps are followed correctly, you will get a table with a fascinating luminous effect.

Self-creation of furniture for a summer house or home is a great help for saving the budget.

Deciding on design and construction

When processing, the stage of furniture design does not matter. To create a luminous effect, use only the countertop, although you can make furniture completely with a luminescent surface. Designers agree that it is better to process individual panels - this way the product looks more interesting.

The luminous table can be made stationary or folding.

Making a luminous table with your own hands does not require special material and labor costs.

Depending on the texture, you can apply some of the resin to the cracks, or cover the entire countertop with a luminescent composition (with a slight blue or other tint), including the edges. Choosing a “variegated” option or a relatively evenly luminous one is necessary based on your taste and needs.

Designers agree that it is better to process individual panels - this way the product looks more interesting.

Necessary materials

To make a luminous table, you will need the following materials:

  • boards - 2 pieces (width 40-50 cm, length 1-1.2 m);
  • epoxy resin;
  • sticky paper;
  • luminescent and transparent polyurethane paint;
  • sandpaper.

Choosing a “variegated” option or a relatively evenly luminous one is necessary based on your taste and needs.

Anyone who knows how to hold a tool in their hands is able to process a wooden tabletop with a special resin.

Wood is selected with noticeable cracks irregular shape. A board with visible places from the cut of the branches and a non-uniform texture is welcome. Good for cypress or oak. If the tree is not dry enough, expose it to the sun for a while.

The tree is chosen with noticeable cracks of irregular shape.

Epoxy resin must be taken so much that it is enough to fill the cracks several times.

Self-creation of furniture for a summer house or home is a great help for saving the budget.

Required Tools

To finish the furniture you will need:

  • Sander;
  • jigsaw.

The table is ground both before coating the surface with epoxy resin, and after

The table is polished both before and after coating the surface with epoxy resin.

Before surface treatment, the countertop should be assembled from two prepared boards.

After some time, if all processing steps are followed correctly, you will get a table with a fascinating luminous effect.

Manufacturing process: step by step instructions

  1. Before surface treatment, the countertop should be assembled from two prepared boards. After connecting them, sand the base.
  2. Pour the prepared mixture of epoxy resin and fluorescent paint onto the table. The composition should fill all the cracks, so repeat the procedure 8-10 times. After that, cover the surface with adhesive paper and leave to dry until the next day.
  3. Sand the finished surface after removing the paper. After stripping, coat the base with polyurethane paint.
  4. Walk one more time grinder on a still damp surface. Remove any remaining resin. If necessary, the edges can be cleaned, and the corners can be rounded off with a jigsaw.

A table with a luminous surface can be decorated to your liking

The final stage - decoration

A table with a luminous surface can be decorated to your liking. thick wooden plank looks great in simple form(even with visible "defects"), and in combination with carved legs. This can be done using a jigsaw. You can varnish them or use leftover epoxy, just like the countertop, to give uniform style product.

You can varnish or use the remnants of epoxy, like the countertop, to give a uniform style to the product.

The luminous table can be made stationary or folding.

After processing, it is necessary to sand the furniture with a machine.

In the dark, the product will glow with heterogeneous stains, which creates a “magic”, festive effect, which in itself is a decor.

At night, the product will glow with heterogeneous stains, which creates a "magic" effect.

Depending on the texture, you can apply part of the resin - on cracks, or cover with a luminescent composition.

If you want a contrast, the supports are covered with a paint that differs in color from the main palette.

Creating a festive effect, which in itself is a decor.

Good for cypress or oak.

VIDEO: Do-it-yourself glowing table

50 photo ideas: do-it-yourself glowing table

How to make a wooden table? Everyone can make such an unusual designer table made of wood at home! This requires cypress boards, luminous powder (phosphor), wood resin, some tools and the desire to make a beautiful wooden table with your own hands.

Luminous table «Glowing table»

Mike Warren is the author of this idea unusual table, which we found on dollarstorecrafts.com. He mixed the luminous powder with tree resin and filled them with voids, which are rich in cypress wood. The result is a beautiful wooden table with patterns glowing in the dark. However, first they need to "charge" in the light.

The simple form of an unusual luminous table

If you are the proud owner necessary tools and skills, follow Mike Warren's directions. His video instruction is at the end!

The process of making the original wooden table

Thoroughly sand the surface of the design table

Cracks left untouched

Fill cracks with luminous powder mixed with resin

From the presented master class, you will learn how to make your own glowing table, which in furniture stores costs a lot of money, and thanks to this information you will make it just for mere pennies. Today, it is becoming more and more fashionable to make furniture with your own hands, as well as various interior delights, that is, people are looking for uniqueness in the things that surround them, someone needs it for self-realization and gaining self-confidence, and someone just likes to do this business .

And so, to make a luminous table, you will need old boards and boards eaten by bark beetles. It is the old and rotten, eaten by worms and other bugs, that is necessary in order to fill these cavities with a special luminous solution. Now let's take a closer look at everything and analyze what the author needed.


  1. board (old and eaten by a bark beetle)
  2. epoxy resin
  3. metal legs
  4. metal plate 2 pcs
  5. wood glue
  6. nuts
  7. bolts


  1. jigsaw
  2. drill
  3. brush
  4. clamp
  5. ruler
  6. screwdriver
  7. container for mixing components

The process of creating a luminous table.

And since it was already mentioned above, the author took old and rotten boards eaten by pests, it’s clear that he didn’t buy them on the construction market 😉 sandpaper. Then the author picked up and sawed the boards he needed to size so that they became the same size.
The resulting boards should then be combined into a single countertop, this action the master does the following, he coats the side parts of the boards with carpentry glue, and then he stewed them with clamps and left them to dry.
Then, after the tabletop dries and is ready, it should be blown with compressed air, namely all the cracks and wormholes, so that there is no dust left in them and possible pests.
After that, you should go over the surface with sandpaper, you need to do everything very carefully, because the board is very delicate. And so the surface of the countertop is prepared and it's time to prepare the luminous solution and fill the cavities of the table with it.

Solution preparation: for this you need epoxy resin, hardener and phosphor powder, it will glow. Everyone chooses the proportions of the mixture himself, you can check the glow as follows, give a bright flash to the mixture and turn off the light to see how the solution glows. Next, the author fills in the cavities, after placing waxed paper under the countertop, because the moves can be through.
After this operation, the master left the countertop to dry. And then processed the edge of the table manual router.
Due to the fact that the board is rather weak in terms of density and integrity, the author screws these nuts onto the back of the tabletop.
smears glue metal plate and glue.
And this is how he fastens the legs to the table. Well, here's the finished table.
Such a table will fit into any even the most sophisticated and expensive interior, and the cost of this table itself is absolutely penny, but in stores such tables cost about $ 1000, imagine 😉 So take given material note, and in order not to lose contact with us and our site, join our group