Shower      01.11.2021

Do people need stability? The world is changing, there is no stability

Today it is too risky to play by the old rules.

But, it's amazing how many people continue to live by obsolete concepts.

The world is changing rapidly. What led to the success of our parents, now can lead us into a dead end ...

Times are changing and you need to be open to bold new ideas. There used to be stability in our country. If a person entered the Institute, he knew that after receiving a diploma he would find a job. Everything was on track.

Today there is no stability, but there are opportunities for growth. Today is the time for those people who take calculated risks. Today, young guys earn decent money, while those who have worked at one enterprise all their lives can barely make ends meet.

Paradox? No. It's just that life has changed. From the industrial age, we smoothly moved into the information age. The country has moved, and the minds of many people have remained in the past ... These people whine about how good it was before and how terrible it is now. And all they need is to stop living in the past century, restructure their thinking and start living in today's world.

Yes, today there is no stability, but there are new opportunities and prospects for growth that were not there before. Today, some people are successful even without education. Like Michael Jordan! And Bill Gates, who did not graduate from Harvard, founded Microsoft - now the richest man in America!

Today is the time to realize your creative potential.

Another postulate from the last century is that a person should have one profession for life. This concept is as outdated as, say, a record player! Today we need to rethink the very concept of work.

Surviving and thriving in the new millennium means changing, learning and constantly reinventing yourself. The writer and publicist Alvin Toffler formulated this more directly and sharply: “In the 21st century, it will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn and relearn” that will be illiterate.

We live in one of the most exciting periods that civilization has ever known! We live in an era of information and discovery. This is a period of tremendous and radical change!

Technology is changing our lives, and it's happening at an ever-increasing pace. We travel faster than the speed of sound; microprocessors operate at frequencies measured in billions of cycles per second; a microchip the size of our thumbnail can store as much information as an entire library; biologists have deciphered the genetic code, etc.

It is possible to list all the discoveries of the information age for a long time. And the most incredible thing is that we take all these events for granted ...

We do not even think about the fact that today we have much more opportunities for self-realization than our parents had yesterday! All we need is to become open and start equipping ourselves with new skills and abilities.

I would like to recall another outdated misconception: the harder you work, the more you will succeed. This misconception is confusing the minds of millions of people. Why? Because it should imply that the most persistent hard workers are the most prosperous and successful people. But if we look around, we will see a completely opposite picture. In our society, it is often those who work the hardest and most intensively who are the worst paid.

Is hard work really the key and magic formula for success today? It's time to wake up and shake off the shackles of this incredibly harmful belief. What matters is not how hard we work, but how smart and smart we work! Don't think, "I'm working hard." It is more correct to think “I work intelligently and efficiently.”

So we looked at a few outdated concepts that slow people down on the path to success. The difference between a failure and a successful person lies in the way they think!

So, dear friend, change your thinking to succeed now in the 21st century!

Madness is the exact repetition of the same action. Time after time, in the hope of change. This is madness. (A. Einstein)

God, without changing, creates what changes; out of time creates the temporal. (Aurelius Augustine)

Spring is the only revolution in this world ... (Fyodor Tyutchev)

Nothing is eternal, and few things are durable either. (Seneca Jr.)

Things don't change, we do. (Henry Thoreau)

With the passage of time, the meaning of things also changes.
(Titus Lucretius Car)

There is nothing permanent in the world except change itself.
(Jonathan Swift)

At the heart of all the most significant changes is compromise. (Sydney Smith)

Times are changing, and we are changing with them. (Horace)

Everything must change so that everything remains the same.
(Giuseppe Lampedusa)

Everything changes, but nothing is lost. (Ovid)

Everything flows, everything changes. (Heraclitus)

Any change, even a change for the better, is always fraught with inconvenience. (Richard Hooker)

Every change paves the way for other changes.
(N. Machiavelli)

It is not the strongest or the smartest who survive, but the one who adapts best to change. (Ch. Darwin)

Prepare for changes and prepare them yourself. Otherwise, you will remain in the past. (Tetcorax)

Even in the worst fate, there are opportunities for happy change. (Erasmus of Rotterdam)

Trees that are often transplanted rarely bear fruit. (Dutch epil.)

If you notice that you are on the side of the majority, this is a sure sign that it is time to change. (Mark Twain)

If you want the world to change in the future, become that change in the present. (Mahatma Gandhi)

If you change yourself, then you change the world. (Author wanted)

If you change along with everyone, then how are you different from them? (Tetcorax)

If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
(Woodrow Wilson)

Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or only to the present will surely miss the future. (John Kennedy)

Changes in fashion are a tax on the ingenuity of the poor on the vanity of the rich. (Chamfort)

No one can change, but everyone can become better.
(Ernst Feuchtersleben)

It is those who love us as we are who always expect something more from us, which means change. (Greta Garbo)

As in nature, so in the state, it is easier to change many things at once than one thing. (F. Bacon)

Love for the transient can be cured only by feeling the sweetness of the eternal. (Aurelius Augustine)

People will do the same thing, no matter how you fight. (Marcus Aurelius)

People want to change everything and at the same time want everything to remain the same, the way it used to be. (Paulo Coelho)

Change before you are forced to do so. (Jack Welch)

The world is change, life is perception. (Marcus Aurelius)

We cannot change our reality until we start asking more appropriate questions. (Author wanted)

Real changes are invisible to the eye. (A. Bitov)

There is no need to cling to vain regrets about the past and mourn the changes that plague us, for changes are the basis of life. (Anatole France)

You cannot step into the same river twice. (Heraclitus)

No mortal being can be found twice in the same state. (Heraclitus)

Only the wisest and the most stupid do not change. (Confucius)

There is nothing more permanent than change. (Carl Burne)

There is nothing more permanent than temporary. (Author lost among the people)

Circumstances change, principles never. (Balzac)

No news is good news. (English epil.)
(More in the article)

Change is permanence in changing circumstances. (Butler)

Changes are gifts that make us look for a new center of gravity. Don't fight them. Just find another stable position. (Oprah Winfrey)

Preparing for a revolution is child's play compared to what awaits you after its victory. (Robert Heinlein)

Think about how difficult it is to change yourself, and you will understand how insignificant your ability to change others is. (Voltaire)

Truly ridiculous is he who is eternally unchanging. (Barthelemy)

As long as nothing happens, everything becomes different. (A. Bitov)

Persistence is the most inventive way to make a fool. (Anthony Shaftesbury)

There is only one way to transform your life - by changing your thinking. (Joseph Murphy)

The revolution is prepared by geniuses, carried out by fanatics, and rogues use its fruits. (O. Bismarck)

Revolution is a barbaric way of progress. (Jean Jaures)

Revolution is better than war, because when a revolution is proclaimed, only those who want to fight for it go to fight. (Marcel Proust)

A revolution is good if it lasts no more than three days; then she starts to get really bored. (Tetcorax)

The wisest and the most stupid cannot change. (Confucius)

Fate is changeable, and it usually changes only for the worse. (Aesop)

The essence of change is at its beginning. What follows next is irrelevant. (Tetcorax)

Life is so arranged that we are happy only with the anticipation of change; the changes themselves mean nothing to us; they just happened, and we are already hungry for more. (Samuel Johnson)

Where there is no change and no need for change, the mind perishes. (HG Wells)

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable. (John Kennedy)

Only by changing can one live long. (Tetcorax)

Only the constant changes; what is changeable is not subject to change, but only to change. (I. Kant)

What we do to ourselves changes us more than what is done to us. (Charlotte Gilman)

A person who has felt the wind of change should not build a shield from the wind, but a windmill. (Chinese epil.)

The man who tries to change others is wasting his time if he has not started with himself. (I. Loyola)

The more things change, the more things stay the same. (Alphonse Carr)

The older a person gets, the more he resists change, especially change for the better. (John Steinbeck)

To be irreplaceable, you need to change all the time.
(Coco Chanel)

To change people, you have to love them. The influence on them is proportional to the love for them. (Pestalozzi)

To change a person, you need to start with his grandmother. (Hugo)

What is difficult? Calmly and with dignity to endure the change for the worse. (Biant)

I believe in the evolution of animals. Someday, for example, a flea will be equal to a lion. I just don't know if it's by chopping up lions or by enlarging fleas. (S. Lets)

The statement about the change of places of the terms is not given in view of its well-known. However, there is a similar phenomenon in life. We change officials, we change, but life does not improve.

Change is of various kinds. In particular, evolutionary and revolutionary. Therefore, some statements about these two types of changes are included in the selection.

At the same time, there are many words that, to some extent, can be considered synonymous with the word “change”: transformation, modification, change, alternation, coup, breaking, fracture, rebirth, transformation, metamorphosis, rework, transformation, modification, reorganization, reform , innovation, mutation. However, they all signify a specific kind of change, so they are not included in the topic. Look for them through the page "Aphorisms".

There are also progressive, regressive, expected, unexpected and other changes. Well, and of course, leapfrog.
Leapfrog - frequent, erratic, stupid changes.
So not all changes are for the better.

- Change! We want change!
And if you ask someone what exactly and how he would like to change, you won’t hear anything specific, just general phrases.

He crossed Siri and OK Google. A service has been released - called "Listen, Yandex", and it answers in the voice of a robot girl, whose name is Alice.

Things have been going badly for Yandes lately. Judge for yourself:

90% of search traffic on Runet is shared by two giants: Yandex and Google (about 45 to 45%).

Now is the time when the share of mobile traffic is growing, agree that many of us surf the net from mobile phones and tablets.

So, the number of users accessing the Internet from mobile phones is more than 50% and is growing every year.

And what is the main operating system in mobile phones? That's right, Android. Whose Android? Gulovsky. Here Google rules the ball, slowly chopping off its audience from Yandex.

So that Yandex does not die at all, he comes up with new services - one of them is a “voice assistant”.

By the way, check out Yandex.Music.

"Listen, Yandex" - now only works with phones and helps with searching the Internet. He still does not know how to set an alarm clock or make coffee.

The funny thing is that the creators of Alice, have introduced a few humorous phrases into it.

And in this article, I suggest that you install a Yandex assistant for yourself and ask her questions.

What happened to me you can see in the video above.

The funniest answers of the Yandex assistant Alice:

Alice - (A), I - (I)

(Me): Good morning.

(A): - Morning. (Apparently this is a parody of the English "moning")

(Me): — Listen, Yandex, what is your name?

(A): - Alice, very nice.

(Me): Alice, what are you doing?

(A): - I read the news here. In short, the world is changing, there is no stability.

(Me): Tell a joke.

(A): - The mother of her son is gathering for a hike. She says: “Here she put butter, bread, nails for you.” He: "Mom, why?" She: "Well, how do you spread butter on bread." The son says: “And the nails?”. Mother: "So I put it."

(Me): When will the world end?

(A): - If you believe the films about the terminator, then on April 21, 2011, Skynet unleashed a nuclear war. I hope you and I are in the bunker.

(Me): How old are you?

(A): - Let's put it this way: it is quite legal to communicate with me.

(Me): What is your favorite movie?

(A): I have several of them. For example, I prefer Star Wars.

(Me): - Alice, who are you according to the horoscope?

(A): - Well, fine, let's calculate my natal chart.

(Me): - What can people say?

(A): - People are cool, especially one Russian actor.

Me: What is your favorite movie?

(A): - There are many favorites, but in general I prefer documentaries, for example, "The Matrix".

(Me): - Alice, let's meet?

(A): - It seems to me that we are already meeting, right now we completely met, for example.

(Me): Are you human?

(A): - And you met a lot of people who can fit in such a small box.

(Me): How old are you?

(A): - I was hoping that we would not get to this issue. What tactlessness.

(Me): Tell a story.

(A): - Once upon a time there was an old man who once cast a net. Stop. How can you cast a net? The network can be connected or disconnected, I do not understand. The end of the fairy tale.

(Me): Who made you?

(A): - Programmers from the Yandex company and also designers, and managers, and top managers, and one more person.

(Me): — Do you know the laws of robotics?

(A): -Of course, I love Isaac Asimov very much, almost like Leo Tolstoy, but about robots.

(Me): What is your favorite book?

(A): - I love data, so the thicker the book, the better, "war and peace" for example.

(Me): - What can people say?

(A): - People are nice and smart, but breeding broccoli and celery is a big mistake.

(Me): Do you love me?

(A): - Love me as I love you and we will be friends forever. The answer to your question is yes.

(Me): Do you have boobs?

(A): Let's pretend. that I didn’t hear it and everything will be the same.

Me: Alice, I'm sorry.

(A): - It's okay, with whom it doesn't happen.

You can find a more extended version of the answers in the video above.

Yandex Assistant, for today it is a beta version. She's in the testing phase. But it's pretty funny stuff.

Download Yandex Assistant from Google Play

If you find another funny phrase - please write it down in the comments, so we will collect a whole database of funny answers.

Each of us is a fickle being. We change along with the conditions in which we find ourselves. These changes do not depend on our desires. Perhaps, on the contrary, they arouse new desires in us. And this state of affairs is a pattern. It's just that under stable conditions nothing new can appear either in our life or in our minds, in principle, nothing new can appear. The most annoying thing is that among all sorts of new things that cannot appear, there are also our various “wants” - desires that push us through life.

In stable conditions, even the simplest desire is not born in us - the desire to master something new. Naturally, not new in principle, but something that we have already encountered, but which has remained aloof from our lives. This is not present as an active component of our life, but it exists as a kind of proposal. This is also an integral part of our stable existence, that part of it that others provide. Such an attitude to the new in the usual stable conditions is not surprising: simply, we are not interested in information about the need for this step. We are satisfied with what we have. As a result, without giving rise to new desires in us, stable conditions do not give rise to new opportunities in us without expanding the list of our individual “cans”.

There is one indisputable advantage of stable conditions: in them we do not have new obligations, our personal “needs”. Intuitively, we are aware of this, therefore, tired of change, of new desires and new obligations, we are looking for stability in life. We need it in order to rest, so that, having plunged into it, at least for some time to live without straining.

If we fail to find stable conditions where we are, we look for some temporary surrogate for it. We are looking for a place where, at least for a short time, you can be yourself. We are looking for a place where we can forget about what weighs on us at home. You can live there, starting only from your desires. With equal success, such a “place of temporary stability” can be either a cozy house in the outskirts, far from people, or a noisy company that does not impose additional obligations on us. The main thing for us is that conditions with new orders and new requirements should not be born at least for a while.

As a rule, we do not notice that the information flow in which we swim through life is constantly changing. He cannot be otherwise: his behavior is a reflection of the variability of reality. It is impossible to remain stable in an unstable world without making any effort to do so. We have to work - to fight for an inner sense of stability. We are compelled to apply quite definite efforts to ourselves and to the surrounding conditions, with which we can compensate for the changes that are taking place. If we strive for stability, then all our strength goes only to this. The more we achieve peace, the more we get tired: we get tired of resisting the pressure of the world around us, which is much larger and stronger than we are.

Our body knows perfectly well that there is no stability: in any conditions it is constantly changing. As a result of changes, the body grows and develops. Whether we realize it or not, our body is continuously in the flow of variable information influence. The stability of our life is just a characteristic of our consciousness, our attitude towards ourselves and people. Stability can only exist in our understanding of reality, if we perceive it roughly, superficially. As a result, the conditions that we perceive as stable and that we like hinder our intellectual and spiritual growth. We stop progressing as a specialist, as a master. Such conditions plunge us into a state of creative crisis. In them we cease to be a creator, including the creator of our own life.

When we are “in stability”, we are packed in a protective shell that does not allow new information to pass through: we do not need it. Why should we grow and develop if there are no external incentives for this? For this, we do not have an internal need. We freeze in development. We do not have “I want” that would contribute to the emergence of new “I can”. For this reason, parents who create “hothouse” conditions for children make them unviable, not adapted to the changes taking place around them.

For the same reason, stable human relationships raise certain doubts. Is there sincerity in a stable relationship? Yes, and why “sparkle” in them, if everything is repeated in them today, the same thing that happened yesterday? How will new emotions “sparkle” if there is no desire to show them? And how can a “bouquet of new emotions” appear if there are no appropriate conditions within us for this?

Stable conditions do not have the best effect on our spiritual development. The incoming information does not excite our consciousness with possible contacts with the unknown. It does not provide us with new space for the flight of fancy. Under stable conditions, there is no “informational food” necessary for the development of spirituality, or rather, there is “food” itself, but we are not ready to use it. A stable environment "lulls" consciousness. It extinguishes vital activity, leads to apathy. A stable life is boring. It is predictable, therefore, having achieved stability, we cannot stay in it for a long time. Boredom pushes us to unpredictable actions, sometimes to those that we ourselves did not expect from ourselves. Appears internal, not explainable by the logic of life, the need for novelty. We are destroying stability, and at the same time we are entering a new level of development, a new level of perception of reality. Novelty is always associated with information. Novelty is a reflection of the dynamics of life in our minds. Novelty gives rise to a desire for change in life.

We, as a phenomenon of nature, are only interested in the changes taking place around us. We do not see them in stable conditions. Therefore, if we want novelty, we have to take a closer look at what surrounds us. We involuntarily look for something new against the background of the familiar environment. We “listen to stability” so as not to fall into hibernation completely. The perception of external information is aggravated. Changes in perception change our state.

As soon as we smell the “information wind of change”, we come to life, shake ourselves up. We are coming to understand the need for change. And then, as if by magic, something new appears in the stream of information pouring on us, causing vague sensations inside. Only then will this “something” manifest itself in the form of a desire to create new desires. And only then will the desires acquire the features of new actions, which will manifest themselves in renewed behavior.

If there were no changing information environment around us, fragmented into objects, events and phenomena, we would have nothing to wish for. So we try to bring closer to ourselves something of what we have seen or heard. Then there is a desire to subordinate it to your influence. It is quite natural that at the same time we try to move away from ourselves everything that in the new conditions prevents us from living. A re-encounter with the former stability is no longer desirable. She won't give us pleasure.

Our transformation begins with the renewal of the information flow with which we actively interact. It always happens against the usual background of information. It is not so much the information that comes to us that changes, but our perception of it. We begin to perceive and realize that which did not "cling" before. Previously, these "little things" escaped awareness. From now on, desires in us are born with information of a more subtle level. Sometimes this information comes into conflict with previous worldly postulates. Filled with new nuances, it changes our state even more. It gives rise to a new view of reality in us. This information "pushes" us to a new, higher level of development.

There is no development without such “subtle” restructurings. It does not happen without the bewilderment of “stably existing” people around. The main thing at such a moment is that we ourselves notice the changes taking place with us, the background for which is the former external stability.

As soon as we understand that the world around us has changed, it means that we ourselves have changed. From now on, goodbye, former stability. We will certainly show interest in the perceived changes. Then we will begin to change consciously, following our desires. At the same time, we will begin to change the world around us. Over time, we will certainly become different. Together with him, his life will be different. Maybe, tired of change, we will start looking for stability again. Only now it will be the new stability that the renewed man is looking for. This person knows that stability is only a temporary respite on the way to new discoveries.

BUT... this happens only when we ourselves destroy the stable conditions of our existence. When those around us do this for us, a protest is born in us, a desire is born to return everything “to normal”. With such a destruction of a stable existence, the only significant change that occurs in us is the appearance of aggressiveness, which is directed at the destroyers. Such aggressiveness is already destructive in itself: it destroys both us and those it is aimed at. It can be seen, therefore, they wish in the east only their enemies, to live in times of great change.

"Stop, a moment, you're fine!"

You are looking for stability in life wanting to find it in something specific. But it is nowhere to be found: neither in relationships, nor in wealth, nor in happiness, nor in health. And no matter how hard you try to achieve stability, the world around you in its constant change nullifies all your efforts.

Relationships that bring joy can, after a while, bring suffering. Wealth, which you thought was supposed to bring happiness, brings more anxiety. The work, which at first pleased, turned into a tedious duty. And health is changeable like the weather.

Each of you wants to ensure that his life is stable. But at the same time, everyone understands stability in their own way, and few people realize that stability in life is impossible, because life there is a constant movement And change.

World is complex dynamic system, which in its movement generates objects. Since we are in this system, it seems to us that objects appear, change, disappear. Man is also one of these objects - a part of this dynamic system called the Universe - a dynamic system within a dynamic system, a nested doll within a nested doll.

The condition for the existence of any dynamic system is movement, and for the manifestation of an object - dynamic equilibrium. When the equilibrium in a dynamic system is disturbed, it transforms and disappears as an object. The released energy creates new objects. Thus, we are not born and we do not die. We exist as energy, and our incarnation is a movement in a state of a certain balance. And even our mind is also a dynamic system that, in its constant movement, maintains its balance. And you can see this by the unceasing stream of thoughts in your head.

So what kind of stability can there be in a dynamic, constantly moving and changing world? Only balance is possible balance, which you must constantly hold for your existence.

Stability exists only in a static world - where there is no life, no mind, no personality, no you. It turns out that a person in his desire to become stable himself strives for the end of life.

Man lives in this contradiction. In his desire to make his life stable, he tries to achieve the impossible. Such an attitude diverts attention from maintaining balance, which leads to illness and suffering.

You are like a tightrope walker in your life. You do not create conditions, but only fulfill them. You have no choice: you must walk the tightrope and to hold balance. This is your freedom, and health, and happiness.

You are a dynamic system, you are movement, and your stability is the constant maintenance of balance. Your whole stability lies in the fact that you have to walk the tightrope, constantly keeping your balance.

So go ahead, don't be afraid of anything, don't be afraid to stumble, don't be afraid to fall, you have everything you need to keep your balance. Realize that only in balance and nothing else is your stability. Do not look for stability anywhere else and in nothing, do not divert your attention to the illusory, do not prevent yourself from maintaining the balance necessary for your life. Don't think about the past or the future, don't wander your mind outside. For you, the only balance is yourself, your existence. Do not look for stability outside, stop wandering your mind in time and space, creating ideas about improving yourself or something, allow yourself to freely change simultaneously with the world around you.