Shower      07/02/2020

Drawing on the theme of the war in Syria. Pictures of the Syrian Civil War

Syrian rebels belonging to the Al Liwa Tawhid bloc in the Karmal Jawl district after days of intense clashes between militants and the Syrian army in Aleppo, Syria, on October 25, 2012. (Narquiso Contreras/Associated Press)

Syrian rebels attend training at Maharet Ikhwan, near Idlib, December 17, 2012. (Mohammed Muheisen/Associated Press)

Muhammad Halak's wife sits next to his body. A woman mourns as her husband was killed during fighting between militants and the Syrian army in Idlib, in the north of the country, March 11, 2012. (AP Photo / Rodrigo Abd / Associated Press)

A Free Syrian Army fighter takes shelter in a building during clashes with the Syrian army in Aleppo, September 25, 2012. (Manu Brabo/Associated Press)

People help wounded Free Syrian Army fighters during a bloody clash with government forces at a military academy besieged by rebels, north of Aleppo, Syria December 15, 2012. (Narquiso Contreras/Associated Press)

Emotions of a Syrian man whose brother was seriously injured during clashes between security forces and armed groups in Latakia, northwest of Damascus, Syria, March 27, 2011. (Hussein Malla/Associated Press)

A screaming Syrian man near the Dar El hospital in Aleppo, after his daughter was wounded during an air force attack on a school where hundreds of refugees found shelter, October 4, 2012. (Manu Brabo/Associated Press)

A Free Syrian Army fighter looks through a mirror that helps him see Syrian troops from the other side during fighting, in the old city of Aleppo, Syria, September 24, 2012. (Hussein Malla/Associated Press)

A man shines a flashlight on the body of a slain Syrian at a cemetery in Aleppo on October 13, 2012. (Manu Brabo/Associated Press)

A boy looks out of a Syrian refugee tent at a camp in Boynuyogun, Turkey, on June 14, 2011. (Vadim Ghirda / Associated Press)

Free Syrian Army fighters swim in a swimming pool on the outskirts of the city of Aleppo on June 12, 2012. (Associated Press)

Evacuated Syrian children play in a refugee camp near the city of Atma, in Idlib province, on October 26, 2012. (Manu Brabo/Associated Press)

Birds fly over the ruined minaret of a mosque in the northern city of Ariha, on the outskirts of the city of Idlib, on June 10, 2012. (Khalil Hamra / Associated Press)

A rebel army fighter shows a projectile, Aleppo January 15, 2013. (Andoni Lubaki/Associated Press)

Militants stand next to a fire of tires as they shoot at a Syrian army checkpoint outside Damascus, Syria, on March 17, 2012. (Associated Press)

Supporters of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad wave Syrian flags at a demonstration in support of the president in Damascus on March 29, 2011. (Bassem Tellavi/Associated Press)

A wounded man lies on the street, he was shot in the stomach. A man, trying to avoid direct fire, was targeted by a Syrian army sniper while walking near the front line in Basten al-Qasr, near Aleppo, on October 20, 2012. (Narciso Contrera/Associated Press)

A Free Syrian Army fighter flees after being attacked during fighting in the Izaa district of Aleppo, Syria, on September 7, 2012. (Manu Brabo/Associated Press) #

A rebel army sniper took aim at the Syrian army. He and another militant are reflected in a mirror at a residential building in Jedida, Aleppo, on October 29, 2012. (Narquiso Contreras/Associated Press)

A fighter took his position during a clash with the Syrian army, near the city of Sarmin, Syria, on February 27, 2012. (Rodrigo Abd / Associated Press)

Free Syrian Army fighters ride a motorcycle as the Syrian army approaches the northern Syrian city of Idlib on March 11, 2012. (Rodrigo Abd / Associated Press)

Syrian police officer Adnan al-Hamod, 33, lit kerosene lamp in an underground cave used for shelter from shelling and airstrikes by Syrian government forces, in the village of Jirjanaz, Idlib province, on February 28, 2013. (Hussein Malla/Associated Press)

A woman holds her daughter as they stand on the balcony of their house, which was damaged by a Syrian army attack in central Idlib, northern Syria, on Monday, February 27, 2012. (AP Photo / Rodrigo Abd, File) #

Hamza Mansour, general secretary Islamic Action Front joined Syrians living in Amman, Jordan, during Ramadan prayers in front of the Syrian embassy. People are calling for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down on August 26, 2011. (Mohammad Hannon/Associated Press)

Syrian families who fled violence in their village sit in a tent at a refugee camp in the Syrian village of Atma, near the Turkish border, November 5, 2012. (Khalil Hamra / Associated Press)

Syrian boy lies on the ground under mosquito net. Together with his family, he fled home due to skirmishes between Syrian government forces and rebels. The family tries to escape to Turkey and settle in one of the refugee camps, they are now near the Syrian city of Azaza, on August 28, 2012. (Mohammed Muheisen/Associated Press)

A gunman fires a victory salvo at a building housing Syrian troops loyal to President Bashar Hafez al-Assad during the ongoing fighting in the Aleppo region, Syria, on November 4, 2012. The uprising against Assad began with peaceful demonstrations last March and has since devolved into a bloody civil war. Activists say more than 36,000 people have been killed in 19 months of fighting.
(cm. )

A man at the mortuary mourns his murdered son in the Aleppo region on October 23, 2012.

Snipers in Aleppo (the second largest city in Syria) October 29, 2012. Fighters bombed the city from the air for a long time.

A relative gives oxygen to the lungs of an eight-year-old girl who was seriously injured by machine-gun fire in eastern Aleppo October 31, 2012. There were also many civilians among the victims. War knows no mercy.

Kamal, father of an eight-year-old girl. It is unbearably hard for him to hear the screams of his daughter, who was taken to the operating room of a local hospital. Aleppo, Syria, October 31, 2012.

A cat on the ruins in Homs on November 1, 2012.

A man makes his way over the slabs of a destroyed building October 17, 2012, Homs.

The sniper aims through a small hole in the wall. A destroyed building in the city of Aleppo on October 28, 2012.

The machine gunner responds to a sniper shot. The picture was taken on October 11, 2012.

Residents in a house destroyed during the war. A car bomb exploded near a bakery in Jaraman (Damascus area). 10 people died, more than 30 were seriously injured. October 29, 2012.

Rebels detained by the Syrian army in the city of Haram, Idlib province, in prison. Photo taken October 29, 2012.

A gunman fires a machine gun at Syrian troops who have taken refuge in a building in the Aleppo area November 4, 2012.

A man runs across the street to avoid sniper fire. The photo was taken during the fighting in Idlib (a city in northwestern Syria) on October 25, 2012.

War and its aftermath. A girl injured by a car bomb near a bakery is taken to a hospital in Damascus on October 26, 2012.

A Syrian army soldier on patrol in the city of Haram, Idlib, on October 26, 2012.

The mirror reflects one of the Syrian soldiers in the house they use as a military base in the city of Haram.

War-wounded Syrian residents are transported by truck to a hospital in Aleppo on October 21, 2012.

Syrian prisoners who were arrested for participating in a protest against Syrian President Bashar Hafez al-Assad, at a police building in Damascus on October 24, 2012.

An injured boy is seen in a hospital in Aleppo on October 18, 2012. The rebel-held areas of Aleppo were shelled every day by artillery, tanks and aircraft.

A Syrian rebel runs across the street, fearing a possible sniper hit in Suleiman al-Halabi, an area in Aleppo, on October 18, 2012.

Rebels launch a pipe bomb with a slingshot on October 20, 2012.

The man was shot by a sniper and no one dared to lean out from behind the cover to help him. In the end, he somehow crawled himself to the rebels, who took him to the hospital as soon as possible. Also in this area, three more civilians were shot by a sniper.

A wounded boy was taken to the Dar al-Shifa hospital in Aleppo after he came under fire on October 11, 2012.

A man drags a woman away from a collapsing building in Aleppo's Sha'ar district October 13, 2012.

Syrian rebels took the best position inside a house in Saif al-Dawla, Aleppo district, on October 9, 2012.

A man mourns the death of his father, who was killed in another attack near Aleppo on October 10, 2012.

Rebels dance inside a house in Aleppo on October 19.

Children swing on a swing in Aleppo despite the war on October 23, 2012.

A refugee camp located on the Syrian-Turkish border on October 23, 2012.

Syrian refugees in a camp on the Turkish-Syrian border, in the Al-Salam area.

A man makes traditional Syrian pastries at a market in Atareb on October 24, 2012.

A refugee camp on the Syrian-Turkish border on October 23, 2012.

A child helps his parents dig a shelter under his house.

The kids are cleaning their classroom. The school was badly damaged due to the fighting in Syria, but despite the war, classes were continued.

An elderly woman crosses a street in Bab el-Adid, Aleppo on October 23, 2012.

A child walks through tents at a refugee camp on the Syrian-Turkish border on October 23, 2012.

The European Union announced the possibility of imposing even tougher sanctions on Syria, where the uprising against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad has been going on for the eleventh month. Russia is trying to call on the parties to peace talks. According to the UN, the death toll has reached 5,000 since the beginning of the conflict. In this collection you will find photos from Syria over the past few days.

(Total 24 photos)

1. A Syrian rebel exchanges fire with government troops in Idlib, Syria. February 8th. Activists said that about 100 civilians died during the siege of Homs. (Associated Press)

2. A Syrian rebel leaves the battlefield in search of medical care, Idlib, 8 February. (Associated Press)

3. Demonstration against President Bashar al-Assad in Yabrud, 7 February. Türkiye is preparing for a new diplomatic offensive against President Assad. (Associated Press)

7. A wounded girl sits next to her mother, Homs, February 6. On February 8, Syrian troops broke into the city, killing 100 civilians as a result of the fighting.

8. Syrian rebel next to the destroyed infantry fighting vehicles of government troops, Homs, February 2. President Al-Assad is trying to break the resistance that began almost a year ago. Insurgents report that government forces go beyond torturing 13-year-old children to do so. (Associated Press/Local Coordination Committees in Syria)

11. A man sits next to a man who died during the shelling of Homs by government forces February 8. (Associated Press//Local Coordination Committees in Syria)

13. Residents of Homs at the funeral of those killed during the shelling of the city by the army of President Al-Assad. (Reuters/handout)

14. Soldiers of the Free Syrian Army train near Idlib, February 7. (Associated Press)

15. Demonstrators in Damascus Reef, February 4. The UN Security Council was preparing to vote in support of the Arabs demanding the resignation of President Al-Assad when they were informed of the deaths of 200 people during the shelling of Homs by Syrian troops. (Reuters)

16. A Syrian next to an armored car damaged during clashes between rebels and government forces in Homs, February 4. (Reuters)

17. Protests against President Al-Assad after the burial of the victims of the shelling in Homs, February 4. (Reuters/handout)

18. Supporters of the regime welcome the convoy with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Damascus, February 7. Thousands of Syrians met the minister, who arrived in Damascus for talks with President Bashar al-Assad. (Muzaffar Salman/Associated Press)

19. Supporters of the regime and President Al-Assad at a demonstration in the center of Damascus, February 5. China and Russia blocked a UN resolution on the Syrian government and its violent response to the protests. (Louai Beshara/AFP/Getty Images)

22. Soldiers who refused to join the Syrian army in its punitive operation and created the Arabad bin Saray battalion stand with demonstrators in Hula, near Homs. (Reuters/handout)

23. Syrian demonstrators burn tires and wave flags in the suburbs of Damascus, February 4. Al-Assad forces opened fire on mourners at the funeral. 12 civilians were killed and 30 wounded. (AFP/Getty Images)

24. Protesters in Idlib, 6 February. The United States has closed its embassy in Syria, Britain has recalled its ambassador from Damascus - Western pressure on President Bashar al-Assad is intensifying. Attempts by the UN to avert the crisis were unsuccessful. (Associated Press)